Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, December 02, 1893, Image 2

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XBWSPAt’KK POSTAL LAWS. 1. Any on# who takes papers regular ly from lbs postoffice, whether directed tvhleaam* or another, or whether he subscribed or not, is responsible for [ the payment. If a person orders Ms paper discon* led he must pay all arrears, or the lake* will continue to send it until I is made and colleet the whole uat whether the paper Is taken from a offlee or not. 6 Pararuonot question is now, (and Blount que«tii f \clthcr) will • ‘nullify” ras done in South Caro- tckson’s time? If the governor i# uL vicious towards the United tea courts he talks, thcro is lmmi< at danger of bloodshed. Col. Hkniu Watteiwon Is grumbling •boot the increase in tho Whisky Ntax, and fears that he will not^hc^'ofe to keep warm this winter. But remember, Henri, that coal may be free, and you ean warm up by external, If not by In ternal and infernal heat. When Wilson’s bill gets through tho house and senate It will be so torn to pieoee that Wilson won’t recognlzo it as his off-sprlDg—it will bo a waif and las Ragged Bill. Even tho “Star- jldass” reserves tho right to I ^rugged journoy through *ningham Ago-IIerald. TARIFF Ison tar- mt and lm- In this remark Ion, England: friends of free are forced to admit that the pro tection fallacy whioh they believed to have been scotched In 1802, has secured a new lease of life In 1803.” Considered without regard to party pledges and the fundamental Democratic principle that the only constitutional tariff Is a tariff for revenue only, the Wilson protectionist tariff is a tolerable performance. It preserves intact the American theory oi protection, under the oonstant application of which the oountry has grown great and prosper ous. It corrects some of the'excesses and removes many of the enormities of the MeKInley schedules; It modifies, re vises, and redistributes the benefits of proteotion to domestic Industries; but protection Is there unaootebed, In almost every line of the bill, the main and po tent factor in its composition, with i new lease of life from 1803 onward. Consistently still as a protectionist measure the Wilson bill may contain minor inconsistencies and errors of de tail which will become apparent In the fierce light of which it must now be snbjeeted. But that has been trtto of every tariff yet constructed by the human Intellect, excepting the scheme for a constitutional tariff which was published in The Snn yesterday. Perhaps the best way to describe the main characteristics of Hr. Wilson 1 bill Is to say that it Is ' such a bill as would have In many respects the ap proval and support of Samuel J. Ran- dalT.Tf-thal great Democrat and swerving proteotionlst were now alive and were called upon to deal with the tariff problem under present conditions; providing, always, that the doctrine the nnoonstltutlonallty otany protective tariff had not been affirmed by the Dem ocracy and adopted by the vote of the nation. Bat there Is no ohemlstry that esn erase tbe record of 1803. Tested by the first pnnolples of polltloal rectitude and party honor, tha protectionist tariff pro posed to oongress by Mr. Wilson and the Democratic majority of the Commit tee on Ways and Means Is a fraud, an in famy, and an Insult. As tha years go by wonder will Increase that Democrats eonld be found willing to sign their names to this oonfeeglon of Imposture and false pratenoee, this acceptance of the tokens of a degrading humiliation. Sad and Gloomy Woak and Dyspeptic Hood's Sarsaparilla Gave Strength and Perfectly Cured, bton flKjrivlng the ’^rd advice. iT ill Helens a few pointers tpulate t,he delegates to ._rentions. lie can lix up this style of fenoee In elaborate style, as wlt- aeae tbe reoent Nebraska assemblage of would-be poetrn asters, Tax newly-elected legislature of Vir ginia la almost unanimously Democratic, In the senate there will be thirty-nine