Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, December 01, 1893, Image 2

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"UNCLE SAM’S” GOVERNMENT May levy its ten per cent, tax on our banks for affording relief to the people by issuing certificates, but fortunately it cannot tax us for affording relief to all buyers by selling at such low figures the new, beautiful and varied stock which we bought for cash during the late finan cial crises, when one dollar counted as two in purchasing goods North. Call and see our Oak Chamber Suits from $ 100 down to $ 15. Think of a Solid Oak 3 piece suit, Sad and Gloomy ^nieseStoves f r’ Ith unvarying "* e '9* tirm. They a ogth, superior; in fi in utility, unsu- In title remark nfeK I-ondon, England: Reduced frlendi of free WgmF&rced to admit that the pro- IFTlon fallacy which they believed to hara been aootohad In 1892. haa aecnrad anew leaae of life In 1693^''. . . Contldered without regard to part, pledgaa and the fundamental Democratic principle that the oply_oop«tUutlooal tariff laa tariff for rerenne o«I/, the Wilson protectlonlat tariff la * tolerable 5:00. Cheap at $25. 30 Suits and more coming. A large line of Side Boards of five different factories, are offered at selling prices, whilst still others are en : Lounges from $4.50 up. Baby Carriages $5 to $20. The Sea shell will make any baby pretty. Our line of Hat Racks cannot be duplicated in price in tne State. Those Plush Rockers “are too pretty for anything,” except a good wife or sister. In Silver Plated goods, assortment is complete and prices as low as same grade can be .La au. 0i .i. ^ ‘ '* ’ d but must be pretty enough GEO. H. FIELDS, Proprietor Americas, Ga. stock, present varied ,G*., December 1,1893 every line of tb* WO, tkn'mhtn ud po tent factor In Ite competition, with a naw leaaa of Ufa from 1898 onward. Conelitently .till ae a protections meaanro tb* Wllapw bill tnaff natal* minor lnoonalatenclaa and atrnra of da- tall which will booomo apparent In tha Baron light of erltlotem;to which It moat nowbaanbjaoted. Bat that haa been troa of arary tariff jat conatrnctod bp tha human Intellect, excepting the aohem for a ooMtitntlonal tariff which waa pnhUahed la The Son yeeterday. Ferhapa tha beat wap to doecrib* tha main chancUriatlca of Hr Wllaon'a bails to aa, that It la anoh a bill aa would hara In man, reapeeta tha ap proval and anpport of Samuel J, Ban- Lounges from $4.50 up. Baby Carriages $5 to $20. look pretty. C ~ u zz: ;? " ‘ ” • Those Plush Rockers “are loo pretty for anything,” except a good wife or sister. OM — 1 ' ’ • • ... bought in the State. Our line of Crockery, Glass and China cannot be describe seen for their beauties to be realized. As for “those lovely toilet sets” they are “for some other fellow’s sister.” Then those Office Desks, dining and extensi Tables, Chairs, Bed Springs, and Mattresses, Cradles and Children’s Beds, all styles and prices. Don’t thinx because we Keep fine goods that we charge more than others who sell “cheap goods.” Come and see and price and you will buy. Ours is a House Furnishing Establishment and we keep all a house needs, including the Standard Sewing Machine. nWirAPBI POSTAL LAWS. L A|j om who takes papers regular ly frSM the poetoflce, whether directed Me Us sane or soother, or whether he is ssbeerlbed or not, la responsible for ■ks payment. JJ S. If a person orders Ms paper dlscon- toned ha aauat pay all smart, or the pehliaht’ will eentiene to send it until pay we* is made and collect the whole SSMant whether the peper le taken from No. Itffe No7 lv .Atlanta, ar O. Dej»t,City ar. Abbeville v ar.Greenw d v ■Monroe, lv ir. Raleigh..It Hendem'n Weldon Petersburg Richmond Waah'gton Baltimore Phll’delp'a New York was done In South Caro- Bjeall Jackson’s time? If the governor Mr w ricloua towards the United Mnaa ooortr ho talks, there is lcrnni- •eat danger of bloodshed. Col. Henri Wattkrso.v la grumbling •bout the increase iti the whisky tax, sad fears that he will aot bo »ble to keep warm this winter. But remember, Heart, that eoat may be free, and you sea warm up by external, if not by In ternal and infernal heat. When WlUou’a bill gets through the keens sad