Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, February 01, 1896, Image 2

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I _ THE TIMES-RECORDER. Dally and Weekly. rnz Amxjuccs Recobdi n Kitabustied IS7V m Ambkicos Times Established 189a Consolidated, Apkil, 1891. ' NCOKPORATED JANUAMT 1894. BUBSCBimON. Daily, Orb Year mo> Daily, Oxb Month... , .Weekly, Onb Year Weekly, Six Mouths □ Addrcwr all letters, and make reralfiances payable to TbE TIMES-RECORDER, Americas. Ga. business Ofllce .Telephone 99. TBS TIMES-KECOnilRIt IN THK Official .Organ ot tbe City of Americus. Official Organ of Sumter County. Official Organ of Webster Countv. Official Organ ot the Railroad Commission of Georgia for the Third; Coogrtstlona Dtstrlc- Clio Tlmea-Raeordar deal* with adver tising agent* by special contract only, and M advertising agent or agency Is anthor- sad to aitke contractalfor advartlacmenta to be Inserted In this paper. non nr a motmibia, The Atlanta Constitution’* alma nac and weatbei forecasts for 1896 has been liraed. It li a oydoped a of historic and atattitic facta for tbe Hoe, home and farm It contains a world of information and it is well arrang*d*with a view to giving much in llttlr, and that la given In tbe tr.o-t systematic man ner. It presents quite a number of in teresting features in tbe Southern mind, espe ially as regards South ern history and Southern develop ment. It is an invaluable little book to have In the family library. George O.iver, tLe book seller, will order the book for those desiring it. MEALS RUNNING SORES S CURES thF SERPENT’S STING S CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON^ s I s or s ei °^ ulcer* yield to its healing powers. It re moves tho poison and builds up the system Americus, Ua. February 1, 1800. TffK NATIONAL CONVENTIONS. The Republican national convention will meat at St. Lonls Jane 10, 1800. The Democratic national convention will meet In Chicago July 7,1890. The Popnlist national convention will meet at St. Louis July 22,1890. CALLING FOB BIS DKNCAT. The Louisville Courier-Journal thus calls for the defeat of the nomi nee of the democratic caucus: "Let the sound money democrats who refuse to vote for Blackburn aland firm to the last. Upon their fidelity to principle depends in a lirgo measure the future of demo cracy in Kentucky. For them to abandon their party and go over to tbe man who, in liia desperate ef forts to advance bis personal inter ests, has well nigh destroyed that party In this state, would be to sur render hopelessly 10 the party’s worst enemy. Blackburn Las re pudiated and obstructed the party’s pledges, defied its authority, bolted its platform. Even now he is seek ing to carry Into the next campaigu the mutiny which proved so disas troua in the last. He represents the democratic party of Kentucky even less than Hunter represents tho re publicans. It would be a misfortune to the state if either should be elect ed its United States senator.’’ The Birmingham State Herald makes this patriotic comment, which The Timks-Rkcobdkj! most strongly endorses: ,; The platform of tbe democrats convention of Kentucky was iden tical with that of the Chicago platform, and each was open to a double .construction. Each was in tended to bo susceptible to such construction as any one might wlah. . Mr. Blackbnrn could stand upon Hand eonatrue it as he pleased, a jd nothing that he said or aid was violative of that platform. "When the legislative caucus me: Mr. Blackburn was nominated a* the party candidate for the annate. He was entitled by virtue of that nomination to receive every demo cratic vote, and had the gold atajd- ard men voted for him after his nomirsMon be would have been ° * m * ■«! s id one more democrat would hare beei added to the senate. The zeapoa•toility for the election of are 4 senator from a democratic state .will rest with the gold atend- ard members and with the Louisville Courier Journal.