Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, November 29, 1891, Image 7

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f THE AMERIOUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1891. SOCIETY ETCHINGS. WHAT WAS DONE IN. THE CIRCLE DURING THE PAST WEEK. Tli. Calico Hop—Th. America. Light In fantry Falr-A Splendid Thanksgiving Dinner—A Uetroipectlre end Prospective View. The week lias been a gala one In Amerlcua society. Every evening has beoa devoted to some pleasurable enter tainment The A. L. I fair has held high carni val, and the military boys are blusblng over the many compliments paid them by tbelr best girls and many friends. Thanksgiving day! What a world of sentiment this word embodies. The day was ushered in dark and rainy, but by noon the glorious sunshine burst through the clouds and the day was typioal of life’s struggles, for though the way may look dark for some at times, there Is a silver lining for every cloud of life, and a star of hope shines for all who are “upward and true to the line.” The balmy zephyrs of Thursday, laden with the odor of sweet blossoms, re minded us of the fair Southland, what most of all we should give thanks for, the most healthful and salubrious cli mate on the globe; far removed from the chilling blizzards of tbe north and west and equally as remote from the burning regions of the tropics. For a century New England has never failed religiously to observe the annual Thanksgiving, and the custom has be come as firmly fixed in the domestic economy of the Puritans and their wldo- ly scattered descendants, as the observ ance of Christmas or the Fourth of July. It Is only In late yean, however, that tbe South has generally given more than cursory notice to this occasion, for alnoe 1801 our people have felt that they had little to be thankful for that called for any special demonstration. With returning peace and prosperity, however, the observance of the h'ovem ber Thanksgiving has made large pro gress, and uow In this year of plentiful crops, prosperous business, and political success, we would be direllct In duty not to give special heed to governmental call for a more than ordinary attention to the duties of the day of thanksgiving. On no previous occasion has Ampricus taken suoh interest as was manifested last Thursday. The quietude of Sunday reigned in business eiroles, tbe stores and shops were all closed and everybody spent the day in some place of holiday enjoyment. Many boys and grown up men spent tbe day in hunting and few were the robins, doves, larks or blackbirds that were not rudely shaken from their perches and called upon to contribute to the interior composition of a pie. Reynard bad also to spend tbe day in stretching his legs at tbe head of a procession of bounds and hones, en couraged by the shouts of the riden and the deep-mouthed yelpings of bis canine cousins in pursuit Tbe sweet little misses with their Texas “cayuss pings" formed a caval cade early In the day and with their joy ous laughter Oiled the air, while they rode tbe streets and cantered here and there In unrestrained delight. The housewives bad spent, houn In the preparation of savory dishes, ropst turkey and sweet-meats for the culinary event of the season, and many a guest gathered around the soolal board of friend and kinamgg at the noon hour and ate to the many happy. returns of the Thanksgiving dinner of 18P1. The ministers of the Methodist, Pres- bsterian sad Baptist churches union services at the Presbyterian church In the forenoon, and many at tended the servloe. Altogether St was a day of quiet glad ness to the many, and one of more less hilarious enjoymeht to the few, es pecially the uncurbed shoolboy, that marks a red letter day In the annals of Amerioos, and the annual recurrence of the day will In future oommend from all claesea sf our people as hearty obser vance of its pleasant duties as marked tbe Thanksgiving Thursday of Novem ber, 1801. Truly, we have as a community muoh to be thankful for. Business has been phenomenally prosperous with all, sick ness and death have visited the fewest number of doors In any twelve months In our history, and peaoe, plenty and prosperity are inscribed on our banners. We have the most level-headed and successful business men, the moat lova ble of wives and mothers, the prettiest girls and the steadiest and most promis ing boys that blesa any city in the world; and why should not Amerieus eat, drink and be merry one day la the year? Evan under leas favorable circumstances there would still be room for rejoicing, for we remember how old King George, our revolutionary opponent, viewed the sit uation at the dose of the war, when he sent for the Archbishop of Canterbury, the highest dignitary of his church, and told him to appoint a day of general- thanksgiving. In view of the recent disasters to the English crown, tbe Archbishop was as tonished at tbe command, and asked? “Does your majesty feel thankful at the loss Of thirteen of your best colonies?” “Oh, no,” said King George, "it isn't that.” “Well, is it then that you have lost thousands of your best soldiers, several of tbe best ships in your navy, and and munitions without number?” “Ob, no,” said the King, “I am not thankful for than” “Is ft, then, that you have spent mil lions of money and Impoverished /our treasury In wsging an unsuccessful war against Franoe, and your American colo nies?" “No,” said the King, “It is