seaate It will he. so torn to pteees that Wilson won't recognize it as kin Sff-spring—it will be a waif and kaewa as Ragged Bill. Iren the "Star- fetoad Ooddeee” reserves the right to FOR CATARRH! RHEUMATISM! LA GRIPPE! INDIGESTION! and were colled upon to deal with tbe tariff problem nadir ftmit conditional prorMIng, alway*. that tbn doctrine 'of tbe nnoooitl tntionallty ot on, protectlre tariff bad not been affirmed b/ tbe Dam. ocraey ud adopted bp tbe Tote of tb. Bat there la no ebemlatrp that can •race tha record of 189*. Totted bj the flrat principle! of political rectitude and part, honor, the proteotlonlit tariff pro posed toeongnaa bp Hr. WUaon and tbe Demooratlo majority of tbe Commit tee on Wajr» and Meana la a hand, u In- famy, ud an Inault. Aa the year, goby wonder will Inereae. that Democrat! could bo found willing to elga tbelr name, to tble ooofeialou of Irapoetnre ud falee prttencM, tbit ace.plane* of the tokens of a degrading humiliation. —New York Sun. Wilmington . ar.Newber’ . Prosperity Columbia Sumter Charleston FOR EXCHANGE Central Railroad of Georgia H. M. COMER and R. S. HATES, Receivers. Darlington » • COLUMBUS, Gs., Oct 1, 1883. Boms years ago I had aa stuck of grip. Which produced catarrh in my head and naeraf prostration. I used King’s Roys] Qermetuer end it wrought e wonderful ears in my cess. I had indigestion, end it cured that also. I bars recommended it to several persons who were afflicted with different diseases, and always with ins uappisst results. Ret. J. W. Howard, Baptist City Mismionsry. lv. ar.Portff’mtb.v Norfolk.. I v lv.Norfolk(b)a naltimore PhU’delp'la New-York $25,000 worth of excellent prop erty in one of the leading cities of Georgia, will be exchanged for good farm in Southwest Georgia. M. CALLAWAY, Real Estate and Fire Insurance Agent ..AMKttlCUH.. '.‘.'.Ft. Valley.. Macon..... Orlflln .... ....Atlanta.... . Milled icevllle. ....Tennllle... Mlllen P'Um’th (n) PhU’delp’la ARTIFICIAL rUOIOCt STORES. The manufacture of artificial precious ■tones may be one of the possibilities of t1»e near future. Aocordlng to reporta made to the government officials at Waahlngtoo, a chemist, while attempting to make artificial diamonds, accidentally discovered e mineral which Is said to he the hardest substance in existence with one exoeptlon. It Is called carbpmm- dam. The Inventor for making his gems obtained from the Oowles concern to Look port, N. Y., the use of He alumi num-smelting apparatus. In rfdnotog that metal elsotrlci»y Is employed, gen erating an enormously high temperature. As a chanoe experiment, he pat Into the furnaoe a lamp of clay, together. with a piece of graphite, which Is pars oarbon The result was some small wlae-oolored crystals of rhomboids! >hape. Oa ex amination it was found that they were harder than sapphire. The diamond Is the hardest of natural minerals; sap phire comes next, sad then ruby. Ghem- X was a eufftrer from rheumatism for Ight months, part of the time was so .AMEKlCUtt. .Bmlthvlllt. ...Albany.. tiiet I could not walk. I wee entire cored by King'. Royal Qematoer. her. no aymptob. of rheomattam no' I think It to a grant nudlelM. Itu B. tonuiiT, Elberton Accommodation Dawson... Cutlibert... ...Ft. Gaines.. Eufsuls... Osark.... .Union Hprlng !"AH*RTCTja7 tDally except Sunday. <b» Via Bay Line. <n) Via New York. Phlla delphla and Norfolk ft ft (w> Via Norfolk and Washington Steamboat Co. Trains No* 134 and 117 run solid with Pullman Buffett Bleeping cam between Atlanta and Washing ton. and Pullman Buffett parlor cars between Washington and New York. Parlor car Wel don and Portsmouth; sleeping car Hamlet and Wilmington. Trains. Nos. M and 41 carry through coaches between Atlanta and Charleston, 8. C. Tickets union depot or s It. D. Mann's ticket office. No. 4 Klmbal House. O. V SMITH. JOHN C. WINDER. Traffic Manager. General Manager OHO. W. TAYLOR, 8. P. A. 4 Kimball Boat*. U. W.B.uLOVKR, Dir. Agl. Atlanta, Ua. Twr newly-elected legislature of Vir ginia Is almost unanimously Democratic. In theeaaste there wttt be thirty-nine Pemocrate end one lone Populist, who beets the sterling democratic name of Jaoksoa. Tbe House will be composed «f eighty-nine Democrats, ten