Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, December 04, 1891, Image 7

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THE AMER1CUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDEft: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1891. tTie breakfast table ITEMS OF INTEREST SPECIALLY PRE PARED FOR HASTY READERS. TmwHI.7’* Dolon* In Pnnxant Para* arap^a-Soau Snap Shou by tha K.por- torial Camera-What Waa Oolnp on In Town Told In Briataat Mannar. We «»n furnish you With the finest metallo cases and cloth goods in town. Orders for our new hearse left at store or Prinoa Bros’. Hawkins * Loving. The mayor held bis usual court yester day morning and disposed of two cates of disorderly conduct. Police circles were as quiet as the tomb yesterday, and the “knights of the brass buttons” ware gentlemen of lels- The man who pays more for shop rent than he d >e< for advertising don’t understand bis business.—Commodore Vanderbilt. The various hotel reglsterers show that the volume of transient travel Is constantly on the increate, sometimes as many as four are aaaigned to one room. Mr Will Dudley, Jr., la regarded as the most expert wheelman in Amerlous. He can perform almost any feat on his bicycle, and can make splendid time ae a roadster. The postmaster is still in suspense about the date at which our new postal service will be Installed. He expects to receive instructions from Washington at any moment. The Amerlous Light Infantry la en- thusiaatlo over their chances to attend the World’s Fair in 1803. The b-ys will show up splendidly in their handsome new uniforms. The Sam road has flooded the country it traverses with posters announcing the balloon asoenslon, and this road wilt run excursions on the day the ascension Is made (Saturday.) Mr. Thornton Wheatley moved into his new store yesterday, and spent the day having the goods arranged. Mr. H. A. Harris, the groc*r, has moved Into the store vacated by Mr. Wheatley. The Goorgia editors meet In Macon to day to formulate plans to secure an ex hibit for the World’s Fair from Georgia This Is a difficult and delicate problem and its solution will demand tbe most exhaustive study. Madam Itumor has it that Cupid has played havoc with the heart, of several young men In Amerlous, and that the coming January will usher in three brilliant social events in the shape of three weddings in high life. The net receipts from the Amerlous Light Infantry fair are (307 01). This Is beyond the fondest expectations of the originators and supervisorsof this affair, and shows what pluck, energy and deter mination can accomplish. Tbe local newpaper la a mirro - of the tone, manners, and thrift of the com munity In which It Is published When ever you find a lifeless, shlft'ess news paper there you will find a lifeless, sbiftless people.—Henry Watterson. Dr. Roach, a prominent dentist from Columbus will move to Amerlous In a few weeks and will practice dentistry with Dr. W. P. Burt. Dr. Roach oomes highly recommended and will be a vain able addition to the citizenship of Amer- icue. ■. ■ ; - - The failure of the Macon Brewing Company will not In the slightest effect Oak Hall, which will be conducted In the same gilt-edged style as of yore. The Brewing Company own a share In Oak Hall, hut not enough to affect It In any material measure. Mr. Gardner, the popular manager, says, “Just say that Oak Hall Is as sound financially as a silver dollar, and tbe failure of the Brewing Company will not affect It In tbe slightest.’’ JBull'* Worm Destroy er* taste good and quickly remove worms from children ana grown people, restoring the weak and puny to robust *’“}£• Try them. So other worm medicine is so safe and sure. Price 23 £.* t™? 