Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, December 03, 1891, Image 7

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THE AMERICAS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER; THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1891. U CHILD BIRTH- - • • • MADE EASY! « Mothehs’ Friend ’’ is * scientific ally prepared Uniment, every ingre dient of recognized value and in constant use by the medical pro fession. These ingredients are com bined in smanner hitherto unknown “MOTHERS’ . FRIEND” • WILL DO all that is claimed foe itANDMORE It Shortens Libor, Lessens Ps.3, Diminishes Dangerto Life of Mother and Chad. Book to “ Mothers ” mailed FREE, con taining valuable information and voluntary testimonials. 6entb*««P"““" ""IP* l"' c * [ l /*J*’£* a * BMOFIEtD REBUtatt* **■•*■**"* *** SOLD BV *1 f- PROOOMTR. GOVERNOR HOGG. HIS TALK WITH A DELEGATION OF COLORED MINISTERS. Tbe Governor of Toaaa ttooolroa n Commit, too of Freoehors of the Colored Methodist Conference nt Hie Offlce-Bxtmet* From Hie Brief Addnee. MliMrilB Jned t wSm «j«jgi;FiiEEii Consultation I went. INYIoj B nw^nbadf Madlesl Institute baa many Iml. •*»5a&TfcSSttfevd**' grateful-comforting EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. "Bv a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operation* or diges tion and nutrition, and by a careful app'lca- tion of the fine pto.«ne« of well-select* ediCoeoa, Mr. Kpps has provided our breakfuat tables with a delicately flavoured beverage * hlch may save us many heavy doctor's bills If. Is by the Judlctoua use « f such articles or diet that a constitution m«y tie gradually built up until strong enough to leftist every te d*ncy of ilseas-*. Hundreds of subtle nmliidbs are Honing around ns ready to attack •» h-rever ther** is a weak point, U« nay m hpo tnunv a fata' shaft by keeping o rst-lves well fortified with p re l»l»od and a nr p«*»ly pcunshed frame.”— civil Service Gazette. .Made al-npiy with boiling wat»*r or mi k- Hold only la half itonml tins by grocers, labelled thus: JAMES EPI ’S A CO., . HotnivoPrtthlc Chemists, Loudon, England. PARKER’8 .Promote* * luxuriant growth. Never Vails to Bcstore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Cures scalp d I ***** hair falling. JOc, aad | t flliat DruglSa l grain speculation practically an Invest ment. Proflis largs and almost certain: loss Improbable. Explanatory letter mailed by Addressing * $5251 etoCiw. >%w%»S4ea»»iiwM } A Household Remedy < lif'dMUtWfr i toning up the constitution, T ssis?-” t SENT FREE 4 BLOOO BALM CO.. JUIaMa, Qa. I| • GOOD NEWS • A FOR THE MILLIONS OF CONSUMERS OF m • Tilths Pills.! •sfeSfffcBSJSSfefcg _ •TINY UVER PUL# Ef'^S'.isTSasaiSsisft StBBSISsS A. *WP» TIXYMVEM FH__ shown lithe bonier iuf thla •*&'- — ••••••##### Dissolution Noticed Ftua TmttM wLu.ra ^ n _ k '"«tbeJubU?f%uS£tttU3‘^u^ Registration Notice. MWo9SSJd"vI5.?fS^S l,lon ofo "y voter, tor b. X«t win 2??vfl Novem, ^ f ;ln ' 1 . * n <l »*" mllivlg5*! , .Ml»t IMUlw until Met- botSiuTVl,. , they will InatrMSSr. Hour, for re.UtrmUun ere o'clockto k m. to 12 m. aa. from i] »“»p.m. D.K. Bhiskh, Non.*.!*!, HU Acstxn, Dec. 2.—Bishop Grant and committee of eight prominent preach, era of the Colored Methodist confer etice called on Governor Hogg at hi* office in the capital. * . The governor, in a brief address, said among other things: "Yon colored people do very well, ex cept when yon go into politics. When yon do that yon generally have some nftan white man to stir yon up and got you into trenble. ” Governor Hogg referred to the peace able and praiseworthy conduct of tbe negroes during the four years of the war when the white men were in the army and their homes and families an- protected; when tbe negroes had the opportunity to pillage, bnrn and de stroy, bnt did none of these things. The governor said that in his own conn ty, during tbe war, there was not a case of incendiarism. The negro had main tained his fidelity to the whites till the proclamation of emancipation. The governor alluded to the lyncliiii; of a negro in Cass county and to his eti deavor to put down mob law in Texit [applause by the committee], and said he would do his part as governor of the state to protect their race in their lives, liberty and property. [Apphtnse.] Gov ernor Hogg counseled the colored people to lay aside . race prejudice, which tlie intelligent men of both races ought ti educate the people against. A colored preacher, recently front Pennsylvania, replied to the governor, saying there might to he no antipathy felt by the negro against tbe white mat and that they ougnt to have the white man's confidence. Uovernor Hogg replied, saying the state was dominated by the Democratic party which had eqnallv divided the school fluid with the negro when it had the power to do otherwise. Addressing the Pennsylvania preach er 1 , the governor said; "When yon gr. back north tell yonr people that the people of Massachusetts first brought African slaves to America. Slavery was a godsend and emancipation was a godsend, because," as the governor he- ieved, "these two events will event ally resnlt in the enlightenment of Africa, which can be done by tbe negro himself better than by tbe white man ” The governor counselled the color, race of the sonth to send all its surplus educated young men to the dark conti nent. That lie believed was the great mission of the southern negro. To Huns for Burglary. Charlotte, N. C., Dec. 2.