Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, February 12, 1908, Image 3

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piincan’s Store. I For Monday And Tuesday l e Announce Inventory’s Red Letter Day, ■ he Livelist Economy Event of the Year. r i , s t chance to clean up our stock before the end of the fiscal year. And so 1 11 Vthc iittle lots, the big lots, the slow selling lots, the remnants—everything that it Viiu- rto sacrifice than to keep—and all are marked for quick selling. I probably visited DUNCAN’S on sale days, (the lace sale, the embroidery rui know what bargains to expect; but you’d be surprised by what you find to- H [ ‘A’ t j 1( who d n’t get here will be sorry when they see what their neighbors have se- H l p () , u \rlY and get the BEST of these truly remarkable offerings. 7).yards lace in edg || match. Great l aI ; ,A : 1 for sc. Here for I; yg y\M V VESTS AT *1.25. | m v Waistcoats of 1 also white wash- I' . - v n sale here Monday I bU ,K IMII 11 A ATB9C Vl> r ..rk silk for dresses r aches and every J Please remem -1 i Monday and Tues- L>U;\‘> si 2.50 A515.00 COATS [-o ,i inch mats; single and dou .l I : Imi-seys and broad- L- triiiuiuil with velvet and R ’ |.. r.O to $15.00 coats P for Momlaj and Tuesday at 5 MK>*S Si \IIFS \T 24c dozen men s four-in-hand of rich heavy silks made in the ; styles; full regular length. Reg- r j y s Here for Monday jH VS *l.oi( sill UTS AT 50C. pß v ,. r v ciTering is either K ■E All standard K es such as International, Monarck Hfcds. Jos. Kowler & Paris DresS IJJtts almost a complete run of sizes whole lot is made of $1 and $1.50 H ts to he sold in the lot that was to be sold for less than SI.OO. for Morula v and Tuesday at eacli IUNGAN MERCANTILE CO. 115 and 117 Forsyth St. John R. Shaw’s Old Stand. Entml® Georgia RAILWAY Current Schedules Corrected to date. “ a! and departure of trains at Americus Ga. —Central of Georgia Rail mger Station. 9Uth Meridian Time. p Arivais. H>>a Savannah, Augusta, and Macon, Bir- Columbus and ■Wt Valley *lO 40 p m Lockhart, Dothan, Al- Troy and Mont’ery *lO 40 p m Bm Lockhart, Dothan, Al* r I any, Tr<>v and .Mont’ery. *1 57 p m Atlanta and Macon ..*207 p m Bn; Avgusta.Savannah, At* and Macon, Birming atut Columbus and ■* *5 32 a m Him Columbus and interme diate points 164* pm |*>fnColumbus,Newnan and dßtermediate points ... *1 25 p m B>m Albany and intermediate ■° iuts *4 40 a m P I’ahy- 1 Except Sunday. ttSunday Only. 7J* s ieeping irs between Americus and Atlanta on train leaving Americm ! arriving at Americus 5 32 a. m. Connects at Macon witt :tr im Savannah. For further information, apply to L. HIGHTOWER, Agent, Americus, Ga. JOHN VV. BLOUNT, District Passenger Agent, Macon Ga. iMuckalee” I the name of the best ■ 5 CENTS, 6 F °R A QUARTER ; CIGAR I in Americus. L in Americus and k ! ’ n Americus by all H ges °* good cigars. ■ lJat all eiaur stands. Call for f IMuckalee. ■JOHNSON & HARROLD. ».l°n Warehouse , J§ '■ UTOm ‘ssi.. n Merchants |*« Calebs in r '' l aD I I'-rulizcr. Hi ' (m ,r SUpPlies Fll wished Wm ' ‘ aso^bl ( .; T ,.rm s . LADIES $1 TO $1.50 HAND BAGS AT 35 CENTS. Some discarded patterns, nothing wrong with them, the same styles are being used by the best people here every day. While the small lot we have lasts we will sell thm at each 35c. 3000 YARDS BEST PRINTS AND 3-1 PERCALES AT 3 7-SC YD. Monday morning promptly at 8 o’clock we will place on sale a lot of about three thousand of the very best standard calicoes and 3-4 per cales at less than mill prices. In this lot will be found all the standard brands (not shoddy goods). We will , not sell over one dress pattern to one buyer. Remember that the price is for Monday and Tuesday only, at per yard 3 7-Bc. 500 YARDS GOOD WEIGHT COTTON FLANNEL AT 3 7-8e YARD. Monday morning promptly at 8 o’clock we will place on sale five hundred yards good weight cotton flannel; full width and a grade that ’ never sold for less than G l-2c. Not over 20 yards will be sold to one buyer at the price for Monday and Tuesday only, at per yard .. ..3 7-Bc. $1.75. $2, $2.50 and $3 LACE CUR TAINS AT $1.30. [ Odd pairs, odd lots not more than four pairs In one lot. In all there are abount sixty pairs. Some of these are real fine curtains and not a pair > in the lot is worth less than $1.75. ; The best assortments are around $2 and $2.50. This lot will be offered here for Monday and Tuesday. Your choice, per pair ..