Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, December 03, 1893, Image 2

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S|gStf§H| - .i in utility, ua'W- in price, moderr ; T' . " selling tlr ■ • too nptive catalogF..,,' - 7 address on au 1 . , Rwtw, ir»ddlU n S--^_ rl COMPANY, J. E a e Sold Mlue»^^BHEKEaE?~ : Miui>crcor- _i,.i ai T. ^UCC^during Vk » »eriou, mlsnmlor- £5 -Our exist JNK* mlA d “ ric s tbc •'[>'- Srtti -PL- exist ^^.-^jupanenouncod Egan publicly ' . ™ . y. af C in concluded to keep quiet .superior; 111 fcnWrf- ...I'BrunjwIck WM out of lier trouble. ” *— *■ W ' 1 BO tlieotlier d»y Eagan Bent a challenge to Dart, which Mr. Dart treated with contempt because, a» ho alleged, Mr. Nelson, the bcaror of the challenge, was drunk. To this Nelson replies: “Tho statement mado that I was under the Influence of stimulants when I pre sented the noto to Dart, It n lie. I hi Id no animosity to Dart when giving him the challenge.” A friend of Mr. Nelson, who was rrcsent, said: "Tho end miy not he yet. Tho attack was cruel and undeserved. At tho proper Unto a state ment will bo given for publication which will clear Nelson of tho charges mado ngainathlm.” Egan also published this card: "To settle the conflicting excuses and false reasons published In your paper why J. E. Dart would not render satis faction to a gentleman at a date selected by him, I dcalre to state that Jacob E. Dart, “now consul to Gaudaloupo" when backed by a mob, Is nlways ready to takotho assassin’s advantago of any man who touches him with tho truth. I desire to state further, without fear of contradiction, that J. E. Dart Is a liar and a coward and not (It to assoclato with gentlemen. IficnAtci-J. Koax. 1 Mr. Dart Is In New York cn routo to Gaudaloupo, West Indies, whero ho has Just been appointed consul. Thcro will tw no bloodshed, Tnn.\Vays and Means Commlttco has failed to agree upon any definite propo sition to make up the deficit in rovenuo. Tho subcommittee on Internal revenue reported to the full commlttco several ways by which tho expected deficit could bo mado up. They suggested both an Individual Income tax and a corporation Income tax, faroring tho latter. They also suggested in Increase of tho tax on whiskey, nnd on cigars and cigarettes; also a tax on playing cards and patent medicines. Tho Domocrats of tho committee discussed tho matter at length. All worn In favor of Increas ing tho tax on cigarettes to fl a tlions nnd, instead of fifty .cents as at present. The Income tax was, how ever, the main subject of discussion. Mr. Dryan, Mr, Tarsney and Mr. Whit ing are advocates of an Individual In come tax. Nearly all of tho other mem bers of the committee, except Mr. Coch ran, advocate a corporation tax. Mr. Cockran is opposed to any lucomo tax at all. lie Is supposed to represent the views of tho president, who Is very hit terly opposed to any species of tho In come tax, s death of Major M. C. Kiser At kin lost one of her solid citlaens, s place will be difficult lie a successful merchant, : s large fortune i principle*, and he was a public- man who did much for tho i and development of tho city. r now appear* that Mr. Cleveland’* unpopular attorney-general really baa ■oat good point* after all. Ho has had Mm good senae to decide that cortain note* issued by corporations (clearing i oertiIIcates), during tlio recent ‘‘famine” are not taxable 10 r T**r the bank circulatiou law. -^weapon wat- it ii .. The darkey ’> in his bill of irt* decide that i“‘ , SC*are not contraband, nnd we will hear no more about the abridge ment of oofTee’* privilege*. Bask note* were Issued in China as airly a* the ninth contury, when the art of printing waa unknown in Europe. Thee note* have generally been re deemed, because in China, when a bank ffclla, all the clerks and managers have their head* chopped off and thrown in a heap aloog with the book* of tho con- eem. And *o it ha* happened in these good old barbarous times that for the past 500 year* not a single Chinese bank ha* suspended payment. la |ta last analysis tho Wilson tariff MU !