Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, July 17, 1895, Image 2

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THE TIMES-RECORDER. A PKICK' UPOli HOXOlt. The Times-Recobdei: is Droud to sUod with the rank and file of the unpolluted Democracy, which is today fighting a currency scheme that has so impoverished the South that maoy o! her sons who have hitherto borne spot* less records are how selling their Math- right for a mess of pottage. Hoke Smith, the paid emissary of the It is Known By Its Cures It Is net what we say, but what Hdod’s Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story of its merit The thousands of people whom it bss raised from disease and despair to happi ness and health, are the strongest and best advertisements Hood’s Sarsaparilla has. No other preparation In existence has such a record of wonderful cores. This Is why Hood’s Sarsaparilla has the largest sale, and requires for. its produc tion the largest laboratory in the world. Now it you need a good medicine, why not try that which has done others so much good. Remember Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the Only - True Blood Purifier Prominentlyfath6pubiiccye.fl;fixtorf5 To some people dees not convince as examination does. They are *‘set” in their ways. Will you listen and learn by what we have to say? We are loaded with Summer Furniture—the light and cool* but strong-in-wear kind —Arm Chairs, Settees, Rockers, etc. We are selling it at pulverized prices. You know what that means-money in chaser’s pocket. f We sell the all-the-year-round kind too, for Dinipg Room, Parlor or Kitchen. ^ Business Offlce Telephone 99. Editorial Booms, after 7 o'clock p. Cigarettes NOW IS TOUR TIME BOTTOM GRADE THROUGH PULLMAN SLEEPING CAR LINES RUN DAILY INTO FLORIDA VIA THE Plartt Svstem Plant System 12 A PAIR OUWHAM.I The Windsor NEW YORK and ST. AUGUSTINE- AMEmetis, GEORGIA. GEORGE H- FIELDS. Proprietor- We Offer a Remedy Which, nanres Safe* ty to L.fe of Mother and Child. Is now under the management of MRS. J. B. LAMAR Strictly Urn-class In all Its appointments. Tables unsurpassed. Special attention given commercial men. HOUSE mailed free. BHADF1ELD REGULATOR CO.. ATLANTA, UA. AMEHfuUS. GEORGIA. All modern conveniences. Polite servants na attentive waiters. No pains will be pared to make this In every respect a model R. F. NTS BRING, Proprietor. The finest Breads and Cakes of all kinds aked every day. Candles, Cigars Canned LewOooda Chlg Gum gtc. @TThe Best of Everything In My Line A 12 H. P. STATION FRY ENGINE and return flue boiler, 100 feet 14 inch steam . __ W INSHIP COTTON pipe, A GO SAW GIN, with feeder and condenser; A So SAW HALL GIN and feeder; a 2 inch shafting and pulleys; a friction power press. I will sell Victoria Hotel, * ATHEN8, GEORGIA, H. J. BRINSON, Proprietor. A first-class hotel on the principal busl- drummers 1 home. Good Kates 1290 per day and LineQ ELEGANT ships every week between* elegant shi? every wi ■ ^ PORT TAMPA, KEY WEST AND HAVANA. - *" PORT TAMPA AND B. W. WRENN, Passenger Traffic Manager, Savannah, Ga. upward. FRUIT WANTED. I represent one of the best wholesale fruit houses in Cincinnati, and solicit consignments of fruit. Quick sales; prompt , D^Come to see the machinery at ow tier’s residence, Leslie, Ga. BRUNSWICK * FLORIDA y STEAMBOAT CO. Cumb’land Route to and from Fla Wholesale and Retail Groceries MACON I AND NORTHERN RAIL TIME TABLE JAN 10th 1883. IN EFFECT MAY 20th, 1805. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Steamer CITY OF BRUNSWICK SOUTHBOUND. Leaves Brunswick 8:00 am Leaves Jekyl 8:45 am Leaves Cumberland........ 10:15am Arrives Fernandlna 12:30 pm Leave Fernandlna [F. C. A P.] l :00 pm Arrive Jacksonville 8:43 pm NORTHBOUND. Leave Jacksonville [F.L. A P.] .9:30 am Arrive Fernandlna 11:15 am Leave Fernandlna 1:00 pm Leave Cumberland 3:15pm Leave Jekyl... 4:15 pm Having fitted up my new and commodious store on Cotton avenue, opposite Council & McGarrah’s warehouse, I am prepared to serve the trade with all goods in my line. We carry a large stock of FLOUR, LARD, MEAT, CORN, HAY, TOBACCO, 8U8AR. COFFE and other staple articles, besides Lv Macon Ar Lv.... Machen.....Ar Lv....Madison ... Ar Lv Athens ....Ar Lv....Abbeville ...Lv Lv.. .Greenwood ..Lv Lv....Chester Lv Lv Monroe. ...Lv Lv Kalelgh.....Lv Lv Weldon Lv Ar~..Richmond. .Lv Ar.. Washington..Lv Ar.... Baltimore.'