Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, June 30, 1900, Image 2

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©ATAKitBS THE TIMES-RECORDER Daily and Weakly- SHOULD BUILD CANNERIES. which has been conducting a vigorous ■ Th&'Mdther- of CoHSTUDptiOD. campaign for the establishment of can- fcaPrsvcotol tad nerics is the Atlanta Constitution. In c«rcil-Tb« arert^t rfS^cuasts writes THl AMEUiUUft RboORDCh, Established 1979 TUI A ft »I CCS totu, Established l«W. Consolidated; April, 189L Incorporated, January. 18M of fruit put up last year has been -sold; i that in the North and . East canneries make money, though they may have a i working season of not moro than one month, while in the-South the season can last from May to December with out a week in which small berries,fruits and vegetables cannot be canned and marketed. But it needed: “The fault with our. people is that they do not think. They never wake up to the situation until it is too late to act, and then the matter is dropped to await another such awakening. In the meantime the product goes to waste. At the present moment, for instance, the trees are laden with fruit of all kinds, and though purchasers stand ready for all the fruit raised, more ot it will be wasted than marketed. With the fruit in sight, with the demand urgent, peo ple wildly rush in and want to know if they can establish a cannery on live minutes’ notice. When they discover that this cannot be done, then they fold their hands helplessly.” The time to establish canneries is not at the height of the growing season. They should be built and equipped so as to be ready to handle material as it comes into the market. To be thus ready requires forethought and cour age. The South has not been lacking in these qualities in other lines. It 1 should apply them to the canning in- J dustry. The result will be more money made in the South and more money kept there. The cannery is one of the complements to diversified farming. Subscription Rates: DAILY, one year...* ......$6.00 DAILYi one month 50 WEEKLY,one wear.-.-.**.......... 1.00 WEEKLY, six months 50 address ail letters and make remittances payable to THE .TIMES-RECORDER, r f ; Amerlcus. Ga. MARIE LOUISE MYRICK, ' (DITOII .AND BUSINESS! MANAGER Editorial Hoorn Telephone 90. ctoMNi these small etr ,eiesee end. allowing the, putrid discharged matter to accumulate, cauoea a rot ting away of the membrane, resulting in whet we call Consumption of the Lunas. TH8 TENDENCY OF CATARRH. The tendency of catarrh, when It has once obtained. extend in everjrdirectlon. .■ A _i,,uv.ul.a.hatu is a big item of expense. It is better to take your time about it and look around for the best store. It is better to spend a little time in making selections than to spend a long time in regret after you buy. My proposition is to serve you better than any-? body else, both as to quality and price. That is*the basis on which I ask your trade. May I have it ? Give me a chance and will prove it. Tho .TlmsB-Uecorder Is the umjjia1 Organ ot the OUT of Americas x j •official Organ of Sumter County. Official Organ of Webster County official Organ of Railroad Commission of Georgia for the Id Congressional District Nasal catarrh is the result Unless a radical cureol this condition Is effected, the disease passes rapidly to the throat to the bronchial tubes, and then to the NEW LUN03. Consumption cannot be cured. New lumrs cannot be made for a man any more than new Angers or a new nose; but catarrh can be cured in all Its stages except this final and always fatal one. A CERTAIN CURE. ^ In an experience of twenty years, during which time I hare treated many thousands ofcaseeofall I,,™,otc.Urrh. I tar. OJT-yM Mpltn.&a. President Eliot seems to be in doubt whether America in general end Harv ard in particular will improve or injnre the visit*;? Cuban school teaehera. every oar. as ui« prt»c«-so oa umn, begun iu .he lunsAtneiu selves, lean make the patient perfectly well and strong again. BEGIN AT ONCB. Let me once more urge nil caurrhal sufferers to begin treatment at once, for a month of treatment now la better than the throe months later on. I shall make for the next month a specially low fee for the treatment of catarrh nob complicated by o hertUSe*»Hvmakiu* no extra charge forallxned- 1 euv, that may be miuirod. o. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. Dr. Hathaway Si Co* ZZH South IS road Street. Atlanta, Oft. MENTION T1H8 1‘APElt WHEN WRITING. Corner Forsyth and Jackson Streets, Americas, Ga. Willie Hearst ia goin- ip start a red- hot paper in Chicago, it ia said. The red will likely shade into yellow before many revolntiona of the press, have boon made. EMEMBER. It thero ia anything in foreign names, the Democrats of Illinois onght to elect their candidate for Governor who will be either Ortieifen or Alahnler or Orendcrff. Business. 80UTHERN RAILWAY. Directory. I keep the finest Apple and White .Wine Vinegar. savannah short line. Passenger Scheduler. f EFFECTIVE FEB. 4th, 1900 ' 14 Milas shortest Operated Line Between Savannah and Montgomery. 2 hours and 25 Minutes, Americas to Columbus. Daliv trains to Columbus and Atlanta. Entirely new route to Atlanta and all poi at# Nnrtt East and West. Geo. w. Council, , C. M. Council, President Cashier. R. J. Phrrt, L. G. Council, Vice-President- Ass’t Caller, t Ex-Senator Murphy, of New York, announces that he has no vice presi dential boom. He was said to be Mr. Groker’s candidate, and for a day or so his boom boomed in New York City. Schedule In Effect June 11th. 1891. icorporated, 1891, DHIFT TO TOWN. The Planters Bank, OF AMERICUS, GA. ~ Lv. Brims wick. MAIN LINE Dally . Everett. jjpEiH It is, unfortunately, much easier to analyze the causes that have with ns s contributed to this state of affairs than j to suggest a remedy for an evil so full s of peril to the perpetuity of democratic t institutions—the gradual enlargement . of the mental horizon and the constant multiplication of desire, with little or no increase in thepower of attainment. All , this, together with the meager rewards t offered by farm life, as compared with the great prizes of commercial and pro fessional activity, has had its share in shaping the channel through which the life-blood of the nation is so eagerly pouring itself into the stony market places of our great cites. The tendency, however, is one that can never be checked by precept or example. The fever must run its course,and not until the inevitable reaction comes—not until men begin to perceive that the trne wealth of the nation and the only prizes for which the great masses of our peo ple can profitably compete, are to be ^ Bought, not in the specnlative arenas of ^ the city,, but in the unsophisticated, i primitive life of the country-side—need we hope to see the stream of humanity diverted from the course it is now so blindly pursuing. Fresh Oat Meal in Bulk. New lot Lunch Biscuit. Fresh Nicnacs. 2 lbs best Roasted Cof fee for 25c. It is said that Dave Hill will not ride on the same train with the Tammany tiger. Is this because Mr. Bryan has succeeded in throwing a noose about the neck of the noble animal?—Nash ville American. I ar Abbeville It 1% J Cordele .j j[r ar Amerlcus lv ar Richland lv ar Hurts boro lv ar Moatg’err lv KnMi.mii... Ern.irc ... rpnv fcinMl CochtMH.... User* n..v.. ri..vii»ft .. y< ■ i'? [COLUMBUS & ALBANY DIVISION Columbus Richland Dawson “4 3) am 4 40 Am The Dowager Empress and the “Flowery Kingdom” overshadow Oom Panl and the troubles in South Africa. All the great nations are directly in volved in the Chinese upheaval and in earing for their own people in China. Oom Panl and his conflict with Great Britain bid fair to be forgotten. I want nice strained honey and beeswax. —- G. W. STALLINGS, ’Phone 103. Opera House. Albany_ Train Nos-1 and 2 carry through coaches between Atlanta and Albany in connection with Southern Railway. No. 11 I No. 7 I FITZGERALD I No8 f No. L Dally [Plyex. S| DIVISION. | Dally | D 11v:. Abbeville.. ar .Fitzgerald. .