Newspaper Page Text
V rst e *:
A Great fliortiity!
N consequence of my con
templated removal to the
two large and elegant stores
recently vacated by the Bee
hive and Americus Grocery
Company. I will, during the
coming week and until remov
al, make an
in the prices of all goods.
Now is the time to buy your
suits, either for Men, Youths
or Children, as we will show
you prices never before seen
in Americus. Our great sale of
is now in progress, and we
hope to close out the entire
stq6k f\n /apuajyj^isjjt, if lo^
prfces on good goods consti
tute any attraction.
We have had an immense
trade the past week in Over
coats, but in consequence of
new arrivals in this deparment,
we are still prepared to offer
you a stock that cannot be
equaled in variety, and at
prices that you will be sure to
find agreeable to the times.
We have some special at
tractions in.
We want to close out a big
lot of these before removal,and
will offer at prices that will be
sure to move them rapidly.
Bring on the boys and fix
them up. It is predicted that
we are to have an unusually
severe winter, so 1 give you
good advice: Take care of the
boys’ comfort and save big
doctor’s bills. “An ounce of
prevention is worth about a
ton of cure.
Remember we are closing
out several lines of
and will give you prices never
before seen in Americus.
The above notice on all bus
iness and no buncombe. Give
me a call and you will be con
Thanking you for your very
liberal patronage during the
Fall and Winter season, and
soliciting a continuance of the
of the same, I am, as ever.
‘ihomton M;.
A* the holidays are approaching, and
you wiab to make a friend a present,
bear In mind the stock of tbe Americus
Jewelry Company, consisting of watches,
diamonds, jewelry, silverware and many
pretty things au!table ^ for Xmas pres
Mr. O. II. Curbln of Macon Is In the
Mr. T. J. Ramser of Eufaula Is In the
Mr. J. H. Jordan of Atlanta Is in tbe
8heriff Troy Holder of Lumpkin Is In
tbe city.
Col. Hickey of Lumpkin waa In tbe
city last night
Mr. W. J. Beeland, wife and child of
Macon are in the city.
Mr. J II. Haas, a prominent railroad
man of AUanta Is In Amerieua.
Bishop Keener returned home yester
day, after a short visit to Major Spoer.
Mr. Max Banner, a popular commer
cial tourist of Colnmbus was in the city
Mr. and Mrs W. K. Hawkins are regis
tered at tbo Fifth Avenue Hotel, New
York City.
Judge Battle and Mr. Henry Arring
ton, prominent citlxens of Ellavllle came
over to hurrah for Crisp last night
Look at the beautiful samples of en
graving displayed in onr window this
Janes Fmickeb A Bno,
Tempest I
In last Saturday’s Macon Telegraph,
menUon was made of a salt for IS,100
against the Georgia A Alabama Con
struction Company and S., A. A M. rail
way by Edgewear Bridge Company. On
this salt garnishments were served on
all local banks and all connecUng rail-
toads. The article was read with some
interest In Americus, but the explana
tion soon followed.
It seems some slight differences had
arisen between the parties that delayed
settlement and a suit waa the result
Yesterday a telegram from CoL Hawkins
advised Jhat .all dlffeeeaess kanuken
adjusted' pleasantly, suit has boon, with
drawn and garnishment dissolved.
Free show of artistic needle work on
White Sewing Machine at “The Little
Sewing Machine Man’s,” Deoember 7th,
8th and »th.
Beautiful handkerchiefs at
Thornton Wheatley’s.
A Social Section.
“A Social Session” Is advertised as a
very funny entertainment, and those
who were at Piper’s opera bouse last
evening have additional faith In adver
tisements.. There Is not a single cry In
the whole show. But there |ls a laugh
for almost every line In It. The fun is
of that character which does not require
any hard thinking to appreciate. Every
body laughs and laughs bard. While
the auditors were not laughing they
were being highly entertained with mu
sic and song. The house was packed to
the doors and everybody went home
happy.—Virginia City (Nev.) Territorial
_ -anr ai
lamps and fixtures sola at reasonable
prioee at Da. Eldeidoe's Drug Store.
Ooed Opening for a Uvs Man.
