Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, December 03, 1891, Image 8

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ft TH,g AJlB8JCU8,.UAtLY-TJ.MB^ : RECp^OER: TgyK8B^^.DECEMtfER 3. t89l DRYGOODS Special Cut Price Sale for Thursday, Friday # Saturday. Object is to raise the hard cash, and in order to raise a few thousand dollars the coming week we will offer for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, FOR CASH, the greatest sacrifices in Dress Goods, Domestics, Flannels, Blankets, Hosiery, Gloves, Linens, Curtains, Cloaks, Shirts and Gents’ Furnishing Goods the town has ever known. This is not idle talk. We mean business, and below we present to you u list eloquent with prices. We will pot wait until the season is over and you have made all your purchases, but we make the slaughter right now in the height of the season. Don’t read this and then throw it aside, but come and see what we have got and let us prove to you that we are offering the greatest opportunity of your life. Remember, these pnces are for the Spot Cash. REMNANTS. THOUSANDS OF YARDS. Daring the put few week* the heavy Inroads on oar dress goods .stock has made hundreds of rem nants. On tomorrow morning these remnants will be placed on sale. Among them are a great many pieces containing enough for a dress. We want to clear them out and qet rid of them and they will be marked at prices sim ply ridiculous Don’t miss see ing them. Remember, 'however, when carried out they positively will not be taken back or exchang ed, aa our object In making them so low Is to get rid of them for good. Bedford Cords, Henriettas and Serges. We have them in nearly all the leading shades. One lot Bedford Cords, $1.23 quali ty, at 92Jie. One lot 40 ie , all wool Henriettas, 65o quality at 49c. Entire lot 90o silk finish wool Hen riettas, grand line of shades, 69o. Entire lot of our finest $1 00 and $1.23,46 in. Henrietta cloth at 92'Ao‘. SILK REMNANTS. We will offer a magnificent lot of Black and Colord silk remnants at a tremendeous sacrifice. They run from 6 to 16 yards. They must be sold. The prices marked on them Insures a speedy sale. $1000 in silk remnants at almost half price. Does this offering catch your eye ? It will certainly please your purse. Your opportunity Is now. Special Reduction Sale. TO CLOSE AT ONCE. One lot very superior Black and Colored Faille Silks would be reason ably cheap at $1.23, our price for this special sale, 89o. One lot Black and Colored Faille Fran cal se, $1 25 and 1.30 quality, 96c. One lot Black Gros Grain dress silks, exceptionally fine quality, usually sold around town at $1.76 to $2 oo, our price, $1.19. Tremenduous lot of Rbadames,Ar- mures, Luxors, all to go. Tremenduous lot of fancy Silks to he cleared out regardless of all former prices. Beautiful new Cream Chinas, the 75e quality at 49c., excellant width. SPECIAL! SPECIAL! 100 Dress Patterns, containing 8 yds. of double width flannel suiting, sold heretofore at $3.00 a pattern, will be dosed out at $1 49 per suit. The above are new goods Just opened and bought at a sacrifice. We sold them ouer our counters heretofore at $8.00. SPECIAL. 1000 yds 10c Bleaching,—White Rock Mills—7.'jC. 300 yds Canton Flannel, worth Vi}.;, at 9^'Cv * 200 fine extra large Damask Towels at 16c. One lot Damask Towels ’worth 40e at 25c. Big lot soiled Table Damask rem< nants at big bargains. Beautiful lot Napkins, worth $1.00, at 73c. 1000 yds 38-In. Wool Henrietta cloth 35c quality at 25o. 1000 yds 80c Henalettas at 31%o, 1000 yds 60o Henriettas at 45o. SPECIAL. One lot beautiful quality all wool Tricots, worth 40o at 23^o. Novelty suns. Every suit we have in the house will be offered regaadless of all form er prices. Onr entire lot ot $1.00 and $1.23 46-In Serges will be offered at 89c. Our 85c Serges at 62„*£c. 1000 yds splendid half wool wide Cashmeres, such as a great many houseH ask you 25c for, will be oflfered at 15o. 100 beautiful Cotton Serge Suits, something entirely new, st $1.23 suit. SPECIAL. 