Newspaper Page Text
THjEAMEKfeWs l 6aiLf'tiMEs-kKnr l RinM ; 'TiifenAv^kV^«A , RH
■ n;iA3 J A HOK-^nOflT
Nice Oak Suits at - ..,$. 25.00
Parlor Suits at - <♦- 35.00
Plush Rockers • - - 4-00
Side-boards, - $15.00 to $250.00
China Dinner and Tea
Sets, - - $7.50 to $75.00
Picture and Room Moulding,
Picture Frames, Pictures, Easels f
Cords and Hangings—all on a basis
of 6c. Cotton.
RE 1DUWl*Wr T 1891
Why do Ih^piijjle witll one voice ^y that D. B. ijill keeps the
best good? ?
They have used our furniture and it never cracked, blistered or fell down; used our crock
ery, china and glassware, and found it as represented; lit our lamps and had good light;
used our silverware and sounded its praise; bought our clocks and never got left; bought
our window-shades when they didn’t need them; bought curtain poles for themselves and
joor kin because they were so cheap; used our knives and forks and praised the butcher;
jought our pictures and got credit for lots of good taste; hung our wall paper and didn’t
know the. old house. -
3ur stock of Roya 1 Worcester, Doulton and Dresden China, Hunga
rian, Faience and other holiday goods will repay your inspection.
U lim .w <rf TMrr. 8.CTJOT md Tmbur
Coffins; Caskets, Burial Rohes s Suits,
This branch of our business is replete with all that is
new and RELIABLE. Every improvement has our pa
tronage. Nothing escapes us.
Mr. L. S. Tower will answer night calls. Residence in
front of Methodist Church.
Cures scrofulA.
cwtdrets^TstMr.acgU .
R P. P.
Cures rheumatism
1 jEMNri Urmnilsritiss 1
7?T5rI! , TSMSS5T5^n^M55rt!n5ff , 5niC5r
ctaaiiWg myrtM yi Ar. F> PttdUj Aik, J*«k» Rm*
'■* p. p. R£
Cures oyspepsiA
LIFTMAN BKU8, Proprietor#,
Druggist*, Llppmu’i Block, 8AVASHAH,GA.
For ul« by the DAVENPORT DRUG
COMPANY, (Americas, Q*..
b*. E. C. WWI'o Reave anp iikais TExat
m,a guaranteed aneoifto for Hysteria, Dial
w, Convutalons, _Mt*, Nsrrou* J(eural^l*
ms, MenLI
—un» buu irwnuit wuuwiiymiwiy nuu uww>i
tenutaro Old In, Barrenness, Lot* of Fomr
1 richer Mx, Involuntary Losses anil Sperm*-
rrhcE*. c*u*ed by over-exertion of the brain,
M-abos. or over-lndnleence. Each box oon-
ini one month’* treatment, ft .00 per box, or
* boxes for gs.00, sent b, mail, prepaid, on re-
>lpt of price.
Koanuteed Cnrr for Piles of whatever
odor degree Hr enrol, Internal, Blind-
Bleeding, Itehii g, Chronic, Recent or
ereditary. $1.00 1 box; 6 boxea, $5.00.
mt by man, prepaid, on receipt of prloe.
e guarantee to r tre any case of Klee
uraateed end sol. -inly by
Wbaleaaie aad RetaU Druggist*.
. Amenoua, <}*.
bmpleafree. febal-dAwlJT
?"{*•*. and Trade-Mark! obtained, and all Fat-
*»■ conducted for Moderale Feel.
OnrODIce I, OoeeiHe U S. Patent 0»ee.
wereeanr. , -:n- J.jt.-ot In lore time than IhoM
fTOote from Waahlneton.
UrnTn? drawing or photo., with descrip-
i»2Jr if patentable or not, free of
V ar foe »ot due ill! patent le secured,
amptiltf. “How to Obtain Patent*,” with
9 of art n si client* In your State, county, or
' *eot free. Address,
vPKek. Patent 03c*. Wee*bailee, D. C.
Pungent ranaxraph. P.rtalnlnx to the
Plains, G*., Novembo- 30.—Work waa
commenced this week on our new $2,500
aendemy, and will be pushed rapidly to
completion. It it tbe intention of the
promoters of this school to make it sec
ond to none in • tbe, state. Tbe school
will be equipped In tbe latest style, and
only first-class teachers employed.