• a moderate protection document, recognizing the principle of protection M eeeenttally as did tho McKiuloy bill, • fee difference being in dogreo nnd not in It U well known that the prcsl- (levee to protection in niodera* I Mr. Wilson drafted the bill on _! Unas of the president’* views, and I In nooord with the radical doctrine _ down by the Chicago platform, tvM*h declared protection to berobbory. Ton sanctimonious, not to say Turl- taato, pnblio Is straining out tho gnat of pugilism a la Corbett-Mitchell, and •wallowing the camel of football slug ging. One football match causes more broken notes, black eyes and brulacd heads than all tho prize fights of this decide. If the pugilist* would advertise their highly moral show a* a football game they would catch tho elite of the land, including the ladies. Let the pu gilists change the namo of their show *!•) they jrill be in It. Major IIaco.n’u resolutions, Intro duced In the Georgia legislature a few days ago, have been read with much in twest by Georgians and other Southern ers In Washington, who believe In the Democratic plat/orm. Several Southern member* of congress, who have seen them, express the hopo that the legisla ture will adopt them. They believe such acta on the part of legislatures of all tho Boa them state*, would strengthen tho cans# of free silver and state banks. Editor Da^a, of the Sun that shines for all, is mad. lie don’t like the Wilson tariff bill. He aaya: "Tested *-y tbr first pnncip!?* of political rectU^a an ! party honor, the protectionist tariff pro posed to congress by Mr. Wilson and the Democratic majority of the Commit tee on Ways and Means is a fraud, an in famy, and an insult. As the years go by wonder will increase that Democrat* coniu be found willing to sign their Mimes to this confession of Imposture and false pretences, this acceptance of the tokens of a degrading humiliation. —New York San. Tiie Wilson tariff bill proposes to ad mit works of art free of doty. This is directly contrary to the Democratic doc trine. In a tariff for revenue only, works of art most bear their Just share of the pnblio burdens. There is no rea son for speolal favoritism to the artists who make them, or to the people of taste who boy them. Let them all pay their just taxes like honest and self- respecting men. The free admission of works of art is nothing bat s crowning atrocity of class legislation. A tariff for rovsnne only, with tea and coffee, Is a thing Impossibls. To 1st them in with out duty, is nothing but a crowning stro- eity of class legislation.—New York Ban. Good Family Medicines Hood’s Sarsaparilla nnd Hood’s PUR). •I regard Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood’s Pills, tbs very best family medicines, sad ws art never without them. I hav* always been A Dcilcato Woman sad began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla three years ago for that tired feeling. It built me up so quickly and so well that I feel Ilk# a different woman and have always bad great faith lu it Z i use Hood’s ruisTn'tho and they Act Uko o Charm Xtaka pleasure In recommending these medi cines to all my friends, for 1 believe If people Hood’s x Cures FOR CATARRH! RHEUMATISM! LA GRIPPE! INDIGESTION! * Columbus, Ga., Oct. 8, 1803. Rome years ago I had mi attack of grip, Which produced catarrh iu r:.y head and general prostration. I used King's Royal Germotner and it wrought a wonderful cure in my case. I had indigestion, and it cured that also. I have recommended it to soyeral persons who were afflicted with different diseases, and always with the happiest results. It has been definitely determined that the income tax system to be reported by the Ways and Means Committee will be confined to a tax on the net income of all corporations and a tax on succession aad legacies. Messrs. Bryan, McMillan, Whiting and others, made a strong fight for a plan broad enough to Include all Incomes of individuals tn excess of IV/jO per annum, but they have been forced to acquiesce in the will of the majority and abandon the graduated in aiiSi mritist only » corporations