Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, November 28, 1891, Image 8

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Some Beautiful New Styles Ju&t Added to
th4 Large Stock on Hand.
You have heard a jrreat deal about the advance on Carpets in
consequence of the McKinley bill, and the half has hardly been tola;
but my opposition to a protective tariff leads me to do aU that I can to
lessen the burdens it imposes, and I am determined to sell von
To enable me to do this I sell for CASH, and at MUCH
SHORTER PROFITS than I could do on a CREDIT. I will take
great pleasure in showing my Carpets to everybody.
When the Avon bard penned tho»o word, he retired the otter vanity ofearthly existence
and hi. advice embodied In thou few words an essay on Life.
A Lively and Interesting Competition—Who
Is the Prettiest Tonne Lady to Americas?
Might as Well Ask “Who Struck BUly
Patterson"—A Prise Drill.
> fair
Oak Hall In Its perfect appointed restaurant ctn satisfy the taste or the most fastidious
epicure. Flsn, Steak. Ovst,r», and Game In season, cooked by an experienced
1 chef, and served In metropolitan style.
Anything you mar call for. from Cltquot, Yellow Label and Pusae Cafe, to Corn Whiukey.
Tbe latest and moat artistic of mixed drinks, hot and sold, mado
for you by professional bar-tenders,
After your cocktail and your dinner you will find billiards and pool In the spacious parlor
back of tbv saloon, and with Ivory balls, perfect tables and w<01 trained
servants, you can spend no pleasanter hours than at
F. K. GARDNER. Manager.
Thanksgiving Day Is Spent Quietly In
Thanksgiving In Americus was quiet
and uneventful. A graveyard ealmnese
pervaded everything, and the wheels of
business were hushed for one day. The
stores almost without exception closed
their doors and tnraed their employes
loose. Tbe fields were full of sports
men and the slaughter of sparrows and
buzzards is said to be without a parallel,
Divine services were held at the Presby
terian ohurch, under the guidance of
Bev. J. B. Johnstone. The remarks
were timely and appropriate, the minis
ters dwelling in a beautiful manner on
the occasion for the observance, and
alladlngtolte gracious tendencies and
benign influences.
The choir comprised some fine voices
and the music was exceptionally bean
Altogether the day was spent in a
' pleasant, profitable way, refreshing the
tired workers and inviting to renewed
energies and determination.
Have yon examined the hosiery and
undervests at Allen’s. He can suit you
in price and quality.
Will Stretch Hemp.
The grand jury were examining the
books of the various county offloero yes
terday. They found a true bill against
one of the negro murderers, who now
stands a chance of stretching hemp.
Of the 870,220 children of school age
in Louisiana only 85,o00 attend tbe pah-
lie schools, and many of those go bat
one month.
Professor Odell Will Give an Exhibition
To-day at Three O'clock.
Into thin air! (
That’s the hammer!
Professor Odell, an aeronaut of no
small renown, will give a balloon ascen
sion to-day at 3 o’clock sharp.
The balloon will be Inflated with hot
air and the ascension will take place
from the open court in front of the city
hall. After soaring aloft for 3,000 feet,
the Professor will take the parachute
leap In full view of tbe assembled spec
For three hundred feet tbe parachute
will dart through the air, when the can
vas will spread and the descent will be
gradual and comfortable.
Saturday week a girl, 14 years old, will
ascend with a dog, descending by the
These exhibitions will continue for a
week, and will be witnessed by hun
Order of the Golden Chain.
Mr: S. H. Hlekleberry daring hie can
vas for the Order of the Golden Chain
in this oity has succeeded beyond hit
most sanguine expectation. On next
Tuesday night the lodge will bo formally
opened at Odd Fellows’ Hall, and Amer
icas with 100 members is only a short
way behind Atlanta.
This order le one of peoullar advan
tages, and there le little doubt that
It will grow to large proportions.
To the finish!
Lively competition!
A diamond ring tbe award!
One of tbe choice features of tbe
programme is the vote for the prettiest
girl In Amerleus, and the successful
will receive a handsome diamond ring.
These contests always awaken a world
of rivalry, and every fellow le entbusl
aetio In behalf of his "beet girl."
The voting promises to bo extremely
interesting for various reasons.
It Is rumored that Nannie Lou
Hawkins, Jennie Hollis, Hattie Windsor
Mamie' Callaway and A in >ret Gray are
the favorites, but even this bevy
beautiful young ladies had better look
to their laurels for others In Americas
are both popular and pretty.
The polls close on Saturday ni ght
10 o’clock and it only costs ten cents
cast a ballot.
