Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, February 06, 1907, Image 3

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OF MUCH—F6R—LITTLE AT PFRHAP-* vve over eagerto be rid of slow selling merchandice. Hun dreds of special offerings are seized upon before the demand hasrightty be£un But we count it no mistake to have people delighted with the bar ns they get here. There are many in the list below, that will give their p?r husers pleasure every time they think of them. Do you want a share? he chance may be quickly gone. A£ c , worth $1.25 extra large white bed spreads heimied ready for use. 12 i / 2 c, worth 20c bleached pillow cases 45x36 inches. At 4c. worth 7c, white all linen fringed table napkins, At each, worth l2}£c huckaback towels 19x36 inches. \t ~ worth 10c Tappen & Co’s,faultless talcum powder large boxes. At S 60 worth $3 to $4, odd pairs lace curtains wonderful values. \t worth 65c, heavy mercerized satin finish table damask. At worth $2.50 to $4, men’s odd fancy vests small sizes only. At ..Hi worth $1 men’s silk web suspenders great variety of patterns] \t wor.h 50c men’s heavy fleeced linen underwear shirts and drawers. At pair worth I2 l / 2 c men’s and women’s fast black hose. At -c wort 135 c and 50c women’s belts twenty styles to select from. At worth $1 75 to $2 ladies shoes and slippers all new styles. At 2 worth S 5 men’s fine vici and patent leather shoes newest styles. At Sc worth $1 50 men’s and women’s glorio silk umbrellas 26 and 28 inch. At .-<k worth 50c women’s night gowns trimmed with embroidery and lace. At 5c worth 10c the prettiest 10c pearl button you ever saw. At C c wnrth 50c odd lots of women’s corsets most all sizes. At 3c yard worth 5c great lot of machine made torchon laces. At 1 5c worth 50c women’s drawers of heavy fleeced linen winter weight. At 23c worth 35c women’s fleeced lined ribbed vests all sizes. At 5c worth 50c new line men’s four-in-hand ties regular size. At 65c worth $1 men’s night shirts made of heavy flannelettes. At 98c worth $1.50 men’s fancy vests great assortment of patterns At 5c worth 10 new shipment of round thread laces edgings and insertings. At 19c worth 25c, 46 inch fine sheer Hrench l*wn t 98c worth $1.25 very heavy guaranteed black taffeta silk. EVERYBODY CAN OWN A PIANO. We have two more cabinet Grand Pianos, to sell for $lO down and the balance in small weekly payments. They are equal in every way to Pianos selling for $l5O more than we ask for these, for a $lO payment we deliver the Piano into your home. INCAN MERCANTILE CO. 115 and i«7 Forsyth Street John R. Shaw’s Old Stsnu. 1906 TheThirty-Third Year in the History of the Remington Typewriter Shows an Increase in Output of 31% Over the Previous Year Typewriter* come and typewriter* go But the Remington run* on forever Remington Typewriter Company l£*w York and Everywhere ATLANTA BRANCH No, 118 Peachtree Street. j£ IBS do 1 take Cardus ” ? wr " ites rs * *fl j|lf Bjf iS Jelemma Mullins of Odessa, W. trouble, and trying different doc tors and medicines without obtaining relief, I at last found, in Wine of Cardui, a golden medicine for all my ills, and can recommend it above all others for female complaints." Cardui furnishes safe relief for backache, headache, periodical pains, irregular, painful or unhealthy cata menial flow, and all ailments from which sick women suffer. A perfect tonic for delicate women. A pure vegetable medicine for girls and women who are subject to the complaints peculiar to their sex. Has benefited over a million who used to suffer as you do. At every drug store, in SI.OO bottles. | WHITE OS A LETTER WINE ADfl I| | gf~ L<e*alb!nt fully «!I your symptom* ■ Jg M j g F and will send you Fre* Advice ■ _ JgJ| 1 | 1 I B feflSrS 1 OF UfillUUl ! i Plant Wood’s \ \ Garden Seeds \ FOR-SGPERIOR VEGE i TABLES Sc FLOWERS. Twenty-eight years experience ! —our own seed farms, trial grounds—and large warehouse capacity give us an equipment that is unsurpassed anywhere for supplying the best seeds B obtainable. Our trade in seeds I both for the O Garden and Farm Q is one of the largest iaAhis country. Wc are headquarters for Grass and Glover Seeds. Seed Oats, Seed Potatoes. Cow Peas, Soja Beans and other Farm Seeds. Ms Descriptive Catalog r and more complete in for int both Garden and Farm / i any other similar publics- / din this country. Mailed , uest. Write for it. / od & Sons, Seedsmen, I For Rent $20.00 Per IHontli. Desirable five room dwelling on Jack son street. Bath and sewerage. Close to public schools and S. A. L. depot. THOS. HARPOLD lUI CAPUDINE 1 t IMMEDIATELY CURES HEADACHES * riaits up f ( ; oi ' !