and seems to be hard for Atlanta to de- olde whether she really wants to punish Harry Hill or let him go. When Harry it In Atlanta indignation is quiet nnd the handsome young miscreant beoomee n white elephant on the hand* of juatloe. When he slips away public vengeance flames and detectives’ are sent to bring him back. HlUisnnder bond and It Is difficult to see why nil this haste and bnllabnllo to bring him beok before bis trial. It la not otaar that Atlanta really wants to try Harry, after all. H# has no money to make restitution for his forged note# and his trial may only add to the confusion and embarrassment of the sit- nation. Is the game worth all this fu rore?—Savannah Press. Commissiovr* X. B. Stablmak of the So nth era Railway and Steamship Asso elation, It Is statod, will become a oandl date for senator from Tennessee. A PRETTY FACS is the result of a healthy physical condition. “Beauty is but skin deep” yet H greatly depends on a clear complexion, free from wrinkles and hollow cheeks. Health always Wngs wealth of beauty. A healthy state of the sys tem comes with DT. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription. It's a medicine prepared for woman's ailments—it cures those derangements and weak nesses which snake woman's life miserable. A woman who neglects to take proper exercise is particularly prone to excessive congestion, debility end a sluggish circulation. This is the time we sdviM the “ Prescription.” In all derangements aad displace ments of the special organa which result in “signs of inflammation,” in catarrhal discharges from the lining membranes, ana in distremlng irregularities—this medicine is guar anteed to benefit or curs, or tbs money is returned. Beaufort, N. C., Jane 7, 1893. I was a sufferer from rheumatism for eight months, part of tho time was so that I couhl not walk. I was entirely cured by King’s Royal Gemetner. I have no symptoms of rhoumatisin now, I think it is a great medicine. Ivan B. Abernathy. What Her. 8mm Jones Says. Rev. Sam Jones, tho great evangelist, writes: “My wife, who was an invalid from nervous sick headache, has been entirely cured by Royal Germotner. I wish every poor suffering wife had access to that medicine. Two of iny children wore cured of nasal catarrh by it. It is truly a great medicine, ~ For Children, Nervous Troubles and Weak and Debilitated Females, Royal Gennetner is uncquallod. Try it. |t per bottle, six for $3. All druggists. King’s Royal < lermctuer Co.. Atlanta,Oa. Germotner Pills for Constipation, 60 B a vial, for S3 cents. PETITION fob incorporation. G eorgia—sdmteb cousty. to screw* Court or saidCoumty —The petition Jonn Windsor, Hascom Myrlcta Thornt Wheatley. J. H- Heyward. W. Callaway ai C. I* Ansley, of the county anil state afoi said, amt of T. Y. Urent, of the county Bibb, said state, and of l’hlllp J. Scudder, the county of Bedford and state of Tennessee, and others, shows that they have associated themselves together and deni re to be tncoi porated under the laws of Georgia. The oh Jed of their associate gain and a§e pecuniary . for themselves and their printing and publishing news papers, and running and conductinr " ‘ printing office and book bindery. The particular business they proj carry on Is that of printing and pul newspapers. Iswks and periodicals -- — kinds, Blanks of every description, commer cial paper and all publications necessary for commercial and mercantile business, elec- trotyping, lithographing and all other work that Is usual and Incident to a newspaper and printing office. Also, to buy and sell, at wholesale and re tail. blank hooks, stationery and all kinds * ‘ goods used In and for printing. They have adopted a» a corporate nan •Ths Timbh-Rkcohdkr," and trie place < business of said company shall be in the cil of Americas. Sumter County. Georgia. The awouut of capital stock to uc employed by them Is lit),000.00, with privilege ' *- creasing same to KS.GOim*). and bus! begin when t&,0UU.U0 U paid into sai pany. The capital stock shall consist of 10) shares of the par value of each. Kac‘ holder shall