Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, September 30, 1909, Image 3

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LADIES READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT , minim HmiHmmmr 11 1 t~t n — i — rnrrr-TnmrTiii n m r lr~ .«a n — imm* imwam The Greatest Display That Was Ever Made in Americus of Everything Pertaining to This Department. Tailor-Made Suits in the greatest variety of cloths, styles to fit every sized woman, miss and little girl. Prices from the cheapest to as fine as anyone wishes. Ladies’ one piece dresses in a beautiful variety of styles, fabrics and colors. Greatly admired and being bought freely. Semi-Evening Dresses, some very cho ce things in silks, poplins, etc. The most popular colors, as well as styles right up to the minute. Co-Ed silk Jersey Suits, one of the fads and novelties of the season in plain and embroidered-all black. $20.00 to $35.00 suit. Street Dresses, some swell styles, newest designs, best fabribs, en tirely different from the tailor-made suits They cannot fail to please you in every way. Prices very reasonable. Misses’ Tailor-Made Suits in a grand assortment. Large variety of styles as well as fabrics. The goods are beautifully tailored and the prices low as is consistent with good merchandise. Children’s Tailor-Made Suits—to fit little girls from 11 to 15 years of age in a beauti ful variety. Skirts to please every woman in the country both as to style, quality, price, size Extraordinary values from $5.00 upwards. Silk Petticoats, Heatherbloom Petticoats, Mercerized Petticoats, all styles and grades from the cheapest to the most elaborate. Gapes— (in the sweliest trpTo-uate colors and styles. They aJe one of the important features in the ready-to-wear departments. Coats—for the multitude—a little early yet for the showing but many are here now and “there are others” to follow. Silk Waists, Linen Tailored Waists, Lingerie Waists, Messaline Waists, Lac e Net Waists,—immense variety styles and prices. Muslin underwear line great in Corset Covers, Night Gowns, Petticoats, Drawers etc., etc. All absolutely new and at the most reasonable prices. See the extra values in Corset covers at 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c. American Lady Corsets—big shipments arrived this past week in the latest and best models. This Corset Department of ours is one of the largest in South Georgia. During the past week there has been active selling in this Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Department and all are loud in their praise of the magnificent stock we are showing and the reasonable pi ices the goods are marked. We cordially invite you to call and allow us the pleasure of showing you through and you will most assuredly be a buyer. CHAS. L. ANSLEY Times- Recorder Supplies the home news fully day by day. To keep abreast with the local happenings, with the cur rent events of Americus, with the movements for its upbuilding, for the story of its development in any and every line you must take The Times-Recorder If you are not a subscriber let us put you on the list for a month as an experiment. You will con tinue a subscriber thereafter. De livered to any address in the city at 50c a Mo. | SENT TO MONTGOMERY FOR SAFE KEEPING Montgomery, Ala., Sept. 29.—Wil liam Stevenson, convicted of the mur der of his wife and step-daughter near Grady, a few weeks ago, and sentenc ed to be hanged on October 2, was brought from Luverne to Montgomery today for safe keeping. It was feared that the jail at that place would not offer sufficient protection in case of a mob, or an effort to release him. A petition is being circulated for a par don on the ground that Stevenson was crazy. MINISTERS FORM A UNION OVER IN COLUMBUS Colmubus, Ga., Seut. 29.—A Baptist miisters' conference was organized in Columbus yesterday with 12 local min isters enrolled as members. The fol lowing were elected: Rev. A. D. Woodle, president: Rev. Harry Vaughn, secretary: Rev. R. C. Cran berry, corresponding secretary. The conference is to meet every Mondav. 1 WIVER V AXATIVE i I=P For; INDIGESTION S AND t F* CONSTIPATION O PRICE I NO MORE SUPPLIES ARE NEEDED FOR SUFFERERS Washington, Sept. 29.