Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, October 29, 1893, Image 1

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VOLUME 3. AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER AMERICUS. Ckt Commercial Capital of Southwest | Georgia. iterlcu* U the county mt of sumter county gia, tltiiAied at tlx Intcracction of tb# It westers DivUion of tb# Central, the 8*- ah. and Wasters and tb* Sauannah, ricua and Monteoniery railroad*, ik-« aouiliwcat or Macon, 10 mil elelirated Andcraomralit prison ground*, t no Utiles from the FIotid* imr, auU e0 i from Tnoiuaavlllo ; to which city It la la *pect* equal as a winter resort, by reason mate and surroundings, erlcus Is locatetl in the finest section of ;l*. wlilrh, by n-ason of Its great fertility rsioralile seasons. Is enormously pruduct- iinl •luring the last two years uf the elvll r-i<liK-e<l the bulk of the supplies for both iriflnia and Tennessee armies of the Com »cy, thereby earning the title of •‘Egypt.*' < lut uied la to section raises a greater r*. uf agricultural and horticultural products iny other part of the south ; combining all ult*. grains and vegetables of the temper* ■•I semi-tropical auoes-wheat, coru. rye, , nuts, rice, Irish ami sweeet potatoes, m. ctiufas, cotton, peas, sugar cane, pears, peaches, gt-pes, plums and other GEORGIA LOAN AM) TFM'ST COMPANV. ifc'KS'SMflS&STSSE jSSE; » SSWUB Macarwni. Cod Kish. Oat Meal VERY ENCOURAGING. 'cl*. New ituckwhei INCORPORATED 1R8.1. CAPITAL $150,000. OOD A CALLAWAY. 1 LAM Alt STREET. *y, Prc*. Jno. Windsor,Cashier, indsor. As Cr. F.. A. llawki ns. Atty rvo. One month ago |**t night Natliao Wynn, an ipoffenaive old negro living the Felder plantation while playlcg the part of peacemaker, waa murdered in cold blood bj Ilenry Collier, a jotng buck, wbo afterwards walked from the house and has since eluded the offlcoia of the law. Yesterday afternoon be wa« captured s', the point of a couple of Winchesters, and Is now safely belliud the bars Sumter county’s jdl. Deputy Sheriff McArthur received Those Besieged Brunswickians Hopeful Qnce More. He Is Pjesented at the Court of Germany. 0HLY HINE HEW 0A8E8 REPORTED. THE RAISER’S CORDIAL OBEETIHO. Naw York MrniL Down Another Rig I or Ration* and Now They lla»« Probably Enongh to U.t He ( hatted with Mr. Kaayon and Said ot* of Nlcw Things and Thaw Him • Heart? Hand shake at Parting. Brinswk N-lally tha land nl the LeConte pear itics of pearltcv, some of uit farms bciug In this section and city. • having obtained rrsulte of u re in cane and syrup in Ibis county. I tabled at fiotutu prrarr#. isle i* mild and equable, tbc •>m going lie low 30 degree* Fahrenheit, more rarely below. 2'» tlegrods. Only v in many years has It g lliere I* sclilou, any Ice formed ra late and klllli.g frosts are due about X< th. The suinmer tenqierafi i, by reason of routlnm lulfof Mexico, about IM miles south i higher than la otbe, • farther to the < v general Introduction some year* ago v in well*, there I* no mote healthy i v union, t lie re Iwtn* absolutely no I rase* prevailing, and chills ami far < it unknown. Tha air la (Hire ami dry, i »t beneficial to throat and Inng l mwimptloti I* very rare among the of the cure of this liming tlx Mill luted from northern «. cine here are on record, untry Dblgli ami rolling and the drain cry liest, ami all kinds of outdoor lerfonneil twelve months In tmr year inconvenience fnan heat or cold. ■us ha* a |-.puUtl»ii of over S.00#, which “swly growing ; the Increase from IMS to »day a tel on high and prettily rolling hills, some of the handsomest business blocks 'He building* to be found In any city In •try Tlx txw county court hsnae and