Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, December 12, 1909, Image 2

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ti y# _ j i '3Bn J j 0 "i skfjl -- : i ";j; ;i■■■?'f " IgP**' ’T' ~ NV SH* ' lj ' -<i ,>L? j&~w'r l ‘ "*/'’£ ' yC-lt ’ J - SS.'"- *?§?* *-*‘^ r y ' * ‘ **; J |ff' f- " ' hi: KT & (*>. < ‘ r v here. Everything is H -<’ «le. Popular prices, quick service. |t|r. §; ! =>« will Street. >it” Is ™ The Car Supreme A , )!U j,, anil mechanical perfection place# tfce “CHALMERS-DETROIT Up# , >f . •••ul : * The prize winner and molt admired oar Kit us ahow yen the heat. HERS, teo C r r S »liave Investigate I SALTS and Great Plague the LOOD TONIC, y by u. r. uavINPORT, AMERICAS, GA, 1909 Model Hammerless Shot Guns Later Pistols, Accurate Rifles, Reliable Am munition, Best of Sporting Good* Generally. Guaranteed Guns, with best repair shop in South r- west Georgia between you and trouble for 12 months. It vou need anything in Sporting Goods line r Cull on ■ Smith wick’s Gun Store# p It PTS T?T f T- 0 T*X* E ■*» «« U a Jot wC. rNick Sakaddis “TJf'i. , s t tiday# line lin# es orenges, 2lu a dez., 'nia gr apes, raisena, figs, *tc„ ate. Alse Wj&p- HLv, ~-■ ■ - ’* •* A! £•»•• fr at a sal aatiafaa- I Automobiles! 1 ve the Agency for the Overland Cars in ftor>. 1h 1 0 Models ready for delivery. K»a,ogue furnished on application. | Gordon Statham. ■L m ur aduate Auto-Engineer. K° g Loans on Im prc ed Farm Lands ... *i&l »P*> '•> ■ , l-rM'-* I ,' - f boang on cholc# imprever title :* mod. I aaa sen ans. Ga. P'uKiTK. pfUKJhi.t. w H ■ h 0 : HTh'l-.l' ' TIMES. I.Vjo ' j .\;>r; 1 Ut f *'■ : t: • •. hiice at .Maori *"» .Wse- ond-class mail matter. GAMBLE, Editor and .Manager BPv. FURLOW City Editor Li. DUPREE, Asst. Business Dept. Editorial Room, Telephone 99. Official organ of the City of Americu3. Official organ of Sumter County. Official organ of Webster County. Official organ of Railroad Commis sion of Georgia for Third Congres sional District. Official organ U. S. Court, Southern District of Georgia. Americas, Ga., December 12, 1909. FATHER SPEAKS. Merry Christmas, one and all! What a sunny holiday! Who left bundles in the hall? Can’t you see they're in the way? I Move that tree a little bit, l keep falling over it. Children, show me all your toys; There is room to spread them here. What is that infernal noise? Hold it further from my ear! Don’t restrain ’em; let ’em play, Christmas is the children’s day. Just the things you want have come? Queer how Santy seems to know! Go ahead and pound your drum, You may smash it sooner so. What? More slippers for your dad? That makes seven pairs I’ve had. Mary, give that child a lift; Those are iny cigars he's on. Postman calling for a gift? 'Fraid that every cent has gone. Don’t you think it would be wise Next month to economize Turn that baby upside down! See—he’s swallowing a wire! Hello, uncle! You in town? Help! the Christmas tree's afire! Bring some water right away! Whoop, hurrah! It’s Christmas day! HER LOYALTY NOT QUESTIONED. 1# an address before the Southern Society of New York City Secretary of War Dickinson entered a protest against the habit, too common among ' Southern speakers and writers, of protesting the loyalty of the South yj the Union. It has been forty-five 1 years since the war between th# North and South ended, and thirty-two years since the last effort at military con trol of the South was overthrown. These are historical facts which need no affirmation, and the further fact that the States of the South are all conducting their own governments under the authority of constitutions and laws enacted by their own people, leaves no room for suspicion of any lurking spirit of treachery or disloy alty. The time has come when such fool ishness should ceas#. It is not true that the South is glad that she was defeated in the war for Southern inde pendence; it is not true that any great disaster would have befallen the prin ciple of popular government or the cause of human liberty had the Con federacy succeeded. Both governments would have flour ished side by side without friction or trouble, the Southern slaves would have been emancipated upon a human itarian basis that would have redound ed to the benefit of black and white; j both the Northern and the Southern republics would have been compact and homogeneous. But these things were not to he. The South staked its all upon the for tunes of war, and lost. It has paid the penalty to the uttermost farthing, and then some, to use the expressive parlance of the street. It is back in the Union now, and it is back there for the purpose of making the gov ernment better because of its having once been, out of it. The