Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, March 31, 1903, Image 2

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THE TIMES-RECORDER. Daily and Weekly. . The americus Recorder, Established 1879 The Americus Times, Established 1890, Consolidated, April, 1891. Incorporated. January, 1594. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: DAILY, one year $6.00 DAILY, one month 50 WEEKLY, one year 1.00 WEEKLY, six months 50 _ Address all letters and make remit tees payable to THE TIMES-RECOKUKB, Americus, Gh, MARIE LOUISE MYRICK EDITOH;ANI» BUSINESS MANAGER. Editorial Room Teleptione 93, The Times-Recorder Is the Official Organ of Sumter County. Official Organ ot Webster County. Official Organ of Railroad Commission o Georgia for the 3d Congressional District AMERICUS. GA„ MARCH 31, 1903. A movement will be started in Bruns wick shortly looking to the establish ment of a Young Men’s Christian As sociation. According to the Eatonton Messen ger, Putnam county farmers as a rule are in better fix than they have been in many years. Savannah and the coast country was swept by a gale Sunday, and while the damage was considerable there was, fortunately, no loss of life. At last accounts Atlanta was sf ill ready to annex Clarkesville, Tenu., and Columbia, S. C., hut they declined to he annexed.—Savannah Press. Albany Herald: It is not too late to plant more corn, Mr. Farmer. Corn will come in all right next winter and spring whether cotton brings 10 cents a pound or 5 cents. There is a difference of 23 years be tween the ages of Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Bryan. “ThdTi, ” says the Washing ton Post, “there are a few other differ ences.” Editor Hook suggests that when Mr. Roosevelt gets out West he might try conclusions with a bronco or two as a warming-up preliminary to tackling the Trusts. The Constitution thinks if all the gentlemen who have been named by Terrell as delegates to the charity convention will give a dollar apiece it will help some. When Grover Cleveland gets out of the world he may with some degree of certainty, he considered out of politics. Any calculations of the public before that time are subject to revision. The Richmond Times-Hispatcli thinks the Buffalo affair “teaches some people that love letters of certain va rieties should be burned as soon as read.’ It would he much safer to burn them before they are posted. The New York Commercial says: “The New York and New Orleans cot ton exchanges can shut out the bucket shops if they wish, and they have gone about it right in seeking the co-opera tion of the telegraph companies.” The Augusta Chronicle thinks if Mr. Cleveland goes West—as he is said to be planning to do—and strikes one of those Wyoming trout streams, they’ll never get him back in time to run for so unimportant a thing as the Presi dency. “Columbus is practically certain to get the Georgia, Florida and Alabama Railroad within twelve months, and the Brunswick and Birmingham won’t be far behind it. How things will boom when all this begins to happen” exultingly exclaims the Enquirer-Sun. Montgomery is to have a bank with a half a million dollars capital, if re ports be true, and another bank is to increase its capital stock from SIOO,OOO to $250,000. That looks like Montgom ery is prospering, at least in the bank ing world.—Montgomery Journal. The Georgia troops which are to be supplied by the national government with Krag-Jorgensen rifles do not in clude the Georgia colonels, facetiously remarks the Columbus Enquirer-Sun. However, the colonels will not be left entirely defenselesss—repeating flasks will be part of their equipment, says the Atlanta Constitution. There is a rumor afloat in Washing ton that Roosevelt recently asked Sen ator Hanna if he was going to be a candidate for president, and that Han na replied that be would not be. “In my judgment,” Hanna is quoted as adding to the president, “you will be nominated and elected. There is but one man who will stand in your way.” “Who is that?” the president asked. “Theodore Roosevelt,” was Hanna’s curt reply. Children are unconscious philoso phers. They refuse to pull to pieces their enjoyments to see what they are made.