Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, December 18, 1891, Image 2

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THE AMERICAS DAILY T1MES-REC0KDER: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, Ib9i. 1MES-REC0RDER. <B* Amvbut* Retokdku K#t a bushed Thb Ameku th Times Established l*.w. Consolidated. April. 1**1. MDIWCBIIUDN : Daily, Oane Yeah, Daily, One Month - , • iYkekly.OnYYkab, u VTxbklt, Six Months, i For Ad rertlsing r*t«i Addren* Baboon Mtrick, Editor And Manager, THB TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY, Amerlcus, Oa. Business Office, Telephone »*. Editorial Rooms, niter 7 o*< Telephone 29. Amerious, Ga., Deo. 18, 1881. EARTH'S GARDEN SI'OT The South fu the days before the civil war was peopled by only three clasaca: the large planters, who owned and con- trolled all the availablf lands; the small tenant farmers, who were doomed to re- ntair in a state of serai-poverty so long as the conditions existed, and the slaves, a happy, ignorant, careless horde, Jiving only In anticipation of meal-time and evening revelry. The planter, through inheritance, had come into possession of immense area of arable and timbered tracts, and bis slaves could work out of this an easy, comfortable living for tbe small village wbich usually constituted the iartn set tlement. He was almost as a feudal baron in the number of his subjects, and do Scotch laird was ever invested with more absolute power over bis clan than was the ante-bellum planter over Ida people. ’Tie best that an end has come to tills •condition of affairs, else this section was •in a fair way to come to tbe vendetta state of the Sicilian Islands. Family liatreds were bequeathed from father to eon, and the accepted code of honor ad mltted of no medium betwen the foe tioni. And yet, cultured, pleasure-loving and courageous as were' tbe older genera tions, they have passed away to give place to a nobler, set of men. Hen who realize and profit by the mistakes of their fathers and grandfathers. Hen who have made this lovely Southland of ours great in wealth and importance. Who recognized the fact that the divine hand was laid with kindness npon this arcadian spot, and when tbe smoke of battle had rolled away they buried their dead and went to work to rear upon the ashes of a desolated section a mighty fabric of modern civilization, even while the heart was yet heavy with grief and despair. Nobly did they succeed, compelling the world to admit apd res pect a courage and perieveranoe, in tbe face of almost insurmountable difficul ties, which are unparalleled In the annals of history.' , Endowed by nature with unlimited re sources and unsurpassed climate, this section I* drawing to itself the tide of Immigration which has for so long flowed westward. The world is realiz ing that a locality capable of such vast development under snob ndvenslty and poverty, mast of necesslty'hold forth iu- duoements to the experienced Worker and capitalist. And marvelous as was the progress In all commercial enter prises daring tbe past ten year*, the next decade will witness a growth In population and Improvement unheard of In this country. Piiesident Hardison yesterday ap pointed Stephen b. Elkins of Maine to the oablnet portfolio of Secretary of War, until recently held by Sec relary Proctor. To some, Elkins’ ap pointment to tbe vacancy seems to mean the withdrawal of Blaine’s claims to the republican nomination next year, but the newly appointed cabinet officer's un solicited avowal that hts acceptance will have no effect upon cither Mr. Harrison or the Plumed Knight may mean that he la anxious to forestall any criticism upon his action In so taking the proffer ed place, in case Blaine, of whom he la known to be a warm perronal friend, should next year enter the lists againat the present incumbent of tbe presiden tial chair. WHO WII.I. HR HE i Speaker Crisp has not yet announced the chairman of the ways and njeuns committee of the house, though he has by this time probably settled his man for the place, and it Is likely that Mr. Springer of Illinois will be the lucky member. No better