among the finaat of their kind In tlx fty hall la second to none In baanty, costing 1130^00 r Hotel a***! only by the D- Boto In Savannah In and t•canty. Tlx new poetofflee r Georgia marble strnctura, and rablyjrttn any building In Atlanteor Ra. i nearly The bui •me brick structures that would tx credits any city of five times the alas of Amor. city tlx best of public schools, and at Ion of tlx heallhfulness of the place, I* given that out of an average ssbnol ice of t,io* children per year, there have ly three deaths In fire year* among Methodist, Baptist, Pratbyte. • Ity hi »opai and (Wtholle Chnrchea-the urch beings beautiful|SAN»edifice. gr MN | public library ; one dally •■ekly newspaper of Urge cfrculatioe I inis and adjacent counties •use completely furnished wtU y and capable of seating 1.BM |s ople ; a well 'ganlrrd |*ld fire department, with steamer*, ■; k l “ ,ld " '™0 «Uwr .|>plUn«. •■•nrv r^pur. ip,In, and irtnUn ,u, |. !" “ ■»»»■*•• Inn furniture factory, guano work* a*, planing mills and * ^wlewplanTngmill » carriage fsctorlee. a i xt tons, one of which is a mag- resort hute» built In MU. with to the want* of tourists, at **•**"*■ or tourist#, at a wSini'vatisa: . : .m :: rA7s fiass^SwaSK *lth *'l|*t»* t'clmntte*^** »holaaals bualnaas tl^'r,!,'.'.’;^ 1 ! u ‘ # ^ nl » of trad# for tan ; ,1.. " 'ha very richest and bet r , ?*^ , * # T* W * tn * k ShwMwtd, Ctilhsr C. A hsstiegtM, V. Pr**t 1*1 Warms. Ati’t Cask* BANK* OF. COMMERCE. Commercial paper di*< lade upon approved col ought and *o%. be,, nd time certificate* ls- U( Ing bualnr* transacted , „ _ D RECTORS. Sheffield, j n v.S5. ,,,n ' Jan 15 w Lott Warren. e People's National Bank, OP AMERICUS., $.»0,000 k Surplus, $25,000. ORGANIZED IRR3. NEW PRESTON HOTEL IVIi'N. N. ml• Stapleton, i*itixto:v, <m. able of street. Will . Oh., Oft. 88.—The n telegram from Leslie yesterday, alatlog I port at noon U very encouraging. N tb,t Collier was biding lu the gal I berry outside „r this city cm, appreciate ■•tamp. In tbo vlolnUy of bl, fslb.r'sl .. „ , , home. Thleodloer.. one. .reared the it brighter assistance of Lltut. W hnolrr, of tbn cit) c " *'■'! w police, together with Messrs. B. F. Mo- kitereutM find t« Mailt, Dixie Speer, and a Mr. Johnson, I *bfoa<l and at hu PDTHbAM. Oct. 88.—The United State* ambassador, Theodore Rnnyon, arrived here shortly Iwfore noon, accompanied by Baron Von Biebentein, imperial minister of foreign affaire, and by the Imi|sw to onr business I master of cemnonlee, Baron Usedom, nib ring (teople | Mr - Runyon waa accompaued by the etaffof the United Stalee embassy and Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Baking Powder absolutely pure •■Ati. m cotntn com MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. have to show before placing your fall orders. We can only expect your trade by earning it, aud we expect to earn it by showing a complete assortment ol Woolens of the latest patterns, colors and weave, by quoting reasonable prices, and by turning out perfect fitting and well made garments. All these things we are prepared to da We show something, over three hundred distinct styles ot Woolens, all new and of choice patterns which we make up into Suits to order from $16.50 to S40, and Pants from $5 to fit 2. We guarantee perfect fit and entire satisfaction with every garment deliver ed, and will allow none to leave onr house unless up to the highest standard of excellence. We display our Woolens in such a manner that we can show you through withouc inconvenience, and trust you will call whether you arc ready to place an order or not. Thanking you for past favors, we are Very respectfully yours, BAILEY & CAM PBELL, Tb* house of the elder Toiler wae eur- ing m the Mtnation up to rounded to prevent the flight of the prle- j Deatlie. 