Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, January 01, 1892, Image 1

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VOLUME 1 AMERICUS, GEORGIA,.FRIDAY, JANUARY* 1, 1892. NUMB7I; 227 - Do vou want to make some one a CHRISTMAS during the Holidays ? DARK METHODS. C. C. POST ORGANIZING THIRD PARTY CLUBS. Circular* Have Kean Deceived in America*—Who I* the Agent for Sumter County?—A Shrewd and Adroit Polecat Game-Let tha Cat Out. Third party emissaries may be invad ing Sumter county and plying tielr nefarious occupation of ‘weaning weak- kneed democratic brethren from the creed of their fathers. One, C. C. Post, who makes pretence to be a people's party advocate, though really a republican, is engineering a* shrewd and cunning game by which he hopes to throw Georgia in the radical line. Those documents have been received in Amcricus and Post is working through sberet agents Time will soon toll who is the custo dian of this trust. Here is one of the documents: Do you want to find what you want at the /Tightprice? Then don't go and buy, until you GO AND SEE the splendid display of Holiday Goods at Geo. D. Wheatley's. OPE/t NIGHTS TILL 3VE. nvi: 900 ISA •. nut. For the convenience of those whose time is ocoupied during the day, we will keep our store open until 9 o’clock at night during the Holidays, thus giving all an opportunity to make selections without the loss of valu able time. ’14/1 Cor. Lamar Street and Cotton Avenue. TO 4 Df.x rv COMM ITT KKJIKX. “inclosed find sample blank for en rolling voters of your county by miHtia districts. “Please consult- with such of staunch friends of the cause as you deem best, and conveniently can and appoint a good man In each district of your county and see that they make complete and immediate poll of other districts,' accordance with the circular of insti|ic tions to district committeemen accotn pauying this. Have these reports jp- turned to you when complete, copy and send one to me, retaining the other for your own use iu future work. “We can carry Georgia and oi county and congressional district in i^ if we work, but there is no time for delay. Other states are at work; Georgia must uot be behind, but rather she must. be kept in the lead, and this work of learn ing just where ami who our friends arc and who may be induced to go with by proper educational woik is all import tant at this time. “Please be diligent, active and prompt Keep in close communication with me, and through me with the national com mittee in this and other states. “C. C. Post, “Ch. Com. Litliia Springs, Ga£* IHUECTION'S TO lUSTHICT COMMITTEES “Get the name and postofHce of . each white voter in your district. Designate the political party with which each in tends to act in future by an a opposite his name in the column headed people’s party, democratic, republican 4>r doubt ful. If a people’s party man, put the r in the column headed democrat. If a republican, in the column headed repub lican, and if the voter has not yet de cided whether or not to leave the old party then put the x in the column headed doubtful. Be care ul to put the x on the samq line as the name so that no mistake will occur. Complete the work as quickly as possible—a few days is sufficient if you will give your tinuftoit. The work la of the greatest possible im portancc. We want to know who are our staunch friends, who are our open opponents and* who cau possibly be saved to the cause of the people by timely ef fort In supplying them with literature, etc. When the roll is completed hand it to the chairman of the county committeo without delay. Do not show the list or give any intimation of what is being done to any but to the true friends of the iause. Beware of politicians. Keeji your own council. C, C Post, Chairman, C. II. Ei.lixoton, Jos. L. Gilmoke. Xational Committee for Members Georgia. Roll of white vo‘cs in the — district Committeemen for the district. militia Nm'*of V’tr* p. O, P.P. iX»m R«*p. D’btful. Knight* of Damon. Mr. Louis Loewenthan of Mucon Is In the city working up a list of charter members for a conclave of the Knights of Damon. He has hud very good success, and has about twenty names enrolled so far, and will no doubt increase the number to fifty or more this week prior to organi sation # Mr. Loewenthal is a good worker and a clever gentleman, and will no donbt meet with gratifying success in estab lishing this fraternal order in Americus. The M#nrCo-B*«*<. The merry-go-round commanded lion’s share of Attention