$1.30 Departures. For Macon, Atlanta, Augusta and Savannah *4:40 a n For Al bany, Dothan. Lockhart, Troy aud Montgomery.... *5:32 arr “ Albany, Dothan, Lockhart, Troy and Montgomery.... *2:07 p rr “ Macon and Atlanta *1:57 p nr “ Macon, Atlanta, Savannah and Augusta *10:40 pne For Columbus. *4:30 p nr For Columbus and Birming ham (7:00 art For Columbus Birmingham, via Fort Valley *lo:4opnr For Albany and inter. poiuts*lo:4o prr Americus Conclave No. 343., IMPERIAL ORDER HEPTASOPHS Meets first Wednesday each month, 8 p. m. in K. P. Castle. All visiting brethren cordially invited. A. E. LOCKETT, Archon. G. M. BRAGG, Secretary. HERE'S iooilti Phone 24, TURPIN STA BLE, for hack. Prompt and reliable service at all hours. ® MEN AND WOMEN* Dse Big © for unnatural discharges, inflammations, irritations or ulcerations of mucous membranes Painless, and not astrin* gent or poisonous. Bold by DrnggliU, or lent in plain wrapper, by express, prepaid, for •I.CO, or S bottles *2.75. Circular lent on request. Camp 202 W. 0. W. m Meets 1 nd 3 Thurs day in each month at Odd Fellows Hall. All visiting sovereigns in good standing are cor dially invited. W. T. LANE, Consul Com. H. R. JOHNSON, Clerk. Shoes Repaired I pick the stitches and preserve tin welts. I also repair shoes according t< the standard rule. I use nothing bui the best of sole leather on the market, Special attention given to ladies anc childrens shoes. All Work Hand •titched or tacked if desired. JOSEPH M. DUDLEY. ■ 312 Jackson Street, ONE THOUSAND YARDS 12 1-2 CHAMBRAY AT 73-4 c YARD. Monday morning promptly at 8 o’clock we will place on sale one thousand yards best standard Man chester chambray including all the ! shades of blue, pink, brown and red. j Not more than 20 yards will be sold to one buyer at the price for Monday j and Tuesday only, at per yard 73-4 c. TWELVE HUNDRED YARD BUTCH EICS LINEN FINISH AT 13 l-2c YARD. Monday morning promptly at 8 | o’clock we will place on sale twelve j hundred yards butcher’s linen at 113 l-2c yard. Os course this is not j all linen, but it will wear as well : as the all-linen goods, and the finish is just as good. White and all colors. | Not more than 20 yards will be sold | to one buyer at the price for Monday ! and Tuesday only, at per yard 13 l-2e. THE NEW RAJAH SILKS AT 49c YI). i Please remember that this is a sale for Monday and Tuesday only. Mon | day morning promptly at 8 o’clock we will place on sale a lot of four j hundred yds. brand new Rajah silks at I 49c yard. All the new shades will be found in this assortment. Regu larly sold for sl. For Monday and Tuesday only, at per yard 49c. 38-inch wool fancy suitings, green, red brown and blue plaids, worth as usually sold 69c. Here Monday and Tuesday, at per yard 39c. Women’s S2O to $35 suits of fine broadcloths and high class mixtures, see the big window display, they are worth from S2O to $35, too, and now you may take your pick of the lot ; Monday and Tuesday, suit .. ..$12.50 Seaboard AIR LINE RAILWAY, “These arrivals and departures, &> well as tipie and connections wit! other companies, are given as infor ; mation and are not guaranteed.” Shortest, Line Between America! and Savannah. Passenger Schedules Effective Janu ary sth, 1908. 90 Meridian Time. All Trains Daily Leave Americus for Cor- I dele. Rochelle, Abbeville, 12:32 p m Helena, Lyons, Collins, Sa vannah Columbia, Rich- 2:20 a m mond, Portsmouth and points east 5:10 p m Leave Americus for Rich land, Columbus, Atlanta, 8:43 a m Birmingham, Hurts boro, 12:45 a m Montgomery and points west and northwest 3:03 p m Arrive in Americus from Cordele, Rochelle, Abbe- 8:43 a m yille, Helena, Lyons, Col lins, Savannah, Columbia, 12:45 a m Richmond, Portsmouth and points east. 3:03 p m Arrive in Americus from Richland, Columbus, At- 12:32 pir lanta, Birmingham, Harts- m boro, Montgomery and points west and northwest 5:10 p m i Close connections at Cordele foi all points north and south. At Co , lumbus for all points east, and a’ Montgomery for New Orleans, Mobil* and