—The critical stage for the hurricane sufferers in has passed, according to in formation received at Washington. Senator Forster, of Ixmisiana. today telegraphed Secretary of War Dickin son, withdrawing his request for ra tions for the storm sufferers. He said that the necessities of life had been supplied by local aid and state auth orities. EXPLORER COOK IN ATLANTA IF DATE IS ARRANGED Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 29.—Russell Bridges, president of the Alkahest Lyceum System, left Atlanta yesterday afternoon for Philadelphia where he will meet Dr. Frederick Cook tonight to see about arrangements for his Southern lecture tour. Dr. Cook will probably come to Atlanta sometime during the last part of October as the first number of the Auditorium Ly ceum Course. Are You Looking f'mjm For a Sole-Mate ? yPjSl* We have a pair of them here for you. I We guarantee to fit you so perfectly and comfortably in Regal Shoes that you will - ■ ;fr/ never wear any shoes but Regals hereafter. REGAL ff % SHOES give you the latest New 7 N&V York custom Styles—which i\ S 3 sis j you don't get in other ready- mm \ to-wear shoes. And Regal /Mjr' l \ quarter-sizes afford you Sxm fit. No $350 S4OO -j] j Hr* We have just accepted the agency of the fa mous REGAL SHOES for men and have them ready now for your inspection. These shoes are known from ocean to ocean and are recognized as the greatest line men’s shoes produced in Americus for $.50, $4.00 pr. We are also sole agents here for the sale of the famous Boyden shoes for men. For high class footwear they are the recognized leaders of this continent. The prices are $6.00 and $6.50 pair and the goods will be here during this week for your inspection. It will be to the interest of every man in the county to see us on shoes. MEETING OF CANE GROWERS IS CALLED AT MEIGS Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 29.—A convention of Cane Growers and Syrup Buyers will be held at Meigs. Ga., on October 9. The object of the meeting is to “create a greater demand for the syrup, of which we have practically a monopoly and to provide for the prop er grading of the syrup.” The busi ness men of Meigs held a meeting at the city hall and it was decided to have a barbecue and dinner. WARNING. Do not be persuaded into taking anything but Foley’s Honey and Tar for chronic coughs, bronchitis, hay fever, asthma, and lung trouble, as it stops the cough and heals the lungs. Sold by all Druggists. GOV. BROWN TO ADDRESS MASONS IN SAVANNAH Atlanta. Ga., Sept. 29.—Governor Joseph M. Brown will probably ad dress the general grand chapter of the Royal Arch Masons of America, | who meet in Savannah, November 9 :to 14. The invitation has been ex | tended to the Governor by John R. ; Wilkinson, ordinary of Fulton county, ! who is a prominent Mason. The gen -1 eral grand chapter represents the grand chapters of every state in the Union and is the law making body of the Masons. TESTIFIES AFTER FOUR YEARS. Carlisle Center, N. Y„ G. B. Bur hans writes: “About four years ago I wrote you that I had been entirely cured of kidney trouble by taking two bottles of Foley’s Kidney Remedy, and after four years I am again pleas ed to state that I have never had any return of those symptoms, and I am evidently cured to stay cured.” Fo ley’s Kidney Remedy will do the same for you. Sold by all Druggists. ONE DEAD, TWO OTHERS SHOT RY HIGHWAYMEN Philadelphia, Sept. 29.—One man is dead and two others are in a hospital in this city, suffering from bullet wounds as a result of a hold-up by a masked man in a saloon at York Road late last night. James Quinn, the dead man, was shot because he did not act quickly enough in handling over his valuables. The highwaymen escaped. LEAVES HIS STOMACH AT HOSPITAL, BI T WILL LIVE Xew York. Sept. 29.—William Smith, who had his stomach removed three weeks ago in the Bushwick hospital Brooklyn, has left that institution thoroughly cured, the doctors say: There is no reason why Smith cannot live for the balance of his natural life, according to the surgeons, and his only handicap will be that he must eat nothing but predigested foods. SIOO Reward SIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreadful disease that science has I been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catar rh Cure is taken internally, acting di rectly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system, thereby destroy ing the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting na ture in doing its work. The propriet ors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address! F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for consti pation. i" , DUNCAN’S STORE DUNCAN MERCANTILE CO. Jackson St. OUR GREAT FALL SALE BEGINS TODAY. To those who may never have shared in the opportunities of these autumn events this sale will prove A REVELATION OF WHAT “DUN CAN" SALE VALUES MEAN. This being our last season in Amer icus, we will cut prices deeper than ever before. Our entire stock of the best Ameri can and Simpson’s prints and percales (everybody knows these goods); here to close at, yard 5c Linene, the best grade, one of the best imitations of linen we ever saw; regularly 15c; here now at, yard 9 l-2e Luce curt'ains, good size, beautiful patterns, regularly sold for 9Sc; here in this fall sale at, pair 47c One thousand yards standard apron ginghams, all size checks and all col ors; regularly 7c; here to close at, yard 4 l-2c One thousand spools black silk ,the very best silk, 50 yard spools; regu larly sc; here at just half 2 l-2c Samples of boys’ and misses’ extra heavy hose, all sizes; some of them were made to retail at 25c; here to close at. pair 10c MISSES’ UNDERWEAR AT :tsc. Misses’ fine ribbed underwear, bleached perfectly white, silk tape neck, drawers to match, regularly 50c: here at, garment 35c CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR AT 15c. | ♦ Children’s ribbed vest, fleece-lined, pearl buttons, regularly 25c here at, garment 15c BED SHEETS AT 43c. Ready-made bed sheets, 81x90 inches, made of soft finish muslin, free from dressing; the sheeting alone would cost over 50c; price for the sheet 43c NEW DRESS GOODS. $1 BLACK BATISTE AT 6Jk». Batiste, 50 inches wide, high lustre, chiffon weight; black, blue, white and brown; regularly $1.00; here at, yard 69c DUNCAN MERCANTILE CO. Jackson St. COLUMBUS MILLS LAYING IN STORES OF COTTON. Columbus, Ga., Sept. 29.—The heav iest sale of new cotton this season was made yesterday morning by the W. C. Bradley Company, who disposed of 700 bales to the Columbus Manufac turing Company. The price paid was not made public. The big sale at the Bradley ware house has seriously depleted the sup ply of new' cotton on hand in Colum bus, which is the lowest for many years at this season. The mills are buying freely, evidently fearing a bullish market next month, and as the farmers are selling equally as freely, the mills are buying to prevent all the available cotton being sent aw r ay from Columbus. FOIEYSKIDNEYCURE Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right COLUMBUS TO WELCOM? -, OPENING OF NEW ROAD Columbus, Ga., Sept. 29.—At a well attended meeting of Columbus busi ness men held at the hall of the board of trade last night, B. C. Price, traffic manager of the G. F. & A., addressed the body, outlining the plans of his road to operate an excursion from Tallahassee, Fla., to Columbus, Ga., to mark the formal opening of the new line into Columbus. FOLEYSHONEY™>TAR •tops the and heels luo^t I have this day engaged the services of Mr. Duncan, of the plumbing firm of Jeter & Duncan. Mr. Ernest Ran dall is no longer in my employ. I will still continue to keep up the re liable tin and plumbing business at the old stand on Jackson street. , W. H. R. SCHROEDER. is made in the largest distillery in the world, having a capacity of 36Q0 bushels of grain or 400 barrels of whiskey per d&y. We have now in • 1 Government Bonded Warehouses Jarre Is of whiskey to be sold through our distributors direct to consumers. 4 Full Quarts ? . §5 OO 6 Full Quarts' . . 650 12 Full Quarts . . 12 OO Express Prepaid y. 100 proof—bottled in bond. Full meas 'W* ure and prompt shipment guaranteed. N CLARKE BROS. & CO., Distillers {§s* D. F. &C. P. LONG Distributors Jacksonville, Florida FALLS 01 I til lOWN FOLD IN FEW LINES' Pencil Siuls Picked Up Al Random. THE RIGHT SIDE. There is many a rest in the road of life If we would only stop to take it, i And many a tune from the better land, If the querulous heart would w'ake it! Tj S’;e sunny soul that is full of hope, I And whose beautiful trust ne’er faileth, The grass is green and the flowers are bright. Though the wintry winds prevaileth. Botier to hope though the clouds hang low, And to keep the eyes still lifted; For the