Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, November 29, 1891, Image 2
THE aMERICUS DAILY TJME8-REC0RDER: SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 29, 189a. CO. TRIC.KT 1.90 After dinner, if 70a have discomfort and suffer* ing, tako Dr. Pierce’. Pleasant Pellets, or Anti-Bilious Granules. They’re mado to assist Nature in her own way—quietly, but thor oughly. What the old-fashioned pill did forcibly, these do mildly and gently. They do more, too. Their effects are lasting; they regulate the system, as well as cleanse and renovate it One little Pellet’s a gentle laxative ; three to four act as a cathartic. They’re the smallest, cheapest, the easiest to take. UncqnalcJ as a Liver PilL Sick Hcadach", Bilious Head ache, Constipation, Indigestion, Bil ious Attacks, and all derangements -of the stomach and bowels, are promptly relieved and permanently cured. They’re the cheapest pill you can buy, because they’re guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. ' You only pay for the good you get Can you ask more? THE BREAKFAST TABLE ITEMS OF INTEREST SPECIALLY PRE PARED FOR HASTY READERS- r«»lerd»r'« Dolor* in Pungent Porn* graph*—Some Snap Shot* bj the Itepor- torfal Camera—What Was Going on Town Told In Briefest Manner. GEO. D. WHEATLEY baa Just opened his second shipment this sea son of novelties In the line of offers Inducements in the way of price Unap proachable In stocks bought only a short time ago. For your half dress suit you want one of our nobby sack suits In Cheviot, Barge and Imported Wonted effect., from *7.50 to 111 per ault. OVERCOATS AND ODD PANTS. Out new etock last tikae the (take. Our line of dents' MerinoJsilk finished and other Uadtiwur, Collar*, Colt, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Neckwear, Etc. la the choicest ever lean In the city, end our law prices on everything will simply netonish ^YOu win be pleaied with what yon hay,and •are money by doing yonr trading at GEORGE D. WHEATLEY, L-mtr Street and Cotton Avenue THE FIRST ALWAYS Thos. B. Glover, THE VETERAN Grocer of Americus, The oldest grooer merchant In Amerlcue and the first to open In the new hotel with a flrsLolass line of GROCERIES, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, aud everything uiually kept In a first- clau grocery. Thanking the people of Americni and ■arrounding country tor their very liber al patronage In the past, I reepeotfully solicit a continuance of the seine, and will do all In my power to please nil who oome my way. , All gooda delivered free of oharge In corporate tlmlta. THOS. B. GLOVER, 2d door, Northeaat corner New Hotel, on 8m New Street, Ameriens, Ga. To Peddlers. Kveiy person before peddling most register with the Ordinary and paythe Tag Collector |S0 for the county, and 125 for the atate. Ueenm for the oounty are for the lerw of one (ItoabTeil’eoldSr^ol this state, (and no must register every veer) peddles without Bret obtaining inch license, he shall forfait to the eonnty on> hundred Saws# upon failure or renual so to exhibit, the pod- dter forfeiu tSOO-one-lmlf to the iuttormer, the other to tee eonnty. SS^ror cyxa-.coi^. DR. F. A. THOMAS, Physician and Surgeon. Will do a general prsctioe in the city and vicinity. He will be found at his office when'not profeulonally en gaged. Will keep slate on office door. Office: Seoond floor, Artesian Block. snnAw ly 4-11-tl Yeoman’s WoodYard. Bead the fMlowlag low prices: 7 loads for t3JX>. g loads for (2.(0. Sawed to nltpnrehaaer, CaU and leave your orders at once v A. 3. YEOMAN8. Notice All parties are warned not to trespass • my grounds. D. L. BODGtCRS novl?