Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, December 09, 1891, Image 5
THE AM ERIC US DAILY T1MES-KEC0RDEK: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9. 1S91 ON SCHEDULE TIME. THE S., A. A M. ROAD TO INSTALL SCHEOULE ror Both rnlfln and MMpr Service ThniDih to MentBomerr—The Mot *«• Ids* of This Hood LarselJ Increased by Happy Combination*. Thk TiHE»*KKcori»un l» ofllolalljr. od- vised that a regular freight echedule will be tmtailed on the Savannah, Americua A Montgomery on Sunday morning, of course being praotlcally operative from Monday morning. On the Sunday following the Monday on which a freight service will be In stalled a passenger service will be In operation. This Information means much to Americua from a commercial standpoint, iusuring a ready Western outlet and a more satisfactory freight service. The completion of the Sam road into Montgomery occasioned numerous chaugea in the freight rates and accru ing revenue; differences that redound infinitely to the best interests of the road. A glance at the map will readily ae quaint the most careless observer of the splendid advantages reaped by tbe com' pletiou of tbe road Into Montgomery with the excellent terminals secured. A car load or pig Iron (New York Iron) from Americua to Lyons yielded <10 cents per ton; from Doston 08; from llsltimore 04. This is under the service now in force. With the road completed into Mont gomery, Ala , the alteration In freight rates is material, governed, of course, by the additional distance over which tbe freight Is hauled. From Montgomery to Helena Baltimore Iron will yield $1 per ton (2208 pounds); Boston Iron $1.08; New York iron 04 cents. The above statements govern only pig iron. Regarding lumber the rates per 100 pounds from S, A. A M. stations to Helena, Cordele and Americas (western points) is 8} cents; from 8., A. A' M. stS' tlons to Montgomery, Ala., the rate la 0 cents on 100 pounds. Flour Is hanied from Helena, Oa., to Americua, Ga, lrom western points at the rate of 8 2-100 cents per 200 pounds; Cordele,>Oa , to Amerlous from western points T] cents; Montgomery to Americas via Louisville is 20 0-10 cents; Montgom ery to Americas from western points via Cincinnati at 201-10 cents. The immense advantages entailed by ihe new schedule Is too apparent to need commenting on. Tbe Inorease Is due to the extension of tbe road into Montgom ery, thereby affording the Louisville and Nashville a means by which It can reach a port. Meat and lard, from Western points, indicate tbe same ratio of increase, Drain and hay show the same Increase. Naval stores also command higher freight charges. "lie foregoing presentation of the changes involved iu the change of routes, shows that the net earnings of the 8. A. A M. road will be largely in excess of ths earnings prior to the completion of tht western division of the rood. - A tabulated statement of the maxi mum gain per oar load of various com modities shipped over the 8am road can not but be of deepest interest to those who have the good of this road at heart: Maximum' gain per ear load 28,000 pounds, meat 24.75. Maximum gain per car load 24,000 pounds, flonr 15.78. Maximum gain per car load 24,000 pound*, grain 14.04. Maximum gain per car load 24,000 pounds, spirits 18 <10. Maximum gain per car load 30,600 pounds, pig iron 2.05. Maximum gain per car load 24,000 pounds, lumber 6.00. With the Sam finished Into Savannah, we challenge the world to furnish a road that will do tbe tremendous business it must necessarily do—and what Is better the eastern extension Is a certainty, only a question of days and weeks. A 31ATCHLESS MARVEL. THE BREAKFAST TABLE AN AMERICAN GENIUS AND HIS ITEMS OF INTEREST SPECIALLY PRE AUTOMATIC PARED FOR HASTY READERS- Paragon Can New ke Sena aa ths Old Court Homs Square. Go and Baa It. Tsiterdsj's Doings In Pungent Para- xrapba—Some Snap 8hote by ths Bapor- torial Camara -What Was Going on In Town Told In Briofsst Manner. In the year 1872, In tbe town of War-1 saw, Illinois, Mr. J. B. Miller, even then an old man, began the construction of what is probably tbe greatest triumph In numbers we will botd'y sing. In numbeia we will lisp; Until the welkin ell will rtof. Of Criap-Ch tries F. Cr'sp. in tbe way of a mechanical performance I We can furnish you with the finest that has enriched the whlwemenU of ,mI 0, . 