sweet blue sky will soon peep through When the ominous clouds are rifted! There was never a night without a day. Or an evening without a morning, And the darkest hour, as the proverb goes, Is the hour before the dawning. Better to weave in the web of life A bright and golden filling, And to do God’s will with a ready heart And hands that are swift and will ing, Than to snap the delicate, slender threads Os our curious lives asunder, And then blame heaven for the tan gled ends. And sit and grieve, and wonder. —M. A. Kidder. Picture frames made to order. Large stock of new pattern mouldings to select from. HOLLIDAY’S BOOK STORE. The Jeffersons could not have been otherwise than pleased at the recep tion given them here last night. It. was cordial and enthusiastic. Two citzens of DeSoto were ar raigned in city court here yesterday for a fight occurring there in May, the case consuming half the day. Too warm for whiskey, too cool for beer, there’s nothing in the weather to bring good cheer. And then there’s no beer or whiskey here. The football season is on, with the usual protests against its brutality by those who never played, and also a continuation of the sport. The next attraction at the opera house, “Edna Earl," is a play of in- 1 terest and unusual excellence. It will be seen here Wednesday night, 6th. j JACKSON, THE IDEAL CAR Combines Beauty, Comfort, Grace, Speed and Utility. ’’the Car That Rides Like a Pullman. “No sand too deep, no hill too steep," no road too rough, no hill too high for the Jackson Car to «Umb in speed and safety. Better t> other and cheaper at the price. We have these cars ready ~ "r will take your special order. Also agents for Chalmers-Detroit and** Twenty.” 1910 model here shortly. \}Or\ f TURFIN ERO%:^ HERBERT HAWKINS GENERAL INSURANCE Office 16, Planter’s Bank Building r ire, Life, Accident, Tornado. D'abilit y Insurance of all kinds. Plate Glass, Steam Boiler, Bu rglary, Automobile. Strongest Companies—Liberal Life Policies Written. Bet me talk with you about a policy. I can Interest yo u, giving you best Insurance at lowest rates. AMERICUS OIL CO. “THE OLD MILL’’ The “Old Mill” being a Strictly Indepeu? dent Company, has thoroughly renovated their Eight Stand Ginneiy, and having in stalled a special make of saw, we therefore ' guarantee Better Yield and Sample than any ginnery in the county. R. L. McMATH E. L. BELL We~pay at all times the highest market price for cotton seed .. T- Mi I A runaway horse on Jackson street. ; yesterday made toothpicks of the rig I and ribbons of the harness, but the driver escaped injury. The Seaboard's office building here is being repainted and otherwise im ! proved. The road is also rebuilding I the Barlow street bridge. i The cotton market does not possess the firmness of Gibraltar. Heavy re ceipts forced it down yesterday to the lowest point in a week. r Mrs. M. T. Elam announces her millinery opening on Monday and i Tuesday next, October 4th and sth, j and invites the ladies to call and iu- I spect her beautiful lines of fall m 1- l linery. Twenty-one bales Dougherty county cotton were brought, to Americus yes terday. The best market attracts, re gardless of the distance. The broken flagstones in front of the court house are being mended, and the unkept appearance of the promi nent walk is much improved. Americus’ cotton receipts will reach the 20,000 bale mark by tomorrow night, the end of September. Pretty good for a small town. Mr. J. M. Summerford, who was badly wounded In a pistol duel In Vi enna two days ago, is a brother of Police Officer Summerford. Manager Gortatowski, of the opera house, was highly pleased with last night's success, and says Americus will have other good ones. Yesterday's session of city court was a busy one, and the black con tingent thrown in the discard will augment the chaingang. The sale of the Hotel Windsor, as seen from an advertisement today, will be hastened. It must go, either at, private or public sale. FOLEYSnONEYHCAR for ehildrom safe, sure. No cplates Says Mr. Peary to Dr. Cook, “You haven’t had even a look;” Says Dr. Cook to Mr. Peary, “You sure do make me weary.” NOTICE. I have bought Ely’s barber shop, on corner next door to Davenport’s drug - store, Lamar street. Give me a trial; if not satisfied, will refund your 1 money. SHAVES, 10c. (\ H. QUARTERMAN & CO.