Is Americus yester day, and the 'aftbftog Worses wore crowded with Jolly equestrians until a lata hoar last night JWa form of amusement promises to grow in popu- ‘ Ity among the young . folks, and a r older heads will not r dieisin a spin the gaily caparisoned steeds. WILL BE PAID. THE SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND OF THE CENTRAL ROAD Will be Paid—Arrangement* Contam inated In Savannah Latt Night—The Board of Director* Arrange for tho Pay ment Also of the Southwestern. Great uueasine-s was prevalent yes terday in financial and business circles over the reported failure of the Central railroad to meet its semi-annual divi dends, recently declared and guaranteed in the lease by the Richmond A Dan ville. The president am! directors of the company declared that the stoppage was’but temporary, and that it would be resumed, perhaps to-morrow, but in any wlso in a short time. The stoppage, they further declared, is uot due to any lack of funds. It will be remembered that they have asserted this right along. Tho payment of the dividend began, ac cording to tho advertisement, on Satur day December 2<Jfci». On Monthly the Richmoud A* Danville people in Xew York stopped honoring the drafts of the Central railroad people here. This brought tho payment of tho dividends to a standstill in that city at once. There has been a world of comment on the validity of the lease of the Cen tral by the K. JL* I) , and arming those referring to it may lie metioned tho Xew York Sun which said: “A director of the Richmond Ter minal Company said yesterday that piohably the first step t.iat the Olcott committee would take in readjusting the affairs of the whole system i abrogate the lease of the Georgia Cen tral to the Georgia Pacific. ‘“In the first place;” he said, “tho Richmond A Danville board of direc tors, I believe, never ratified the lease, and it seems to me that the Georgia Pa cific had no right to make such an in strument on its own authority, being it self leased to the Richmond A Danville. It is ridiculous for the Georgia Pacific to think of guaranteeing 7 per cent, dividends on tho stock of tho Georgia Central when it cannot meet its own fixed charges by half a million dollars. While I think there is no doubt that the stockholders of the Central will, in time, get their dividends, I presume it will be delayed until the Central Is restored to its former independence and the stock holders know that they are getting what they are entitled i»>. The question might be brought to a head sooner by passing the dividend.’ ” The uneasiness manifested, however, is groundless, and the Central is prompt ly meeting its obligations. The follow ing telegram was received last night by The TiMEft-RfccoitbKii, and it dears up all doubt to not only the ability, but the readiness of the Central to meet fully and promptly its guaranteed dividend, also referring to the consummation of arrangements by which the regular semi annual dividend of the Southwestern railroad will be paid. The following is the telegram: “Savannah, Ga., December ill*—To The Times-Rkloiidkr: The Central dividend has lioen paid hero right along and arrrangemeuts were satisfactorily made this morning for the payment of the Southwestern dividend and all Jan uary Interest payments. “U. B. Hahboi.ii.” A LUCKLESS LEAP. BARNEY RESFESS LEAPS FROM THE CENTRAL TRAIN ' Anil Steels With n Fatal Whole Structure of HI. L.W.r Far. Cru.hed and M.acWd—Rtiikaaa Swltrh Near tha Water Work. TIioihimoii JL Anderson. Messrs. Thompson A Amleisou ex tun<l a New Year), greeting to their many friend, and cu.tomera. Their Christmas trade bn. been great, but they are In the swim, for the coming year Their motto i. quick .ale. and amall prollta Tbi* always wius, you know. In allverware and noveltlea—thoy have them—and thon such gema. Why my dear woman, you will drive your aweetheart, your brother or your hus- band Into bankruptcy if yon purchase your gein. regnrdles* of coat. Thoae beautiful marqulie ring., that would make the hand of a washer woman look refined, come In every ex- quialte .tone imaginable. Among tho enameled jewel, the neweat are brilliant enameled butterflies, with diamond* act here and tliore In the wing*. Then, there are morning glories, with diamond, gleaming deep la their purple heart., like dewdrope and autumn leave, glia- toning with froat-like gema, and panalea with big diamond* for eye*. You must have a bowknot for a lace pin if you want to follow the inteat and very love