Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, December 03, 1891, Image 3

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cuJWltl ^clOUBT HOUSE AMERICUS, OA. - . ... .-X....-1 -- !—==*» Nice Oak Suits at - $ 25.00 Parlor Suits at, - - 35 >0 ° Plush Rockers - • - 4-°° Side-boards, - $15.00 to $250.00 China Dinner and Tea Sets, - * $7-5° to $75-«> Picture and Room Moulding, Picture Frames, Pictures, Easels, Cords and Hangings—all on a basis of 6c. Cotton. Ud JM jHT .'iLKJit , KfUjfraJUfl LY,[ TIMES^RECORDER: THURSDA Y, DECEMBER 3. lS9 i rr 1 ■ ‘S-ilBli If )fj 1 ■ 1891 WILL .GIVE YOU GOOD GOODS AT THE PRICE OF . 'iiiur M i;i;iif ■>;, Why do the-people with- one voice say that D. B. Hill keeps the best goodp ? BEICAU BE They have used our furniture and it never cracked, blistered or fell down; used our crock ery, china and glassware, and found it as represented; lit our lamps and had good light; used our silverware and sounded its praise; bought our clocks and never got left; bought 1UT , know the old house. Our stock of Royal Worcester, Doulton and Dresden China, Hunga rian, Faience and other holiday goods will repay your inspection. Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes * Suits, BURIAL SLIPPERS AND GLOVES. This branch of, our business is replete with all that is new and RELIABLE. Every improvement has. our pa tronage. Nothing escapes us., EMBALMING done by EXPERIENCED Embalmers. Mr. L. S. Tower will answer night calls. Residence in front of Methodist Church. * P.P.P. CURES SYPHILIS SBSSSSKSIel « p. p, p. Cures scr'ofulA. RRPJlfoDlSOH p. p. p. Cures rheumatism Ud& wtwS '.ystofoTSey ui Um4 k la tm Itapwte w BMWtrwfd trfegulatnies ay CURES IalariaI „ P.P.P. Cures dyspepsiA UfnUI XBOk Fropristors, Brafri.u.Llpcmei'a Block, For tale by the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY, Amertcua, Ga. ■axr.agnsi SSaMSfi um of alcohol or ' 1 Dcprauion, f nunlty and _ fwottoroOW, Jo either m, lai torrhgH,ouMd m Uboao or or.. 'g— ti-wpoo uoa.or , “ U ’ 7 “f* PreP * 1<1 - °° 'mu '• « SSfflSt ij purchaser out written guarantee to THEdSWq BT DHUGCO.IboIo 3 ■_0f tho brain, iKich box con* SI. 00 per box,or '^rarantcrf C«r for PRet of whatever >tnd or flfgreo—Erremal, Internal, Blind HoShSS®’ ^«V Chlon!o ’ ®~* nt 01 ”*?**“?L ibox; 6 boxes, $8.00. Pf'P* 5 ^ ou fooelpt of prioe. of ■«# Dee. AddreVV ' COttnt7,07 °AggPw^co. tin Russian' National Ifyom. ' The great part which the Russian na tional hymn has played In western Eu rope since the French fraternization with Russia hue started- much inquiry about its origin According to the Frank furter Zeitnng. the hymn is nut yet sixty years hid- and was first used for its pres ent purpose under (,'zar Nicholas Wbet- be made his tour in Prussia and Austria, in the year 1838. he was accompanied by Adjutant General Alexei Feodorowitscb Lnoff. a passionate violinist ami a com poser of some skill. The czar was liu pressed by the fact that even - re-.-iHientiil hand iu Berlin and Vienna snrvtwi him by playing the national liyiun <>f their own country.and this was apologized for by the known absence of npy recognized national hymn in the great empire which lie ruled. Nicholas was much impressed by the deficiency, and during bis Tetnrn jonr- ney toward St. Petersburg had much talk with Lnoff upon the subject, and at last ordered him to compose a hymn for the Russian military bands Lnoff here- njsin set music to Schulowsky’s "God Be the Czar's Protector." The Schnlow sky-Lnoff hymn was first played pub licly before the czar on Nov. 28. 