all Texas points and the south west and northwest. Night trains have through Pullmai buffet sleepers and coaches betweei Savannah and Montgomery. For further information apply ti H. P. Everett, Agt., Americus, Ga. W. P. Scruggs, T. P. A., Savannah. Chas. F. Stewart, A. G. P. A., Sav annah. MILLER & VAUGHN Tin work of all kinds. Repair work a specialty. Cotton avenue, opposite Harold & Johnson’s ware house. Phone 522. LOANS. l t Farm loans and loans on city real estate negotiated at low rates and on easy terms, G. R. ELLIS, Americus, Ga ROYCURES nUA QUICK These Sweet Uttle Chocolate Coated Tablets cure private diseases quickly and permanently when Capsules, Copaiba, and other remedies fail. Complete treatment Ji.oo The only safe,sure cure Rembert’s Drug Store, Americus, Ga. One Cent Column FORSALE. - = FOR SALE—One 6-room house; all modern improvements, Bell street, SI7OO. One of Lee streets most desir able homes, close in; don’t miss this. One Jackson street horn that will suit you; good barn, etc. One 5 and one 6-roomed house, Forrest street, fine investment. 3 houses on Barlow street, either of which will suit ydu. If you want to get close in come and buy Prince street house. If you would like a little farm, the C. W. Felder home on Felder street will suit you. Don’t forget that I have homes on Taylor and Church street to offer you. For good investment buy my Glessner street houses. About 25 negro houses for sale. Quite a number of vacant lots. Will lend you mofiey if you need it. W. L. ENG LISH. ts Is your coal satisfactory? If not, buy a ton of Clark's Banner Lump Coal. Phone 303. Just Arrived A shipment of the best coal to be had. Telephone Clark, 303.' It’s cheaper to have good fires than to pay Doctor bills. Buy your coal from Clark and keep warm. Phone 303. PIANO FOR SALE—Fine Stultz & Bauer, but little used. Must be sold at once. C. J. Schneider, Windsor Hotels 2-ts. wan'i iirT SALESMEN WANTED:" Our~New *ihart of the United States and world is now ready. Far ahead of anything of the kind ever published. It is new and is Rand-McNally quality. Great est money maker for salesmen we have ever had. Men now at work en thusiastic and say it cells at sight. Rand, McNally & Co., Chicago, 111 K-31—to 2-15 FOR RENT FOR RENT—Five room house cor ner Brannon avenue and BarlOw sts. Apply to MRS. M. J. TAYLOR. 12-3 t HOUSE FOR RENT—Desirable new four room dwelling with large gar den. Apply to W. H. Feagin or Law son Stapleton. 5-ts. FOR RENT—Three three-roomed houses. Glessner street. Apply to W. L. ENGLISH. FOR RENT —Five-room dwelling on Church street; comparatively new and in first class condition. Apply to C. J. SCHNEIDER, Windsor Hotel. 2-ts. LOST—Friday noon, near Clark’s Monumental Works or Seaboard Air Line passenger station, ladies’ gold bracelet, ingrain. Liberal reward if returned to Times-Recorder office. ■ 11-2t-py FOR SALE. 5- house, close in with garden. Rent SIO.OO mo. Price $900.00. 6- house, close in. tent $l5O. Price $1250. 8-room house, large lot, nice home, or safe investment, $2000.00. 6-room house on graded street, large lot, $2500.00. 265 acres, 5 miles of Americus. 4- room house, 3 tenant houses. 80 acres in original forest, running wa ter. One mile of church and school. Pure drinking water, no malaria. Nice home. $15.00 acre. 195 acres, 3 miles of railroad. Rent 4 bales cotton. Price SB.OO acre. 450 acres, 5 miles of railroad. 4 room house. Lands lay well. Only $6.00 acre. 1-3 cash. If you want a home, or investment in city or farm property, come to see me. I have some good bargains not mentioned above. Our motto is that an ounce of satisfaction is worth a ton of talk, and if you will let us we will try our best to deliver full and ample satisfaction to you in every thing. We are in business to stay and we know that in order to stay we must give satisfaction to our patrons. P. B. WILLIFORD, Offloe Phone 65. Residence Phone 129. TO CONVERT WORLD TO CHDISTIANITY PHILADELPHIA, PA., Feb. 11.