not on that account.” “What, then, may it please your majesty, la the occasion for national rejoicing?” “Why,” said the King, “we want to return thanks that ltwasn’t any worse.” The Calico Hop at the rooms of* tbe Amerious Club on Monday evening was a unique social innovation, and ’twas here “that woman adorned the dress, and not the dress beautified the wo- The oostumes of the ladles were fashioned of calico—red, yellow, pink and blue, and their lovely faces outri valed their brilliant hue. Many new style gowns were seen—some never In troduced before, and the trimming was done In a hundred different ways. One specially nandsome, dark beauty was much complimented on her pretty cotton gown, and truly she looked as royal as it she had been robed In satin. The gentlemen were daintily rigged In court dress suits—some with abbreviated sashes, and others with sashes cut en train. Each gentleman’s sash matched In figure and color tbe gown of the lady he escorted to the hop. The german was led by Mr.Tee Cain, and he was much admired for the grace ful manner in whloh be swung his sash, as well as for the elegant style of con ducting the german. The occasion was great, and the calico hop a happy suc cess. The following ladies and gentle men were present: Mesdumes C. A. Frioker, Arch Eld- ridge, A. C. Bivins, J. A. Stsrbuck. Griffith and Jenny Edmundson. Misses Nannie Lou Hawkins, Jennie Hollis, Lens Hsjnes, Sarah Colib, Amo- ret Gray, Francis Bell, Alice Wheatley and Miss McWilliams of Rome. Messrs. A. C. Bivins, C. A. Fricker, Arch Eldridge, J. A. Stsrbuck, W. K. Wheatley, Ioe Cain, Lynn Fort, Lester Windsor, John Sheffiield, James Lanier, 0. B. Adams, W. A. Antilotti, Joe High tower, Brown Burkhalter, H. L Nor- ville, Olin Dixon, H. G. Myrover. ,e ' s * Tbe meeting of “The Club,” which was to have been held at tbe residence of Mr. W. J. Mathis, on Friday night, was postponed on account of tbe A. L. I. fair. A delightful literary and musioal programme had been arranged by the efficient committee and an elegant time was in store for the members. Notloe will be given of the next meeting through the columns of The Timks-Rkcordkb. • e s • The many fair visitors in the city, and those who have just left, are loud la their praises of the hospitality of Amer icas. They especially compliment and appreciate the oourtesy of our young men, whose gallantry baa ever given them a State-wide reputation. It- Is whispered that some one of these lovely visitors may return and dwell among us. This Is not surprising. Youth and beauty are irresistible, and our young men are genuine artlstf and never get left on anything. Men’s, 7ouths’, Boys’ and Children’: Kor Business, Bress and Work. A HIGH GRADE AND A PAIR MICE IS OUR BID FOR BUSINESS. Our line is large and complete clear through—all sizes, all fabrics, all styles and all prices. We guarantee All-Round Satisfaction to any man with judgment enough to know a real good thing when he sees jt. CLOTHING! 'The many ladies who have davoted their talento, Ume and energy to the aue- oesa of the A. L. I. fair have the thanks of tho company. The soldier boys will ever remember them, and if they hare battles to fight let them call on tbe Amerieus Light Infantry.' • e * Satisfactory and accurate recipes for bellethiphave never been given. All bellee are not beauties any more than all beauties are belles. One need not be either amiable, lovely, wealthy, ^Itty or wise to be a belle—and yet some belles have all these attribute* and more be- aides—end, mi ruble dicta, one may poa- all these charming qualifications and yet not bah belle. There are belles of every description In Amerieus. At Field’s minstrels end Jar beau wen the attractions at the opera house the past week. Good audience favored both performances. # - # e Managers Cain and Brown our most excellent opera houie managers refused to give a date to the Female Minstrels, and wired Duncan Clarke, their mana ger, that no Indnoement could be offered them ford date in Amotions. Tbe following from tbe Albany press shows their judgment was correct: “The mayor and city connoll of Albany have ’vetoed” tbe play of the female min- stnl troupe that was billed for to-night; and the chief of police was instructed to tear down the eenaaUonal and too brifly clad show bills and atop the play.” • * • From Sire to Son—the versatlla and always popular Milton Nobles and his charming wife, Dollio Nobles will make tbelr appearance in our city December Sd, in bis successful play, “From Sire to Son." Tbe play is by far tbe best work yet given to tbe public by that versatile actor and successful dramatist. It pos sesses in an eminent degree tbe essen tial element of “human interest.” Tbe men sad women are flesh sod blood, there is nothing artificial about them. Dollie Nobles plays with great sweet ness and intelligence. Milton Nobles is a fine character and is not commonplace. The entertainment will be great. We m&ke most any parent proud of his or her boy. Nothing can do quite as much toward making a lad look neat, wholsome and manly as one of our stylish little suits. No trouble about fits for little and big; we-keep them all. ^Men’s = Furnishing - Goods!