1888. and so pleased the sovereign that by a ukase of Dec. 4 of the same year he or dered it to lie adopted as the national hymn of Russia. Lnoff was not only re; warded by the gift of a gold snuff box set with diamonds, but permission was given to him and, bis heir* to adopt the first line of itato hymn as the family motto. Tli® Trtiw Way of Looking at Pulluran. •l.have made a practice all my life,’ said a very successful man. "of looking 0|>nn failures as stepping stones, rnugs on the Indder of life, anything bnt dis couragements When 1 was young and straggling and I met with some unex pected check or disappointment l-wonld say stoicully to myself. ‘Another diffi- culty it behind me,’ and would really feel that the future held just one obsta cle the less in my rood to success ' What a brave spirit is shown in such a view of life—the splendid Anglo-Baidn quality of "nut knowing when one is beaten.' which makes heroes out of oomtnon clay and enables a man to ponqnei "Such a delightful view to take of my spoiled canvases!" sighed a young artist who was an interested listener to his comforting theories, “It Is the only true way to look at things, believe me ■scttirttmaran: becomes, after all, simply a question of degree; and if ws straggle bravely and patiently toward any goal that we place before, so we are bound to advance.”- New York Tribune. Mr. Vanrifrbllt the Richest Hu. One of the best of all authorities on wealth, a gentleman who has undoubt edly robbed shoulders familiarly with a greater nnuiber of millionaires than any other person living or dead, remarked to me that he was sore that Cornelias Van- derbilt bad a larger fortune than any other tenant of this planet. Re was entirely familiar with the riches of the Rothschilds, and knew some of them personally. None of them could match Mr. Vanderbilt in plethora of millions. The scores of millions of Jay Gould and John D, Rockefeller did not equal Cornelius Vanderbilt's possessions. This gentleman, however, did not credit the estimate of John D. Rockefeller's wealth at •125.000.000. He thought it would hardly exceed half that amount.— Blakely'Hail in New York Truth. tlllnd New York Becsars. A rather clever trick which Is success fully done by a number of beggars in this city Is to turn their eyeballs up until they appear to be blind. With their eyes in thu condition they gritil a email. on. some tin cop in mutelj r appealih£' for charity. A few of them attempt to sing, bnt they soon realize that it is too mncb to ask of mankind to listen to t^eiy sing ing and then give them money To do tUs | sacasssfally for any length of time is very straining on the eyes, and - may remit in geuuine blindness. .But some of them have practiced it until it is Im possible to discover by looking at them that they are not really blind.—New York Cor. Chicago Herald. I For Sals. A valuable piece of truck fanning perty can be had by applying to sep23-tf Tux Bank or Sumter. KEEP YOUR BLOOD. PURE. One of the mos'f frequent and insidious causes of bad health Is Impure blood. This disorder of the system does not always manifest itself outwardly by tores, eruptions, eta, qtdte> often the soredess Is altogether internal. The kid neys feel tore, the liver feels sore, the longs feel sore, and a decay seta it that too often ends fatally. It Is mueb more serious for blood poison to manifest it, self Internally than externally. In auoh oases neglect means death, for the vital organa once contaminated grow worse unless they grow better, and they will never grow better unless the proper rem edy Is applied. There is no remedy that equals Dr, John Bull’s Sarsaparilla, as a curative agent in cases of blood poi son. When other remedies miserably fall to give relief, this remedy si way! checks Its terrible ravages, even in in stances of scrofala or syphlllis, and re stores the blood to a state of absolute purity. Large bottle (192 teaspoonfuls) 11.00. A physician of Waco, Texas, writes: “I know a number of instances of severe cases of blood poison being' cured by Dr. John Bull’s Sarsaparilla, no other remedy or trea'meqt being made use of, I consider that no better blood medicine is manufactured. decl d&wlmo J. J. Halliday rode from Ervay to Cas per, Wyo., a distance of 70 miles, In six hours, changing horses bnt ones. He went for a physician to attend a woman who had dislocated her hip. DR. ACKER'S ENGLISH FILLS Are active, effective