Democrats and one lone Populist, who bears the sterling democratic name of Jackson. The House will bo composed of eighty-nine Democrats, ten l’opulis 1 and one Independent Democrat. Th* Perris wheel Is judicially declared to be an infringement of tho patent of William Somers, of Philadelphia, whose round-about wheels seem to liavo sug gested to Ferris the idea of the big wheel he constructed at Chicago. Som ers has accordingly brought suit for a share of the earnings of tho Ferris wheel, t which amount to several hundred thou- Thk strong argument being urged by ftho plutooratio organs against the In- •oae tax Is thst it will make the rich mb perjure themselvos. There is much la this. The most of thoso millionaire fortunes were accumulated by tariff rob bery and sharp practice; and there Is Much reason for believing that the con aolences of these plutocrats aro so badly seared that they would not hesitate to add a little bit of perjury to their list of shortcomings. Th a Wilson bill places raw material on the free list so that the American manufacturer can compete with .the European. Tlion It reduces tbe duty of -^manufactured artleles, so thst mon them can be Imported. But where does the revenue come from to run the gov ernment? It Is admitted that fGO.OUO,- O X) additional revenue must be raised, and tbe Ways and Means Committee were supposed to have that object In view In framing the MU, but they cer tainly lost sight of it. lx the great Yale-Harvard foot ball game eight men were hurt. These cas ualties were not doe to the legitimate exigencies of the game, bat to alagging and to inch devices ss the flying wedge. When tbe game la eliminated of Its slug ging and tha wedge It will not be dan- geroos. All observers of tbe game have noticed that msn are rarely bu» t In tho •erimmage, although It seems that every man will have his bones broken. But wksn the flying wedge is formed, when a solid ooiamn of players Is burled against the opposing tide, the momen tum gives the rusk gnat impetus, and tke Impact is son to result In seven Thaxksoivixo Dat wm well ob served all over the oountry. Then wen many reason# why this should be so. Our country is at penes with all tbe world. The harvests may not have been no bountiful as in some former years, hot enough has been 'produoed to pre- rent suffering anywhere. Then la a Sndusl revival from the effects of the recent panic. Except at Brunswick, pestilence has not Invaded oi r borders, end tbe whole lend responded in a noble manner to tbe wants of tbe stricken peo- Pis of that community. Fence and ooo- tsntmeat prevail. It Is right that n spirit of thankfulness to Almighty God should move all the people. UNCLE SAM’S” GOVERNMENT May levy its ten per cent, tax on our banks for aflording relief to the people by issuing certificates, but fortunately it cannot tax us for affording relief to all buyers by selling at such low figures the new, beautiful and varied stock which we bought for cash during the late finan cial crises, when one dollar counted as two in purchasing goods North —New York Sun. ARTIFICIAL PRECIOUS STOKES. The manufacture of artificial precious •tones may be one of the possibilities of the near future. According to reports made to the government officials at Washington, a chemist, while attempting to make artificial diamonds, accidentally discovered a mineral wbloh Is said to be the hardest snbetanoe In existence with one exception. It Is oalled carbonun- dum. The Inventor for making hls gems obtained' from the Oowlea concern In Lookport, N. Y., the use of Its alum! uum-smelting apparatus. In rsduoing that metal eleotriol^y is employed, gen crating an enormously high temperature. As a chance experiment, he put Into the furnace a lamp of oley, together with a piece of graphite, whioh. Is pare carbon Tha result was some small wins-colored crystals of rhomboldal Jrtiape. On ex aminatlon It was found that they were harder than sapphire. Tbe diamond is