Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, December 29, 1891, Image 3

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THE AMER1CPS DAILY TMES-RECORDEKi TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2!), 189J. She JNever Laughs. : Aid no under! She'e tU •it or order Intlde; She', sot Inpelred DlnwtlM, IMiorderod llTir end n BEECHAM’S ' magic on all M Janttiom, act Wtt nkld9 Mr vital ... . f)ta ret lyre harmony to the entire lyltem. 0(11! druggist!. Price 3& centra bur. taw® 8 ™** MANHOOD! Lblo Dreacrlptioo*. HP WmZJS. sScripUT* Prom*- i^SFREE! m {■H or by rani!. Expert treat-1 SKCKKVY tudCKR* hu many Iml- mou. mud learn to . (Copyrighted.) WALL PAPER lobentmtnf obtaining the ino-f. desirable K avunu.MmUcHn'itii ny WHinyeon one nmired amp'ta of latent ileiisni and col orlnce* Vs Sell at Retail at Factory Prices. A* we are one of the Urgent dmilern In the country, rnunlnir three retail ntoren, we buy goods In aucb Urge (iimntttleN Hint we are enabled to sell a« nlrov* i|iioted. at lowest factory prices. Address F.H. CADY, Providence, R. I. BOILINC WATER OR MILK EPPS’S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. OOOOA LABELLED 1-2 I.B. TINS ONLY. ZWAMeS wm A^THMAMnra OTtesFRii HHL—. a -’JoWftJilwirin, w .. Croats trm tddrw* r. IIUH OX. III lroHn;, lni tor*. A Household Remedy FOR ALL BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES A B.B, Botanic Blood Baht It Cures ttHOFULA, ULCERS, SALT 1 UJLUreS RHEUM, ECZEMA, every I (ora of Mlllfunt SKIN ERUPTION, ko- | Aider kilos oMeaeloni lo toning o, Ike , intra and roitorlng Hit eonillMItn, 1 »*“» Imgnlrod (root any caaio. Ill I olmoil lupernalural hilling prep.rtisi i Justify ut in guaranteeing a curt, H direction! ere followed. f 8ENT FREE BLOOD BAIR CO., Atlaota, Go. YOUR (SKIN, BLOOD, WJ LIVER, g KIDNEYS, < [BLADDER, Are thejr diseased ?, - *•» Rueetlon that afctts your Ufa, A Gloat Ifdreo. There In in Detroit an equine thorough bred which U pronounced not only the handsomest. bat one ortho largest horses in existence. He Isin truth a giant, and ttse veriest novice in horseflesh could not bat view hit size and bounty without a certain feeling of awe. Tbit colossal animal is S'yean old and is fit hands high, weighihg 2,365 pounds An ordi nary aired man cuts but a small figure beside him. Ho it a dark chestnut in color, with superb mane and toiL Bab owned by .Bichard Tregaslris. and can trot in four minutes ^toeejus n pity that there wiU be none UFVMiTOgouy. .flijwas imported from France by « Kentucky bore* brooder, who pAid $3,000 for him. When put in the stud the animal became a veritable fiend. He would kick and bite on the allghteet provocation, and no one could do anjrthiug with him He soon killed one attendant nhd »■ short time after an other man fell , a vtotlm toth, vlciouk brats The death of these two wen caused the owuer to change the animal into a gelding, and with good effect, hit temper being greatly improved.