South stands for what is best in government. It insists upon the administration of the government in (he interests of the people, and for the elimination of favoritism and spe cial privileges. It is to-’-v the fore most champion of equal of oppor tunity and of the rights of the masses, i There is not half so much reason to question its loyalty as there is to ques tion the loyalty of those who thrive by government favoritism. The South is going to save the Union from destruction at the hands es the commercial and financial bri gands who are now using the govern ment for the purpose of plundering the masses for their own enrichment. There is more Catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all other dis eases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be Incur able. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by con stantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it Incurable Science Las proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney Sc Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only censtitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 1* drops tea teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mueons surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case It fails tc cure. Sead for circulars and teeti monials. Address; F. J. CHENRT k C*. Toledo, Ohie. Sold by Druggists, Tse. Take Hall’s Family Pills far coasti patien Broke* hearts cut no iee it the eer oner's verdict. The pecuiar properties of Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy have been thor oughly tested during epidemics of in fluenza, and when it was taken in time we have not heard of a single cm* of pnctiMOTrt*. Seta % all ReaTV*. When the blood becomes overcharged with uric acid it continually grows weaker, more acrid, and poorer in nourishing qualities. The nerves, muscles and joints, instead of receiving their necessary nutriment from the circulation are gradually filled with the sharp uratic impurity with which the circulation is loaded, and the pains and aches of Rheumatism are the natural result. No amount of rubbing, or the application of external med- j can have any direct and curative effect on the blood; the most to be I expected from such treatment is temporary relief from the pains and aches. I There is but one way to cure Rheumatism', and that is to cleanse the blood of the uric acid impurity. S. S. S. is the proper treatment, because it goes I down and attacks the disease at its head, and by filtering out every particle of the uratic matter and strengthening and enriching the blood, cures Rheumatism in every form. S. S. E. changes the sour, ac;d-burdened blood to a rich, healthy stream, which quiets the pain-racked nerves, muscles and I joints, eools the feverish flesh, gently removes the cause and drives Rheu- I matism from the system. S.S.S. reaches inherited cases a- well as those which have been acquired, and good results ara always experienced from I its use. Special book on Rheumatism containing many valuable sugges- I tions for rheumatic sufferers and any medial advice free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. . = —l——^e—eewß MUCH TALK BUT LITTLE DOING. HARRIED MEN SKINNED IN ADDRESS BY NEW WOMAN. In an article entitled “Prosperity With Justice,’’ Judge Grosscup, of the Declares Them Gold Brick Artists of I United States Circuit Court of Appeals, the Age. says that the present tariff policy and corporation policy are twin wrongs Chicago, Dec. 11.—“ Most wives are I feeding on human rights and as such expected to run a porterhouse steak are becoming intolerable, hence, he ie on muttotn stew allow looking for a new political organiza- ance. Men, the married kind, are the tion that will stand for the people in greatest gold brick artists in the world the common walks of life and to suet —their wives are the easy marks.” a party he- is willing to give his aid These are some of the things Myrtle and allegiance. The able Chicago Reed McCullough, authoress, said of jurist is evidently impressed by the he modern husband while addressing fact that Roosevelt’s seven years oi he Ulinois Women’s Press association shouting and club swinging accom- on the exactions of a woman’s career, plished nothing of importance to the a woman can press a man's people, while the whole country was- -rousers he ought ot be willing to filled with much noise and dust. vash he r handkerchiefs. If she can The Roosevelt period is referred to l eaa his clothes he ought to be will qS one of sentiment during which was h her collars,’ she said, very little that was constructive was "The wife is expected to work the j done to put into our laws and institu- ,ame as