3. oner, and then a search of the premise* we* made. Every nook and corner of thebooee wee eearched lu vain, Lieut. Wheeler eepled an old cupboad aud at ouoe proceeded to explore it* lo- terinr department. When the door wae opened, Collier was found erouebed upon the Inside. Lieut. Wheeler leveled hie t ud at him aud demanded hia surrender, aud with The Hoard Report. . I wae received by the emperor in tbo i The board of health re|sirta the follow* I New Caeca. 0. Discharged. II. Rrrapltelaflnn. *** Cases under treatment, 20.1. Cases discharged, ->4U. Total numlier ot cases, THU. Ratio of mortality, 7.B per cent. Whites, 14.4. , MI , tiniol tjuu A communication or petition wm j,-..... ,.^ r , rrr , tbe«i,l,Uuic.of lb«otlierolllc«i,qulcli.|'J Y ” 1 1 '' y, I h " l " , ; lr ' , "f l>v«lll' rwfuwting | u, WM gneioua notoolTto Ijr bound ih. negro wltb huidcuff. If. ‘ allran-1 *o treat them him Lot to th. whole Mat! of th, Anwri- m.d. no real.taoce wbamrer, and quiet *1“ V.etopr,-- c „ etubmr. i. i.A .1.. .... In laae they ahuuld be ' - - 1 The court marnhal conducted Mr. Runyon into Uw pramc, of th, ttu* peror, and after a private audience Uw am header presented SscssUry Juaoph D. Jaolnnti, Lieutenant R. K. Iraaaaud Captain Vreeland. The American diplomat and hla ataS were driven to the palao, in state car* riogw and woorted back to Uw railway •taUon with tbo nuw ceremony. Emperor William mind Mr. Ron- yon in the moat cordial me— pumtbU. Ij accompanied tha effloera to the oily I '"T!! l " y * l,u “ 1 ' 1 Le""me rick, that I All Uw apMchm wen In EngUrii, and where he wo, lodged lo jail. *", r “' ric *“ n * > ,WI "l"» •>«»• ipokeu Inatoml of read. Collier loft Amerieu, oo the night I ““. i, mode of tnmtment ho dtmolrcd I Mr. Rnnyon aaid the United State after the murder and went to Ailoota f'" 1 ln h« «'•! l« I gorernment hod appointed Idmombaa- »id afterward, to tlacoo. Ue relnrned ™ “ t" aiiawer the „,b,r. and charged him to convey Uw barer week ago aud wont to hi, fa I ™II*'<f the uck: inaword. that he may 1 bmt wfahm of Uw United State goTm- ther'a borne, where hi. prrwoce wo I °“ J " y J)l« pracUce a, I mM , t for Uw pnaperitr <4 Owtnany. and reported to tbo oncer, I’l'y-iciaii In the city. Thia Emperor William laid ha wo, Mti,- I. uld, waa a otei I l l *ntioo^lm ^goed by 3tl of the bwrt dU-1 a«l wilh Uw friendly oction of tha two com of murder, for which bo will doobt ' Km ~‘* u »hlte, lou pay the uiutl penalty. . I oonntriw In ralaing their mlnlatriw to Surgeon Murray I, in receipt, of a tel- I ombaarieo. lie waa plowed that Uw egram mutoundng three new caaea ot United State had appointed Alabama. THE GEORfilA Uirucr I r<!OW ,m ~ Jo"ti|—two whiten owl dor Rnnyon to bo IterepnnMtaUn, a. THE GEORGIA MAGNET. 0000,*™. Hir ewe. are under treat-1 b. la a man of great irpuUtlon.IIo aw.rf.1 i-., .f . uni. w.e I UiotikedPreoldait Clmland for bla kind at Miiie«ig.tin., I. «nrg«m Carter luu gono to Savannah I meeaage, and naked Mr. Rnnvon to can. Din Wavr-ma* In Aloe ief..«ii r .. I ... . " Mtu.netrvtu.r., oc t . ag.