—Detroit Free Press. One Thln« Women Can't Loam. “There to one things woman never learnt,’' said a Broadway conductor as be yanked the bellcord, “and that to to get on and elf a car with • swing to ward the horses. She steps on or off backward—that Is. with her ‘face the other way. If the car is moving the least bit she in liable to trip and down. Theashe looks daggers at me. if 1 did fhe whole thing purjiosely five-year-old boy knows better. Talk about dress reform," he murmured con temptuonaly. "Wbat a woman wants reform is in getting some sense about hone cars She ought to take lessons from her brother. / “People hare no idea how much anx iety women cost conductor* and drivers 1 am that worried about women getting on and off my car that it to with a se nse of relief from great responsibility that J turn in my last trip every day feeling that no woman baa had her neok broken or fallen down from my platform. We have narrow escapee from that every hoar in the day.”—Hew York Telegram CASTOR IA for Infants and Children. “( Itorlf, 'so jeHsdsp,. I to chib K>e , mj&mnenl Itueupcriortounjr preeeriptlc !> known tons” H. A. Axcsxa, IL D., i! J So, Oxford SS, Brooklyn, N. T. “The asset’Ceetoria'Is so universal and Its merits so well known that It seams a work of inpencocatiao to endorse It. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Cadorla within easy reach." Carlos UsaTTW, D.D., New York City. Tata Pastor Bloomlogdalo Reformed Church. ■—rj* . a * For several years I have recommended your * Castorta, ’ and ehaU alwaje eootlnuo to doaoas It haelnvariably produced becoOotal EDtm F. PiUBL 1L Dea “The Wlsthrop,"imth Streak and TthAve^ Raw York City. Tbs Csstadb Cowaht, TT Husbay Etsixt, Haw Tom. REAL ESTATE Business; Property. Residence Property, Vacant Property, Suburban Property, Small Farms, Large Farms. APPLY QUICK. MERREL CALLAWAY, PROFESSIONAL CARDS Tha Fall Hiinn«M. x yon aee the fashionable fall woman approaching, yon wonder if aha to wear ing a crown upon her head. Her hat of a material that looks like burnished gold or polished brass. It sets closely to the head in front, and extends upward as if it were 'going to end,' or rather “peak off,” into the regulation top for crown. Bnt the isn’t wearing any snob mark of power. She bus simply put her fall bonnet and to wearing it, not for thepurpoeeof astonishing the native*, bnt simply because it to fashionable. If she to a vary fashionable woman the has. had a piece of her dress material let ipto tha top of her burnished geld hat, and at the very back of the whole affair ebe has caused a whole field of brass daisies to be fastened upright, to that they nod upon their wiry stems and wav r e to and fro as their wearer walks or talks, bows or nods.—Near York Letter Wbat He Would U ved To On. Isabelle—If yon loved Tom Barry much as I do wouldn't you many him, Uncle Dick? * i Unde Dick-No, 1 would not laibetle—Why net! Uncle Dick—I should prefer to many a lady.—Life. For Over FlftylTeare Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has bean used for children teething. It soothes the child, softebs the gums, allays al . pain, cures wind collo, and to the best remedy for diarrheas. Twenty-five cents Sold by all druggists through out the world. Visitor (viewing the new baby)—“Do you think' he is going to resemble hit father?” The mother—“I should not be surprised. Ha keeps me up every night" Saloon and Ttaotanrawt For Sale. By order of Judge A. L. Miller, of Ibbeuperior opart, I am authorised to receive aaaled hid* up to January 2d, 1802, for the purchase of the saloon and restaurant situated in the city of Amert- ons, Ga., and known aa Oak Hall. Terms cash or approved paper. Right