600 yds lOe Dress Ginghams, 7)^o. New lot Velvet Cretonnes for Cur tains and Upholstery, 85c quality, at 25c yard. SPECIAL. 50 suits all-wool boltings, beau tiful quality, at $2.19 suit. COUNTERPANES. We have a beautiful Jot, some of them slightly soiled on the edges, otherwise perfectly good, at reduced prices. One lot splendid Spreads worth $1.25, at 95o. One lot $2 25 quality at $1.65. Big lot of Check Muslins will be cleared out regardless. All our Table Damasks at cut prices: 65o quality at 4Do. 76o “ “ 59o. 90o “ “ 760. $1.25 “ “ 980. SPECIAL. One beautiful lot of Ladles’ Kid Gloves, worth 75c to $1.00; will be offered at 69o. One lot of Undressed Kids, new goods and beautiful colors at 63e. Our entire stock of Blarrits Gloves, sold at $1.25, will be offered at 98c, 1000 pairs of Onyx and Heems- ford Dye Blaok Hose, worth 8So to 40c, at 23c. The finest value you have ever seem One lot fast blaok misses’ and boys’ Ribbed Stockings, worth 25c, at 15c. BLACK GOODS Do you want a Black Dres? Our sales in Blaok Goods have been enor mous. We carry the finest stock to be bad in South Georgia. 98c. We have reduced our $1.25 quality Black Broadcloths to 98c. At 49c we show, the prettiest all- wool, 4o-!nch Henrietta In this coun try, really worth 65c. At 59c we offer you a quality worth 760. 69c buys our 85c goods. 75c “ , “ 90c quality. 89c “ *• $1.00 •• 98c “ “ 125 *• $1.12>i“ “ 1.50 At 62}.Jo we will sell our 85c Serge. At 45c we will offer a magnificent line of blaok stripes, worth richly 82^0. Our $1.25 silk warp Henriettas at 980. Our $1.00 Serges, 46 inches, at 89c. Big lot of short length Black Goods at a sacrifice. Cloaks. We are detesmined to sell eveiy Cloak in our house If prices will ac complish it. Though we have sold a great many, the warm weather has been a drawback. We will offer the greatest bargains to be had in Geor gia. Most any garment in our stock at Just a little over half price. They must be sold. Children’s Cloaks. We have too many. Rather than carry any of them over we will sell them at half priee. Bring your chil dren and get them fitted up In a Cloak for almost a song. Children’s Cloaks $1.60 to $11.00. We will cut prices on every piece of goods in this department. We can shew you Cashmeres, Henriettas, Serges, Flannels,'Nun's Veiling, Al- batroesos, Bedford Cords or most anything desired. HANDKERCHIEFS On Monday or Tuesday we will open up and place on sale the great est bargains in Handkerchiefs we have ever had In our house. Beautiful embroidered Handker chiefs, usually sold at 20o< will be of fered at 10o. Better goods at 12>£c and 15c, and at ■ 25c we will show without doubt the choicest goods ever offered in Amerious. Handkerchiefs from 25c dozen to $1.60 each. Magnificent line of Silk Handker chiefs at 25q, worth 40c. Beautiful new Chiffon Heodkercblefs at 62,’^c to $1.23. The largest and eheapest line of Handkerchiefs in South Georgia. Blankets. We have the largest and best line we have ever carried. Splendid gray Blankets at $1.25, worth $1.75. Good gray goods at $1.25, $1.60, $1.76, $2.00 and $260. In white Blankets we commence at $1.16 pair and rnn up to $12 60. At $200, $2.26, $2.60 and $8 00 we are showing splendid values. The prettiest Blankets at $4.98 we have ever had. Buggy Robes have just been added to this depart ment, and the qualities and prloes we are showing cannot tail to please. Big lot of Comforts from 76o to $200 each. Ladies' & Cbildren’s Undervear Women’s splendid ribbed Vests, worth 40c, at 24o each. Lot ladles’ ribbed Vests at 49c, for merly sold at 76c. Beautiful goods At 98c, $1.26 and $1.88. Children’s goods from 25e up. We have a big lot of children’s rib bed Pantalets, odd sizes and broken lots at half price. Some oholce new things in Infants’ Vests just opened. Gents’ Furnishings. We havejmore Furnishing Goods than room, and we will make a tre mendous sacrifice In prices to “re- ducejthe surplus.” We are deter- mlnedjtoeell every piece of Woolen Underwear In our house If price will move them. Gents’ {Undervests, hertofore 65c, will be offered at 45c. 90c quality at 62^o. $1.25 « ** 98c. 1.60 “ " $|,19, $1.76 and $200 “ <> j.49. Remember these are all rresh and new, and cannot ‘{be matched In Americas. 