—Henry Ward Beeoher. ‘PROSPERITY AND PROGRESS.” The time has now come w hen the Re publican penny-a-liners and caricatu rists have revived that ancient slogan “Prosperity and Progress” that has proved such a shibboleth for, 10, these many years. Sometimes a natty lad called “Teddy” is holding an exquisite little yacht with this inscription upon its sails, while a hobbledehoy named Bryan carries a rude scow -like vessel to which is attached a huge anchor, the fluke buried in the ground while Gro ver Cleveland is seated on the other. Sometimes the words are distributed indiscriminately, upon banner, shield or boarding, wherever there is room to get them in. But however utilized, it can bo de pended upon that they will be made to do yeoman service until the set of that November sun that shall proclaim the struggle over. “Prosperity and Progress”—has a sort of P. P., patent mediciney sound —but is nevertheless a catchy battle cry. And yet, let’s see? Prosperity 7 ? Well, there’s the big anthracite strike —that’s one, and will do for the middle Anger; and the existent Waterbury strike, that’s tw r o; and the Albany strike, and the Shenectady strike, the Chicago teamsters’ strike, the Kansas City' ditto the West Virginia miners— why, shucks, one would need to be an octo pus to count them all on the fingers! And strikes are certainly 7 not prima facie evidence of Prosperity. And Progress? Humph. An extra session of the senate—that doesn’t seem to indicate very 7 swift previous transactions ou the [part of those old gentlemen; and the gory remains of the exploded Trusts that were to have littered the Washingtonian streets — where, oh, where are they 7 ? And the Panama canal- treaty 7 , that does not permit us to fortify 7 and protect that for w 7 hich our millions are to be ex pended—but why pursue the subject further? “Prosperity and Progress” will con tinue to be the Republican watch word in spite of all that can be said, and the only consolation is that braggingbased on false grounds frequently defeats it self. It may prove so in this case.— Augusta Chronicle. WHERE PEOPLE DIE OF OLD AGE. One of the most remarkable cities in the world is Kelburg, near Cracow, Poland, for, besides being situated un derground, it is excavated entirely in rock salt. Most of the inhabitants work in the famous salt mines, and all the streets and houses are of the purest white imaginable. One of the most fa mous features of the city is the cathe dral, carved in salt and lighted by electricity, and when the late Czar Alexander visited it he was so fascina ted with the magnificent effect of the light upon the crystal walls that he presented the cathedral with a jew'eled altar cross. Such a thing as infectious disease is unknown in Kelburg; in fact the majority of the people die of old age.—Chicago Journal. The Atlanta Journal thinks that Tillman is the best authority in this country on hisses. When w r e recall that these hisses upon which Tillman is authority 7 are largely from those at the north w r ho hissed him because he tells them the truth about the south, we are inclined to think that hisses are not alw 7 ays dishonorable, but fre" quently commend the victim. Lagrippe coughs yield quickly to the wonderful curatives qualities of Foley’s Honey and Tar. There is nothing else “just as good.” Kldridge drugstore?. President Suspenders Freedom Metal Parts Rust Positively Guaranteed if |M / spr I'« '“President” is on buckles. JL^ Everywhere 50 cts., ) /SI / or by mail postpaid. /rfl J Light or dark, wide or narrow. *Jf \l C. A. EDGARTON MFG. CO. / Harris, Savannah, Ga., says:—“l have used Harris Lithia vV &toi foi the past jear in all renal troubles, with prompt and efficient effect.” A strong *KJT /k “¥TI Til W h cures and effec- J J B kidney and tivenat- bla ddei ural lithia W TM ’tJF W troubles of is? i* 11 ni a “ w ATFR “ prompt m ▼▼ X*. JL JL*- JX we]l known action. , , • OWNED AND CONTROLLED BY physicians. HARRIS LITHIA SPRINGS COMPANY, Harris Springs. S. C. HOTEL, UNDER MANAGEMENT OF OWNERS, OPEN JUNE TO OCTOBER TRADE SUPPLIED BY Local Dealers, or write the Company. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition: beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order 'or diseased. - Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to be born 1 afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp=Root is soon realized. It is sold Homo of Swauijv Root. by druggists, in fifty cent and one dollar i sizes. You may have a] sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell- ing all about it, including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer &. Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don’t make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. BANKRUPT SALE. In the District Court of The United States for the W estern Division of the Southern District of Georgia. By virtue of an order issued out of the District Court of the United States for the Western Division of the Southern District of Georgia, da ted March 10th, A. D. 1903, notice is hereby 7 given that at auction to the highest bidder on March 31st, at 12 m. before the do r of the store recently occupied by John R. Hudson, bank rupt, at No. 112 Forsyth street, in Americus Ga, the following property as the property ot John R. Hudson,bank rupt, will be sold to wit: The stock of drugs and druggist sun dries, and all other articles of merchan dise, including Soda-Fountain, store fixtures, safe, etc. one horse and one buggy. The stock of merchandise to be sold first in lots of same kind mer chandise, then as a whole, and the more advantageous method of sale, to be submitted to the court for confirmation. The conditions of said sale shall be that 10 per cent of the best bid shall be paid to the trustee of said bankrupt immediately upon sale, and balance upon confirmation of said sale by the Court. Failure to pay balance upon confirmation of sale by the Court, will forfeit the 10 per cent paid to said trustee as aforesaid, G. R. Ellis. Trustee of John R, Hudson, bankrupt. KIDNEY DISEASi are the most fatal of all dis eases. cm CY’Q KIDNEY CURE It I I uLL I O Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best fc Kidney and Bladder trouble PRICE 50c. and SI.OO. Eldridge Drug Stores. MAX D. KIRSCH, Violin Studio 308 Lamar Steet. Same Floor With Dr. Chapman. LUMBER. We cm fill promptly all or ders for Lumberfrom our mill near Americus. Lowest prices given on application. Orders left at Lockett stables will receive our attention. Call on or address us at Americus. U. S. LOCKETT & SON. APPETITES Created and Maintained by Vinol. THAT THE FOOD IS DIGEST ED IS ASLO EQUALLY NECESSARY. We Recommend Vinol as an Appetite Creator. WE GUARANTEE THAT VINOL WILL AID DIGESTION. Vinol is the greatest aid to digestion that we have ever known. It is because Vinol acts so beneficially upon the stomach that it accomplishes so much good. Vinol contains the active curative principles that are found in cod-liver oil, without any oil or grease. These medicinal elements act so favorably upon the stomach, that this organ obtains for itself the elements necessary for creating new flesh, muscle tissue and for making rich red blood. When the stomach acts easily and naturally, a desire is created for good simple food and a good appetite is the sure result. With cod-liver oil as formerly taken the medicinal elements which it con tained were too often unable to counteract the harm that was done by the obnoxious grease that enveloped them. Now that in Vinol we have those same elements separated from the vile tasting fat, we have a tonic and re builder that is simply marvelous in its action. The following is a letter that will ex plain itself: “ This is to certify that I have used six bottles of Vinol, and have found it of great value as an appetizer and tonic in general debility. I have re ceived so much benefit from its use that I gladly furnish this testimonial in order that others may be induced to give it a trial and prove to themselves its recuperative powers.”