—Mra. I ,m ? w »3 ,crnM *» «1» Information I rflr to him a hearty reciprocation of hia Annie Abbott, better known tu "The I “f wh,> ““ pcd , ‘“* rwrtine •tatomonta. Uttle Georgia Magnet," gave a per-1 * . . Hla mojeaty njated at the « formance at the Mllle.lg.rtHe theater I „ '"‘‘gram has Jn.t been received la Qanminy'a taMbHa at Chicago, and here. Tha borne waa packed to ita nt-I J? nl “ ,rick -"°' i,Jr [ n|t th " ""H'oritie, of I hopetl valaable oommetdal resulte to moot, anti terrific cheerr greeted the lit-1 *7°. "hipitent of about M cur, of pro- both oountlte would follow. Uo electric woman when elte "ltpeatwl | “"I The audience woe umuually Informal before her home people. She lift.vl as many as six ami eight rive about the mhblle of tho week. hiboiUwiaatrCtan maiim and f did not, etc. I have no ajwelal interest against tno court, except that It i Is expemiro and not neeewary and tha i grand Jury of the county hare declared * against It, or refused to recommend It, B When the court was first proposed than was quite a number of candidate for Judge and solicitor, and I learn that taenty.tbree of Iho lawyers bars signed nn agreement lliatlntheersnt thsoourt Is established that they agros for th. ToTnn Ttuis.Riconnrnt-In reply to tha erlHeltnw of my friend, Col. R L. Maynard, on tk, shore question; drat on Uw point mad, that I promised to lures ligate and should g.t my lessee ovsr oto, I Wiu admit tkst I did not nuke flgaras on theorstlca) sod supposed 11- P«aa, but I went directly to tha county tnsauror, whoso duty It Is to pay off the oxpsoni lasarmd by the conaty conn and the superior oonrt, who Memrdto bn fresh from bis books, and to have Nok«d Into Uw nutter oloooly, not theoretically, hat from aa account of tha ■ouoy he kid actually paid out for tx POOM of Hid oonrt. Ho also took Into v £—"*«- •nUro sxpeosis of tfco oonntv court m Vowbort will y.ui Ibid merebute ynr worn foorteoo knndrod’doUin, ud i"?" *?**' *“ d b * K,r J“**«“»t Utsl tho slty oourt eoold not ho tun for than In Amcrlcu*. iSitha^ih^houM^dflnr^Tir A f#w d *J ri since Mr. John R. gnaw caleulaUoonu iT^vm^^^U »” J*"" .took of dollar, hlgksrthso that, sod h. put J^u.nte' 11 ’° ld " “*• eight thousand dollars as a minimum. ' . , Ills said Us Information was that tha alt-Dbaw being an nutslder of 001 — city court of Macon cost Illbb counts ”**'* for tho bowo elersn thousand (lr. hundred dollars’ rb,^er“t^.lt”lon l ”t f ' ‘"l " and this grut ripens, may rsssonshly . lo ,ln - ThoteLworo account forth, fact, which’ uw pnh’ IT* a? b . d Vt J *' ,h " “ p “ lD *i lllbed In th, Atlanta ConsUlnUon a few J* r - sl “" * bl< ! "»* D’lrd nest to tba days ago, la .ihstara that tha county wfour hteV.mV 11 "'""’V"" “ commlMloDen of Bibb felt the U ’ a 0Ter “ ro u >mft H ®ni»unt *ho< MterHuTteX^2:,“’ of tbo city court, t had heard prior to that sno from snolber source, that they sglt.tlng tbs repeal of the city A prominent cll| z ~f Am.rlotw, men as easy as If they wen as many • no,, « ,, »"*“<*• u *‘ throngh Uw ptrstmnl friend. Geo. D. Wheatley, Geo. D. Wheatley. READY WITH EVERYTHING! YOU WANT TO WEAR. ZVZVSH WA8 OUB STOCK SO LABOE I A8SOBTMENT BO COMPLETE ! STYLES SO BEAUTIFUL ! FBICES BO LOW ! EVERYBODY charmed with our lovely selection* It. DRY QOOD3. <Kri, VELVETS, NEW DRESS TRIMMINGS, K»C. . EVERYBODY eurprlaed at tbe low price* which we offer, Geo. D. Wheatley’s. FALL DRESS GOODS. Geo. 0. Wheatleys. Inch Colored Ca*hmvr*. at 12) yd. Ch'iiiKvahle Hrocadve, ... 15a yd. inch Brown and Gray Mix ed De Reges 15c yd. Inch Flauoel Stilting* 25c, worth 45c yd. Inch Hopeacklna 25o worth 40c yd. Inch Silk Finis Henretta* 25c, worth 4dcyd. Inch Hebaatopol, new abide* 25*, worth 40c yd. .18 inch Rio Rio Ciievrona, new ihadee, 25c. worth... .40o yd. 40 Inch All-Wool Whip cord new style*, worth 50c, 75c yd. 40 Inch All-Wo jI Hopsacklngt new shadr*, 50j worth 7&o yd 40 inch Ail-Wool English Serge*, new shades 60o worth 75c yd. 54 inch French Broadcloth, new shades, 85c, worth... 1.25 yd. t n-i2L rtcb ?* t “d t»s*s«rt- r*c*i,,u JSrCf.’ lh * HU"**! cottoa aOSmi' 1 ? lh * Ur ipwt dty In _ ^V*"“ «^ n *mnTrT. MU * Ctl0 * U #qu ^ d ^ priXILrl }A n< * a •• wy rauofiahi* ta tLim» Mn ' U * n wr *m brlae » i.vT L u 'v. er at *n eurlv date. Tha i.h. te, P, Wbi.tkj'i BTOIfflWmilTCOamB Bm. 0. WtttKiy’s | feathers, by placing her hands against chair. Sixteen of our able-botlicd dti- sens were se!ected aa a committee to test her power, and all tried hard to move her off a balance of one heel, Imt to no avail. Her power was triuis- remainder of the epidemic. rnitted to small boys, rendering them immovable, and many other feats of more or bus importance were causing non-believers to After tbe official exchange of coorte- THE DEFICIENrv Rill wapwiw oooveeaed privately for int l trlCItWCY BILL. $5 mlnntea with Mr. Rtmyou. Thia waa I » Little ( rent Matter* liefer* I quite an unuaaal proceeding, and has ax Use lUprei mu was .\ oil real. | cited considerable oommeni. Hla _ Wsam-OTOX, Oct. 58._Tho wnate. I?}* I*! 1 "! **• American dins tritanteklng up Urn .liver teptenn^I ”■ *?"*.** ¥ — “».!*■ .brink before chase hill, tlie urgent deficiency MU vn I °C **•** “S other aurent topics. her ss their every nerve was excited to reported, with amendmenta. Tlie amend-1 . Wb ” 1 Ml '- “""Toh look hla departure “ V Xte , A'iwr“f ,t 1 r N , “'i . t , mentawere agreed to and the hill waa *• e “ pmr *«* hands with him In Mn. Abbott ia indeml a “wonder of I , - w 1 “ the heartiMt manner DitHm* the .hAl wonders,” aud all MtllwlgevUIeana are !*?**■ te IWMUaat nmur. During th. widj. proud to aay aha waa born and reared I The joint resolution for the transfer of I T*** * In *v^ TP** uodr * ,B tu ^ m ?“ hM iwtaiwl bl the luodol battleship llUnoia to Un state "* °< ef Which will go STtaBiptUt'chnrcb. Knnyeo at 4 o'^k to t^efte^*’’ THE NEW YORK EXCHANGE. | The silver bill was then taken np and Martial taw itelosed. Mr. Wolcott addressed tho senate. OuATKMALAt Oct 28-Martlal law has I been declaml throughout tho country. I*rr*l.lrntlel Nuntlnatlon*. Nrw York, Oct. 28.—The stock mar-1 Wajuiixotox, Oct. 28.—Th# president 17 1 ** gowromwat is making kctlva mill- ket waa very strung again, everything on I hm sent to the senate the following nom-1 \tZ - tt - aa ****** tlie list being np some, and notliiug but I inations: I Nobody ia “bullish" sentiment still prevails, whilo I To be United /Wati ~ “ ‘ * the “bean" seem to have been driven | Bcboenfed, away from the market and have made I Robert no efforts aa yet to return. The outside I Bierra Leone, stock market* are strong also. London I David N. Buck, or Mew York, at Ma-1 caange » w- uuatoma duttea and per- oitcned dull but steady and doeeil active I lags, Spain. I "o***! taxes have incrwejd ao that the and higher. I I merchants threaten to close their booses. Whisky stocks owned by the trn*t are | mi** uartomC* Fun*-mi. | Taxable permits are reqaired for the plaids 85c yd. I $2.25 per yard High Novelty Bro il 75 per yard Colored Eoglieh Ben- cades, galines. BLACK GOODS AND SECOND MOUBNINO EFFECTS. ... .. > iiwiumryara .eulUrsted, courteous l-**MM.I of tlx oia tim# iiuirioti* farm*i*, this maUfasr ciKii.i b »»k racioa* of tho Wm* •t«cil« « lit.’*. 'I'Hiiltlon* tha* would brlnir 5SS? teSLifi? tr t«r a, r- tj^“ ,A f wU 10 for S35 to Sfl* roll.« n «| *t # 8*a*l *utl cully aecesafUieby te n ,^’| r /«n raOroud ears Sown to will »0'yprastaWo cap. °* > y«wiy faultysnd ’ *7 • n four*C« ,, rot froM tho • la AMMrtcu* and suntor Anything In the Uns of rnllng f tioiling or book-making don’t time writing abroad, bat Time* bindery when yon will get the beat work at the cheapest prises to bt found in the country. Kverythlng done rt “‘ ’-1 style. in tint-clai To Our Patrons. W* will follect an bills doe os for Job work weekly. This will make daymenu easier for yoo, sad help as materially, as our expenses iropsjsMs weekly Tuns PuBUnnra Oompamt. Iaegion of new things In this line, Including beautiful Hue of Hiiver Grey Suitings—all cheeper than over before. lOSOIiS CHEAPEST, he. D. Tklflyi Beet Figured Calicoes, fast color*, 6c yd. Good Hheetlng, yard-wkie .... 