Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, November 29, 1893, Image 4

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r rth UnMroSir have S0ld * wholejfr^ uc “ ssdur l'f tod of our exist- ~ “".m. They are in ..,-sgth, superior; in finish, {''faultless, in utility, unsurpass ed; in price, moderate. We •re still selling them. Full descriptive catalogue mailed to any address on application. ^ Hr In addllhu, ne carry fulFlIae oF “Charier Oak" and “Garland” . Tha baat Heaton, Firo Set*,' Coal Yasea and Hod| Shovels, and Tonga. £ lcaeet prfeos. It lu yonr advantage to luveatlgatejlhem. J. W. SHEFFIELD & CO. km Pin ]mm Ageac;, An leflulig to Antn'tl ^TRIGKER’S. 3. ®. BIVINS, 1 Mtnwsr. STBPHBN b. BH/.PP8, Fire Insurance at the loweat cur- rest rates. We represent the strongest companies in the oountrj. Headquarters at the office of the Geor gia Loan and Trust Company. Piece your insurance with us and we will guarantee you the fullest protection. Our risks include all the various classes " Ranges, of insurance, and for short or long time. B. All at ^ to f urn i,b estimates application, aud will be glad to confer with any one Deeding Insurance that in sures. J. E, BIVINS, STEPHEN S. SHIPPS, FIREBUGS AT WORK AGAIN. We are goingitoShavelthe largest andlhand- * somest line of goodsSsuitable for wedding and CHRISTMAS presents ever I shown in Americus. Prioesiwiltfbejust as!low as'good mods can be bought8fibr»anywhere in the United States. We .cordiallySinvite [every- body to call and3inspeot?our£stook,£and if pleased with same selectliwhat they! want before the rushCthatEimmediately^precedes the Holidays. JAMES FRICKER ft BRO., 409 Jaclcson St , Barlow Block. Americus, Ga. THE WORLD’S FAIR CLOSED! OUR FAIR CONTINUES! WITH RENEWED ATTRACTIONS FOR THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS I We have bought fine and pretty goods lower than ever bought before, and we are thus enabled to offer our customers prices lower than ever before named. We have marked prices down to suit the purse and times. Call and inspect our stock. AMERICUS JEWEIjRY OO. 4L41 JACKSON STREET, THE BREAKFAST TABLE WHERE YESTERDAY’S MORCEAUX OF NEWS. GOSSIP And RolltlJ'aeU Are Served Up In Tidbits For Met at Inal Renders Who Are li Hurry to Rush OF Up Town After l Nimble Nickel. HbE>:E} * AI/XJEDH, m ART” CLOTHIER AMERICUS, GA. Will sell yon Clothing, Shoes, Hats and ts’ Furnishing Goods cheaper tnan any- Don’t youlbelieve this ? If you don’t, to my store and see. * Very truly yours, LEE ALLEN. Another ResidenceRntnrnted With Oil and Darned. Firebugs got in their work again yes* terday morning, and as a result another handsome dwelling is in ruins, or at least damaged beyond repair. At 6:20 o’clock an alarm was sent in from East Americus, and a tr.lnute later the department had gone to the scene in a sweeping gallop. The distance was nearly a mile bat, notwithstanding, the firemen arrived In time to render effec tive eervlce. The burned boose belonged to the Cobb estate, and was the home of tbe late Robert Cobb. It was a large, alz- room house, one of tie first built in Amerious, but was a oozy and comforta ble dwelling. Tbe roof had fallen In when the de partment arrived, but tbe three streams turned upon it soon extinguished the fire. When Foreman Smith made an ex amination be dlsoovered that the house had been fired in ten or a dozen place*. Gallons of coil oil bad been dashed ■ upon tbe floor and walls, and in the f rooms but slightly dsmiged the oil had spread over the entire floor. In another room holes had boon cut through the plastering, and into tb*** «*v«ral gal • ions of kerosene had been poured. The house was unoccupied, and tbe Incendiaries had plenty of time to do their work weU. This is the third fire in that locality within the pant three or four weeks, and in each instance kero sene oil waa freely used. There is no clue to the perpetrator of thla diabolical erlme, but If a suitable reward