Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, December 02, 1893, Image 4

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,'fe sold during „ „ ~ -‘jur exist J « firm. They are iu th, superior; in - fiui^j?' *s; in utility, us''■* in price, modor- 111- still selling tife mailed to . . descriptive catalorff > “ cat i° n> t ' f‘ >Ur “™>tage to Investigate them MgSEssSlr. SUFircric-i Ultoritl Room a, AirifiB Fire Inn fipsyi J. K. BIVINS, ) M STEPHEN S. SHIPPS, (Manager!. ‘Charter Oak" and "Garland" Ranges. * ’Garland" .Ranges. iu>dU|kW UUD. f. SHEFFIELD & CO. B SHB1 in. BijtaalsjU Arrln'at —TRIGKER’S. ■nmfJF?- goin 5 to have the largest and hand somest line of goods suitable for wedding Presents ever shown in i ofSJa 110118 * ,^ r } ces will be just as low as good I frmtXLr^lS he bought for anywhere in the I K 8 ^, 65, w e cordially invite every- to call and inspect our stock, and if .1 y —:r, uui suooK, ana u . ,— ueasea with same select what thev want d " glv<,n lil " b J M r S|n >», »"<i lAfnro ^Iia «twmI> i _ m . • * .. . asked for an explanation of his conduct, v———w mwswwu vvuuu l/lluj VV ClH t lie Etolidays^h ** lat immediately prepedes JAMES PRICKER & BKO., 'St, Barlow Block, Americus, Ga. paring V i Bloun ^^LX?X/XDJST, Fire Insurance at the lowest rent rates. We represent the strongest companies In the country. Headquarters at the office of the Geor gta Loan and Trust Company. Place your insurance with us and will guarantee you the fullest protect!..... Our risks include ail the various classes of Insurance, and for short or long time We are ready to furnish estimates or. application, aud will be glad to confer with any ons needing insurance that in sures. J. E. BIVINS, stkphen s. sniprs, octzidtf * A N KG It 08 BAD BltKAK. 8I«I Billington Rlioots Mr. K«l. Alins and Makes Ilia Kscape, Sid Billingtou, a negro living on Capt. M. B. Council’s plantation in the 15tb district, celebrated Thanksgiving day by shooting five times at Mr. Ed Sims, overseer on the plantation, and then making his escape to the swamp by, where lie is still in hiding. Billington refused to carry out me r CLOTHIER —■ or : i!u!p x’;ft» AMERICUS, GA. Will sell you Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Gents’ Furnishing; Goods 'cheaper!tnan any- Don’t you’.believe this ? If you don’t, my store and see. Very truly yours, LEE ALLEN. PRICE For To-Day Will Be: 18 lbs Granulated Sugar for $1.00. Best Patent Flour, per bbl, J.j.oo. Scocnd Patent Flour, per bbl, #3.50, Family Flour, per blj, <,2.50. Salt, 125 sack, white ; 65c. Meat, Lard, Meal, Rice aud all Groceries marked down in same line with above prices. Come to see us, get our prices and >ou will be sure to buy. Dry goods, shoes, hats, etc., at prices that will please you. Respectfully, Clegg Bros., & Co. tYLANDER’S CORNER 1 BOOTS, SHOES, HATS aM BELLAS. drew a pistol and began bring upon Mr Sims, who was unarmed. The first shot struck him in the leg, producing a painful flesh wound, whili the others flew wide of the mark. Mr Sims was taken completely by surprise, and bad he been armed the county might have been spared the expense of a long trial in the event of Billington' ture. Officer Will Feagln and Deputy Sheri ff McArthur went to the scene of the shooting, and with dogs chased the negro seven miles but failed to capture him. Mr. Sims is doing well and will soon recover. L. L. Chapman A Co , keep on hand eggs, butter and all fresh groceries, near Artesian Corner. Good fresh goods and bottom prices. oct tf If you are going to do any gardening this season, don’t fail to got your onion sets from Dr. Eldrldge; he has Lan- derth’s best varieties. Now is the time to plant your fall < ions; and don’t