* . • Our present line of attractions is certainly a credit to the establishment' and a satisfaction to our trade. A larger variety or a finer showing of Choice New Novelties and reliable standard goods would be hard to find anywhere. Careful buying enables us to offer that big, solid value for your money that never fails to please. When needing anything in this line remember our F. F. F. F., which stands for FINE FURNI8HIN8S AT FAIR FI8URE8. fJOHN R. SHM,^ Amerieus, Ca. "Tbe Champion” Clothier and Outfitter of Sonthwut Giorgio, Aid Proprietor “Eagle" Shoo Store. 117 Ftrsylh Street, 119 Foreytk Street, LEMON ELIXIR. Fur blliousneu sod constipation, take Lemon Elixir. - For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness, ner palpitation of tbe heart, h For all slek take Lemon Elixir. Ladles, for natural and thorough or- ganio regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mozley’t Lemon EUxlr will not fail you In any of the above named dis eases, all of which arise -from a torpid or diseased liver, itomaeb, kidney* or bowels. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mosley, At-. Unto. Qa, 60c. and $1.00 per bottle at druggists. CHRISTMAS Is coining, and wo are better ] • prepared than ever to supply tho puklio with presents suitable for tLat happy occasion. Every one buys somebody a Christmas present, and we have got in our elegant assort ment, something to please every one, no matter how much or how little they may want to spend. In selecting onr HOLIDAY GOODS we have not considered dull times, or the low-price of cotton, but have bought a muoh larger stock than ever before. We will not at tempt to enumerate the many beautiful things we have, but will say that there is no more complete stock of all such goods as are carried in a first-class JEWELRY AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENT House, to be found In the Sohth, than we now have open for inspec tion, and we most cordially invite every one to call and see what a handsome stock we have. Commencing Monday, December 14th, onr store will be open at night until ten o'clock. We have perfected arrangements whereby our store will be the best lighted of any in the city, and it will be; kept comfortable day and night. Our facilities for doing business are suoh that no house in the country can undersell ps. Give us a trial before you buy; if yre fail to please you either in goods or prioe, we do not expect your trade. Goods we sell engraved free. JAMES FRIOKER & BRO., 409 Jackson Street, Amerieus, Go. ■eases. Ele- Cure* all Coughs, Cold*, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, and all throat and long diseases, cant, reliable. 85 cents, at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mosley,. Atlanta, Ga. Have you examined the hosiery and nnderveata at Allen’s. He can suit yon In prioe and quality. The British museum is gathering a stupendous collection of newspapers. Additions for one single year comprise 170,838 numbers. A OBEAT GERMAN FAPEB'S EDITOR Bays editorially: “I received from A. K. Hawker, of Austin, a pair of hit Crystalized Lobs spectacles, and I must say I was surprised to find _ them so transparent and fine. Iconiider these spectacles tbe best In existence, and can highly recommend them to all those who are obliged to use glasses. I be lieve that these lenses really preserve the eyas, and not like so many Inferior and badly ground glasses do, Injure the right. O. Dietzbl, Ed. and Prop. Texas, (German) Post All aye* fitted and tbe fit guaranteed at Drag Ston nov26-aun-' Store of B J. Eldridge. wed-wk. If you are rroublea ■"“.Mi irder, or liver P. P. F„ and yon will re- Stomach Complaint, pTr u expel* dlseale and glvea healthy acton to every organ. dl2-w8t Now Is tho season to plant yoi onions. Call at Dr. Eldridge'* and buy your sets. A squirrel and a snake engagsd In a battle near Springfield, Ohio, and the squirrel came off victorious, killing bis opponent. ' Chamberlaln’i and Rktn A certain cure for Chronlo Sore Eye*, Tetter, Salt Khamn. Scald Head. Old Itch, Prairie R^**4**, Sore Nipple# and Pile*. It is ending and soothing. Hundreds of caeae have been cured by It after all other treatment bad failed. It la put up iaKasdN asst bum. T.M. Allen. T. E. Allen. E. Taylor. TO l QUICK PURCHASER -i- A FINE OFFOBIUHITT, 400 ACRES-2,000 DOLLARS HALF CASH | BALANCE IN TWELVE MONTHS AT 8 PER CENT. 180 acres cleared; 220 acres good pine timber. Situated in Terrell county, three-quarters miles from railroad station, A great many other bargains. ALLEN, TAYLOR &. CO, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENTS. AMERIOUS. OA. mi km (Huccesmrs to W. L. Mantre.) SCHOOL BOOKS for any County in the State. Blank Books, American Bibles it ictul cost Oxford Blblts, Teachers’ edition. FINE STAriONERY Daily papers, Magazines, etc. Subscriptions for any pa per or publication. Rubber Stamps, any kind, size Saw Mill Men. Attention! ENGINES, Our special business is heavy machinery such asj BOILERS, SAW HILLS, AND WOOD-WOE11NG MACHINERY, and for flret-claa* machinery, we defy competition. We are general agent* for H. B. SMITH MACHINE CO.’S celebrated Wood-working machines, and eao dis count factory price*. Writ* for circular of “Farmer.' Favorite" saw mill; it ia the best on the market. Second-hand machinery constantly on hand. Write for price.; we can save you money. 67 soon Perkins Machine BROAD STREET. - m Tnrea-neoosDsa WbmiToe Witte. ATLANTA, €i. (■CMEwtjgBi Pictures, Easles and Music. Sheet Picture Frames to order and to our picture-frame depart ment we have just added new machines, glass cutters, etc-, also an experienced workman. Satisfaction guaranteed 105 FORSYTH STREET. TELEPHONE, 108. ; -■>- I M "MM