* ’ Senator Tillman made a very sensational speech in tho senate Wed nesday, iu which he charged that the President had purchased votes in congress with Federal offices; that Secretary Carlisle was a Judas, who bad betrayed his party aud sold out his principles, and unless something was done to grant the relief demand en by tbe people a host with rifles would march ou Washington and take by force wliat should be given them freely by their representatives. Tillman’s speech is said to be tbe most remarkable iu tbo history of the senate and it shocked, surprised and awed the greybeard*. Senator Tillman lias Him ply proven that he is man enough to express freely aud boldly what thouamls think. Tne Athens Banner comments edi tori ally upon tho recent senatorial fake report from Washington: "It must havo been very touching, if not tempting, to the g.tilant Gordon to seo two such dUtirguisiiod rivals for tbe high efficehe had voluntarily rei n qnisbed, como to him with Much a t lei and such a pledge. The incident, how ever, is very improbable, and as Wash ington rumors are often without muoh foundation, nud therefore often liable, we may ns well await further particulars before accepting the allege' incident as a fact. If tho story wor true that General Gordon was approach ed in tbe manner reported, and bo had yielded to tLoir solicitation, the an nouncement of bis reconsideration oi bis declared intention to retire the expiration ot nia term, would have shaken up tbe present Sona'orial situa- ation almost Indescribably. The New Tork Mercury makes the death of Ambassador Runyon the occasion tor declaring that the ofllce of Minister and Ambassador from the United States to Germany haa been something of a hoodoo. It calls to mind! that Bayard Taylor died while holding It. George P. Pendleton, while ita incumbent, received a cable announcement of the fatal injury of his wife in New York, was himself stricken with paralysis not long after, aud died at Wei shaken, whith er he had gone In the hope of re covering hie health. William Walter Phelpe held the office four years, retired from it in fairly good health, and died In this country less than two years later, Aud now, Mr. Runyon, who was apparently well and strong, for his age, has died at hlapost. Says the Ne w York Suu or Sunday "Our Baltimore contemporary, the Manufacturer*’ Record, prints a full review of the business advancement cf the eouth during the last year. We learn from it that in the year the southward movement of population was of unprecedented magnitude; that cotton mill building iu the south was phenomenal; that there was a remarkable revival in tbe iron busi ness; that the output of coal was heavier than in any previous year; that several southern shipyards made large contracts;-and that, in short, the year was one of marvelout success iu all branches of industry. After surveying the field our Balti more contemporary says with pride that in ihe year 1805 *a solid, sub stantial foundation was laid for growth greater tbau any ever before seen in the south, if not lu any other part of the country.' ” Many prominent Cubans in Boston have made arrangements to boom their cause. Money is to be raised immediately by subscription, and concert is to bo held In one of the leading theatres. Ex Judge Corcoran has indorsed the movement and maDy well-known Boston citizens are anxious to extend their aid in securing Cuba’s independence. DUKE Cigarettes UPRIGHT t r s SOLD BY. .... UPRIGHT DEALERS MADE FROM High Grade Tobacco ABSOLUTELY PURE CATARRH cold* nil sadden cli matic chances. It can be cured by a pleasant remedy while is applied directly Into tbe nostrils. B e 1 ug quickly absorbed it gives relief at once. _ ELY’S CREAM BALM is acknowledged to be the most thorough cure tor Nasal Catarrh, Cold In the Head and Hay Fever of all remedies. It opens and cleanses the nasal passages, allays pain ar-* inflammation, heals the sores, protects t membrane trqm colds, restores the scan of taste and smelL Price 60c. at Druggist by mail. ELY BROTHERS. 58 Warren St. New York GR ATE FUlr-r-COMFOK r ING. EPF’S COCOA. BREAKFAST—SUPPER. “By a thorough knowledge of the natural lws which gorern the.operations of diges tion and nutrition, and by a careful applica tion of the line properties of well selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided for our break fast and supper a delicately flavored beverage which may save os many neavy doctors bills. It is by tne judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may he gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to at tack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.