Newspaper Page Text
I. K. T. B.
Is now open, and if you wish a nice quiet plaoe in which to spend a
pleasabt hour, come to Oambrinus Hall, Ho. 417 Cotton Ave.
That, F. Otlip Galas Groand Hoarl|-
Amerieat reels Peculiar Prldai la
DlatlagaUbed So*
Dina Think* Crisp will Win.
D. WATTS, * #
Wholesale and Retail Groceries
Has come to the front again, and can be found on the corner,
W'atta Building, With an elegant line of fresh
Groceries Confectioneries,
which he will sell at rock bottom prices. Country merchants
will find it to their interest to call and see him when
needing anything in his line.
and plenty of Jugs in the rear, which will be shipped to any
, put of the United States and Georgia.
A ItriLlftiit Success end Splendid
The A. I.. I. has closed!
And it is voted a signal success!
The (air closed its portals last night
after an eight days’successful run. An
auction was the liveliest feature of the
programme, and the articles that passed
under tho hammer brought very fsir
The bsie of cotton was raffled off and
Hr. Lockett threw the highest dice.
The contest for the ring to be awarded
to the prettiest girl wss very ex
citing, and Interest was sustained
to the very end. The con
test was between several of Americus'
loveliest social flowers and their friends
were very enthusiastic in tbeir behalf.
Tiie count of the ballots was very
tedious and requited a long time.
It aoon became evident that the ma
jority of ballots bore the name of Hiss
Kola Lockett, and she was awarded the
ring. Hits Lockett is a very pretty
young lady and claims many friends and
The total raoeipta of the fair approx!,
mates $£00, which will he devoted to
tho purchase of handsome new uniforms,
wbteh will present an attractive appear-
anoo when the gallant soldier boys rally
at the World's Fair In 1803.
A Card,
The ilrst intimation that I had that
Messrs. Hiller, liell and Watts, who are
oandidatos for aldermen, were candi
dates in the interest of any particular
lawyer as city attorney, was obtalnad
from Mr. L. J. Blalock, who has been
mentioned for the office of alderman in
connection with myself.
I had no other information on the sub
ject, nor do I know whero be obtained
his information.
J.' L. Auukktox.
A Card tram Dr. Millar.
In connection with the card of Capt.
J. L. Adderton, I wish to say that my
name is annonnoed without my solicita
tion. if chosen, I will endeavor to do
my duty. Any intimation that I have
made any pledge to anyono, or been
asked to do so, is unqnaUiledly false.
G. T. Mim.kii.
Fine Horses.
We have an extra good load of Marta
and Horses whieh we will sell at ex
tremely low prioes. If taken at otoe.
Call and see' them at Prinoe Brothers’
stables, Amerions, G*.
8. 8. Foiuiiikk & Co.,
It you are going to bay some one a
Christmas present, we ean interest you.
Jamkh Fhickur & Buo.
The Golden Chain will be Instituted
Come oat early. Ally that want to join
that have not done so esn oome out to
night and be examined in the hall.
A Card frm Mr. A. C. Boll.
Any statement made in connection
with my aldermanlo race that any one
has approached me directly or indi
rectly as to any offloe vfithln the gift of
the council Is absolutely and unquali
fiedly untrue and unfounded,
A. C. Bki.u
The fluctuation of opinion makes
result more problematical and gives
keener edge to the curiosity of the lad
ing public.
. The race has substantially narrowed
down to Crisp and Mills, with odds
favor of Crisp, who has steadily gained
ground In the last few days.
Crisp's masterly leadership of
Democratic forces lb off-setting Reed's
iniquitous gag rules recommended him
to the gratitude of all advocates of free
speech and action. Ex-Congressman
Barnes, whose familiarity with the true
Inwardness of the situation is universally
conceded, thus tersely tarns up
whole matter:
Wednesday draw) near and with
comes sn event that is qf the greatest
possible interest to Amerious and her
citizens. The daily papers are read with
anxious eagerness by ail of our citisens
in search of every new phase the Speak
ership contest assumes.
