Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, December 19, 1891, Image 4

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mwiiWwiWMWiwwwwwtM "ffOBTB A OPIWSA ABQg.” wlOb PAINLESS-EFFECTUAL BILIOUS I NERVOUS DISORDERS, tuck it Sick H«daehe,VYlml and Ws la «>•; } Stearns, SMtiit. FlUntls, 3«UUi|ifl«: 'Unit. OiuiMtt, Orcwilnett. COM. RwV. •II Itammi ml TrtnWoj -x-.— suflcrcr is urged to tzy COD box. , OislIJrsgfWd. PHesSg cento *b«. New York Depot, 363 Canal St. ** 32 THE AMEK1CUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1891. A firing Medicine, Xofbing no Oetdoat iu p, P. fur a! sprint; taedlr le at tills season, and for toning up, nvigojntlng, and as strengtlienei aid appetizer take P P, P. U wtll tliro • ofT the Malaria’, a ad put ' 1 indition P.P P. is the . i edicine In the world for tlio dilVorent aili ents tlio system Is liable to in the sprint Chatelaine catches hung on the breast are affected r some women. A costume of fawn <*n?6 ij cloth, with brilliant led filing*, ails liRoned with mi ll a tiny watch on tiii breast. It was hung from a short gold 4ewelPiV Cl MANHOOD! Ined l '.PBKRKRVATIOX. A new suit only GoldKedslpitlZB ESSAY on NERVOUS end ^^^jro^^EBgJTY. ERRORS ot IHAU8TED VITALITY, PRE- DECLINE, end all Dig EASES ESrffiSFREE! B cSSuSooln ^Kxpottmt. nest. INVIOLABLE SEUBKCV ud ! C*B- ?ft¥wi£Sy fiedicst d fnstltaS, So. 4 Bumnch's" B Tta°)Sabody Medical Institute has many Imi. U . trsemre non eatnaMe than gold. Read It now, ertry WEAK ud NERVOUS man, ud taare to WSTBONO —UtHcalRntor. (CopyrightadJ , GRATEFUL—COMFORTING! EPPS S COCOA. BREAKFAST. “Ily* thorough knowledge of tlie natural laws which govern the operation* or diges tion and nutrltlon t and bv at careful applica tion of the linejproport e* of well-select* ed Cocoa, Mr. Epps h«* provided oar breakfast tables with a celleutely flavoured beverage which may save tut many heavy <loctor*s bills. It Is by the Judicious use »I such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to leslst every tendency of disease. Hundreds of subtle maladiis are flou Ing around us ready to attack wherever there Isa weak point, We may escape many a fata* shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with p- re blood and a pr p*rly nourished frame.”— Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with boiling water or mt k. Hold only in hu'f pound tins by grocers, labelled than: JAMKS EPI”.S & CO., Honm'OPNthlc i lietnlsts, London, Fnglnud. tue propria Medical PI Men’s, Youths’, Boys’ and Children's f»|ie nrwl diamond liar • ular. Noll ng More Dangerous. “Than a neg acted cough,” Is what Dr. •I. F. Hamm nil, professor of tile Eclec tic Medical 1 allege says, “and as a pre ventative re edy and a corative agent, I eleerfully ecommend Taylor’s Chero kee Remedy >f .Sweet Gum and Mul lein." A new rin lias the circlet broken and lapping in irved scrool-like forms in which smal diamonds are imbedded. The spaces ithin the two curves are filled, one o eacli side, with small clover leaves made with three pearls and three colored ston s Dollar. For a Cent, ago, a gentleman liet that T. Sirme tim that if he slfod at the corner of Broad way and Fo ana offered for a cent e jlv, chasers. 1 e< it turned oi would belle e I ine. It see equally rem r the ] . “ PARKER’S low HAIR BALSAM •“*, n>« .tab. ■Promise, s luxuriant trmrth. ulunrn K’lmUpoiiMi, ftb^Thts In A A SYSTEM OF MARINO STOCK AND gram SMculsMon practli'sliy an invest* vroHis large anil almo.i cerialn; loss improbable. Explanatory letter mailed by aSdresalng 1 nr. .Miti-ai. Hr.