There was a delightful Thanksgiving
pound party given at tbe residence of
Mr. E. R. Stewart of tbts place last
Onr farmer friends are now busy sow
ing email grain. There le not a better
section in tbe state for wheat, oats, eto ,
than around tbe Plains.
Onr public ginners are now enjoying a
much needed rest, at they have been
very busy night and day since tbe mid
dle of August. The cotton crop it now
pretty well ginned up, and if onr farm
ers had got a good prioe for their cotton
this year they would have bad money to
loan, but aa tbe price was very low some
of them will be compelled to borrow
mouey another year, but there will be
no trouble to get It, aa the banka are
always willing to loan money to farmers
near the Plains.
Several of oar enterprising farmers
speak of planting tobacoo another year.
We think that as fine tobacco ean be
grown here as anywhere In tbe state. All
that Is necessary is for some one to take
hold and prove it.
B« Mmy Try to Work Hl« Quine In ThU
Amerieui citizens might do well to
look out for Charles A. Hollle and bis
library scheme, lie has jnst skipped
from Birmingham. A special from Bir
mingham aaya:
Charles A. Hollis is tbe name of a
■lick artist from St. Louts, whose victims
In this city have just discovered that he
is a scoundrel. He came representing
himself as the agent of the St, Louis
Public Library Association, which sold
books to members at a discount of 30
percent. In'order to become a member,
the victim was required to subseribe for
some publication for which Hollle was
■gent, such ea Harper’s, Puck, etc., and
payeasb. These subscriptions were also
at a Urge discount. A great many peo
ple took the MIL Nothing has been
beard of HoUle nor his publications, and
all letters addressed to the St. Louis
Library Association come back (tamped
“frandolent” Hollle worked Binning,
bam for several hum
Going out of tbe Merchant Tailor busi
ness, I shall retail for the next ten days,
at coat, my (took, consisting of Imported
cloth, about one hundred patterns of
pants goods, and pattema for, whole
•alts, linings and trimmings.
This Is a splendid chanee for parties
who know how to make up men’s cloths,
or sneb who desire a fine suit or panto
cheap. By baying the doth at cost yon
can have it made np very reasonable
somewhere else In town.
Carl J. Schneider,
314 Lamar street
Mr. J. W. Cobb.
Mr. Walter Wheatley his forwarded
Gov. Nortben bla resignation of the of
fice of notary publlo ex-officio justice of
the peace, and Mr. J. W. Cobb pa* sent
ia his application to fill the vacancy.
There will bo no hitch in tho appoint
ment of Mr. Cobb, who can fill the posi
tion with credit to himself and satisfac
tion to tho community.
Visiting Their Old Rome.
Mr. George Britt, a well-known “man
about town,” after an absence of eight
years. Is visiting Americua, accompa
nied by bis wife. George says that be
Uon his way to Washington, D. C , to
assist Judge Crisp.
We can’t begin to tell you of all the
beautiful things we have that are suit
able for Christmas presents. Call and
see them for yourselves.
James Pricker A Kho.
•( Prom Cordola.
, Cordklk, Ga., November30.—Cordelo
baa sustained iier reputation this year as
aootton market end the cotton faotory
has made Cordele el ways the best placo
to sell cotton anywhere In this section.
By the way, the cotton faotory is one
of the solid industries of Georgia, and
ia making money, turning out 3,000
pounds of eotton warps daily.
About one year ago a number of gen
tlemen here tried to form a company
to bnlld an Ice factory. They bought
the Ring ice machine, which has proven
to be worthless, and now the company la
winding up its affaire and is going out of
business. They elaim that the King
Company of St Louts is insolvent, and
that the machine is worthless, and Ring
refuses to make It come up to his guar
anty, and these gentlemen will lose
their stock.
One of the most frequent and Insidious
causes of bad health la impure blood.