■■■Ocllla Collections a Specialty General Banking. Designated State Depository. .Fitzgerald. ..Abbeville. ...Cordele. . . Amerlcus. Lv. New York. •• Washingio) Ar. Atlanta WHITLEY GROCERY CO. Wholesale Grocers, Agents: BALLARD’S OBELISK FLOUR. LONG HORN TOBACCO. The next meeting of the Cotton States Association of the commis sioners of agriculture will beheld at Baleigh, N. O., on August 98, when Secretary Wilson will make an address. The officers of the assoeistion are O. B. Stevens, president; Royal Daniel, secretary, and-K. P. Wrieht treasurer. SSI- 1130a - s City.. Ills... Georgia & Alabama Railway’s New and Magnificent Buffet Parlor Cars on day lrAla oe‘ween Montgomery and Savannah. CLOSE CONNECTIONS TRAIN NO. 17 connects at Savannah with Plant System, F. C. & P. ami Steamers at Cuvier with Savannah and Statesboro Railroad, at Collins with Stillmore Air Line, and Collins & Keidsvllle R. It, at Helena witnthe Southern Ry, Train No. 14 for Brunswick and No. 15 iron Brunswick, at Abbeville tor Fitzgerald and Ocllla at Cordele with G. S. A F..R. R. Train No. 1 southbound and No. t northbound. at Richland with C & A. Division tor Oo’.umbm and Atlanta, also Dawsonand Albany. at Montgomery with LAN for New Orleans and beyond, for Birmingham, the North and Northwest; with the M SO for points Northwest; also Western Rvof Ala. for Selma. RAIN No. is conn *cts at Montgomery with LAN from New urleaas. aud MAO from Si Louis and all north west erd 'oints, at Richland wlthC A A Division to . * from Columbus and Atlanta also for Dawson and Albany, at Cordele with G S A F Ry, Train No 1 southbound, No 2 northbd. at Abbeville for Fitzgerald and Ocllla. at Helena with Southern Ry Train No Id for Brunswick, at Collins with Stillmore Air Line, also Collins A Keidsvllle K at Cuyler with Savannah and Statesboro Railroad, at Savannah with Plant System and F C A P R K for the North, CECIL QABBETT ' A. POPE, cm CV’O KIDNEY CURE Is 8 lULk I 0 Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi-, nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and $1.00. Davenport Drug Co Lv. Cincinnati, Q.&C Ly. 3r. Louis, AirOo? Ilexnpkii K . Chattanooga. Ar. Atlanta. . Atlanta McDonough. Fioviil* . XI-xron . Oechraa AMERICUS FURNItURE AND {Inaavils UNDERTAKING COMPANY " Eelrna ■* Lumber City " Harlehorat.. ** pMi«y “ currency Ar. Brr.nawlck... C C HAWKINS, Manager. Dealers in Furniture, Coffins and General Merchandise, UNDERTAKERS and EMBALMEKS. HOW TO MAKE MONEY, Vice President and Gen. Manarer. FACTS FROM MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Library The Best in Current Literature 12 Complete Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 PER YEAR; 25 CT8. A COPY NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF m Cotton Avenue. Admiral Dewey says he will not ac- oeptaviee presidential nomination if tendered; ex-Sehator Bill and ex-Sena- tor Murphy say they don’t want it; others mentioned are still in the 'back ground, andnoone yet dares to attempt to pfek the winner. Will we have to faU back on Candidate Towne, who is perfectly williog to assnme all of the responsibilities? GOLDEN DENT, WHITE DENT, HICKORY KING, and all other early corns at DR. E. J. ELDRIDGE’S, AMERICUS, GEORGIA, phla. Trains T apd 10—Pullman Drawing Boom Buffet Sleeping Oars between Meoon end Asheville, N. O. Noe. 7 aud 8—Pullman Sleeping Cera be tween Atlanta and Chattanooga. Not. 9 and 10—Observation Chair Cere be tween Macon and Atlanta. (ponneetkm at Union Depot, Atlanta, fer all IoTtlnable to S eculators and^those . seeking inveetmencs in Stocks, Bonds, If yon fol- Orain and. Gotten, low the advice given in the Book, yon cannot fail to make money. Mailed for Six cento in postage stamps. -Address 311 Lamr Street. During our Special Sale we have about c’osed out our entire stock of goods'which we intended t6 do, to mak room for our , Spring and Summer Stock. As everything is NEW, it is pleasing to the eye of all to inspect onr line. We have such a complete stock that everyone can be suited-no matter how tasteful they may be. So call and convince yourself -If our line of Clothing- for ita north. ea*t and waaft. INK 8. GANNON, J. 14. CULP. Mrd Y-P. * Gan. Mgr., Traffic Manager, Washington, D. a Washington, D. C A. TURK, 8. H. HARDWICK, n’l Pasa. Agk Auk Gan’l P-vaa. Agt Waahlagtoa, D. q Atlanta, ga. [TRANSFER ^TEVE WOOTEN has the only rel ^ ble transer agency in the city. 4 •^orders attended to promptly It left Windsor hoteL Hoars dam to 10 p night trains must be li Respectfully, STEVE WOOTEN. J. L THETREAU & CO. "It is said that the Chinese hold the foreigners responsible for the fact that they have had no rain for months. All right. 