Newspaper Page Text
f A lks. About the Alton load lav
and IU Effect*.
St. Loots, Dec. 10.—Mr. William T.
ij^e, formerly prominent in legal
An Kpltomn of Hnpponlnfo (mm Krory
The Spanish government has con'
eluded the details for a loan of 250,000,-
I i-olifical circles In southeast Mis- 000 pesetas. A syndicate of bankers
I • > a ritiren of Lamoasas guarantee to take up the entire issue at
~ur.. but now a citizen or lAmpasM, g,_ the rice to ^public to be 85.
r,, and attorney for the Santa Fe ‘ "
1 . -t th« r.notede recently A London dispatch says: The board
| ^oad, was at the Lacfcde mowuy of tnde nlana % T November show an
is way to Poplar Bluff to ■ join Ms j ncreaja , n imports of £6.710,(KX), and a
i _if e , who is visiting ber father, Dr. O. decrease in exports of £3.350, as com-
I r B irtlett. Mr. League is an enthnsi- pared with those for the corresponding
\ K , x eX an now, and thinks the Lone month last year,
our state will yet sway the destinies of A Petersburg dispatch states that
Union. "It i* no use to talk to Tex- a dispatch from vladivoettck says that
' • lie said, "about dividing our state. I thieves have robbed the government
nnnonulsr subject cannot be treasury of 250,000 roubles. The thieves
A Lnor ® of eutered and escaped from thetreasm
by means of an underground passage.
A Martinsville, Ind., special says that
g, living i
Texxa- accession, congress has no cojr
i.i over the matter, but the people of
Stas can under the law at any time Mrs. W. H. Long, living near High
Jhev see fit divide the state into four Hock, iave birth to a daughter that
they see u .nlendld crotw weighed but one pound. The child is
(tatM . We ; h "” , ha “. ,‘3 perfectly formed and is as lively as a
.odtlieonly trouble with toytantem I ^ pareQt- of tbU mjdget
»Iip nniwrallolud cneapnesi* Ol COttOlt. I HPM | Hnm ami nilinut mnnlH.
ii the unparalleled cheapness or cohou. i arn , n j robust people.
I is a »•"» SSSET* A Z Francisco. Cal special says:
on the Streets of Lampasas at 0 cent* a p^, tha specinl ^nt for
Hound. . . America for the Krupp gnn works of
"While Texas is rich in the prodnets I o erul any arrived hers from Mexico,
of her soil, there is great financial em- received a cablegram from the Krupp
hirrassment through the state, owing coiu|>any informing him that it waa
,7 tho existence on our statute book of probable war would soon be declared
known ss the alien land law, between ChUi and the Argentine con-
: h k r «-d\v the last legiain- federation and compel him to proceed
± ThU*law prohibits alien owner- «o Valparaiso at ones.
•hip'of laud in tne-state and require* | A duel with double-barrelled mkottfuns
n-fnse to renew tiieir loans, although the father of Simms interfered and aid-
drawing 12 per cent Interest. Mort- led his son, Bring two shots at Gorman
irairuia are therefore forced to desperate with a six-shooter. The principals wen*
struts in orderto save tpeir farms aud both severely wonuded, Simms in the
ill uianv cases are negotiating their tide and Gorman in the face and neck,
notes at'a discount of 80 to 40 percent, insufficient fencea and unruly cattle
The district courts of the state where formed the basis of the quarrel
the law has been brought up b»™de- A Madrid dispatch states that a de
clared it unconstitutional, but that-dws p(tch (rom g, n Sebastian, an fihportiuit
not help the situation, “ •'“ Tport In the province of Unipuzuiw, m»
capitalists have takeu a fritfht and mm-. > ha ^ - -
tend if the law la not constitutional f tragedy that I
now it will be made so by subsequent I 2* •
legislatures, as the state is manifestly
. brings intelligent!
has occurred there.
Tha chief of the chancellery depart*
... „ meot of the French consul at Sau Sebaa-
hostjleto them. .._ , , tian shot and killed the French ootisnl.