> s Tria' Ltth. in* it Dtw Sum THE STRANGLING FIG. A Curious Tropical Tree That Live* Upon Other Trees. Visitors to Mexico and other tropical countries often have their attention called to “the strangling fig*’—a tree that commences its growth as an epi phyte—that is, one form of plant lift that"grows perched on another —far up on the trunk or among the branches of another tree, usually on a palmetto or some of the kinds of palms. The roots of the strangling tree extend down ward around the host tree to the ground, gradually joining together, making a tubelike mass of roots some times as much as six feet or more in diameter. When the attacked tree is a palm death to it is caused not so much by the binding around the trunk as by shad ing out its branches by the attacking tree. When the attacked tree is an exogeu —that is, one with wood and bark—the attacking roots bind so tightly as to cause a stoppage of the flow of the sap. As the sap of a tree is really its food (changed by the leaves so that it can be used) and the flow of the. food is thus stopped, the attacked tree ys real ly “starved” to death. So death to the attacked tree is caused either by smothering or by starvation or by both. The peculiar manner in which the flattened roots extend down and around the tree give them the appearance of . some thick, slow flowing material run ning down the tree.—St. Nicholas. Every woman feels thatiyls n 2? duty to appear at her best all/he time. ft MIRROR OF DOINGS IK CITY UNO SUBURB. Little Tales Cut Short In a Hurry, A MIRROR OF DAILY EVENTS Happenings in the City and Suburbs of Local Interest to Be Perused Over While Muffins and Coffee are Cooling. Blank books, office and typewriter supplies, school books and stationery at M. S. Holliday’s. The picture show at the opera house tonight, depicting the passion play, and doubtless a well pleased audience will attend. There are things a woman will not eat because they ruin her complexion, but a man never refuses a drink for a similar reason. If Americus continues to pulldown the balconies along her streets the Ro meo Julietical stum will have to be cut out here entirely. The temperature is vindication for any self-respecting ground hog, and ought to convince those who sneer at every superstition. There will be trouble for the doves in the baited fields of Wilcox this morn ing. Col. Roney and Col. Stallings are both upon the scene. The average citizen, as he waded in the mud yesterday,doubtless wondered why Americus had not paved her busi ness streets long ago. Sol did a little business in Americus yesterday and may have bluffed that blizzard. At all events the situation was much improved. Valentine day drawetli near and the Americus spinsterette, who was brewed before valentines were invented, shows signs of nervousness. Camp Sumter held its monthly meet ing yesterday with a good attendance, the veterans transacting considerable routine business only. Let the work of paving the streets of Americus be determined. It is a great work. Every dollar spent in this way is money well invested. The “Message Prom Mars” attraction Avill be numbered among the best in Americus this season, and a tine audience will welcome it. The board of directors of the Hotel Windsor Co. met yesterday in regular session, disposing of considerable bus iness regarding that property. The completion of that agricultural college will result in a considerable in crease in the citv’s population, as many families will come heie. The railroad trains are making bet ter schedules now than they did a month ago, but there is plenty of room still for further improvement. Mr. .lames Callaway, the able exj ponent of the Telegraph, came with the sunshine yesterday, and was equally welcomed in Americus. A movement has been started look iug to the establishment of a Carnegie Library in Amerieus. The Times Re eorder would like to see it succeed. Notice of Application fcr Retail Liquor License. Notice is hereby given that I will at the next regular meeting of the City Council make application for a license to retail liquors at my store room sit uated on the north side of Lamar street in the c ity of Amerieus and designated as No, 307. Said license to date from February 13th, 1907 and to remain in force for a period of one year. This the Ist, day of Feb, 1907. S. L. Sills. For Rent. Stanford home place—3-horse farm Apply to J. C. Honey. 