0tb *7’* to,rn - ancient or modem man-hl. .. CIty of Pfhe,roe left at store or Jerusalem” In the time of Jesus. | Mne* Brea’. Hawkins A Loving Seats are now on sale for Social Ses sion. Don't fall to purchase your seats to- For twelve years this patient, endur ing man ' wrought with steady and an falling zeal to complete this model of automatlo Inspiration. - In 1884 it was I day fur Social Session finished and placed on exhibition, and! The first car load of oranges from wherever It has been seen It Is a theme Florida were received yesterday over the of delight and wonder. Sam road, It being now on exhibition in this The mayor stroked the financial backs city, a, reporter took of two d ei| n q Uen u yesterday and re- occasion to sec It last evening. It can- pUnllbed the clty exchequer, not be described. It most be seen to be appreciated. The dishes that were left at the fair In front of the spectator lie.,- as If by thdadtM can be found at Thompson somewhat In the distance, a miniature, * Anderson’s If they are called for. blrds-eye view, In life and movement, of T 11 ® trial of th ® dUhnbers of publ | 0 Jerusalem, tbe beautiful city of David. P®*®® Ust Saturday will have a trial on Thetoweraand great edifices can be I FrId »J »nd Justice will ra®«t®d out to all seen and the student Immediately recog- concerned. nizes many of them. . The temple of The police commissioners mctyestei- Herod, the tower of Antonio, the judg- day afternoon and transacted the regular ment hall, where the gentle Son of QoJ routine business that came up ior con- stood before his accusers, the custom I sideration. dome, end many others are there, and Mlae Rosaline Royal of Brooklyn beyond them all In poetic perspective, I Heights will tender an elegant enteitaln- the hills of Capernaum, the sacred Cal- ment ton select circle of frlende and a vary with three crosses, and further pleasant time Is in prospect still a lurid sunset sky. From all the press notices we see, So- Now, all of this scene Is animated clal SertIon baa not only got tb6 beat with life as It existed eighteen hundred tand and orohest ra on the road, but one yean ago. Over two hundred figures of of tb „ moat Iaugbable ahowi . people, domestic animals and vehicle* __ _ ... , throng the street, or ply their vocations. Mr ’ « thU t*. .a wa This Ma; Interest You Ntw lot ol Country Syriy at 40c Call. Finest Country Jenny Butter at 27|c lb. Recollect that Pickles are very cheap. I would insist that the trade cal and go through my store and see ;he immense stock I carry. It is impossible to begin to give you an idea of the varied assortment kept in stock. I propose to make such prices during this month for the CASH that will astonish the trade tition. I mean to sell the stuff, and have three times the Btock ever before shown in this city. Call and see. Yon trill buy. E. D. ANSLEY, The Grocer. Millln. Mr. Graham speaks highly of both the distinguished gentlemen. Tbe gavel made out of Americas oak that wIUTm forwarded to Speaker Crisp, Call on Thornton Wbeatly In his new •tore, “whether yon want anything or not," and see what be hat to ahow you. ■ ■ * IS Now Is the season to plant your onions. Call at Dr. Eldridge’s and buy your sets. and archways of that God-built plaoe, with Its people! Pharisees and Jews, nobles and plebians, scribes and doctors, all are brought to life. Moet beautifully the miracle of the °*° •» ***0 to-day from nine to two widow’s son Is given. From tbe gate of ln «*o show window of Mr. Chas. tbe city you see emerging at early