reserved to reject any and al) bids. Mr. Gardner is in charge of the property and will show It to any one wtoblng to bid. Ben C. Smith, Receiver A. Giblan & On, Macon, Ga., December 22, 1801. ,lao-24 Ijnn't Ethel (fishing tor a compliment)—I wonder wbat be aaw In me to fall in love with. Clarissa—'That’s what everybody says. But men are curious creatures, dear. must o'clocl Tills CUBE 00, ■V ALT. DRUGGIST*, GOOD NEWS • FOR THE MILU0NS0F CONSUMERSOF ra Twit’s Pills. S h dm Dr, Tntt piensurw to is-m "■nrethat bn Lsnnw putting npa W TDTY UYER PUL* £»«». SMKsaaas:# TCTT’k TIWT LIVEN FILLS m I**”*" | n tho bonier of this “ud."• •••••••••• Nolle# to Advertisers, for obangs of advertisement banded In at this i fflee before slock on day bnfpre publication, applies to all and will b» enforced. Timkh Pimi.isiiiNo Go. July(28,1801, tf. For your toilet powders, toilet creams, and iu fact all, toilet preparation*, call at i , . Dn..Ki.i)Ripnk'*, . j ■ -A-} Insurance Agent (to his partner)— “VYliat a shame ablmato can’t insure their lives! Think what business' we could do among cats—each of ’em has ninelivesf’ Tbs Windsor Pharmacy. This neat and pretty store la now It Invited to call and see us. will be glad to see you at all times. deo24-lw “And John—wbat is he doiiigf” asked Mrs. Bllllngsly. “Hols studyingphar- macy now,” “Well, the Idea. Wlio’d a thought that John would ever took to hnalfF | ,*. , % if The book agent, like the sailor, find* that wind lias a wonderful effect on bit canvas. A. KI.UTTZ, Architect akd Btirnnm»Dmrr, Amorims, Georgia. Hdrng. CUlWUfiUA-* We are encouraged with our Wholesale busiuess from the year’s experience, which lius been to some extent Uunar street—tfurplier Huilillhg. Lt-ty m. ST wksthrookTalil PH YSIOI AN AND StMUlFON. • Oltlce and resilience, next l,..uw to r. a tei.fti Hunlhwtnn, Church street.. >ast -. . | • , 1 . . foi IONK DOLLAR A \ EAR.) [ A <‘im?o l uter‘.Kidrntfe'e dnieemrr. can Anienous, and henceforth we may be chtssed as a Wholesale and I , .. ... .. , J*h« found at night (« hi« r,m Retail bouse, where tho public will bo served with the best and most ohKr% t nVri!’urro7r!'«"i^idfnV« e rV , «"7»' ian£«R,f ,lra * ,wr *' B “ rlow HI ' K!l '‘ 8. P. B. New iAMCS GORDON BENNETT, largo stock of the following IN CHRISTMAS GOODS. Cut Glass Bottles, all sizes ; Plush goods, Leather goods, I Special Fea'lKfS f r the Year. Toilet Sets in wood, Smoker’s Sets, etc. In Patent and Proprietary Medicines. King’s Discovery, 2 sizes, Simmons’ Liver Regulator, Cuticura Remedies, Tutt’s Pills, Carter’s Little Liver Pills, Derma Lotion, 2 sizes, Stone’s Cod Liver Oil, Horsford’s Acid Phosphate, Barker’s Horse & Cattle P’d’rs Warner’s Safe Cnre, Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, 2 s’zs King’s Royal Germateur. ‘ ■ "T ’ And many others. In Rubber Goods Fountain Syringes, holding from piut to one gallon. A ;ood family Syringe, from 75c. to $2.50. Water Bottles, olding from a pint to one gallon, lottles and Fittings. XJXT PERFUMEH LunborR'fl Porfnroan, PH YhRMA N A N 1 !) HIT HO RON. world. Tli* reputation for rreodom mid In-1 M im r * l ftn dependrnr* wl»«ch If. him ncqulrml during Eh* I I? f Va\!i^! -l n n h ? 0 ^ 0 iiiNit,v »*Hrnof II-m proNperoim o«r**r wU! he I ilragNlore, Barlow lilixm. f*l«r»-ly ■nalntslnrd during the y»nr 1*8. | DOCtORS J. 8. ASD A. B. IHXKLH Ksre one of the host furnished and tiftsl S. fS. P. J?. 13. JB. C. C. w. c. L>. 