Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, December 01, 1893, Image 3

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SHAW’S HOUSE CLEANING SALE OF SHOE BARGAINS. IA Safe, Sure HOME CURE; tr —for— M | Rheumatism, 1 Neuralgia, Sciatica. A om> of Rbraultea of 40 TIMT; standtaa last cini DAILY MARKET REPORTS JOHH E. SHAW’S HOUSE CI/BAK Sale of Bargains. Overcoats. Men's : Nearly time to quit thinking and go to buying here, don’t you think? How do these prices im press you? The goods are Cheviots, Kerseys, Mel tons, single and double- breasted, light and dark, with or without cape. Wnrlh IBM ns 00 IBM ,j Will sell for., a oo iooo 1200 „ of being cold at these prices.] Boys: (Youth’s included), nobby Top Coats. The knife slipped here. r 00 Nobby, worth 0 00 for a little while a 60 ITbat last price ought woo 110 ) set you to think Gloves. Give me your hand—to fit Drcwd and Undressed Kid »l s up. Have genuine (only ones la town that genolne) Buckskin gloves from II Si to 13 Dog Skin from 60 cents up. (Think of that:] Neckwear. Can’t describe this gor geousness. Come and see the new things. Let us whisper—25 per cent off on all neckwear prices for a week or so. Better stock up. Hats. Put on your thinking cap before you put on your new hat. Can furnish you food for reflection in these prices: Nobby crush, 11.®. Noboy Stiff 0 10 Hat, M 40 for a little while only. Stetson's, 0 76 up-standard atyles and shapes, of course. [Don't forget offer In neckwear ] Special Drive in brown drill goods 10 doien Drawers always’sold at 60 cents, 1 In two, SI cents. knit Undershirts, formerly sold •0 cents, same goods for house-cleaning sale, B cents. 1 This Is offered to retail custmers only, ^chants and competitors excluded from this chance,] Sacks. Colored Suitings., rocks. I have several tables loaded with suits in colors (sack coats, these) that must be cleared off. They are well made suits, high-class garments, stylish, too. Prices cut through the middle. Observe: Very hlgh'grade Suits, sack coat, worth til r 60 Almost as good quality, worth, Its 6u e 60 NOW LISTEN! v dre,w L glove-fltung, big-class suit, sold everywhere for HA for CMh HO 00 [1 mean this.] There are some other tables covered with the same goods 19 frocks and cutaways. The style and finish, of these gar ments are of the very highest grade. What is the use of going about badly dressed when you can dress well and handsomely for such prices as these: (Same thing, you’ll observe.) WHEN A MAN 1894 1869 25 Has done business in a community 25 years, and has built np a trade, it is pretty clear proof that he has been lair and square, isn’t it? In January, 1869,1 was wedded to business in this place, and we have gone along together very pleasantly ever since, thank you. During these 25 years 1 have advertised extensively. Let me call yonr attention to a fact or two in this connection. r. When I advertised the‘‘Williford Shoe Stock” my store was crowded with buyers.* The chances are that yon were one of them, Rub up your memory, now, and recall what you bought then. Wasn’t it a bargain ? Did yon repent buying ? Or were you glad of it ? a. When I advertised the "Sam” Commissary, my clerks could, scarcely attend to the stream ot buyers. How about what you bought then? Another bargain, wasn’t it? In other words, haven’t I always talked in print truthfully? Now I have some more truth to tell you. I have made up roy mind to have a house-cleaning time of it at my store. I am going to ent prices for a while right along the cost and profit line. In a good many cases, prices are cut right