Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, October 04, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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8 ■=■ LADIES READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT. Be sure that your attire is ab solutely correct in Fashion, Mate rial and Tailor ing, and buy the I garments identi fied by being from PINKSTON CO. It’s a safeguard to satisfaction, and is the guide that Americus best dressed women trust implicitly. PINKSTON co. The Leaders in ladies Ready-to-Wear. “Ttie” Geo. D. Wheatley, Store. , / For Every Use in Every Home. The New Idea in Lining? Here is what Highgrade—The New Idea Linings—offers you: A selection of high-class fabrics so complete in range of weave, fin ish, quality and weight, that no mat ter when or where you need a lining or foundation material you can choose the right one from the Hydegrade group. It will fill your need better, cheaper and with more lasting sat From 15c to 40c the Yard. Os the hundreds of everyday uses to which Hydegrade Linings may be put, a few are here given: For all garment linings, petticoats, drop skirts, underbodies, kimonas, dress The New Tailored Suits. There is much of distinction and uncommon beauty in these new tail ored suits that one is really at a loss to tell the exact feature which pleases them most. Marvels of tailoring, faultless in lines, fine in the materials and finish. Pretty touches of trim- GEO. D. WHEATLEY. Americus, Ga. Linings. isfaction than any other fabric, re gardless of name or price. Each Hydegrade Lining is the best of its kind that can be woven. They pos sess all the dainty richness, the same feathery lightness and superior fin ish of fine silks and satins, but far surpass them in wear. Elegant in weave; unique in their characteristic beauty. ing sacques, dust coats, quilts, paja mas, head rests, baby dresses, com fortables, draperies, foundations un der lace bed spreads, pillow shams, center pieces, etc. ming, or simple, conservative suits. Coats of approved length, taffeta silk lined. Skirts full of style and grace. Plain materials or fancy. So exten sive is the gathering, there’s really not a good style missing. Price rang ing from $12.50 to $35.00 suit. THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER, FRID AY, OCTOBER 4, 1907. Here’s a Bargain Right. 468 acres of land, 5 miles from the city. More than 400 acres of which ! is almost perfectly level. Fair improvements, plenty of wood and some timber. 7-horse farm open. Owner will sell at a sacrifice as he is going to move j away. ANOTHER BARGAIN. 7-room bouse close in $1650. If you want either of these come and see me at once. LEE ALLEN. The Real Estate and Insurance Man. SOCIAL AND jmONAL LIFE Brevities That Tell of Movements of Americus Folks and Friends. News,’ Items of City Life That Chronicled, Briefly for Busy Readers. Follow the crowds and trade at Bell's, the leading jeweler. Fine harness carried in stock or made to order at Bagley’s; wholesale and retail. / Mrs. J. C. Rainey of Ellaville is (he guest of Mrs. S. H. McKee at her home on Church street.^ The World brand silver is the best plated silver in the world. Sold only by Daniels, the reliable jeweler. Mrs. B. L. Wood of Lumpkin, is the guest of Mrs. P. B. Williford at her home on Taylor street. Mr. and Mrs. DeWitte C. Pickett are spending today in Cuthbert, the guests of friends. Mr. J. A. Bridgman was among the Atlantans stopping over in Americus yesterday. Mr. W. B. Cheatham w r as a well known citizen of Dawson in Americus yesterday. Mr. W. R. Carmichael of Jackson, Ga., made a business trip to Ameri cus yesterday. W. A. Snow of Guyton, Ga., was in the city yesterday coming here upon a business trip. J Miss Julia Peacock of Ellaville, was a fair visitor in the city yesterday morning. J j Mrs. L. D. McKee, the guest of Dr. and Mrs. S. H. McKee for several days, returned yesterday to her home in Albany j Mrs. Lottie Parramore and little daughter, Edith, returned yesterday from Comer, Ala., where she visited her sister, Mrs. Stewart. BEAUTIFUL PLANT WAS A BLOOM. 17 Cereus Blossoms Open Last Night. A rather unusual spectacle and in teresting withal was the bursting into bloom of a very handsome night bloming cereus at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Wardlaw last evening, and witnessed by quite a number of their friends invited to see it. The plant is one of the handsomest in Americus, > and shortly before 8 o'clock the petals of seventeen gor geous white buds unfolded in ex quisite beauty in the presence of the admiring beholders. Such a large number of buds opening toge ther is quite unusual, as generally not more than two or three bloom simul taneously. This splendid plant, a favorite one of Mrs. Wardlaw, and upon which she has bestowed espec ial care, had previously unfolded thirty-four fine flowery already this season, the total number of blooms to date being fifty-one, and with sev eral fine buds yet remaining. CUNARDERS HAVE THEATRES ABOARD NEW YORK, October 3.