13. G. Scott’s Emulsion, Brown’s Iron Bitters, Bearsfoot and Sarsaparilla, Lemon Elixir, 2 sizes, OrlgU’ttlftrtloU iMtn ftructlent fartnlhi ami | oqulpped doctor’s offices In the Booth, Nu. 31C iinltMilnir. »*r» wh* in h fence. Wdiuiriii'M I Jsokeun street, Americas, fls. work. h*?IiiIn Mini *-|iort Mori* n hy lh* liest General Surgery and treat mm t of the author*. Mieraliirennd art. WU and I111- __ —. —, , .. Newtt for veternfm, xnd Inrornuition Ey0, £&r f TUTOAt and NOR6 A Specialty. C har. a. hkookr, m. o. - (UrSdunto of Ih-iIevusHnspHnl Medina torn vscckij nemo, new inra wiv. i-JRSjgft toloe xnidnoh. ,,r N. V. I* one dollsr a year. IM not fall I., mih- SV,&"n O^^hGMSo.V.Tmr * "**'» •* ’•« “WWEK WEEK- in-.r-awim sun |of Ainerleusandonrnmmllngrnuiilry. Hoe- TZZ _ I pis | attention given to operailve surgery, 111mm 111* I Including the treatmentnr limnnrrlmlds, ll»- MfQQITn 1 tulii,«trlclnre,ealarrli mid all .lle.-ne.-H of If nnilll ■ Ann, iu-rtuin, Ocnltonrlnaiy .jeleni mid IIWIIIIII 11 noMand throat. Onieeln Mnriilieylinlldli.g I'nnneeteil hy «!»•«. lug mlit Ige’s DrugHtnre. I'hIIh-ImiiiIiI lie . . . .—phoned there during the .lay. At night rn'l at reshlenee on le- hi, or i«U— Illume No. 77. -aiwWtf E A. HAWKINS, . ATTOltNBY AT !,AW. • Ofllee upelalraon Oranlirrry rnrner. , Will preetlee In all ehnrle. OBIet ..v,.r | Nitlnnel Bank. Lazzcll’s Odors, Persian Bomb Crab Apple . La Bello Col-; at, osanra, gno, 3 sizes, J Edelna, 1 Swiss Lilac, (Goya Lily. Us, ■ i t —.or f., , Da. E. C. Wgar's Naava aan naxia Ttuv W , A rroltN KV AT I.A ext, a guaranteed siioclllc Tor llysti-ru, Hlsrl . Ai MS, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Nouralgl* Will — -AT- V . T • I neadaebe, Nenmos Prostration canted by lbs | Notion Nipples, Nursing yTTF. I nsanlty and leading to mlstry, decay and daatn, W . I Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loes of Power In either MX, InvulunUry t-osscs and Bjiernia- Prompt attention rlren to all torrhma, caused byori-r-excrtlon of the brain. In my hands. OBloe in Harlow Mlf-abase or over-lnilulgenee. Each box con- I Feb. L tt lalaa one month's treatment. 11.00 per bos,or —— — Mx boxes for EMM, sent by mail, prepaid, on re I A. HIXON, Otlpt of price. I AT.ORNKV AT LAW WK GUARANTEE SIX BOXES Ahterlrus, ilk To oar* anyone*. With cacb order reoetvsd by I court, p n as for Mx boxoc, accompanied with EMM, wi iji ui.l ,, ■hlMaa tha paw.bMM.JSrSrttSm. gn rotund tha money It tho treatment does not e - (tetacure. Gcsrsataoa Isoatd only by THEDAVENPORT DRUO 00.,OoloAgtlH Amerlooi, Os* ' SOAPS. A very large assortment of Pear’s, Fel’s and others. TH£3H MOMETBRS. Fever Thermometers, Urlnometers, Laetometara, “Old Prnbabllltlm," SEED. Garden, Field and Flower seed, Onion sets. V PAINTS. Oils, Varnishes, Odors in Oil, Paint Brushes. Toilet Articles. Combs, Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Face Powde.s, I»tho host and i* noted for ita I IfAYNAim A SMITH, , I M A1TOHNKYH AT LAW. Amcrlclis, (is, Pron-ptond careful allrntlnn given I., mi biiHlness entrusted to us, l,mn*r streei ovor P. L. Holt's. aepia-tlAwtel* ‘ ANSLEY St AN8LEY, I ATTOHNEYH AT LAW, Amerlrmi, u> XV Will practice In thu cniinlies id Ham- ler.Hchley, Muenn, Donly, Welmier, Blow, art, 111 the HupreinoCourt, mid the tlnlir,' males cnnri. Old Nick Whiskey POCKET KNIVES, SCISSORS, EYE-GLASSES. We bottle very largely colognes, castor oil, tnrpentiue, Batemar. o Drops, paregoric, laudanum, spirits camphor, ex tract lemon, extract vanilla (from best beans) and manyothei preparations. We solicit your patronage. Respectfully,. 