and pure. For sick headache, disordered stomach, loss of appetite, bad' complexion and bilious ness, they have never been eqraled, either in America or abroad. For sale by Fleetwood <fc Russell, Americas, Ha. In’North Warren, Me., weekly prayer meetings have been held uninterrupted ly for seventy yefirs, without help of any minister, except for an occasional lect ure. The laws of health are taught in the schools; bat not in a way to no of much practicable benefit, and are never Illus trated by living examples, wbloh in y.raset -might easily be done. If ) scholar, Wbo biM just contracted a cold, was brought before the school, so that all oould hear the dry, loud cough and know, Up significance; see .the thin snltaeoaf nk im ithetenfeui as the cold developed,' see watery expectoration and thin watery discharge from the nose, not one of them would ever forget what the first symp toms Df a cold were. The scholar should then be given Chamberlain's 'Cough Remedy freely, that all might see that even a severe cold could be cured In one or two days, or at least greatly mitt gated, when properly treated as soon as the first symptoms appear. This remedy le famous for It’s cures of congbs, colds and croup. It Is made especially for these diseases and is the most prompt and most reliable medicine known for the purpose. 60 cent bottles for sale by W. C. Russell, Americas, Ga. A Colorado man killed a sheep, hung it up and dressed it He was still at work when a mountain lion crept be tween hla legs, polled the mutton down, and although given a good kicking, held ( tt fast and got away with it. What measures are yon taking to stop that cough? Let ns suggest De Witt s Cough and Consumption Cure. It it infallible. The Davenport Drag Com ply. ’ There is a pear tree near Jefferson City, Mo., the fruit Of which one man has bought for twenty years, and during that tjme h^hagpald $800 to'the owner of th e tree. You may cough and cough and -cough lid cough and cough but you will not, It you take De Witt’s Congh and Con- snmption Cure. The Davenport Drug Company. Chicago Is about to add to its attrac tions s steel chimney 260 feet high. A man In Kaaex, Ct., was kicked over a scythe by a calf ana badly cut; a neighbor advised the use of Salvation Oil and the man was as good as new in a few days. 29 cents did Tr. Colognes, extracts, toilet waters and all toilet articles at Dn* Blobuwx’s Tax Notice. The books are now ready, and until further notice I wilt be in my office for the purpose of collecting the taxes from 9 o’clock a. m. to 3 o'clock p. m. every day, except Sunday. J. B. Dunn, ootlO Tax Collector. There is an "Ohio Beauty” cherry tree In the old Bassford orchard in Brown’s Valley, Cal., which bears from 11,006 to 16,000 pounds of fruit every year. The tree Is so large that a scaffolding has to be built around It ss that the cherries can be picked. The Bow of It. How poor, how rich, h5w abject, how august, how complicated, bow wonder ful Is man: and It might be added, how “more to” Is woman. With her pecu liarly delicate and Intense organization, she Is the superlative degree of man. Even In diseases she excels him, having many that he has not. She has, how ever, found out a grand remedial agent for the cure of her diseases, In Dr. Pierce’t Favorite Prescription; a medi cine suited to her nature, made for the express cure of those diseases which af fect her. It is especially effective In all weaknesses Incidental to motherdood, while tt it also a potent rettorattve tonic for the feeble and debilitated generally. Syphilis, Serofnla, Blood Poison and Rheumatism are cored by P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Rootand Potassium). A babe horn recently at Waterbary, Conn., weighs less than two pounds. When born It weighed one pound and two ounces. Its length Is that of common lead pencil. The child, at last accounts, was In perfect health. DO> NOT SUFFER ANT LONGER. Knowing that a cough can be checked In a day, the