Populists I Birmingham.' t Except Sunday. || Meals. rsln (xavlng Amsrleus 10:24 p m ranks* close connection st Albany for Jack* arriving Jackson vllle 7:66 • m. Train arriving at Americas at 8:4S a. m. makes close connection at Albany froi sonvllle, leaving Jacksonville 6:90 p. m. Hleepatstm sight train* between Havannah, and Macon snd Atlanta. For further Information as to tickets, schedules, routes, eto., apply to J, W. F IO*fC, Agent, Americas. W. r. BHRLt.M AN, Traffic Mgr, Hsvan J. U. IIA ILK. U. P. A.. Havannah. THKO. D. KLINE. Uen. Hupt.. Havaum Tn Ferris wheel ia judicially declared to he ee Infringement of the patent of William Somers, of Philadelphia, whose ronnd-about wheels seem to have sug gested to Ferris the Idee of tbe big wheel be oooatruoted at Chicago. Hom ers haa eooordiogly brought suit for a ■hero of the earnings of the Ferris wheel, Whleh amount to aeveral hundred thou- ■end dollars. S. E. FIELD, Professional Horsrshoer, H. H. Hawkins, < T. Edward llsmblston, I Passenger and Freight Bchedulei November 27th, IBP! were composed of earbos sad silicon to s combination hitherto unheard of. II does not occur in nature. The proows above described, repeated again sad •gain, produced the wine-colored rhom boids every time. A company, It is stated, has been formed to manufacture them for polishing all sorts of ertielee, Wish to bay e wheel don't fail to see Tam strong argument being urged by Ike plutocratic organa against tbe in- sons tax le that It will make the rioh ■mr perjure themselves. There la much ia this. The moat of those millionaire fortunes were accumulated by tariff rob bery and sharp practice; and there is araeb reason for believing that the con sdencee of these plutocrats are so badly scared that they would not hesitate to add a little bU of perjury to their list of shortcomings. I Igtii'iitso t> care I ■Thrush, Corns, Contract-! led Heels, and stop Intor- Ifsriog byajsklllfal style |ofa!i>iu{. I powder like emery and made Into wheels with a cementing compound. It Is be lieved that they can be need for jewslry of ail sorts, and that they will take their, place among the geme In popnlar favor. —Manufacturers' Record, : PETITION FOB INCORPORATION. G eorgia—mmmc* coontt. to .hiivkhioh Comrr «v HaioCounty-The petition of John WlndBor, Owom Myrick, Thornton Wheatley, J. B. Heyward. M. Callaway ami C. L. Anniey, of the county and utate afore- ■aid, and of T. Y. Brent, of the county of Bibb, nald state, and of Philip J. Kcudder. of tbe county of Bedford ami atate of Tenneaitee. and other* shows that thsy have associated themselves together and desire to be Incor porated under the laws of Georgia. The ob ject of their association Is to make pecuniary EAST BOUND—R*AD DOWN. liartsbor Omaha... Lumpkin The Credit Kobillere of Italy is In trouble. The Credit lfohllier of"the United States once oeonpied e similar position here. Who says there Isn't anything In s name?. W. L. DOUGLAS Shoes are made in all the latest styles of the best materials. They are cay firing The Wilson bill places raw material on the free list so that the American manufacturer can compete with the Boropeaa. , Then It reduces the duty of Maaofeotured ar tides, so that more of Hans eaa he Imported. But where does the revenue oome from to run the gov ernment? It ia admitted that $60,000,- OX) additional revenue must be raised, sad tbe Ways and Means Committee were supposed to have that object In view In framing the bill, but they cer- tetaly lost eight of it. , Columbus Richland.. Amrrimv Cordelc ... .Mil Ml!.-. l‘ It...., and durable. They give better satisfaction than an 1 We do not ask you to take our word, try one pa(., , be convinced. We feci confident that after one trial you will wear W. L. Douglas'name and price is stamped on the '■***— *-**— **-- factory, we make the price for your benefit and g the genuine. Dealers who push the sale of W. L. 1 Our method of sending customers to their stores line of shoes, and Induced them to do business >ww ^ r „ p ,»„, small profits. We believe it will pay you to purchase all your sho*> . push the sale of W. L. Douglas shoes. W. L. DOUGLAS, II rock ton. Muss. GEO. D. WHEATLEY. other make at the price advertised. , you cannot moke a mistake, and — r.