through the waist I’m loaded up with goods: The fact is, I am overloaded, and I a mean to unload if low prices will do it I am to cut, cut cut cut and I don’t care how deep either. If you don't believe it look around yon and see some proofs—go upstairs and look at the colored suits first. Then walk around. Yours (knife in hand) JO HU n. SHAW. Men’s. Watch the knife now. for this bit of price slicing Fine I have sharpened it particularly Hctt'a Fine Hand-made Shoes, worth 98 60 ; 0 00 Hess's, not quite so good, but very fine, worth 0 0 4 00 Fine Calf, In Lace or Congress,, worth 0 00, a bargain at. 100 A gnnd neat Shoe, worth 0 10 A strong, serviceable Shoe, worth 81 0 10 [Don't think yon can do as well as this anywhere else.] Shoes. Ladies. We glove ladies’ feet with the Burt (Bdwin C, of course) or Morrow Shoes—Styles, plain or patent tips—shapes, com mon sense or Opera last These prices are merely sugges tive, yon know: Edwin a Oort * Sloe M to Morrow's 0 Shoe Good 0Shoe . [The knlfs cut s UtUe below the cost line here, lint it can't be helped.] A UTTLE HERO. Lad la Kilts Lost Bis Life While Trying The HIM. dietrlct ecboolbotuo atCoop- trville, LMngeton county, wee burned down i Porter, - . loet their Uvea. Two bourn after ichool opened Mlse Porter detected the emcll of •moke. She opeoed n door leading into woodihed to dieoorer It anything wne .nflre. A» aha did ao the flames burnt into the eohoolroom and enveloped the teacher. Wee Porter screamed and feU forward Into the fire. Immediately tbs ecboolroom was la an Then were <3 scholars, moat ind K.brnarr IBM* .ml March «.» t r. lAprtt t» l.m ArrUmulM.,. 4 a *» and Juno 4.0 AM -—-land July 4.SA 4.* July and August.... 4.SI 4^» August and September I AM Hcptcinber and October I \ October and Novstnter......... I • Noveuberand December « 0£4.* December and January......... , u „.UIwi New York Cotton Fatsr**. Halea. M.7001 Middling* 8 Id4.*Tno#TqtiV*l {eb Ury " Manh...', Mi? 1 :::::: offish:::;;:-*- November..!!!!!!!!! Dtcembar AISKI.K A • Corrected dally by the ware] Atnencus. £351 PI»r=V.V.-...v.v. mm Total.. Good Middling"rr^rr?*. Middling Market quiet. agreed to Oppsst ClvO Bi-da Punt, Dec. 1.—The clergy, Vaeuury, primate of Hungary, In to- oirdanca with the pope's reply to the bbhop't note regarding Ute dril mu ring. and other bills, hare agreed to op- suow. There wet. w scooura, of whom are amall children. Two brother.—Melrin end Charles Cham ber-, aged It and 10 yeare-dieplayed re- isarkabk presence of mind. To their hard work at the riik of their own Uni le given the credit of earing meet of the Imperiled pupils Then was bet one door—that opening into the burning ■had—by which entrance to the eeboob hoses waa nffordod. rite brother., mo- bu.eeoan.ost off In that direction, tor, a mst loose from the Sooc, placed tl mn- der a window, .mashed the glam and managed to Uft the children through. Thraa girl* fainted, and it waa with dif- fionlty that thay was dragged through the little window to a place ot safety. Ponr-year-old John Johnson, eon of a tanner welding new by. was bnrnedto death. He vm tb# toachert pet. Whan ha tew her fell forward Intothe ftre. be ran to her ride In a rain and fntiU effort to [rotect her from harm. Sohediodlika a hero. When the rslne of the school- boom war. marched. Uto charred bedim of the teacher aad the noble little fellow were found side by aide. The Chant here boy, were both severely homed shoot tb« face and arms The younger Inhaled so moc-b hot air that it Is faaml serious injury rmuiL— Docbutler Special A Th<Hts*»<l Frssf* It*ward. Ths Swedish Pmcu