- Dicarx, ew»ii ot., n. y. rteenth streets, NYIV Tilth, ;old ettgles to flic iiRSacrs by lie would find no pur- experiment was tiled, and just as lie aaid. Xu one 3 that the coins were geim- led too good to h ■ true. An rkahle offer is that made by irojirle jrs of Hr. l’iereu’s Golden i| covery, the Hnvereign cure for consum tion. Think of it! Uesto. ration to li > and health for a mere song. There Is so a case of lung-scrofula—In Other word , consumption—that will not yeild to It, f It is taken In time. l> Is tlio greatci. blood-purifyer ever known, and is gun mteed to beneflt or cure In all disease of the throat and luni money re nnded. Only extraordinary curltive pi ipertles could warrant or sus tain Its makers In selling 4 thus, trial! Kor Business, Dress and Work. A HIGH GUAM AND A FAIR FfilCF IS OUfl HID FOB BUSINESS. Our line is large and complete clear through—all sizes; all fabrics, all styles and all p Satisfaction to any man with judgment enough to know a real good th rices. We guarantee All-Round ing when he sees it. Groups of pearls in rings, on brace lets and id brooches are each of different tint. The irridescence of some of these pearls almost equals the color of stones and offers unusual opportunities for much artistio effect. When summer comes the young men with their best girls begin their evening sittings In the leafy parks. “Dream on, young hearts, dream on, dream on," for Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup cures coughs and colds. More rain falls at Cherra Ponjee the hills of Assam, than In any other place in the world. If you are Bilious, take Brritiam' Pills. 5 A Household Remedy *WAU iSKIN IISE'ASES liSggWMffi’KS Sksks&Ssk I2! em .i , r V , ° ,| n, Us constitution, «d“n Impaired from in/ cause. Its iasiiKr* 8ENT FREE I BLOOO BALM CO.. Atlanta, s. Marquise rings seem longer and nar rower than ever. Five and seven gradu ated stones are the limit, with outer framework of diamonds, Ten years ago Blnda Rose, the llrst foal of Beautiful Bells, set all the world talking because she had trotted a mile in 2siflj, which was then the yearling record. Bell Bird, the eleventh foal the same dam, has now lowered that record to 2:20) The Old Man Would Have Hit Joke. Two boyx who owned a cattle form out West, Christened lt“Kocii»," atthetrnlre’srequnti The old man thoiiflit it quits stood ennue t, tor (li. re the run’s rays meet* (lbs non-re sc • meat!) The lads prospered, and they and their families enjoyed the very beat of health. Dr. Plerce’a Pleasant Pellets were alwn: found in their medicine-chest—the only positive cure for bilious ami slek head ache, dizziness, constipation, Indiges tion, and all disorders of the bowels and stomach. Strictly vegetable, small, su gar-coated; only one required for a dose, f « ' ol _ , reqi . and their notion Is gentle and thorough.' The best IAver Pill on earth. . Secretary of Xavy 1 racy believes that before live years are passed 2:00 will be beaten by a trotter of the Electioneer, Wilkes or Nutwood blood, and that the mile will be trotted in 2:00 In ten years oi less. YOUR rSKZN, BLOOD, iel LIVER, M KIDNEYS,f% - I BLADDER T* Ar, 1 *bejr diseased ? TkmLh * nfccu Four Iff*- Ilf Ilf A (Wooldridge’s "iWiUi eras co, l *L»^T n'i. li nBfticuTfc ••••••••••• • forthe M? L iSs J • Tntt^s Pillso J • 7”*t to «n- A m, tliat 1,0 * 1 **ow pultini- upm ■ •fflnr liver pul* •r—ssssasms • • VRSVInblll. V t£Z!. ,,ur-ly^ «r? .I 'S'V”' **»«aa pllluA • n-i—.! ’ T,w rx " rt "l«« of W I ^®rt «Wrtira filijs m eoown .a tlio Ivonlrr ..f thu “a.I." • THAT TERRIBLE COUGH In the morning, hurried or difficult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness in the chest, quickened pulse ehilihess in the evening or sweats at night, all or any of these things are the first stages of consumption. Dr. Acker's English Cough Remedy will cure these fearfnl symptoms, and Is sold under a positive guarantee by Feetwnod A Russell, Aroericns, Gn. 5 Owner* of four stables in the east have won mdre than A100,000 this year, and ten more have won more than 140,000. J. A. and A. II. Morris lead with $134,- 480, won by twenty-four