lie individually liable creditors ->f said company only * **■ of their unpaid subscription to pray that said corporeal* fisn-Btc ■rporate and politic f< Bach stock jle to the the extent stock < body t twenty years, with t *■ xptratlon o' tAcy privilege of renewal That the y bo granted powers for the pur poses hereinbefore named ami for the pur pose of buying and selling real and personal property; to have and ~ ■" —*" *■*- cry and appliance That they may have pot ued, plead and be l tuple non seal, and adopt all or the carrying on of sa •insistent with the laws he United states. To have a board useful for'the purpose ofcarrying on’ said business, and for purposes hereinbefore de- * necessary this state or of and appoint business, and direct* iuch officer* and agent* as may be n* sary for the prosecution of lu be -* to do and perform all such othi xerclse such further powers ami rights a* re Incident to corporations granted by the iw* of said state. BASCOM MYItH K. Original Hied in office this *7th day of No- ’ J. H. ALLEN, Clerk S. C. A true extract front the minutes of Sum- ;r Superior Court, this November 27th, into. Henry Jones, DEALER IN- FI8H, FRUIT, ETC. OLD STOVES REPAIRED, BOUGHT AND SOLD. guaranteed n r_no charges. Patronage solicited. Lee street, at my ■ Notice. I Notice Is hereby given to the stockholders of the Bank of Americas that salt has been tiled tn the superior court of Sumter « returnable to the November term IMS East Tennessee National Bank, of KooHff Tenn.. against the Hank of Americas, tare; cover ft J7T JO principal, beside* interest aad Tux East TsaskaxssNATto* “UNCLE SAM’S” GOVERNMENT May levy its ten per cent, tax on our banks for affording relief to the people by issuing ccriificates, but fortunately it cannot tax us for affording relief to all buyers by selling at sueb low figures the new, beautiful and varied stock which we bought for cash during the late finan oial crises, when one dollar counted as two in purchasing goods North. Call and see our Oak Chamber Suits from $100 down to $ 15. Think of a Solid Oak 3 piece suit, French bevel plate glass, Bedstead 6 feet high for $ 15:00. Cheap at $25. 30 Suits and more coming. A large line of Side Boards of five different factories, now in stock, present varied styles and?are offered at selling prices, whilst still others are en route. Lounges from $4.50 up. Baby Carriages $5 to $20. The Sea shell will make any baby look pretty. Our line of Hat Racks cannot be duplicated in price in the State. _ Those Plush Rockers “are too pretty for anything,” except a good wife or sister. In Silver Plated goods, assortment is complete and prices as low as same grade can be bought|in the State. Our line of Crockery, Glass and China cannot be described but must be seen for their beauties to be realized. As for “those lovely toilet sets” they are pretty enough “for some other fellow’s sister.” Then those Office Desks, dining and extension and other Tables, Chairs, Bed Springs, and Mattresses, Cradles and Children’s Beds, all styles and prices. Don’t thinx because we Keep fine goods that we charge more than others who sell “cheap goods.” Come and see and price and you will buy. Ours is’a House Furnishing Establishment and we keep all a house needs, including the Standard Sewing Machine. SMITH 5t DRVENPORT. COMMISSIONER’S SALE. The National Guaranty Oon»i._ . the C >rdele Security Company. Petition for Ini unction, Receiver bod Foridar of Mortgage tn Djoly Superior Ooort geohuiA—doolv tX)corv;--Under i virtue of the t-*rm*of the decree r by said court In the above cause on ber!». 1W3, the undersigned, urommli *r of said court, will sell at public outcry u> be highest bidder, during legal hours of ale. the .second Monday *f the month of De- emiK-r. law! and from day today until this entire parcel is disposed of, in Qie town of " •-ole land lots, containing two hundred nd one-half acres, more or less, lyin® In the Thirteenth district of Dooly coutiiv, ■orala, numbers 2, 3. 