first degree of ooninmptlon broken In a week, we hereby guarantee Dr. Acker’a English Cough Remedy, and will refund the money to all who buy. take It aa per directions, and do not find For sale by onr statement correct. W. C. Russell, Americas, Ga. It has been calculated that 100 laying hens produce In egg sheila about 137 pound* of ohalk and limestone annually. . Ignorance of the merits of De Witt's Little Early Risers la a misfortune. - ■" — 'ite the liver, cure bad breath, con- The Daren- WfoaBsay was skin we gave karOssteim. Wbw she waeaCMd, ske cried for CsstorU. WhsaAe became Elsa she dong to Gsstorla Wb« the had CStO<3na,ifae gave t If you feel weak and badly take P. P. P., and yon will regain your fiesh and strength. ________ a Two Florida men killed gn alligator and left itnpon the bank. Returning after they found 25 alligators around their dead companion, and soon they carried him into the water and tomo distance from the shore. “An honest pill is the noblest work of Company. The largest gas meter In the world belongs to the Sonth Metropolitan Gas Company of Salisbury, England. It Is about 260 feet In diameter and la capable of bolding 8,000,000 cnbio feet of gas. Our experience covers many lilt, many pills and many bills. Our Ills are smaller our pills are smaller and our bills are smaller when we use De Witt’s Little Early Risers. The Davenport Drag Company.-—~~~ j— ■I 1 v ' _ A French amateur photographer has mounted a camera on a kite, sad gets remarkably clear views from a height of 100 to 150 feet. It is ao established fact that De Witt’s Little Early Risen have an enormous ■ale, and why? Simply because they are in taking and happy in results. A pill for the multitude. The Davenport Drag Company. Pure wines, brandies and whiskies for medicinal use, sold at Da. ELMUDan’s Drag Store. To Onr Patrons; Wo. will collect all bills duo us for job' work weekly. This will malte payments easier for yon, and help us materially, as our expenses are payable weekly. Tides Pudusuino Compant. A physician in Cracow, Poland, has made, some remarkable cures of rancor with a new medicine called cancroln, IU Ingredients have not beon made pub- lio. A trial convinces the most skeptioal. Carefully prepared, pleasant to the tasto. De Wltt’e Congh and Consumption Cure Isa valuable remedy. The Davenport Drug Company. An expert electrlolan assorts that an electric train making 125 miles an hour would require 7,000 feet in whlah to come to a standstill. You don’t want a torpid liver. You don't want a bad complexion. You don’t want a bad breath. You don’t want a headache. Then use De Witt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little pills The Davenport Drug Company. Papier macho oil cans wblob are now befog made are very durable, and Imper vious to any spirit or oil likely to be used In a mschlno room. DOCTOR. ACKER’S RNCUSH REMEDY will atop a Congh in warn night, chock a COM in a day. and CuXZ Consumption if taken In time. IT THE LITTLE ONES HAVE |WHOOPING COUCH OH CROUP ■iMitfmiflr. A BB cent bottle may ■ve their roe. Aek Bur drug gist for ft. Tutei M Sngiish Filial lit Dr.lSST! CURB CONSTIPATION. pIcMfiiV • with ik® !•(___ W. H. BOOKER A CO., U WMl Brotdwmy, H. T. S •■•••■■■••■••••••••■••••••••ofiMatffaMFoaoaMMf For sale by W. C. RUSSELL. GLOVERS OPERA HOUSE ONE NIOHT ONLY, - Thursday, December 3d. Engagement of the Distinguished Actor and Playwright, MILTON NOBLES, With the Assistance of the Gifted Ingenue, DOLLIE NOBLES And a well equipped Supporting Company. A Snperb Scenic Production of “From Sire to Son” Or, IN THE 3HA0QW OP SHASTA. An Original American Flay in four acts, written by Milton Nobles, and now enjoying its fifth successful aeaaon. Reserved Beau tor Bale at usual place. Grand Show Oped In front of Allen House where you can call at all times and find fresh fish of all kinds, oysters received^daily, fruit of all kinds on hand; candies, crackers and cheese, fresh and fine. Call and see ns. Mcelroy