—Mrs. Eliz abeth Feeney, Waterbury, Conn. • We want every one in this place to know more about our Vinol, how it cures and what it cures. Certainly the greatest tonic and rebuiider we have ever sold. We, therefore, cordially invite any one interested to call upon us; and we want all to bear in mind that we will gladly refund to any one who is not satisfied with the action of Vinol •very cent they pay for it, J. G. DODSON, DRUGGIST, jlfln WOEORGIA, Byco / Schedules Effective, Jan. 18th, 1903. Trains arrive at and' depart from Central of Georgia Railway passenger station. Americus. < 9oth Meridian Time.) americus Macon, Atlanta, Athens, *5.08 a m Savannah, Augusta and *lO 05 p m intermediate points. Albany, Sellersvilleand *6 10 a m intermediate points. *lO 05 p m Albany, Columbia,Hart *2 05 p m ford,intermediate p ts. *l34pm *i 40 pm Macon, Atlanta, Milfege- *1 59 p m vllie and Eatonton. Macon, Atlanta, Savan *lo 10 pm nah, Augusta and inter *6 10 a m mediate points. t 645 a m Columbus "and Inter- 17 30 pm +3 30 p m mediate points. til 20 a m 83 30 p m sl2 40 p m Columbus, Birmingham *5 08 a m and intermediate points *6 10 a m *lO 10 pm via Fort Valley. *lO 05 pm Albany and intermedi *lo 05 pm ate points. *5 08 a m Dawson, Troy, Eufaula, *6 W a m Montgomery and Inter- *1 59 p m *2 05 p m mediate points. *lO 05 pm “CHICAGO AND FLORIDA LIMITED.” (Chicago, St. Louis,Louls ; vide, Nashville, Chatta-i *3 20 p m nooga, Atlanta, Macon,! *1 40 p m all points Northandj ‘‘CBICAGO AND FLORIDA LIMITED.” j St. Augustine. Jackson- ——— *1 40 p m ville, Tampa, 'ihoinas- *3 20 pm jville, Albany, all Flori Chicago and Florida Limited,Northbound, leaving Americus 3:20 p. m., is composed of Observation, Dining, Double Drawing Room Sleeping cars, Finest Pullman equipment through without change to Chicago, St Louis, Louisville, Evansville and Nashville. “Chicago and Florida Limited,” south bound, leaving Americus 1; 40 p. m., has the same superb equipment as that northbound for St. Augustine, Jacksonville, Tampa and Thomasville, through without chaDge. Sleeping car for Atlanta on train leaving Americus 10:10 p, m„ arriving Atlanta 7:25 a. m., connects at Fort Valley with sleeper for Savannah. * Dally, t Except Sunday, s Sunday Only For further information, and schedules to all points beyond our line, apply to S. A. PRUITT, Agent, Americus. Ua, D. PLINN, Jr Ticket Agent, Americus, Ga, J. M. MALLORY T. P. Agt., Macon. Ga. THEO D.KLINE Gen. Supt. W. A, WINBURN.Vice-Pres. and Traffic Mgr* J. O. HATLE. (4 P. A. F J. ROBINSON, Ass’t Gen, Pass. Agent. Savannah. Ga kalola) Crystallized Mineral Water. A combination of Crystals, con taining; the medicinal properties of the waters of four Noted Minera’ Springs. Guaranteed to cure Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Bladder I roubles, and to build up the nerve centres. “Take KALOLA six days, and eat anything you want.” A teaspoonful dissolved in a glass of water makes a delightful and inexpensive morning aperient. For sale at Drug Stores. KALOLA COMPANY, SAVANNAH, GA. rhE ** Windsor Hotel AMERICUS GEORGIA HENKI S. Me I K.SKY, Proprietor THE ATTENTION HOUSEKEEPERS. Spring cleaning is approaching, now is your time for refitting the home. Be= fore doing so inspect those beautiful and dainty decorated importations in China. Lovely models in dinner and tea sets. Single pieces, all in French and German China of the most unique patterns. A new lot of Refrigerators, assorted sizes, just received. A. W. SMITH FURNITURE GO., SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. Passenger Schedules Effective January 11th, 1903. Shortest line between Americus and Savannah. Entirely new route to Atlanta via Columbus. Lv. Ar. Americus 90 Meridian Time. Americus. , for from Conlele,Rochelle, Abbeville, Helena,Lyons, Collins, Savannah, Columbia, Richmond, ' 4:50 Portsmouth and all points east. *3:03 v. m. P M. Richland, Columbus, Atlanta, Binning ham, Hurtsboro, Montgomery and all points *3 : °3 west and northwest. 