-dAw2w. A diamond rlnx for the prettiest girt Hne set Americus all In a whirl. But hrlvtileyes are burred from the contest this time, Except eyes which nre stamped on dollar or dime. I.lke two peaa In a pod, -tla hard to tell Who-a the prettiest girl, they all look ao well. But then lock It up, for the voters all say That all eyes on dimes are silvery grey. We can furnish you with the finest inetalic cases and cloth goods in town. Orders for our new hearse left at store or Prince Bros’. Hawkins «fc Loving. The sale of tiokete for Hilton Nobles will commence in the morning at Thomp son Sc Anderson’s. Hiss Julia Brannon will spend the winter in Montgomery, as the guest of Mrs. Hubbard, nee Miss Brannon, of Americus. Mr. Thornton Wheatley will move into bis new stores In the Doming, resigning his present quarters to Mr. H. A. Harris, the grocer. The balloon man’s ascension was not the perfect sucoess he proposed to make because the canvas became torn and the ascent was rendered hazardous. They are coming an hundred strong, and having their photographs made for 81.23 per dozen at Haley Sc Philipps’ new gallery, next door to Davenport Drug Company. The Superior Court devoted yesterday to motions for new trials, and making the calendar for the ensuing weeks. Nothing worthy especial notice was done and court adjourned to meet again on Monday. , The mayor’s matinee was quite lively yesterday, and be handled evil-doers with the bark off. W. F. Hardman was given 80 and costs; E. S. Mays had his leg pulled for 83.00 for disorderly con duct; Emma Mann will be given a hear ing on Monday. Don’t wait ttll the Christmas holidays come and then regret that you did not take advantage of the low rate to have your picture made Cabinet photographs $1.25 per dozen, any style for ten days. Haley Sc Philipps—next door to Daven port Drag Company. William Stevens, who was arrested Friday night on a oharge preferred against him In Thomaston, will be car ried back Monday by the sheriff to an swer for IL Stevens is accused of a grave offenoe, and he escaped from the sheriff last Thursday. Iter. R. F. Williamson, the beloved pastor of the East Amerieus church, will preach his farewell sermon this morning. Mr, Williamson has labored sucoessfally In this field for three years, and bis many friends will take this occasion of -testifying their esteem and love for fclm The promise you made months ago, of a photograph of yourself to your mother, your father, your sister, your brolher, your friend, and last, but by no means least, yonr sweetheart, Is put due. Come now I “Stand not on the order of your coming but oome at onee.’’ Cabi nets 81-25 per dozen for tondays. Ha ley & Philipps—next door to Davenport Drag Oompany. COUNTY DIRECTORY. Superior Coubt—Hon. W. H. Fish, judge; C. B. Hudson, solicitor-general; J. H. Allen, clerk, L. B. Forrest, sheriff; J. B. Lamar, deputy sheriff. Regular terms, fourth Mondays in November and June. County Court—J. B. Pllsbury, Judge; F. A. Hooper, solicitor. Monthly terms, first Wednesday. Quarterly terms, third Monday in March, June, September and December. County Commissioners—J. H. Black, chairman; C A. Huntington, J A. Cobb, G. W. Council, J. W. Wheatley. County Treasurer—J. E, Su’livsn Tax Receiver—J. W. Mize Tax Collector—J. B. Dunn. Coroner—J. B. Parker. Ordinary—A. C. Speer. Americus, 780th district, G. M.—W. B. F. Oliver, J. P. W. K. Wheatley, N. P. Court, second Tuesday, City of Americus—Mayor—Jno. B. Felder. Mayor Pro Tem—W. K. Wheatley. Aldermen—P. H. Williams, J. J. Wil liford, T. F. Logan, J. E. Bivins, J. A. Davenport, W. K. Wheatley. Clerk and Treasurer—D. K. Brinson, City Engineer and Superintendent Water Works—G. M. Eldrluge. Chief of Police—A. P. Lingo. Father—.Karl, how many times have you been whacked at school to-day? Karl—I never take any notice of what Is going on behind my back. ror Over Fifty Year* Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething, It soothes the ohild, softens the gums, allays all pain, eures wind colio, and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists through out the world. for Infants and Children. 3i GoufttipAtion* how. ErucUUon, sloep, and pnmcfR 6 "C Merit Aso-aaOadapr,.Jtochflf Kjt, /nribBMPd Itsa nyprsscriptxea fay wntorvs." H. A. AJtcxxn, K. D., UjSa Oxford 60, Brooklyn, V. V. "The use of-Csstoria'Is so universal sad Its merits so well known that It smos a work wUtonensyieacR^^ Late Pastor Btoomlngdals Reformed Church. * For several years I have recommended four‘Osstorto.