4s we have had nothing 1 bnt rain for months we might as well hold the Chinese responsible and start against them a few. more regiment*” This is the logic which the Oonrier- Jonrnsl brings to bear npon the Jnpiter-FlnYian-Obincsa-American war - AMERICUS, GA. Transacts a general banking bnsi ness. Loans made on approved securi ty. Interest paid on.time deposits. W. H. SIMMONS I President. before p m, PHONE g4 iEORGIA h’yco. y A SURE MEDICINE. AMERICUS ICE FACTORY. PURE ICE Trains arrive at and depart from Central of Georgia Hallway passenger station. .Capacity twenty tone daily. Orders promptly filled. Correspondence so licited, /S. R. SHIS, Prop. (9Jth Meridian Time.) Macon, Atlanta, Athens. Savannah, Augusta and intermediate point-. .siii It is the impracticables, more than the idlers and the dissipated, who are the failures. J^^jiicago there are 4,000 ^lawyers, aud 500<lo all the business. In the South especially we need to get away from the idea that a profession is the only respectable occupation fora gentleman. We have too much prac tical work to be done here for many years to come for the professions to monopolise the brains and energies of Southern youth. We only have begun our industrial advancement Here is { indeed a garden spot, and the future for the yoUth of this aection of oouutry ia blight with prosperity if he is ^nly trained*}, take hold of the task set for hhu^XaUter mil, it is the Macon. Atlanta, Savan- 1 nah, Augusta and Inter- 1 mediate points. tl 40 pm Columbus and inter- til <5 a m ^iieT@rd0i I AM ALWAYS WILLING mediatepoints. Dlrmlnghai ledfate point Columbus, and intermediate polntB via .Fort Valley. MERCHANTS Albany and itermedl- It is a mistake to take any and every kind of medicine when you are sick. There is danger Most of the so-called cures for “female weakness” do nothing more than deaden the pain temporarily, and when the effect wears away the patient is weaker and sicker than before. It is never wise to take dunces. You hare only one fife, and that is dear and precious. If you have any pain,ache, disorder or'Weakness in the femi nine organs, nothing will help you like Wine of CarduL It helps do away with morning sickness during the early stages of pregnancy, and modifies the pains of childbirth,* recovery is rapid and future health is assured. The Wine is purely veg- ; etable { being made of herbs whose uiiES' ABYlsoaT BiPAiiTiiEiT. medicinal properties act directly FeradTics in c&Mareqniiiiig special upon the organs of womanhood. It is a long-tried remedy, and has ( ■xwcixico, cuatunoog*, Tenn. many years of success behind it It ” is sure. Why take a chance medicine when you can get a sure medicine? Druggists sell Large Bottles for $1.00. To do anything reasonable. To please my tradejmd extend To those who are worthy. To convince you. All I askgis’a trial. - When in-needjof Groceries-call. ~Euf<utla, AND DEALERS IN'..-, HEAVY GROCERIES and FERTILIZERS, Plantation Supplies Famished on KeanonablOiTerrms. Cash advanced on cottonln store alt lowest current rates ot interest. *"• and Inter- •nail-. » escb^Su .aiy. ■>-s For further luti-rnuv 10.1, n<l r all poi .tn b V(»ud-’ut ilwe, appl» S. A PRUITT, An c;«- A me. D. FLINN Jr. ThHt Agent, Ac R C. ROGERS.. T. P. Agt., Macon THFO D.KLINE,Gen.supt, p.. H.HiNTuN,/rrafficMgr, Sava J, a HAILE. G. P SavpnoHli 1 Americus Grocery Company, Wholesale Grocers UKKICCS nnd AL11ANV. .at’2 that a man tbinx* ^ that counts, icy is to ncgleltabMk*^ of kidney troubla. Tol«T* -. I. a cure remedy lot ES sad (Travel. Dnven- Windsor Hotel, -l AMLRICUS, GEORGIA CHAS. A. FR1CKER,'.Proprietor HENRY WKTTKKOTU, Mauager W. H. GLOVFf- Under Opera. Htau WINE OF CARDUI X WINE OF CARDU1