Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, November 29, 1891, Image 3

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To Oar Patrons.
Wo will collect all bills doe us K for
Job work weekly. Thl« will make
payment* easier for you, and help us
materially, a* our expenses are payable
Tubs Publishing Company.
Bow's Your Wire.
Does she (eel poorly all the time, suf
fer from lack of energy, and a “general
no-account” listless conversation? She
needs a tonlo. ■ Something is wrong with
with her blood. Run for a doctor? Not
at all, my ear sir. Get her a bottle of P.
P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Po-
tasium), the very best Woman Regulator
and Tonlo extant. It reaches the source
of trouble quietly and quickly, and be
fore you know It, your your wife will be
It Is surprising that people will use a
common ordinary pill when they can se
cure a valuable English one for the
same money. Dr. Acker’s English
pills are a positive oure for sick head-
aohe and all liver troubles. They are
small, sweet, easily taken, and do not
gripe. Porsale by Fleetwood & Rus
sell, Amerieus, Ga. * q
If you shave yourself ’twill pay you to
buy one o.rtbose Tower Razors sold at
Da. Eldbioob's.
“Johnny, you shouldn’t run out In the
rain without your hat on.’’ “Mamma,
and relief. Onr best physicianaindorso
and recommend it, and no well-conduct
ed household, where pure blood and its
concomitant happiness is appreciated,
should be without it. For sale by repu
table medicine dealers everywhere.
Gently Expressed—Waiter, please take
the cheese away again. It is too uneasy
The funniest part of a practical joke
I* watohiog some stalwart oitlzen kick
the praotieal Joker out o' the commu
What measures are you taking to stop
that oough? Let us suggest De Witt’s
Cough and Consumption Cure. It is
infallible. The Davenport Drug Com
The butcher doesn’t try to make both
ends meat; bone is heavier and more
profitable for him.
It is an established (Set that De Witt’s
Little Early Risers have an enormous
Another child killed by the use of
opiates given in the form of soothing
syrup. Why mothers give their chil
dren such deadly poison is surprising
when they can relieve the child of Its
peculiar trputles by using Dr. Acker’s
Baby Soother. It contains no opium or
morphine Sold by Fleetwood A Rus-
sale, and why? Simply because theyare
In taking and happy in results. A pill
for the multitude. The DavenportDrug
A valuable piece of truck farming
property can be had by applying to
sep23-tf ‘ The Bank or Sumtir,
Nice Oak Suits at - $ 25.00
Parlor Suits at - - 35.00
Plush Rockers • * - 4.00
Side-boards, - $15.00 to $250.00
China Dinner and Tea
Sets, ' - * $7.50 to $75.00
Picture and Room Moulding,
Picture Frames, Pictures, Easels,
Cords and Hangings—all on a basis
of 6c. Cotton.
Why do the people with one voice say that D. B. Hill keeps the
best good? ?
They have used our furniture and it never cracked, blistered or fell down; used our crock
ery, china and glassware, and found it as represented; lit our lamps and had good light;
used our silverware and sounded its praise; bought our clocks and never got left; bought
our window-shades when they didn’t need them; bought curtain poles for themselves and
E oor kin because they were so cheap; used our knives and forks and piaised the butcher;
ought our pictures and got credit for lots of good taste; hung our wall paper and didn’t
know the old house. 1
Our stock of Royal Worcester, Doulton and Dresden China, Hunga
rian, Faience and other holiday goods will repay your inspection.
Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes * Suits,
This branch of our business is replete with all that is
new and RELIABLE. Every improvement has our pa
tronage. Nothing escapes us.
Mr. L. S. Tower will answer night calls. Residence in
front of Methodist Church.
u Simms
Cures scrofolA.
P. P. P.
Cures rheumatism
bo^who* bloodji Jfc>
sg SB g>rz.r?sk l £ks.s5
„ P.P.P.
Cures dyspepsiA
UPFHAK BEOS. Proprietors,
Dniglsts, Lippau's Bloi, 8AVAIUE,QA.
For sale by the DAVENPORT DRUG
COMPANY, Americas, G*.
Wealth Is Wealth!
Da. B. 0. Whit's Nxavx and
mint, » guaranteed specific tor 1
Hi a&ntal
OOtbe Brain, resulting In
Insanity uil leading tomisery, decay sad destli,
^lmatnre Hid SnfltsiraeinaesTgii of Power
fo either sex, Involuntary Losses and Bpertav
Itorrhas, oauasd bj over-exertion of the brain,
self-abate or ovorindulft-ucs. Barb box con
tains one month’s treatment. *1.00 per box, or
|Ox boxes for l&DO, sent by mall, prepaid, on re*
ceipt of price.
sac .E£;&r%srS8? is
*111 send tbs purchaser out written guarantee to
refund the money If the treatment does not of-
teotaonre. Guarantees isened only by
;aaranteed Core (ox Files of whatever
A or degree—Ejr.ernnl, Internal, Blind
Bleeding, Itehir g, Chronio, Recent or
reditary. $1-00 i box; 6 boxes, $5.00.
it by mail, prepaid, on receipt of price,
gnnrantee to t tre any case of Piles,
iranteed and soL -inly by .