bros. AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance to repeal Heel Ion d0*J of the code of ordlnanceH of the city of Amerlcusw and In lieu thureofto fix the time when all city tnxen Khali become due and payable, and to provide for the collection thereof ana for other purposes. HKCTiox 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor ami City Council of Amerlcus, and 111* hereby ordained and enacted by the author ity of the name. That Bectlon MJ2 of the code of ordlnancea of the city of Amerlcun, which preserlbeH that It ehall tie the duty of the Mayor and City Council of Amerlcus. to fix by resolution the time when city taxes shall become due, and lor notlco thereof by the clerk and treamirer be, and the sRine Is. hereby repealed,and la lieu thereof th* fol- lowlny section Is enacted, to-wit: Bxc. 2. Be It further ordalmd by the au thority-aforesaid, that from and after tho pasHinre of this ordinance, all City taxes shall become due and payable by the first day of October of each year, and any taxpayer who shall neidector refuse to pay such taxes by the20th day of tec^mber of each year, shall bo entered upon the list of defaul'ers. and the Clerk and Trenmirer shall forthwith, as early as practicable. Issue execution against such taxpayer for ids unpaid taxes, which execution shall bear test lathe name of the Mayor and City Council of Amerlcus and be directed to the Marshal, who shall, by levy and sale, forthwith collect the same as pro vided by law* Her h. Be <t further ordained, that all ordinances and parts of ordinance in con flict with this ordinances,!*- and the some are *eroby repealed. Adopted by City Council, Aug. 24,1891. I). K. ImiNHON, Clerk and Treasurer. AN ORDINANCE. opeal tec of the cli to prater! „ the time when all fax returns shad l be made, ami for other purposes, Hkctio.v i. Be it ordAlned and enacted by the Mayor and City Council of Amerlcus, and It Is hereby ordained nnd enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after thrpHNHHKC of tills ordlnaiHM Section 3W>of the code of ordinances of the city of Amerl cus, which prescribes that the Mayor aod City Council of Amerieus shad by resolution fix the time within which all tax retnns shall be made, and cause the clerk and treas urer to give thirty days public notice thereof, l»«, and the same Is hereby repealed, and In lieu thereof the following section be enacted: Boll further enacted and ordained y the authority aforesaid, That from and iter the nas-age of this ordinance all tax re turn* shall be made between 'he first d«y of April and the first day of .July of each year. That upon the first day of July of each year It shall lie the ditty «f the olerk and treasurer to cNse hla digest and to proceed to assess and tax all uoreiurned property as provided in Heoiion 400 of the code of ordinances oi the city. Hxc. ft. Be it further enacted and ordained, That ell ordinances and parts of ordinances and resolutions, contrary to this ordinance, be. and the same are hereby repealed. Adopted by City CouncU^Au^.^^801. Clerk and Treasurer. Old Nick Whiskey is the best and is noted for its age and purity, having been made on the same plantation over 123 years without a rival as we constantly keep four year old RYE AND CORN on hand—ship any quantity, so write for price-list. Old Nick Wihskhy Co., Yadkin Co. PANTHER CREEK, N. C- > ABBOTT'S , e £ J» ( corm s ^s rrat^EtroiLY'- BUNtoN&QH^v.'HO • 4 NO WARTS 1 WIJ..... p A |fl For sale by the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY Amerious, Ga. c°. WOOD YARD. iwu,avsuvawHuani wii suia, aqilBll tlic p.lronaca ol the citizen, of American. We will fljml.h gno2, dry enh, j.!ae ui Llok- ory wood uotoeep u anybody. All wood ■awed to Milt pnrenaeer. BMIsiectlen soar- ■meed. Bend laeyooror“— _„ Hart nov.K-St. ' A DUCKWORTH. Yeoman's Wood Yard. Bead the following low yriew: 7 load, ft* HO*, a loads tor IBM. Sewed to uMponbassr. CW1 end leave yoer orders nt once. A. 1. YEOMAN*.