Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, May 29, 1907, Image 1

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! Americus Population 12,000 j Increasing every day _ TWENTY-NINTH YEAR SMAKI SUITS FOR YOIINC MEN. The Young Man is the best judge of style. Ask a Young Fellow whether a Suit is cut right and made right, and J ou can depend on getting an answer based on a full knowledge of style and good tailoring. Our lines of Young Men’s suits are built to withstand every criti cism. The Extreme Style Features Are Carried Out. Coats just the rightlength, long, wide soft roll lapels—whole backs or center vents, welt pockets, single and double breasted styles. The new fabrics in stripes and checks, greys, blues and blacks sls, S2O, $25, to S3O. Surely not high prices for so much style and swellness W. D. BAILEY. Outfitter for Men and Boys Forsyth St. and Cotton Ave. Americas. Ga. i "T """ ' ' '■* ■ isro'w is your time to get a brush. lf\ou are going to need one this season we have all prices—Tooth Brushes, Hair Brushes, Flesh Brushes, Nail Brushes and all kinds of Brushes The goods are new The prices are right REM BERT’S DRUG STORE 113 FORSYTH ST. Eaton Hurlbut Stationery The Standard of Quality at BELL’S, the Jeweler, Phone 318. ____ For quality and right prices see TITOS. L. BELL The Leading Jeweler. . y u AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDERI CLASSES IN MUSIC TO BEGIN FINE RECITAL ' Opening of the Series To= night FINE PROGRAMS ARE ARRANGED And Performances Will Be of Great Interest to the Public and Pat rons of Prof. McNeill's School of Music. The commencement recital of the Americus School of Music, so success fully conducted by Prof. E. H. McNiell and marking the closing of the spring session, will begin tonight at the opera house, and is ot interest in musical circles here. The entertainment tonight will be without charge and the general Eiublie is invited to attend and enjoy the ex ercises. Thursday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock will occur the graduation exercises, at which Miss Georgia Harper will receive her diploma in music. To this enter tainment, likewise, the public is invit ed. At this concert Miss Evelyn McTyier of Bainbridge, will assist. Miss Vc- Tyier is well know n in musical circles throughout the state, and the fact that she is to assist: in the several recitals here is hailed with much pleasure. Thursday night is the occasion of the annual concert and one of the finest features of the series, all the pupils taking part. To the end of defraying the expenses of the entertainment an admission of 25 cents will be charged Thursday night and also on Friday night, when the operetta will be presented, and all will gladly pay this nominal sum for such cause. Miss Ruth Arrington takes the part in the operetta heretofore assigned Miss Scarborough. Prof. McNiel and his pupils are working energetically to the end of rendering the recitals one of the most brillaut events in local musical circles, and the assistance ot' Miss McTyier will aud greatly to an already splendid pro gram. The orchestra of the Americus School of Music will play at each of the four occasions mentioned. SHORT MEASURES ARE REPORTED Secretary Cook Says full Weight Shall Be Given. Secretary of State Phil Cook has written a letter to Governor Terrell urging the appointment of a state in spector of weights and measures, who shall be clotned with the fullest power and authority to inspect at all times, in any place, without notice, all weights and measures, including water, gas and electric meters, with powers to impose penalties and au thority to confiscate illegal weights and measures. General Cook recently ateended, as representative from Georgia, a convention of officials at Washington, where the question of weights and measures were discussed at great length. It developed at the meeting that false weights and meas ures are in use in many sections of the country. DON’T PAY ALIMONY. to be divorced from your appendix There will be no accasion for it if you keep your bowels regular with Dr. King’s New Life pills. Their action is so gentle that the appendix never has cause to make the least complaint. Guaranteed by Eldridge Drug Co. 25e Try them. Argo Red Salmon took the grand prize at the St. Louis Exposition, the only one ever given at any Fair ( n Salmon. Eor Rent. Nine room house newly renovated Apply to J. C. Koney. 