It costs no payment of taxes to qualify
a voter, although it taxes the discrimi,
natlng powers to decide between the
numberlesss varieties of beauty.
Show your loyalty to your queen of
hearts by polling a hundred ballots for
her if your puree will admit of It.
The prize drill last night was a bright
feature and elicited great enthusiasm
among the many admirers of the soldier
boys. The contest was a warm one, re
sulting in the medal being awarded to
Mr. Tom Stallings.
In the raffle for tbe doll, No. 75 or Mr.
Will Lanier drew It. Mr. Lanier made
gift of it to hie little sister, Miss Bessie
Lanier, who was charmed with the
handsome little wax lady.
After the fair closed for last night
dancing was indulged in to a late hour.
An Unique Notice.
The following exquisite flash of poe
try was pinned on the door of the genial
Dr. Burt, and shows that the Dootor
can pay court to the muses as well as
write graceful prose:
ThanksglviDK comes bnt once a year,
Am trying to-day to getmy share',
Bo look no further to And me here,
Go quaff clear water In thankful cheer
That yo've safely lived another year.
If something stronger yon should prefer
Look ronnd-yon’ll find me loitering nesr
J net wink yonr eys and call for beer.
Gas Fixtures are wiling at remarkably
low prices at
Amebicus Supply Company.
Call at Mrs. F. M. May’s and see the
fanoy goods the has on hand.
The somersault artists in a circus take
turn* In their work.
A Small Fire.
The store of 3. X. Cohen on Cotton
Arenas caught file last night, bnt no
material damage was done to anything
but the goods, whloh were saturated
with water.
“I am closing out my entire stock,"
said the farmer, as he put up a wire
Best Baking Powder
The Official Government Reports:
The United States Government, after elaborate tests,
reports the Royal Baking Powder to be of greater leav
ening strength than any other. (Bulletin 13, Ag.
Dep.y p. 599.;
The Canadian Official Tests, recendy made, show
the Royal Baking Powdbr highest of all in leavening
strength. (Bulletin 10, p, 16, Inland Rev. Dep.)
In practical use, therefore, the Royal Baking Powder
goes further, makes purer and more perfect food than
any other. -
Government Chemists Certify:
“The Royal Baking Powder is composed of pure and whole
some ingredients. It docs not contain either alum or phosphates, or
other injurious substances. Edward G. Love, Ph. D.”
“Tbe Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly the purest and most
reliable baking powder offered to the public.
“Henry A. Mott, M.D., Ph.D.”
“The* Royal Baking Powder is purest in quality and highest in
strength of any baking powder of which I have knowledge.
—. “ Wm. McMurtrie, Ph. D."
Th. Finest Plano In Sonthwmt Georgia In a
Damon Boms.
Dawson Is certainly one of the most
musiosl towns In the state. 'Represents-
Uve« of musical instrument houses have
worked It for all It Is wprtb, and have
E laced an organ or piano in nearly every
Of late there baa been quite a rivalry
among onr beat citixens as to who should
have the fineat Instrument in the city,
and the manufacturers have been pat to
their trumps to get up something fine
enough to fill the orders. At Isst Dr 1
W. C. Paschal has capped the climax, as
It were, and takes the blue ribbon.
He has just received from Sobmer A
Co , Nsw York, through their southern
agents, Messrs. James Flicker A Bro., of
Americus, the finest and most elegant
piano ever seen In this section. Prof. D.
Lockhart, manager of the musical de
partment of Flicker Bros., ordered the
piano and aided in getting up this spe
cial style for this special occasion. It Is
7J octave, cabinet grand, over strung
scale, three stringed repeating action,
very handsomely carved, speoial rich
design of case In white ash, with Hun-,
garian ash trimmings. It produces the
greatest volume of sound and the softest
and sweetest tones of any instrument in
this whole section, and le so beautiful
that the ear and eye are at once eharmed
and enchanted
Dr. Pasebal paid Sl,600 for this piano,
and considers it one of tbe best bargains
of his life. To sit in his elegant parlor
and hear his charming daughter, Miss
Lora—for whom he purchased the in
strument-play some ol her choice se
lections of music, makes a man feel like
he la nearer Heaven than be ever was
before.—Dawaon News.
William Stevens Arrested on an Unknown
The police received a telegram from
Thomaston yesterday giving detailed de
scription of a man named Will Stevens,
white, and ordering his arrest. The po
lice saw a man answering telegraphic
description loitering around our streets
and soon had him in the tolls, Stevens
expressed surprise at his arrest, but
made no attempt to conceal his Identity.
He was carried to the guard house to
await further developments. In appear
ance be Is by no means a tough oustomer,
and has a quiet, Ingratiating manner.