forget that you THE WORLD’S FAIR CLOSED! -1 OUR FAIR CONTINUES WITH RENEWED ATTRACTIONS FOR THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS! x V , e t *’ lv £ bought fine and pretty goods lower than ever bought before, and we are thus 1 0 ?. ? r our customers prices lower than ever before named. We have marked prices down to suit the purse and times. Call and inspect our stock. AMERICUS JEWBIjRY OO 4ill .IACKHON HTIIEET, GIVE YOURSELF A REST LONG ENOUGH TO CATCH ON TO THIS COLUMN "Nasoimonto” \\ lierft th* Cream of Yesterday's Doing. I. America, la Nerved Dp For Cm In Yoa Break fa.t Cocoa -Casual Hama From tb< IUporter's Notebook. ways And Landreth's Onion Sets at Dr. Eldrlf* ’ ridge' Lamps! Lamps! just received at Dr. Eidridge’s a new line of lamps of all styles. A Superb Thanksgiving Dinner. Manager Fields eclipsed all previous efforta and fairly immortalized himself in the splendid dinner served at The Windsor on Tbankrglvlng day. The markets of the north and west, as well as our own market, were ransacked for good things and with splendid succesa. Mobile plants, blue points, brook trout, wild turkey, broad-bill duck, venison, green goose, Texss quail,prairie chicken, prime roaat beef, broiled chicken and other choice meats, to say nothing of an endleaa array of entrees, while the long Annie Abbott will give one of her unique entertainments at the opera house Mondsy night, December 4tb. Sests for Annie Abbott’s performance next Mondaj night are on sale this morning. No extra charge for reserved seats. Miss Laura Iiarstta's class in danciDg will give a soiree at the Hawkins Ilouae next Wednesday evening. The affair will bo largely attended aud most joyable. Mr. E D.Ansley is still confined to bis home with chills, fever and the all- prevailing mala«Iy-la grippe. IIo has been quite sick for more tbau a week. Thero are twenty-eight prisoners con fined in the county Jail here awaiting trial nt the present term of the superior court. The criminal docket will not be taken up for two weeks yet. R E. Allison has made a change of baso, and hereafter can be found at George Oliver’a book atore, in the Alien House block, where lie has a bland smile for every customer. Tom Hargis, the veteran stockman who ia known to every man in Amerl cus and Sumter county, came In from North Dakota yeaterday, with a fine drovo of western and Kentucky horses, the prettiest seen here in some time, Tho weather bureau predicts a cold wave, and on yesterday announced that there wonid be a change of twenty or twenty-five degrees in temperature within the next twenty-four hours. Qet out your funs and linen dusters. Cotton receipts were above the aver age yesterday, the warehouses handling .KM bales that came in by wagon, while twenty or thirty bales additional c rail. Prices were practically m ARTHUR RYLANDER. PURELY PERSONAL. Soma ir Our Guarantee! "LITTLE KING" SCHOOL SHOE. list of sweets were Indeed superb, it waa beyond question the finest dinner aver spread in Americus, and the event will long be pleasantly remembered by all present The beautifully embossed menu cards were carried away as enira of the occasion. A CHILD ENJOYS. The pleasant flavor, gentle action and soothing effect of Syrup of Figs, when In need of a laxative, and if the father or mother be eostive or bilious, the most gratifying results fellow its use; so that it Is the best family remedy known and every family should have a bottle. . . . ;jsiiypBiBk*T. Good Shoes at Moderate Prices. Repairing neatly done. Shop up stairs. ARTHUR RYLANDER, Comer Lamar and Jackson Streets, Rylander’s Comer The Grand Jury May Investigate. It was reported yesterday that the case of vandalism committed at 606 Jackson street