morn- Pricker. Ing the holy band, Christ and the disci- Tbe bioycle boys are quietly canvass- pies—the betrayer walks behind with a ing the town for the tournament and bag of silver. Tliey approach the littlo they are absolutely determined to have city of far-off Naln; then the gates open it and equally aa resolved to make it (lowly and a funeral cortege comes out brilliant success. On a bier borne by four men Ilea the Little Clifford Mize, the nine-year-old widow's son and behind ,'ollows the for- daughter of Mr. J. W. Mize ha* abont lorn mother. Christ is seen to raise his I recovered from the effect of her narrow hand and tho procession stops, the bier escape from death by suffocation from lowered, tbe dead son slowly rites, swallowing a peaeh stone, stands uponhls feot, and Is received Into Kr cb „ j 0r ah*m received his ap his mother, arms. Then tbe sad tolling polntroent u notary of pub „ 0 e x-offloiO cease, and silver bells of Joy ring out Jugtlce of Peaoe from the Governor yes- uponthe car as Jesus and tha twelve will assume tho active dls- disappear through another archway. I c f, arge 0 f the functions devolving on him ln one place we see a blacksmith at L !mmed | ateIyi work, some workmen with tools, a pot- . . . , _ . tor turning his wheel with Ms footed I . Tb * ^cus. 'i*® 1 ? Company yd a woman draw, waterfroma well, while J *““ B ™’ had e, ?»"‘ dl " a cow puts down her head and mm. to *•■»•*“ the t ,r ye,terd £’ drink from th. trough. Christ, wlth compliment*^ to Crisp. Th.y were h. Mary and Martha maybe seen in another ot f ®">® plaoe, Mary sitting at bis feet, while Martha passes busily about at though intent on household duties. of the street Mr. J. W. Mize yesterday purchased th* saloon of Mr. W. T. Ragan, the price And all this Is no picture. It Is me- P»* d b ® ,n « W* 0 ? 0 ’ Hr> **!*•’“* k ® chanlcal work—true to life and move ment. many Interior changes and will oontlnue to keep tbe saloon and restaurant np to The interest it enhanced *U the way th ® hl 8 h •‘•ndard of hi • predecessor, through by tbe fact that w*ll-dellv*yed I Doyle, ou tho Savannah A Western, and very sernpalous lectures are given with only one store and about a half by the Misses Miller, daughters of the dozen Inhabitants, celebrated Crisp’s builder, while the images pass and le - eleotlon with appropriate festivities. An pass. * anvil answered the purpose of a can- After It has all been seen, and the lee- non, and tin cans that of fire-poppers tore* heard, the wonder inorease*, for | a new social medley was organized by , one then begins to try to conceive bow j Miss Nannie Lou Hawkins the other *° D *’ one man could accomplish so muoli even night that promisee to bocome all the InallfeUme. rage. The club will lie exclusive in Its In tbe front extreme Is tbe figure of a character and will present a variety of canary bird. All at once yon see it interesting features In each of Its social move and poise itself for soog. The gatherings The first seMlon of the dub notes, full and clear, ring oat In suoh I will be hold nt Miss Hattie Windsor's exact imitation of the living bird that | s id an onjoyable time Is In prospect, one Is bewildered at the deception. Vr. Miller spent almost six months perfect- Overcoals. . ... . .... ,, .. I Wo are somewhat overstocked In over- Ing that btrd-not that he could not have eoaU> «n d for the next three- weeks we mode the figure in a few hours, hut the will slaughter prices to reduce the pile. Internal strueture hod to be fashioned to | Call early and jjlck the lot. ruonxToa WntATr.nv. For Sale. A valuable piece of truck farming A Oar Load of ORANGES Just Received. Will sell to our retail trade at wholesale prices. By the Box only, #3.35 To any and every body. fan Grocery k, the perfection grocers. D»S. 5. 