. .Lv Ar. Philadelphia..Lv Ar.... New York.. *Lv FRESH FAMILY and FAHCY GROCERIES _ :30pm Connections made at Fernandlna with F. C.AP.B.B, tor all points South, via South ern Division. At Brunswick with Southern Railway, leaving at 7:15 p m. and Plant Sys tem train' leaving at 5:50 p. m.; both making connection for all points North and West; carrying Pullman Sleepers through to Ma con and Atlanta without change. J. F. NORRIS. G. P. A Connections with Georgia Southern and Florida Railroad, East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia railroad and Central railroad for all points in Florida and southwest Geor gia. Second—No. 405 leaving Macon at 8:30 a. m makes close connection with Middle Georgia and Atlantic forEatonton. Third -With Georgia railroad at Madl- Fourth—With solid train for Washington and Pullman Parlor Buffet cars, Washington to New York city- Ticket offlce isz Mulberry at Grand Lodge Building A. SHAW, Traffic Manager H. BURNS T. P. A Ticket Agent SPRING SALES. j Glass! .Quick! If so my store is headquarters for all grades from the best B'ogaa to Calf Shoe, and prices the lowest. We tarry everything to be found in a First-ela'is Grocery Hrose i you in prices, i Everything new, fresh and fine. iOPYRIGHTS. The Hoy. Dr. Martin D. Kneeland, in bahall of the preacher, of Boston, ex tended a welcome to the Eodearorors tbo other daj. and In tbooontao of his startling speech ho laid that the Christian Endeavor was “God's high- geared bicycle.” . It la hoped, In the. Interests of decency, that when tha Boston par ton again ban to welcome to town a religion, body ;they win ae- leot for the service not qdlto so high- geared a spokesman. HlRES’Rootbeer ' Itch on humane mange on noises hogs and all stock, cured In 30 minutes by Woolford’s Sanitary Lotion. This never falls. -"-Sold by S. J. Eldridge **"fig?‘ t *i>Amaricd». Q» d& w fyr Try ^Yellowstone whiskey sold by Stoney Glover. It is 14 yearsold and the finest la town. Drink - the purest Yellowstone aai healthy , Do you owe The Tjmks-Recobder for DO YOU WANT AN EDUCATION? U N ION FEMALE COLLEGE I VIRGINIA COLLEGE * - ECPAtJLA. ALA - ;*? C :^ - Now offers uoqualiQcd advantage. In all For YOUNG LADIES. UOHIlOkC, Ya M. CALLAWAY, 1. •*’ _ ;. T : .• Mr. Cleveland Is having a tough time of it. With squalls at home and squalls oq the bog, the President hath no place to stay. your subscription? If *so, pay up and be happy. Dr. MJW Pain PlHs cure neuralgia. Americas, Ga., July 17, 1895 FOB PRESIDENT IN 1806. ADLAI E. STEVENSON FOB VICE FBESIOENT, CHARLES F. CRISP, administration, is now In Georgia on his mission of shameful bribery. He was once a silver man; he says so, and does not deny it. Money has turned him from what he once advocated all over Georgia—the free and unlimited coinage of silver. Was fie a populist then? No, he was an honest Democrat, working for the interest of the people he lived amongst. Today be is no more than an administration hireling, parading through Georgia with a pocket full of small salaried government commissions which ^he bestows promiscuously upon those who will forsake the principle of their fathers and join him In his gold en inarch to the Senate, where he hopes to outlive this odiofis administra tion whioh now owns him body and soul and flop again in time to make his peace with the great I Am, who says, *» unto the hypocrite and falsifier.” "Free coinage may and probably will re sult In parity. Bnt parity can never pre cede free coinage. To make pai Ity of bul lion value a condition precedent to free coinage, Is to postpone free coinage nntll the mlllenlnm. We must remove the le gal disabilities of silver before we can right fully expect It to resume Its normal posi tion.'*—Speaker Fleming. A MAN OF TOE TKOPLK, There does not live in Mississippi a more honored man than Senator A. J. McLauren, The voice of the people is so unmistakably for him that his nomi nation is assured. In a recent inter view, Senator McLauren says: “I cannot bat appreciate the confi dence the people of Mississippi have shown toward me.” said the senator, “hut I fully realize that it is the cause that I represent that has aroused them to the almost unanimous work In which they aie now engaged. “These people,” he continued, “are in favor of the free and unlimited coin age of silver at the ratio of 10 to 1. There are other issues which might be discussed, but this one involving the The Macon Telegraph with a Nourish of trumpets is shouting over the conver sion of Col. Thomas Nall of Griffin. The Telegraph fails to give the reason, which is that Mr. Nall’s silvery voice has been silenced by the gold wand of Secretary Smith, who bought it with a job in the Interior department. Nall’s