He will doubtless learn. If be does not
now know, whst he Is arrested for in
the morning, and "ob! what a difference
in the morning."
The Jarbaan Performance.
This company played a matinee
Thursday and held the boards at the
opera house Thursday night
"Starlight?* was the play, but the stars
failed to materialize, and by gaslight a
largo and refined audience gazed upon
what only' can be truthfully termed
questionable feminine beanty.
The plot was neither brought out by
'Starlight" nor gaslight It was a gen
eral merry-go-around with no beginning
or ending.
Jarbean possesses no merit as an ao-
tress. She can neither sing nor dance,
and as a hlgh-kleker, according to her
own French standard, the will not paas
No woman can win fame as a soubrette
without a sweetly-toned, melodious
voiee. Jarbean’* voice la harsh, not
oven possessing the eweet French ac
cent which renders the women of her
nationality so bewltobing. In tights she
poses well and must stage it on her
shape alone.
The comedy-farce waa excellent, and
the beautiful rich tenor voice of Harry
P. Clark was tbe pleasurable feature of
the play.
Misa May Baker, as Luoy, won the au
dience by her sweet ringing and waa the
favorite of the several pretty women of
the oompany, who appeared In tights,
and of course delighted the (esthetic.
Tbe Mayor’s Matinee One of the Most Uvly
on Record—Papins Back an Old Score—
Disorderly Conduct Booms to bo tbe Rnl
lop Passion of the Attendant.
The mayor held a lively session yes
terday morning and dlabed'out justice
after the most approved method. As la
usual finite an array of the charcoal va-
variety were on hand to aniwer for deeds
done in tbe body and pay the city for the
privilege of eelebratlng Thanksgiving In
tbelr own unique and original way.
Tbe case against Will Brooks and
George Harvey waa the first on docket,
but it was continued.
Ed Crawford, drqnk and disorderly,
was also continued.
Toliver Blanoh was fined $11 for dis
orderly conduct.
C. A. Beckwith’s case was continued.
Hollio Bryant and Winnie Wright, two
soiled doves, were fined $2.50 and coats
apiece, or the privilege of working the
streets for ten days. They were arrested
for disorderly conduct.
W. F. Hardman was fined S2.50 and
costs for disorderly oonduct.
Dosla Blanch and Toliver Blanoh were
arrested some time In last August for
disorderly conduct, but they have evaded
the dutches of the law for months, and
when arrested Thursday on the same
offense, the mayor also sprung the old
Issue on them, fining Dosla $2.50 and
costs and Toliver $10 and costs.
This oleared the docket and oourt ad'
journed to meet again to-day.
Them Warn Several Elegant Thanksgiving
Dinners In Americas Thursday.
There were a number of splendid
Thanksgiving spreads in Americus
Thursday that would have done credit to
the caterers at Deltnonlco’s. The Brown
House, Hawkins House and Oak Hall all
served elegant and tempting dinners,
with attractive menus, prepared espe
cially for tho occasion.
Mrs. Watts tendered a delightful din
ner at her home to quite a large circle
and It waa voted one of the most enjoy
able affaire of the kind that has occurred
In Americus.
Mr*. Watts will shortly assume entire
control of the house known as the Watte,
House, and under her auspices It will
enjoy continued popularity.
Tbe Baby Show.
In Thursday’s Timxs-Recobder ap
peared the following paragraph in the
artioleonthe “Baby 8how
In the second division the judges
were nonplussed by the respective
claim* of Uttle Mattie Lewis Dodson
and Philip Edward Childs, and as a so
lution of tho question decided to draw
straw*. No. 8, or Hattie Lewis Dodson,
was the lucky one, but through a mis
take In tbe number Phillip Edward
Childs received the gift—a fine silver
cup, lathe consequent eonfnrion, the
judge* decided to sward a prize to both,
although No. 8, or Mattie Lewis Dodson,
drew it primarily.”
As a question of the correctness of the
statement* In this paragraph has been
raised, Th* Tiues-Recorder now states
that Its authority for the above Waa Mr.
J. A. Davenport, one of the judgea, who
came to The Tuws-Recohdxii offloe
Wednesday evening and gave the faota
aa published.