91. give the sound. The whole model works with aa astonishing equilibrium and smoothness, and I* moved by electricity. Tbe application and tiroless seal wbioh I property can lwrbad by applying to brought out this perfection of movement w P 23-tf Tub Bask or Suhtkh. cannot be told. The complexity and Since the weather has turned cold you delicacy of tbe whole thing is unsur- will have to wear ‘‘so*.’’ So call and passed. The famous Stmeburr clunk huyour stslolMsfsst hlsoks, from 25 cento to 50 cents per pair. Tiiorbtox WttBATi.av. passed. The famous Stnuburg clock fades into insignificance In comparison. Tbe designer mast combine tbe rarest qualities and gifts of painter, sculptor historian and mechanic. There are 2,000 pieces. Ip jbf model, 400 of which are gear wheel* with 4,000 ' H you are going to bay tome one a cops. Go and tec It, this city of Jern-1 Christmas preeenLjire^can^liiterMtyon. Admission only LY cents; children 10 cento. Open dally foy one week from 1 T« Rpnt to 52)0 and 0:30 to'!> p. m. I O ncnl. ' . -. ■■ I }netlx-rnom house and lob Ilonserwcnl- A GREAT GERMAN PAPER'S EDITOR IV rcplaslered. IazotojKlilfirtcnt, In Amerl- n_ - „w. w fca-g * I cue. PoeaeMlon g iven 15th fc.«*emyer t uut. " ” dec4-3w Fall has come and with It the time to settle "that little bill” at Dn. Elpiuihik’s. Says editorially: “I' received from A. j K. Hawkes, of Austin, a pair of his I Oryx tali zed Lens spectacles, and I mutt sty f was surprised to find them so I transparent and fine. I consider these; IS COMING. Before you buy your presents, call and examine onr stock and not prices. Engraving or Etching on any article bought, done while you wait, tree of charge. Thompson & Anderson Hotel Windsor Jeweler*. GLOVERS OPERA HOUSE ONE NIQHT ONLY, Thursday, December 10. Sprague’s ComeSlags Presenting their latest comedy, A Social Session On* of tbe funniest plays <v*rwrlKea. Re. plete with slnxlnx. dsncuix, and sieclal'le.; a skillful blend Inn of (i.llcfnn. humor, spark ling seenes, melodious song., popular music, brltUIngwith the llvelleetaort of funne .Ito st ion*. Continuous stream nr Isnihr hter train iqoui *tr beglnnlog tosnd. Written for LAU8HINB PURPOSES ONLY! Accompanied by the famous Black Hussar Band nlly uniformed end e’eganllv rendering In BO exquisite manner music never before attempted by any similar oiganltmtlon. Ripruutitivi Travelfug Bandof Amurlca. Under the lendcrshtnof tbe talented young EDWARD E. NICKERSON OUR STAR ORCHESTRA. Our gland parade occurs from Thompson A Anderson's st 2o'eloek, sharp. Prices reg ular. Seats on sale at Thompson A Ander- ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Advertisements will tie Inserted in tht* column st the nt* of On* Oint par Word .(to than FirrXKN CENTS. FOR SALE. fiillK BAPTIHTTent, Flnorins, Etc. Ap. J-.tbTw' *° " r nr AeStf * OWhMfiMA. c *" “ dec5-tf WANTED* 1 ^ KNTLK M AN and wife to either board or \ J rent room. Apply to .MkN.LILMBHLOAN, decO-Mun-wed Near Kplecopal Church. Foil"rknt. V mWO nice roort«, carpeted, fa» and wafer, 1 with privilege of bath tab.^ Nlee«& rooms c?pS?r Ho^Sf ,y w * J * 8LAPP,t¥ !iiS.m A HOUR la the Thomss Bulldlnr, sultoble ft. mrsenUerneu-s spartiueute. Apply^at FOUND. ARE TOLERABLY GOOD, But who wants a tolerably good egg ? And there’* a heap of trouble about a tol erably good stove v; i This season has proven that there is one line of stoves at least that is good (without the tolerable) and they are sold at the Ar tesian Corner. The Artesian Corner Stoves are fitted up with forty pieces of ware, where other dealers only give twenty-six. As usual, you get more and pay less at the Artesian Cor ner. They don’t like it—the “tolerably good” stove dealers—but not only have we cut prices—but they are going to stay out—so say Butler '&■Berry ARTESIAN CORNER, Lee and Lamar Streets. -owP’chtck and pi 'ceofivorysitnclied. wnercsu have mkhic bv calling st Tlnics- tccarder aillce end paying expenses, decltf City Tax Notice. _ wmri ^ uunv9 ^ U1 ,, Tbe illy tax*# art* now due, and payable at spectacles the bent in exi»tence, an<l can j lhco ® c * c,n !,ew l,,jrHl p 