322 Lamar St. DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY. and purity, having be«n mad<* on tamo plantation over a- Wxt.i.uoaN F. CI.AXKK. Fkamk A.IInm-ea CLAEKE A HOOPER, Attorneya at Law AMBIUCUH, OKOIKItA marl5-d-w-ly Americus Iron Works, ,C Engines, Boilers, Cotton Gins, Presses, Feeders and Condensers, Saw and Grist Mills,! Shingle Machines, Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Boiler Feeders, Valves, jets. Etc. Shaftings, Hangers, Boxes and Pulleys] *@“Special attention given to Machinery. Telephone 79. B. HUDSON L. J, BLALOCK Of Pivatno, G*. Of A meric till, U a. 10Q iHndson & Blnloclt, 1J53 years | ATTOHNEYS-AT-LAW. without a rival ns WO onnatnntly keep | wracrncirenltand'olS'irrronrt "iiy'rontnic’l! four year old , ^— : I WsL-rxa K. Wbkjltlkt, J. II. Frrxnxaii* RYE AND COHN Wheatley St Fitzgorald, on hand—ship any quantity, ho write ATTORNEYS AT LAW. for price-list. I oace , «oe Jackson bl,u p suns, Old Ntnx WiiiRKBY Co n AMEmoufs, t GEoiiGt/ Oo-BT* panther creek, n.o-I J(eaM*_ repairing all kinds of t-U-Gn 1 n.DrrBB )2I!< Po •clitri-B Hired Atlanla | 0 ” ,,CK " Jltimm 7 llarlnw HI'k, Americus solflontlnna furnished fur — Iccrlptlocs -ii-ihllc lei Id. Ing* capoclaily. Commtinlcnll-.n- l.y mnli tnclllicr office will met with promptnl^ tentlmi. Win.Hall,RnpcrlM-ndrnt »incrl. BEAUTIFUL Cloth tops for Ladies and Misses; Solid, serviceable School Shoes for romping boys and girls. Children’s Shoes, all grades for the little ones. Come to see us whether buy or not. WILLIFORD, MATTHEWS* CO. 414 lack ton St., Comer under New Hotel, next to Hill’s Fi wfeaai CIS office |)ARL « NEFF, VIVII. ONI. MANITASV K«oi»K«n>. Plan, and e-tlmate* fur wmer supply, -rsgo and general enxlm-crlng work. I'onsinictliiii Mipcrlnlondod. scscrnKr a specially, (iffi. e tl Lceatml, Amorlru«,ila npr.'l-tiin To Peddlers. , p*r*on before peddllncnniNt roglHter ffrlifi the Ordinary and pay UihTux Collector *1>for the oouivty, ant for ilw Hixt*. !c*u»* for thu countv are for the «rm of one y*ar; forllm.HUit*.on!v forllu* flnrul tear. ■ n>r asl* by the DAVKXPORT DRUG I ihi r .?utJ! , (!S!?’hVmu'JtV^; I-'m'-V?ry' w . V COMPANY, Americas, Go. peddlrK Wlihont nraioijt.nmnt: mi. i, n,-, III. shall 10 the county on him.Ire,I Anyiimrerortnx psyernfthlsrniinly n a\ rnpiin-H peddler tn exhibit his llc-nre, and Upon failure nr .efiiSAlwi In.xlilbli, il.rpci- dfer forfeit. XID—onc-lialf lo tho Infiirnic, '•‘■f other In the county. Hy order nf C'nmmlMhmers. "rlllf J. it. DUNX.TaxCnllocutr. Notice of Sale. Will be sold twto-r th* court Iwllw dnor In Ihci-Ur ofAmerlcris, (la., k-uwn III. Icj.-il LIPPMAN 2803., Preprictort, Orstgiili, Upgsan’t Hock, SAVANNAH, GA. 1 , ary »i*xt, 01 For sale by the DAVENPORT DRUG Americus COMPANY Americas, Os ‘ueftdjty in Jaiui* •Ily . »lu« c For Rent. One Mven room dwelling 00 Cliurch »frwt. Klw Mlnnt*« wnlfc from IwiInnNi portion of town. Apply lo MUM. PITHII, MW. 71* ritttrrli M(r*A>t.