6c yd. Extra Quality Checked Home spun, Ao yd Fine Fea Island, yard- eilde. .fl. l *cyd Fruit of Loom Bleaching, any quality 12^ yds 100 Good yard-wide Bleaching,., fle yd, Mattress Ticking, good oust' 7c yd Extra Heavy Feather Tick ing 121o yd, 10<4 Hheetlng. bleached and brown, best 25o yd. Cotton Flannels, very cheap. 7c to 12>^o yd. |8aD.Wlmkj'i SPECIALS FES DEfOBEE, 6»,D. Fin* Crochet Quilts $1 OOquali ty for 65a Large Linen Huok Towels 25c quality for 10»*- Turkey-Red Table Damask. 40c qua Ity for ^ School-boy Jeans, all-wool, 35c quality for • Kentucky Doeskin Jeans, all wool, 50c quality for *150. 50 Pr 10 4 Heavy vVhlte Blan kets, $1 25. worth $2.60 35 Pr Extra Hlze While Blan kets, all-wool. $2 75, worth $4 00 60 i)<>z Childs Derby Bibbed Hose, 12Sj, worth 40 Dnx. Ladies fast Black Hose 25c, worth 75 Pr Nottingham I.ace Cur tains, 3’J yds long, $1.25, 25c. .. 45c. worth., .$2 25 pr FI&TECT nTTSS CLOU. Oto. I ffMij'i rge aaaortment Men’s durable Smooth Satinet Suits for every day wear at $5 00, worth $8 50 suit. Try one of our warm, soft and good wearing Casslniere business suits st $7 50, worth $12.50 Hull. Nobby single and double-breasted 3-button Cutaway sack Hulls In black, blue, gray aud tau Cheviots, $12.50, worth $20.00. GOO PsirsGeul’s FineTrou*ers, any size wanted, from $2 25 to $7.00; for such It Hors want from $8 50 to $12 00 pair. ill be offered our patrons during tbe Wa will be glad to show our many attractioos, and less than generally IxJieved. The di-1 , w „ _ , UKWt ordinary transactions, rectors do not want an increase in tax at I WA8HixoTO!» t Oct. 28.—The remains I prteent. of Miss Daisy Garland will be taken to I Brigands Whipped Uw s#idter*. A Chicago special aaya that Worms-1 Little Rock, for burial, arriving there New Yon* OcL M—A s? wirwl ,lut * Tu# * Ut - I ° r “Shio The Baltimore und Ohio has notifletl I l 10 Th, World born qiuteoltaiuiifo, Guate mala, lay.: Tho (onremnit troop. aont oat after Uw teuoUb ban ,re returned, bandita ami 5y|OP^«5S a Georgia Criminal Caught. Richmond, Oct. 2H.-J. Milton Wal-1 ifter harinx att dren, colored, waa arreated, charged I being repaleed, with forging a check on the CiUsens' I **“?• M soldier, were killed ' of Richmoml, irarporting to have | wonad,d ' toWlem kst their opponents ■ they insist that they wen brig- tasen drawn by Postmaster Oti. H. Itu»- oell, for the sum or tit. Waldron claim, that he ia connected with Poetnffice In-, moctorArrington’s ofHce in Wsrting- u,a,M,ttowateteaie. ton. A number of keys belonging to see waiaiegtea DaimnMx. the mail bag. were fonal in Maiiirj.ii Buna. Oct. it.—Tha pope haa been sion. WsLIren is also said to be a fugi-1 exchanging views recently with lfir ; JS^A , 2f&aL5 , iaSS mu Work. I.* J* “d*««lty sni wiilsoon give the 1 Institution evidence of Ms support and OKS ENJOYS Al ,,{ NT.,, Ga., Oct. tft.—Upon appli-1 satisfaction with ita work, cation of the Southern Jellicn Coal o«n- pany, of Tconesen), Jndgo H. 0. Roney has api«lnted A. K. Miller and John J. I Nltw Oct. M.