455° P- M. p.M. run daily. Close connection at Cordele for all points north and south. At Columbus for all points west, and at Montgomery or New Or leans, Mobile, all Texas points and the southwest and northwest. For further information as to schedules, rates, etc., to points beyond our line apply to E. B. EVERETT, Agent, Americus, Ga. T, H. McLENDON, Ticket Agent, Americus 1 Ga. W. P. SCRUGGS, T P A, Savannah, Ga. C. B. WALWORTH. A. G. P. A Savannah, Ga. THE ADVENT ■■■■■WiWllHßllllWHlljaigi. of Spring usually reverts to that old topic and disturber of the family peace “house-cleaning,” during which so much is found that, is a little the worse for wear. It may be a chair, a door, the walls and ceiling of the kitchen, the stoop, the fence or possibly the entire ex terior of the house or barn. The application of MOORE’S PURE HOUSE COLORS, a pure linseed oil paint for interior and exterior painting&will not only beautify, but preserve as well. There are paints and paints, but they do not all preserve or even beautify, yet are sold for just as good as Moore’s. Our representatives, THE SHEFFIELD-HUNTINGTON CO„ AHERICUS, will be pleased to furnish color card and quote prices on any quantity. BENJAMIN MOORE & CO., MANUFACTURERS, Brooklyn, N. Y. Chicago, 111. STILL AT THE CORNER. And There's More to Drink at the Well Than Ever Before. T. Q. BASS is at The Front With a'oomplete line of line and medium priced AVhiskieß, bought in bond, sold at his Bar and also to the jug and bottle trade. Upper Ten, Three Feathers. Lewis’ Sixty-Six, Duffy’s Malt, Montreal Malt and Other Brands. Sole agent for Spring Hill Corn Whiskey. Also carry “Old English All and Alf,” a fine tonic drink for ladies and much esteemed. Besides liquors we carry a full stock of .. FAMILY GROCERIES... 1 will deal squarely with yon, and I want your trade. T. Q. BASS. FARM LOANS NEGOTIATED. If you want money on your farm I have arrangements with New York parties through whom I can get it for you at Lowest Possible Cost. J. J. HANESLEY, Room No. 5 Barlow Block, ~ = Americus, Ga, e. 1 -”" 1 ... ... . M J. W SHKFFIKLO President FRANK SHEFKIKU), Vice-President K. D.jSHKFFIKLD, Cashier, Bank of Commerce, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. A general bank ing business transacted and all consistent courtesies extended to patrons. Certificates of deposit issued bearing interest NEW YORK Planters Bank Building. Near Court House, - Americus, Ga. SPRING OPENING.. ..SATURDAY and MONDAY.. First showing of new Spring Goods, Laces, Em broideries, new white goods for waists, new Ging hams, Summer Muslins, White Lawns, new Slippers and Shoes for everybody. New Mercerized White Goods in all the latest patterns 10c, 15c to 50c yard. 40-inch White Lawn, fine quality; opening price 10c yard. White Check Muslin, good quality; opening pi ice 5c yd. New Madras for Waists and children’s school dresses, B*4 and 10c yard. 3,000 Yards Embroidery, 5 to 8 inches wide, worth 15c yd, at 10c. New Belts for ladies in Vel vet and Silks, at 25c, 35c and 50c each New Lace Curtains 3}£ yards long, 50c, 75c, 98c to $2 50 per pair. Window Shades, all cloth, 7 feet long 25c, 35c, 50c. Rugs, - all sizes, kinds and! quality. 50c, 75c $1 to $5.1 HAMILTON & CO.. AMERICUS, GEORGIA. Planters Bank Building. - Forsyth SI Our Entire Line Are Leaders.... in Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Caps. Up-to date patterns of neckwear, Domestics Dress Goods, Dress and Negligee Shirts, Overalls, Suitings for men and women Spring line of Percales, Linens, Cham brey’s, Calicoes, White Goods, anything you might want, We can, and will sell you: come and se us, at E. 0. SHEFFIELD GO. The Unique Tailoring Merchants. 113 Cotton Avenue For Sale. Lands. Stores, Dwellings. Fire Insurance by M. CALLAWAY, Americus Ga. 19 Dozen Men’s sample Hats in all the new shapes, worth $ 2, $2.50; on sale at SI.OO ! each. *25 Dozen Madras Shirts, cuffs detached; in th2 new pat terns; all sizes; worth Jl; on sale at 50c each. 3 Lbs Feather Pillows with good ticking on, at 50c. 81x90 Bleached Sheets, hem med and ready for use 49c. New Lace Hose in all the weaves, 10c to f 1 pair. Ladies White Silk, tape neck Undervest at Bbe each. La.: es’ new Lace Mitts, all colors and white, 25c tosoc. B. C. N. Corsets in all styles 25c to SI.OO each.