selection could be made, as the northwestern representa tive Is peouliarly fitted for the post and la in direct accordance with tbe conserv ative methodf of tariff reform, whioh will make this term of Speaker Crisp's ruling a notable one. Although the plum would nat urally fall to Mr. Mills, that gentleman's avowed candidacy for the vacant sena torshlp In his own state bars his ac ceptance, and furthermore, his pro nounced and premature views upon free trade would make of him a dan gerous member upon a committee upon whom there is throwu such vast respon sibility. But Mr. Mills seems to have so taken to heart bis defeat by tbe Georgia giant that he appears to be bent upon making liimself disngreeablo by sulking in bis tent Fall Ims come and with >t the time to settle “that little bill’’at Dit. Ki.diudok’s. “The road to fortune is through print ers’ ink.—P. T. Barnum. Don’t be a spider and crawl in these days! Why not keep up with the nineteenth century? You would not buy a ■team engine made like those of a century ago. Then why should yon buy the old-faahioned, big, drastio pills that gripe and debili tate your system? ( As great improvements havo been made in pills as in steam engines. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets are tiny, sugar-coated granules, or pills, are easiest to take, and never gripe or shock the system. They are purely vegetable and perfeotlv harmless. One little Pellet’s a laxative, three to four are cathartic. They regu late and cleanse the liver, stomach and bowels — quickly, but thor oughly. They’re the cheapest pill, sold by druggists, because you only pay for the good you get. They’re guaranteed to give satisfaction, every time, or yonr money is re turned. That’s the peculiar plan all Dr. fierce’s medicines are sold on. Can you aak more? Santa Claus! Some of the Northern newspapers are publishing statements, alleged to have been authorized by interviews with Mr. Cleveland, declaring that he will not iu any way work for the nomination for the presidency In 1802, and some even go no far as to say that If It bo tendered him he will not accent. They claim that Mr. Cleveland has Instructed his friends to do no canyaasiug in bis behalf. These reports ate without doubt false from be- j ginning tn cud, and originate among the enemies of the ex-president in New York city. Skvekjll important papers, lu the Byan case are missing. 1 hey were tak en from the Fulton county court house. Judge Henry Tanner, clerk of tbe court, saya be has no Idea who Is responsible for the lost. He is at work now estab lishing copies of tbe missing documents. “In all probability 1 ,'’ bo said, “they bavo simply been misplaced through careless- illh WITH . ' Dolls, Dolls, Dolls, Toys, Toys, Toys, And everything for the CHILDREN ATTENTION. HOUSEKEEPERS! We will make a special run on Housefurnishing Goods this week at Cut Prices. V- Table Damask. Napkins Doilies, Towels, White Spreads, Lace Curtains, Velvet Cretonne Tap estry, Curtain Goods, and Furniture Fringe, Chair Tidies, Mantle Scarfs, Ac. Bleached CottoD, Sea Island, 10-4 Sheeting, Pillow CasiDg Blankets at cost, Cassimeres and Jeans at cost. Wraps at cost. Trunks at cost We have a heavy stock in above goods and mean business. Cut prices will be the rule. REMEMBErt = We are offering Dress Goods cheaper than any House in A mericus. including all the leading styles Bedford Cords, Henrietta Berbers, Plaid, Camel Hair, Storm Serge, Plaid Serge, Plaid Flannel, Plain Flannel, etc. Dress Silks, black and colored, including beautiful evening shades. NOVELTY SUITS AT HALF PRICE ! fill Buis Jltt BlClM. Christmas Goods - Wl fsjls h fa llilmei! 40-inch Henriettas. 40-inch Bedfors. 