*’—Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in half pound tins by Grocers, la belled thus: JAMES EPPS A CO., LtcL, Homoeopathic Chemists. London England. M CfclehMtePa Engiuh Dlammd Brood. Pennyroyal pills . Orl^oolooSOo^ A Obanqk shipments from Riverside, CaI., averaged forty carloads a day during . the first two weeks of lasl month. The supply-of fruit is hot sufficient for the demands of the Eastern markets. This good for lane of the California oraugo growers is largely due to the ill fortuue of the Florida growers. Thk senatorial deadlock in Ken tucky continues. That Tired' Feeling Is a certain Indication of Impure and im- povarished blood. If your blood could always be rich and. pure, foil of the red corpuscles upon which its vitality depends, you would never be weak, or Nervous! Bolls, pimples, scrofula, salt rbsum, would aersr trouble you. But our mode ot living, shut In all winter in poorly ventilated bomeo and shops, depletes the Mood and there Is loss of appetite and weakMie. Hood’sSarsa- tho standard remedy tor this condition. It purifies, vitalize* and enrleha* the blood, overcomes that tired feeling, bolide up the nerves and givee perfect health. Bead this: “Our daughter, Bfcukte/wheu four years eg* had a humor breakout on her hands and face, which dor. physician i pronounced eczema. If the cold sir j reached her face or hands they would swell up,' look almost purple, and headed blisters would form and break, Discharging a watery fluid, and the burn ing and itching would drive her nearly wild./Unless we incased her little hands she would tear patches of akin from her face and hands. We tried many doctors and many remedies and at last gave the case np sa hopeless. But our daughter Cora tried Hoodie Sarsaparilla, to euro s scrofulous lump near the left breast which caused her much pain and after taking 4 bottles it disappeared. Blanche, who la now eleven, had spent seven years of suffer ing, so I concluded to give her Hood’s Sarsaparilla. She took 6 bottles and her face Is smooth and soU as a baby’s, tbe color of a rose petal. Her hands are ■oft and white, where four months ago they were blue and red and calloused nearly like leather. I can- nof express my gratitude by pen or mouth. It seems a miracle and our Wenda are surprised.** Mns. Anna L. Class, 401B. 4th 8t^ Duluth, Minn. - A dispatch from Madrid to the Central News says that as soon as General Weyler, the new captain general of Cuba, arrives in Haysna he will issue a proclamation giving the rebels eight days to lay down their arms and surrender. If they do not do this he will then Inaugu rate a campaign of blood and fire against the rebels and their abettors. Whkn Dr. Henry Battey, of Rome, started to Florida a few days ago he took his two favorite bird dogs along. While he was waiting for the Central to pull oat Id Atlanta, Bostick, a fine setter dog, decided to return to Rome. Ee left Atlanta about four o’clock aud next morning be was found at the office, none the worse for bis iramp of seventy-five miles. Means a good deal in the line of domestic economy. Some folks tliink that if they want furniture, a’l they have to do is to walk into a store and buy it Well, they can walk into a’ store and there will he tnrniture there—even furniture fair to see— but whal store aud what kind of furniture. Aren’t these important questions ? Unless you are setting the stage for a domestic drama, you want furniture that will stand something, and that’s the kind we can sell you. A. W. SMITH. PLANT *-mi I mu ill, REACHING MOST IMPORTANT POINTS IN Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Cuba and Nova Scotia. Riant System •*- aso Perfect Passenger Service The Three Great Florida West Coast Hotels O AND OPERATED BY THE PLANT SYSTEM. EENATon Teller’s name is freely mention in connection with the leadership of the proposed Free 811- ▼er party, and some of his enthusi astic admirers openly declare that, he will be the presidential candidate of that party in the oomlug cam paign. Dr. B. H. TALoorr, of .the New York Insane Asylum, Is the friend of lsxy people. He declares that early rising is unhealthy, and that the ma jority of his insane patients come from the farmer and laborer classes which rise early in the morning.' There is only one white woman iu * the penitentiary, and Governor A tkiuBon is now’consldering a pet! for her pardon. it steamship IJne Heel i... -u. 