Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, September 14, 1893, Image 2

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Dally ana Weekly. mm AJixaicc* Ranokom Kmiamumumo U9. ^onousiw, apbil, isn. HUBSCRIPTIOJV: Diar^On Tub, .... Oailt, Ora Mojrm • • • • ffnm.r,0*x Yka*, fUUT, Bex MO^THf, - CTor advertizing mm Baboo* Mtuck, |THB TIMES PITBI.WHINO COMPANY. BmIbmOIBm Telephone**. ■ Editorial Room*, after 7 o’eioek p. Telephone 29. Ancricus, Ga., Septembtr 14. »§3 Repeal toe Shermax law. revoxk- TIZE SILVER AMD COW 100 tMT SILVER DOLLARS WITHOUT LIMIT. GOLD AND SILTED. “Wo denounce the Republican legUl*> Uon known aa the Sherman act of 1800, aa a cowardly makeshift, fraught with poaaibilitiea of danger in the future, which should make all of tta supporters, aa well aa ita author, anxious for !W peedy repeal. We hold to the uae of both gold and silver aa the standard money of the country, and to the coin age of both gold and silver without dis criminating against either metal 01 charge Tor mintage, but the dollar unit of coinage of both metals must be of in trinsic and exchangeable value, 01 adjusted through loteroatioual agree* ment, or by such safeguards of legisla tion aa shall insure the maintenance of the parity of the two metala, and the equal power of every dollar at all times in the market and in the payment of debt; and we demand that all paper cur rency shall be kept at par with and re deemable In such coin. We insist upon this policy as especially necessary for the protection of *he farmers and labor- ng classes, the first and most defence less victims of unstable money and fluc tuating currency.”--National Democratic Platform. NO UNCONDITIONAL REPEAL An unconditional repeal of the Sher man law wonia secess&slly remand ill ver back where it was under the set 1873, and where it was in all gold using countries. That act had been no “make shift.” It had made a clean silver as money. Such a repeal would not be a “cowardly makeshift,” but an unconditional surrender to the goldites. He would as soon trust young chickens in a hawk’s nest to bo cared for as leave silver where it would l>e if the Sherman law were repealod uncondi tionally. He should never vote for the unconditional repeal of the Sherman law. An unconditional repeal of any law, without substituting other reraedi al legislation, was an unquaiifiud admls •Ion that no such legislation is necessa ry, and the chances of securing the new remedy In a separate bill were dimin lahed. M“It is the determined and., unalterable purpose of the opponents of repeal stand upon their convietions of public duty and fidelity to their pledges to the people whom they represent, end who have honored them with their confl d mce on this vital question, until phys ical strength is exhausted and the power of speech is left to no senator to prevent the suocess of the conspiracy denounced by John O. Carlisle as equal In conse quence to .war, pestilence and famine.' —Senator I*ugh, of Alabama. WHY MOKE MONEY I* NEEDED, The New York Recorder boldly de clares that the business of the country Is starving for more cmreuoy, end makes this point: Statistics nLow that the population of the United States Ik doubling it*elf every thirty years, a fain of SH per cent every year. If the volume of our money U not Increased as fast as our population. It must be plain to every one that there must be a steadily In creasing scarcity of money. And ft Is disputed by any Intelligent student of the currency question that, as money shrinks in volume relatively to the numlier of people who use ft and the amount of business to be* d me with it, the purchasing power of money Increases, all prices fall. Including the wages of labor, business becomes unprofitable, In dustries are suspended, and all*tbe evils have to be endured whlrb are to be summed up In these twow irds, “bard times. It Is the Recorder’s Ides that on this basis of calculation there should bo at least $59,000,000 added to our circulation every year. This country has the largest civilized population in the world. It ia the greateet in commercial and industrial activity, and It la growing at a rapid rate. If it remained a stationary coun try It would still need a larger per cap! ta circulation than that of any Xuropean nation, and it follows that under existing conditions our volume of currency should receive additions to keep pace with the yearly growth of our popula tion and business. These facts have never been ar iicient- ly enlarged upon la our financial dis cussions* but they are of controlling Im portance and should be kept before the people.