"Relief was sought by TO** »* MDeepreanx anxde St Sauvenr. He
dnee eastern capitalistsito take up the tbeb ^ weapob , ga i nat himself
loans, but you know And inflicted A wound tluit proved «!•
is, and they wew to think *5^^252 most instantaneously mortal. Ko reason
sz. ., „
(Id ot aShSorHwclil IS. tor So Woekwoan, M at
agricnltoral class, and aery has gone ertek E. Uieckjrennof Lorig Liaud City
^fromaU over the state for a special was1 married to Miss Mamie Korfman
fusion of the legislature to repeal the at the residence af the bride a sister,
ZXSorLtow! g The governor bas so Mrs. Elizabeth Brunnett 225 l*Bevois.
far disregarded the demand, not that avenue, by the Bev. C. D, F Steinfuli-
lie favor?the law, hut became aa extra rer. Tbe bride to a sister of her bus-
session would seriously interfere witha band’a father’s second wife, and her
pet scheme of his excellency brother, Henry Korfman. deputy city
"As you know. Senator Reagan re- treasurer. Is a son-in-law of the city
cently resigned his high office to scoept treasurer. The bride of young Mr.
the chairmanship of the railroad com- Bleckwenn 1* by marriage her husband's
misstou of Texas. This left a vacancy aunt.
in the senatorobip, to bo filled by AP* Houston the Hrund Lodge of Ma-
pointlnent of tne governor, but our | «nus of the state of Texas met in annual
laws provide that in snchcasw the next MM | ob| vrtth the largest attendance
session of the legislatare shall d«t • that waa ever present. Grand Muter
successor to the office. Governor Hogg Bessemberg of the State of TaqanUpu,
is a warm, life long friend of Hon. Mexico, who had coma on invitation
Horace Chilton, whom you know he ap- from Grand Muter Tyler of Texas, wu
pointed to succeed Reagan, mid he ia introduced and spoke through an inter-
very desirous that his brilliant young pre ter. The legitimacy of tha Masonio
fnend shall have the opportunity to don ot fo r of Mexico wu then reonghixed by
the senatorial fcga, which be oould the Masonry of the United Statu for
never do by a vote of the legislature. tbe £ nt time. This will result in a
Therefore, the governor has been deaf benefit to commerce us well u Masonry,
to all entreaties for an extra session. A grand banquet waa given to 600 rit-
Here lately, however, the preMnre hu wiSJ Masons,
become so great that he hu intimated I
his intention of callinir an extra section A Velasco,
Men’s, ‘Youths’, Boys’ and Children’s )
F'or business, Dress and Work.
Our line is large and complete clear through—all sizes, All fabrics, all styles and all p;
Satisfaction to any man with judgment enough to know a real good tn
rices. We guarantee All-Round
ing when he sees it.
hia intention of catling an extra section I » »■*■«»> T “<- spectalaiys; About
in March or April, and it it (wobable be ‘woweeka ago Theodore Haskins, * sou
will do so, ss his friend Senator Chilton
will have then hail a season in the Sen
of the most wealthy man in
oonnty, disappeared. He wore no
shirt or coat, and had no money,
wu presumed he.hsd gone to practice
•hooting. Since. then the anarch for
him hu been unremitting, but without
when bis
We make most any parent proud of his or her boy. Nothing can
do quite as much toward making a lad look neat, whoisome
and manly as one of our stylish little suits. No trouble
about fits for little and big; we keep them all.
omen’s - Furnishing = Gqodsi*
- Our present line of attractions is certainly a credit to the establishment and a satisfaction lo our trade. A larger
variety or a finer'showing of Choice New Novelties and reliable standard goods would be hard to find anywhere.
Careful buying enables us to offer that big, solid value for your money* that never fails to please. When needing anything
in this line icmember our F. F. F. F., which stands fur FINE FURNI8HIN08 AT FAIR FIOURES. ft
Ijohn I shhw,^
Americus, Ga.
"Tit CkMplon” dothitr ind Oitlttir of Southwut Giorgta,
AMI Proprietor “Eigle” Shot Store.
117 Fenyib Street,
119 Foraytti Strut,
Notice to Advertisers,
for ohange of advertisement
must 6e handed in at this office before
13 o’clock on day before publicatio
This appliu to all and will be enforce
Times Fimusuiso Co,
July 28,1891, tf, /
Sir., ti.v.i.o.1 Wore. Ikon when sh. success until a fow d.ys ago when bis
. . headlew body wu found about a mile
Arrived at Lakewood. from hit home in-a dense thicket. There
Lukkwood, H. I., Dec. 10.-It Is la no clew to the thorderera. He waa
learned that Mrs. Cleveland has not, as known to have had two diffiettittea in
wu hoped, derived ml benefit-.from bnt ‘ ho f ,rti, “
her stay hers. She is in fact A Dec Moiueei la., special says; The
I Tbird party pndiibitionisu held a meet-
well u when she arrived,
none is still on dnty. Mrs. Oevaland I ingTerT
takes massage daily and live* alEtoat
exclusively on milk and wine. When
•he and her distinguished husband
drive out Mrs. .Cleveland is mfiffied in
fare, cloth leggings and-wraps and-ber
hnsband'sstrong right, um ia atiber
hack for support. She looks If
ghost, colorless, blue lipped, h _
•Jfd and with shaken cheeks. next fall. Tbe state convention of tbe
Not ••oulis admitted to tbe oottagn party is .set for Dos Moines. The date
Mr. Cleveland sits at tbe window all ttto be fixed by tbe chairman.