was of fered the guilty parties would soon be captured. The house cost originally about $fi, 000 and was Insured in tbe Commercial Insurance Co., Limited, of London, for •1,000. OUR PRICES For To-Day Will Be: 18 lbs Granulated Sugar for $i.cxx Best Patent Flour, per bbl, $4.00. Seocnd Patent Flour, per bbl, $3.50, Family Flour, per bbl, $2.50. Salt, 125 sack, white, 65c. Meat, Lard, Meal, Rice and all Groceries marked down in same line with above prices. Come to sec us, get our prices and you will be sure to buy. Dry goods, shoes, hats, etc., at prices that will please Umo you. Respectfully, Clegg Bros., & Co. "RYLANDER’S CORNERI BOOTS, SHOES, ITS aM UMBRELLAS ALPINEjnAT. Good Shoes at Moderate^Prices. Repairing neatly done. Shop up stairs. ARTHUR RYLANDER, Comer Lamar and Jackson Streets. Rylander’s Comer JOE & SING, CHINESE LAUNDRY, 830 LEE STREET, We do first-class wort and guarantee It Read the following prices. blrtt, plain ... : fe Shirts,plaited.. j t . Shirt*, collar* and cola attached*c * h nnlaundried bosom. New style cloaks received per Hon day’s express. Call early and make your selections. Wheatley A Ansley. The melancholy days do not seem to » coming with a rush this sensor, Yesterday was really a spring day, and made oae feel like whispering to Gentle Annie that spring time bad come again, Harry Bradford, captain of tbe steamer Swann, which went to the bottom of tbe Ocmulgee river a month ago, left yester day for Jacluonville to accept a position with the Florida Central and 1’oninsular railroad. Ladlas* Entertainment Tonight* Tonight the ladles' entertainment for the benefit of tbe Episcopal Church rec tory fnnd will take place at the opera house, and will be on* of the very best of the kind ever witness'd here. It is to be hoped that the undertaking will meet wltn the patronage it to richly de serves , not only becauae It la given for the benefit of a worthy object, but be cause the ladlea have made every effort to Insure Its suocess. Last Sundays’ TluBa-RKcoHncR contained tbe full programme to be rendered this evening, and all were more than pleased there with, This beings church benefit tbe committee decided to have no reserved ■eats, but ladlea and children need have no fear as to securing good seats. The admlaalon Is very low; adults 25 cent* and ehlldren 15 cents. Go out tonight and spend a pleasant evening, and at the **- »ald in a i moat worthy cause. Are your children subject to croup ? If eo, you should never be without a bot tle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It la a certain cure for croup, and baa never been known to fall. If given freely as soon as the croupy cough appear* it will prevent the attack. It la the sole reli ance with thouaands of mothers who bate croupy children, aud never disap points them. There is no danger In giving this Remedy In large and frequent doses, as It contains nothing Injurious 50 cent bottles for sale by W. A. Item ert and Davenport Drug Co. L. L. Chapman A Co , keep on band eggs, butter and all freah groceries, near Artesian Corner. Good freab goods and bottom prices. oct If you are going to do any gardening this season, don’t fall to get your onion •eta from Dr. Eldrldge; he baa Lan- derth’s beet varieties. Now is the time to plant your fall on Iona; and don’t forget that you can al ways find Landreth’a Onion Seta at Dr. Eldridge’a. I lamp »r. El- start a dridge’a Drug Store. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Th* Americus Buggy Company, a r.rrn com- nosed of T. L. Blackwell, A. A. Jones and J. P. Wilson, have this day been dissolved b> mutual consent- T. I* Blackwell and A. A. lone* retiring, and J. P. Wilson continuing, -*■- ~U1 attend to the collecting and settle- of all claims. Parties indebted to the old arm, either by mortgage, note or lested to come forward and all claims will be placed In tbe hands Tbe firo department bad responded to three alarms within thirty hours up to noon yesterday, and, as uaual, "got there" in great style eaoh time. Every citizen has a right to feel proud of Americus’ excellent fire department. Five negro prisoners, linked together by banda of steel, came up from Cuth- bert yesterday in charge of a convict guard. They were plaoed la the bar racks bera last nlgbt and today will carried to the lumber camps at RJch- wood, on the S. A. A H. road. Quite a party of Oglethorpe people, among whom were several ladlea, were in the city shopping yesterday. Conve nient achedales on the Central and 8. A A M. roads would have tbe effect of bringing many people to Americus who are now almost compelled to go else where to buy their supplies. An attempt to give a list of those af flicted with the prevailing malady—la grippe—would be well-nigh Impossible' Familiar faces are missed from every ■tore and office, and throughout the city It Is one long, continuous sneeze. At The Windsor yesterday, among others, were W. A. Brown, Newark Charles Shields, St. Loult; II. Shacffer, Baltimore; Charles Jacobs, New York C. II. Smith, St Louie; John A. Pridgen, Baltimore; George A. Gcnhon, Atlanta; D. S. Carle, Baltimore. Tom James slipped np from Albany yesterday to see the fire wagons and get a few points on managing monkeys, being the happy owner of a royal Brazi lian revolutionist of the olmean species, He carried the "pints" home In a hand- satchel, quart site. La an ah asses Tribe No. 32, Order of Red Hen, will light a council fire at seventh run and thirtieth breath this evening. There will be three candidates for adoption, besides Important work on othar lines. A full meeting of mem' bera Is requtated. Will Continue the Hnilnta*. The Amerious Buggy Company, a firm composed of T. L. Blackwell, A. Jones ane J. P. Williams has been dis solved, and T. L. Blackwell retiring Messrs. J. P. Wilson and Hose Oliver will continue the carriage business at the earn* stand under the firm name of the Amerious Buggy Company, and ask a share of the public patronage. Tun Best Plastxh.—Dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and bind It on ovor the seat of pain. It la better than any plaster. When the lunge are sore euoh an application tbe ebest and another on the back, be tween the shoulder blades, will often prevent pneumonia. There la nothing good for a lame back or a pain In tbe side. A sore throat can nearly always be cured In one night by applying a flannel bandage dampened with Pain Balm. 50 cent bottles for eels by W. A. Rembert and Davenport Drug Co. “Nasclmento” Our Guarantee! plisbed thl« la tbi “LITTLE UNO" SCHOOL SHOE. This shoe has no seams whatever in the back to rip, the vamp is sewed on with three rows of the best silk thread, the soles are sewed and channel clinched, there fore you need have no fear I of soles coming off. 'The stock and material used in the same is the best the market affords. We guarantee our Little | King Shoe to he the best in the market. Try a pair and we are Iassured of yonr future trade. |THE EXCELSIOR 8H0E CO., POKTSMOUTH, OUIO. FOR SALE BY Col & Daniel, WINDSOR HOTEL BLOCK. FURSLT PERSONAL. JtJST RECEIVED: Fresh lot of Nunnally’s Fine French Candies. Made this week. Try a box and you will buy no other kind. Every box we sell guaranteed to be ab solutely fresh. GL0VEQ & HORfiE. It Scant) the Llttl* Folks. The children at Jackson street school secured another half holiday yesterday, thanks to a second false alarm of fir*. Shortly before noon smoke began pour ing through a hole in tbe chimney of one of the rooms and a stampede quickly followed, the juvenile fire brigade lead ing ths procession with the greatest enthusiasm. When an investigation waa made It waa dlaoovarsd that the smoke came from a choked furnace pipe, damage was done, and the scare qulokly subsided. requested to come forward aud settle .. -• -—Btrtu be placed in tbe ban,_ collection if not satlsfac- T. L. BLACKWELL, * * JONES, WILSON. ' ortly