a few nighta since would be brought to the attention of the grand jury. Mamie Davis, who lives at the above address, was at the opera house on the night In question when some mis creant entered her room and with a | sharp knife proceeded to play havoc with the furnishings. A new and band- some carpet waa cut into doll rags, while the woman’s costly dresses were backed into ribbons. She reported the case to the police, giving the name of the suspected party, and the matter is being Investigated. bv rail. Prices were practically un changed, good middling bringing from 7j to 7] cents, Peter Dencgal and bis horned stepper Bucephalus, created a ripple of excite ment on the avenue yesterday by run nlng away in the most approved style. The steer fairly beat Peter to the corner, where tke gathering throng headed off the African-Bovine combination. Col. J. A. Ilixon wore a four by nine ■mile yesterday, and was the recipient of many congratulations at the hands of bis host of Mends. And all on account of the arrival of a pretty little miss, whose presence will brighten his home in future. Mr. Carroll Smith, that prince of good follows and veteran railroader, has been in the city for the past few days making happy his host of friends. Mr. Smith is now general weetern agent of the Sea board Air Line, with headquarters at St. Louis. lie will leave today for the West, much to the regret of fata admirers in Americus. This shoe has no seams whatever in the back to rip, the vamp is sewed on with three rows of the best silk [thread, the soles are sewed 1 and channel clinched, there- .fore you need have no fear, 'of soles coming off. The 1 stock and material used in the same is the best the market affords. We guarantee our Little [King Shoe to be the best in the market. Try a pair and we are I assured of your future trade. [THE EXCELSIOR SHOE CO. POBT8MOUTU, OHIO. FOR SALE BY Cobti & Daniel, WINDSOR HOTEL ELOCK many JUST RECEIVED: Go to see Annie Abbott Monday night. UETUKNED TO THE 0AN1AL. JOE & SING, a*. CHINESELAUNDRY, BOO TiBB HTIIEET, We do first-class work and guarantee It Read the following price*: shirt*, collar* and cuffs attached Stilrta, unUundrledboaom. SMrta, new.. shirt*, woolen Nlcht mIiIrttu,. Ni^ht t Cuffa, per pair'.’ Undershirts 8SaBSBKTf«fc:irtoW.:.v. Necktiea, V^B-Hud ... Mr. Klnardwlflcall tor? ocutrdlin Always a lot of good wine*, brandies and whiakiea for medicinal use at n — Eidridge’s Drug Store. Mose Henderson, a worthy negro, ported the !oaa of a fine bog at police headquarters yeaterday. UeDderspn’a pig lay stretched iu the genial sunshine about noon, wban a wicked colored brother looked npon him long and ten derly. Slipping npon the sleeping porker he dexterously cut his jugular vein, and throwing him over his shoulder struck for the swamps sod made good bla es cape. The police could do nothing for Moses, who refused to be comforted. Rheumatism Carol la a Day, Mystic Cure” for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to :t days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease Immediately dts- fov appears. The first dose greatly bene- Tta.uTanj^aa j*u ***** T3 eta. Sold by E. J. Eldrldge, rwasakors. BALM Druggist, Americus, Ga. deel-d&w3m flprskar Crisp ami Mr. Charlaa IL Crlap Its- tarn to Washington Yesterday. Mr. Charles R Crisp left yesterday for Washington to resume bis duties as clerk to bis father, Speaker Crisp, who preceded him there a day or two ago. Speaker Crisp spent several daya at the State Fair in Augusta this week and waa the recipient of the marked attention be coming his position. His arrival in the city was announced by a salute of thlr teen guns at the United States arsenal, apdat the railroad depot a