Tbe Farmers’ Supply Company, Ma
con, Oa., want a gentleman to represent
them at Amerieus, Ga, toiell fertilisers
and supplies to farmers on time or for
u This Is a reliable concern, and
the people would be glad to have them
represented here.
Of course It will be useless for anyone
to apply for the position unless they
thoroughly know tbe planters trading
here, and can furnish first-cluss refer-
8ome prominent planter of our county
who la renting out bis land for next year
may fill the bill.
W. H. Wilder, Mayor of Albany, Ga.,
says ho has suffered with Rheumatism
for fifteen years, and In that time he
tried all the eo-calle-l specifics, but to no
purpose. His graiyJson who was on the
B A W. Railroad, finally got him a bot
tle of F. P. P. T o first bottle of 1>. P.
P. showed Its remarkabls effects, and
after using a short time the rheumatism
disappeared, and he writes he feels like
a new man, and takes pleasure In rec
ommending It to Rheumatic sufferers.
Call sad Claim Them.
A number of dishes, fruit a tends, etc ,
were sent to the A. L. I. fair by the
ladles, containing cakes, fruits, etc., and
having no marks upon them by which
they could be returned to tbe owners,
the dlsbea are now at Thompson A An
derson's where the ladles are requested
to call and Identify them as their prop
erty. . .
For your toilet powders, toilet creams,
and In fact all toilet preparations, oall
at Da. Eldridoe’s.
Tbe committee appointed last evening
to davlse plans for the grand demon
stration to bo made in honor of Judge
Crisp will meet at tbe office of Col. Cutis
this a. m. at 9 o’clock.
If you feel weak and badly take P. P.
P,, and you will regain your Husband
A Doctor mho Refused a Fortune.
Dr. Gower, of Brighton, carried in his
pocket a competency for life when be
left the house on Walstugbam terrace
with tbo knowledge of Parnell’s death;
for Parnell died at midnight, and the
doctor could have realised a fortune by
selling the exclusive news of the event to
any Of the richer papers in London or
New York.
It was so’ when Usmbetta (lied at A in
the morning. At midnight he was pro
nounced convalescent. The death watch
of reporters was relaxed. Yet one of
them, a Frenchman, member of n email
Parisian news agency, cuine oat of a wine
shop at early morning and saw a maid
servant running across the grass.
"The master la dAid,”sho culled to
him. He stood there III great |»-rplexity.
To whom should lie sell the news? He
hesitated between the Paris, London
and New York papers. He finally cabled
thus, “Gambetta died at A this morn
ing." The dispatch res ed a New York
office at ten minute s-fore 2. there
being five hours differ- ucolwtween Paris
and New York. HsTI i: onge of accom
panying matter was given to the com
positors, and at twenty minutes past 2
the whole story was on its way to the
The reporter is still living on tbe pro-
ceeda of bis “beat;” and the sensation of
Gambetta’a death was nothing to that of
Parnell.—New York Troth.
Local and Through Schedule in Effect Nov. 22,1801.
Thcj Rat at Dlcken* Tolil Them.
A good story is told at one of the ho
tels here about some of the English di
vines who art in tbe. city in attendance
upon the Methodist ecumenical council
It was noticed that at the hour set down
fur dinner on the card posted iu each
room giving the rules of the house these
English preachers would gather alsnit
tlie doors of the diuing room and when
they were opened would make a wild
rush inside, and to seat themselves husti
ly at the first table they reached and to
begin to cut as quickly as possible.
The landlord was pnxzled to know tin
cause of this strange condnctou the ]h-iri
of his foreign guests. infinity developed
tbe fact that these reverend gentlemen
had before coming over posted them
selves on American customs by reading
Dickens' "American Notes" and "Mar
tin Chnzzluwit.” The scene iu the latter
descriptive of the effect of the hotel din
ner goug causing everybody to quit
whatever he was doiug and make a rnsli
for the dining room lest he should fail
to get any dinner they took as gospel
truth and were governing theirown con
duct accordingly. — Washington Cor.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
raruell'i Brother.
