Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, September 28, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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late §« v v v i .**» «%> * '%., *a* *ll6 4f\ •| IM ri VHP dLM/ %)v? SPECIALS FOR MONDAY AND TUESDAY SlLKS:—Monday morning we will place on sale one of the greatest bargains in yard wide silks that has ever passed this way, they are striped taffeta, in light and dark colors, full yard-wide, and worth $1.25. if worth a cent. Here for Monday and Tues day only at per yard 94 cents. Table Damask 38c Bleached curtain scrim, 38 inches wide, new patterns, equal in every way to grades selling at 12J and 15 cents, here lor Monday and Tuesday only at per yard 9Jc Stripped Taffeta Silk 27 inches wide, l eavy quality nover before known to sell for less than 81, very special here Monday and Tuesday per yd. 89c Ladie’s handkerchiefs made of good quality whi.e lawn and hemstitched, not over one dozen will be sold t > one bujer at the price here Monday and Tuesday only at each 2c Boys caps made of all wool cassihmeres, light and dark colors. They are equal in every way to aome that are sold in the city for 25c. Very spec al here for Monday and Tuesday only at each 9c Mercerized table damask, 66 inches wide, beau tiiul patterns, never be lore known to sell for less than 50c, here Monday and Tuesday at per yd. 38e DUNCAN MERCANTILE CO. ng and I*7 Forsyth Street John R. Shaw s Old st&na„ FOR SALE. 450 acres with four room house, land lays well. $6.00 acre. 1-3 cash. 200 acres, two miles of railroad, near church and school, 40 acres in pine timbers. Price $15.00. 600 acre on R. R. 5 room house. Soil red and grey and especially suit ed to peaches and melons, and gen eral. farming. Only SIO.OO acre. 1-3 cash. 7 room house close in, large lot, with 4 acres land attached. This is a desir able home and belongs to a non resident who is anxious to sell. Here is your opportunity to get a bargain. 5 room house large lot, SIBOO.OO Now is the time to buy before the street cars begin to run. Come to see me if you wish to buy, sell or rent. P. B. Williford 103 Cotton Avenue, Forty Head of Horses Mr. W. G. Turpin has spent four weeks selecting this lot of horses, Every horse was bought in the coun try from the farmers that raised them. They are bred and boke right to the saddle and harness. We guarantee them all sound and young. No old worn out horses that have been pastured and fed up for sale at auction. We expect to handle nothing but first-class stock. Will sell them as cheap as this class of stock can be sold. We have some handsome ponies, and the finest lot of horses that we have ever had. 21-2 w. TURPIN BROS. it Builds Force J-21 THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 28, 1907. Dr. W. H. Bowdoin OSTEOPATH. Offices over Dodson’s Drugstore. All diseases treated without use of drugs. Chronic diseases a specialty. Consultation free. Office phone 416 Residence phone 133 LOANS. Farm loans and loans on city real estate negotiated at low rates andjon’easy terms, G. R. ELLIS, Americus, Ga. Wood! Wood!! You can buy wood, cut any length, good and dry, cheap Phone 463 Ot Bi Whitley. TIN WORK OF ALL DESCRIPTION C. P. PAYNE. «MEH AND WOMEN. Use Big © for unnatural dißchargoH, inflammations, irritations or ulcerations of mucous membranes Painless, and not astrin gent or poisonous. Solti by Druggists, or sent in plain wrapper, by express, prepaid, for •1.00, or 3 bottles *2.75. Circular sent on request. What is medicine for? To cure you, if sick, you say. But one medicine will not cure every kind of sickness, because different medicines act on different parts of the body. One medicine goes to the liver, another to the spine, Wine of Cardui to the womanly organs. So that is why Wine of Cardui . has proven so efficacious in most cases of womanly disease. Try it. Mrs. Wm. Turner, of Bartonville, 111., writes: "I suffered for years with female diseases, and doctored without relief. My back and head would hurt me, and I suffered agony with bearing-down pains. At last I took Wine of Cardui and now I am In good health.” Sold everywhere. In SI.OO bottles. la/DITT* IIC A I CTTf-D Write today for a free copy of valuable 64-page Illustrated Bock for Women. If you need Medical fl 111 ILi U«J /» LL 1 I Lit Advtei describe your aymptoms. stating age. and reply will be sent In plain sealed envelope. Address: Ladles Advisory Dept.. The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga. Tenn. Men’s 50c Four-in-Hand Ties at 25c Just received a new lot of new Fall styles men’s four-in-hand tiehinade of silk materials, full reg ular length and sell in the regular men’s furnishing stores for 50 e, Monday and Tuesday, at each...2sc New Fall Outings bight Patterns at 10 Cts, New Fall outings in all the new light patterns, heavy quality, full regular width. These are of fered at a special price, everybody likes to save on ther Fall purchases, buy now, and you will save 24c yard. Here Monday and Tuesday per yd 10c New Glove Shipment New shipmen of long silk gloves, including the new shades of browns. Also plenty of black and while. MANY TO STRIVE IN BEHALF OF HOME Members of the Methodist church and friends of the South Georgia Con ference Orphans Home will work ear