horses, snd Mike l)wysr has landed . $148,303 with bis twelve. Dr. I* A.. Guild, Atlanta, Gs.,- writes; Wm. Seslock, living on my place, had an ugly running uloer on his arm which or dinary remedies failed to control. As a last resort 1 placed him on a use of U. B. B. and the nicer began to heal at once, and effected an entire cure. It is a reme dy well worthy of confidence. novJI-Im. Colorado pearls are a feature of the hour. In a marquise ring having five pearls of different sizes each pearl Is of diffcrcntliuo. CLOTHING! w 4Mbn’s We make most any parent proud of his or her boy. Nothing can do quite as much toward making a lad look neat, wholsome and manly as one of our stylish little suits. No trouble about fits for little and big; we keep them all. * Burnishing = Goods** Our present line of attractions is certainly a credit to the establishment and a satisfaction to our trade. A larger variety or a finer showing of Choice New Novelties and reliable standard goods would be hard to find anywhere. Careful buying enables us to offer that big, solid value for your money that never fails to please. When needing anything in this line remember our F. F. F. F., which stands for FINE FURNISHINGS AT FAIR FIGURES. WOHN "The Champion” Clothier and OntHtter of Southwest Georgia, And Proprietor "Eagle” Shoe Store. R. S Americtis, Ga. 117 Forsyth Street, 119. Forsyth Street, For Over FiftjlTesn Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothei the child, softens the gums, allays "nil pain, cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists through' out the world. Tennessee people believe that Belle Archer, 2:I5|, will be as sensational filly next year as Xnncey Hanks has been this season, and that alls will certainly trot In better than 2:10. KEEP YOUR BLOOD PURE, One of the most frequent and Insidious onuses of bad health is impure blood. This disorder of the system does not always manifest itself outwardly by sores, eruptions, etc., quite often tlio soredess is altogether internal. The kid neys feel sore, the liver feels sore, the lungs feel sore, and a decay sets It that too often ends fatally. It Is mnob more serious for blood poison to manifest It self internally than externally. In sueli cases neglect means doatb, for the vital organs once contaminated 1 grow worse unless tfiey grow better, snd they will never grow better nnless the proper rem edy Is applied. There Is no remedy that equals Dr. John Italics Sarsaparilla, as a curative agent In cases of blood poi son. When other remedies miserably fall to giro relief, this remedy- always ebeeks IU terrible ravages, even In in- sUnces of scrofula or syphlllis, and re stores the blood to a state of absolute purity. Large bottle (1IW teaspoonfuls) 11.00. A physician of Waco, .Texas, writes: “I know a number of Instances of severe cases of blood poison being cured by Dr. John Bull’s Sarsaparilla, no other remedy or trea'raent being made nse of, I consider that no better blood medicine Is manufactured. deel d&wlrno Qnesn Regent Christina of Spain roads and speaks English. For Old Sores, Skin Eruptions, Pim- )les, Ulcers and Syphilis, use only P. J\ P., anil get well ami enjoy the blessing only to bcT derived from the two of P p. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potas sium ) decl3dl2t-w2L If yon want your house painted with paint that'is guaranteed to be more durable and more economical than other painU, buy I*. A M. paints, sold by Dr. Kldrime “MOTHERS’ FRIEND k$9 To Young Mothers Makes Child Bilh Easy.: Shortens Labor, ; Lessens Pain, ; Endorsed by the LcaJing. Physician.