According to an Atlanta paper
seedy looking man. not quite fifty and
wearing a discouraged and colorless
slouch hat, with a suit to match, a
before the bulletin boards in Athuffi
other day to get a gHmpeS ot dispatches
about the death of Charles Stewart Par
nell. The man was John Parnell, a
brother of the Irish ^deader, who hat
spent tbe Utter years of hb life tending
fruit trees on a little farm seventy-five
miles from Atlanta. "1 cannot believe
that he is dead," said he. "Tbe only
thing that iqakes me believe the report
U the statement that he died suddenly.
There were twelve children in onr fam
ily, aix of whom are dead, awl everyone
of the six died suddenly. Our sister
Fanny, who died lost, was fomid dead. In
bed. Charles, and in fact all of ns, are
aubjeot to attacks of nervous prostra
tion, and if be is dead this most have
caused his death. He loved ns all. and
bat a short time ago he wrote me a urns:
affectionate letter."
lUaeSruled Iteixirtln*.
In connection with the snieide of Gen
oral Boulanger, a feat has beeu accom
plished by one of tbe Puris weekly pa
pers which shows to what perfection of
dispatch illustrated .reporting lias now
been brought. On Wednesday, ou the
reception of the news of the general’s
death. The Illnstnitlon sent to Brus-
sets two members of its staff, one a
draftsman, tbe other a photographer.
On Thursday morning these artists had
photographed the genera) lyiug iu state,
as well as the hotel in the Rue Mon toyer.
and had even improvised a representa
tion of the scene iu tbe cemetery. They
then took the train, awl arrived iu Paris
on the same day with all that was need
ed for the illnstnitlon of that day’s issue
of the journal. An interesting detail is
that the proofs of the photographs were
taken aud the artist’s drawing executed
during the railway journey luck to
Paris.—Loudon News.
Kaall'a Fnrst.
From reports it would appear that the
site of Bastl's forge at Grand Pro is no
longer a mystery. Mr. W. C. Archi
bald, while cutting away a sandy knoll
abont two miles west of the village of
Wolfville, came npon what Is supposed
to lie the remains of tbe ancient black-
amltb shop, under abont fonr feet of
soil. Fonndation stones, charcoal and
slag were discovered In Urge quantities,
so nnless the Acadian Grand Pro could
boast of inure than one smithy, this is in
all likelihood the spot where Basil lived
and worked. It looks hs though Wolf-
ville was the heart of the ancient village
of Grand Pro.—Nova Scotia Bulletin.
3 40
4 nr
4 2*
A 23
A 44
A 07
• 1A
• 27
• TV
A 47
5 4010
8 25
• 36 F
7 UU
7 13 F
7 20 F
7 40
7 A*» F
7 A3 F
h 10 F
So. IA
Malta Kx.
fro. A.
A 40 Am
A 60 F
907 F
9 13
9 10
9 i»
932 F
9 46
10 09
7 09 A m
7 80
8 02
8 19
A 38
8 62
9 04 A m
3 46 pm
3 66 F
4 OH
4 liF
4 18
4 24
4 40 F
4 63
6 07
1 30 pm
4 19
4 60
6 21
6 30 p in
10 to
10 20
10 26
is a
10 66
11 <«9
11 19
11 23
11 33
11 ♦»
11 60
12 10*
5 19
3 28
5 33
9 16
A 60
7 02
7 16 •
12 39 pm
7 29pm
l 17 am
A 10
• 30
IS 39 pm
12 49
12 64
1 <4
1 19
1 23
1 20
1 42
1 61
1 67 F
2 06 pm
• 09 ••
7 30pm
7 66
A 06
A 10
A 33
A 40
• 40
A 63 F
9 00 pm
A 00 a ni
I A20F
.....imwi. ... .
....Lcntaa* . .. ..
Loarala Junction..
... Lumpkin . ...
....New Point.
Ar.... America*. ..Lr.
A AO p mill 39 nm l
.. AT....
It 00 pm
a as pm
....Mount Vernon
....Ar ikons Lr..
*—Meal Station.
F—Flag Station.
T40pm ssopss
Gen’l Pass. Agt.
Richmond & Danville Railroad Co.
CorreotiBohedole, No. l, In Effect Sept, «, 1891
eohodnle No. B. taking effect July Mtb, IM1.