26 ts. Women Who Wear Well. It is astonishing how great a change a few years of married life often make in the appearance and disposition of many women. The freshness, the charm, the brilliance vanish like the bloom from a peach which is rudely handled. The matron is only a dim shadow, a faint echo of the charming maiden. There are two reasons for this change, ignorance and neglect. Few young women appreciate the shock to the system through the change which comes with marriage and motherhood. Many neglect to deal with the unpleasant pelvic drains and weak nesses which too often come with mar riage and motherhood, not understanding that this secret drain is robbing the cheek of its freshness and the form of its lairness. As surely as the general health suffers when there is derangement of the health of the delicate womanly organs, so surely when these organs are established in heaiih the face and form at once witness to the fact in renewed comeliness. Nearly a million women have found health and happiness in the use of Dr. Pierce’s Fa vorite Prescription. It makes weak wom en strong and sick women well. Ingredi ents on label —contains no alcohol or harmful habit-forming drugs, made wholly of those native, American, medic inal roots most highly recommended by leading medical authorities of all the sev eral schools of practice for the cure of woman’s peculiar ailments. For nursing mothers.or for those broken down in health by too frequent bearing of children, also for the expectant mothers, to prepare the system for the coming of baby and making its advent easy and almost painless, there is no medicine quit® •o good as "Favorite Prescription.” It •an do no harm in any condition of the •ystem. It is a most potent invigorating tonic and strengthening nervine nicely adapted to woman’s delicate system by a physician of large experience in the treat ment of woman's peculiar ailments. / Dr. Pierce may be consulted by letter free of charge. Address Dr. R. V. Piefce, | Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute. ', Buffalo, N. Y AMERICUS GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 29. 1907. [BRYAN IS TO FAVOR SMITH Such Interesting Story Regarding the Presidency is Being Told. A story that is vouched for by close I friends of William Jennings Bryan— a story that is of interest and import ance to the people of the entire country has reached Washington. In brief, it is that Mr. Bryan’s choice for the dem ocratic presidential nomination next year is Governor Hoke Smith,of Geor gia, and that at the proper time Mr. Bryan will indicate to the country that he himself is not a candidate for the nomination, and that, in his judg ment, Governor Smith should be nom- : inated. Those who have conferred with Mr. j Bryan in the past few months say frankly that he regards Hoke Smith as the best equipped man in the demobrat ie party to meet the requirements of the party and of the country in the campaign next year. WHEELS fO CEASE TURNING Eor Brief Time on Monday as Davis Monument is Being Unveiled, At exactly 2 o’clock Monday after -0 noon next, all machinery in Americus will be stopped for five minutes as a tribute ot respect to the South’s im mortal son, Jefferson Davis, as at that moment the magnificent monument at Richmond will be unveiled. In every city, town and hamlet in the South this token of love and re spect will be shown. Fifty thousandjConfederate veterans, among them many from Americus, will witness on Monday next June 3d, the impressive ceremony of the unveil ARE BEGGING EOR PENNIES i Georgia School Children Asked to Pay for North Pole Discovery. Atlanta, May 28. —The public school children of Georgia have been asked to help Commander Peary discover the j North Pole. Probably tfie same request has been made of the school children of overy other state in the Union by the officials of Oregon, from which State School commissioner W. B. Merritt has just received a letter. The letter is signed by Gov. George E. Chamberlain, CANT RAISE THE RATES ON LUMBER IN STATE Decision as Rendered is Important GEORGIA SAWMILL MEN INTERESTED Suit of Tift Against Southern Rail way is Decided in Favor of Plaintiff-Means Saving to the Mill Men. The decision of the U nited States supreme court upholding 11. 11. Tift and the Georgia Sawmill Association against what was alleged to be an un reasonable advance in rates by the railroads in South Georgia will mean hundreds of thousands of dollars to the lumber interests of the state. Not only will the railroads be here after prohibited from enforcing the ad vance which they had placed on ship ments from Georgia to points along the Ohio river, but they will also be re- j quired to restore to the lumber dealers the full amount of excess since the rate was put into effect two years ago. The case, it will be recalled, origi nated when the Southern and other roads in Georgia advanced the rate on lumber shipments two cents per hun dred feet. The sawmill men, headed by H. 11. Tift sought an injunction against the enforcement of the rate in the United States circuit court for the Southern district of Georgia. Judge Emory Speer, to whom the petition was presented, referred the matter to the interstate commerce com mission. This tribunal report that the ad vanced rate was unjusted and unreas onable. Thereupon Judge Speer granted the petition. The case was appealed by the roads to the circuit court of ap peals at New Orleans. This court con firmed the decision of the lower tribu nal. As a last resort the roads went to the supreme court of the United States. Many Children are Sickly. Moth r Gray’s Sweet Powders for Chil dren, used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Chil dren’s Home, New