the hardest of natural minerals; sap phire comes next, and then ruby. Chem leal analysts proved that tbe. crystals were composed of carbon and silicon In a combination hitherto unheard of. It does not ooeur In nature. The proem ■ above described, repeated again and again, produoed the wine-colored rhom boids every time. A company, It Is stated, has been formed to manufacture them for polishing all sorts of articles, even diamonds They are brushed to powder like emery and made Into wheels with a cementing compound. It Is be lieved that they can ba need for jewelry of all sorts, and that they will take tbslr place among the ^enra In popular favor. —Manufacturers’, Tux Credit Ifobillsre of Italy is in trouble. The Credit llobiller of the United States once oocnpled a similar position here. Who say* there isn't anything In a name?' |DANGER| Jft a Sign of Danger, when pimples, blotches and eruptions appear on the ■kin, no matter how slight It warns von that your blood isn’t pure. Heed the warning while there is yet time; clear “I have not word# enough to expr$i« my think# (or the great benefits received from Cow bottle# of Hood's Sarsaparilla. I was weak, and It made mo strong; I was a dyspep tic, and It enred me 51 was sad and gloomy, and It made mo cheerful and bopefuL And last, though not least, it mads me an ardent and Hood’s ss Cures parllla working democrat AU who hate taken Hood’ Sarsaparilla with my advice, report good re sults. 1 gladly recommend it to all sufferers' J. B. Worm, K. D., Birmingham, Ala. If. B. II you decide to take Hood’# Sar saparilla do not bo Induced to buy any other Instead. Insist upon HOOD'S. FOE CATABEH! RHEUMATISM! IA GRIPPE! INDIGESTION! * Columbus, Ga., Oct. 8,1803. Borne years ago I had nu nttack of grip, Which produced catarrh in my head and general prostration. I used King's Royal Geruietuer and it wrought a wonderful cure in my case. I had indigestion, and it cnml that also. I havo reeotnmendod it to several persons who were afflicted with different diseases, and always with the happiest results. Rev. J. W. Howard, Baptist City Missionary. Beaufort, N. C., June 7, 1893. I was a sufferer from rheumatism for eight months, part of the time was so cured by King’s Royal Gemetuer. 11 farm in Southwest Georgia. have no symptoms of rheumatism now. I think it is a great medicine. Ivax B. Abernathy, What R«v. Sun Jones Buy#, Rev. Sam Jones, the great evangel writes: "My wife, who was an invalid fi •list, 1: “My wife, who was an invalid from nervous sick headache, has boon entirely cored by Royal Gunuetuer. 1 wish •very poor suffering wife had access to that medicine. Two of my children were cored of nasal'catarrh by it. It is truly a great medicine.” For Children, Nervous Troubles and Weak and Debilitated Females, Royal Gennotner is nneqnallod. ” Gennotner is nneqnallod. Try it. $1 per bottle, six for |3, All druggists. King’s Royal Germetuer Co.,AtIanta,Ga. Gennetuer Pills for Constipation, 60 4b a vial, for 26 cents. S. E. FIELD, Professional Horseshoer, —AT— T. S. GUKENE’S SHOP, Cotton Avenue, - - - America#, Ga. ALL WORK OU Alt AN TEED. W. 0. BARNETT, there is yet time; clear up your sys tem and purify the blood by taking Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discov ery. It rouses every organ into natural action, purifies and enriches the blood and through it cleanses and invigorates tbe whole system. It attacks all scrofulous, akin and scalp diseases in tho right way —by -infying tbe blood. Tbe diseases that It cores come from a torpid liver, or from impure blood. For everything of this nature, it ia tbe only guaranteed remedy. In Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Biliousness: all Bronchial, Throat, and Lung Affections, even Consumption (or Lung-scrofula) in iu earlier stage#—if it ever fails to benefit or cure, yon have your money back. Tub makers of Dr. Sage's Ca tarrh Remedy will pay you |500 if they can't give yon a complete and permanent