* • Book to * 4 Moifrero ,f m«Uod FHKK. • MADFICLD RtCULATOR CO. * ATLANTA, OA. « SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. $ StetfwjJucuv We are encouraged with our Wholesale Imsiuoss from the past year’s experience, which has beon to some extent experimental for American, and henceforth we may lie clawed as u Wholesale and Retail house, where the public will be served with the best aud moat reliable products at the very closeRt prices, from Go. worth of salts up to any wholesale quantity. Buying now largely, we are enabled to soli closer. We otter a large stock of the following articles: IN CHRISTMAS GOODS. Cut Glass Bottles, all sizes ; Plush goods, Leather goods, Toilet Sets in wood, Smoker’s Sets, etc. In Patent and Proprietary Medicines, s. s. s. p. p. p. B. B. B. o. c. c. w. w. c. r>. r>. G. Scott’s Emulsion, Brown’s Iron Bitters, Bearsfoot and Sarsaparilla, Lemon Elixir, 2 sizes, King’s Discovery, 2 sizes, Simmons’ Liver Regulator, Cuticura Remedies, Tutt’s Pills, Carter’s Little Liver Pills, Derma Lotion, 2 'Sizes, Stone’s Cod Liver Oil, Horsford’s Acid Phosphate, Barker’s Horse & Cattle P’d’rs Warner’s Safe Cure, Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, 2 s’zs King’s Royal Germateur. And many others. In ’ Rubber Goods Fountain Syringes, holding from pint to one gallon. ;ood family Syringe, from 75c. to $2.50. Water Bottles, lolding from a pint to one gallon. Nipples, Nursing Bottles aud Fittings. I2XT PERFUMKB'S I r.nnbnrg’K Perfumes, J Kdeina, 1 Swiss Lilac, (.Goya Lily. FINANCIAL. I. M. HAWKINS Prei’t. H. C- BAGUY. Vic. PrM’*' W. t. MUdPhEY, Cashier. (IKOANfZKD 1870. -»8The Bank of Americus.g«- Htatw of Gen Iflnally liable. Capital, ... #1 *0,00*1 HurplUM. • MUNMHto - : DIKKCTOKH:— H. C. Ragler. I’res. America* Inrertawnt Co. I*. C. ClegfC' i’ren. Oumulgee Krick Co. Jm. Dodeon, of •«&». OodHon Jt Ron, Attorney* G. W. Glover, free't America* Grocery Co. R. H. Hawk in*, ITea’t H.A.AM. ftuHro»<f. 0. Montgomery, l’refl’t People* National Itank. J. W. Sheffield, of Sheffield » Co., Hardware. T, Wheatley, whole*a>e dry good*. W. IS. Mtirphey, Caaliier. I THE BANK OF SUMTER T. X. UAWKES, O. A. COLEMAN, President. Vicc-Prusldei t . W. C. FUKI.OW, Cashier. DIRECTORS— O. A, Coleman, C. C* Hawkins, B. II. Jossey, T. X. Hawkes, W. C. Fill-low, W. H. C. Whes-ley, K. S. Oliver, U. M. Brown, W. M. Hawkes, Dr. K. T. Mathis, Arthur Rrlander, Liberal to jts customeis, accommoda ting to the public and prudent in its management, this bank solicits deposits and other businoss in its fine. Laxxsll’s Odors, Persian Bouquet Special, Crab Apple Bli lie Cot LaBelle ( llossom, gne, 3 sizes, A very large assortment of Pear’s, Fel’s and others. THEinMOMETESRiS. Fuvop Thermometers, Urinometers, Lnctometcra, “01*1 rrohabilitius." REWARD. for the »rrr»t. wiili proof v* wmiyic . gi hi person not author I sod for extinguUhlng, r moving or destroying snr.slirnAl Hgnl Ihlacity. J.jt. fkl.liKH, Mayor, Jfovein»*t*r li, H.^S Garden, Field and Flower seed, Onion sets. PAJCMTS. Oils, Varnishes, Colors in Oil, Paint Brushes. Toilet Articles. Combs, Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Face Powde.s, POCKET KNIVB8, SCI88ORS, EYE-OLA8SES. We bottle very largely colognes, castor oil, turpentine, Bateraar. 1 Drops, paregoric, laudanum, spirits camphor, ex tract lemon, extract vanilla (from beat beans) and many otbei preparations. We solicit your patronage. Respectfully, 322 Lamar St. ■ •ti: - - ' 1. MONTGOMERY, PrMt. J. C. RONEY, Vk. Pr«t INO. WINDSOR. C’r. LESTER WINDSOR Atii. C’r. E. A. HAWKINS, Attorn./ NO. 2830. THE Peoples’ National Baok Of Americas, c*pk*i. 9100,000. ORGANIZED 0iirptii*. 0-38,000 1883 Americas Investment Co. Investment Securities. Paid up Capital, $1,000,000. Surplus, 9860,000. H V Bagley, W K Hawkins, S W Coney, W S Gillis, .1 W Sheffield, P C Clegg. W M Hawkes, li F Mathews, G M Byne, W K Murphey, S Montgomery, J H Pharr, it. P. Hollis. R. Bubk, Jk., Pres. H. M. Km O. A. Cor.CMAN, Sec, a Georgia Loao&TrustC Negotiates Loan* on improved Farm and City Property., J HBinnrn. Attorney, K ■ ' -