—Constitution. The “Little Georgia Wonder,” Mrs. Annie Abbott; better known as Mrs. Dixie Hsygccd, has returned to her home in MUledgeville after two years' absence In Europe, where she exhibited her wonderful powers. An enthusiastle newspaper correspondent, who has seen her In MUledgeville, reports that she bring* back with her a fortune, her jew els alone being worth $60,000, nearly all of them gifts from admiring foreigners. “This country is suffering not from the scarcity of money, but from a re dundancy of money,”—W. Bourke Coch ran, spokesman of the administration. Thar* ta no need to send elsewbere^for job printing. Patronize home Industrie*. Tub Timvs-Rxoordkr's job printing office is one of the besMnthe state for Cheapness auu style. tf 1 THE LORDS AGAINST XXOXI BULB. The prediction that the lords would defeat home rule by 400 to 40 was more titan sustained, tha vote against the bill being -41° to 41 for U. As a rule, the attendance In the upper f- bouse rarely exceeds twenty-live. But there are 999 lords, and the home rule excitement brought oat the almoetun precedented number of 460. Members who were hunting or traveling la dis tant lands came home to vote, sod the | sick left their beds, risking death Itself order to defeat the will of the people. Those who are familiar with the tec* ord of thaae noble hereditary ataammen knew fn advance how they would vote. During the prseeni century the loedn have opposed the nusmintnasy time*. They rejected the hills appointing a committee on sdnetlon; ahoUahing the death penalty foe tsaRnc goods of the value of 3 shUfisgs; entaNlahiwg relig ious liberty sad giving political liberty to the Jews. They opposed the politi cal reform bilie ta the thirties, causing bloody riots sad a ran en the Bash of England. They fought sanitary man ures sixteen yean, and seven times voted down the bill enfranchising the Jews. In 1844 they opposed the repeal of the act making It a crime for a Roman Cath olic to teach a child to read. They ■isted the bill disestablishing the Irish church, and the bill extending the fran chise to 2,000,000 house holders. Despite their opposition to all these measures they finally had to support them. It will be the same In the cate of Irish home rule. Mr. Gladstone will go to the country on the issue; the com mons will again pass the bill, and the lords will have to vote on it a second time. Unfortnnxtly Mr. Gladstone does not expect to lire to tee the complete triumph of the cause which he has served so ably and faithfully. It ia to be hoped that he la mistaken. Although he is now in his eighty-fourth year his intellectual and physical vigor are such as to make it not at all Improbable that his life will be spared a few years long er. But, whether ha lives or dies, hit record already made up Is so splendid and stainless that the grand old man' place in history and In the hearts of tha people la assured for all time to come. Exchange. Mr. Bisseli. says that the way a man votes on the silver question will have nothing to do with the patronage ia hi* department. Representative Latimer, of South Carolina, called at the poet office department to see If he could get some postmasters for his district, 'as has been unable to name any. Mr. Bisseli told him that be had heard that he bad made derogatory speeches of Mr. Cleveland after the nomination, where upon Latimer acknowledged that be had and said that he still could sustain them. Mr. Bisseli said this would be the stum bling block, but told him that as long be suggeated good democrats and did not name republicans or third partyltes, he would not call him to aeoount. Confidence Is returning and still titers’has not been any repeal of the Sherman law. If a normal condition restored while congress Is dickering over compromises, It will prove a boon to silver and do more than anything else to keep the white metal afloat In this country. If the friends of silver can hold out long enough to prove the cry against the Sherman law a false cry, whioh some seem to think they are now doing, the message to congress will prove a boomerang to tha gold standard men. Made a New Man * t Save aed* anew men hr Hoed** 9ei* •ecmriua* t bad. petonia my beta. fat* languid imi <2kl not base any appvttt*. tbave taken HoodVss-Cures fcrotve boolasof Hood's Senaparill* nod aa» aes prats* tt •aoogfc.'