Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, December 08, 1891, Image 7

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Adticb so Wownr THE AMER1CUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8,* 1891. ourself Suppressed struation you must use BRADFIEXQ’S FEMALE REGULATOR ) Cinuonum Thl« win certify tU u t-»»jueB’- * “ r , (tom Wenal n<*l brad field regulator co„ ATLANTA. OA. ..... J^JJ SALE BX ALL VBUaOZMXM. MANHOOD! How Lost I How Regained! B TteS*2£dr Medical lujUtota baa man, tat. GRATEFUL-COMFORTING, EPPS'S BREAKFAST. “H** h thorough knowledge of I he natural Ihwk which govern the operation* of diges tion Hint nutrition, and by a cnreMI spp fca- tion of the llnfr p*o erf,tea of wnlLaelect- ed Co#*om, 3dr. Fpps lias provided our breakf-n tables wlIJi h nellral l.v flavoured l>ever-go •* hlch may save ns ninny heavy doctor’s bills It Is »*,v ilia Judicious use « f Mich n'tlclesordlet that a cocstlttulon m«y lie gradiiH'l.v built up until strong enough to icsist every te .t*»n«*y of * I sent*. Hundred* of subtle inal<idi-s are floa Ing around us ready to attack h-revcr there is a weak im>1u(, \/e m»y ea ni>e many a fata’ shaft by keeningo rsi lves well rort'fl*d with p re bl od and a r p«» 'y "• ttrsliM frame.”— I’lVll Her»lcc Oaxette. Made si p«v with imillngwater or tn k. *old only it half nonnd tins by grocers, labelled thus: JAMF.S EP«:*8 * CO , Hoiimcop■*title Chemist*, London, England. ■haIS'P&m Olrsnw* and, ImotiflM U« hmlr.l Irunwte* a luxuriant growth. Newer Tatis to Hectors Gray JOc.awrttl-UJfii Pron;l«tli|jL CONSUMPTIVE ■ grain a,ieculatlon praetl -ally an invest* went. Proll's larg- and almost certain: loss Imnrohit'de. Explanatory letter mat ed by addresr*— .. *j-- — • mil* Ju W. H KING PATRICK THE FIRST. A Wicked S»T»nn»ll S.ftor Who Ha. D*- on. an Oriental P.tsntat.. Twenty year* ago Patrick O'Keeffe was a comparatively poor man, making bis living as a nailer on small vi coasting between Savnunali and neigh boring ports. Today he is a kiug. He is the owner and atisolnte ruler of the island of Nyph, in the Australian groups of the Pacific, almost in the heart of tlm tropics. He would probably be still a resident of Savannah and a poor man, Imt for two tragedies in which be figured as one of the principals. Iu lUOt, as the story is told by an old timer, he was mate of the schooner An nie Sims, which plied between this city and Darien. On the schooner was yonng Irish sailor named Sullivan. He and O'Keeffe were apparently good friends. While near Darien loading lumber the mate was bnildiug a cabin on the schooner and be asked Snllivan what be thought of it. The sailor made a joking reply which angered O'Keeffe, and a fight resulted. Sullivan got the best of it and O'Keeffe went to liis quar ters, and securing a pistol, returned and begnn firing at the sailor. The latter dodged behind the new cabin several times, and finally got np and remarked to O’Keeffe that he couldn't shoot anybody. Bnt lie was mistaken, for tbe next bullet struck him and he died in a short while. The mate was brought to Savannah, and, after a long confinement in jail, was tried and acquitted in .'the United States court, Afterward, while an officer of a small steamer, he had tronble with one of the deck bands and ran him into the river, were he was drowned. These troubles seemed to worry O’Keeffe, und he determined to leave the “States,” ae he termed it. In 1871 be sailed away from Savannah as second mate on an American vessel bound for Liverpool, and when he bade his friends goodby on the wharf he told them that he would never return to Savannah un less he came in his own ship. From Liverpool he shipped to the East Indies, and from there to Hong-Kong. He had saved a little money by this time, and began a small fruit Rnd lumber bust ness between the Pacific islands and Hong-Kong. He was successful, and after a few years secured tbe island of Nyph from tbe natives by u trade of some sort. The island abounds in teak- wood and fruit, and O'Keeffe bought a schooner and brig and started business on a big scale. His vessels ran to Hong- Kong, and he soon built np an extensive trade, which lias steadily increased, nutil now he is reckoned as a very wealthy man. O'Keeffe left behind him when he sailed away from Savannah n wife and a baby daughter, who is now a young woman. For years nothing was hear” of his whereabouts. After he begnn to prosper in his faraway home, however, he wrote a letter and seut money to his wife. He tried to perinutde her aud his daughter to go to him, bnt they wouldn't do it. Regularly twice a year since be sends remittances for their snp|>ort anil keeps np a corres]H>udence with them. Mrs. O'Keeffe and her danghter live on Liberty street, near East Broad, and save all oil {minting of the ling of the ting of Nyph hanging iu their purlor. Besides being a trader of wealth and position, O'Keeffe is the ruler of a large tolony made lip mostly of Malays, who iwear by him.