1, bkj.nhox, hi^lily recommend them to all those who are obliged to use giasitctt. I be lieve that them® leaves really preserve tbe eyea, and not like no many Inferior and badly ground glaaae* do, Injure the *l£ht. O. Diktzkt., Ed. and I’rop. Texiu, (Garmu) Poet. All eye* fitted and the tit guaranteed nt Drug Store of fc J. Aldridge. novJ.V»un-wed-wk. ext to good character I prize prlntera' ** ‘er Cooper. Clerk and Treasurer. November I, UWI. In Bhdsa, Dafw, Qmijja btairh, Be. For all dleeaftc* of the Bye, Ear, Noae and Throat, consult Dr. W. L. BULLARD, of Co- lumbim, <»a. dee4-ly-.Sp I House To Rent. A desirable residence on Jsrkran street, sfafc.v.«S??sx d ^- tsar Notice of Sale. Will be noId before the court bonne door in the city of Amerb’UM, Mtt., tM-t ween the legal liount of sale, on the And TiiewlH.v in Janu ary next, one hotiM* and lot tu the city of AmerlcuN (it., lituatcd on the mhKIi «lde of Lamar street, on upied by Ihe People’* Nh tlonal Bank. Jno K. Fchnrtdt and others, known aa tbe Coker bulbllnx. Levied on aa the property of F. M. Coker. 8r., to aatliury one city II la lu fa v »r of the Mayor and ‘ Council of americua va. F.M.Cok r, Hi Ca laued for abating a nulMimt t»v Brliiaon. Clerk and Treasurer »». LI>’<!<», City Mi December 4, IMil. Yeoman’s Wood Yarc Read the fottowlnf low Prires, 7 load, forties. ■CHRISTMAS Is coming, nndjwo ore butter prop.trod th in ever to supply the public with presents suitable for tuat happy occasion. Every one buys somebody a Christmas present, and we have got in our elegant assort ment, something to pleaito every one, no matter how much or how little they may want to spend. In selecting our HOLIDAY GOODfSI wo Lave not considered dull times, or the low price of cotton, but have bought a much larger stock than ever before. We will not at tempt to enumerate the many beautiful things we have, but will sty that there is no more completo stock of all such goods as are carried in a first-class ' 1 J‘ 11 V fl' J F w ** JEWELRY AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENT House, to be found iu the South, than we now have open for inspec tion, and we most cordially invite ovaryJone to call and see what a handsome stock wo have. Commencing Monday, December 14th, our store will be opon at night until ten o’clock. We havo perfected arrangements whereby our store will be the best lighted of any in the city, and it will be kept comfortable day and night. Our facilities for doing business nre such that no house in tho country can undersoil us. Give us a trial before you buy; if we fail to please you either in goods or price, wo do not expect your trade. Goods wo sell engravod free. " JAMES FRICKER & BRO., 409 Jackson Street, Americus, Gn. BEAUTIFUL Cloth tops for Ladies and Misses; Solid, serviceable School Shoes for romping boys and girls. Children’s] Shoes, all grades for the little ones. Come to see us whether yo buy or not. , WILLIFORD,JMATTHEWS&CO. 414 Jaekson St., C$mor under Now Hotel, next to Hill’s Furniture Stere. II l27!-^-127!— Although our “cltv fat hem” have* cli*iiK4*<! < numtwr from kll to “127,” oar btt$li !« at th* “Old Ot'll'ihlft’* fctantl where we are b«*tt»*r pr»’purvil|f linn ever to »uppty oar coot . er». Wnenyoa NHKD or WANT tlrut-eliue g«MMlN<loirt tMMl«*celveil but a«K fof“OLDOUM lu fav »r of the Mayor mid Uty BPIUrfU,” YKLJaJ WKTONK,” or "MAKYbW f OLUII" Pure whUkiee. We handle all merles), ve V M (Lb m tor Ifi ihe I...IIh. l.e. H .l.»(il.e WhlllCtM, WlMI fi” * u ** — 1 * the Uadlns brand* of rtn»* WhUklee, Wlnee mid Brandlea. (IMPORTED ROODS A SPECIALTY. !’ ur °I Wl !‘« ?,■*? ::><« nierkct; here ere sinw nf our popu- J^ends; • Auxellcs." -Mnsr-arl." "Tokay." “HuVIxikhi Vest," -Msaerie.” “Hherry." oiia FirfiTisjwli'tjiu tobacco”nl theeexoode |*t Rome at once and enjoy rnn—1» »*- —** 1 BHor good*. Ag«nt« for w j4ouiner . Catch In fM, the ‘•ever folthhtl," ic our nameroat frietrde and ei - * I p • 127 Cotton Avene It-OMf