nento were i
ctnbe in all parts* f the'ftaST
the coining winter months,
eu to the peerfeof Iowa t
,n The importance of mainl
prohibition party, state and ,ni
as urged u tbs only way to achieve
_ victory for the cause. The object ia to
ow support a national prohibition ticket
CleveUml areawa rlFi&f&S:
mgs, buy at bis desk. The baby.
at- W.aaUA H.r Atftstlao. •JO.OOO Worth,
wrapped to the chin Tnd E&Xk I VaLPanaiso. Ind.. Dee. 10.-Daniel
carnage, ia taken ont each day by her
“ l - ’ IcW'
^ A. Walsh, a wealthy contractor of tbt»
nurse. She seems very fresh and cheer-'l city, hu been made a defendant in a
„•, The stay of the tittle party prom- anit wherein a widow claima that her
«• to extend for a long time to come. | ,^^(00, b. ve been wuted and ber life
blighted with sorrow on account of
Dapiel not keeping bis promises. Some
Abok Her Xluab»nd.
ManvsriLLE, Csl., Dec. 10.-A few I time sgo WaUb’s first wife died, and in
days ago brief mention wag mads of the doe time he began looking for another
the snicide of a Frenchman turned I
LoureusSignoorette, living wear Foe-1 thin^peintod to a speedy and happy
tor’s Bar, a remote camp in the Tuba marriage, bnt for some reason not yet
foot bills. Particulars arrived in a re- explained be changed hia mind, and
torn b, the justice of the peace to the ■ggftgSgg fe “*
county coroner, and ahnw a •>■-» I vejecwu anecHoua an e<«*.
Banned DaeUlaa.
KHOxmut, Tenn., Dec. 10.—Judge
Key rendered his opinion in the com of
McBee eb a)., contractor*, vs. the Mari-
connty coroner, and show a most start
ling crime. According to his , wife's
testimony he had been ailing ’ for some
thne. OnDee. 1 be took a does of
•tiychnine, and. u it did not have any
lmmediatoeffeot, haukedhis wife to,
*?t hia shotgun and shoot him. Thk etta sad North Georgia Railroad com-
ahe did. The gnn would not work at
toAtsfirta'. a a
<lo, but walked soma distance to a cabin
occupied by a man named George and
taffiwtadj^m,tj>sptotherlntba cre
mation. Be would not do it, and noti
fied a constable. When Signoaretto*a
w “ *8* in visited Signonrette wu
pray. A bill wu filed by the oontrac-
given the Central Trast compan
and Marietta and and 'North Georgia
iuddentatiy. The Central Trust corn-
answered, seeking to avoid the
ity against the road. The opin
ion is elaborate, and sustains the con
tractors. It ia now likely that if the
road doe* not pay the contractors an
order of sale \
> obtained.
Crsblc Kolb IodlctoA*
New York, Dec. 10.—An iudictment
liabilities of several millions of dollars, wu formally filed in general sessions
Utoniahed the country. against John George Both, the crank
Geobgk W. Stkwart, of AdAlnville, MtAte Atceut
Sew York t0r th® 8e * Wlepbone, at | JohnHAllof tbe
Bnnop Gaujuieb. of the diocese ef
Louisiana, at NewOriemu!
who fired at Rev. Dr.
tbe Fifth Avenue Presby
terian church. The indictment charges
assault in the first degree. Beth ig still
confined in the position for the !««»■**»
at Bellevue hoepitaL
Helen M. Remington, of San Francis
co, CaL, claims that (he wu the first to
devise the use of threads running
through bank note paper as a safeguard
against counterfeiting.
One of the most frequent and insidious
causes of bad health la impure blood.