100 pairs gents’ Wool Sox, 40c qual ity, at 25c. Beautiful tans and grays. Night Shirts To be sacrificed. They will be thrown out on the counter and sold from 46c to $1.60 each. No such bargains ever seen here. Our entire stock Laundrled and Unlaundrled Shirts at New York prloes. Reautiful lot of Pleated Bosom Un- laundried Shirts, $1.00 quality at 65c. "Monarch” $1.25 quality at 87^e., laundrled and unlaundrled. Curtains. We have the largest and best stock of Curtains in South Georgia. We want to clear them out and will offer big cuts. Lace Curtains, 8>J yards long, $1.76 quality, will be offered at $1.19. Lace Curtains, formerly $2 00, at $1.49. Lace Curtains, formerly $260to $8.00, at $1.98. Every pair Lace Curtains reduced. Chenille Curtains, formerly $7.60, will be sold at $6.96. $8.60 quality at at $6.60. $10.00 quality at $7.96. $12 and $16 goods at $9'90. $20 goods at $18.89. Big lot Window Shades. Prices way under anybody In Americas. WHEATLEY & ANSLEY, 423 Jackson Street, AmerfGus, 6a. THE SMOKE OF BATTLE HAS LIFTED AND THE THREE LUCKY GENTLEMEN Will Taka Tfcalr Seat lathe Board or Al- - deluxe TfcoinnSot mi e Waterloo For Three, aa AurtorllU For Three—Tho Vote WHEN THIEVES FALL OUT Yesterday dawned bright and fair. XaHy in the morning the clans began marshaling on the streets and the voting began aa soon aa the poll* opened. Up to 1 o’clock only 117 votes bad been polled and no one could form even a reasonable surmise of the probable re sult As 3 o'clock rolled round the voting became more lively and fixed the atten tion of curbstone frequenters. The vote began to gradually climb up towards tho two hundred and fiftieth notch, oulmlnating at 4 o’clock at 273. As the polls closed quite an eager crowd had gathered around In knots, discussing the election and debating the chances ot each candidate. In an hour’s time the managers, Messrs. W. B.F. Oliver, W. D. 8mltb, a J. Graham and T. L. Cranberry, hsd completed the count and announced the result to be: L.J. Blalock, 17$; Geo. T. Miller, 173; W. P. Burt, 189; J. L. Ad- derton, 119; A. C. Bell, *97; H. D. Watts, 87. This means that Messrs. Blalock, Mil ler and Burt are the nominees of the democratic party to suoceed Messrs. Logan, Williams and Williford on the board ot aldermen. The primary over, battles fought and won, let the people one and all pnt their shoulders to the wheel and work, with unfaltering faith, for Americas first, list and forever. - We have more novelties this ■ than ever before. We invite everybody to look them over. Janes Fjuckxr A Vito. Honest Men Will Oet Their Doee-A Teazled Tale. Wesley Thomas and Tneker Green are two black.blrds who are now two jail birds, and unless some streak of fortune favors them they are likely to remain so. It seems that Wesley accused Tneker of stealing some money from him and noti fied Policeman Barrow of the theft, de manding Tucker’s arrest and search. Mr. Barrow found 81 cents concealed on Tucker's person in the toe of his shoe, bat he made an additional discov ery that occasioned the arrest ot both. Tucket- had concealed on hie person a pistol which, when brought to light, Wesley claimed had been taken from bit pocket. % Self-convicted ae be was, be was also put under arrest and both were lodged behind the hare to answer two indict ments by the grand jury, one for carry ing concealed pistole, the other for lar ceny from the person. The Opera Te-alght. Milton Nobles, with hie little wife, Dollie, will be at the opera bones to night It is useless for us to pnff this entertainment. This is his fourth visit to Americas, sad his friends say that be has the best oompany thia season that he ever brought out, and as for Milton, be Isja general favorite, and his quiet, unas suming manner catches the people