Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, September 29, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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2 CELEBRATES ITS CENTENNIAL Nloied New York Church 100 Years Old Today. a. MICHAEL’S BULS WILL RING ft Commemoration of Its Hundredth Anniversary-has. Played k Nop!e Part In the Charitable Work of Metropolis. iVEW YORK, Sept. 28. (Special) Tomorrow, St. Michael's day the fteautiful chimes in St. Michael’s Upiscopal church will ring out trium phantly the centennial anniversary of the congregation, in many respects liuiipiu in the ecclesiastical annals of ;an metropolis. Special services will f*jj I; Id in the church through the Use ~iid suitable memorials will be ftoed-atad. S'.. Michael's, which is located at Amsterdam avenue and Ninety-Ninth street, came suddenly into existence c {.SOT, to meet an emergency. Per sons of wealth built homes in Bloom .ag iale —country homes, they were | orert then —and went in their car- Tiagi's daily to business and on Sun days to church in the Wall street dis jrict Yellow fever broke out in the down town district and the evolution ai the scare resulted in the building m a house of worship in the immed iate neighborhood of the homes' in ■hi Bloomingdale district. Pnder the floor of the present a&urch are buried members of some tij the oldest and best known families COOKING EXHIBITION ■-■-i-.OF THE GREAT- MAJESTIC MALLEABLE AND CHARCOAL IRON RANGE ~=AT OUR STORE== ONE ra OCT. 7TH. BL . -tent N^?burn>A}§rtA- : Ptl^i» g FREE! $7.50 Set of Ware. vYith every Majestic Range sold during this Cooking inhibition, we willgive absolutely FREE one haudsome ■ ware as shown. This ware is worth $7.50 if it is . h i cent. It is the best that can be bought. We •Jut t add $7.50 to the price of the range and tell you you tare getting the ware free, but sell all Majestic Ranges at .:**• regular jiriee. You get the ware free. Remember t;t • • or exhibition week only. Ware will not be given t iis week. This ware is on exhibition at our store, 2nd a, tst be seen to be appreciated. ne in any day during the week. Make our store adquarters. Have coflee and biscuits with us. ome if you intend to buy or not; the in tion gained will serve you in the future. SHEFFIELD-HUNTINGTON CO. everybody Welcome, Americas, Georgia. THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1507 of the New York of the early nine teenth century. Much of the church’s distinction is due to the re markable personalities of two of its rectors, the Rev. Thomas H. Peters and his son, the Rev. Dr. John. P. Peters,,, the present rector. At a time when there was no other churches, of any denomination, in the upper west side, it was the idea of the elder Dr. Peters that he was the missionary to that entire district, if there were any sick, St. Michael's must care for them. The dead were buried at the expense of the congre gation whenever the family of the de ceased was too poor to meet the ex pense. No distinction was made as to creed, and Catholics and Metlio odists were often seen kneeling side by side at St. Michael’s alter rail. In pursuance of the charitable policy of the rector, the “Sheltering Arms” was founded by the parish, and its industrial home has become famous throughout the country. ARMOURS TO QUIT FRUIT BUSINESS SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 28.—(Spec ial) —After having had a virtual monopoly of the California green fruit business for 12 years* clearing over $5,000,000 in that period, the Armours of Chicago on Tuesday next will retire from the trade. Owing to acton by the Interstate Commerce the Pnion Pacific roads have brought (>,OOO refrigerator cars, and Mr. Har riman has served notice on the Ar mour Refrigerator Car Co. that after today his road» will not need any more of its cars to handle fruit ship ments from California. Biscuits baked right in three minu tes every day next week at our store. Sheffleld-Huntingtou Co. 9-29-ts. A DELUGE CF RAIN HELD UP BUSINESS Merchants Were Up Against It Yesterday. Jupiter Pluvius i>ut the blue tag of disapproval upon business here yes terday in the steady downpour of rain that lasted throughout the day. The early morning hours opened with a deluge, keeping at home the thous ands of shoppers who otherwise would have filled the retail stores of Aineri cus to their capacity in the inspection of fall goods and the making of fall purchases. Comparatively few peo ple from the country and surround ing towns braved the elements, and the muddy streets held but a small crowd for Saturday. Aside from the injury to trade conditions the rain is doing injury to open cotton in the fields and likewise ruining hundreds of tons of fine hay, cut during the past week and which is still lying In the water-soaked fields from which the farmers were unable to remove it in time. WATERMELONS FILL MARKETS STILL Excellent Ones Are Brought To Americus. October Ist will find the Americus I market as well stocked on fine wa termelons as in July, when this fruit is supposed to be at its best. Several i wagon loads of melons brought in I yesterday found ready sale, and the I crop will continue lor perhaps ten days longer. One