—Savannah News. ii.. es it od st.N.y, DFAF'"“‘™" feSSiCM.s* .., . — IV :--5wlmipigilihiViM. Itht /sroofg free. Iddroa V. IIIM1IX, 053 Ur«sJw.y, XivYirk. t A Household Remedy l FOR ALL $ BLOOD and SKIN i DISEASES Ba Bi Bi I i Botanic Blood Balm SitcurMisr^sss's i atassaasssss J (yitom sirf re storing tha constitution, . «*>••« Impaired tram any cum. Its F •<".«.! •numatnml healing proportlas j i 8EH . T J REE f BLOOD BALM CO.. Atlanta. 6a. g. Altmni Hinging In UiimiIm. What Mine. Alban! related to ber iu- -■rviewer ns one of Iter most remarkable :*{>erieiiees was her treatment ill Russia it the royr.l marriage, where tlm singers, she observed, are all considered as serv ants. “Well,” she says, “It was must strange. We were all put in a sort of balcony which looked down upon the banqueting scene bf low, and as each of onr turns came to sing we went to a tittle opening and sung through it. Wliat amused me was this, that, all the time we were tiyiug to sing our best and pro duce onr notes more effectively,' the clat ter of knives and forks still went on, lind to make ull complete, the singer might he in n most impressive pnsrnge etui right in the midst of it, when, quite re gardless of the. uncomplaining singers, there would be flourish of trnui|iets and somebody would get tip and propose a toast. I was tfiore fortunate thau Mme. Patti, for she was interrupted in the middle of her solo."—London News. Men’s, Youths’, Boys’ and Chil Kor Business, Dross and Work. A HIGH GfiADE AM A PAIR MICE IS OU® 81® FOR BUSINESS. Our line is large and complete clear through—all sizes, all fabrics, all styles and all prices. 'We guarantee All-R0UHd Satisfaction to any man with judgment enough to know a real good thing when he sees it. CLOTHING! We make most any parent proud of his or her boy. Nothing can do quite as much toward making a lad look neat, wholsome and manly as one of our stylish little suits. Notrouble about fits for little and big; we keep them all. *f Men’s = Furnishing = Goods!* Our present line of attractions is certainly a credit to the establishment and a satisfaction to our trade. A larger variety or a finer showing of Choice New Novelties and reliable standard goods would be hard to find anywhere. Careful buying enables us to offer that big, solid value for your-,money that never fails to please. When needing anything in this line remember our F. F. F. F„ which stands for FINE FURNISHINGS AT FAIR FI8URES. UOHN1 shm,^ “The Champion” Clothier and Outfitter o! Soothwett Georgia, Aod Proprietor “Cagle” Sbee Store. 11? Forsyth Street, .»r.„m aci I Americas, Ga, Notice to Advartlsara. Copy for ohange of advertisement muat be banded in at thl* effiee before 12 o'clock on day before publication. Tbls appliea to all and will be enforced. Tlllin PimMSHING Co. July 28,1801, tf. “My client can clear himself, 1 feel eure If you only give him time,” pleaded the lawyer. And the kind-hearted Judge gave lilm twenty yearn—Somer ville Journal. (BLADDER^ Are they diseased? «5-S?IhS .BMU-yoor Ilf.. t - CurtL CUBE CO, ■ BALK BY A ill. ^DRUGGISTS. the DAVKWOKT DRUG COMPANY Americas, Us. • A TdtrgB lllMckflnli. Mrs. T, L. Watson takes tbe prize for htg bluckfish caught in Black Rock 'bar ter this year and for many other yean, also. General T. L. Watson, T. W. Pearsall, Mrs. Watson aud Captain O. Peufield were fishiug Friday off the spindle near Peufield reef. Mrs. Watson was using a light rod, and suddenly her line was struck byA-omething of nunsaal sice. Blie pulled iu till the rod bent nearly double, and then, declining as sistance, {Hissed the roil back, ns the fish coaid not be lifted by it, and palled in at the line “hand over hand.” The line was light bnt ft held, am) she brought to tlie anrfuce ami safely landed in the boat a blackfish, which being taken ashore and immediately weighed, palled down tbe scale at seven pounds plump. Captain Peufield says it is tbe biggest blackfish canglit iu Black Rock barter in ten years.—Bridgeport (Conn.) Standard. Villa* at Han.*. In Kncland. it may be gathered from tbe annual report of her majesty's commissioners of inland revenue that more than one-third of the whole nnnnnl value of and messuages in England and Wales is to be fonhd in London, and more than one- fourth that of the United Kiugdom. Tbe onnnal value for London in 1890 was £39,lS5,S9tl, and for the United Kingdom £188.580,982.—Loudon Tit-Bit*. All In Ills Pnror. Do you everexpect toaneceedin busi ness, writing anch an illegible hand as yon do?" 'Certainly. My contracts are always in my handwriting and they can never be read except as 1 want ’em to go.”