-lhc BraxlUan Cohen receircr. of tbe Augnata glass govemmaet has tonight -rom thaPnen- Both tha method and rmulte -x-1 ^ in Mto JSSSLI T°^ ,nd . CoMtoortl ” kzkI refreshing to tbs txstd, and sets I Woly * I nitro gelatine, to be placed on the si gently yet promptly on tha Kidney., ““ ‘ Liver and Bowels, cleanses the ty> ally, dtapalg " * ’ A Mean. KUte Mrte Sqrt. | «-te tem efiectnally, dispels colds, head-1 ArauaTA ’ °*" ° ct - achaa and fevers snd cures habitual w “ »* Bern Uland. Th. meet, C ° ?rtl,, a tfc,? ’ ^iuPktad^er'w^ Wh^^d°L ^"ingui^l^ri P«b"inSStetolite* riS _ . “.c . J * Ter .P' 0 ' to * l >n, '. ll . c road, shot all to He tion of tho visit of tha Ruwian Extraordinary Inducements month of October Wo will be glad to ahow our many niwnciio will give the best service possible, whether you wlab to buy or noi. of it iiouuv Thlaaea.on Is Boy’s Clothing I "Wa’ve got ’em” any sire desired, from age 5 yeare up. You can buy your boy a (Md anil from us for Jost about what others charge you for a pair of bojs pants! 15 DO*. BOY'S ODD KITES CAM TO. AEY SIIE. 60s. 76e. 51.001 GEO. D. WHEATLEY, Lftmsr 8$ sod Cotton A vs. Americas, Gs. Far I* Will Hi Paris, Oct 88.—The munidpality ot ssssaai ite action and truly bcnelTcial inlta I -* on ,n, P i, ' i,m of W»l «■» mnnterer. D. Triomph.; „ many excellent qualUiee commesa it B-'diai'ac. Oct. 28,-Two weeks ego to all and hare meJe it tho moat Stemhegm, a wheelwright, 58 ilar remedy known, feyrup tf FIei ia for aele in 50o and $1 bottles Dy all leading drutr- giria. Aay rouabls druggte wbo may not have it on baatfwUl pro cure it promptly fbr any ooo who wish* to try It. Do not Moapt any CALIFORNIA FI0 SYRUP CO. UK nu»cuco. CAL uwmt, a. ma am. aut yean of age, left home after telling hie wife that he intended to end Ills life, as he amid not get work. Hie body. Jbarirfn^daaxnpo^, - - 5SSF - « MurnltMol R#w RaAfonl* Lew UxnFotD. Mass., Oct. IS.—Two children ot Napoleon J. Stone, a weaver, who has been unable to secure employ- FtIm# IlLmarck Mi« WolL Beruk, Oct. 88.—Dr, Hchwenl _ who hee retained from n vMt to Fried, lichernh, sejrs that he axamined Bis- merckend frond him meUag flnepro- I. Tha Princes. Bi.mere k i. ill of e The extra pay of elerk, ekeriff aad MIIB per diem for llkreorvte woald be waa le elty ooort as superior oonrt. Tha city oonrt, It aaama to ms, would ®ost the oouaty about the lameae tbe superior oonrt. It Is true tha elty so art would hare no gnad Jury, hot the coun ty would hart to pay the j edge’s salary of two thonsand dollars, whenas tbs state pays the superior court Jndg,’, •Mary. A pwlasal aatehsenf tha last graad Jury, who Una la Amarians, In- formal Baikal tha graad Jury InvtsU- gsted Iks elty oonrt qnatUon, aad that thay daelded sgalnst tha oily oonrt. Dons ay brother Msyaard waat high, or authority that tha oouaty treasurer aad tha graad Joryf It waa raqossted that tha ally court MU ha published that tha people Bight kaow what It eontalaad before they were eeked to l.erieee their taxes fire to six thonsand dollars, bat this bee sot boss does. Thaastabtisbaeatof arttyoosrt, If I nedsntaad the MU, will make for the trial of elrU saw four tea, courts aore per year for the aUsedasee of Jurors thoa wa sow hare for civil -~e —eevks lllrtb IIIBJ l|(r*] IQf a present cfllcient judge and solicitor of tko"’ county court to serve ia like ospsoitj la tbe city court for thHr unexplred lens. I think (lie candidate* have signed also. I signed and endorsed that »greemnrt t but I leant Uu t my brother Maynard** name I* conaplcuously absent from the! llfit of lawyers. J. A. AKsi.Br. *f® rt “f**® 0 *' *® d I apj-rekended ,tb.t has ban In Atlanta tbi. week, gt UwagatanltyBrert km that It will ns bU opinion tbat tb. bill Introdnood create a rity aedetorepte lt. AMtyeonrt will do oonrt bare In piece of tb. p, m .i for sparge elty Uke Saransah or itlanta, ty court, will hardly P ... th. ho bntlatoe expeatln for laall elUee. bad eonrereed with a large ooeiber at T?