— (Special)—Plans to convert the world to Christianity will be considered at the Men's Foreign Missionary conven tion, opening a three days session in Philadelphia today. The meeting will be conducted along the lines of the Presbyterian foreign mission as sembly held .in Omaha last fall. The work of the missions in all non- Christian countries will be discuss ed. As a result of the convention it is expected that $250,0Cf0 will be raised for Korea alone, and it has been planed to send twenty-five men into this field at once. This country is said to respond more rapidly to missionary effort than any other and the Importance of this work will be emphasized during the convention. The first missionary en tered Korea only twenty years ago and today there are more than sixty thousand Christians there. SWINDLERS HAD BIG LIST OF NAMES NEW YORK, Feb. 11.— (Special) Central Office Detectives McConville and Nelson went to Room 19A of the Produce Exchange yesterday, which is occupied by “A. H. Hubbard & Co., brokers,” and arrested a young man who they say is Horace A. Black mur, Jr., a notorious swindler and Edna Smith, a typewriter and stenog rapher, who, McConville avers, has also been arrested before in con nection with fraudulent brokerage schemes. The detectives say that the couple have been operating a swindle which must have netted them thou sands of dollars. In the single room of the concern the detectives found a list of 50,000 names of persons living all over the United States. In the man’s pocket was found another list of about 500 names. The detectives assert that these are names of prospective vic tims and also of persons who have already been swindled. A circular letter will be sent to each of the addresses telling of the arrest of the man and girl, and outlining the swindle which they say the two have been working. In this way the detectives expect to obtain com- I plainants to back up the charge. TALCS OF THE TOWN TOLD IN FEW LINES Pencil Stubs Poked Up At Random. Valentines In large assortment at Holliday’s Book Store. Phone 246. See window display. It was too cheerless yesterday even for the politicians and candidates. It takes mighty bad weather to turn a man hunting office. S. A. Daniels, the jeweler, has just received a new line of Gorham’s Ster ling Silver. S & T Rain soaked and bedraggled, Amer icus stood another flood all right yes terday. Keep away the snow and we can stand the rest. Farm work is almost at a standstill here as the result of the continued rains. Farmers can plough two days per week, at best. Friday is Valentine’s day, and al ready Americus “girls” who sailed with Noah are preparing to back up their leap year proposals. Work upon the new cotton com press is being delayed by bad weath er. When a start is once made the new plant will go up rapidly. The rain last night did not prevent a large audience witnessing the mov ing pictures. Some of the best films of the week will be seen tonight. After having the time of their lives in Americus the whirlical, girlical ag gregation pulled out for Albany yes terday by the noon Central train. If there are any professional blackleg gamblers breaking ip upon Americus they should be captured without delay or run out of town. Hell may be paved with good in tentions, but even in that event the streets there would be cleaner than those in Americus, paved with nmd. Two professional sports, it was said, struck the town yesterday, in which event the local suckers were properly netted last night, no doubt- Quite a bunch of Johnnies, doubt less smitten by the charms of the chorus girls, suddenly found yester day that they had business in Albany. It is an even bet as to whether the starting of the cars, the erection of the postoffice, or the building of that walk at the Central depot begins first. Do You Open Your Mouth Like a young bird and gulp down what ever food or medicine may be offered you ? Or, do you want to know something of the composition and character of that which you take into your stomach whether as food or medicine ? Most intelligent and sensible people novv-a-days insist on knowing what they employ whether as food or as medicine Dr. Pierce believes they have a perfect right to insist u pon such knowledge. So he pub!ishes,'4«Gac!east and on each bottle wrapper, whafjrnrTsedJcines are made o' he can wNuTTiord to do because the more the ingredients of wiiich his medicines are made are studied TTnTi understood lire more will "their su[ierior cT;Tatm r \'Trti7es bTat)firecTatc3r"' ~ For the cure of woman’s peculiar weak nesses, irregularities and derangements, giving rise to frequent headaches, back ache. dragging-down pain or distress in lower abdominal cr pelvic region, accom panied, oftthnes, with a debilitating, pelvic, catarrhal drain and kindred symp toms of weakness. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is a most efficient remedy. It is equally effective in curing painful periods, in giving strength to nursing mothers and in preparing the system of the expectant mother for baby's coming, thus rendering childbirth safe and com paratively painless. The "Favorite Pre scription” is a most potent, strengthening tonic to the general system and to the organs distinctly feminine in particular. It is also a soothing and invigorating nervine and cures nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, chorea or St. Vitus’s dance, and other di dressing nervous symptoms at tendant upon functional and organic dis eases of the distinctly feminine organs. A host of medical authorities of all the several schools of practice, recommend each of the several ingredients of which "Favorite Prescription" is made for the cure of the diseases for which it is claimed to be a cure. You mav read what, they say for yn'rr.-elf by sending a request for a free booklet, of acts from the leading authorities, to Dr. 1!. V. Pierce, Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical In stitute. Buffalo. N. Y., and it w ill come to you by return pest. TRAMPS PROPOSE . MONTHLY FREE RIDE ST. LOUIS, Mo., Feb. 11.—(Special)- James Howe, of the Brotherhood Wel fare Association, himself known as the millionaire hobo, is evolving a plan for the transportation of his unemployed followers to fields of industry, which he will soon present to the trunk line railroads of 'the country. Howe proposes to guaran tee the railroad company accepting his proposition an immunity from ho boes if the company will agree to at tach a special “hobo” box car on one of its regular freight trains once a month. By this plan hobos will trav el on these special “excursion” days, and the railroad company is pledged the support of Howe and his associa tion that no hoboes will be found riding the bumpers on this road. Keeping Open House. Everybody is welcome when we feel good; and we feel that way only when our digestive organs are work ing properly. Dr. King’s New Life Pills regulates the action of stomach, liver and bowels so perfectly one can’t help feeling good when he uses these pills. 25c at Eldridge Drug Co. WOODEN LEG WAS UNINIURED NEW YORK, Feb. 11.—(Special)—A coal truck driven by Edward Mazurka was upset this afternoon, and Man zurka’s wooden leg got caught under the truck. When Dr. Betowski came in an ambulance from St. John’s Hospital, Manzurka yelled: “Oh, my leg, my leg! It cost al most $100.” “Poor fellow,” said the bystanders, “his mind’s wandering.” Dr Botowski slit open the trouser leg and began to look for the injuries. “It’s wooden, he said in disgust. “Yes,” said Mazurka, “and it cost SIOO. Is it hurt much?” Dr. Betowski found that Mazurka had received severe bruises and cuts, and he was patched up and sent home His wooden leg was as good as ever. COTTON CLOSED 12 TOJ4 POINTSJOWER Some Activity Locally in Poorer Grades. Net losses of 12 to 14 point s were sustained in yesterday’s cotton con tract market. During the morning the national giners’ estimate for the am ount of coton ginned from Jan. 16 to Feb. 2 was promulgated, the fig ures being 254,000 bales. * This liad a depresing effect on an already drooping- market. Liverpool proved a disappointment, both at the opening and through the session, values break ing sharply. Liquidation was the order of the day on this side. New York will be closed today on account of the aniversary of Lincoln’s birth day and this contributed to the weight of the market by leading to an even ing up to carry over. The opening was at losses of 5 to 11 points. The market worked a little higher, then reacted, only to firm up again. Around the noon hour a weakness was mani fested and under the influence of sell ing the market eased off several points. Some short