This disorder of the system does not
always manifest itself outwardly by
sores, eruptions, etc., quite often tbe
soredeu la altogether Internal. Tbe kid
neys feel sore, the liver feels sore, the
longs feel wire, and a decay sets it that
too often ends fatally. It is much more
serious for blood poison to manifest It
self Internally than externally. In such
cum neglect mean* death, for tbo vital
once contaminated grow worse
they grow better, and they will
never grow MMt onlesa tlie proper rem
edy ia applied. There Is no remedy that
Dr,. John Bull’s Sarsaparilla,
u a curative agent In cases of blood poi
son. When other remedies miserably
fail to give relief, thU remedy always
checks Us terrible ravages, even In in
stances of aerofdla or sypbillls, and re
stores the blood to a state of absolute
rarity. Large bottle (102 tesspoonfols)
A physician of Waco, Texu,
writes: “I know a number of Instances
of severe cases of blood poison being
cured by Dr. John Bnll’s Sarsaparilla,
no other remedy or trea ment being
made use of, ii consider that no better
blood medicine Is manufactured,
deel dAwlmo
Tiny watches are set In tbe tops of
panes of woven gold.
Yon may cough and cough and oougb
and cough and cough but you will not,
if you take De Witt’s Cough and Con
sumption Cure. The Davenport Drag
If yon shave yonrself ’twill pay you to
tray one of those Tower Razors sold at
Du. Bldbiixjes.
Chinese maidens pluck out their eye*
gtnitfuxsoA-, —— wtetfUjico*
We are encouraged with our Wholesale business from the
year’s experience, which has been to some extent experimentaffor
Americus, and henceforth we may be classed as n Wholesale and
Retail house, where the public will be served with the best and most
reliable products at the very closest prices, from 5c. tvorth of salts up
to any wholesale quantity. Buying now largely, we are enabled to
sell closer. We oner a large stock of the following articles:
Cut Glass Bottles, all sizes ; Plush goods, Leather goods,
m . . Toilet Sets in wood, Smoker’s Sets, etc.
In Patent and Proprietary Medicines,
s. ». s.
jp. p. p.
B. B. B.
O. C. O.
w. w. c.
D. D.
Scott’s Emulsion,
Brown’s Iron Bitters,
Bearsfoot and Sarsaparilla,
Lemon Elixir, 2 sizes,
“When pains grow sharp and sick-
ess race* tbe greatest love of life
ness rages the greatest love of life ap-
pears." and this la natural enough, for
we ali know that most griefs are medici
nal and that Salvation Oil easily rube ont
pain. It costs only 25 cents.
•‘Tbe nwd to fortune is through print
ers’ Ink.—P. T. Barmim.
Chamberlain's Era and BUR
A «rtaln ran lor Cbioalo Sow tfta
letter, Sait Rheum, Scald Head, Old
Cbxraie Bom, Fever Bona, linn,
Itch, Prairie Scretohea, Bora Hfpplee
aadPBea. It is cooling and eoothing.
Hundreds otoaaM have been cored by
it after oil other treatment bad failed,
ttia pot np ia ffiaad Marat bona.
King’s^ Discovery, 2 sizes,
Simmons’ Liver Regulator,
Cuticura Remedies,
Tutt’s Pills,
Carter’s Little Liver Pills,
Derma Lotion, 2 sizes,
Stone’s Cod Liver Oil,
Horsford’s Acid Phosphate,
Barker’s Horse & Cattle P’d’rs
Warner’s Safe Cure,
Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, 2 s’zs King’s Royal Gerniateur.
And many others.
Irk Rubber Goods
Fountain Syringes, holding from pint to one gallon. A
good family Syringe, from 75c. to $2.50. Water Bottles,
holding from a pint to one gallon. Nipples, Nursing
Bottles and Fittings.
Lozzell’s Odors,
Persian Bouquet Special,
Crab Apple Blossom,
LaBelle Cologne, 3 sires,
I Luuborg’s Perfumes,’
1 Edetnn,
1 Swiss Lilac,
(.Goya Lily.
A very large assortment of Pear’s, Fel’s and others.
Fever Thermometers, Urlnometers, Lactometers, “01d;Probabllltiee.”
Garden, Field aud Flower seed, Onion sets.
Oils, Varnishes, Colors in Oil, Paint Brushes.
Toilet Articles.
Combs, Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Face Powde.s,
We bottle very largely colognes, castor oil, turpentine,
Bateman > Drops, paregoric, laudanum, spirits camphor, ex
tract lemon, extract vanilla (from best Seans) and many othei
preparations. We solicit your patronage. Respectfully,
(HucceRBors to W. L. Mart!re.)
for any County in the State
Blank Books,
American Bibles itactul cost.
Oxford Bibles, Teachers' editioi.
Daily papers, Magazines, etc.
Subscriptions for any pa
per or publication.
Rubber Stamps, any kind, size
and Sheet
Picture Frames to order and
to .our picture-frame depart
ment we have just added new
machines, glass cutters, etc.,
also an experienced workman,
Satisfaction guaranteed.