Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, November 29, 1891, Image 8
a THE AMEEIOUS DAILY T1MES-RECORDER; SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1891. DRY GOODS SLAUGHTERED! Special Gut Price Sale for pionday, Tuesday # Wednesday. Objeot is to raise the hard oash, and in order to raise a few thousand dollars the coming week we will offer for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, for cash, the greatest sacrifices in Dress Goods, Domestics, Flannels, Blankets, Hosiery, Gloves, Linens, Curtains, Cloaks, Shirts and Gents* Furnishing Goods the town has ever known. This is not idle talk. We mean business, and below we present to you a list eloquent with prices. We will not wait until' the season is over and you have made all your purohases, but we make the slaughter .right now in the height of the season. Don’t read this and then throw it aside, but come and see what we have got and let us prove to you that we are offering the greatest opportunity of your life. Remember, these prices are for the Spot Cash. REMNANTS. THOUSANDS OF YARDS. During the put few week, the heavy Inroad* on oof dreie good* (took bw made hundred* of rem nant*. On tomorrow morning theae remnant* will be placed on ■ale. Among them are a great manypleoea containing enough for a dre**. We want to dear them out and get rid of them and they will be marked at price* (Im ply ridiculous. Don’t ml** see ing them. Remember, however, when carried out they positively will not be taken back or exchang ed, a* our objeot In making them so low la to get rid of them for good. Bedford Cords, Henriettas and Serges. We have them In nearly all the leading shade*. One lot Bedford Cords, $1.25 quail ty, at 92>io. One lot 40 ie , all wool Henriettas, 660 quality at 49c. Entire lot flOe silk finish wool Hen rietta*, grand line of shade*, 69o. Entire lot of oar finest *1 00 and $1.25, 46 In. Henrietta cloth at e%o. SILK REMNANTS. We will offer a magnificent lot of Blaek and Colord silk remnants at a tremendeous sacrifice. They run from 6 to 18 yard*. They must be •old. The prices marked on them insures a speedy sale. $1000 in silk remnant* at almost half price. Does this oflbrlng catch your eye 7 It will certainly please your purse. Your opportunity is now. Special Reduction Sale. TO CLOSE AT ONCE. One lot very superior Black and Colored Faille Silks would be reason ably oheap at *1.25, our price for this special sale. 89c. One lot Black and Colored Faille Francalse, $1.25 and 1.60 quality, 98c. One lot Black Gros Grain dress silks, exceptionally fine quality, usually sold around town at $1.75 to $2 00, onr price. $1,19. Tremenduous lot of Bhadames f Ar- ' muree, Luxors, all to go. Tremenduous lot of fancy Bilks to be cleared out regardless of all former priOM* Beautiful new Cream Chinas, the 75o quality at 40s., excellent width. Novelty surra. Every suit we have in the house will be oflbred regaadleea of all form er prices.' SPECIAL! SPECIAL! 100 Dress Pstterhs, containing 8 yds. of double width flannel suiting, sold heretofore at $8.00 a pattern, will be doted ont at $1 40 per suit. The above are new goods just opened and bought at a sacrifice. Wo sold them ouer our oounters heretofore at $3.00. 1000 yds 38-In. Wool Henrietta doth 85o quality at 25o. 1000 yds 60o Henalettsa at 87)£o. 1000 yds 80o Henriettas at 45c. SPECIAL. One lot beautiful quality all wool Tricots, worth 40c at 28}io. SPECIAL. 1000 yds 10c Bleaching,—White Rock Mills—7^o. 600yds Canton Flannel, worth 12%, at »Xo. 200 fine extra large Damask Towels at 16c. One lot Damask Towels 'worth 40o at 25c. Big lot soiled Table Damask rem nants at big bargains. Beautiful lot Napkins, worth $1.00, at 75c. Onr entire lot of $1.00 and $1.25 48-ln Serges will be offered at 89c. Onr 85o Serges at 62j£e. at 15o. 100 beautiful Cotton Sergo Suits, something entirely new, at $1.25 suit. SPECIAL. 600 yds lOo Dress Ginghams, 7j£o. New lot Velvet Cretonnes for Car- tains and Upbdstery, 85c quality, at 25o yard. ■ , SPECIAL. 