“Mr. Crisp Is undoubtedly the man
for the place,’’ says Mr. Barnes,
possesses all the qualifications for the
office. He Is one of the most even tem
pered men I ever saw, and never loses
bis head in the hottest debates. He has
his presence of mind always about him
and Is always watchful of every oppor
tunity. He is of a judicial frame
mind, and Is consequently well fitted
the duties of speaker. He was univer
sally recognized during the last session
leader worthy of confidence
Against Mr. Mills I have nothing to say
in fset, could say nothing, but Mr. Crisp
is in my judgment the man to preside
over the next congress.”
Amencus is In suspense, and awaits
the result with intense anxiety. It
believed that Crisp w'll marshal bis
forces so effectively, and with bla usual
parliamentary prowess, that all opposi-
tion wlU melt from before him.
We, In advanee, doff our hat to Cbas.
F. Crisp, the next Speaker of the House
of Representatives.
The Blggut Crowd of the
Wheatley A Ansley’a dry goods h'ouse
was jammed and crowded all day yester
day with eager purchasers, drawn
thither by the great bargains this boose
is offering. The speelal sale lasttflpday
and tomorrow, and you will miss i good
opportunity if you fail to call and see
It Is MllS
Therefore, it behooves every
one troubled in any way with
defective vision to nave it cor
rected. Weak eyes, headache
after reading, inflamed lids, or
,or eyes running water after read
ing are symptoms of defective
vision. To anyone sufferin
with cross eyes, near sightec
ness or any symptom of defec
tive vision, we invite them to
come in and have their eyes
examined., We charge noth
ing for examination. Resp.
Thompson & Anderson
Hotel Windsor Jewelers.
Election Notice.
Notice is hereby given that by motion
of the Democratic Executive Committee
oftbecitr of Amerieua, the primary
election, for' Aldermen heretofore, ap-
K luted for Tuesday, November 20tb,
s been postponed until Wednesday
December 2d, 1891.
, Jons Winhsoh,
nov20dtd Chairman Item Ex. Com.
A Card from Mr. H. D. Watt*.
Any statement in connection with the
approaching primary election for aider-
men that I have been approached direct
ly or otherwise in regard to the olty
attorneyship Is utterly unfounded and
untrue. H. D. Watts.
Ladies, have yon priced those novelty
suits st Allen’s sinoe he has marked
them down. They have got to go. Call
Cotton Report.
Aubkicus, Ga., Nov. 80, 1891.
Fallowing is the cotton report in this
city up to date: ■
Received by wagon...'.....
Received by railroad.
Received previously
Total .........
do yon intend making any
fancy work for the holidays? If so, don’t
fail to go to Allen's for your material,
Corrected daily by L. G. Council, ware,
Good middling. 7 1-16
Middling 6 13-10
Low middling 6 9-16
Market, quiet.
Receipts to-day at all United States
ports. . 79,710
Spots, middling 7 3-10
Market, dull.
Spots, middling. .8 1-16
Market, quiet.
Spots, upland middling 4)
Market, dull.
Market firm. Sales, 119,70u.
, Op’g. Cl’g.
Jauuary.... 7.92 7.94
February. 8.07 8.10
Karoh 8.21 8 24
December... 7 74 7.70
“Come across" and look at those
evening gloves at Alloa's in V, 12, 10 and
') button.
Net for Herself.
It gives some women a deep and al
most oppressive sense of responsibility
to be intrusted with the selection of a
pair of gloves or a yard of ribbon for
another woman. “It isn't for myself,”
said an anxious looking customer at the
ribbon counter of a large dry goods
store one afternoon when the clerks
were busiest. “If it wss for myself 1
should know exactly what I wanted and
wouldn't waste any time over it
“Did you say dark or light green rib-
Don?" asked the clerk.