of the growers j said he planted these vines late in j June, and the melons now growing | are of excellent quality. Facts About the Great Majestic Range. It is the only range iu the world made of Palloable and Charcoal Iron. It has, beyond any question of a doubt, the largest and best reservoir. It uses about half the fuel used on other ranges, and does better work by far. The Majestic All Copper Nickled Reservoir heats the water quicker and hotter than any other. It is the only reservoir with a remoyable frame. The Charcoal Iron Body of the Great Majestic Range lasts three times as long as a steel body. Being made of ncn-breakable material, there is practically no expense for repairing the Majestic. As for baking, it is perfection, not only for a few months, but for all times to come. A GREAT MAJESTIC RANCE lasts three times as long as a cheap range,but it don’tcost three times as much. PROOF—We don’t ask you to take our word for any of the above statements, but you will call at our store, a man from .he factory, whore Majestic ranges are made, will prove to your satisfaction, that these are absolute facts, and will show you many more reasons why the Great Majestic Hange is absolutely ihe best money can buy WHEN YOU ffilßH® buy a 1 £7"* WHITNEY v fffj Go-Cart You Get the Best Best Material-Best Workmanship-Best Price a New Line _ _j|/ From Which. JT||f * to Make Your A.W. Smith Furniture Co. ' * Cor. Jackson and Forsyth Sts, Americus, Ga. r I mil If Every Parent Would tattoo the above golden motro on his ehild.s mind, what lock lor the child! Print it on the first page of his every boob; burn it into china of his porridge bowl; paint it on his chamber wall where his first waking and last sleeping glance would read it, so that the re d meaning of the words is ab sorbed and does its work. Golden advice offered by SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Bank of Southwestern Georgia. \ftk-: 4 J >•*4; <^” k <*—— Fancy Cattle . supply a 1 the beef we handle That is why our beef is so much choicer than the ordinary. We follow the same practice with All Our Meats. Our lamb, mutton, veal, pork, etc , come from the stock of the i highest grade. So if you trade here you get the best the market affords. It's just as easy, too. Onr prices .are no higher than much poor meat is sold for. SHERLOCK & CO. PHONE No. 32 JOHNSON & HAKROLI). Cotton Warehouse and Commission Merchants AND DEALERS IN Heavy Groceries and Fertilizers, Plantation Supplies Furnished on Iteasonabla Terms. For Sale One 7 room dwelling with acre lot close in Plains, Ga. For partic ulars apply to J. R Chambliss, Plains, Ga. I .we IHUkfeMMaU'. '-Ska ; ■— Your Savings at Ou r SHvihgs Depaitmeit and you take the first step owards in dependence! The only independent man or woman is ill* one w ho saves and has a bank accouut, but you can’t have money in the bank unless jou put itthere---as an inc for you to have an account here, we add 4 percent interest to all savings. Take the first step today. The Planters Bank of Americus If you want good home made Harness buy from W. 0. Barnett Manufacturer of all kinds of Harness. kemp Ores’. Near the Postoffice. Finest of all Fruits Grapes, Oranges, Apples, Bananas California Fruits of ail Varieties. Fresh Candy Made Daily 15c pound, 2 pounds 25c. Fine cigars, tobacco and canned goods. Try KEMPUKE’S for the best fruits and candies. 12 lrn LOANS. Farm loans and loans on city real estate negotiated at low rates terms, G. R. ELLIS, Americus, Ga. FOR SALE. 450 acres yvitli four room house, land lays well. $6.00 acre. 1-3 cash. 200 acres, two miles of railroad, near church and school, 40 acres in pine timbers. Price $15.00. 600 acre on R. R. 5 room house. Soil red and grey and especially suit ed to peaches and melons, and gen eral. farming. Only SIO.OO acre. 1-3 cash. 7 room house close in, large lot, with 4 acres land attached. This is a desir able home and belongs to a non resident who is anxious to sell. is your opportunity to get a bargain. 5 room house large lot, SIBOO.OO Now is the time to buy before the street cars begin to run. Come tc see me if you wish to buy, sell o' rent. P. B. Williford 103 Cotton Avenue, Forty Head of Horses Mr. W. G. Turpin has spent four weeks selecting this lot of horses, Every horse was bought in the coun try from the farmers that raised them. They are bred and boke right to the saddle and harness. We guarantee them all sound and young. No old worn out horses that have been pastured and fed up for V sale at auction. We expect to handle » nothing but first-class stock. Will sell them as cheap as this class of stock can be sold. We have some handsome ponies, and the finest lot of horses that we have ever had. 21-2 w. TPRPIN BROS. Dr. W. H. Bowdoin OSTEOPATH. Offices over Dodson’s Drugstore. All diseases treated without use of drugs. Chronic diseases a speciality. Consultation free. Office phone 416 Residence phone 133 Allen House First Class Boarding House; excellent table. Rates by day, week or month. Transient patronage solicited. 9-6-lm Mrs. M. E. SCRUTCHENS. Wood! Wood!! You can buy wood, cut any length, good and dry, cheap ph&ne 463 C, R, Whitley. TIN WORK OF ALL DESCRIPIVON C. P. PAYNE.