arranged. A. A. JONES. Americas, Ga., Nov. at, ikn r NOTICE. Tbe Arm of T. L. Blackwell, A. A. Jones and P. Wilson, having been ill-solved, we take «■ method of informing the public gener- will continue the carriage initi ally that .. , Ml .... Americus Buggy Company," ipectf uily a»k that a liberal share of your patronage be * - * •" times to give ro t possible and MOSE OLVlER. tbe lowest pusslt rsr e prices. iff ii J. P. WILSON Idleness is the mother of many wan ton children. They that do nothing are In the ready way to do wore# than noth ing. t» Okies Times People overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial effects end were satisfied with transient action, but now that It Is generally known that Syrup of Flge will permanently rare habitual con stipation, well-informed people will not bay other laxatives, which set fore time, bat finally Injure tbe system. Seed Barley can be found at Dr. El dridge’a Drug Store. Hood’s and Only Hood 1 Hood’s Sarsaparilla la carsfullv pre pared f.-om Sarsaparilla, Dandelion, Mandrake, Book, Pipsissewa, Juniper berries and other well-known remedies, by a peculiar combination, proportion and process, giving to Hood's Sarsapa rilla curative powers not possessed by other medicine*. It effaets remarkable cures when other preparations fail. Hood's PUla ears billon si 154 ripe,bt lently. A sneer ie tbe stiletto of conrtrsa* lamps of all . Eldridge’a Drug Store. ■-•ms ofThus<Wbo Come and GolnAm< eus Day After Day. The latest novelty, ladies silk belts with silver buckles. Call and get one for your cousin, sister or some one else’ sister. Americus Jewelry Company 421 Jackson street. Col. and Mrs. C. R. McCrory, of Ella* vllle, wer* the guests of friends in the city yesterday. Mias Mamie McBride, a pretty belle 11 Oglethorpe, wae the guest of Americus friends yesterday. Mrs. J. C. Pope left yesterday for Au gusta, where she will be tbe guests of friends for a week or two. Mr. Ira O. Smith, of Atlanta, was registered among tbe several arrivals at The Windsor last night Messrs. N. M. Blook and Jack Mai- tin were among the several Macon 1 tee in the city yesterday morning. Mr. William S. Irvine, a well-known citizen of Macon, was among the sev eral visitors to Amerions yesterday. Miss Nell Williams, of Columbus, will be the charming guest of Miss Em Prime at her home on College street until Fri- day. Miss Ella Perry, of Preston, is spend ing a few days in tbe city, a guest at tbe home of Mr. R. S. Windsor, on Lee street. Dr. and Mrs. L. F. Cato, of DeSoio, were in the city yesterday. Mrs. Cato bat just returned from a viiit to friends in Forsyth, his former home. Mr. M. P. Callaway and Miss Calls way, ot Albany, father and niece of Mr, Merrel Callaway, are spending several days at his home on Jackson street. -FOR- MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY. We give THANKS to the good people of Americus and surrounding country for the generous pat ronage extended us this season, and we will show our gratitude by offering for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday next exceptional low prices in every department in our house. Do not fail to embrace this golden opportunity. No exagerations but a clear'statement of the plain (acts. We offer. DOMESTICS. Twenty thousand yards of the finest Turkey Red, Iudlgo and fancy drees prints sold all over the country at 74 to 8 cents, our prioe 5] cents per yard. Five thousand yards Indigo Blue Calicoes such as other houses get 74 to 8 cts. for, our price 5 cent* per yard. Ten thousand yards Columbus checks—the regular 71 cents quality at 41 cts. Twenty thousand yards of yard wide sheeting sold at 7 to 8 cents all ovsr the country, oar prioe G cents per yard. Twenty bales of yard wide Sea Island 0 cents quality at 5 cts. Yard wide "Fruit ol the loom" bleaching 81 cents. A Highly Interesting Flay. The unique comedy styled "Nlobe’ was enjoyed by only a fair audience It a night Those who did not attend th l play