covering brought a little upturn towards the last. New York opened 5 to 7 points down, and held close to these values during the morning. In the after noon values worked lower, with an improvement in the last hour. The close was a little off from this bulge, steady, 13 to 14 points net lower for the day. Spot prices were quoted 5 points off. New Orleans opened 9 to 11 points lower, and followed the same general trend of prices as prevailed at New York. The close was steady, 12 to 13 points below the final for Monday. Spot quotations were unchanged. Liverpool opened unchanged to 4 points lower, being du e 2 to 3 points up. At the early afternoon call prices had slumped, the decline being more emphatic at the close, which was steady, 6 to -10 points below the final lor Monday. Spot prices "were reduced 4 points, the sales being 5,000 bales. The market is due 1 to 3 points lower this morning. In the Americus spot market some activity was noted in the jioorer grades, one block selling at 9 to 9c, which is about the same as quota tions. A larger transaction was made of better grades between buy ers, but this had no relation to the actual market. Buyers could probab ly have been found for the good grades on a basis of 11 1-2 cents for good middling, but no cotton. Quo tations are unchanged from Monday. THE QUOTATIONS IN AMERICUS Cotton Market as Reported Daily by L. G. Council. Americus, Ga., Feb. 11. —We quote the local cotton market steady, as fol lows: ' Last Today Yesterday Year Good Middling ll£ llj io| Middlingi 10i| loif 91- Low Middling.. 8 8 NEW YORK FUTURES. New York, Feb. 11. —Spots:Middling at 11.65 Futures closed steady. Open Close March 11.04 10.95 May 11.12 11.06 July 10.81 10.73 SAVANNAH. Savannah, Ga. Feb. 11. Spots middling lIT cents. j NEW ORLEANS. New Orleans, La. Feb. 10.—Close Meady. Spots middling, Ilf cents. LIVERPOOL. Liverpool, Feb. 11. —The cotton mar ket closed steady. Spots: Middling uplands 6.34. ROGERS' LIVERWORT Tar and Ganchalagua For the complete cure 'of Coughs Colds, Asthma and Bronchitis and all Lung cvmplamts tending to Consump tion, Liverwort, Tar and Wild Cherry, have for ages maintained an established reputation as a standard Cough Remedy. It contains no opium 01 harmful drugs;can be given with safety to children. Price SI.OO. Sold bj druggists. Williams’ M’fg Co. Props., Cleve land, O. Sold by W. A. Rembart. Yes, Cordelia, a bird in the hand is worth a dozen in the bush—especially if it is on tha back of a S2O gold piece. —Chicago News. Here is Relief for Women If you have pains in the back, urinary, bladder or kidney trouble, and want a certain, pleasant herb cure for woman’s ills, try Mother Gray’s Australian-Leaf. It is a safe and nev er-failing regulator. At druggists or by mail 50 cents. Sample package free. Address, The Mother Gray Co., Leßoy, N. Y. 2-7-4 w-d. When a man adsd a column of fig ures twice the same day he thinks the government needs his advice about how to manage the country's fin ances.—Ex. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to cure any case of itching, blind, bleed ing or pretruding piles, in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. AH things come to him who waits— even the almshouse and potter's field. —Ex. Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured in 3 Days. Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon, Ind., says: “My wife had Inflammatory Rheumastism in every muscle and joint; her suffering was terrible and her body and face were swollen al most beyond recognition; had been in bed for six wheeks and had eight phy sicians, but received no benefit until she tried Dr. Detchon’s Relief for Rheumatism. It gave relief and she was able to walk about in three days. I am sure it saved her life.” Sold by Eldridge Drug Co. Wed. ! At The Theatre! • * Dandy Dixie Minstrels Minstrelsy has been and promises to continue to be, the favorite form of amusement for four-fifths of the theatre-goers, for no manner of a per formance can include such a variety of material necessary for the edifica tion of the. multitudes. Besides it is the cleanest and best of all amuse ments. Then, there are no waits. Promptly at the appointed hour the curtain rises, and from