the servant, excepting that tions anything permanent to keep :he raan hands the servant $7 every | alive the sentiment and carry it into Monday morning, while the wife morej the future. The few laws that were often ha s to get along on half that. I passed during the Roosevelt regime Ts yon live, he’s a mushroom; if such, for example, as the Hepburn act v ’ ou die > he ’ s a toadstool. The wife and the Pure Food act, are described 8 as much entitled to a career as a as being “bigger in their titles than man in any real efficiency.” Concerning “ the recent tariff revision, Judge Gross- 0nl I 11 ,iltie cold in the head ma: cup says: ie the beginning of an obstinate casi “In everything that men, women asa l Catarrh. Drive out tho in and children put on their backs for vader with Ely ' s Cream Balm applied clothiug the revised tariff leaves us strai Sht to the inflamed stuffed up air to choose, it is said by competent an- P assa S e9 - Pi ice uOc. If you prefer to thorities, either to wear poorer gar- use an atomizer - ask for Li( iuid Crean ments or to pay more for them. In Balm ' Tt has all the s ° od qualitie > everything they put on their hands as of the solid £orm of thls remedy anc gloves or upon their feet as shoes or will rid you of eatarrh or hay fevei hosiery, the revision, the same an- No cocaine t 0 breed a dreadful habit thorities tell us, is either upward o t Xo marcury to dry out the secretion unchanged. And in nearly all tho rice 75c ” with paying tube. All ’ things that go into the homes as furn ugglsts ’ or mailed by E,y Bros ’ 5 ’ , ture and that go to make up the co arren Street ’ New York ' ! of bulldings or tenements, on the has ,of which the rents are calculated, th uaai A ma:»»inlaAititi revision has brought little or no re DAUGHTER OF ADMIRAL : lief.” E . „ . . , Atlanta, Dec. 11.—Announcement Is As a matter ot tact, the revision ha ) . , . ~ . tade here that Harry D. Storer of At brought the people no relief at all , „ , > . . ~ , , anta, representative of the Westing but, on the contrary, has added large * , . „ , 1 t„ u j „ . .. muse Machine Company, is to wed ly to the burden of taxation they art ■ ~ ~ ‘ ’ , • ,„„ ti . un t i Itss Madeline Gray Swift, daughter required to bear. But while Judge . „ . “ , ■ )f Rear Admiral William Swift, U. S. Grosscup has uttered a number of fa-- . „ „ . , . N., in Boston, December 18. miliar truths, he does not say what the new party of human rights and ~ „ " . ... , . ...... The greatest danger from influenza , justlce * IU do or how 11 should *° .s of its resulting in pneumonia. This about securing the relief for the peo- >an be obviated by using Chamber ' pie they so much need. He speaks of lain’s Cough Remedy, as it not only 3 the “adjustment of the rewards of so- eurea influenza, but counteracts any > ~ . tenency of the disease towards pneu ciety without outlining the way in * r monia. Sold by all dealers, which they should be adjusted. He seems to be decidedly in the dark and MACON ELKS WELL BUILD leaves his readers in the same fix. HOME TO COST SIOO,OOO. hence the people may be pardoned if they ask if the time is ever going to Macon, Ga., Dec. 11.—Work on a come where there will be less talking new SIOO,OOO Elk home is to begin and writing and more doing on the early next spring and when it is com part of their alleged champions. Meted the B. P. O. E.’s of this city will — hare one of the best and most up-to- PILES CURED IN Bto ?4 DAYS ,ate buildings in the country. Tc „. . make way for the new structure a PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed tc . „ ~ ... , . cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed- buildln ® ou Cotton avenue wlll have , ing or Protruding Piles In 6to 14 days to be torn down. The Elk home is to j or money refunded. 50c. be ten stories high. A girl always finds out how much a „ . .. . . , , , , Many persons find themselves af man li.ces her by tho way he acts when fected with a persistent cough after an • she pretends to like somebody else. attack of influenza. As this can he 1 promptly cured by the use of Cham t If you are suffering from billious- h erlain s Cough Remedy, it should no' ness, constipation, indigestion, chronic be flowed to run on until it becomes headache, invest one cent in a postal troublesome. Sold by all dealers. card, send to Chamberlain Medicine ’ Co., Des Moines, lowa, with vour The critic with a disordered liver is 1 name and address plainly on the back. a j aw f ore \er , and they will forward you a free sam > oleos Chamberlain’s Stomach and , Liver Tablets. Sold by all dealers. i- 000 y ards of good calico in red, s ——. blue and gray, 5c yard at Joyner’s. The way for a woman to