—Alfred Davis tbe negro now confined in the Mecklenburg connty jail nnder sen fence of death for burglarising the res idence of Mr. John W. Wardswortn gets a few days’ respite. J udge Meures sentenced him to be hanged on Dec. X. His lawyers got np a petition asking Governor Holt .to commute the death sentence to imprisonment for life. This Governor Holt firmly declined not to do. He consented, thongh,,to give tic burglar a respite. Sheriff Smith re ceived a telegTam from Raleigh stating that Governor Holt had decided to gtv- Dawns a respite to Friday, Deo. 18, and that tbe proper papers had been for warded by mail. Whan told the news Dawns stud he wss "mighty glad of it.' Tlie Ladle. Were Mistaken. Jackson, Mich.. Dee, 9.—The ladies the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Hnuover. Jackson connty, I the idea that William Bowermanwa* dispensing real lager beer from bis soft drinks, emporium. He was arrested aad ' ‘brought - before Justice Bur- gm^ charged with violating the liquor law. Eight women, members of the temperance union, were in cnnrt and fonnd ont that the strongest bever- age' that Bowerman had been selling was hop beer. It was adjudged that there was no canse for action. iWOX! F"or Business, Dress and Work. A HIGH IS OUH BID FOB BUSINESS. Our line is large and complete clear through—all sizes, all fabrics, all styles and all prii , Satisfaction t0 an y man with judgment enough to know a real good thin rices. We guarantee All-Round ing when he sees it. CLOTHING! We make most any parent proud of his or her boy. Nothing can do quite as much toward making a lad look neat, wholsome and manly as one of our stylish little suits. No trouble about fits for little and big; we keep them all. Men’s = Furnishing r Goodsi* Our present line of attractions is certainly a credit to the establishment and a satisfaction to our trade. A larger variety or a finer showing of Choice New Novelties and reliable standard goods would be hard to find anywhere. Careful buying enables us to offer that big, solid value for your money that never fails to please. When needing anything in this line remember our F. F. F. F., which stands for FINE FURNISHINGS AT FAIR FIGURES. SkJOHN Western Settler. Win. Wash ini iTOS, Dec. 2.—The court of claims gave judgment for $284,000 in favor of tbe "old settlers," or western Cherokee Indians, in their snit against the United -States to recover money al leged to he one them nnder the treaty of 1848. The New York Chamber of Commerce will rend a delegation to the approach ing session of the legislature, to urge a liberal World's Fair appropriation. jpliii Boyd Thatcher, one of the New York oommiMionen, thinks there is no don l>t that an appropriation of not less than $300,000 will be mai The Kxploslon of a Bomb startles all within hearing. So the which arise from derangement Uver, storascham) bowehr, qnieM; those who experience them.. Dr, 1 Pleasant Purgative Pellets afford speedy and inexpensive cure. Sick head- ache, billons headache, constipation, do, bilious attacks yield “ this wonderful hi Uke Only illet for a laxa- _ table arid per- . »action is prompt and pleasant. Absolutely the best Liver and pleasant Absolutely tbe beat Liver Pill .made. Yonr money given back If bey do not give enUre satisfaction. The ily: pill possessed of such merit as to arrant their being sold on trial! Electricity is now being made to serve for use of headlights on locomotives. Dr. L. A. Guild, Atlanta, Ga., Wm. Sealock, living on my place, had an ugly running uloer on his arm whieh or dinary remedies failed to control. A. a Iaat resort I placed him on a use of B, B. B. and the nicer began to heal at oace, aad effected an entire care. It iv a reme dy well worthy of confidence, norn-lm. The Champion" Clothier and Outfitter ol Southwest Georgia, And Proprietor "Eagle” Shoe Store. R. SH™,^ Americus, Ca. 117 Fortylh Street, 119 Forsyth Street, Notlc* to Advertiser*.' Copy for change of advertisement must Dc handed in at tblsl effloe before 12 o'clock on day before publication. This applies to afl and will be enforced Times Pvnusiitxa Co. July 28,1891, tf. Henry Curtis Spalding claims thst the idea which Greathead utilized