missed a rare opportunity for gen uine laughter. The plot is full of ludi crous situations from beginning to end. and tbe piece waa well executed and surely desorved a better bouse. Several of tbe actors did most excelisnt comedy work. Lest Chance to Bee Annie Abbott Miss Annie Abbott, tbe Georgia mog< net, will soon depart for a lengthy West ern tour. Before leaving, the Amerions public will be given an opportunity to see this wonderful performance. In order to acoommodat* all olassea seats will be put down to 25 aud 50 cents. No obarge for reserved seats. Go Monday night, December 4tb, and see the great est scientific wonder of theage, rumor current to the effect tbfct I have disposed of the Amerious Steam Laun dry. My business will be oontlnued lu future a* lu the past, and I solicit the patronage of my friends, and tha public W. G. Carter. PETITION FOR INCORPORATION. ri KOROIA—SUMTER COtJMTT. To SrUZHIOH JJT CQUHTor SAipcourrr-The petition John Windsor, Usscom Wyrick, Thornton Wheatley, J. B. Heyward. M. Callaway and C. L. Ansley, of the county and state afore said, aud of T. Y. Brent, of the county of Bibb, said state, and of Philip J. Srudder, of the county of Bedford and state of Tennessee, and others, shows that they have associated themselves together and desire to be Incor- S irated under the laws of Georgia. The ob- ct of their association 1* to make pecuniary gain and prunt for themselves and their associates, by printing and publishing news papers, and running and conducting a job printing office and book bindery. The particular business they propose to carry on is that of printing and publishing newspapers, books and periodicals of all kinds, blank* of every description, commer cial paper and all publications necessary for commercial and mercantile business, elec trotyping, lithographing and all other work that Is asual and Incident to a newspaper and prlntlug office. Also, to buy and sell, at wholesale tall, blank books, stationery and all kinds of goods used In and for printing. They have adopted as a corpori Tmz Timzm Recorder," and the business of said company shall be In the city The amount of capital stock to be employed by them Is 110,000.(0, with privilege of in creasing same to fcB.000.00. and business - begin whr — —— * *— pany. begin when IB.0U0.00 is paid Into said “any. The capital stock shall consist of loo shares f the par value of SIOO.W each. Eac‘ bolder shall be Individually liable creditors of said company only to tb« of their unpaid subscription to the slock of said corporation Petitioners pray that under the aforesaid name of The Timrs-RrousduL they, their associates and successors shall be created a l»dy corporate and politic for the term of twenty years, with the privilege of renewal at the exidratlon of that time. That they be granted powers for thepur- elnbefore named and for the pur- useful for the purpose of carrying on said business, and for purposes hereinbefore de- That they ma^ have^powers^to^sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, bave *i, and adopt all by-laws ne< carrying on of said business, ent with lb-' *’•*—*-* tbe United State*. To have a board of directors and all such officers and agents as may be neces sary for the prosecution of Its business, and to do and perform all such other acts and uch further powers and rights as 5 —at to corporations granted by the '•s* of - bascom MYRICK. Original flled In office this fTth day of No- craber, 1803. J. H. ALLEN, Clerk S. C. e extract from t t minutes of Sum- member srth. if" J. U. ALLEN, Clerk S. C. IOMESTKAD NOTICE. H GEORGIA—StTMTER COPRTV. George W. Horne has applied for exemp tion o/personalty, and setting apart and valuation of homestead and f will pass mm, F.SSISASE'Si ar " © This November »tb, lftHL A. C. 8PRBIL <»r« luary. DRESS GOODS. One case changeable wool "Hop" Sacquingi worth 40 cents, at 25 cents. Twenty piecea English Whip C'orda usually retailed at 40 to 45 ota., at 25 eta. Twenty pieces silk finish woolen suitings usually sold at 00 cents, we offer at 371 cents per yard. Entire stock of 40 Inch all wool storm serges, the 05 cents quality now 40 cts. Entire stock of 40 inch all wool whip cords, sold nearly everywhere at 75 els. we offer at 50 cts. "Fairfield" suitings—new designs—worth 85 cents, at 021 cents. Our entire line of 85 cents Broadcloths to be offered at 021 cents. 