society, with baad- quartsrs st Stockholm, has offered A twist ot 1,000 franee for the best oath# subject, "How Can an Iul tlonal Public Opinion Against the Uai* venal Armament Morement Be Created The aa«w0*» N^ich ihoold contain prr*- {flSftsasaafih 1 18M. They my ha written In EngHeh, MU. Xnhh. French, Norwegian. Mr. BJoarklttnd k m* Jant ol the society and an auttor of S5e wpntota hie sariveland. Hsffi u^SfS^wmfwaea K nigh and that U “* 0 ' ’^SJTS^biaboIirimd. age. no teit unwcu despite hU mure, ho R, Joeepb tothevot. ^geeventh precinct of tta Iod..V 1814 Aahlaad aYenue, Whii. OS.hi.way u taken violently to hia home, vhero PROFESSIONAL CARDS. U A. HAWKINS, *OfBce WhftttTy^lId* Newspaper Row. \\f P. WALLIS, „ . VY • Attorney at Law. Amerlcu*. Ga. Will practice In all the court*. Office: Tel* phone Y.xch an ge Hulldtng. V A. DIXON. Attorney M Law. J* Amerlcnti. Ga OfBce In Bagley building,opposite th* court bouse. Paompt attention given to all bust ness. J unilf T A. ANSI.BY. J • Attorney 0 Law. Will practice In the counties of Sumter, Schley, Macon. Itooly, Webster, Stewart, In Inc Supreme Court and the United States court. If D. 0. TWIGGS, i, Attorney at Law, **• Amcricua, Ga OfBce In new Wheatley building, next to TuiMto.K*uuKDca Will practice In all courta Prompt and careful attention to all business entrusted. augllf. T\n. S. H. MeMF.IS, } DKJfTDrr, v Offfce, that formerly occupied by Dr. Wot ■ham, Na »H Lamar street Janilt |\Be GKO RGB HORINB II OfBce over Davenport * drug *tnre. u Practice limited to Kye, Ear, Throat and Now. Office hours from 9 to lx A m., from 9 to 9 p. m. jaalH HU DABBY A CATO. U PnraiftAxs axd Sovaaona Tender their professional sendees to the citizens of Amerlcu* and hurroundlnf coun try Geneva! surgery and dUeaara of women specialties. OfBce In the Hotel Windsor. Call* left at Dr. Kldrldge s drag store will receive prompt attention day or nlrhL Office telepuode Na M; residence telephone NaA ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Advertisements win he taswted m this sotesm as tteftes ct Ows Omt psr Word 9m each lMwtlon. No adTsttismimt tahsn fm Ism haa F1FTXXN CXXTB. FOB SALB OB BKNT. E. E. HINKLE. Architect and Engineer. gyptana and ipectficationa made fo bnildings. Xoglace aid general machinery da ilgncd and repelled. 515 Jacatoa Srairr. Henry .Tones, dealer in W Merchudise, FISH, FRUIT, ETC. OLD ROTD UHOD, BOUGH ID SOLD. .SSSSF®**Ssr Underwear. the lut prices.] Shirts. We ran the cutting knife right up and down the middle seam of prices this line. A PEW POINTERS! Pallafik and wool mixed aatti, worth .tea •alt, per garment B to camll a Hair, worth m, a garment, IIT# All wool, worth M, garment, n a, A broken lot, worth eerily St, for M OS 0 (Borne very good bargain, here. Prob- bablr you can get Jnat what yon want from The line of shirts is a joy —a thing of beauty is always that, you know. The Manhattan [you' recollect how highly com petition endorsed this shirt—while they had them], and the Monarch —the "best' lines in the universe.” CHAMCB VOB A SPECIAL BARGAIN: A Jo* lot White Drees Bhlrta, plain tag fcroldered, worth from •» 0 to 818 oo per dozen, You can take your pick for II. From those worth 0 to Itfper dozen, you» ‘tons for W cents. Boy’s Suite. I have nobby suits for lit tle fellows from f 2.00 up. Bnt I haven’t time to talk about them partial larly, because I want to catch your ear with the story of the special drive in Jerseys—knit—beau ties they are. I have a lot of these suits that are absolutely worth from $s to $6. While they lut-IS 60 only. [Would advise prompt purchase, a