This disorder of the system does not
dways manifest itself ontwardly by
sores, eruptions, etc., quite often the
soredess is dtogether internal. The kid
neys feel sore, the liver feels sore, the
lnnge feel sore, and a decay sets It that
too often ends fatally. It is muob more
serious for blood poison to manifest It
self internally than externally. In snob
cases neglect means death, for the vital
organs onoc contaminated grow worse
unless they grow better, and they will
never grow better unless the proper rem
edy is applied. There Is no remedy that
Sr. John Ball’s Sarsaparilla,
as a curative agent In eases of blood poi
son. When other remedies miserably
fail to give relief, this remedy always
obeoks Its terrible ravages, even In in
stances of scrofala or syphillis, and re
stores the blood to a state of absolute
purity. Large bottle (102 teaspoonfuls)
—A physician of Waco, Texas,
writes: “I know a number of instances
of severe cases of blood poison being
cured by Dr. John Bull’s Sarsaparilla,
no other remedy or trea meat being
made use of, I consider that no better
blood medicine is manufactured
decl d&wlmo
Hems Prom Church Bill.
As I see nothing .from these parts, I
will drop a few lines to let the surround
ing country know the dull time* In our
section. The farmers are about through
gathering the crops. Some are prepar
ing for the next crop, as they say times
are dull and money scares with them,
they don't know where to place the first
step, as they all have decided to change
some way, or rather, let It be for the
beet or wont Some any plant less cot
ton and some say they are In debt and
will bo compelled to plant cotton to come
ont of debt L.
Are active, effective and pure. For sick
headache, disordered stomach, loss of
appetite, bad complexion and btlloua-
ness, they have never been eqraled,
either in Amerlea or abroad. For sale
by Fleetwood & Russell, Americua, Ga.
We have more novelties tble season
than ever before. We invite everybody
to look them over.
Jambs Fricher a Bro.
For pain In the stomach, colic and
obotcra morbus there ia nothing better
than Chamberlain’s Colie, Cholera and
Dlarrhcua Remedy. For eels by W. C.
Russell, Americua, Ga. deol-dAwlm.
Wlut s^asnres are yon taking to atop
that cough? Let n* suggest Do Witt’s
Cdujfb and Consumption Cure. It is
infallible. The Davenport Drug Com
pany. - ■
Ladies, Alien’s is tt a placo for fancy
goods and all kind* material for fancy
, . Wood! Wood!!
Chambliss Bros.trill deliver wood any
where in the city, oak and pine, cut any
length desired. Orders left at their
ginnery, near Central depot, or at Davis
Bros. 1 furniture house will receive
prompt attention. Satisfaction guaran
teed. Dovl2-aun-tuesAfri-lm.
If yon want your houae painted with
paint that is guaranteed to be more
durable and more economical than other
paints, buy I- A M. paints, sold by
Dr. Eloridok
Tax Borios.
The books are bow ready, and until
further notice I will be in my office for
tbe purpose of collecting the taxes from
9 o’clock a. m. to 3 o’clock p. m. every
day, except Sunday. J. B. Dunn,
octlO Tax Collector.
Camp Cnlslne.—Captain Bolton (in
hit North Woods shanty)—Well, my
boy, how do yon Uke this Shakespearean
life “under the greenwood, tree?" Hie
guest—There’s too much bacon about
your Shakesperean existence to suit me.
The Bow. of It.
How poor, bow rloh, how abject how
august how complicated, how wonder
ful ie man: and it might be added, how
“more eo” le woman. With her pecu
liarly delicate and Intense organization,
she is the superlative degree of man
Even in diseases ehe excels him, having
many that he has not She has, how
ever, found ont a grand remedial agent
for the euro of her diseases, in Dr
Pierce’s Favorite Prescription; a modi-
cine salted to her nature, made for the
express cure of those diseases which af
fect her. It is especially effective In all
weaknesses incidental to motherdood,
while it Is also a potent restorative tonic
for the feeble and'debilitated generally.
Syphilis, Scrofula, Blood Poison and
Rheumatism are cared by P. P. P.
(Prickly Ash, Poko Root ana Potassium).
There may be corners in wheat, but
this won’t disturb the serenity of the
young man who, with his best girl, sits
in the Sunday twilight glow of the par
lor and imagines he ha* a corner on
Knowing that a cough can bo Chocked
In a day, tbe first degree of consumption
broker in a week, we hereby guarantee
Dr. Acker’s English Cough Remedy, and
will refund tbe money to all who bay,
take It as per directions, and do.not find
our statement correct For sale by Dr.
W. C. Russell, Amerleus, Ga. 1
“The road to fortune le through print
ere' Ink.—P. T. Barn urn.
Ignorance of the merits of De Witt's
Little Early Blurs it a misfortune.
There little pills regulate the liver, cure
headache, dyspepsia, bad breath, con
stipation and biliousness. Tho Davon-
port Drug Company.