nestly today to the end of securing a contribution for that splendid insti tution. This offering will be made tomorrow as well, when the amount raised in the Methodist Sunday school and at the morning service will be announced. All are earnestly re quested to contribute; either to this home, or to any one of the dozen Orphans’ homes in Georgia. KILLED A RATTLER AT THE COLLEGE While superintending the loading of a lot of hay on the college farm yesterday Mr. Arthur Rylander found a very large rattlesnake under a hay mow and killed it. TJie snake meas ured nearly six feet and in its stom ach jvas a half grown duckling. While operating the mowing machine the day before another rattlesnake was caught in the machinery and killed. It is almost daily occurrence that rattlesnakes are killed here in the city, so plentiful are they. COMMISSION TO MAKE NEW RULES ATLANTA, Sept. 27.—(Special.) The demurage cases have been closed and it is announced that the railroad commission will formulate new rules for the conduct of railroad business so far as the questions of providing cars on the part of the companies, and retaining them by consignees or shippers beyond the allotted time, are concerned. One Cent Column Classified advertisements will be inserted in this column at the rate of one cent a word for (lie first inser tion, and one cent a word for .each subsequent two insertions. .No ad vertisement received for less than fifteen cents. Cash must accomanny ad except where parties have regular accounts with Times-Recorder. For Sale. FOR SALE —Four hundred acres of land, nice home, six rooms, recently remodeled, and all other necessary improvements, three miles from Plains, Ga. Also stock, corn, fodder, and all farming implements. Apply or write me at Plains, Ga. T. J. BLACK, d-w-until Oct. 28-pd. FOR SALE— Georgia raised Rye Seed and Burt Oats from our own farm for sale by J. S. Byrom & Sons, By romville, Ga. 9-27-ts. For Rent. FOR RENT —My house, six rooms, on Felder street. H. C. Davis. 9-2S-6t-pd. OFFICES FOR RENT.—Nice offi ces are to be had in the Granberry Building. Apply at Dodson’s Phar macy. I have for rent for 1908 a 5 horse farm near the railroad and on public road in a fine neighborhood. Nice residence and good land. Apply to W. B. Heys, Americus, Ga. lm-d-w. FOR RENT—Five room house with city water. Corner Bell and Harrold A venue. A. W. SMITH. Duncan House, 329 College street 10-ts. H. T. Daveoiy'r* Wanted. AGENTS WANTED.—We will be pleaser to give the agency for Vic tor Talking Machines to any reliable merchant, Jeweler or Druggist in any town in Southern Georgia. Establish ed agents write for contract to sign for fall trade. Metropolitan Talking Machine Co., Jacksonville, Fla., Whole sale and retail. Oldest house in the South. 9-28-10-5-12-19- WANTED—Young lady to act as Treasurer for Glover's Opera House. Good salary. Answer quick. Harry K. Lucas, Mgr., Box 385. L. WANTED—First class piano play er for Glover’s Opera House. Good salary. Answer quick. Harry K. Lucas, Mgr., Box 385. WANTED —A young lady to act as cashier for the Huh & Comedy Thea tre Co., which opens on Sept. 28th. Harry K. Lucas, care of General De livery, Americus, Ga. I pay the highest price for good beef cattle and pork. It is to your interest to see me before selling. 9-5-lmes-d-w. J. T. BRAGG. WANTED—Two or more copies of Times-Recorder, September 13. Five cents a copy paid at Times-Recorder office. Lost. LOST COW —Strayed from car in Central Railway yard Thursday night one cow. No known marks for des cription. Please take up or notify J. E. HIGHTOWER, Agent. LOST —Brindle bull yearling,, weighing about 500 lbs., with rope, lost in swamp back of colored ceme tery. Finder, please notify J. T. Bragg and be rewarded. MOVING PICTURES START TO NIGHT Attractive New Program Given Every Night Amusement at 5 and 10 Cents That Will Please All. At 6 o'clock this evening the mov ing picture show gives its initial per formance at the Glover Opera House. There will then be practically a con tinuous performance until 11 o'clock. Yesterday the wiring was comple ted and all the arrangements made for a successful performance. Last night a test was made under the di rection of Manager Lucas and excel lent results were obtained. Tonight a very attractive program will be presented. Every night the coming week there will be a complete change of program. One of the fea tures of the performance will be the singing of popular songs, illustrations of which will be shown at the same time. If a god singer cannot be obtained in this territory one will be brought from elsewhere. There will also be a pianist accompanist. Mr. Lucas advertises in the Times- Recorder today for' a treasurer. A young lady Is desired to handle tick ets and cash. A good salary will be paid. The Hub and Comedy Theatre Co., of New York, which has leased the theatre for the moving picture shows controls leading high class places of this character. Its daily service will come direct from the famous house of Miles Brothers, New York, the largest manufacturers, importers and renters of films in the world. This insures pictures that are photograhi cally correct, mechanically true and from an ethical point of view, of the highest possible tone. It owns more than a hundred similar places