8 tore*, or sent by mail by John D Park A Sons Co, 173 and 177 Sycamore street, Cincinnati, O. deol dAwly PERSONAL MENTION. , Sunday-School Papers. Call at Dr. Ford’s drug store and get your Baptist Sunday-school papers and “Teachers” to-day. “Wo* happy ! am,” said the man who waited eleven years for a bacy. The bo' Syrup 1 "* 1,lm * f ° r Dr- Bn ' r * Qpngl • ^8 ln to *el' Ton of all the SSu ? fu VS?L nR * we h » re that are suit- able for Christmas presents. Call and tuem fop youraelrea. James Fbickeb A Rno. N«t lee to Advertisers. Business connected with your adver tisements must be transacted only with the Manager at this office. Requests and Instructions to em- P oyces either in the office or out of it ®*nn*t be aocepted, as they frequently re * oh ‘ bB manager entirely. Call In person or send your Instruc tions In writing. Bascom Mvbkk, Manager. Per Sals. d. valuable piece of truck farming P ssnSf.r* 11 **F »PPly>ug to •vpw-ii The Bank or Sumter. ssttliMS? “d wlth the time to *«ttle “that little biU” at Db. Zldblpbe’s. The Americas Jewelry Company has tbe largest work department In this part of the state. Three first-class jewelers are in charge of tbe repair department, and all work promptly delivered and done in first-class style. - Hr. Cell Lowe of Atlanta Is In tbe olty, Mr. W. E. Hawkins returns home to day. Mr. T. Brererd of Savannah Is In tbe olty. Mr. John M Green of Atlanta Is In tbe city. Mr. B. B Minor, Jr., of Ssvannab Is In the olty. Mr. “Bud" Threlklld of Ellaville is in tbe city. Hr. T. L. Trammell of Macon 'Is In the olty. Hr. W. L. Chllder of Savannah Is In the city. Hr. J. W. Haygood of Montgomery is In Amerlous. Mr. W. R. Dexter of Mtdlson, Ga., is In Americas. Mr. J. F. Davis of Dawson was In tbe olty yesterday. Judge Butt of Bueua Vista was In tbe city yesterday. Mr. Jim Lanier will pay Albany a pop call on 8unday, Mr. W. E. Staley, we regret to ohron tele, is quite sick. Mr. B. L Johnston of Smithvllle was In tbe olty yesterday, Mr. T. J. Davla of Dawson was Amerlous yesterday. Hr. H. D. Johnston of Macon arrived In the olty yesterday. Mr. George Rodgers of Sumter City wta in the city yesterday. Mrs. J. T. Argo and daughter are vis iting relatives in Beuna Vista. Mr. Von Sobneider of Meridian, Miss, is visiting Prof. Carl Schneider. Mr. J. W. Warden, a popular commer cial tonrlst from Macon, is in the city. Mr. Walter Wheatley was confined to his room from a slight Indisposition yes terday. Miss Ava Fowler of Smithvllle Is visit ing Miss Hattie Clark at her home on Prince street. Miss Anna Stafford of Barneaville, after a pleasant visit to Miss Alice Wheatley, returned to her home yester day. Mr. Clem Wilder returned yesterday from Raleigh, N. C., where he had been on a visit to his old home to recuperate his health. Hr. R If C. Wenrlch has accepted the position of stenographer to Mr. E. S. Goodman, general freight and passenger agent of the S , A. A M. railroad. Mr. Charles Leamon, who has been In the employ of Mr. Stllson of this city has gone to Amerlous to accept a position with the Americas Jewelry Company Atlanta Herald Maj. W. L. Glessner returned yester day from an extended tour through Ohio and the Northwest, where be has been In the Interest of the deep-water project for the Savannah harbor. Capt P. C. Clegg returned last night from New York, after a prolonged ab sence. Capt Clegg Is welcomed borne by his many friends and admirers, who always regret bis departure. Mr. James A. Rouse, an old Sumter connty boy, but now residing in Sumter- vllte, Fla., Is spendlngsome time with friends and relatives In Amerlous. His many old friendi are glad to weleome blm once more. Hr.-OUIeS Brown,- well-known and popular throughout this section, travel ing for tbe Savannah Grocery Company, Is quite 111 la Us room at tbe Allen House. Mr. Brown’s many friend’s wish him a speedy reoovery. Dr. W. Seward Webb, son-in-law of tbe Vanderbilts, has been black-balled by tbe Union Club. Of tbe 1,200 mem bers of the olub, only two of them are opposed to Webb, yet these two are strong enough to keep blm out. Such 1s the absurd contusion of tbe attempt to make the elub too utterly too top. Men’s, Youths’, Boys’ and For Business, Dress and Work. “Why Tom, you dancing! I thought yon were down with the rbeumathm You look us happy as If you’d ’struck oil.’ ” “So I have you bet. Its Salvation Oil too this time. One bottle made me hopeful, and two sent me back In the New Qoadrille Club Membership—See!” Wendt Wood if % Chambliss Bros, will deliver wood any where In the city, oak and pine, cut any length desired. Orders left at tbelr y, near Central depot,'or at Davis furniture bouse will receive prompt attention. Satisfaction guaran teed. oovl2-sun-tuesAfri-lm. You will usually finu It tbe casd that the man who baa tbe most Irons in tbo fire has a wife wbo bas to furnish tbe kindling.—Atchison Globe. The Bow of It. How poor, bow rich, how abject, bow august, bow complicated, bow wonder- fulls mao: and it might be added, hour “more so” Is woman. With her pecu liarly delicate and intense organization, she Is the superlative degree of man Even In diseases she excels blm, harlug many that he has not. She has, how ever, found out a grand remedial agent for the cure of her diseases, la Dr Pierce’a Favorite Prescription; a medi cine suited to her nature, made for the expraea cure of those diseases which at feet her. It la especially effective In all weaknesses incidental to motberdood, while it is also a potent restorative tonic for the feeble and debilitated generally. A HIGH GMDE AND A EAIfi MICE IS OH® BID E08 BUSINESS. Our line is large and complete clear through—ill sizes, all fabrics, all styles and all prices. We guarantee All-Round Satisfaction to with judgment enough to know a real good thing when he sees it. CLOTHING! We make most any parent proud of his or her boy. Nothing can do quite as much toward making a iad look neat, wholsome 9 and manly as one of our stylish little suits. No trouble about fits for little and big; we keeb them all. *!Men’s = Furnishing = Goods!* .. , - •. . j •• -. ~;mi Our present line of attractions is certainly a credit to the establishment and a satisfaction to our trade. A larger variety or a finer showing of Choice New Novelties and reliable standard goods would be hard to find anywhere. Careful buying enables us to offer that big, solid value for your money that never fails to please. When needing anything in this line remember our F. F. F. F„ which stands for FINE FURNI8HINQS AT FAIR FI8URE8. <*JOHN ■The Champion" Clothier ud Oatlttir ot Southwut Gnrgli, Aid Proprietor “Eagle” Shoe Store. R. SHRiAZ,^ Americus, Ga. 117 Forsyth Stmt, 119 Forsyth Street, Notice to AdvattlMTS. for ehange of advertisement must be handed In at tbls office before 12 o’olock on day before publication. bis applies to all and will be enforoed. Times Publishing Co. July 28,1801, tf. “My olient can clear himself, I feel sure If you only give him time,” pleaded tbe lawyer. And the kind-hearted Judge gave him twenty years.—Somer ville Journal. KEEP YOUR BLOOD PURE. One of tbe most frequent and Insidious ’requi causes of bad health is Impure blood. Tbls disorder of tbe system does not always manifest Itself ontwardly by sores, eruptions, etc., quite often the sorodess is altogether Internal. The kid neys feel sore, the liver feels sore, the lungs feel sore, and a decay sets it that too often ends fatally. It Is mnoh more serions for blood poison to manifest It self Internally than externally. In such eases negleot means death, (or tbe vital organs once contaminated grew worse unless they grow better, and they will never grow better unless tbe proper rem edy Is applied. There Is no remedy that equals Or. John Bull’s Sarsaparilla, as a curative agent In eases of blood poi son. When other remedies miserably fall to give relief, tbls remedy always checks Its terrible ravages, even in in stances of scrofula or syphlllls, and re stores tbe blood to e state of absolute purity. Large bottle (192 teaspooafuls) *1.0°. , A physician of Waco, Texas, writes: “I know a number of Instances of severe esses of blood poison