When Baby eras tick, we cave bar (Maria.
Whan thewae a Chad, to* cried for Castorla.
Wha As became mat, she choc to Outoria.
Whan she bad Children, lbs gave them Castorla.
If you feel weak and badly take P. P.
P, and you will regain your flesh and
A seafaring life tends to develop tbe
belligerent tendenoloi. Not content
with tbe many spars they have on board
a ship, sailors are continually boxing the
“An honest pill it the noblest work of
tbe apothecary.” DeWItt’a Little Early
Risers core constipation, blUioninessand
sick headache. Tie Davenport Drug
Company. ,
The latest design for a wbaleback
steamer Is modelled upon an old-foab-
loned clnb skate.
Yon may cough and cough and cough
and cough and congh but you will not,
If you take DeWItt’a Congh and Con
sumption Cure. Tbe Davenport Drug
“I have struck a tremendous blow!”
exclaimed tbe man who got caught In a
hurricanes: . s •'.iis
Our experience covers many Ills, many
pills and many bills. Our ills are smaller
our pills are smaller and our bills are
smaller when we use Do Witt’s Little
Early Risers. The Davenport Drug
Tbe average woman likes to “No’’ a
man awhile before sbe marries him.
Il is an established fact that De Witt’s
Little Early Kisers have an enormous
sale, and why? Simply because they are
In taking ana happy in result* A pill
fot.fhe multitude. Tbe Davenport Drug
Pure wines, biwidies and whiskies for
medicinal use, sold at
To Onr Patrons.
We will collect all bills duo us for
job work weekly. This will make
payments easier for you, and help us
materially, as our expenses are pavable
Times Company-.
It has been estimated that the amount
of gold In coin or ornament In the world
Is about 013 oublo yards, and that It
would fit in a room twenty feet each way
If Id a solid cube.
A trial convinces tho most skeptical
Carefully prepared, pleasant to tbe tnste
De Wltt’a Cough and Consumption Cure
ia a valuable remedy. The Davonport
Drug Company.
Thera Is a Chinese poet In San Fran
cisco, Cal., who la bard at work with a
translation of Milton’s “Paradise Lost"
Into bis language.
You don’t want a torpid liver. You
don't want a bad oomplexlon. You dou’t
want a bad breath. You don't want a
headache. Then use Da Witt's Little
Early Risers, the famous little pills The
Davenport Drug Company.
Mexico has • reck that serves as a
weather prophet by changing color with
every approaching change In tho
will atop a Congh in one night,
check a Cold In a day. and CUBB
Consumption if taken in time.
A SB cent;
bottle may;
.save their;
I Uvea. Ask;
• your drnira
>'3CZtX>Brlst tor its
Dr. Acker’s English Fills:
Bmslle pleasant* m favorite with tha laJIca. •
_ W. B. HOOKEK A CO., M "Wet* Broadway, N. Tt, |
Fop sale by W. C. RUSSELL.
For all Mnrblnet on easy term*, and can
supply tbe be^t
Idles, Oils, Uuneeis, Etc.,
Special Attention given* to all
•mall Machinery. Order< by mall will re*
reive prompt attention.
code of ordinances of the cl*y of Anierlcaa,
and In lieu thereorto fix the lime when all
city tnxea ahull becom*« due end payable,
and to provide for the collection thereof and
for other purpoeeu.
Hkction 1. He it ordained by tbo Mayor
and'City Council of Amerlcuu, and it la
hereby ordained and enacted by the author*
Ity of the uame. That Meet Ion ¥12 of the code
ofordlnatices of the city of AmerlctiN, which
proHcrlben that It aha) I bo the duty of the
Mayor and Citv Council of AinerlcuH. to fix
by reaoiutlon the time when city taxes idiall
become due, and lor notice thereof by the
cletk and treaNurer be, and the name 1a
hereby repealed, and In lieu thereof tha fol
lowing Hection in enacted, to-wit:
hxo. 2. He It further ordalmd by the au
thority aforemild, that from and after the'
' inge of this ordinance, nil City taxe-*nball
... unedue and payable by tho first day of
October of each year, and any taxpayer who
shall neglect or refuse to pay Midi taxcN by
tho 20th tiny of Dec tnberof eacli year, nhafl
bo entered upon tho list of Uefaul ers and
th* Clerk and Treoanrcr ihall forthwith, a*
early hm practicable. Isnuo execution against
such taxpayer for liiu unpaid tavcN, which
execution shall boar tout iu tho name of the
Mayor and City Council of Americas and be
directed to tbo Marshal, who shall, by levy
and Kale, forthwith collect tho fhmo as pro
vided by law.
hec 3. Ho It farther ordained, that all
ordlnancea and parta of orulnniico in con
flict with ihl^ortllnanccM,be and lhe someare
hereby repealed.