cheering multitude greeted him. Oo Thanksgiv ing day Speaker Crisp sddreesed avast throng on the exposition grounds, touching upon the principal political topics of the day. He left Augusta yesterday morning and will arrive in Washington today. The regular session of congress, which convenes on Monday, will probably be extended well on into next summer, In which event Speaker Crisp will hardly return to Americus b<- fore July or August next. Fresh lot of Nunnally’s Fine French Candies. Made this week. Try a box and you will buy no other kind. Every box we sell guaranteed to be ab solutely fresh GLOVEIj & HOftf/E Who Coma and Ooln Ami cos Day AfterfDa The latest novelty, ladles’ silk belts with silver buckles. Cali and get for your cousin, sister or some one else 1 _ sister. Americus Jewelry Company, 421 Jackson street. A. S. Ansley came up from Smitbviile yesterday to look after matters of bust here. Mrs. W. D. Haynes returned home yesterday from a pleasant visit of two weeks to friends in Edgefield, S. C Mrs. S. T. Crawford, of Buena Vista, is visiting at the borne of her brother, Mr. E J. Miller, on Jackson street. Mr. Armond L. Batts, of Maeon, spent yesterday and the day before with rela tives in the city, Mr. and Mrs. William Beecher, of Cbl cago, are spending several days very pleasantly at The Windsor. Messrs. W. R. Beasley, I. Beasley and r ;l arles D. Load, of Ml Vernon, the city on business yesterday. E A. Hinton, Jr., of Baltimore, was registered among the arrivals at The Windsor last night. Judge Alien Fort left for Atlanta yes terday to attend an important meeting of the State Railroad Commission. Mrs. Minnie Nanco returned to her home in Arlington yesterday, after visit ef several daya to relatives here. Judge J. D. Pope, of Albany, spent isterdsy in Americus looking after im portant legal business. Rev. J. n. Cawley, a well-known Bap tist divine of Fort Gaines, spent yester day in the city, a guest at the home Capt. A. C. Bell. Mrs. L. P. D. Warren, of Albany, .„ spending a fow days at the home of her •liter, Mrs. M. A. Hardwbk, on Taylor street. Mr. Thomas M. Booker, a well-known and prosperous planter of Lee county was looking after matters of business the city yesterday, Mr. O. E. Amlcy, who wu called boro by the .loath of hi. mother on Ifoodar last. rfttiirn«><l hi. i_ . , . • last, returned to his home in Anniston yesterday. Miss Annie Abbott will materialize tho opera bouse Mondsy night. Will Mav* a New Wagon. While standing on the depot pl.tform awaiting the arrival of tho train, Judge Crlap caught a gtlmpae of tho apology of n wagon In which Uncle Snm’a mail la hauled from the depot to tho poatoflice. He had never aren it be fore, and tho eight waa ooo not calcu lated to ralae feellnga of pride. Judge Crlap remarked that ha would aak the poetolllce department to anpply Amerl- cua with a mall wagon In keeping with her general alyle and progrvaaivanaaB, and It la to be hoped that hla effort, will boaucceasful. LIT# la Misery To many people who have tbe taint or scrofula in th«ir blood. The agonies caused by tbe dreadful running sores Th* Laundry Not gold. I take tbis method of correcting ■ rumor current to the effect that I have disposed of the Americus Steam Laun dry. My business will be continued In future as in tbe past, and I solicit the patronsge of my friends snd the public. C. W. L. L. Chapman A Co., near Artesian Corner, fresh groceries, confections and fruits. All goods delivored. I-i ai. * mibwiiui running sores and other manifestations of this disease are beyoud description. There is so other remedy equal to Hood’s Sarsapa rilla for scrofula, salt rheum and every form of blood disease. It is reasonably sure to honuflr .11 -tw. .. . . J t fair Hoods Pills cure all livsr Ills. RJQ Arbor Day at th* Schools, The public schools took a holiday yes terday in honor of Arbor Day, snd tbe 1.400 children were thus given another rest. There were no exercises at Jack- son street school, but at the McKay Hill (colored) school an interesting pro- gramme waa carried out to tbs presence -FOR- MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY. We give THANKS to the good people of Americus and surrounding country for the generous pat ronage extended us this season, and we will show our gratitude by offering for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday next exceptional low prices in every department in our house. Do not fail to embrace this golden opportunity. No exagerations but a clear statement of the plain facts. We offer: DOMESTICS. Twenty thouaand yard, of the finest Turkey Red, tmllgo and fancy dreia print, aold.all over tho country at 71 to s cents, our ptice 5} cents per yard. Five thousand yarda Indigo Blue Calicoes such aa other get 71 to 8 els cur price r, cents per yard. Ten thousand yards Columbus checks—the regular 7j cents quality at 41 cts. Twenty thousand yards of yard wide sheeting sold at 7 to 8 cents all over the country, our price 5 cents per yard. Twenty bales of yard wide Sea Island 0 cento quality at 5 cts. Yard wide “Fruit of the loom” bleaching 8] cento. DRES8 GOODS. One case changeable wool “nop” Sicquings worth 10 cento, at 23 cento. Twenty pieces English Whip Cords usually retailed at 40 to 45 cto. f at 25 cto. Twenty pieces silk finish woolen suitings usually sold at GO cento, wo offer at 07J cento per yard. Entire stock of 10 inch all wool storm serges, the 05 cents quality now 40 cto. Entire stock of 40 inch ail wool whip cords, sold nearly everywhere at 75 cto. offer at 50 cts. ’‘Fairfield’' anitlnga—now deelgna—worth S5 cents, at 021 cento. Our entire fine of 8.7 cento Broadclothe to be offered nt 021 cento. 74 Inch C Jngwood Broadclothe 81.00 quality at 87 cto. The finee! Iroadclotbe In the country at Its cento. Kverythh (In novoltiea cut nlmoet half In two. Wo propose clearing them °“ l “ ’ rlcM now which look almoet like finding the good*—eulta for *7.00 $fi.00, 87 00, a ’.00, 80.00 nnd 810.00 worth almoet double. BLACK GOODS.’ Here we carry a line which would do credit to Mow York city. Anytblog ion want from the cheapeet 27 cento Caehraeroe and llenrlettaa to the flneet allk warne In all the new and popular atylea. Handsome black Cherrone formerly 70 conto now 771 cento. Oor entire line of 05 cto. black Sergoa, Caahmerca and whip corda, 40 Inchra and all wool at 50 cento per yard. 40 Inch all wool Black Serge, hereto fore If now at 75 cento. Black Surah clothe, Ifenrlottaa, Melroee clothe, Hmp’d’Almaa, Whip Corda, Sergea, etc., all heretofore 81.25 now 08 conto. 1 Tho finest Silk Warp Black Henriettas In Oeorgln, at 118 cto. Oar entlr.lin.of 81.50 black Silk Warp H.nrl.rta.cut to81.25 per yard. Our 82 2., Black Silk Warp Henrietta# now 81.50 Don’t ml., looking over thi. Black Qopd. .t„ck-. it. money In your pocolk. KID GLOVES. A™ here by the thoimnd, nnd wo offer onr entire etock of the 75c quality at uOo pair. The 81.00 quality at 75o pair, and ao on through the line. 7 It .member we are Sole Agents here for Footer, Paul A Co’. Celebrated Kid Olovea. We hare them In all tha popular colon and black. LADIES’ AND CHILDREN'S UNDERVESTS 00, - rr - 7- V 7 or ^ rrl0M hm “ taK lo two. 50o Vaato now 2„o, 7„o Vanin now 37io, Ooj Veal, now 50o. Every garment cut In proportion, Erary piece of It right new and fresh from the manufaotarera. I v*rn*u out IQ tut preiCOCC of quite a crowd of spectators. Super intendent Harper delivered an address suitable to the occasion, after which tb* pupils planted quite a number of trees on the campus. GENT’S FURNISHING G00D8, Such as Shirts, Underwear, Sock, Suspenders, (Hove., Collar, and Cuffa, ate., are ehowu by uc In greeter variety than any two bones. In Americu. combined The price..njaetahont half what Clnihlng and Furnl.hlng Good, .tore# aak. Men and boy. of the entire country will do themadre. a great Injnatice If they toll to com. In aud. ..mine the entire line. Unl.undricd shirt, anch a. otb.