“She said dark, and yet Hot too dark,
•u I don't exactly know what to get. It
1 were going to nse it myself”—
"How would this duT
“Well, 1 hardly know. It seems a
trifle light to me, and yet maybe it
wnnldu’t be. I don't know jnstwlut
it’s to he used for, which makes the mat
ter all the more perplexing.”
"How wide did yon want it?"
"She said from twosnd a half to three
Inches, which is of conrae rather indefi
nite It's for a friend of mine living in
M —, and she simply wrote for a yard
of dark giron ribbon, from two and a
half to three inches wide, at from thirty
to forty cents a yard, and I am puzzled
to know just what to get. If It were for
'Vou didn't want satin riblmnr
'She didn't say, and 1 don't know
whether to get satin nr grosgrain or wa
tered ribbon, or ribbon with n plain,
corded oi pl’cot edge, or what. Every
thing is so indefinite about it. If I knew
what she wanted it for, or had some lit
tle hint In p. by, or if it were for myself
-but as ft is. I'm entirely in the darit."
"I think, pn the whole, Til better
write and get more definite information
before selecting anything. Yes, that's
what I’ll do, and then i’ll not make any
mistake.”— Vonth's Companion.
The exact nature or thecounecnon w'
tween cyclones and tornadoes is not yel
understood; bnt the distinction between
them is so clear that nobody slumI<I ever
bestow upon one the name that belong*
to the other.
The average French family embrace*
three -members, and the average Irish
family five. In England the average
nuiuber of members of a family is four.
Dr. Noah Webster, of dictionary fame,
was buried in the New Haven banal
ground, a short distance front Hillbonse
avenue, and near the center of the city.
Experiment* at the IBinot*experiment
station show that the beat fertilizer
complete assortment of toilet soaps knotris for land on which wheat is raised
If*. Iissimi’s. is ordinary barnyard manure.
• « - -in
Railroad Commission of Georgia
Atlanta, Ga , Nov. 25tb, ism.
Circular No. 201
Transportation o7 PaSKngere.’’
Whcnevirany pasaenr-r train on any rail
road In this Bta's sball be mote than one-
half ol one hour behind Us schedule lime, It
eball be the duty or said rallro-d company to
bu letln and to keep poste.t at ev. ry tele
graph station elons inline Iff the direction
Id which said train laznlnz. the tin e such
trnln Iff h-btnd Its schedule time, and tho
timeofltaarrival aa nearly as van lie ap
RULE No. in.
Whenever there I*, by reason of accident
j otberwls*. a break}* otiatructlon on any
railroad >n Ibis stale, which will daisy sny
passenser trein on said read. Uspall be the
f uty of said mad to have the same bulle
tined at all stations at and between the said
pasaenzer train and the place so obstructed,
and tbs conductor shall give notlco or laid
obstruction to the pameuzere lu the ears, be
fore leaving the station, and of tbe delay that
1,1 prob*illy be caused by tbe ssme.
Change In Clsssiffcstion.
Syrup (Cane), In gloss, paokeJ, O. It —
Class A, n. It.—Class «
Tills Circular to take effect at once.
By order or the Board.
C. Bit 18C0E, L. N. TRA MM ELL,
Secretary. Chairman.
L.N.TnxitttKLL.t taalrman.t
Vikmii. Rowans, > Com’re.
allen Ft er, >
1. P, Brisco it. Secretary.
Atlanta, Ga., Nov.7th.lWI.
Circular No. 200.
Refunding Overcharges.
Alt ovarebsrges on freight by any railroad
In this Btate snail be retried within thirty
days after demand by consigns* or person
jatylng tbs Height upon Ilia agent at the dt-
1 wnsnenw'an overcharge on freight has
been made on a shipment uver two or more
railroads, oraoy part of two or more roads.
It shall be settled by the delivering road, lr
the orerebarre le made on a shipment to
n*f station, then the demand to be made o
“ agent nt the regular st*>lon to which tbe
—tc was billed.
1 ‘bis circular to take rllect at once.