* and shell nlwny* continue to do eo es It hsilnTxriebly produced benedoUl Edwin F. Pandss. K. Dm " TbeWinthrop," 125th Street and 7th Are* New Tork City. Tn Cextaob (Joann, It Monaav Sraxn, New Yosx. A “square-toed announcement”—The statement that pointed shoes are going out of faahlon BACCilLIJN BLOOD. Recent experiments as :nstl before the Ian Congress of Surgeons at Berlin, leave n»doubt ihst the 'rue -vet- -a ChhAlt THE SYSTEM OF MICRO It I I, through the pores nr ihc skin. It ha* Iwcn found that a remedy which kills the Mi crohl will also destroy the life of the patient: but it has also been found that the Microbt can be forced out through th- skin, and It b In this way that C Q relieves the system of poison. 0,0 U*rm SUFFERED much from Conte- #7 gtoua Blood Poison, after using half a dozen bottlesofUgKBI was restor ed to nmn EBBS muirrn, and all eruptive sore* disappeared. You are at liberty to make aayuse of my statement that you wish.—JT, Crosby Byron, SOS Third Avenue, Pittsburg, Ps. ad 8Ua diseases maned be BWUTBPKmcop.^ PERSONAL MENTION. Dr. J. A. Parker was In the city Satui day. Mr. IL H Duke epent the day In the city. R. H. Bivins, Esq., of Ellaville, was In the city yesterday. Captain Patterson of 8mltkvi!U was In the city yesterday. Mr. E Segrist of Cordele was visiting his friends In Americas yesterday. - Mr. J. A. Bald, of Richland, spent yesterday with Ms friends In Amerieus. Mr. N. J. Bailey of Lester was circu lating among bis Mends In Ameriona yesterday. Mr. Sam Hawkins returned to Maoon yesterday, where he resumes bis studies at Mercer University. Mrs. M. E. Allan and Mrs. Allen Chap pell of Maoon epent Thanksgiving day with Mrs. Dr. Miller. Dr. W. C. Russell will spend to day In Macon, and Dr. Short will fill prescrip tions until bs returns. Mr. Geo. F. McLeod and wife of Good man are visiting Mr. R. L. McLeod his realdenoe on Forsyte street. Mrs. T. R. Slsppoy after a pleasant visit of two weeks to relative* In Au gusts, returned to Americas yesterday. Miss Fannie Campbell Is. spending several days with Miss Lillie Council at the delightful country home of the latter. Ur. J. L. Mack and family have moved to Maoon, whore they reside In the fu ture, Mr. Meek accepting a position with Dannenberg St Co. Ur. Mack was formerly In the merchandise business lere ana numbers many friends who re gret bis departure. H you are going to buy some one • Christmas present, wo can Interest yon. Janes Frickbb A Buo. Ladles, do you Intend making any fancy work for the holidays? If so, don’t fall to go to Allen’s for yonr material. ’ Are you going to use Gas or Electric Light Fixtures? If so we can save you money. We have $10,000 worth of Gas and Com bination fixtures in Brass, Copper, Gilt Bronze, Old Iron, Or molu, Silver, &c.. in stock. Our prices are 10 per cent, cheaper than you can buy from the factory. We carry a full line of Hard Wood and Mar- bleized Iron Mantels, Tile Hearths, Grates, &c. Heating and Cook ing Stoves, Ranges, Fire Sets. Coal Vases, Hods, Fenders, &c., in Brass and Japanned. Send for prices. We arefurnishin?the New Hotel with gas fixtures. Hnooicott & Bellingratb Co, ATLANTA, GA. On OmS JTxAm - (As Uft •/ tkt Aettow. Going west or east, north or south, who goes by the‘‘Racket Store” without drooping in and examining our goods and prices is BADLY FITTED to support a family. He needs.a kind but firm hand to knook some sense into him. Ours is the only stock in town wnich is calculated TO SUPPORT extravagant claims, but we won’t make ’em. We prefer to have a man and his family come in and look ns over; in fact, ours is A FAMILY store, and each member of yonr family will find something to interest and instruct them, ROGERS & WILDER 104 Lee Street. BeptlldAw FINANCIAL. 8.H.HAWKIMPrw*t H-C-MOLtY. Vk.7^, W. I, MURPhEY. Cashier. N ORGANIZED 1810. -80The Bank of Americus.s*- DMignxted - : - Stock IvldtuUly liable. • * aiBO.OO.1 - - 81OO.00O DIRECTORS:- isssasajsssr- 8-H. Hawkins, Prc't 8. A. St x. Railroad! * Montgomerv. Frce’t Peoples National Rank Cap! Paid iltal Stock - - - - - d up Capitol ..... THE-BANK OF SUMTER . N. HAWKE3, O. A. COLEMAN . President Vlce-Presidsit W. C. FURLOW, Cashier. DIRECTORS—0. A. Coleman, C. C Hawkins, B. H. Josaey, T. N. Hawkes! W. C. Furlow, W. H. C. WhewJey, R. s tjUver, H. M. Brown, W. M. Hawkes Dr. E. T. Mathis, Arthur Rylauder. Liberal to Its oustomein, accommoda ting to the publio and prudent in it, management, this bank solicits deposit, and other business in its line. I. MONTGOMERY, Pratt. J, C. RONEY, Vic, Pmt. JNO. WIND80R. Cr. LESTER WINDSOR Am, c'r. E. A. HAWKINS, Attoni«y MO. 2888. THE Peoples' National Bank Of Americus, Capital, *00,000. Surplus, 8X5,000 ORGANIZED 1883. B. C. Baolet, Pres. P. C. Ctzoo, Vice Pr„ T. P. Gatewood, See. Sir. Investment Securities. -Paid up Cssital, 81,000,000. Surplus, $250,000. The PHARMACY Cor. Ootton Ave. and Forsyth Bt. I carry aa fine and varied a stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Standard Patent Medicines, and Imported Toilet Goods as can be found. 