* Ucom Wvax* earn IMS 5L «nd FVrtfand Av.. Louisvilln. Kj. Hooow PujLECtwttt Uwr aa ta* GERMETOER. CURES FEVERS. It Is now ex-MInliter Blount. He has handed over all diplomatic matters per taining to Hawaii to Minister Willis and haa gone home. He will not return to Washington until called bnok by the president to assist In framing a treaty with the new Hawaiian minister. Some thing may soon be beard from him In regard to his senatorial aspiration*. The Birmingham Age-Herald because of hard times, not piety, has discontin ued Its Monday morning edition. This has been the hardest year on the news papers aver known In the United States, and very few papers outside the great cities have paid expenses. ‘Platforms are made to get In on, but not to stand on.”—W. Bonrka Coch ran, spokesman of the administration. ITS A — that man SECRET iv women owo thcii beauty to I)r. Pierce’* Favorite Prescription. The- reason — beauty of form ami face, aa well as grace, radiate from the common center— health. The best bodily condition results from good food, fresh air, and exercise, coupled with the ju dicious use of tlio M Prescription.” In maidenhood, womanhood, and motherhood, it’s a supporting tonic that’s- peculiarly adapted to her needs, regulating, strengthening, nnd curing, the derangements of the sex. If thero be headache, pain in the back, bearing-down sensations, or general debility, or if there be nerv ous prostration, and sleeplessness, the “ Prescription** reaches the rigin of the trouble and corrects it. It dispels aches and pains, corrects displacements and cures catarrhal in flammation of the lining membranes. It’s guaranteed to benefit or cure, or tha money paid for it ia refunded. Dr. J. W. Nelms says: Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 14,1893. For the past two years I have used King’s Royal Germetuer in my prac tice and with most satisfactory re sults. I have used It in Typhus, Ty phoid and Bilious Fevers, and al ways with the speediest and best effects. It lowers the temperature and breaks up fevers of all kinds common to this latitude, more ex pedltloualy than any remedy within myTtnowledge. From my own ex perience in Ita use, upon myself and upon others to whom I have recom mended and administered It I be lieve It would be a good remedy for Yellow Fever. It ia a mottexcellent antiseptic, cures Catarrh, Insomnia, Night Sweats and Eczema in all ita forms. King’s Royal Germetuer is emphatically a safe remedy and leaves no injurious effects in the system. Tuscumbia, Ala., June 27, ’93. I very cheerfully bear testimony to the merits of King’s Royal Germe- Mier, bseed upon the see of it, iu my family for Indigestion, Catarrah, and Insomnia, and by myself for sequelae of Grippe. Jt is very pleasant to the taste. Improves the appetite and exhilarating in Its general effect. A. H. Keller. $1.00 A BOTTLE; SIX f03 S5 00. GERMETUER PILLS are the best, Fifty in a bottle, 25c. KISH’S ROM 6ERIETEUR COMPACT ATLANTA, GEO RGIA. S "1 UfOuU not bo iHMral Eteetrapaloo. It hum taken tha ptaaa af our family phytMan Cat. M. r. MILLER, WalthauraUla, On. The Electropoise cures Chills, Fevers and DVnlnrlo, quickly and permanently. Chronic cases, Incurable to other means, yield to It. BOOK FREE. "ATMCV3PHen!C_C»<YQEN» Dy ABSORPTION ATLANTIC CUkCTROPOISE CO„ Atlanta, Os, .CATARRH REMEDY. Motor for Hs auecomirul treatment t« furnished free. Shiloh's UemnHes are sold by US oa a guarantee to five sutlsfsrtloa. Sold by DR. R. J. El DRIDGR W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE Ntfftp. Do jm mar tkm? Wlm ant la am* try a pah Oon In tha world. ♦MO. ♦4.00. ♦3.50 ♦2.50 12.25 ♦2.00 If yos vast a iTos jK don’t pay $8 totry' $3.50, $4.00w 5Shot ThovItoqtaltscsHMiwadoaadlMkMd rowMmR, ffyMwbhtoocssMilnlsyowfNhwar, d* *• by pwetalag W. L DosgUt Show. Naas and i tbs bottom, look fcf It vine ye* bsy. GOLD! OOIvD] Gold is bright, shining and attractive, and so is our NEW STOCK of Furniture, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware; all of which, having been bought for CASH at late depressed prices, we are offering for BAXTZS CERTIFICATES at LOWEST CASH FIGURES, as low as if gold or silver were tendered us. We take all on same basis, considering each equal, but for CONVENIENCE pre fer the BANK CERTIFICATES. Bring them in and we will turn you out anything in our store at Lowest Cash Prices. SMITH S DAVENPORT, GEORGE Oliver, [Bicycles. THE STATIONER, SCHOOL BOOKS, PICTURE FRAMES. ART GOODS. AGENTS FOR THE AMERICAN (HOLE SOCIETY. The largest stock ever shown in Americus. The best goods and the lowest prices. Picture Frames Made to Order. THE STATIONER. Bicycles. Bicycles, GEORGE OLIVER. Next to Post Office. JOHN KAY. FALL AND WINTER. I have received my FALL STOCK, etc., of Overcoat ing, Suiting and Trouserings. The largest and choicest se lections ever displayed in Middle or Southwest Georgia. Call and make your selection and have them made up in ten, thirty or sixty days. "Everything strictly high class.” .TOIirV IiAY, We represent the largest number ol first-class Bicycles of auj in South Georgia. Among others, wo hr.vo on hand tho Eaglo, Budge, Keating, Humbor, Victor and Lovill Diamond. Wo uro also prepared to supply all the sundry appurtenances to Bicycles. Lamps, Oils, Rubber Goods and inner tabes, which all ahovo Bicycles use. Repairing and cloaning dono on short notico. GRIFFITH BROS., Oltico and Emporium at Holt’s Carriago Emporium, Lamar Street DIBRCIIANT -I-A11.0II. C. A. EPPIN8. C. T. HAMMOCK. The Americus Lumber Co. P. 0., AMERICUS, 6A. MILL, GATEWOOD, GA. Dealers and Manufacturers of Yellow Pine Lumber. Orders or calls left at Dank of Sumter will be promptly attended to. Sept-H-lmtb-dw be. Racket Store. STRICTLY FOR CASH. The Almighty Dollar is what wo want, and what we muat have, and li I order to get the hard dollar, we have decided on a SYSTEM of SMALL PROFITS. We buy for cash and sell for cash, awl therefore save our customer* at least 20 to thirty-five per cent, on all ffeoda purchased. We buy for cash and sell for cash, and by so doing w#can bey at greater discount. Ho we can eell our goods at what they eoet a house wM buys on long time and sells on still longer, and who have to charge a big price In order to get pay for their goods they sell people who never par» Wo deal strictly square. Money will be refunded for all goods net anW* ing purchaser when returned. Thanking the publlo for their hind ratron- age, we are very respectfully, ROGERS & WILDER. FIRE INSURANCE! SPLENDID COMPANIES, louses, Stores and Farms for Rent or Sale M. CALLAWAY, Real Estate and Fire Insurance Agent, isssasswastfp fggssSS »k*HEriB«i£SSKSnb* t Bold I. Amtrldn bjr Date*purr n.oo Co ud dranuu iwntn. i.MMowir S. T. BYRD. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. UnESENTlHG TIB SAFBSTARu STMMST COMPANIES IS TUB WORLD. Inionnc* placed oo at, tad Country Property. Oflw onJwtooc wrt- ow ivIcvV.yor*. nr... WANTED OAT ADD BRAS SACKS MP&-1M AT a CENTH. AMERICUS ICR CO. INGLEHIDR RETKEAT-For DUcXnr* nf Women. Scientific treatment ami care* guarantee! Elegant apartment* for ladle ■ confinement Addmw IW K^ldtat PfcyaftUn «,« Dexter Coen, Maavtne, er.a. angStdAuMi MENTALINE E N T A L I N E GUAHANTKKII CURE FOR to*, of Manhood. Impoten rjr. Seminal and Female Weaknena. Night Kmlwlon*, t/mWcloprd and Inactive Organ*. Self A Luxe, Youth ful IndlMcrrtlon*, Inxanlty and all !H»ea*e* resulting from acxtual ex- cc**. I*rlce Ol.oo. Rent necurely packed In plain wrapper, on receipt of price. Full particular* for lump. All correwpondence Ntrlctly confidential. ACME MEDICINE CO., AT&AMTA, OA. ARE YOU GOING TO VISIT THE WORLD’S FAIR? IF SO BUY TICKETS BY THE EAST TENNESSEE LINE&I TWO LIMITED VESTIEULED TRAINS LEAVE ATLANTA DAILY AT 6:35 A. M. AND 2:10 P.JC ^ WRITE B, W. WRENN, KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE, FOR RATES AND OTHER PARTICULARS.