To the 8aperior Court of said County:
Tho petition of E.H. Per*oaon J. J.Caffrrv
both of Louisville. Kr.,Jobn u'oneaoi
Atlanta, Gs-.H. C. Begley and M.ILHar>
per, rmpeoUn ly, Shows that tbey and their
successors desire to bo Incorporated under
theoorporatensmeandstyle ol “Americus
Oil Oompany.’’ That tbelr objects and pur-
ppaesare torpecnnlary gain for themselves,
tbelraasqelateaand successors: and that tho
business they prorate to carry oo is the bny.
log and selling of cotton seed and ltepro-
duels, sneh as, cotton seed OIL erode and m-
■ruing oi came; lonner, mstor purcnaalnt
and dealing in seed cotton and cotton soeX
after the cotton has boon ginned, of ail kinds
and varieties; and tbe manufacture, prepa
ration and sale or products derived from
cotton seed; and tbe carrying on, manage- i
ment and control of such baslneea or manu
facture connected therewith; and generally
to engage In all enoh employments and line,
of boelnees, whore ootton seed or Its products
.ars utilized wholly or In part- Also, tho
leasing and owning of tank oars, manufac
turing of barrels and casks, and another
commodities in connection with said busi
ness. Tbe main business of ‘.he corporation
Is to bo tbs manufacture and sale oi cotton
seed oil. and ea Incident thereto tbe utilising
laud sals or all crodnets of seed ootton and
ootton teed. Petitioners further show onto
ithe court that their principal place of hast
iness will be In tbe oounty ofSnmter, State of
Georgia; but tbat they d. sire to carry on
business, employ and send agents elsewhere
In said state, and Into other states and terrt-
torles of the United States, and establish
branch offices therein, If tbey deem ltsd-
visable. Tnat tbe amount of capital to be
employed Iw petitioners Is one hundred
dollars, fifty thousand
(150,0001 dollars of which Is actually paid In
before beginning business, with the privilege
of increasing their capital to any eum
not exceeding one hundred and fifty ihona-
and (1150.000) dollars. Petttlonersdeslrs to bo
Incorporated for two u ty years, with the priv
ilege of renewing tbelr charter from time to
time as they ado proper. Petitioner! desire
the further right to pnrobaeo, lease, hold,
own and control, sell, assign, transfer, or dis
pose of suoh real estate, or interest In real
tho legitimate and
of their business. Petitioners desire the
right and power to make all aoch by-laws,
and alter the same at pleasure, as tbey may
see proper; to have and use a common seal,
and to change the earne at plemanro; to have
a right to sue and be sued, and to make all
necessary contracts in the conduct of Its
business; to borrow money, and to secure tbe
came by giving notes, Indentures, bonds,
mortgages and land, as tbe corporation may
roe proper to do; and farther; to be invested
With all the rights, powers, privileges, im-
wlth an the rights, powers, privileges, im
munities and franchises Incident to corpora
tions of the kind, end necessary to carry on
and conduct the objects and purposes of the
business of petitioners. Petitioners further
desire that they shall be Incorporated so that
no stockholder In tbe corporation shall be
bound In any way fO' the debts or liabilities
of the corporation beyond the amount of his
* ■ ibeortp" •
[ptlon of the capital stock of
said oompany.
Wherefore petitioners pray that after this
petltlon-shall have been filed, recorded and
petltlon-ehairbave been filed. recorded and
lubllehed, according to law, that the oourt
will grant an order granting thlaappllcailon.
Petitioner’s Attorney!.
Filed In office September 33d 13*1.
J. II. ALLEN, Clerk 8.O.
I certify tbe above and foregoing to be a
true extract from tbe Record of Charters In
Snmter Superior Court tble September 23rd
18*1. J.H. ALLEN, Clerk S.C.
To the Superior Court of said County:
son, W..
er with t
entered Into sa association under the name
and style of “The Shippers Oomjpreas Asso
ciation”. That theubjeot of saldaaeoolatlon
la pecuniary gain to the Individual members
and tne corporation In this, to-wit: By tho
rhe petition of O. W. Lamar. R. T. Jobn-
n, w. M. Hitt and Marshall Martin togeth-
wlth tbelr associate* shows that they have
using said oomprms In Amadeus, Sumter
county, Ga., for the purpose of com pressing
ootton packed In bales for more convenient
and readier transportation.
Til* principal offloe of the said association
Is to bo In Amadous, c
of doing business or b
^■Georgia, with privilege
of doing business or both owning, oontrol.
lngana leasing oompieates In said oounty
ana In any section or the United Btatea tho
association may see proper.
■ The petl doners pray that they bo Invested
bgether with their associates and successors
Ladles, do you intend making any
fahoy work for the holidays? If to, don’t
fall to go to Allen’s for your material.
Red ties this season are eaeentlally the
thing, and in this line W D. Bailey, the
haberdasher!* (took wonld make the
heart of a New York dude beat with
gloriont anticipation.
And In gloves! Feirina are tbe best.
Undressed kids are now altogether
worn and every shade can be procured
Unless yon are etylleh yon are “not
In It.”