* ty ,Bdi * l* * l * bt ■••here upon Iho .uhjret, ami dta- . v n * Pmpo-tel salary covered that tbe MU would ate with of the Jndgeoftke ally npnrt le put at aoaalderaMaoppoelUm wi„ D enatteapt twothouaoad, I lean. Benia aaaddl- was made to put It throogb. There of twain hundred dol- ma to be a cotulderable dlveralty of . oplolea aa to the adruntages of th. pro- tbe elty court bill pro- poeed ehasgs, and lu view of tb. oppo- Wben eltloo dertlopcd the bill may go onr In civil rides for a Jury la every elvll portlademand.Jury,a ; understood II, there lo to be tbe same number as lu superior court-twenty-four. Ae i. A lt.'e S....I1 a—s. “""5?.!"** ^ ,D • , ’ 11 *• *• Hiller, 6f the Arm of °****' •*" ***• *°“ W h* eddlUonal ex- Osoob d Miller, on yesterday tiled with paean, except the few eases appealed to tbe elerk of tbe superior court bare tbe •aperlormrl, aad It aaad coat ao more Intervention of tba Men aoUle Trust aad to try tbs appeal ease la superior court DepoellCompaay.ofUaUImn,,, trustee then the eaae ease befere a Jatyla tba for tb.boid.reof the mmi mortgm anabmofjafors bond, of tbe S, A A M. Ity, Ti.i~.Tg5 pay; aad there of boade amoented to 51.SUO.OOO aad should bars tba _ woald tweeter eariagof tbs trial tx- they are bald largely by li.uimore aad peasee of aU Caere sow tried la ooeaty eastern eapllnUala. eonrtwbleb are not appealed; and there are aaay inch. ietaw Cb.m, c.,t.rea. After being chased about tbs oouaty by armed oiOcers and bloodhounds, An drew Cheney, the colored assailant of Ur. Jolm Renew, wu captured In tbe bouse of a uegio woman In' tbe oentre of the city yesterday morning. The arrest was made by Bailiff J. W. Cobb, satiated by Mr. Renew. About a month ago Cheney attempted tbe life of Renew by knocking hla In the bead with n gun snd then .tabbing him severely In the back with a pocket knife. Ho quickly made bla escape to the wood, end bss .loco rinded the offl cere until yesterday, when he wee oap- tured a. a’ ' ‘ My brother's erllMea, as to what I said about tb# jnriedlatloa of tbs county oonrt la aatreaaly technical bnt aa error, be says ay Hist error ’la the atetemeat to tba .fleet tbat tba eooaly court baa elvll Jurisdiction laall from »J00 down." My brother eorreals as eadaaye bla book tells him that tbe ooeaty court has Jurisdiction "where tbe ia claimed la less than 4300.” Mow tba Coda, see. 283, puts It “when tbe eea claimed does aot exceed U00k” Ills correction does not cornet. My brother Maynard is tbs author I bailers of the city oonrt Mil, ha says that twsoty-flvs lawyers ban endorsed It, call, rvimorr. Tbe attention of tbe e..entire mltte of tbe elty la called to tbs foot that n primary should bs held art iydato toielect men for lh, eldermaale ticket to be elected lo December. Tbe primary baa given auch entire ntUfecUon heretofore, that the people are not dliposed to hare* an election Without one; and It cannot bat cob- mend itself to tbc executlrc commute to Issue a call at once. The primary woe held on November 15th lut year, end tbe time la near at band when tbs committee should take action for this year’s election. Tbe people want tbe primary ud the executive committee abould see that they a VV.l-.lvr Court This Weak. Webstar Superior court convenes to- j morrow at Preston. Judge C. C. Smith uf the Ocmulgeo circuit, will exchange benches this week with Judge Fl.V who will preside at Wilcox court while Judge Smith goes to Web ster. Tbs members of the Americas bar wbo attend tuts court will go over Moudey morning on the flam, train. to II.os l.r M.V.I.V. TnoxAsnu-i, (In, Oct. 28.—t runnier, Henry bptticer, he. Iteen r vlcbvl end will hug on Frida;. Dec. 2 It will be private. D B PRICE'S IH m of ratter Fowler.—N I ol Homes—a ’owdeK