that moment until the final you have fun without a blush. Songs of sentiment by the world’s greatest vocalists, comic, dit ties by the best comedians on earth, who also furnish humor without a taint. The songs have been sung; jokes have been told; the Adonislike person in the middle has his friendly repartee with the various comedians with the bones and “Tambos.” Per sonal grace has been shown and beau ty aded because of handsomest para pherna used in the first part set tings. The sentiment of the balladist may have caused you to be possessed ofa feeling of intoxication; the fes tive wit of the comedians has amus ed you; the charming acts of the first part in its entirety has possiblv astonished you, yet the glamor, fro lic and fun rolls on without a hin derance. There’s no tiresome over ture, hut on the contrary, the various novel feats gathered from all quar ters of the globe commence, and ere the finis has been reached you have, with your brother auditors, proclaim ed minstrels y the king of amuse ments. The Dandy Dixie Minstrels will be at Glover’s Opera House next Sat urday, Matinee and night. MAY PROVE FATAL AT hen Dill Americus People Learn the Importance of It? Backache is only a simple thing at first; But when you know ’tis from the kidneys; That serious kidney troubles fol low ; That diabetis, Bright’s disease may be the fatal end, You willxgladly profit by the fol lowing experience. ’Tis the statement of an Americus citizen: J. M. Oliver, wagon painter, with shop on Cotton Avenue and Jefferson streets, Americus, Ga., and living on the outskirts of Americus, has used Doan’s Kidney Pills and states his opinion of them as folows: I used them for hack ache and can recom mend them very highly. They did for me what everything else failed to do. They drove the backache out of my back and relieved me of a misery, from which 1 had been suffering for a long time. The trouble was a con stant heavy ache right across the small of my hack, and a disorder of the kidneys. The secretions were in bad condition, being dark .full of sed iment and irregular. Medicines for internal use failed to help me and so did liniments. 1 read of how others had been cured by Doan’s iKdney Pills, and deciding to try them got a box. Since taking them the pain has left my back, the kidneys are working normally, the secretions are in a natural condition and I feel bet ter in many ways.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Millburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s —and take no other. “Life has its ups and downs,” mus ed the Wise Guy. “Yes,” assented the Simple Mug,” with one man in a thousand getting the ups and the other 99 the downs.” WHAT CAUSES INDIGESTION To He Cured, Weakness of Stomach Muscles Must he Overcome. The chief cause of indigestion is weakness of the stomach muscles and lack of gastric juices. By taking Mi-o-na stomach tablets the stomach muscles will he stimulat ed and strengthened and the flow of I gastric juices will be increased. Mi o-na does not do the stomach’s work; it makes the stomach strong enough to do it, and in this way completely cures the weakness so there is no further need of medicine. No mater how severe a case of stomach trouble you have Mi-o-na will cure it by strengthening your diges tive system so that both stomach and bowels do their work as they should. _Dodson’s Pharmacy sells Mi-o-na in 50-cent boxes and guarantees to refund the money if the remedy does not cure. 12-14-19 “The widow has promised to marry me.” “Sure she promised to?” “Os course I am! What do you mean?” "I thought perhaps you couldn’t tell a promise from a threat.”—Houston Post. SIOO lit*ward, SIOO. The readers of this paper will* be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is th e only positive cure novfr known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, re quires a constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon th e blood and mucous surfaces of the system, there by destroying the foundation by building up the constitution and as sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure.- Send for list of testi monials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CCh, To ledo Ohio. Sold by all- druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for consti pation. TIMBER USED FOR SPOOLS (Forest Service Bulletin) Small things are not to be over looked in considering the problems of the future timber supply. The matchmaker is having as much trou ble in getting the grade of wood nec essary for his business as the dealer in telegraph poles. One of the industries which deals with small things, yet, which is one of the utmost importance to the coun try’s commerce, is the manufacture and export of spool wood. This bus iness is peculiar to the New England States, and is centered in Maine. Spool factories of this state are now turn ing out eight hundred million spools annually, with a market value of nearly $1,000,000. The machines for making spools are complicated and require skilled men for their operation. The spools: drop from the lathe at the rate of one per second and must be perfectly uni form and true. A satisfactory thing about educat ing a boy is you can blame his not t being able to earn his living on his college.—N. Y. Press. J UOFESSIONAL CARDS •'— ■ • ’ ■ "J -45 tP&ytfoian* mnd tfttrytmms, l R DK. R. E. C • TO, DR. CATO, ''" Residence Reese Park. Kes 820 Lee St. • none 96. IPhone 55 OFFICE 405 H Jaekson St. Pbones3l. DRS. R. E. & F. L. CATO, Physicians and Surgeons, i Tender their professional services to the S good pebple of Americus. Ga., and ffur rounding country. Generel Gynaecolc jlcal and Abdominal Surgery Special ties. Calls left for R. E Cato at FJdridge Drug Co. Phone 33 and 70, and calls left , for F. L. Cato, at Davenport Drug Co., ehone 10, will re:eive prompt and care ful attention. DR. F. B. GREGORY, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Diseases of Ghildrenia Specially. Tenders his professional services to the citizens of Americus and sur rounding country. Office over Dod son's Pharmacy. Residence Windsor Hotel. Calls left at Dodson’s Phar macy will receive prompt attention. DR. DOUGLAS B. MAYES. Office Residence Allison Bldg. 701 Church Sc. Phone 479. Phone 207. T WADE CHAMBLISS, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, America**, Gft. iOFFlCtC:—Allison BuHdDg. Phone 429. Residence 115 Jackson St. Phone 451. Calls left at McLaughlin’s drug store, (Phone 98) will receive prompt attention. H. S. Crockett, M. D. E. K. Crockett, M. D. Practicing Physicians. Respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. Office over Dod son's Pharmacy. Office hours 8 to 10 a. m 2 to 4 i>. m. 2-11 C. P. DAVIS, Dentist. OFFICE RESIDENCE Tlmes-Recorder Bld’g. 218JJackson Street Phone 262 If 5 Jttiommy*. I N. MOTT, Attorney at Law Americus, Ga, Office in Courthouse. 10 17 W. w. Dyke*. E. A. Nisbet, DYKES & NISBET. ATTORNEYB AT LAW. Amkricus, Georgia. Planters Bank Building. JAS, A. HIXON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law AMKBIOOS, GEORGIA. Office In Byne Building! E. A, HAWKINS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Amkricus Georgia. Office ini Wheatley Building. CUPRAN R. ELLIS. ARCHITECT. Ellis Building—Cherry St. A Cotton ave Macon, Ga TO DEPOSIT Money in your children’s name at Our Savings Department. Many parents strive to teach their children to do right, yet often neg lect to teach them the saving habi! Give them a Bank Book they can call their own and it w T ill encourage them to save. Give them one of our Bank Books. 4 per cent paid on Savings. The Planters Bank of Americus • * Next to having money, the most important thing is how to take care of it —how beet to invest it. A Banking Institution of this kind cannot only care for your financial interests in a careful, conservative way—giving you abundant banking facilities in every department of fin ance—but can also give you valuable aid and advice about investments and securities. Open an account with the Bank of South Western Georgia’s Savings Department and enjoy the advantages that accrue. CAPUBiNE CURES COLDS and GRiPP Relieves the aehe3 end feverishness. Contains No Acetsnifide For Sale At a Bargain One good, gentle, family horse One combination saddle and buggy horse. I Also for Rent or for Sale 5 or 6 good farm mules. Our prices on above will inter- - est you. Call on or address 1-19 d-w-lm HARROLD RRO». £. k