12-8-tf' Hero is Relief for Women, If you have u* ins In ths back, Urinary Bladder or widney troubles, and wan i « cer tain, pleasant herb cure for women’s ills, try, Mother Gray’s AustraUan-Ueaf. It is safe and never-failing monthly regulator At Druggists or by mail 50 cts. Sample uach age FREE, Address. The Mothe Urav Co Leßov, N. Y. Rubber Goods Spoil By Age. Eldridge Drug Company has just re ceived a new supply of syringes of all kinds and many styles. These are di rect from manufacturers. Call and see them, or’phone 33 and 70. 6-4 t For Sale Two good milk cows—3 gallons each. See G. M. Eldridge. 3—d 3t GOOD NEWS. Many Amerieus Readers Have Heard It and Profited Thereby. “Good news travels fast,’’ and the thousands of bad back sufferers in Amerieus are glad to learn that prompt relief is within their reach. Many a lame, weak and aching back is bad no more, thanks to Doan's Kidney Pills. Our citizens are telling the good news of their experience with the Old Quaker Remedy. Here is an example worth reading: Preston, Ga. Foster-Milburn Co., Gentlemen: —Yon can state through the newspapers that I have used your Doan’s Kidney Pills and I found them a most excellent remedy. They placed my kidneys in good condition after 1 had used less than a box, and I know 1 t was getting in bad shape on account > of weak kidneys. Every morning the , kidney secretions would be very thick and contained a sandy sediment. My , wife insisted that I use Doan’s Kidney Pills as she heard them well spoken of, 1 and I sent and got a box at Dodson’s > Drug Store in Amerieus. Though I thought they were like other advertis > ed remedies, I cart say they have done me more good than anything else I have ever taken. I am glad I used them. I recommend them to anybody i suffering from kidney trouble. J. F. Wright, Preston, Ga. f For sale by all dealers. Price 50 - cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States, r Remember the name—Doan’s —and take no other. AMERICUS IS YET WITHOUT’NGE Except Scant Supply Shipped From Other Towns. That “competition” does not always bring about desired results is abund antly evidenced now in the fact that, with two ice factories idle, Americus has been entirely without ice for many months, except scant supplies shipped here frow other towns. Cordele and Macon have supplied "Americus for a long while, and are continuing to do so. Ot course consumers are charged a higher price, owing to transportation charges, but ice has been a necessity, and people must have it no matter what price is demanded. Throughout the month of January, when the weather was as warm as in April, it was necessary for Americus dealers to send to Macon or Cordele for ice, and this is still the requirement. Only yesterday a shipment was made here from another city. Many farmers recently could have saved their meat supply had it been possible to get ice here, but it could not be had. One farmer did purchase a large supply in Cordele, which was shipped here Saturday with the freight charges added. Even in cases of sickness, no doubt, it has been difficult to get a small bit of ice, while oftimes the soda fountains have run out entirely. Why not let the Board of Trade investigate this very serious problem for Americus? A Valuable Lesson. “Six years ago I learned a valuable lesson, “writes John Pleasant, of Mag nolia, Ind. “I then began taking Dr. King’s New Life Pills, and the longer 1 take them the better I find them.” They please everybody. Guaranteed at Eldridge Drug Co. 25c. AMERICUS NEEDS MORE HOUSES People Coming Here Will Demand Shelter. What is Americus going to do with the people who will soon come crowd ing here, either seeking employment upon buildings and enterprises to be erected, or seeking a place of residence for educational or business purposes. Already rents are away up, and while several hundred dwellings have been erected within the past year or two the demand is far more, In addi tion to these, private parties are build ing small houses in the city and suburbs in order to supply the increas ing demands. There lias been a steady advance in rents during the past few months, which fact has encouraged property owners to build more houses, notwithstanding the fact that lumber is high and good material hard to get in this section. The editor of the Memphis, Tenn., “Times” writes: “In my opinion Foley’s Honey and Tar is the best rem edy for coughs, colds and lung trouble, and to my own personal knowledge Foley’s Honey and Tar has accomplish ed many permanent cures that have been little short of marvellous.” Re fuse any but the genuine in the yellow package. F. M. McLaughlin & Co. At Private Sale. Household goods and furniture for sale, on account of breaking up house keeping. Enquire of Mrs. J. H. Ferris, Bell St., city. Phone 450. 