No. A I Between Savannah and Birmingham No. A
Dally. via Amerieua, Dally.
740pm Leave.. Savannah Arrive tMam
I ATra in Lyons swam
TZOem Americas, , 700pm
S40am Buena Vleta, ISpm
in 10 e m Arrive .Columbus, Leave S 05
— — — aaas
700n m
Lv. Americus Ar.
, BmUhvtlle "
Bulanin “
MontEomery Lv.
No. 6
'ant Mill
11 S3 am
teat »
710 !*
jut pin
1301 p m
11 ton m
No. 7
410 •*
9 00 era
84U ••
IB* m
|S«> M
710 pro
it? • i
»05 “
*ia ••
0 30
Forfnrther Information relative to tickets, schedules, best routes etc. etc., apply to
A. T. MAXWELL, Agent, Amerioua, Ga. SOL H A AS, Traffic Manager.
JAS. L. TAYLOR. Gen. Pens. Act., ff. H. HARDWICK. Aset Gen’l Pees. Agt.
Ailftntftg Oft.
W. H. URK.EN, Gen’l Manager. K. V. McBKE, Gen’l Hnpt
H. D
WATTS, * #
Wholesale and Retail Groceries
Has come to tbe front oguin, and can be found on tbe corner,
Watts Building, With an elegant line of fresh
Groceries Confectioneries,
The Uta Bunker James H. Mead, of
Sheboygan. Wis., In bU. trill, besides a
bequest of $20,000 for a public library,
left $10,000 for the erection of a hall
wherein tbe boys of Sheboygan may in-
dnlga in innocent oporto and pastimes.
Arnold T. Jahn, who recently died in
Chicago, waa tbe son of Frederich Lud
wig Jahn. the founder of tbe now
famous Turn Vereina and in bio day
one of the greatest of German patriots.
Tha donsity of population in England
la estimated at 498 to the square milt;
Germany, 221; France, 187; the
United States abont 19.
Read onr Christmas advertisement.
James Fhicxn A Bso.
The government propose* to build an-
other timber dock in the navy yard at
Brooklyn, the accommodations of the
other taro docks being insufficient. It is
to ha about 000 feat in length.
Fonr years agoastrsngabirthday pres
ent was received by cbarles Kettleberger,
qf San Francisco. It was a coffin, and
the other day ha waa hailed in it
which he will sell at rock bottom prices. Country merchants
will find it to their interest to call and see him when
needing anything in his line.
and plenty of Jugs in the rear which will be shipped to any
part of tbe United States and Georgia.
Liqpincott’s J ggg
TwentY-F/flh Annual Prospectus.
SmSSkm! ERsvssiraE
32!ii2?.. *15 orc *JP^^“ nslqne noeition
amonxmog»zlne..'irwo" Ike'^iWKe'J 1 ""
dODitrlftlttorltfo. And ht publi bltiga corn-
Piet* novel In ouch number, the mansine
B jfrjwSSS
Tble popular iretu e »M b..
SESffFt-llSMSR' OralUK wtthaowa-
TbWu^r rnT.
nall-t'a eerlee, at
bar or con tribal!
■ftoetQmt and laser working* of vsiloai
*nd at pl*y will be itm and
■ftftAeifcby Daniel L. Dawson. Tbe
tern Iran-
WWlUb. heartily encouraged a*'hereto-
"ritere Rom every eertlon nf the
njantry will be represented in tbe paxes of
uftDiibilsfaed correspondence, will foim a
. A 1 ” 08 !. Articles may be men
tioned. 'Persona) Rmtllortl dr of AbrAham
Lincoln, Andrew Johnson! *Joho*c!* CaD
•.“““dDutUtoetel Lite In Philadelphia
daring tbe Administration of John Adame,
Mrs M 1C W. Hhenrnnd will rontrlbute a
r****"- entitled Collections and Rec
ollections. Toeee will include remlnleeenree
o many- famous pen.-le la “eoeiety,” also
veeedtectlona of tbe Brook Farm I'ommnnivy
and other Interesting data. Leading actors
h»va been engaged to contribute articles
I storm, eaeaya.
for 1FM, In tbe chare ora
■aetehee, poema ate., by well-known wrttm
8-0(1 your enbacrtptton now.