4.6. fl and 7. Uko, whole land lot* In the Eleventh dim II. 12: 13.14. IA block 10, lots 11, IS is, 15, j* 1?. - 20. block 33, lots 1 to 10, Incisive, bfo'k * 1 to 20. inclusive block 31 ——■ IF YOU Wish to buy a wheel don't fall to seo me before purchasing. I have the best wheel for the price in this country for #7-"> I will givo you a “Heading Flyer.” Specifications in Brief—Diamond frame, with credenda tubeing; steering head 8 inches ball boaring. Wheels Inch front nnd rear, full nickled spokes, and Morgan Sc Wright amatio Tites, pedals—Improved dust proof, rubber or rat trap. Nothing like rer offered to the trade before. WHEELS TO RENT. Catalogues Froe. Correspondence solicited. W. II C. DUI)LEY,Jr.,Aff»t, Office 523 Dudley Street. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE FINE TANNERY CALF. , 64 and 63.60 Dress Shoe. 63.60 Police Shoe, 3 Soles. 83.60, 82 for Workingmen and SI.76 for Boys and Youth. 63, 2.60, and S2 for Ladles. 81.76 for Misses. J. C. Roney, Pres. Jnc. Windsor, Cashier. Lester Windsor, Assistant Cashier. No. y«3». Peoples National Bank, OF AMERICUS. Capita:, 150,000, Sunpi.«s, *25,000. ORGANIZED 1883. THE Bank of Sumter. T. K. HAWKE3, O. A. COLEMAN, President. VUm-Prss’t W.C. FUBLOW, Cashier. Dmscroas: O. A. Coleman, O. O. Ilawklas “ N. Ilawkes. W. C. Fur low, J H. Stewart, Dr. E- r, W. M. Hawke*, accommodating to it* management, and other business inltsUne. " f*bi B. II. Jossey, T. N. Ilawkes. W. C. run W. Furlowl R. 8. Oliver, It. M. Stewart, T. Mathis, Arthur Rylsnder, W. M. H« Liberal to it* customers, accominnda' the public and prudent In It* m»nui this bank solicits deposits and other ft I.W.IMMAYmt ' rruVShiliM, Sublet. C. A Hi>Ut|tu, V. Ptut LU( WlftM. Au’tCuk’i BANK • OF • COMMERCE, CAPITAL, tea,000.00. Liability asms as National Banka. Commercial paper discounted and loans made upon approved collateral. Exchange bought and sold. Deposits solicited. Demand and time ccrtlttcates Issued A general bank ing buslues transacted. DIRECTORS. W. Sheffield, /-*• Stapleton, A. Pricker. D. J. Sheffield, C. A. Huntington, Erank Lanier. Jr. *7. A. Dodson. Frank Sheffield, jaut&iK Lott Warren. W. 0. BARNETT, Manufacturer and Dealer In HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, COLLARS, HARNESS AND SOLE LEATHER, WHIPS, ETC. . . . I manufacture Harness rang ing in price from £6.50. upward. HARNESS and SHOE REPAIRING 316 LAMAR ST-, Next Dow to SHEER, Ordinary. Til TUC Mini If* w. L. DOUGLAS Shoes are made In all the latest IIJ I HEb TUDIsIU styles of the best materials. They are easy fitting and durable. They give better satisfaction than any other make at the price advertised. nnArirr^tAAT A V /van no We do not ask you to take our word, try one pair, you cannot make a mistake, and 1 KUr toOlUlV AL LAKUIS l* convinced. We feel confident that nfter one trial you will wear no other make. W. L. Douglas’ name and price Is stamped on the bottom before the shoes leave the factory, we make the price for your licncfit and guarantee the value. Be sure and get the genuine. Dealers who push the sale of W. L. Douglas shoes, increase their business*. Our method of sending customer* to their stores has increased the sale* on their full line of shoes, and Induced them to do business on the modem plan, large tales and small profits. We believe It will pav you to purchase all your shoes of dealer* who the sale of W. L. Douglas shoes. W. L DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. GEO. 0- WHEATLEY. E A. HAWKINS, • Attorney at Law. Office In Wbcntly Bldg., Newspaper Row. 1 15 6 710 11 1213 11 15 *9101! M 14 15 16 block r. 100. lots I 2345678910block 1 '• 'Men»block 1IL lot* 117 18 19 29 block 124. I0W 19 20 block 126, lots1415 u *** -**114 15 IS 17 18 1617 1919 20 1611121314151617 18 ID in're » I.W. iuin.>« uo 7891011 is 1314 ISIS IT 18 10 20 block 173. lot* 17 1819 29 block 177. The city property will b« sold on the re *pectlve premiHe*. and the land lying out ride of the city limit* will be sold befon the ra house, and all of *ald lanIs will beof- tract* or quantities aswill. e hlghcHt price therefor. the Judgme f sale 3 lai r an*eth“ 11 - stallmen _ the (late of ommlssioncr, realise .