core. Manufacturer and Dealer in HARNESS, 8ADDLE8, BRIDLES, C0LLAR8, HARNESS AND SOLE LEATHER, WHIPS, ETC. . I manufacture Harness rang- ■ ing in price from $6.50. upward. HARNESS AND SHOE REPAIRING SIS UMAR ST ..Next Door to Notice. hereby given to the stockholder# f the Hank of Americas that s Notice f Ike Hr Hied in the superior court of Hu inter bounty returnable to the November term IMS by the Rut Tenneaaee National liink, of KnoxvfUe, Teno., against tbe Hank <>t Amerlcu#, tore- Th* iu»r Tk»»K>*nNATK>XAL Baaa. Call and see our Oak Chamber Suits from $ 1OO down to $15. Think of a Solid Oak 3 piece suit, French bevel plate glass, Bedstead 6 feet high for $ 15:00. Cheap at $25. 30 Suits and more coming. A large line of Hide Boards of five different factories, now in stock, present variad styles and aro offered at seUfog prices, whilst still others arc en route. Lounges from $4.50 up. Baby Carriages $5 to $20. The Sea shell will make any baby look pretty. Our line of Hat Racks cannot be duplicated in price in the State. Those Plush Rockers “are loo pretty for anything,” except a good wife or sister. In Silver Plated goods, assortment is complete and prices as low as same grade can be bought in the State. Our line of Crockery, Glass and China cannot be described but must be seen for their beauties to be realized. As for “those lovely toilet sets” they are pretty enough “for some other fellow’s sister." Then those Office Desks, dining and extension and other Tables, Chairs, Bed Springs, and Mattresses, Cradles and Children’s Beds, all styles and prices. Don’t thinx because we Keep fine goods that wo charge more than others who sell “cheap goods.” Come and sec and price and you will buy. Ours is a House Furnishing Establishment and we keep all a house needs, including the Standard Sewing Machine. SMITH St DAVENPORT. FOR EXCHANGE. $25,000 worth of excellent prop erty in one of the leading cities of Georgia, will be exchanged for good M. CALLAWAY, Real Estate and Fire Insurance Agent IF YOU Central Railroad of Georgia H. M. COMER and R. S. HAYES, Rccoivors. Emily. I:S P,n 6:82 H:U6 I2:M am 3:15 am Daily. 8:42 am to: 12 11:20 H:32 p m 8:(6 p m gPJJ •1» P m lv AMKK1CUH if! 1^1 ar Ft. Valley.: lv 12:22pm ar Macon lv ; lt:l»a ro ar Oriffln 1% ! «:or> a m ar Atlanta lv j 7:30 am ar Mliledgevllle lvH‘J:12am ar Tennllle h 1:53 pm ar Mlllen L !Il:88am ar Savannah 1 #:(J0#m Dally. P m 7:5o p in 6:29 4:00 i :46 am 11:25 pm s;«p,n 10:28 p n 10:55 p m 11:45 pm 2:53 am 3:35 a in 4:28'am slcoam 7:85 am 1:54 pm “s-S 8:55 t5:40 p m +H :50 p m (1:2) 8:10 7:55 pm lv A MKKICITH ur lv HmithTlIle lv ar Albany lv lv Dawaon lv lv Cuthbert lv ar Ft. Ualnea lv lv Eufaula lv ar Osark lv lv Union Spring# |v *r Montgomery lv 1:35 pm I 1:00pm 11:50 a in 12:11 pm 0:2) a m 10:37 a m 16:06 am tt;10a m 7:45 am 8:42 a in 8:16am 7:25 am U:47 P m 11:06 pm i6:i«p‘rp 8:52pm 7:16 am ^4:45 a in 9:51 a m 11:1# a m .jl-ap #n 10:25 a m jg P jn lv AMERICUS ar ar Huena Vlata lv ar Columbus lv ar .Opelika l\ »r Hlrmlngham l\ 7:fipin 5:46 p ni ♦3:35 p IB HiiOatn (Ill'S a m 97 :»J p n. 6:22 pm 11:10am (1:0f» a m fKxcept Sunday. II Meals. Train foavlng Ainerfcun 10:24 p m makes close connection at Albany for Jacksonville' arriving Jacksonville 7:55s tn. Train arriving at Amerlcu# at 8:4J a. m. make* close connection at Albany from lack- Monvllle, leaving Jacksonville 6:30 p. in. Hleenera on night train#between Savannah, and Macon end Atlanta. For further Information aa to ticket*, schedule#, routes, etc., apply to J. M. r to«N, Agent, Amerioua. W. r. SUIM.M AN, Trafflc Mgr. Savannah. J. <1. HAILR. G. P. A.. Savannah. TIIEO. D. KI.INV. Gen. Supt., Savannah Wl#h to buy a wheel don’t fall to im me before purchasing. I have the best wheel for tbe price in this oountry for $73 I will give you a “Reading Flyer.” Specifications in Brief—Diamond frame, with credenda tubeing; steering Wheels 98 inch front and rear, fall niokled spoke#, and Morgan A Wright Pneumatic