By orderofthe Board,
C. Buncos,
UNCH cl* KKYH, with round braw*
■owl”ch*ck mnd pi eeof IvoryMttMched,
iwuer cun linv« **»ne l>* cal tiff at Tlinw*-
order office and paying expeuaea. decltf
W Et the self appointed, yet, sincere and careful guardians
of the people’s household expenses, do hereby proclaim
the appropriateness of the Thanksgiving season, and
Whereas, While the immutable laws of Supply & De
mand have reduced the marketable value of our most staple
productions; still, we have been enabled to reduce the prices
on the most staple articles of consumption, and so with the
wail of cotton at yc. (you hear the echo.) Tumblers, 3c. each
—surely for every bitter there is a sweet,-and
Whereas, While the Protectionists of the classes have
increased the duty ou tin over 120 per cent., we the Protectors
of the masses, have lowbred the tariff you have been used to
on tin, and, while ye Custom House officials proclaim duty
increased $2.20 on tin for (comes the echo) “Sweeping reduc
tions on tinware at the Peoples’ Artesian Corner,” and
Whereas, While with these grey and sombre mornings
comes the winters winds, the biting frosts and shivering
shakes, ’till one’s frozen mind almost congeals, and icy
thoughts displace warm regards; still then there is provided
for you all a line of stoves and heaters, whose brightness and
warmth will dispel the dreariest chills of existence and per
vade your being with a warm thankfulness as will echo back
compliments of the season to Artesian Comer Stores, and
Whereas, We have proclaimed the appropriateness of
the season to all, we commend it to quiet thought and
consideration. Be ye thankful for the favors you receive, and
if you are wrong-in doing this; then, we are with you too.
Given under our roof, this 422nd of Lamar street.
Is coming, and wo afo bottor prepared thin over to supply the public
with presents suitable for tLnt happy occasion. Every one buys
somebody a Christmas present, and we have got in our elegant assort
ment, something to please every one, no matter how much or how
little they may want to spehd. In selecting our
wo have not considered dull times, or the low price of cotton, but
have bought a much larger stock than ever before. We will Dot at
tempt to enumerate the mnuy beautiful things we have, but will say
that there is no more complete stock of all such goods ns arc curried
a first-class
House, to bo found in tho South, than we now have open for inspec
tion, and wo most cordially invito every one to call and see what a
handsome stock we have.
Commencing Monday, Decombot 14th, our store will bo open at
night until ten o'clock. We have perfected arrangements whereby
our store will be the best lighted of any in the city, and it will be kept
comfortable day and night. Our facilities for doing business are such
that no house in the country can undersell us. Oive us a trial before
you buy; if we fail to please you either in goods or price, we do not
expect your trade. Goods we sell engraved free.
409 Jackson Street, Americus, Ga.
M. Allen.
E. Taylor.
T. E. Allen.
180 acres cleared; 220 acres good pine timber. Situated in Terrell county,
three-quarters miles from mllroitd station. A great many other bargains.
addreMed MAiuped envelope MIm Flora l».
Jodm, Man'll Bead. lod.. Proprietor *f tbe
'•mougjFlllaah of Ro*c«*’for the Complex*
Beware of Imitator». nov?7 iltt wit
N ICE NewSw-riwm reuldetice near Ei>U*
copal Ctiureb. hmailon given lw-
eambrr Ui. U U Ctt aPMAN,
la tb* Tbomo I
ROOM fa tlx* Ybomte Building, suitable
for gaoUauien’s apartmeuu. ApptjMU
Saw Mill Men, Attention 1
Our special bus!ness Is heavy machinery inch aa,’
and for firet-olaaa machinery, «e defy competition. We are general agent* for
H. B. SMITH MACHINK CO.’S celebrated wood-working machine*, ana can die-
count factory prices. Write for circular of “Farmers’ Favorite" saw mill; it is Ur*
bast on the market. Second-hand machinery constantly on band. Writ* for
prices; w* can save you money.
Perkins Machinery Company,
_ rlatouas Wkffailoe Writ*.
angles* wty