'teamship Service in the South Atlantic Waters BETWEEN PORT TAMPA, KEY WEST and HAVANA, BETWEEN PORT TAMPA and MOBILE. literature on Florida and Cuba mailed upon application. IWMMH, CA. Central of Georgia Railway Co. 13:52 pm 8:01 p m 7:00 pm 1:33 p 3:05 4:10 pm TIME OA&D, in oflect Jan. 12th, 1898. iv .AMEttlCUS-.- Ft. Valley Macon Griffin., ar Mil ledge villa. ..Tennllle. 8:30 a m ar .. Savannah V 18:10 11*31 pin 8,10 p- 9:0b p 3:16 p m 13:05 p~ 8:30 a 9 00a 2:30 p No. 31 Except Sunday It AMERICUS ar _ Ft. Gaines lv 1y Eufaula lv iri:00 p in, 4 00pn I 5:40 p & 6:«7 p n | 8:00 p ml 6:30 pu Dawson lv ..Cuthbert lv ....Union Sprlos lv Tror lv No. 8 iumlay only. No. 32 Except Sunday ..AMdAlChB »r. 1 S3 p u ■ Buena Vista.. lv 1237pi ...Columbus lvlll.15 a t 1:30 px 111:48 a i > 9:30 a r 1 1:52 prolt0:ll p mdv. Americus ar t 4:53 a n 3:35pn. 11:15 pm ar Albany lvi 3:60a n | 7rf» a m|*r Jacksonville It I 6:30 p n tExcept Sunday. ||Meals. •Sundayonly. Bleepers on night trains between Bavnnnnh.nnd Mocox. and Atalantt. For further information os to tickets, sobe tales, routes ate. apply to D. FLINN, Jr„Tl cket Agent J„W. S’ HUM. A/?jnt, Aaurlcai. W. F. sqgLLH AN. Traffic M«cr. Havana* b J.O HAILE G. F. Am Savannah- THEODORE D. KLINE.Qoa Supt Savannah W. P uawhmn t». A Macon CLOSING OUT WINTER STOCK. CASPER, The MERCHANT TAILOR Will sacrifice the remainder of his Winter Stock iu older to make room for his SPRING SUITINGS, soon to arrive. Goat not considered. A perfect fit and entire satisfaction guarantees 1 (.and Trade-Marks obtained and all I )cnt business conducted for Moocratc Fee*. lOtmOrncc is Opposite U. 8. PArarrOrncr land we can secure potent in less Uote itaau those y * PAMPHLET, " HOW to UMsis meats," wun of saoein the U. S. mad foreign countries , free. Address. C.A.SNOW&CO. ! Opp. Patent Orncc. Washington. O. C. . CLEANING AND DYEINB- J. 8. My rick is in town cleaning and dyeing clothes. Suita dyed and pressed. My prices the lowest and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop 312 Forsyth street, rear of courthouse. Try me, ~13tf Itch, on human, mange on ho rse hogs and all stock, cored in 30 min nte byf S’oolford’s Sknitary Lotion. This never falls. Sold by R. Jr Eldrldge druggist, Americus Ga dAwl aBs BLOOD POISON trs. B., 3. Bickford, atenogra^hrr bwriter.' Offce at Fort & Wat son’s law office. Sfc.Mflo*FatnF8iac*sti What is A Practically Perfect Preparation For CHILDREN’S Complaints. A 5 T 6 R 1 CASTORIA INSURANCE THAT INSURES. BLOOM BROWN Represents that Class- FIRE: Georgia Home, of Georgia, New .York Underwriters of New York, Sun of London, Engtand, Lancashire of Manchester LIFE: Mutual of New York. THE [ATTEST AND BEST ON EARTH Office Id the WINDSOR HOTEL. BANK OF COMMERCE $ CAPITAL $65,000. LIABILITY SAME AS NATIONAL BANKS. ^ Loans made upon approved security at roweit rates. To taose who app r <'<-u ie * a,< ,r Liberality, we offer our services in any department of banking. J.W.Sheffield, O. A. Hnntlnrton. FrankaSfiefflelfl Lolt t President Vice Presides Cashier A Young Ladies TS^SmSP [Dsss < ^«si8a2r“ , "°" ra ACME CYCLE COrtPANY. ELKHART, IND. jno, Windsor, Pre*. ” r ' Henry Mltctel], n,..k-u< l> r INo. 8838. THK I'eoplesNational Hank, OF AMERICUS. Caital, $60,000. 3ubfli t 0, IfO ORGANIZED 1883. . vegsti ia the market for llYsr'troablos.’* Bran West. Vienna. Gs Try Yellowstone whiskey sold by Ktoney Glover. It is 14 years old and the finest iu town. Dr a to? t Yellowstone sni he healthy The Windsor AMERICUS, GEORGIA. GEORGE H-F ZDS. Propriety reah lot ot Undr.tli'. g»rJen " Or. HHW B* W** ■**