York, Break up Colds in 21 hours, cure Feverishness, Headache, St mach Troubles, Teething Disorders, and | Destroy Worms. At all druggists, 25c. Sam j pie mailed FREE. Address, Allen S Olm s ed, Leßoy, N. Y. ■w mr -f T r t No need to ask if you want your hair [\/l /** If c* § —a /y »m to look rich, healthy, and luxuriant. J V A LZfl£S*S JL Ailii We know you do I Ayer’s Hair Vigor, new improved formula, will give it just * y a 1 that appearance. An ideal hair dress -1 1» is* As ing. Ask your doctor about it. \JLjOOn JLI/Cfl £o c ;-y^°,: In his campaign for the governor ship of Georgia Mr. Smith set out very clearly his position and views, not only as to state, but also to national affairs. He fayors a strict regulation of corporations and a rigid enforce ment of the laws as they are found on the statute book. While he is a re former, he does not support the idea of government ownership of railroads and does not follow Mr. Bryan in some of the latter’s more radical ideas, j his opinion being the more in accord | ance with old line democrats, j Wbil&J*e has not been extreme in his notions, Air. Smith has opposed 1 consistently the alleged encroach ments of the railroads and other co porations, and has demanded that they sh >uld be compelled to cease their dis c.iminatiens and exactions. ing of the monument to the President of the Confederacy. With one accord business men have agreed to observe the request made by Gen. Stephen D. Lee of the United Con federate Veterans, in a call sent out from New Orleans to all Southerners, asking that they shut down for a few minutes w hile the actual unveiling is taking place. As a slight tribute, this has been asked, ami in Americus as elsewhere the wheels of commerce w ill stop for a moment while reverence is paid Jef ferson Davis. Secretary of State F. W. Benson and Superintendent of Public Instruction J. 11. Ackorman of Oregon, and asks the Georgia commissioner to appoint a Peary day for the public schools of the state on which to hold Peary exercises and make Peary donations in amounts from one cent. Commissioner Merritt will scarcely accede to this freak re quest. THE KICKER; HE STILL EXISTS And Continues to Lind Fault With the Editor. If some day the newspaper man should print the contents of his waste basket there would probably be a riot. There would certainly be trouble in many homes, arrests imsome directions, shotguns in others, and trouble all around. But the patron never sees the w r aste basket. He only glances at the printed pages, complains it one letter in fifty is upside down, growls his disappointment if one name in five hundred has happened to go wrong, kicks because his communication, signed “Tax Payer,’’ has been condensed into respectable English frowns because the editor didn’t take his advice about publicly warning his neighbor against throwing more melon rinds in the alley, and is generally dis gruntled, not so much at what he finds as at what he fails to find. He knows his share of the'waste basket, but if he could have one look at the contiibutions made to that receptacle by his neigh bors and friends, he would thank the Lord for the existance ot a man with sufficient intelligence and courage not to print all he knows, and to temper that which he does print. FISHES JUST HAD TO SURRENDER I Invincible Trio Invaded Waters of Flint. A piscatorial triumvirate,Police Chief Feagin, Col. E. J. McGhee and Tom Castleberry, surrounded a few bushels of cats and trout yesterday in a corner ot Flint river, near Oglethorpe and captured the entire finny outfit. When the dominecker eatlets and other deni- ' zens of the deep peeped above the ' waves and beheld the mighty host in ( pursuit they crawled out upon the banks of the river and surrendered. Between three and five bushels of the speckled beauties were captured and brought to Americus last night. Bids Wanted. Sealed bids for the erection of Y. M. C. A. Building will be opened June 15th, 1907 at 11 o’clock a, m, at Bank of South West Ga. Plans and specifica tions may be seen at said Bank. We reserve the right to i reject any or all bids. Jno. W. Shiver. : W. P. Wallis. G. M. Eldridge. d. ts Committee. VISITORS ARE HELD UP i BY GREED OF GRAFT Costs a Good Fortune to See Show AMERICUS MAN GIVES EXPERIENCE Says Visitors to the Jimtown Show Are Charged Exorbitant Prices Eight Dollars a Day for Board. Americus people of modest means will have to be content with reading about the Jimtown Exposition, as only the rich, the coal dealers, the ice man, the plumber and union bricklayers can , stand the high food tariff demanded of them. Toothpicks at the leading hotels are not sold at a dollar each, but it is almost that bad. An Americus cititizen who spent last w'eek at the Exposition—or rather a short portion of one week —tells of his experience there. The most reasonable hotel rates his party ‘could find, he says, was eight dollars per day. If that is not enough !to stagger one w r ho figures upon a 950 round trip, or possibly 975, there are other charges just as altitudinous. The cheapest cigar he