54 inch Collingwood Broadcloths $1.00 quality at 85 ots. Tho finest Broadcloths In the country at 08 cents. Everything in novelties cut almost half in two. We propose clearing them ont at once. Prices now which look almost like finding the goods—salts for $5.00 $0.00, $7 00, $8.00, $0.00 and $10.00 worth almost doubl*. BUCK GOODS. Here we carry a line whiob would do credit to New York city. Anything you want from the choapest 25 cents Cashmeres and Henriettas to the finest silk warps In all the new and popnlar styles. Handsome black Chevrons formerly 50 cents now 371 cents. Oar entire line of 05 cts. black Serges, Cashmeres and whip oords, 40 Inchis and all wool at 50 cents per yard. 40 inch ail wool Black Serges hereto fore 1$ now at 75 oents. Blsok Surah cloths, Henriettas, Melrose cloths, Drap’d’Almas, Whip Cords, Serges, etc., all heretofore $1.25 now 08 cents. The finest Silk Warp Black Henriettas in Georgia, at 98 eta. Oar entire line of $1.50 black Silk Warp Henrlertas ent to $1.20 per yard. Our $2 25 Black Silk Warp Henriettas now $1.50. Don't miss looking over this Black Good* stock. Its money in yonr pocetk. KID GLOVES. Are here by the thousand, and we offer oar entire etock of tbe 75c quality at 50o pair. The $1.00 quality at 75o pair, and so on through the Hot. Remember we are 8ole Agents here for Foster, Paul A Co's Celebrated Kid Gloves. We have them la all the popnlar oolort and black. LADIES’ AMD CHILDREN’S UNDERVESTS In th. larxeat nriatjr w« tin n« bar). Trio bar. art Juat cut bait la tan. Tllr ob ' 500 Vaata non 23«, 73o Veata now 37Jn, 00n Veatn now SOo. Erarj garaant cut la proportion. Krar, plan, of It right naw and froah from tha maonfaetnrara. DENT’S FURNISHING GOODS, 8nch aa Sbirta, Underwear, Such, Snapeudera, OInvei, Collara and Caffa, ate., are shown b, us in grantee vatietj than an, two bonaaa la A.m«rtcus ootabinsd, Tha prices nre jest about ball wbat Clothing and Furnishing floods stores ask. Man and bojn of tha entlrs country will do themselves a gnat Injustice if tha, fall to come in and sxtmlna the snUr. lino, linlaundriod Shirts snob aa others ask 75n for, wa will olfnr at 30o eaoh. Uodershirta at 50n each, worth 12.00 pair. Neckwear at 25e, soeh aa they gat 30c for. There an too mauy items to go Into detail. Come and tea for yourself. CARPETS, CURTAINS AND WINDOW SHADES. All at tempting prices. Ingrain Carpets at 2So to 73a yard. Bruwsll Carpets 50c to tide yard. All flu. Velrat Carpets, Axmluiatan and Moquettcs eat ,n ,0 *« r tfc«n you can buy them In Georgia. with tbe laws ot this state In cooc!u>lon, w. aay this: wa want your trade. You hate buailMM Judp- ment enough to know that with tha large amount of goods wa buy, and the largs ■tone wa run we are in position to do better for you than aay other home In this country. Wa an anitoua to show you we mean what wa aay, and aa laapwtloa of our lln. will eonriaca any oas wanting Dry Gooda, .to , that our stook la tha ptoo. to gat them. Th. trade ao far has been one of tha Isrgnt wa hen had lu our history. Lo» prices and tha largest stook, topthor with tha tnatment every one geU la, oar house Is bound to do the work. SOAPS! f You need them? A few choice varieties: Silver Soap, Pear’s Scented. Pear’s Unscented. Pear’s Shaving Stick. Brown Windsor, Williams’ Shaving n k Glycerine, Cashmere, Bouquet, Seventh Regiment, Castile, White, Castile Red, i Blue Mottle, Woodburry’s Facial, Cnticnra. • Buttermilk, Turkish Bath, Sulphur, Catholic, Pine Tar, Laundry Octagon. Sold by 318 IAMAB STREET. Dry