3Seente single Dumber, lue per year.
Lippioeott’s Iigaxloe, Pbiltdelphia.
Will be eold before tbe court bonae door
In the city of A martens. Banner county, on
tbeffretTueedny In January, tool, between
the legal bourn of sale, tbe following deaertb-
^Vlre^O?Vlowitoek», two (3) Boy Dixie plow
stoeks, two (1) barrows. Ova (6) elngte-treea,
one (I) Dow Law cotton plantar, fonr (4) eels
plow gear, onejl) Pitchfork, three (3) weed
ing bote, thirty six (34) iftow hose and
eerapee. iwo (2) eels wagon gear, one (I)
wa«oo and foot (Obrldlee. All levied onand
to be aold ae the property of J. M. Bate, by
virtue or a mortgage it fa leeued from the feu
parlor Coart of Sumter county In favor of
George Stapleton vs. the said J. M. Hue.
TblaNov. 1, IML J.T. 8UMMER8,
Deputy Sber ft.
Faye moat parientif attention to tbe »tylr and quality of hie foot-sear, knowing that
however (aaty la hia aaueml wearing nppni el a p ir of bad abo« n terly nullifiea lie
At RYLANDER* OOPNKR. earrira in .lock a line of Men’a. Ladie’e and Child ran’.
SBOSS, uuequaled in Bootkweet Georgia.
Tbs Latstl Btocks is tbs CtrsbrsM DUNLAP NATS.
Umbrella* and Walking Canes. A Complete 8hoe Bepairing Shop
WUI be rold before the court house door In
the elty ofAmerteue, Sumter eoonly.Geor-
^Oneotwn buyivfpelntrd’black.eidebmreud
rowster spring. Levied ou and to be sold
as tbo property of Mathew and Willis Fewe
to eatlefyoM county eonrt It fa. leeued from
tbe county eourt of Banner, In favor of J. o.
MeAetbnrva.tbo eold Mathew and Willie
Fewa: Property pointed out by J. O. Mc
Arthur. Tbli 41 h day of Wovyiber.JMl.
Deputy Bhenff.
■will be cold before tbe court house door,
In tLe city of Amertcua, Bumter county, Ga,
between tbe legal hours of sale, on tbo first
Tuesday la January, INI, tbo following
described property, lo-wlti
One elngieopen buggy, end apringe, painted
blaek; also one darkeoirell mare, named
Kitty. Levied ou and to be eold a* tbs prop
erty of Wm. A. Wilson, by virtu sofa county
MmAftAffirimM*from the county coart or
lof H. Cl. AvrrA t*. the paid
Ilepuly Hberir.
■Ik, Ul r. ill. n. I.IMUH,
court It fa., Inroad from
Bumter, Iu favor of D.
Wm. A. Wtleon. Tblel
to ebaw cause c
term of tbe Conrt tf Ordinary of
said county, to be betdog the firstMondey
to January next, why eatd petition should
n wunS n {S“£» r S»d offietat elgnalure.
tbfo 8 b day of ordinary.
S£“3?«giA —Wxnsrxn Ct
Will be eold before the court boxes <
e eoerIn
tbs town of Preeton, Webeer oounty, Ga.,
*UlndlvK«Sone-tSi7intereet la tbo follow-
Pickett, end sold to Burke A Matbewe, and
oirof portion Of sold track helm
Wane van eogxvT-
| U rold twfocetoerourt
elVhreanVh ?l»lb'”wrl7t of Web;
and on the
GEORGIA—WansTaa County.
Whereas, B. W. Aven baring filed hl» *P’
pltentlon forletlanof adminletratton WB»
.ba will agues ed,.on tbs estate of Daniel
B naae are therefore to Idtf
all parties concerned, whether klndreo
crcaitora, to *bo* caom on or oofore ***»
jADOAryTUrro of tho court of Ordlfl*J7 ®
•Aid county, to bo bold ©“ *bo flwt Mod J
in JonuAry next, why told petition *bou.
“ Wltneee n mT*"'lSlefal d rieueture, tbU ««
’W?H. COBBY, Ordinary-
day of December, uwi.