Wbeteeale tad Retail Dm
, AffiCrlvu., un
unple* free. feb«-dAwlyr
Careits. and Trade-Murk a obtained, and all Pat
*nt btulnese conducted for Moderate Feel.
0«r Otica It OppetKe u. S. Patent OAct.
•fiaweeanp'rnre patent In less time than those
remote f rom Washington.
J^del-drawin* or photo., with detcrip-
“"*• We s.M.o, If patentable or not. free of
cnarre. onr fee not due till patent t» secured.
* Pamphlet. “How to Obtain Patents,” with
h&iuca of actual cllenU in your State, county, or
town, sent free. Address, '
A Directory of Oborebeo In Amerieus Pro-
pared for Strangers.
Catholic Chvsch—Lee street. There
will be no services to-day.
Calvary Protestant Episcopal
Church—Lee street. Sunday-school this
morning at 0.45. O. A. Coleman, sup
erlntendent. Church service at 11
o’clock a. m. Strangers in the city are
cordially invited to attend.
Baptist .Church—Corner Lee and
Taylor street*. A. B. Campbell, pastor.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:00 p.
Sunday-school at 9510a. m., M. Callaway
superintendent. Strangers in the city
are cordially Invited to attend. No ser
vices to-day.
Second Methodist Church — East
Americas. Rev. B. F. Williamson, pas
tor. Preaching at 11a.m. and 7:15p.m.
by the pastor. Pastor requests a fall
attendance of the membership. Sunday-
school at 8:80 p. m., T. F.,Logan, super
Presbyterian Church — Jackson
street, between Lamar and Church. Rev.
Robert Adams, pastor. Snnday-sohool
0550 a. m. H. S. Davit, superintendent.
Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m.
and 75Mp. m. Prayer-meeting, Thurs
day, 7:00 p. m. Visitors cordially wel
First Methodist Church—Corner
Church and Lee streets. Rev. /. B.
Johnston, pastor. Preaching at 11 a.
m. and 7:00 p. m. by the pastor.
Prayer-meeting Wednesday night at
7:00 o’olock. Sunday school at 95)0
o’clock a. m.; Lott Warren, superintend
ent All strangers are cordially wel-
Or, If sb* rules him, never ehowe tbe rules"—
ie a type of wife happily becoming com
mon In thqsq days when women may
have good health, cheerful dispositions,
strong ntrves ana blear minds, timfily
through the use of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite
Prescription. Before the reputation and
use of this remedy became world-wide,
irritable, cross,- nervous, debilitated
women, snffering with displacements,
hysteria, and every female disease, .ware
the rules rstber than the exception.
The “Favorite Prescription” has proven
to he the key to a long and happy Ufa—
the key whtoh effectually looks out that
old array of uterine disorders, periodical
pains, weak back, prolapsus, inllamma-
tlon, ulceration, nervous exhnustlon and
general debility. See printed guai ntee
on wrapper. Money refunded If it
doesn’t give satisfaction In every case.
The eountetfelteris satisfied if he can
spend money as fast as he can make it.
Travelers may learn a lesson from Mr.
O. D. bone, a prominent attorney of
Parker, Dakota, who saya: “I never
leave home wfthant taking a bottle ef
Chamberlain’s Collo, Cholera and Dlar-
rbsaa Remedy with me, and on many oc
casions have run with it to the relief of
some snfierer and nave never known it
to fail.” • For sale by W. G. Russell,
Americas, Ga.
Ha (seriously)—Do yon think your
father would object to my marrying yon?
She—I don’t know. If he’s anything
like me he would.
“I say neighbor, can yon tell me what
that big New York paper is sending a
balloon np for?” “Why don’t you
know? I thought everybody bad caught
on to that scheme. It’s to carry all over
this planet the good news of this won
derful Salvation Oil, the great pain
When Bsby was Me, we cav* bar (Mori*.
When sbe was a Child, ihe cried for Caatorlv
When aha became Mia* she elunf to Caatoria.
«*H*«s Patent (Met. WashtafUe.». C.
Lost manhood, lost energy, wesknesa,
’encral debility are all cured by P. P. P.
New life, new energy are infused In tbe
system by tbe blood purifying and clean
ing proprieties of P. P. P., tbe greatest
blood purifier of the age.
Colognes, extracts, toilet water* and
all toilet articles at Dr. Eldbidoe’s.
The modern offloial seems qnlte will
ing to take anything he can get except
the responsibility.
A Romance In a NuUh.ll
She went to a hall; wore too thin
clothing; canght ooldtwa* very ill for
many days; a devoted admirer brought a
remedy when life seemed to bang by a
thread; sbe took it; recovered; and
finally married the man who bad saved
her life. And the remedy hediroaght
her was Er. Pierce’s Golden. Medl-
eal I Discovery, whieh is a certain care
for all throat and lung diseases and
scrofulous complaints, of whlob con
sumption is one.