—(Special.) —The limit of completeness in trans- Atlantic ships is to be reached by the Cunard line to which the new Lusitania belongs. The company now proposes to fit up a handsome thea tre •aboard each of their handsomest vessels, in which nightly performan ces will be given as the vessels speed the ocean. Call up Loving’s Stables, phone 81, for baggage transfer. ts. Gorhams, solid silver is the best in the world. Sold by Daniels’ the reliable jeweler. Mr. T. B. Reagan of Hawkinsville, was a business vistor in Americus yesterday. Messrs. Haralson Bleckley and J. E. Strozier of Atlanta, were visitors here yesterday. A. L. Moore registered from At lanta yesterday among the guests of the Hotel Windsor. Mr. Charles R. McCrory and Capt. J. F. Woods were among others from Ellaville in the city yesterday. See Bagley’s buggies before you buy Special price to cash customers or will sell on terms to suit customer. Mr. Wade Turner one of Smith ville’s representative citizens, came up to Americus yesterday on busi ness. Mr. J. L. Horn was a prominent merchant and citizen of Webster, here yesterday upon business mat ters. Messrs. J. W. Gresham and J. M. Bassett of Griffin, were here yes terday upon business connected with the agricultural college. State Senator J. E. Hays was a prominent visitor in Americus yes terday, coming upon business in con nection with the district college. "Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Hawkins, Jr., of Galveston, are guests of Col. and Mrs. E. A. Hawkins for a day, while returning to Texas after spend ing the summer delightfully in Eu rope. CIRCUS IS GOING TO SKIP US THIS TRIP But Probably Will Play Return Engagement. Distressing though the announce ment may be, it really seems that Americus, with money in her stock ing and a welcome, will witness tlie passing of the circus in another di rection. There are two big show r s in the State at resent, but advance posting carries them toward Savan nah and southern Georgia for the present, though they may work back this w r ay during October. With pea nuts for the elephant and money for a ticket to see him, it really seems that we should have the circus. ATLANTA PREPARES FOR SPINNERS ATLANTA, October 3.—(Special.) Preparations are complete here for the reception of the foreign spinners and cotton convention delegates, w T ho will arrive on Saturday, The enter tainment will be upon a splendid scale and the cenvention made a not able occasion withal. GLADYS TO GIVE AWAY HER MILLIONS NEW YORK, October 3.—(Special) —Announcement is made today of the fact that Miss Gladys Venderbilt, who is worth twelve million dollars in her own right, is soon to wed an Australian nobleman. You’d Be Surprised At the Amount of Business We Are now Doing in Ladies Tailor-Made Suits * Skirts, Petticoats, Raincoats. The removal of this department to the first floor has called forth from the pubdic more compliments than any change we have ever made since we have been in business. The stock is receiving also the highest words of praise from all those who have seen it. We are not boasting when we tell you that we have the greatest gem of a department in this ladies ready-to wear garments. The most select as well as the largest stock, the best styles, and last, but by no means least THE LOWEST PRICES TO BE HAD ANYWHERE in Georgia for the class of merchandise we show you. Noth ing but the best tailored and best fitting merchandise shown by us. No trash. Don't wait until every lady in town wants her suit but come right along now. This “fallish” weather warns you that it is time to begin to get ready for the cool days that are sure to be with us very shortly. Then again in the event you should select a garment requiring alteration it can be done im mediately without keeping you waiting but a short while and you know there is so much pleasure derived from being able to go to wearing your suit justas soon as it is bought. Then there is nothing like having it ready to jump into when you do need it. Tailor-Made Suits, $lO. to $75. Tailor-Made Skirts $5. to $25. Tailor-Made Petticoats Silk $4.50 to sls. HeatFier-Bloom Petticoats $2.50 to $4.00 Russeline Petticoats* SI.OO to Rubberized Rain-coats in large variety. Broadcloth Coats, Kersey Coats„ Cheviot Coats. All styles, all lengths, all prices. IN THE DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT PLAID WAISTING SILKS—IMMENSE VARIETY 75c t 052.00 Yd. CHIFFON TAFFETAS—ALL THE POPULAR SHADES $1 and $1.25 Yd WOOLEN DRESS GOODS—EVERYTHING POPULAR 25c to $2.50 NEW WHITE GOODS—ALL FABRICS —ALL WEIGHTS. NEW BELTS, NEW BELT BUCKLES,, NEW BELTINGS. NEW KID GLOVES, NEW FABRIC GLOVES, NEW HOSIERY. WORLDS OF NEW GOODS THROUGHOUT THE STORE. SEE THE NEW MATTING ART SQUARES JUST OPENED. SPLENDID MOQUETTE ART SQUARES, INGRAIN ART SQUARES. BRUSSELS ART SQUARES, VELVET ART SQUARES, RUGS OF ALL SIZES. MATTINGS OF ALL STYLES AND ALL GRADES, CARPETS IN IN GRAIN. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, VELVETS, Etc., Etc. LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, TAPESTRY CURTAINS. We are better prepared to serve you well in everything in the dry goods and clothing line than any house in all this part of the country. We have the stock and we are willing to turn them on a shorter margin to you than you will find elsewhere. * ’ / Make us a \isit, look thlough the Jllo njufjoasn ‘jpojs pun aaofs examine our qualities, you will be a customer —if you are not already. Wo are ever ready to serve and please you. Chas. L. Ansley Successor to WHEATLEY & ANSLEY. # Agents: Butterick Patterns and American Lady Corsets