foods will mors fast' and and will D » placed.] •• You c.m-itave off yoar taxes. GO to church a little lale, Put off one hundred other things, Dut bargains won't waft* J. O. Sonsy, Pres. Joa Windsor, Cashier. Lester Windsor, Assistant Cashier. No. 8830. Peoples National Bank, OF AMERICUS. Capital, HO,000, SuapLua, $25,000. ORGANIZED 1883. THS Bank of Sumter, t. m. HAwns. O. A. COLEMAN, President. Vloe-Preft W. C. FUBLOW, Cashier. Dranorons: a A. Coleman, a C. Bawl BANK* OF* COMMERCE, CAPITAL, M5.000.00. FORETOLD THEM DEATHS. Al.rehmjm*. Wmwtw. to a .Writ, m A BJg.arprlm I. In itoreforallwho try Aunt Fan acal haa received A Uatka-giflhganao 1 of Franri. James, Bosnian John Faecal totter front Alit .: Alaaka, count of the eolddo of Fr an able me nun who ihipped on the Meran when aha Ml hmw about rix month, ago for tb. northern canneries. Fun nil T—mhUhdMmmff by Mowing hi. bndna out with a amolver. "Ptrhapa yon remember," ial.l Fa*ml, “that a young man named Lawreoo. fell aver board from tho Moon when tha rough ton that it dlscov- ilver in store iommi who try Aunt F»n ny'a Health n«.torer. Th. general vardict of all who have used thla great vegetable p eparatlen I, la the grandeti remedy ever l, .red for th. cur. of dyenei„| a , iplaint, Ren.-at debility, .... It Fanny’a H.alth Jte.torer gtln?- ” ! *^e tire nigeatlve organs, regulate, the liver and re.lorm tha eyat.m to vigorous health and energies. Hem- plee free. Lerge paokageefiOo. Hold onlv by W. A. tt.mb.rt, cor. For •yth at. and Cotton avenue, 4 i Golden hark waa aaUlag through Qata, "LawmoVa death aad thaaotcidaof Franda James reoallad to my mind a very «t rang. ooineUeaea a happening which occurred the night before the Mara, aUad, Uwnoof, lhl*r<xmf fallow June, and myrelf were taking a drink together fat ths Bowhead aaloon. While w. were standing at (he bar an elderly man apptvachad na and offered to tall oor fortunes, provided we would foniieh him with a fow dime, with which to procure a night's lodging. H Wa agreed to Ms propaettlon, and ha etarted la kymyfof that Lawrence would die before the month waa out. ‘Yon wm mast with a very unerpected death,’ kadaoland. ‘Too will die by drown ing, aad yoar body win never bo recov ered. And as for yon,* ha continued. looking at Jt “ wm wm The anpreme court of Alabama meet at tha capllol today. Perhaps all people are better than their neighbors give them eredlt for. The best medloal authorities gay the a’tlo r Jd, tr ** t —' rrt,, ‘° Uk * paril'% I remedy Uke Hood', Sarea. It always does a mean man good to swear at a male or kick a dog. •I predict that yon while hi FOR SALE. HILOIvA'' Nira'Y run i \i'i I am not certain whether you will taka yonr own Ufa or «m dials n ight to death with one of yoar ehlpmaiea, bat It looks to me as If naan going to re- ■ort to seif destruction. 1 “Too may think I am telling yoo what knot tree,”eaid Faecal, -but all this •Siam talking to yoo. know, aad bn k a latter from Alaska taytag that James wmmittod mdelda by •hooting hhaaelf through the head. I hare ao further particulars, but ntrely tt k a (trance cam, aad I am amlmn to haar what motiva lad to ths latter taking hla life.”