When a man weighs his words,
though they may be few, they are not
found wanting. i-saf
A trial convinces
Carefully prepared, P-
De Witt’s Cough and
Is s valuable remi
Drug Company.
most skeptical,
ant to tbe taste,
insamption Care
The Davenport
A man no sooner gets old enough to
know how to talk well than he also
learns tbe value of not talking atall.
Yon don’t want a torpid liver. Yon
don’t want a bad complexion. Yon don’t
want a bad breath. Yon don’t want a
headache. Then use De Witt’s Little
Early Risers, tbe famous little pills. The
Davenport Drug Company.
A “promising” man is not always the
one on whom tbe moat reliance can be
^Igaoraiice of_ the merits of De WItV*
Early Risers
These little pills
port Drug Company.
it a misfortune.
Lto the liver, cure
bad breath, oon-
The Daren-
“What will yon contribute to the oys
ter supper for the parson?” asked the
deacon. “I’ll give the oyster,” repliod
the miser.
“An honest pill is the noblest work of
tbe apothecary.” DeWltt’s Little Early
Risers cure constipation, billionsnessand
sick headache. Tie Davenport Drug
Company. _
The enterprising bee keeps up with
the times by havllng bis apartments ar
ranged in sweets.
Having suffered for years with severe
headaches, my attention was called to
Salvation Oil, which gave me great re
lief after bat oue application. I cheer
fully recommend it.
J. F. Lidxan,
520 W. Fayette St., Baltimore, Md.
Pure wines, brandies and whiskies for
medicinal use, sold at
Dr. Eldridoe’s Drug Store.
That men are different than women la
considered by the men as a sufficient war
rant for all their follies.
Onr experience covert many Ills, many
pills and many bills. Onr Ills are smaller
onr pills are smaller and our bills are
ler when we use De Witt’s Little
Early Risers. The Davenport Drug
A complete assortment of toilet soaps
at Dr. Eldridoe’s.
Curious Friend—I do wonder why
they call It a blank verse? Disgusted
Tragedian—Bscanse there I* nothing
In It.
Yon may epngh and congb and cough
and cough and ebugh but you will not,
if yon trice Do Witt’s Cough and Con
sumption Care. The Davenport Drug
For your toilet powders, toilet creams,
and-in fact all. totlet_preparations, call
reparations, <
:. Eldridoe’s,
Tax Notice.
The books are now ready, and nntll
farther notice I will be in my office for
the purpose of collecting the taxes from
0 o’clock a. m. to S o’clock p. m. every
day, except Sunday. 3/ B. Dunn,
octlO Tax Collector.
“Tbe road to fortune is through print
era’ ink.—P. T. Barnum.
will atop a Congb la one night. |
chock a Cold in a day. and CUM
isuaaptlon If taken In time,
_ A 85 cent
1 bottle may
save their
•tfv-’jf mi lives. Ask
' a* jPtfOP drug*
: ■ ran piW Pte
j Dr. Acker’s English Fills
For sale by W. C. RUSSELL.
, -‘V - ,
Amerieus Supply Company.
“Let there be light; and there was light.”
Gas, Electric and Combination Fitxures. ' IjjBS
' Fixtures Finished. Polished Brass,
Oxidized Silver, Oxidized Copper.
, Gilt, Bronze, Etc., Etc.
Most seleot, prettiest and oheapest Fixtures ever In Amerieus, Gas is turned on
the middle of next week. Call early before the rush. /
420 Artesian Block.
Telephone 12.
Business Property,
Residence Property,
Vacant Property,
Suburban Property,
Small iFarms,
Large Farms.
H. D
Wholesale and Retail Groceries
Has come to the front a
Watts Bnilding,'
rain, and can be found on the corner,,
vith an elegant line of fresh
Groceries Confectioneries,
which he will sell at rock bottom prices. Country merchants
will find it to their interest to call and see him when
needing anything in his line.
and plenty of Jugs in the rear, which will be shipped to any
part of the United States and Georgia.
Although our “city father*” have changed our number from 431 to “127,” oar business
is at the “Old Reliable” stand where we are better prepared|than ever to aapply oar custom
ers. Wnen you NKED or WANT first-clan* good* don’t be deceived but ult fof “OLD GUM
HPBINfi,” YKLI.OW8TONKor “MARYLAND CLUB” pure whiskies. We handle all
the leading brands of fine Whiskies, Wine* and Hrandlea,
Our stock of Wines has never been equaled In tbla market; here are some of our popu
lar brands: ; Angelica,” “Muscatel,” “Tokay,” “flaVlgnon Vest,” “Maderta.” “Hherry,”
Tort,” “Houppernong,” and others. If you want tbe best and purest, buy these roods.
OUR FINE HMOKINO TOBACCOHare “talk of the town.” It you haven’t already
tried these goods get some at once and enjoy yourself. We have a line line of Pipea-Moer*
schaum and Briar goods. Agents for “Poutberu Vrlde” “LaHenora So Clears.
Mr. P.A. Catching*, the “ever faithful,” Is still with me.and la always best pleased
while serving our numerous friends and customers. Don’s forget tbe plaoe.