brother-in-law is the beneficiary who will draw the pay, $2,500, while Tom my will take his doll rags and go home the day the bimetalllo convention meets in Griffin and wait for Hokie to say, 'brave boy yon are Tommy, I will take you to see Mr. Cleveland when yon come to Washington and beg that he allow you the privilege of kissing the babies.” Hon. Fleming du Big non will de liver the literary address at the Univer sity of the Soath, Sewaneo, Tenn., Aug. 1st. The degree will also be con ferred on the graduating class by this gifted and talented Georgian Tennes see will never entertain a more cultured gentleman nor eloquent speaker than Ur. duBignon, of Georgia. question of existence itself, has been given the forefront. I cannot explain my own standing better than by re peating what I have already declared to the people of Mississippi, that I be lieve in the unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 10 to 1, and that it should be done without waiting for internation al agreement. Indeed, I do not be lieve that it Is possi ble to secure inter national agreement for the coinage of ■liver until this country takes the lead and acts independently. No nation op posed to stiver will consent to its use as long as we make its use .dependent upon such consent. It is not the part of statesmanship or sound business principles for a country as great as ours to subordinate our monetary system to the denomination or policy of an? foreign conntry. We have tried th* policy of subordination and found i' wanting. Its blighting effect is too ap parent to admit of discussion. The reason Is obvious. The destruction of one-half of the money of the conntry necessarily enhances the value of the other half and depreciates all other property. The increase of tie volume of money does not correspond with the increase of population and business, and hence, there is a constant apprecia tion of money and depreciation of other property. Men will not invest' appre ciating money in depreciating property. Such property is not considered by money lenders s safe security for loan ed money and, therefore, the money Is hoarded and very little of It finds way into circulation. Money thus hoarded Is worth no more to the business of the conntry than If it did not exist. The unlimited coinage of silver would give to the business of the country an ade quate supply of money ; business would Tevlve; Investments would be made and tjie necessary volume of money would be put into circulation. easily and quickly relieved; Is now doing splendidly.— J. S. Mouton, Harlow, N. Q. Pent by express or mail, on receipt of price, ■“ — Book -TO MOTilkUS’’ Judge H. W. Hopkiss has sent a pair of Thomasville made socks sockless Jerry Simpson, of Kansas. The Thomasville mills have greatly in creased their force and are turning out piles of goods. Jerry once tried to knock the socks oil Georgia, but the boys wouldn’t pull off worth a cent. Now Jerry is to wear Georgia socks. Machinery Por Sale. Mbs. Henry Waki> Beecher, wid ow of the famous preacher, does not wear black or any other emblem of mourning. Her demeanor is cheerful, well as her dress, and she always has pleasant words for her friends. It is an interesting fact that one of the first persons upon whom the Hon J. Sterling MortoD, Secretary of Ag riculture, publicly exercised Lis won derful powers of sarcasm waa the Hon, Grover Cleveland. HEALS RUNNING SORES Mrs. Annie Annorr, the “Georgia Magnet,” has come to the front again, this time In a rather sensational role. Bhewas married about ayear and a half ago to J. C. Hearn, of New York, and disappeared from behind the footlights. A day or two ago she appeared at one of the hospitals at New York with her five months old baby in her arms, and alleged that her husband had given tho ohild poison. She says that aha lived unhappily with him and left him, for revenge he attempted to poison the child, using morphine. At Bellevue hospital Dr. Braunwlck said the baby waa only suffering from chole ra infantum. If poison had been ad ministered the child had • swallowed none of It. CURES THE SERPENT?S STING JOSSEY THE WHOLE FOR *500X0 r any part fn proportion. Also for sale a GIG SAW MACHINE 18 Inch stroke, 3 feet beveled table; a BAND SAW MACHINE,3 feet wheels, 3 feet table, turning lalth, 20 inch swing, a swing cut o ff saw, iron frame, shafting pulleys and belting for running above machines. All of above machines in good order, ready for -. Will sell at PER CENT OFF OF FIRST COST boteL Rates 31.00 per day. B. H. JOSSEY, Prop. Artesian Bakery,