Bnt W. D. Bailey I* here for etyle.
Call and see him. Conviction awklts
yonr visit.
Haberdasher—Yes, air; what do yon
Hoffman Howe*—I want a dozen of
those tarn-down collars that stand np
higher than the *tand-up collars.
Tbe Britieh museum le gathering a
stupendous collection of newipapere.
Additions for one single year comprise
170,838 number*.
A squirrel and a snake engagsd in •
battle near Springfield, Ohio, and the
squirrel came off victorious, killing his
It la not considered an offense for •
switchman to flag at bln work.
A midnight fire well deserve* the
honor of being the latest thing oat.
Cotton Report.
Ahekicus, Ga., Nov. 27,1891.
Following It the ootton report In thie
city up to date:
Received by wagon 407
Received by railroad 50
Received previously 34,450
Total .84,007
Corrected dally by L. G. Council, ware
Good middling. 7$
Middling 6J
Low middling 6|
Market, steady.
Beeeipt* to-day at all United State*
porta. 30,725
Spots, middling 7 5-10
Market, easy.
Spots, middling. 8$
Market, dull.
Spots, upland middling 4)
Market, easy.
Market steady. Sales, 06,000.
Op’g. Cl'g.
January 8.00 ai2
February 8.22 8.18
March 8.34 8.32
April '. 8.40 8.45
November —— .
December 7 83 7.80
Where Is She?
Lee Mann wants to find the wherea
bouts of Mia* Nancy Jane Mann, daugh
ter of Augustus Mann ofSnmter county,
Ga. She left Americas in I860 for Sa
lem, N. C-, since then alltraeeof her has
been lost. Will thank anyone to give
such information that tbey bare that
will lead to her discovery. Papers
throughout the United States are re
quested to copy, aa this lady may be In
needy circumstances, while she has val
uable real estate In this county which
■he has recently fallen heir to.' -
ang27 dSmlaw
with the power to carry on the storemen-■
Ittoned objects together with th* power to
purchase and hold property, real and person
al: to rent and lease property, both real and
personal; to so*and b* sued; to nee a com
mon seal. If the aaaootatloo should so desire,
and to exercise all power usually conferred
upon corporations of similar character, as
I may be consistent with the laws of Georgia,
of any Stats In whloh said association may
do bnslnesa and not Inconsistent with the
laws of th# United States.
Petitioners further show that th* capital
stock of said association Is thirty thousand
dollars, mors than 10 par centofwhlch has
boon actually paid In. Yoor petitioners fur
ther show that they desire th* passing of an
order allowing them to Increase at any ttm*
they may sea fitth* capital stock to any
amount not to exceed fifty thousand doltara.
Wherefore, coeeldering tbe promts**, yonr
petitioner* pray tbe passing of an oraer
granting this their application with th* sev
eral provisions therein slated, and that they
and their successors be Incorporated for and
during th* term of twenty yean, with th*
privilege of renewal at th* expiration of th*
•aid term. And ae in doty bound yonr petl"
‘.on.™,"!everpr^^N * OUTTS,
Attornet s for Petitioners.
Filed in offloe October 21. WM,
J. H. ALLEN, Ulork S. O.
I certify the above to ho a true extract
from tho
GEORGIA—Wxnavxa County.
Whereas. L. P. Majors, Executor on (he
Dismission from said sxeontorshlp,
Those are therefore to cits and admonish
all. and singular th* kindred and creditors,
ana all persons concerned, to 111* thslr objec
tions, lr any they have, on or betoro th*
January term of the Ordinary’s Court to b*
held on th* first Monday In January 18*1,
why saM petition should not b* granted a*
V Giron under my hand and official atgna-
Dissolution Notice.
Th* firm of Gnsrry k Castleberry, who
havo.boen doln|taniarket boslnesa In this
iwiubcco ii,sa u tvsKssr
■MHMnand H.T. Castleberry, nndsr
the firm name of Cameron A Castleberry at
the same old stand, who assume all debu
and eolteot all accounts. Partis* whoaro
I Indebted to the old firm are earnestly re
quested to oome forward nnd settle their ac
counts. aa tbs books most be closed np.
Thanking the public (br their liberal patron-
W l*S k A&^S U ^C°XS?lS^RRY.
the patronage of the citixens or Americas.
W* will furnish good, dry oak. iplne or hlek-
ory wood as cheap as anybody. Alt wood
sawed to suit purchaser. Sstlstaction guar-
Yeoman’s Wood Yard.
Read the following tow prices:
7 toads tor SUN.
* loads for HM.
Sawed to suit purchaser. Call and leave
yonr orders at once. .
■■proof to convict, H
November 18, ’SI. *—