liest fashion. These come in yellowest gold, set hate and there with diamond*, set entirely with gems, or ana moled with (towers. Enamel baa found favor in gentlemen’* ornaments, and those white enameled eoKbotton*/ showing a meat in rich gold, are quite the moat re fined and elegant showD. Another link button comes in the shape of a grain of coffee, each showing gold of a different boh. Al£these Jewels are shown in the window decoration especially ordered ’/? / i? Andersen, and there ate' more beauti ful things Insldsthls establishment than one could describe in a year. ‘ ' -t \ - - c’ ’ ■- - ’ 1 ! ,1 ?. / Wednesday night, at a few minutes before twelve, while the south bound Central passenger train was waa pulling Into Americus, Harney Reopens, a negro paasenger, leaped from the train into the darkness, striking bis face against die iron switch and crushing and mang ling the bone, of ills face terribly. 111. lower jaw bone waa fractured in several different places and the bridge of hi. nose was crushed in. Tho negro bled profusely, and it was sonic time before the flow of blood could bo staunched. He -was picked up and removed to a house near by and his injuries received tile bent possible medical attention. , They are, however, very probably of a fatal nature, since he cau scarcely rc oelve nourishment of any kind and hi. sufferings are intense. He was removed to Oglethorpe yester day, wliere|he lives, amlat latest accounts he cannot recover. No modvo except a desire to disem bark before tho train reached the depot is ascribed to explain ill. bold ami luck less leap into the darkness. No blame whatever ia attachable to the Central road, as the negro is wholly responsible for Ids serious, and perhaps fatal, mishap. THE K. OF P. LllllfiE K!erts M New Met of Officer* For the Kmu- Inc Year. The Knight* of Pythias have one of the most prosperous lodges iu tho city, and 1802 is ushered in with the most cheering promises. Last night the fol lowing officers were elected for the en suing year: Wo. E. Staley, P. C. K J. Miller, C. C. S. B, Stanfield, V. C. W. I*. Wallace, Prelate. R. F. Xehring, M A. B H. Mayo, M. of F. and K. of R. and tHE BREAKFAST TABLE — ITEMS OF INTEREST SPECIALLY PRE PARED .FOE HASTY READERS. TNtcWUjf't Doings In Pungent Para graph*—Som* ffn*p Shot* bj th® K*potu torial Camera-What Wa* Going on In Town Told la Brlofotl Mannar. S. Kirby Jones, M. of K. W. E. Staley, Representative to Grand Lodge. W. C. Gray, Trustee. A Difficulty. A difficulty occurred yesterday be tween Messrs. CHIT Clay and W. K. liell, two prominent and popular gentlemen of our city. The origin of tho difficulty is uot known Several blows had been passed when the combatants were sepa rated by mutual friend*. Both gentle men deplore the trouble very ranch. Th«t Sniulle«t Musks. J. C. Conch, who lives a mile south of Fox Postoffice, lias brought ns what is probably the smallest snake ever cap tured in Ray comity. It was caught about two weeks ago by his stepeon, Theodore Jackson, ami is of the block- snake species. ouly three inches in length, nud at the thickest part of its body is ouly three-sixteenths of an inch in circumference. It is a iierfeetly form ed reptile, but with nil extra largo htnuL Mr. Jackson accidentally killed it by spilling a few drops of petroleum on it. This snake could not teach school or plow coin like some of hi* kinsmen found in Colonel Jim Denton’s neighbor hood, bnt Mr. Jackson is jnst as proud of his find as the colonel ever was over any of his discoveries.—Richmond (Mo.) Conservator. „ A Clillil Killed by » pig. While “playing funeral” in Kioto. Kan., Johnny Detmer, aged six, met n strangulate. He and liis eight-year-old sister had dug a hole iwid Johnny sat in it. When site had covered him with earth up to the neck, an old sow drove her off ami then attacked the little boy. Several times the animal sank her teeth in the lad’s head, and when friends came to bis rescue they found him dead.—Ex change. Neglect «f » H*N. Tit. fact that Louis Konntli ia now a poor, bliml nhl man, who is dragging out a miserable existence, embittered by sheer want and henrtkw* neglect, i* not complimentary to an age of hero wor shiper. wbit-li will .pend fortune, upon gorgeous monument* to the dead and grndge a ernst to tho living.