Adopted by City Connell, Aug. VI, 1801.
D. K. hltlNHoN,
Clerk and Treasurer.
An ordinance to repeal rACt*o~i P99 of the
code of ordinances of the city of Amerleus,
and In lieu ther of to prescribe by ordinance
the time when all fax returns stodl be made,
and for other purposes,
Section J, Do It ordained *:nd enacted by
the Mayor and City Councilor Ainericus,
and It 1b herchv ordained and enuctcd by the
iiiitlinrlty of tin* Niime, That from and after
Dio passHgo of tbl4 ordinance see Mon JttWof
the code of ordinal c»*snf tho city of Amerl*
ens, which nrescrlbrs that the Mayor and
City Council of Amerleus sha 1 by resolution
fix the time within which all lax retains
shall be made, an>i cause the clerk and treas
urer to give thirty days public notice thereof,
be, mid the mi* Is nen’bv repealed, and 111
lieu thereof tbo following sect Ion lie enacted:
HHC, 2. Bolt farther enacted and ordained
by the authority aforesaid, That from a* d
after tho nas ag’j of this nrdtr once all tax re
turns shall be made between «he first d*yof
April and the first day of July of each year.
That upon the first day of July of each year
1'sindl be the dr ty of the clerk and treasurer
tochsnhls digest und to proceed tosssa-ss
and tax all unro'urned property as provided
in cecilon 400 of the code of ordinances oi the
bKC. 3. Re It further enacted and ordained,
That all ordinances nail parts of ordlnun es
and resolutions, eon I rary to this ordinance,
be, and tho sume are hereby repealed.
Adopted by City Council, Aug. 21, 1801.
D. K. Bill NHON,
Clerk anil Treasurer.
Dissolution Notice.
eltT.haabMndlwoIvcilbjr mutual consent.
Tbe business Kill bo continent by Mess-rs.
, t. R. Cameron and It. T. L».tl*berry. nnd-r
tha Brm name of Cameron kCanlleberry at
tbe asm, old stand, who nmume all debts
and collect all accounts. Parties wl-oare
indebted to the old Arm are earnestly re
quested to come forward and seitle their ac
counts, as the look, must bo closed up.
Thankmr tbe public for their liberal patron-
re, we iuIc • eontlnuaee of the same.
Upon authority of the mayor and city
louncil at regular meeting assembled. I
-icrroyfpvenotice that on Wednesday, De
cember iOtli next, an election for three'al
dermen. will be held at the City Hall Nt
Amerleus, Ga. The polls will open at 0
o'clock a. m. and close at 4 o’clock r. m
Only those who are qualified to vote for
members of the legislature and who hAve
paid all taxes legally Imposed by the city
will be permitted to vote.
November 18,* 91.
J. B. KKLDEH, Mayn
For Sale tbis Season.
I shall be prepalrod to furnish a high
grade Lump Coal for Grata pur pores, Id
any quantity this fall sod winter.
i Mira i
Old Nick Whiskey
ig tbo best and is noted for its age
and purity, having boon made on the
same plantation over
123 years
without a rival as we constantly keep
four year old
on hand—ship any quantity, so write
for price-list.
. Old Nick Whiskey Co.,
Yadkin Co. PANTHER CREEK,». C-
For Mile by the DAVENPORT DRUG
COMPANY Americua, (la.
We have opem J up a first-class
Yard,nt the Hiamlard Oil Tank, ami solicit
the patronage oi the citizens of Amcricus.
We will furni«h good, dry oak pine or hick
ory wood as cheap as anybody. All wood
sawed to suit pure a ser. Hatisimotton guar-
auieod. Send u* your order*.
Yeoman’s Wood Yard.
Read the following low prices:
7 load* for 15.00.
S loads for UFA.
Hawed to suit purchaser. Call and leave
your orders at onoe.