« v l ’ °"” ,l 300 Mch ’ 1'uderelilrtc at 50c each, worth 82.00 pdr. d.^r“com.7nd y *?, r,0c '" r TI " ro ar ° l ’“ It™* to go toto detail. Come aud see for yourself. • Perfume#, soepe, toilet waters, co- loflpesaod ah toljet preparations at Dr, dridge'a Drug Store. Kind words are the music of the world. Rye! Itye! Georgia Seed Rye < hsd at Dr Eidridge’s. Pay up your old bill and take afresh start at Dr. Eidridge’s Drug Store. Registration Notice. Section 10 of the Charter of the City tmerlcus, Ua., provides: Be It further enacted. That the Clerk ani designated by the Mayor and City Council o Americas, shall open a list fiw tn«* regti<tra lion of voters on the tlrst Monday In Novem ber In each year, which ll*t shall be kept open from 0 o'clock a. m. until 5 o’clock p. m. each and every day, (Sunday excepted) until Saturday preceding tbe election, wh shall be finally and absolutely cloned. shall be finally and absolutely at any hour between 7 and S , HEN It Y S. DAVIS, »y*-tf wll Clerk ami Treasurei This l» Club Meeting Postponed. The meeting of tbe At Heme Club which was to have been held hut night, was postponed until the evening of Dec. 15th, when Mias Em Prince will enter tain the Club at her pretty home on College Uill. Dissolution. .... — -a give notice that the firm of uua- woody A Russell has this day dissolved by mutual eminent, Mr. W. G. Dun woody having withdraw it and Mr. II. II. ItuMtell having bought out his Interest will conduct ■ ’luslne** under the same name, “the A us Candv Factory. W. U. DUNVVOO II. II. RUS.SKLL. Americu*. Gx, December I, IK'J. TOMESTF.AD NOTICE H° GEOKG! *'’forge W. Horne has of personalty and > i—stnmni Cor *ty. December. l"Wt. : (K*r 2sth. 1>*f dertdlt-wlt OPERA HOUSE. VOX GAY EVENING, DEC. 4tii. Miss Annie Abbott, THE GEORGIA MAGNET, Will give her laat performance before leaving for the West, fo addition to the wonderful and mystical feata already shown by her, NEW FEATURES You need them? A few choice varieties: Silver Soap, Pear’s Scented. Pear’s Unscented. Pear’s Shaving Stick- Brown Windsor, Will be introduced. PRICES 25 AND 50 CENTS. No extra charge for reserved aeata. Williams’ Shaving Glycerine, Cashmere, Bouquet, Seventh Regiment, Castile, White, Castile Red, Blue Mottle, . Woodbuny’s Facial, Cuticura. Buttermilk, Turkish Bath, Sulphur, T Carbolic, Pine Tar, Laundry Octagon. Sold by 318 LAMM STREET CARPETS, CURTAINS AND WINDOW SHADES. All at tempting price.. Ingrain Carpoto at 25c to 75n vard. Brussels Carpets ->Oo to 98c yard. All fine Velvet Carpeto, A.mlnl.tnr. and HoqnatWnt in prices lower tbsu you can buy them in Georgia. In conclusion, wo aajr till.: wn want pour trade. Yon have business judge ment enough to know that with the largo amount of good, wn bug, and th# erg. *!? re *’ wo ruD wc are In position to do bettor for you than any other homo In this country. I, ,b0 '' J°“ w » m ““ what W «r, and an Inspection of our line will convince any one wanting Dry (food., ,to , that our atook la the piano to got them. - „ , 7'i! 6 T , h “ *7“ 0 "* of lh * w * h *« l>ad In our hlatory. Low price, and the largeat etook, together with the treatment erery one gets I# oor bouse is bound to do the work. K Dry G