2 —lt A r ertain Cure for Aching Feet Allen’-Foot-Ease, a pow tier; cures Tired, Aching, Swollen feet. Sample sent Free Also sample o' Foot-Ease Sanitary CoHn Pad, a new invention. Address, Allen & Olmsted Leßoy, N. Y. Wjll Purchase small farm; red or black soil, clay subsoil: improved or timbered; must be level. Box 366 Araer cus, Ga. 2!) —e.o,d. 3t. w, It Foley’s Honey and Tar cures the most obstinate coughs and expels the cold from the system as it is mildly lax ative. It is guaranteed. The genuine is in the yellow package. F. M. Mc- Laughlin <fc Co La Grippe and Pneumonia Foley’s Honey and Tar cures la grippe coughs and prevents pneumonia. Refuse any but the genuine in the yel low package. F. M. McLaughlin <k Co. Artists ns SE.u'!! Painters. It is surprising how many noted Eng lish artists began life by painting inn signs. Among them were Morland, Da vid Cox, Herring and Sir William Beechey. Millais painted a George auil Dragon sign for the George inn. Hayes common. Another George and Dragon, at Wargrave on Thames, has a double sided sign painted by two R. A.'s. Gor ing on Thames has a sign from the brush of Marcus Stone, It. A. There are signs by Walter Crane and Catou Woodville at Grayshott and I’ittle worth. Hogarth painted a number of sigus for friendly publicans. Convalescents Need VINOL for it hastens * recovery by creating strength There is just one thing the matter with a person who has been sick— that is, weakness. To all such people in this vicinity we recommend our delicious cod liver preparation, Vinol, as the very best strength creator for convalescents Vinol strengthens the digestive or gans, creates an appetite, promotes sound sleep, makes rich, red blood, and builds up a depleted sytem to health and vigor. This Is because Vinol contains all the medicinal elements of cod liver oil with the useless oil eliminated and tonic iron added. We guarantee it Do Ison’s Pharmacy, COME FOR « VISIT OR ELSE GO AWAY. Those Who Come and Leave Daily. VISITORS AT AMERICUS HOMES Vour Own Nam# or That of a Friend May Be Found Below in The Lengthy List of People Who Came and Went Yesterday Eton-Hurlbut’s hot pressed vellum, at Bell’s, the jeweler, is the proper writing paper. Miss Pansey Cobb is spending a feu days with friends in Macon, going up yesterday. Mr. B. K. Adams of Montezuma, was among the several business visitors in be city yesterday. CaDt. C. L. Peacock came with oth ers from Kllaville to Amerieus'yester day on business. Capt. John A. Cobb went to Cordele yesterday on business and will return here this morning. Mr. Henrv Bussey, a prominent cit izen of Columbus, was in Americus yesterday‘morning. Mr. W. J. Maddox, of Montgomery, was in Americus yesterday, stopping at the Allen House. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. White of Macon are stopping for a few days in Amer icus, coming yesterday. J. W. Fowler registered from Padu cah Ky, last night among the arrivals at the Allen House. Mrs. D. Holmes returned to Cordele yesterday after a pleasant visit of sev eral days in Americus. Mr. L. H. Peterson registered from Augusta yesterday among the several guests of the Allen House. Mrs. N. A. Foster and Mrs. Benja min Reese of Buena Vista were visit ors in Americus yesterday. Mr. S. E. Warlick, of the Pinkston Company, returned last night from the Eastern markets, where he has been for two or three weeks. Rising From the Grave. A prominent manufacturer, Wm. A. Fertwell, of Lucama, N C., relates a most remarkable experience. He says: “After taking less than three bottles of Electric Bitters, 1 feel like one rising from the grave. My trouble is Bright’s disease, in the Diabetes stage. I fully believe Electric Bitters will cure me permanently, for it has already stopped the liver and bladder complications which have troubled me for years.” Guaranteed at Kldridge Drug Co. Price only 50c. “PASSION PLAY” GIVEN TONIGHT In Series ot Moving Pictures at Opera ' House An lillustrated lecture on the life of Christ and the renowned-Passion Play •will be presented at the opera house to night at popular prices, 15, 25 and 35 cents. The scenes are given in twenty nine moving pictures with an interest ing lecture upon each scene. The at traction is said to be both pleasing and very instructive throughout. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTAR ENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Pro truding Piles In 6 to 14 days or money re funded. 10c THE QUOTATIONS IN AMERICUS Cotton Market as Reported Dally By L. G. Council. Americus, Ga., Feb 5. —We quote the local cotton market steady, as follows: Good Middling log Middling 9ii Low Middling Xf NEW YORK FUTURES. New York, Feb. 5. —Spots: Middling steady atll 00. Contracts opened steady and closed barely steady. Open Close Mch 9.31 9.23 May 9.43 9.38 July 9.5fi 9.50 SAVANNAH. Savannah, Ga., Feb. s.—Quiet Spots: middling 10 3-10 cents, UVKKPOOr,. Liverpool, Feb. 5. —The cotton mar ket opened steady and closed quiet. Spots: Middlings 5.89 d. MASONIC CALENDAR. Mi B, Council Lodge N 0.95 FSAJ, Jfv Regular Commuui cation first and ihird Friday even ings each month, x Americas Lodge. No. 13. F 4 fl. A. 1&. Regular Communi cation second and fourth Friday even ings each month. Q Wells Chapter, No. 42 R. A. M. Roffolar Convocation I?first and third Tuesdays I I evenings each month, ■- De Molar Ucmder’y No. 5. Knights #iy.MPLAR Regu lar Conclave second ard fourth Wedner day each A. cordial wolcome to all qualified. IN OPENING Our Clothing And Gents Furnishing Department On February Ist, we propose to give to the people of Americus and surrounding country one of the most complete and up-to-date establishments of its kind in South Georgia, carrying a large and most Complete Assortment of every thing to be found in an up*to-date City Haberdashery, representing such lines as the cel t brated Stein-Block'Clothing Manhattan Shirts, E, & W, Collars and Cuffs, Barker’s Linen Collars and Scriven’s Underwear All of our stock and styles will be new and composed of selections from the very best houses of the country. Realizing the fact that to make this department the success that we have made of our Shoe and Hat business, we will have to continue our o*d motto: ‘’Give our customers the very best values for the money.” hanking each and every one of our custom ers for their part in helping us to make the success that we have of our business for the past year, and soliciting a continuance of their patronage for the new year. Rylander Shoe Co. Farm Loans Negotiated. My Eastern money arrangements is such that I :an obtain tne best rates obtainable in Georgia on choice im proved farm*. When in need of money call on me and vou will be tbe winner. J. J. HANESLEY. □RING i Laxative Froii Syrup Pleasant to take %'he new laxative. Does e nc gripe or nauseate. Cure'' stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. RofuM eubetlti tas. Price 000. F. M. M’LAUGHLIN 4 CG. A Positive CATARRH Ely’s Cream Balm KsPmbauSl is quickly absorbed. ihl Gives Relief at Once. heals arul protects M? 1, y the diseased mem- jS|£ '.-rare. It cures Ca- ■g|§ _ S 4J® tavrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Ile-UAY FEVER stores the Senses qf Taste and Smell. Full size 50 cts., at Drug gists or by mail; Trial Size 10 cts. by mail. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren Street, New York. vfeSß h/ur R balsaw! Cleartsoa and beautifies the hair. i|»fv SF Promote* a luxuriant growth. ■SaSHfe- 1 ..-: Never Fails to Restoro Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. J ?HNSON & HARROLD COTTON WANEHOIISB AND COMMISSION BERCHAP' . wr» ry. \7 / Groceries and Fertilize- PLANTATION HurriiXES FUENTEMSE ON REASONABK T;:?USfi A Watch Case That is guaranteed to wear (Permanently.) It is better than a solid Gold Case for it is much stouter and does not cost near as much. Should it (eyer) change its color a new case will be given in exchange absolutely free. Call and let me show them to you. For sale by B- A. Daniels Phone 222, Near Poafcofiice. GLOVER S OPERA lOIISE Mriy, Febraary (111. MESSRS IRVIN AND SEL PKESENT THEPASSIONPLAY IT A Most Inspiring Production In Perfect Moving Pictures- Prices—lsc, 25c, and 35c. 8 exes —50c. Seats on Sale at Joe Brown’s GLOVER’SOPERAHOUSE Saturday, February 9th. The Universal Comedy Success MESSAGE FROM IDS AS PRESENTED 1,000 NIGHTS IN LONDON. 500'NIGHTS IN NEW YORK, i Company of Suoerior Excellence . NOVEL ELECTRICAL EFFECTS A PLAY THAT WINS ALL HEARIS. Seats on Sale at Joe Brown’s. PRICES—SI.6O, SI.OO, 76c. 50c and 26c,