60 salts all-wool baitings, beau tiful quality, at $2.19 suit. COUNTERPANES. We have a beautiful lot, some of them slightly soiled ou the edge*, otherwise perfectly good, at reduced prloes. One lot splendid Spreads worth $1.25, at 95o.' One lot $2.25 quality at $1.8$, Big lot of Cheek Muslins will be cleared out regardless. All our Table Damasks at cot prlcea: • 65c quality at 40c. 760 “ t 50o. 80o ” “ 750. $1.25 “ “ 980. BLACK GOODS. Do you want d Black Dres? Our ■ales In Blaek Goods have been enor mous. We carry the finest stock to bo bad in South Gsorgla. 98c. We have reduced oiir $1.26 quality Black Broadcloths to 98o. At 49o we-show the prettiest all- wool, 4o-lnch Henrietta In this coun try, really worth 65c. At &9o wo offer you a quality worth 750. 60c buys our 85c good*. 76o “ •• 90o quality. 89o “ •• $1.00 “ 08o “ “ 1.25 •* $I.lgX*’ •• 1.50 “ At 62>(0 we will sell our 86o Serge* At 45o we will offer a magnificent line of black stripes, worth richly 62Xo. Our $1.25 silk warp Henriettas at 98c. Our $1.00 Serges, 46 Inches, at 89c. Big lot of short length Blaek Goods at a sacrifice. CLOAKS. We are determined to sell eveiy Cloak In onr bouse If prices will ac complish It. Though we have sold great many, the warm weather has besn a drawback. We will offer the greatest bargains to bo had In Geor gia. ^fost any garment In onr stock at jnst a little over half price. They mast he sold. Children’s Cloaks. We have too many. Bather than carry any of them over we will sell them at half prlcp. Bring yonr chil dren and get them fitted up in a Cloak tor almost a song. Children’* Cloake $1.60 to $11.00. SPECIAL. One beautiful lot of Ladles’ Kid Gloves, worth 75o to $1.00; will be oflbred at 60o. One lot of Undressed Klde, new good* and beantlfol colors at 68c. Onr entire stock of Biarritz Glovsa, sold at $1.25, wltl be oflbred at 98e, 1000 pairs of Onyx and Hsems- ford Dye Blaok Hose, worth 8Sc to 40o, at25o. The finest value yon have ever seen. One lot fast black misses’ and boys’ Bibbed Btooklnge, worth 25o, at 15o. We will oat price* on every piece of goods In this department. We can •hew yon Cashmeres, Henriettas, Serges, Flannels, Nan's Veiling, Al batrosses, Bedford Cords or most anything desired. HANDKERCHIEFS On Monday or Tuesday we will open up and place on sale the great est bargains In Handkerchiefs we have ever had in onr house. Beautiful embroidered .Handker- ehiefs, usually sold at 20o, will be of fered at 10c. Better good* at 12^0 and 15o, and at 26o we will show without doubt the choicest goods oyer offered In Amerious. Handkerchiefs from 25o dozen to $1.50 Meh. Magnificent lino of Silk Handker- ohlefsat2So, worth 40c. Beautiful new Cblflbn Handkerchiefs at 62Xc to $1.26. The largest and ehsapest line of Handkerchiefs In South Georgia., Blankets. We have the largest and beat line we have ever carried. Splendid gray Blanket* at $1.25, worth $1.75. Good ‘gray goods at $1.26, $1.60, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.50. In white Blankets we commenoe at $1.16 pair and ran up to $12 50. At $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 and $8 00 we are showing splendid values. The prettiest Blankets at $4.98 ws have ever had. Buggy Robes have juat been added to this depart ment, and the quantise end prices we are showing oannot fall to plei Big lot of Comforts from 7So to $2.00 Ladies’ & Gbildren’s Undervear Women’s eplendld ribbed Vesta, worth 40o, at 24o each. Lot ladles’ ribbed Vest? at 40c, for merly sold' at 75o. Beantlfol goods at 98e, $1.25 and *1.88. Children’* good* from 2So up. Wo have a big lot of ohtldren’s rib bed Pantalets, odd sizes and broken lots at half prloe. Some choice new things In Infante’ Vest* just opened. Gents’ furnishings. We havejmore Furnishing Goods than room, and wo will make a tre mendous sacrifice In prloes to ‘‘re duce the surplus.” We are deter- mlnedjto sell every piece of Woolen Underwear in our house If prloe will move them. Gents’ Undervesta, hertofore 05c, will bo offered at 45o. 90c quality at 02Xo. $1.25 •• <• 98c. 1.50 “ *• $1.10. . $1.76 and $2.00“ •• 1.4a Bemember these are all fresh and new, and oannot;;(be matched in Amerlcue. 