“r no other make, the bottom before the shoes leave tire trantccthe value- Be sure and get Juglas shoes, increase their busincsss. •as Increased the sales on their full Savannah! Charleston —AT— T. 8. GREENE'S SHOP, Avenue, - - - A meric us, Ga. iL^WOBK OUABANTEED. 3 DAILY TRAINS 3 ALBANY DiVlStOfT Sunday only. 6;00aa •:16am No. 13 4:46pm •:» ” Leave Cordele,. Arrive Albany!. Leave Albany.. Arrive Cordele., CBimiOOH, MSBULLE, C1BC1HHATI, CHICAGO, MEKFH1S, ST. LOUIS. Danger, when plmplra, blotch ee Mid eruption. ens and Montgomery with tl vj-rglng Unee and at Abbeville vtlle and Waycrose Railroad. , Pwwengers will be allowed freight trains of s. A. A M. Ra a ft wit General Paseei neltiaa were not due to the legitimate exigencies of the game, but to slogging and to such devices aa the fiyfog wedge. When the game Is eliminated of ite slug ging end the wedge It will not be dan gerous. All observers of the gam* have ■rtteed that men arc rarely hut in tbe scrimmage, although It acema that every lieffla when •s.ouun is paid into said com pany. Tue capital stock shall consist of MO shares of the pa • value of lioaoo each. Each stock holder sha.l be Individually liable to the creditors of said company only to the extent of their unpaid su ascription to the stock at said corporation Petitioners pray that under the aforesaid name of T*a TuiBs-Raumox*. they, tbelr associates and successors shall be created a body corporate and politic for the term of twenty yeats. with the privilege of renewal at the expiration of thattime. That they be granted powers for the pur poses hereinbefore named and for the par- Arkansas and Texas. LOCAL SCHEDULE* Arrival Md Departure of Trains* S. A. AM. TRAINS. Arrive from Havannah If:»l favor's raniTc iromnavannan •• Havannah—Mixed .. .* .. Montgomery , " /* Omaha Leaves for Savannah-Mixed..... " “ Montgomefy”.!!.*!!!!!! “ “ Omaha CENTRAL TRAINS. Arrives from Macon when tha flying wedge Is formed, when a solid column of players ta buried agalMt tha oppoaing aide, the momen- t»a gives the ruab great impetus, and the Impact la sore to result In severe J. H. LATIMER. A.. No. V> Wall Ht. Atlanta. U O. V. P. JA& ILBROWN.Ja., Traffi*’ Manager, Atlanta, oa. I manufacture Harness rai ing in price from $6.50. upward. wee oronylng and selling real and personal iroperty; to have and use all such machin ery and appliances as may be necessary and useful for the purpose of carrying on said business, and for purposes hereinbefore de scribed. That they may have powers to sue and be sued, plead and be Impleaded, have a com mon seal, and adopt all by-laws necessary for the carrying on of said justness, not In consistent with the laws of this state or of director. ,„a rate all such officers and agents as may be neces sary for the prosecution of Its business, and t<» do a nd perform all such other acts and exercise each further r nrers and rights as are incident to corporations grasted by the 2* ■«****• C. E. HARMAN, Gen. Pass. Ag t, Atlanta, 1 CUT RATE TICKETS lununno Day wa* writ ob- rarrad .11 orer th* country. There were •any reeeone wby tbto ibonld bn eo Oar country to at paw* with all tb* world. Tb, harrMU mi, cot hare been Tickets bought, sold and ex changed to all points. Mem her of American Ticket Brok ers’ Association. Accident Insurance. Tick ets issued by the day, month or year. SEO. H. FIELDS, aomt Wlndeor Hotel. bet enoudh bee been produced to pre vent Buffering anywhere. Then to a gradual revival from tbe effects of tb* n***t peaie. Kicept at Brnunlck, pwtlleae. baa not Invaded onr bordtn, and tbe whole land reaponded in n noble teeeaer to the wanta of tbe atricken peo ple ot that community. .Fean* and coo- teataent prev* ' I* > right that a eplrit of tbaokf&tnee* to Almighty God Solid mov. aU tb* p*opl*. T. S. GLOY1 (URDa THE OPERA HOUSE.) KEEPS TOE^tTREST AND BEST BBS LIQUORS, WINES, BEER, TOBACCC Notice, Notice is hereby given to tl {the Bank of Americas that WEST BOUND IS Savannah.... lv Lyons Iv Helena. *• Abbeville.... Cordele Amerlcus.... ar Amcrtcu* lv L Columbus Richland Lumpkin Omana ar Hurtulioro... ,lv Montgomery ar 6:40am 10:00 I:i6pm 5:46 8:35