In hit pat ents for tunneling really originated in America. Conaclenc., or Wbatt “Conscience dntb. make cowards of ns all," aays the poet. But It Is just so with the nerve*. When a man’* nerve* are unstrung, through indigestion and torpid liver and impure blood, wbst wonder that he feels depressed and ner ; vousi He starts at evsr tittle SfeO'ttjJUClst . liness from the pa licit has beeuto some extent experimental fc -iood-purlfier and Liver Itr This Is the only blood-purifier and liver Invigontor guaranteed to benefit or core, or money will be promptly re funded. It cures Indigestion, or dya pepsin, and from its wonderful blood- purifying properties, conquers all Skin and Scalp diseases, Salt-rheum. Tetter, Eczema and kindred ailments. All blood-poisons, no matter of what name or nature, yield to Its remedial tnflu- enees. Bethlehem, Pa., ha* the biggest hsm- W. H. Wilder, Mayor of Albany, Ga., says be has suffered with Rheumatism for fifteen years, snd Id that time he tried all the so-called ipeclflcs, but to no turpose. His grandson who was on the JAW. Railroad, finally got him a bot tle of P. P. P. Th# firet bottle of P. P. P, showed Its remarkable effects, and after using s short time the rheumatism disappeared, snd he write* be feels like a new men, and takes pleasure In ree- ommending it to Rlieumatio sufferers. Several hundred eagles swooped down on BJelgord, Russia, and destroyed ten horses, several sheep snd a vast number of smaller animals. Dr. John Bull’s Worm Destroy er* taste good snd quickly remove worms from children and grown people, restoring the weak and puny to robust health. Try them. No other worn medicine is so safe and sure. Price 25 cents at drug stores, or sent by-mall by John D Park 4 Sons Go, 175 snd 177 Sycamore street, Cincinnati, O. deol (htwly It I* a fact not generally known that lobsters and several other crustacean* will renew a claw should one be lost In fighting or by accident. We are encoan year’s experience, v Americas, and benceforth we may be classed as a Wholesale and Retail bouse, where the public will be served with tlie best and most reliable products at the very closest prices, from Gc. worth of salts up to any wholesale quantity. Buying now largely, we are enabled to sell closer. We offer a large stock of the following articles: IN CHRISTMAS GOODS. QntjQlass Bottles, all sizes; Plush gopds, ; Leather goods, J> \j\ Toilet Sets in wood, Smoker’^:Set ? s, etc. In Patent and Proprietary Medicines, s. s. s. - p. p. p. B. B. B. C. 0. 0. w. w. o. d. r>. G. Scott’s Emulsion, Brown’s Iron Bitters, Bearsfoot and Sarsaparilla, Lemon Elixir, 2 sizes, Chamberlain’s Eye aad SMn ■ . - JOintaasat.. A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head. Old Chronic Betas, Fever Sores, Kcsema, Hundreds ofceeea have been cored by it after all other treatment had failed. It is put up in Wand *0 cent boxen. King’s Discovery, 2 sizes, Simmons’ Liver Regulator, Cuticura Remedies, . Tutt’s Pills,' Carter’s Little Liver Pills, Derma Lotion, 2 sizes, Stone’s Cod Liver Oil, Horsford’s Acid Phosphate, Barker’s Horse & Cattle P’d’rs Warner’s Safe Cure, Perry Davis’ Pain Kilier, 2 s’zs King’s Royal' Germateur. And many others. In Rubber Goods. Fountain Syringes, holding from pint to one gallon. |A good family Syringe, from 75c. to $2.50. Water * Bottles, holding from a pint to onfc gallon. Nipples, Nursing Bottles and Fittings. in PBRPtraiBB.-s Lunbdrg's Perfumes, Edeina, Swiss Lilac, Lazxsll’a Odors, Persian Bouquet .. Crab Apple Blossom, LaBelle Col-'gne, S sizes, [.Goya Lily. A very large assortment of Pear's, Pel’s and others. Fever Thermometers, Urinombters, Lactometers, ‘‘Old Probabilities,’’ SEED. Garden, Field arid Flower seed, Onion sets. PAINTS. Oils, Varnishes, Colors iri'Oil, l Paint*Brushes. Toilet Articles. Combs, Brushes, Tooth Brushes,Nail Brushes, Face Powders. POCKET-KNIVES, SCISSORS, EYB-OLASSES-KX We bottle very largely colognes, castor oil, turpentine, Bateman 3 Drops, paregoric, laudanum, spirits camphor, ex- i S. 2 Goo. OLIVER, (Hucceiwoni to W. L. Munir SCHOOL BOOKS for any County in tbe State. Blank Books, imtricu BibUi it aeti&l cost. Oxford Bibles, Tuckers' edition. FINE STATIONERY Daily papers, Magazines, etc. Subscriptions for any pa per or publication. Rubber Stamps, any kind, size Pictures, Easles Music. and Sheet ItaiLPrmirieScTttebe*, Bore Nipple* oatemat j urops, paregoric, lauuauuui, apirua caiupuui, cz aadFQes. Uiaeooliag aad soothing, tract lemon, extract vanilla (from best beans) and many othe) ' —’ preparations. We solicit your patronage. Respectfully, 322 Lamar St DAVENPORT DRUOOMPANV. Picture Frames to order and to our, picture-frame depart ment we have just added new machines, glass cutters, etc., also an experienced workman, Satisfaction guaranteed 105 FORSYTH STREET. TELEPHONE, <06.