—Boston Globe. U ia given - ont that SO.TikS account*, claim* and ca**-*,'involving the snm of tm&LOlB Were nettled daring the last Steal year by the United State, govern ment—a large Increase of work v.ith no Increase of fore* ax compared with the preceding fiscal year. c A pair of very economical lovers, in Lot Angelo*, (ill., bit .opon a plan to cheat Undo Sam of hit postage: The yonng man hired abqx at the postofHce and gave bit aweetheart a duplicate key. ‘ - - The recent louse, by fire in the cargo of .hip* carrying cotton ha. shown that Oout the emporium, by Thompson A cotton feed oil, when held in tips cotton on the ontside of the be!., rapidly cxi- and generate, spontaneous ootnbur- Mr. C. M. Wbeatloy has moved Ills office to the Americas Conitructlon Company, where he can be found by his ' friend, in the future. t'’ The coatumee worn in Reeve*' pro duction of "Faust” are the product of Mr*. Krehl’s eye, and this la enfflotent guarantee of their elegance. The atream of New Year’, callen this year will be necessarily curtailed, elnee invitation, have been issued to those who are expected to call, and the number of invitition. i. not very large. Tho rich baritone of B, If. Seveer of tlie Reeves' English Fpera Bouffe Com pany, n'ghtly wear, ont thl* acoom- > plished vocalist with recalls. On Monday Messrs Klmborongb, Pilsbury A Lnac will move into their new law office uver Avera*. grocery store. It will be handsomely appointed and will challenge comparison with any In tlie state. Miss May Dnryca, of Beeves English Opera Bontfe Co., won $30 in Fort Wort, Texas, by kloking seven feat and one inch without jumping from the door. _ < Americus should feci a source of pride in her excellent and most competent po lice force. Chief Lingo is one of the most vigilant and successful officers in the state, and under hie aotive dlclpllno Ids force isjloiug somo clever work in the apprehension of criminals. ' 1 Tile rare beauty of Miss Mao Sylvester, who essays the title role ia Reeves’ ‘‘Faust” ia tho leading topic of dlscus- ainu in swell club circles wherever the company has appeared. Quite a curious spectacle can be seen from the kitchen window, of the Allen House any day, Myriads of parti-colored . rats, whose variegated coata glisten In the sun like burnished metal, can be seen at play ot In quest of food. Tboae rats are In their wild state end their presence is still unaccounted for. . . So marvelous is the performance of Signor Martini, the ballet master of the Heexde’ English Opera BoniTe Company, that the pres* has begun to dltauss tho " question whether or not he resort* to. some clever trick to roll himself out of a three-foot sphere. The management invites all newfpapcr men who are skep tical to appoint an hour, not during tho - performance, go upon the stage and In spect tlie feat to their heart's content. PERSONAL MENTION. The Americas Jewelry Company will receive New Year call* at their store, 421 Jackson street, from 8 a. m. to 11 p. m,, and extahds a cordial Invitation to ovary one. Meaara. Cotney, Bell and Sullivan will do the honors of the occasion. Mr. E. T. Chappell of Preston, i* in tho city. Mr. T. M. Jlonksr of Leesburg I. in the city. Mr. Lee Patterson of S nlthvillei. In . the city. Col. J. IL I,. Smith It in Isabella oh busioeps. Mr. Robert Stokes of Buena Nisi* I* in the city. Mr. I). C. Jones of Leslie, wa* In tho city yraterday. Mr. Drane of Buena Viita.pentye.ter-' day in Americas. Mr: and Mrs. Harrison of Cordele was in the city yesterday: ( Mr. Gordon Everett of Lumpkin waa - - In Amerieus yesterday. Mr. If. C. Storoy la registered at the * Hotel Lanier in Macon. Mias Belle Shaw left for Cordele yes. day, to spend a few days. , Mies Anna Hunt of Leslie, Ga.| la vis iting friend, in the city for a few days. J :> Miu Hattie Clark of this city is visit ing Miss Florrle Johnson In Smith villc. Miss Emms Jolnar, who has been at tending aehool at Winchester, Tenues- , see, Is at hem*. ‘. Misses Clifford and Mattie Hightower who hrve been visiting Mr. .1, W. High tower of this city, returned to their home* yesterday. > . Mr*. Cbas. B. Wilburn of Macon glad dened the Iieaits of her many friends by arriving ln the city yesterday on a visit to friends and relatives, Mr. Curtis, of Curtis A Ccrtls, of Lu- vine, Ala., is In the city with the view to locating and engagingin the dry goods and clothing business, bnt has failed eo far to find a store. I Crisp too III tePfwsMe. Washington, December tit.—(Spe cial.;— Speaker Crisp is now snReriag with bronchitis as well as la grippe. Last nignt ht had bad raough spells and this morning he la very week. ilia physician dote not think he oaa preside at the opeelag session Tnesddy. * .