and pleases them more than any other. Bis play here to-night la "From Sire toSon,” and has the reputation of being the beet of all hie plays. If yon miss this per formance yon miss the event of the sea. Legal Holiday. State School Commissioner 8. D. Brad- well, has appointed Friday, the 4th day of December, aa a legal holiday for all public schools throughout the state, aa arbor day, which we learn will be ob served generally. A DAIRY FARM Is What Americas Is Going, to Have la gfcort Order, Mr. William Hooks of Lee county wilt shortly move to Amerions or vieinlty, and will establish a gilt-edged dairy farm. He will supply an active demand for fresh butter and milk, and will also supply private customers. There ie a ■pleudid field here for such an enter prise, and Mr. Hooks Is certain to reap an abundant success. He will furnish only tbs pure lacteal fluid that is not fresh from the "udder of the earth" as is proverbial of milk sold from milk- wagons. A Lively Levee. Mayor Felder held bit usual morning reception yesterday, and meted out Jus tice to all delinquents. Pete Denegal was the first one to answer roll call, and planked over $4.25 and costa for disorderly conduct Joe Armstrong was put oo the streets for three days In default of the payment of a$4.25 fine. Ellen Black, a soiled dove, was tlao given a pick-axe and shovel, and will be initiated into the mysteries of working the streets. Por Rheumatism, Malaria and Syphilis, P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium) is the beet known remedy, deel-dl2t-w2t ME. CHARLES SEAHAM Recommended by the Grind Jury For Jue- Mr. chae. Graham was recommended by the grand jury for the position of Notary Pnbllo Ex-officio Justice of Peace, to fill the position made vacant by Mr. Waiter Wheatley, who was forced to relinquish the position on account of pressure of legal business. Mr, Graham will doubtless fill the position accepta bly and give as general satisfaction as his predecessor. A full line of library and pedestal lamps and fixtures sold at reasonable prices at Dr. Elddidok’s Drug 8tore. Inspected the Schools. Prof. A. J. M. Bizlen showed the grand jury through the various apartments of the pnblie schools yesterday, and they, as a body, expressed their commenda tion of the system In force. It could not be otherwise, as the building ie the best equipped In the state, and the school grounds are the moet attractive that could be found anywhere. Notice to Advertisers. Businesa connected with your adver tisement! must be transacted only with the Manager at thte office. Requests and instructions to em ployee* either in the offloe or ont ot it cannot be accepted, as they frequently fall to reach the manager entirely. Call in person or send your instruc tions in writing. Bascon M ybick, Manager. For your toilet powders, toilet creams, nd in fact all toilet preparations, call I Dr. ELDRiDors. BEAUTIFUL Cloth tops for Ladies and Misses; Solid, serviceable School Shoes for romping boys and girls. Children’s Shoes, all grades for the little ones. Come to see us whether you buy or not. WILLIFORD, MATTHEWS & CO. 414 laCaon St, Comer under New Hohl, next U Hill', Furniture sure. H auglB-wlyr D. WATTS, ■ * * Wholesale and Retail Groceries Has come to the front again, and can be found on the corner. Watts Building, With an elegant line of fresh Groceries*^ Confectioneries, which he will sell at rook bottom prices. Country merchants will find it to their interrat to calland see him when needing anything in his line. - - ■ i -eciu "WHISKIES BEA-NDIES and plenty of Jogs in the rear, which will be chipped to any • partof the United States and Georgia. SEND HIM YOUR OliDERS. SeptlMAw . ____- REWARD. » forthearrr.t.i peraou not nnU moving or C '^November IS, TL City Tax Notice. . Tlx city taxes arjpow dueJand payable at the office lo New CltyHelL Clerk and November i, 1*1. Im. Lime, Cement, Brick. Plaster Paris. Hair, Laths. For e»le for ceib by A. J- HAM I L, Ml Cotton avenue. New Hem BeONa* erpJMUlJaul