100 pairs gents’ \yooI Sox, 40e qual ity, at 25c. Beautiful tans and grays. Night Shirts To be sacrificed. They will be thrown out on the oounter and sold from 45o to $1.50 eaob. No sneb bargains ever seen here. Our entire stock Lauodried and Unlaundrled Shirts at New York prices. Beautiful lot of Pleated Bosom Un- lauodried Shirts, $1.00 quality at fisc. "Monarch” $1.25 quality at 87l{c., lanndried and nnlanndrled. CURTAINS. We have the largest and best (took of Cartains In South Georgia. W* want to clsar them ont and will offer big cute. Laos Cartains, B)j yards long, $1.76 quality, will be offered at *1.10. Laos Cartains, formerly $200, at $1.49. Laos Curtains, formerly $2.60 to $8.00, at $1.08. Every pair Lace Curtains reduced. Chenille Cartains, formerly *7.60, will be sold at *5.95. $8.50 quality at at $0.60. $10.00 quality at *7.05. $12 and $15 goods at $0 00. $20 goods at $18.60. Big lot Window Shades. Prices way under anybody In Amerlcue. WHEATLEY & ANSLEY, 423 Jackson Street, Ameifcus, 6a. BRAINS BLOWS OUT. Ceeaty. On Friday, at Whitest, Lee county, about twelve miles from Americas, while out bird hunting, • son of Mr. Jack Barrow accidentally allot and Wiled Ike Books, a negro boy. Both were yonng boys and were ont banting together. The entire . load of (hot took effect In Hooks’ head; blowing Me brains ont, death ensuing Instantly. The accidental discharge of the gun was not due to carelessness, and not the shadow of blame la attaobed to Mr. Bar- Bead onr Christmas advertisement. Jaxks Thicker A Bno. Fall has come and with It the time to settle “that little bill" at Ob. Kim bi doe's. A midnight fire well denerves the honor df being the latest thing out. It la not considered an offense for a switchman to flag at hl» work. POWDER Absolutely Pure. tin* powder. Hlrbbfit eng^Uu^lTniU* BEAUTIFUL Cloth tops for Ladies and Misses; Solid,. serviceable School Shoes for romping boys and girls. Children’s Shoes, all grades for the little ones. Come to see us whether you buy or not. WILLIFORD, MATTHEWS & CO. 414 Jaokson SL, Comer under Nm^Hotel, next to Hill’s Furniture Store. ALLISON & AYCOCK Holiday Presents, . Christmas Presents, Wedding Presents, Birthday Presents, Etc. Eto. We carry the largest stock of Toys in Southwest Georgia. DROP IN AND SEE OUR p£|^ ALLISON & AYCOCE, Under Hotel Windsor, * Amcricus, Georgia. Americus Iron Works, SU1LDERS OF- Engines, Boilers, Cotton Gins, Presses, Feeders and Condensers, Saw and Grist Mills, Shingle Machines, Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Boiler Feeders, Valves, Jets, Etc. Shaftings, Hangers, Boxes and Pulleys 40*Spedal attention given to repairing all kinds of Machinery. Telephone 79. *■“*“ Pays most pardon!** attention to ths style and quality of his foot, however tasty la hie general wearing aypmet a pdr of bad (how B. T. BYED, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. REPRESENTING TOE SAFESTAND SIRONGESTiCOUPANIESJNiTlESWOED. Insurance placed on City and Country Property. Offloe on Jackson Street, next door below Mayor’s OfBos. -.JHST*. ’ ewss-tfly. A WELL DRESSED MAN t-gear, knowing that utterly nullifies Its ARTHUR RYLANDER, At BYLANDER’S CORNER, carries In eiook n tins of Kte's, Ladle’s and Children 1 ! SHOES, uneqna sdioSo nthwsst Geo'g a. Tt* Uteri Blocks la tb* Cirtbrritd DUNLAP MAT!. > Umbrellas and Walking Cane*. A Complete Shoe Repairing Shop Up-etalr*. OFFERS FOR T SEWING MACHINES & MOTORS tor all Machines on easy terms, sod can •apply tho beet rOR AIL MACHINES. reive promnt attention. MDEXTER STEEL WIRE FENCE ^ A BBOTT S '•{/. CORN 1 jj5PEEou_V^ BUNIONS ijKtk. ;Withoui 4vo WARTS PAIN. For sale by the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY Americas, Oa. | Dissolution Notice. h.’frSgagf.ffiS&it Tills gfrh”. b «r n hr. eyowsi- Hftameron and If. T» the saxrMHrid’aiandr’wlio and collect all aecounU. Parties wtoaral ■n are oarneatlr re- . unci acttle llicfrao- mu»t I-' cloned up. (heir liberal patron- k-A "ri!k l?iitBY. M WOOD YARD. REWARD. * moving or dtatroyfng any.signal .light la Leave orders and get information of A. T. Oliver ,lI > 0 t renIber lg> - up a flrat-clais Wood ■ ^111 Tank, amlrellclt tizon* of Anifrlcufi. nrbody. All wood ' ** - guar-