— New York Enoch. KEEP YOUR BLOOD PURE. One of the most frequent and insi, causes of bad health Is Impure blood. This disorder of the system does not always msnifest itself ontwardly by sores, eruptions, etc., quite often tbe sored ess is altogether internal. Tbe kid neys feel sore, tbe liver feels sore, tho lungs feel sore, and a decay sets it that too often ends fatally. It Is muoh more serious for blood poison to manifest it self Internally than externally. In such cases neglect means death, for the vital organs once contaminated grow worse unless they grow better, snd they will never grow better nnleu the proper rem edy Is applied. There Is no remedy that equals Dr. John Hall's Sarsaparilla, as a curative agent In cases of blood poi son. When other remedies miserably fall to give relief, tble remedy alwaye checks Its terrible ravages, even In in stances of scrofals or syphillls, and re- storas the blood to estate of abeolute purity. Large bottle (102 teaspoonfuls) *1.00. A physician of Waco, Texas, writes: “I know a number of initances of severe oases of blood poison being cured by Dr. John Bull’s Sarsaparilla, no other remedy or trea ment being made use of, I consider that no bettor blood medicine is manufactured. decl dAwlmo Teacher—George Gazzam, wbat is the meaning of the word transparent? Georglo—Something you eaa through. “Right Now give an example." “A ladder I* transparent "—Harper’s Bazar. You may oough and eough and cough and congb and oongh but yon will not, If you trie De Witt’s Cough and Con sumption Cure. The Davenport Drug Comptny. W. P. Howells will shortly cease to occupy tho “Edltor’e Study" of Harper's Magazine. Ills place will be taken by Charles Dudley Warner, whose knowl edge of men and books and whose criti cal powers are at least equal to Mr. Howells’. R. S. 2 tho. OUTER, siness from the past @Uive/u/ea&~» We are otrcoUraged with our Wholesale business from tho pa year’s experience, which has been to some extent experimental fi Americas, and henceforth we may be classed as a Wholesale and Retell house, where the publio will be served with the host anil most reliable products at the^very closest prices, from 60. worth of salts up to any wholesale quantity. Buying now largely, we are enabled to sell closer. We offer a large stock of the following articles: IJST CHRISTMAS GOODS. Cut Glass Bottles, all sizes; Plush'goods, Leather goods, Toilet Sets-in wood, Smoker’s Sets, etc. In Patent and Proprietary Medicines. King’s Discovery, 2 sizes, Simmons’ Liver Regulator, Cuticura Remedies, Tutt’s Pills, Carter’s Little Liver,Pills, Derma Lotion, 2 sizes, S. S, P. P. P. B. B. B. c. c. c. w. w. c. D, D. o. ; Scott’s Emulsion, Brown’s Iron Bitters,' Bearsfoot and Sarsaparilla, Lemon Elixir, 2 sizes, Stone’s Cod Liver Oil, Horsford’s Acid Phosphate, Barker’s Horse & Cattle P’d’rs Warner’s Safe Cure, Cfauaberlainfe Era ud SUa Ointment A certain core for Chronlo Sore Eye*, Tetter, Salt Steam, Scald Head, Old Chronio Sores, Fever Sore*, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples snd Piles. It Is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of c see* have teen eared by it after all other treatment had failed. It is pat np In 29 and N cent boxes. Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, 2 s’zs King’s Royal Germateur, And many others. Irk Rubber Goods Fountain Syringes, holding from pint to one gallon. A good family Syringe, from 75c. to $2.50. Water Bottles, holding from a pint to one' gallon. Nipples, Nursing Bottles and Fittings. IHXT PERPUMEB Y, Lazzell’s Odom, Persian Bouquet Special, Crab Apple Blossom, LaBelle Cologne, 3 sizes, 1 Lunborg’s Perfumes,! I Edelna, Swiss Lilac, (.Goya Lily. A very large assortment of Pear’s, Fel’s and others. THER MOMElTBiyie Fever Thermometers, Urlnometers,'Lactometers, “Old'.Probabilities,” SEBD. Garden, Field and Flower seed, ,Quicra sets. : MmSh pai]VTS. Oils, Varnishes, Colors in Oil, Paint-Brushes. Toilet Articles. Combs, Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Face Powde.s, POCKET KNIVES, SCISSORS, EYE-GLASSES. We bottle very largely colognes, castor oil, turpentine, Bateman 5 Drops, paregoric, laudanum, spirits campEor, ex tract lemon, extract vanilla (from best beans) and many othei preparations. We solicit your patronage. Respectfully, 322 Lamer St. OAVENraRTHMUfl COMPANY. (Hnccessors to W. L. Mardre.) SCHOOL BOOHS for any County in the Stato Blank Books, American Bibles at actual c:st. Oxford Bibles. Teachers' edition. FINE STAriONERY Daily papers, Magazines, etc. Subscriptions for any pa per or publication. Rubber Stamps, any kind, size Pictures, Easles and Music. Sheet Picture Frames to order and to our picture-frame depart ment we have just added new machines, glass cutters, etc., also an experienced workman. Satisfaction guaranteed. 105 FORSYTH STREET. TELEPHONE, 106,