^’or. as follows: One-third of iey to be paid cash ami >t to be payable In »—> due at one and t' W P. TVAU.I1, • Attorney at Law,, Ga. Will practice In all the court*. Office: Tele push phone Exchange Building. A. HIXO" --- lav at ; Americu! —_„ ding, op; house. Pjompt attention glv< Law, A me Aiding, opposite the court *—— all br“ ■ junMf J A. AMSI.KY, • . Attorney at Law. Will practice in the counties of Sumter, Schley, Macon. Dooly, Wcbuter, Stewart, I D. D. TWIGGS, Attorney at Law, Americu*, Ga. Office In new Wheatley building, next ... Timch-Ukcohukk. Will practice In all court*. Prompt and careful attention to all buslne-■■■ * aug4tf. f?VAN T. MATIllS, Attorney at Law, 321 Jackson Street, Americu*, Ga. ipeclal attention given collections, and titan * ‘ Ittance* promptly made. R. 8. R. McKKK. I Dun—, Office, that formerly occupied by Dr.' raerty oce_» sham, No. autW Lamar streeL ) R* ORORGR 1IOUINK Office over Davenport's drug si Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Thr rose. Office hours from 9 to 12 a m M. CALLAWAY, * real Estate and Fire Insurance Agent D BA DABBY A CATO, PHYMlt.lAXH Tender their professional service* .... 'Amerlcusand SnilGCoN!*. lundlng cou Hotel* wK try General surgery an<l disease* of specialties. Office In the Hotel '*' Call* left at Dr. Kldridge * drug eceive prompt attention day or night Office telephone No. 84; residence telephone ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. FOB BALE OB RENT. DINE choice rooms In Thomas Block, r ply to Bank Southwestern Georgia. DOB BALE—One large wool mattress, f Apply to Mrs. Black, Ilk Prince street S. E. FIELD, Professional Horseshoer, FOR EXCHANGE. $25,000 worth of excellent prop erty in one of the leading cities of Georgia, will be exchanged for good farm in Southwest Georgia. B. T. BYRD, FIRE AND UFE INSURANCE. HEPHESENIISG TEE SAFESTASD STRONGESTCOHFAHIES13 THE WORLD Insuranca placed on City and Country Property. Offloe on Jaekaon Street, next door below Mayor’s <y*r«. JOHN KAY. PALL AND WINTER. I have received my FALL STOCK, etc., of Overcoat ing, Suiting and Trouserings. The largest and choicest se lections ever displayed in Middle or Southwest Georgia. Call and make your selection and have them made up in , thirty or sixty days. ‘‘Everything strictly high class.” JOHN KAY, MERCHANT TAX ie at one and two year* d sale, such deferred .a,,bearing Interest at the rateof n **r cent, per annum, the commisstoner exe- utlng to each purchaser a bond for title con •ifHoned to make such.purchaser a deed to the property purchased upon the payment <»t the entire purchase money thereof: the cash IK.rtlon of each W«11* to be paid to the com mlssloper upon the day of the purchase, and tiis.rt default therein the property will be re- sold^jpon the following day at the purcha*- The entire sale Is made subject to the con- flrmatlon of the chancellor, and should he disallow any {iart thereof, tne cash paid to the commissioner for such portion will at once, by him, be refunded to such purchaser. For further particulars regarding the property to be sold and the terms of sale, prosiiective purchasers are referred to the .•HKlnaldecrc-enow on Ole in the clerk* 'fflcc of the superior court of Dooly countr 'lenna. Oa. This loth day of NovemberJWt. novl2sun4t D. T. DAUGHTRY, REMMggj pMOffM. ssums A Cup of I Bouillon | Palatable, Pure, Refresh Ing and Stimulating' : in 3 minutes, thus: take a cup ol boiling hot water, stir “• a i te.ipoon (not more) of LIEBIG COMPANY’S EXTRACT Of BEEF Then take an egg— and Mime (berry if liked—acneon an fully. i ! T. a GLOVER. Agt, ARTESIAN BLOCK, Sot* Use I AMERICUS, OA. DEAiiCB nr GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ETC. Having removed to the above place he advises thepublic that T. S. GBKSNrS SHOP, Gotten Anon, - - - AmeHcM, Ga. ^ WO UK OOABANTlmD. T. S. GLOTE (URDER THE OPERA HOUSE) XHPS THE PUREST AND BEST Bl LIQUORS, WINES, BEER, TOBACCO, Guns, Shells. Loading Implom . It affords him grmt ptaxiurt to anaoaae# to his ft them. When yon want anything In hta line, call at bii Tir* ICEEl^j TAIL fn