40-incli Berbers. , New Dress Trimmings. New Kid Gloves. New Line Corsets. Corsets from SO cents to #2.00. Black Corsets $1.00 to #1.75. New line Embroidered Handkerchiefs from 25c. to $2.00. Ladies’Silk Umbrellas, Ladies’ Gloria Um brellas, Gents’ Silk Umbrellas, Gents’ Gloria Umbrellas. Mantle Scarfs, Chair Tidies, Ladies’ Silk Hose. SHOES, CHEAP. BARGAINS. Be sure to see our Remnant Counter. Remnants Dress Goods. Remnants Silks less than New York cost. Remnants Trimming Silks and Sarah one-half price. BEALL & OAKLEY, 31.1 Lamar fcs»ti*eet, Ainericus, Gra, REAL ESTATE YOUR ATTHITIOII PLEASE! Business Property, Residence Property, Vacant Property, Suburban Property, Small Farms,, Large Farms. APPLY QUICK. MERREL CALLAWAY, “EAT, DRINK AND BE MERRY.” When the Avon hard penned thone words he realised the utter vanity of earthly existence and hi* advice embodied in tbo»e fow words an psru> on Life. EAT! Oak Hall In It* perfect appointed restaurant esn ratUfy the ta«te of the mo*t faKttdlou* epicure. Finn, ttteuk, Oy*t. r*. and Game tn *euson. cooked by an experienced chef, and served lu metropolitan style. drink: Anything yon may call for. from Cllquot, Yellow Label and l*n**e Cafe, to Corn Whiskey. The cte*t and most artiiuic of mixed drink*, hot and -old, made ior yon by professional Imr-t jnder*. 13E MERRY! After your cocktail and your dinner yon will And billiards and poo' In the Bpa^lnit* parlor * hack of tin naloon, aud with Ivory balls, perfect taoles and well irahitd servant*, you can spend no pleasanter hours than at The Christmas Season is notv approaching, and the following you will find profit* able reading: J. W._ HARRIS Offer at greatly reduced prices; Boys’ Express Wagons, .Cook and Oil Stoves, Homes, Collars, Whips, < Sash, Doors ana Blinds, Shop-worn Buggies, (sacrificed), Hornessfat less than cost). Wagons, Wood and Willow Ware, Gorckery, Glass and China Ware, Hoes, Rakes and Agricultural Implements, Fire and Earthen Sets, Tlnwure, Ranges, Guns and Ammunition, Sporting Goods, Faints, Lead and Oils, Table Cutlery, Sausage Grinders, Meat stuffers, And everything to be found in a metropolitan hardware establishment. Visitors from the country in search of useful Christmas goods cordially invited to call.' J. W. HARRIS, ciecw&wimo 'Head Cotton Ave. A dispatch from Canton, Ohio, says the condition of Major McKinley re mains unchanged, and b« U still confin ed to bU room, unable to attend to offi cial duty or receive callers. £d. Gears, the sensational reinxmao, and trainer, and driver of Hal Pointer, baa declined C. J. Hamlin’s offer of $23,- OCQ f«r Ida services for five years. Christmas Presents By the Car Load, Cheap for Cash! Gome and See. 105 -FORSYTH STREET TELEPHONE, 106. F. K. GARDNER. Mmincer. T. M. Allen. E. Taylor T. E. Allen. ALLEN, TAYLOR & CO. Huve the best bargain for a quick purchaser in the city, fl-room house. High and dry. Best residence part of’ city. $800 cash. Balance monthly installments.; ALSO FINE FARM LANDS. ‘A thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever It would be impossible for us to enumerate the uiary beautiful and attractive articles that we have on exhibition and for sale. Our stock of Holiday Goods is now complete iu all respects uud the public are cordially invited to call and inspect it. In addition to the line of articles usually carried iu an establishment of our kind, we have numerous othors bought especially for the Holiday trade. Come and see them. Very Rcspect'aUy) ALLISON & AYCOCE 406 Jackson St., under Hotel Windsor. 127!—-127! 127! HARRQL0 8ANK DUIL0ING, AMERIOUS. GA. B. T. BYED, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. • REPRESENTING THE SAFESTAXD STRONGEST COMPANIES IX THE WORLD. Insurance placed on City and Country Property. • Office on. Jackson Street, ne^t door bolowMayor’. Office, lUdMIr. . Aitl.oazliour "euv r.ahcr«” have ciian-^Hl war uambiir fnim Ml to “11?,' btt in*** l« at ill- -Oil Kelt UM. ” mauil »her»OT i n*A'^ttorpraMreU|UM.Wto*u^P>r o“ r L c 1 “'5n>i SfcuEWffi Wehau.n-1 Lhe haJVzbnind. of fine Whistle.. Wines mid llrandles. IMPORTED GOODS A SPECIALTY,. . tirrtir , Ou • ffitnek of Wine* h i* never b*en “»bt rry l.r l-smts: • Auzellea/' “Muscatel.” “foX. li’bSTSeh, food*.. •*Pe*..’ 1 OUR FINK tried thwe good! fit Mil •cbAum itna Briar c«o*t*, “ ' ' line*, t pop®; i.j Hilar coo.,.. As-nts tor “Soulhern PrUto UsHenorm ne w yr |>r , t pinoed Mr. P.A.Cutcbtncs. th- “ever rcthrnl, ls sOU ’nSJn.fftireet the ptaee. title serving our numerous frienit* and customers. uoniion,i. v B. H. JOS8EY, A.MKBICUS Oh