and without a single exception each one is highly thought of and large pat ronized. The show at the Glover Opera House will run the gamut of human emotion; call into quick play those “life-saxers,” wit and humor; touch the heartstrings; leap from the sub lime to ridiculous; faithfully por tray the tragic; put clean and sweet thought into the minds of the little ones; enrich the crabbed and crusty; lighten sorrow and make a virtue of pain. Master minds are now devoting their entire time to bringing out these marvelous productions of the Mov ing Picture Art. Beautiful plays and story films will be shown; comedy and drama; travel scenes from every country of the globe. The entertainment will always be kept clean and refined so as not to offend women or affect the minds of the young. The gallery will be 5 cents, part of it being reserved for colored. Down stairs 10 cents. ELDRIDGE DRUG COMPANY’S VEGETABLE INVIGORATOR for af fections of the liver. Irregularities of the stomach and bowels. Assists digestion, and strengthens the sys tem. It leaves no unpleasant after effects. Price 50c a bottle, with guar antee. ELDRIDGE DRUG COMPANY, 407 Jackson St., 317 Lamar St. 27-28 ,PRISONERS CARRIED THROUGH AMERICUS To Work in the Camps Near Bainbriclge Eight negro prisoners, manacled to gether, were in the Central depot here yesterday, awaiting transportation to Bainbridge, where they go to work in a convict camp near that city. They were brought from one of the coun ties north of Americus on the Colum bus road, and were as hard looking bunch of criminals as ever entered a jail. Immense business already in our ladies ready-to-wear department. Don’t wait until we are all “Balled Up” with work. Come now and make your selections. ( HAS. L. ANKLEY. TO SHOW ROOT ROYAL HONORS MEXICO CITY, Sept. 27.—Special) —The son of President Diaz may meet Sect, of State Root at the Mexi can frontier, with a special train, and escort the visiting party until the capital is reached. Honors as great as those that would be extend ed a monoreh will showered upon the visiting representative of the Uni ted States government. Stock, Style, Tow Prices, Courte ous treatment—Four strong levers for business builders here. Join the procession. CHAS. L. ANSLEY. TALES 0E THE TOWN , TOLD IN TEW LINES Pencil Stubs Picked Up At Random DAY’S HAPPENINGS IN AMERICUS Too Short for a Head and Bunched Together -Four Lines Culled Here and There in the City. School books, new and second hand, and full line school supplies at lowest prices. Holliday’s Book Store. While the possum is not legally ripe until next Tuesday, October Ist, the sable Americus hunter is already on his trail. The autumnal jug trade in Americus is already asuming large proportions, and will grow enormously until Dec. 31 —the end. The street sweepers should keep busy today. Yesterday, during the rain, the crossings were as muddy as the streets. The drizzling rain yesterday prac tically killed an otherwise busy day. And the lowering clouds promised more rain today. A real circus, the Hagenbeck & Wal lace show, is making dates in Geor gia. May kindly Fate point them tow ards Americus. Already Americus cits are making overtures to the coal dealer, while the Iceman looks like the price of two drinks and a cigar. The theatre will be opened tonight for the first attraction of the season, the moving picture show which will be here all the winter. / f One single Americus retail groc ery house has sold 1,500 gallons cane syrup this year. When it comes to “long sweetness” we are it. j A bellicose bull put to flight a squad of negroes attempting to weigh him. yesterday on Lamar street, tossing two of them into the ozone. Mr. C. W. Raymond, who has been looking after his great peach or chard near Americus for some time, left yesterday for his home in Ohio. BIG YIELD OF CROPS MADE ON 4 ACRES Showing What Intensive Farm ing Accomplishes. Mr. J. H. Poole owns a tract of four acres good land just beyond East Americus and upon this he de monstrated fully what can be done by careful cultivation. In June last he harvested a crop of five hundred bushels oats from his four acre patch, and afterwards sowed it broadcast in peas for hay. This crop Is now being harvested and will yield seven ty-five wagonloads of finest peavine hay. Thus, two profitable crops are gathered from the land in a season. Early in October Mr. Poole will again sow his four acres in oats for ano ther 500 bushel crop next year. THE QUOTATIONS IN AMERICUS Cotton Market as Reported Daily by L. G. Council. Americus, Ga., Sept. 27.—We quote the local cotton market quiet, as fol lows: Good Middling 11l Middling 10| Low Middling 10l NEW YORK FUTURES. New’ Y r ork,Sept. 27, —Spots: Middling steady at 11.80. Contracts opened steady and closed steady. Open Close Oct 10.57 10.72 Dec 10.80 10.92 Jan 10.90 11.0 T SAVANNAH. Savannah, Ga.Sept.27,—Quiet. Spots: middling 11 7-16 cents. x LIVERPOOL. Liverpool, Sept.27.—The cotton mar ket opened quiet and closed quiet Spots: Middling uplands 6.72 WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. Received yesterday, by wagon 4.25 Received previously by wagon 9,303 Total 0,728 MOBILE, ALA., Sept. 27.—(Spec ial) —Two boats capsized on the Tom blgbee river today, and nieteen per sons were drowned. 5