could find was fifty cents, the kind that sell in Ameri cus six for a quarter. And the barber, too, demands the pound of flesh when ho shaves you and generally gets about that much on his razor. A shave costs 25 cents, a shampoo 50 cents, and if perchance the razor touches your neck you pay for a hair cut. It costs 9P50 to go to the barber shop, including a shoe shine. Tn the cates and other teed stalls the tariff is something fierce. A ham sandwich is about the size of a month’s salary, while a piece of chicken is the price of a Lee street lot. <>n every side it is graft, graft,graft of the fiercest stripe. In the fodder joints a waiter will not serve you until he is tijjped. j And there’s precious little to see for this outlay of wealth. Very few ex hibits are in place, and it will be weeks yet ere the show is complete and one can get value received for his money. The warships are there, and really that is pretty nearly all. Another thing almost forgotten—the prices; they are there. SILVER SERVICE VERY HANDSOME Megnificent Gift For the Battleship Georgia. The magnificent silver service to be presented by the state to the battleship Georgia has arrived in Atlanta and placed on exhibition in the windows of Charles Crankshaw & Co., where thousands stop to view the various articles. The public had been prepared in measure for a dazzling display of plate, through pictures of the service, but not prepared for anything quite so sumptuous as the silver itself. The state of Georgia and the various towns contributing to the set have done themselves proud and officers of the battleship will be able to point with pride to one of the handsomest services of any vessel in the navy. Following is a list of towns contri buting cups: Sparta, Lexington, Elberton, Lindale, Dublin, Georgia Society, New York; Moultrie, Tifton, Thomas ville, Carrolton, Forsyth, Boswell, Savannah, Macon, Gainesville, New nan, Waycross, Americus, Covington, Valdosta, Greenville, Rome, Bain bridge, Cordele, Marietta. GOOD NEWS. Many Americus Readers Have Heard it and Profited Thereby. “Good news travels fast,” and the thousands of bad back sufferers in Americus are glad to learn that prompt relief is within their reach. Many a lame, weak and aching back . is bad no more, thanks to Doan’s Kid ■ ney Bills. Onr citizens are telling the good news of their experience with the Old Quaker Remedy. Here is an example worth reading. Preston, Ga. Foster-Milburn Co., Gentleman: —You can state through the newspapers that I have used your Doan’s Kidney Pills and I found them a most excellent remedy. They placed tmy kidneys in good condition after I ! had used less than a box, and I know ( I was getting in bad shape on account of w'eak kidneys. Every morning the kidney secretions would be very thick and contained a sandy sediment. My wife insisted that I use Doan’s Kid j ney Pills as she heard them well spoken of, and I sent and got a box at j Dodson's Drug Store in Americus. Though I thought they w r ere like other advertised remedies, I can say they have done me more good than any thing else I have ever taken. I am glad I used them. I recomend them to anybody sufftring from kidney trouble. J. F. Wright. Preston Ga. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s and take no other. * ~ Found: —Small crescent brooch last Sunday. Owner can identify same at this office and pay for ad. , PARAIiIIN IRfll SIHS * Are the perfection of the tailors art, skill, ingenuity. There are few tailors in this - part of the country who can produce trousers their equal. We are the SOLE AGENTS in Americus For these WORLD FAMOUS • TROUSERS and if you will take the time and trouble to simply call in andjallow us to show you through you will find the greatest stock of the finest, ready-to-wear trousers . that you ever saw here or any- <s>mr WLssil K where else in your life. r \ Ml Prices Range from li $5 to sls Pair. Understand however we have the best lines of lower Vwl M priced trousers you will be \uK T-iyiw \w able to find anywhere. uLjH? V™l $1.50 to $5 Pair. 7 OUTING MODEL Negligee Shirts—Famous Eclipse Make, SI.OO and $2.00. Garland and Princely Negligees, 50 cents and 75 cents each. Pioneer Suspenders, Brighton Garters Fowler Collars. Unmatchable values in Elastic Seam Nainsook Drawers 50c. Nainsook Undershirts, Long and Short Sleeves, extra 50c Immense Line Lisle Hose, Unmatchable at 25c and 50c pair. TOURIST’S SUPPLIES. LARGEST LINE IN AMERICUS. TRUNKS, SATCHELS, TRAVELLING BAGS. When arranging for your trip come here, see the line and prices. Chas. L. Anslcy Successor to WHEATLEY & ANSLEY. (See Ad on Fourth Page.) NEW YORK RACKET STORE PLANTERS BANK BUILDING *' W : I Americus, Ga. Ladies Black Voile Skirts We purchased the well known I Fabeoan Line of sample Voile Skirts ip all sizes and lengths. The retail price of these skirts range from sl2 50 to sls 00 and $17.50 they will be on sale today and continue till close out. Price $9.00 and SIO.OO. Come Quick. ■ - - ■■■ ■l ~ 1 ■ 1 HAMILTON & CO. } ,m The Heart of the South’s Finest Country. I NUMBER 25.