1 am not under enormous expenses and oan sell you goods and fill your PRESCRIPTIONS at reasonable rates. Give me a call and save money. W. C. BUSSELL, Proprietor McMATH BROTHERS Oan be found at their same old stand, No. 207 Forsyth Street, with their full line of Groceries, Tobaccos, Cigars, Whiskies, ETC., ETC. Also In their Dry Goods department yon can dad some bargains In SHOES. HATS, PANTS, DRESS GOODS, Ac. In short everything kept In a first-class Dry Goods and Grocery Store. Call and talk with us on prices. Respectfully, McMATH BROTHERS. “EAT, DRINK AND BE MERRY.’ lljr of e»r on Lift. EAT! ■ perfect appointed restaurant esn satisfy the ta«ta ol the moat festldlons Flan, steak,, andGame in season, cooked by an experienced Cher, and served In metropolitan style. DRINK ! Anythlus you may call for, from Cllquot, Yellow Label and Putae Cafe, to Cora 'Whiskey, The latest end moat artistic of mixed drinks, hot and raid, made lor yon by professional bar-tenders. BE MERRY! F. K. GARDNER. Mnnacer. AN ORDINANCE. Pah ordinance to repeal eeetioi MS of the code or onUnsnees or the city of Americas,! and In lien thereof to prescribe by ordinance I the time when nil lex return, shell be made, and for other pnrpoxe. Lmrarawm 1. lie It ordained and enacted by Ir ami City Councilor Amorim*. ■MHHcrvbv ordained and enacted by Urn authority or tbe same, That from and after the peases of this ordinance Section SNof tbe code or ordinal esc of tbe city of Amen ta.., wblcb prescribes that tbe Mayor nidi Blty Council of America, .bn I by resolution I x the time wttbtn which nil tax retur is shall be mode, and canae tbe clerk and trees- nrmr to cl to thirty days publ le notice thereof, be, and the aame to Hereby repealed, and tn Hen thereof tbe lb! towing section be enacted: Sxc.S. Belt farther enacted andoidalMd by tbe authority albmaML.Tbal from md oner tbe peace or this ordinance ell tax re-1 |tomisha]| be made between tbe lint day of land tbe flratday of Julyof each year. Old Nick Whiskey is the best and is noted for its age and parity, having been made on the same plantation over 1S3 years without * rival as we constantly keep four year old RYE AND CORN ao hand—ship any quantity, so write for price-list. Old Nick Whiskey Co, ’SdkinOo, FARTHER directors; HC W E Hawkins, S W Coney, W S Gillls, J W Sheffield, P C Clegg! WM Hawkes, BF Mathews, G M Byne, W E Murpliey, S Montgomery, J H Pharr. B. P. Hollis. E. Burr, Jr., Pres.-. H. M. Kkapp, V. P. O. A. Coleman, Sec, a Tress, Georgia Loan ftTrust Co. Negotiates Loans on improved Farm and City Property. BP Hollis, JEBrv Attorney, Land; TI East Tennessee. Virginia and Georgia, R’y -is ran only— Sbortand Direct Line to the Kortb, East oi West . Tbto line I. oonoeded to be tb. best equipped Md ran. the nne.t Pullman Sleeping Car. In BEMpmt'Pnllman Sleeping Cara, between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, Titusville snd^CInoInnatl,^ Chattanooga and Waitelngton Menyffilsand NewTorir, ^ Chattanooga and Mobile. ’ A^uteand Chattanooga, Without Clunge. For any informatioa nddrnts B.W.WBEN^Oen.Ptojbjnd TIctetAft O. W. KIGH ttPPMJM MOT., Proprielora, OfeNbts, Uppawn’l Stock. SAVANNAH. GA. •For sals by the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY, Americus, On. U«VHVSIbo.»UTW $500 Reward 1 WEwi*l pay tn*»bor» rewusd tor mnffsoyt CccipIaint.l>vvpop*Mt,Bif>k Bradacko. • >n or Costlvenew* *• cannot cure wltn ^ vmwusiile LlrwrrillM.yvb. n the diteetloM tom plied with. They are purely Vegetable. Ml to giro MtlrfsidoB. Houar Cento! L»nr* •oatalBtar * PlUn, » cento. Beware of end Itoltetlee*. Tbe renalne raaeafactored1 •«»/ " fUK JOHN a WIN.* COMPANY. CHItUOO. lie* «44 no D4YKTF0WP DRUG MMldAvlTT Am*r*<* m