—San Franciaoo ChlL Mr. J, P, Itlalxe, an extensive re«i es- Ut. dealer In Des Koine., Iowa, nar rowly escaped one of the Mrareat at tache of pneumonia while in th. north- are pmtsf that BUte during a recant bUrsaid. gaya tha Satnrday Review. Mr. Blalsa had oooaalon to drire several atlas during tha storm and wag ao thor oughly chilled that he waa uuabla to get warm, and Inside of an hear after hU return be waa threatened with a a- van cue of pneumonia or luog fever. Mr. Blaise gent to the nearest drug store aad got a bottle of Chaaherlela’e Cough Remedy, ef wMch he bad ofUo beard, aad took a number of large doMe. He ■ays the affect waa wonderful sod In, i b. waa breatbtog,(ul to easily. He kept on taking the medicine and the next day was able to come to Des kfoloee. Mr. Dtalre regarde hie ere r < sin-ply wondsrful. Por sale by W. A. Rambert aad Dares port Drag Co. <Md waather haa eome and with It haavy clothe, inset be worn. APIs Is Bar Eyri Mrs. Anna Bwtaarioa of Chicago aa- amageainths cored a verdict of $10,000damagee ln tha York A Cup of (I Boullion II can be matte in 8 minutes, thu: taka a cap of boiling hot water, stir in a i teapoon (not more) of LIEBIG COMPANY’S T. B. GLOVER, Agt, k tl V AftmiAM BUCK, laitk life Uttar S AMERICU*, BA. i, ETC, Having removed to tlie above place be advises tbepubllc that curt of oommeo pleas of New city before Judge Oiegertch end a tut week against George k Bout drygoods merchant of Fourteenth stmt Mm Bwinerton went Into the afore on March K, IMS, and was waiting fu some change after haring toads eome purchases. Bhe had tarUtUa boy with her. Ska declared that somaoneof tba cmhboya la tha afore threw a pin which ■truck her in tba eye, tojaring tt ao that it waa removed to saro the other eye. She sued to recover $50,000 damages. When on a visit to Iowa, Mr. K. Dal- too, otLuray, Knaeall county, Yanaaa, called at the labotatmy of Cbamberlala th Co., Dm Molaes, to show them hie •Ix-year-oM hoy, whose life had been eared by Cbamberiala’aCough Pvmedy, it having cured hlro of aveiyMvere at tack of croup. Mr. Dalf» la oertain that It eared hla boy’s life and Is en- thuriavtlc In hla prv’ie of the Remedy. VumlehyW. A. Kemhert and Daren, port Drug Co. BEEF EXTAACT OF jlThcn take a I and some alierry if I liked—aeaAOn care- j fully. : : OHEAP GROCERIES ■nd PROVISIONS, He asks their patronage, feel ing that after one trial all will Os. Will Mt o.« Law. A <1 if*patch to the London Time* from Berlin *ny* Tb# OennanU decUm that the emi>«ror, in hi* addi emit* recMktlj, Mid: I want Christian aotdlen who mj the Lord’* Prayer. Soldier* are not to have a wilt ot their own. Yoo have bot one Character la Booethlng o»her people’i live* haa brought out la r«, SHAW’S HOUSE ‘ CLEANING C 0F CLOTHING BAGRAI THE BEST m toutre >m, trio entire _ itrary to ilia airoctof th* virion* p uuiMirltlire In the nyatein, 1 lick i if ns and .'.uiTorlng. Th BLOOD MEDICINE ron e*nn»t do liotter then tek* 8.0. S. " A* « |>h)Ttlflttn, I hire prc*crlfc*4 and «*4 1. H. H. lu my I'rviWo tt* tt tonic, ud for Meed ind hav* licen very aitrtre—fnL I mmm * ntve inch gwwfal MlMM lu ",*M. D., Mtttttey, lad.** ifittkln dlneaaMBMUlttdh bWllT 81‘KCiriO LOre Aitoeto. Qt HOITH a WULTII -" l«t mew ema a re Im.* NERV BR TREATM +1, a auaaawvggp •PMtrwtv il of cunalDttUOtt • MARLY MEI Mi WO Prlo* by wdl 0^1 JAC084 FHARMACVeO.80eB mtv »nd reliable id Irrexularitlf* utieenuaadtora isWiAvx ■ i ^ REGULAR, HEALTH srsv lUX0BMICa,J DISSOLUTION NO t< UE Hug «y Com pi '• f&S* l. T L. Dll and J- F POHdl of T L. I*. IW-on.jhai 'iTof cfalnu i the c wtlUonUnu* Uac ri*»p».v:t.ullf a ptttrt>nmge be flvt m to gtv* you the nt ptMctlblc price*. : tbttlihte^^i For a sore throat then I* nothing bet r thn a Hmd beodage dampened with ChamberI/'a'a rail Balm. It lull -ly always effect a cor* la oaenight’i time. Thi* rcamdy 0 r'vo a favo.Jte for 1 that la nywfll; 771 60 eeat bottle I i'cSSHTt! Dissolution Trie firm of Bailey 4 C dlMolvd hy mutual c~ will becoavlttu«‘d by 4.. Amcrtcue, Us, NovembrirJLij I ese