Tires, pedals—Improved dust proof, rubber or rat trim. Nothing like it ever offered to the trade before. WHEELS TO RENT. Catalogues Free. Correspondence solicited. W. H. C. DUDLEY,Jr., A K ’t, n wed-d tf Office 523 Dudley Street. PKT1TION FOB INCORPORATION. G eorgia—gramcoustt. tohui'kiuo Oouiit or SaidUoitmtv -The petition n WlndwL Raacom Mvrlck. "* L * Call# —n Wim Wheatley, J. it. Heyward. M. Callaway L. Amdey, of the county and state aiore- tald. and of T. V. limit, of the county of nald state, ami of Philip J. unir of Bedford and stale of Tennessee, how* that they have aanociated wive* epecuniary to lie li iL. - ... themselves and ...... a*w>rtate* v by printing and publishing new#- patient, and running and conducting a Job printing offlee and book bindery. ""•e particular bualnew they propose to V on it that of printing and puhttnliliiK .paper#, book* and periodical# of air », blank# of every description, commer cial paper and all publications necessary for commercial and mercantile liimlnet*, elec- trotyning, lithographing and all other work that is usual and Incident to a newspaper and printing offlee. Also, to buy and sell, at wholesale tall, blank books, stationery and all ill. blank tiboks, stationery and all kind, jssla used In ami for printing. They have adopted as a corporate name bv theta is *10.000.01, with prtvltn creasing same to, and bu begin wni The Timsh-Kscvrux*," and the place of business of said company shall be In the city i Amertcus, Sumter County. Georgia. "•*— * Dlovtd no oust tie ' •6,000.00 is pal'd" The capital stock shall consist of 100 shares -f the par value of SIOO.OO each. Kach stock holder shall tie Individually liable to the rcdltnrs of said company only to the extent •f their unpaid subscription to the stock of aid corporation Petitioners pray that under the aforesaid _ame of Th« Timkh-Kecorokn. they, the'- associates and successors shall be created body corporate and politic for the term < twenty years, with the privilege of renewal xpl ration they be i poses hereinbefore named and for the pur- of buying and selling —* —' — * erty: to tor scribed. That they may have powers to sue and be plead and be impleaded, have *al, and adopt all by laws ne for the carrying on of said business. Western A Atlantic Railroad. THE Hsl INDSGR GEO. H. FIELDS, Proprietor Amerioua, Ga. S KA BOARD AIR-LINK. HCIIEDULK IN KFFKCT JUNK It. 189J. WORTnBOtTMD No. 38 [No. 134 Eastern Time,!No. WK8TBOPMP lv .Atlanta, xr H. DegotjCUj Abbeville .Greenw'd . ar..Clinton..It ..Che* .. Hendcrsn Weldon Petersburg Richmond Wash'gton Baltimore Phll'delp'a )!, Phll'delp'a New York lv..Clinton, .a r.Newber’y.l Prosperity Columbia Sumter Charleston tfo. 117) No. iT Dally Dally U«ft 10 Ift Darlington lv.. Weldon, ar .Ports’mth.v Norfolk .lv Norfolk(b)a Baltimore Pblldelpia New-York P tsm'th (n) Phll’delp'la Pm'th (w) Wash’gton Elusion Accommodation v.Atlanta..a tr.L'wr'nc'vl.' Jug Tavern Athens Klbcrton ♦ Daily except Sunday. (b) Via Hay Line, (n) VlaNewYork.Phlla delphla and Norfolk K. R. (w) Via Norfolk and Washington Steamboat Co. Trains Nos. solid with Pullman Buffett _ Atlanta and Washlng- I’u 11 man lln ffett ijarlor care between 134 and 117 sleeping Washing toiTamf New York. "Parlor car Wel don and Portsmouth; sleeping car Hatplet and Wilmington. Trains. No#. SB and 41 carry through coaches between Atlanta amt Charleston, S. C. Tickets union depot or a Mann's ticket offlee, No. # Klmbal i SMITH, JOIIN a WINDER, raffle Manager. General Manager LOiL S. P. A. 4 Kimball Rout ‘“IB, ". TAYI. li. W. u. GLOVEK, Dir. Agt, Atlanta,Ga. HAILWA H. 3. Hawkins, j T. Edward HsraWeton, \ iSMnger and Freight Schedules In Kffset November 87th. 1808. WEST BOUND Dill, except Sunday Savannah.... lv Abbeville.... Cordele Amerlcu#.... ar Amertcus... u lv Columbus Richland Lumpkin Oman a ar Hurtaboro. ...1\ Montgomery ar 8:40 am 10:00 Llftpni 6:4* 8-36 EAST BOUND—RXAD DOW*. NASHVILLE, CHATTANOOGA AND ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. 