being cured by Dr. John Bull’s Sarsaparilla, no other remedy or tree meat being made use of, I consider that no better blood medicine Is manufactured, deol dAwlmo . A turtle is very siow nnUI be Is made up Into soup. Then we’ve noticed be goes pretty fast _ TIm Kxploilon of • Bomb startles all within hearing. So the Delo» which arise from derangement of the liver, stomaobsnd bowelr, qulokly alarm those who experience them.. Dr. Pierce s Pleasant PurgaUve Pellets afford a speedy and Inexpensive cure. Slek head ache, bilious headache, constipation, indigestion, billoua attacks yield like magic to this wondeif ul specific. Only one tiny, sugar-coated Pellet for • laxa tive doae. Purely vegetable and per fectly harmless. Ths action is prompt and pleasant. Absolutely tbe best Liver Pill made Your money given back If liey do not give entire satisfaction. The >nly pill possessed of suob merit as to warrant their being sold on trial! Klectricity-la now being made to serve for use of headlights on locomotives. GUiWwueuA-, — SteoXqicu* We are encouraged with onr Wholesale business from the pa year's experience, which has been to some extent experimental for Americas, and henceforth we may bo classed ns a Wholesale and Ret-11 house, where the public will be served with the best mid most reliable products at the very closest prices, from Go. worth Of salts up to any wholesale quantify. Buying now largely, we are enabled to sell closer. We oner a large stock of the following articles: IIS’- CHRISTMAS GOODS. Cut-Glass Bottles, all sizes; Plush goods, Leather goods, Toilet Sets in wood, Smoker’s Sets, etc. In Patent and Proprietary Medicines. King’s Discover}', 2 sizes, Simmons’ Liver Regulator, Cuticura Remedies, Ttitt’s Pills, Carter’s Little Liver Pills, Derma Lotion, 2 sizes, Stone’s Cod Liver Oil, Horsford’s Acid Phosphate, Barker’s Horse & Cattle P’d’rs Warner’s Safe Cure, S. S. 8. P. P. P. B. B. B. C. C. C. . W. Wi c. D. D. G. Scott’s Emulsion, Brown’s Iron Bitters, Bearsfoot and Sarsaparilla, Lemon Elixir, 2 sizes, H 5. 2 Geo. OUTER, (HuucfNsoni to W. L. Murdr SCHOOL BOOKS for anv County in the State. Blank Books, Americas Bibits at actual cost. Oxford Bibles, Teachers' edition. Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, 2 s’zs King’s Royal Germateur. And many others. In Rubber Goods. Fountain Syringes, holding from pint to one gallon. A ;ood family Syringe, from 75c. to $2.50. Water Bottles, olding from a pint to one gallon. Nipples, Nursing Bottles and Fittings. I3Xr PERFUMERY, Lazzell’s Odors, Persian Bouquet Special, Crab Apple Blossom, LaBelle Col-gnc, 3 sizes, I Luoborg’s Perfumes,; J Kdeina, Swiss Lilac, [Goya LUy. 1% Xfw and Eflda A oertaln core for Ctaon* Sore Eye^ Tetter, Salt Bbetun, Betid Head, Old Chreoto Bam, Jte*r lend Mamma, Itch, Prairie testate*. Ban Sipple* and Pile*. Illsopotla* and soothing. Hundreds of uaerehTsW stead* Matter*Botter emfctet bad tU ttlaputi iaae**deOo*Bt SOAPS. A very large assortnieut' of.Pear’s, Fel’s and others. THER MOMETER8. Fever Thermometer*, Urlnoiufters, L'lctoiu-Mer*, “01*1 Probabilities." V Y . 8EED. Garden, Field and Flower seed, Onion sets. RAilVTS. Oils, Varntkhes; Colors! in Oil, Paintbrushes. Toilet Articles. Combs, Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Face Powders. POC'CET KNIVES, SCISSORS, EYE-GLASSES. We bottle very largely colognes, castor oil, turpentine. Batemau i Drops, paregoric, laudanum, spirits camphor, ex tract lemon, extract vanilla (from best beans) and many othei preparations. We solicit your patronage. Respectfully, 322 LamerSt. lAVENNITiBBUfl ’CflMPANL FINE STATIONERY Daily papers, Magazines, etc. Subscriptions for any pa per or publication. Rubber Stamps, any kind, size Pictures, Easles and Sheet Music. Picture Frames to order and to our picture-frame depart ment we have just added new machines, glass cutters, etc., also an experienced workman. Satisfaction guaranteed 105 FORSYTH STREET. TEUPH0ME, 106.