3 DAILY TRAINS 3 CHATTANOOGA, NASHVILLE, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO, MEMPHIS, ST. LOUIS. McKenzie route Arkansas and Texas ml personal property; to nave and use all such machin ery and appliance* as may be necessary and useful for the purpose of carrying on said business, and for purposes hereinbefore dc „. officers and age ‘ary for the prosecution of Its butln< .o do and perform all such other exercise such further powers and irclse such further powers and rights as incident to corporations granted by tbe .. s of said state. UA8COM MY KICK. Original Bled In offlee this S?tb day of No- J. H. ALLEN, Clerk 8- C. from the minutes of Sum ter Superior Court, this November rth, ISM. * " ALLEN, Clerk s. C. tlOMiai tfeorgeT iKkxlKAD NOTICE. GEORGIA—SClfTXH Cur MTV. W. Hnrae has applied for exemp- .ersonalty, and setting imh »£« valuation of homestead and I - 10 o'clock a. «...«« December less, at mr office. “■*' *■ ““*■ UR. This November snn. Visits A. C. SPEEK, Ordinary. EMIOBANT RATES. r Maps. Polders and any ileslred Infoi O. T. V JAS. M ItftoWN.Ja.. Truffle Manag< Atlanta, novll -L LATIMKR. , No. art Wall St.. Atlanta, Ga. C. K. HARMAN. CUT RATE TICKETS' Tickets bought, sold and ex changed to all points. Mem ber of American Ticket Brok ers' Association. Accident Insurance. Tick ets issued by tbe day, month or year. SEO. H. FIELDS, WtndJor ttoliL Tft TUB Dim I Ift W. L. DOUGLAS Shoe, an made In *11 i)m hint IU I I1C rUDL-iU style# of the best material*. They are easy fitting and durable. They give better aatUfaction titan any other make at the price advertised. We do not atk you to take our word, try one pair, you cannot make a mistake, and be convinced. We feel confident that after one trial you will wear no other make. W. L. Douglas* name and price is ttamped on the liottotn before Ihc shoe# leave the factory, wre make the price for your benefit and guarantee the value. Be #urc and get the genuine. Dealer# who push ihc sale of W. L. Dougins shoes, Increase their business#. Our metiiod of sending customers to their stores has increased the sairs on their full line of shoes, and induced them hr do business on the modern plan, large sales and nail profits. We believe it will pay you to purchase all your »l:o^ i of dealers who sale Of W. L. Douglas shoes. W. L. DOUGLAS, Droekton. Mim. GEO. 0. WHEATLEY. small pre push the E. T. EYED. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. , REPRESENTING THE SAFESTAND STRONGEST COMPANIES K THE WORLD. Insurance placed on Clti JOHN KAY. FALL AND WINTER. I have received my FALL, STOCK, etc., of Overcoat- caw. A,'t, Atunu, o» i n g, Suiting and Trouserings The largest and choicest se lections ever displayed in Middle or Southwest Georgia. Call and make your selection and have them made up in ten, thirty or sixty days. “Everything strictly high class.” JOHN IiA . BIEHCHANT ftitoam 1:60ptn AI.IIANY DIVISION. No. • Dally Kx. ,. M 8;Mam ,11:36am Sunday only- RtUUam •:I3am No. 12 Albany..... Arrive Oordcfe »♦ t oo Con ncctlon# at Savannah, Albany, Amrri "■ mmA Montgomery with tbe variou* line# ami at Abbeville with tl verging line# and at Abbeville srlth the Abbe- -H e and Waycroee Railroad. 1‘aasengcr* will be allowed to ride on all freight train# of S. A. A M. ltallwa^. 0*neral Passenger Agent. LOCAL 8CHKDULM. Arrival and Departure of Trala#. A M, TRAINS. Arrive fromSavannalt<Wp. m .. .. . ..—i E* n ‘ , S:» p. m Omaha in Montgomery.. Omaha — - Leaves for Savannah-Mixed. *»*• 4:00 P- Montgomery 6:00 a Omaha ..7.7......... ... 4:45p u CENTRAL TRAINS. Arrive# from Macon J*j p ” - 10:Si p- m. Columbus T:*P- 1,1 (aeon I;*!*- n ' Leaves for Macon.. Columbu#'..’.*’.'../....... i;4|a a T. S. GLOYE (UNOER THE OPERA HOUSE.) KERRS Tmt.TUREST AKD BEST LIQUORS, WINES, BEER, TOBACCO. Ounii Shells. Loading Imp It affords him ffrent pleasure to announce to his them. When you want anything in his line, call at I ■■ ■ Ilia KEEPS TUB it