be able to 9-6 t & w. act with a man as if he were a hero is foi him not to he. luarr yi n g i many a man has t , 7 ” transformed a good friend into a poor s Croup is most prevalent during the • uty -old weather of the early winter 1 months. Parents of young children ■ should be prepared for it. All that Is : Most people are willing to spend . needed is a bottle of Chamberlain’s ! SSO in an effort to win a $5 prize. Remedy. Many mothers are; _ never without it in their homes and it I TIT , ,' . , , " has never disappointed them. Sold by When a doctor gets sick he proceeds . ail dealers. " jto knock his own game. AYER’S HAIR VIGOR Stops Falling Hair An Elegant Dressing Destroys Dandruff Makes Hair Grow : Does not Color the Hair Composed of Sulphur, Olycerin, Quinin, Sodium Chloi id. Capsicum, Sane. Alcohol, Water, Perfume. Ask your doctor his opinion of such a hair preparation. h I .(U'u!,Wi<T I ' 1 e—aa»—»e——»TT»i 111 -1 .NO- : Irorirarcolur-r.iwnßKTOia— 3 J. W. SHEFFIELD, President, FRANK SHEFFIELD, Vice Pres, R. D. SHEFFIELD, Cashier. BANK OF COMMERCE, Americus, Ga. , A general banking business transacted and all consistent courtesies ex tended patrons. Certificates of deposit issued earning interest. A. W. SMITH, Prest. G. M. Eld ridge, V. P. N. M. Dudley, Cashier. Bank of South-Western Ga., Americus Ga. Security, Liberality and Courtesy Accorded Its Pattons. DIRECTORS: C. L. Anslay r. j. perry, | W. A. Dodson, G. M. El dridge, A. W. Smith, N. M. Dudley, Thos Harrold, H. R. Johnson. am S OPERA IKE Saturday, Dec 11 MATINEE and NIGHT The Great New England Play JOSHUA SIMPKINS BIG FUN AND MUSICAL SHOW Special Scenery and Mechanical Effects See the Great Saw Mill Scene Hear the Joshua Simpkins Orchestra Best Singing and Dancing Specialties WATCH FOR THE Burlesque Band Parade Matinee 25 and 50 cents. Night Prices: 25c, 50c, 75c and SI.OO Seats on sale at Dodson’s Pharmacy Friday morning, Dec. 10th. , Save Your Combings. I will make them into Switches, Puffs and Curls, at reasonable prices. MARY L. LEWIS, 624 Lamar St. LAND BARGAINS Snider land Sold. Little Land Sold. Come quick for others or say “I Am Sorry.” 125 acres 3 miles of Plains, adjoiu ng Jno. A. McDonald old home place Dwelling, tenant house and crib. 112 acres 3 miles Sumter, adjoining ; Chapell. Rogers and Good land and good ■ Lots of land 223 and 224 jsrl7th dis ! trict of Lee Co., adjtpßlng Sumter Co liue, and touching 'lands which sell for S3O to S4O per acre. Ample build ings put up 3 years %go. Bank o! SouthwesteiTi Geo r gia ISYOUR MONEY INVESTED WELL? i Next to having money, the most 3 important thing is how to take care t of it —how best to invest it. , A Banking Institution of this kind 3 cannot only care for your financial interests in a careful, conservative way—giving you abundant banking facilities in every department of ’ finance—but can also give you valua ble aid and advice about investments and securities. Open an account with the BANK OF SOUTH-WESTERN GEOR GIA’S SAYINGS DEPARTMENT , and enjoy the advantages that accrue IN AFTER LIFE i is founded upon wnat you save while young, whether you become a busi ness man or woman, or enter upon a professional career. Without money there can be ho SUCCESS—what are your chances' Onr Savings Department , extends a helping hand to you—it wiJJ keep your savings safely, and In- j crease them with 4 per cent, interest Why not start the account at once’ Die Planters link of Mm Horseshoeing Have your horses and mules shod at J. M. Oliver & Co., Cottin ave., op posite Turpin Bros.’ stable. All work guaranteed. For thirty days we will have two expert shoers with us. Give us a trial while you wait. All bills col -1 lected monthly. J. M. Oliver and G. A. Turpin ~DRAY LINeT All orders for draying and hauling gken prompt attention. Reliable ser vice. I have bought the draying busi ness of Mr. Williams, combining it with my own line. Phone No. 286. Mrs. Maud Smith. THE ALLISON FURNITURE CO. Funeral Directors, Embalmers Allison Bldg., Lamar St., Americas, Ga. Telephone 42 and 106. Day Phone 253 J. W. WMEATLIf, President, CRAWFORD WHEA < LEY, Tie* Pro; R. E. McNULTY. Cashier. COMMERCIAL CITY BANK OUR DEPOSITS ARE GUARANTEED BY THE CHARACTER AND INTE GRITY OF OUR DIRECTORS. —DIRECTORS:— J. W. Wheatley, Jno. T. Ferguson, W. E. Mltchtell, C. S. S. Horne, W. E. Hamilton, G. W. 'unn, A. F. Hodges, Crawford Wheatley, W T . 1* Montana, J. E. Sheppard, F. W. Griffin, R, WeNn'ty H. A. Hill. Interest Paid on Time r«. A BEAUTIFUL LEE STREET HOME FOR SALE. We are offering for sale the Dr. Mathis Home on Lee street, one of the nicest and best located residences in Americus. If you are in the market for a beautiful home at a bargain, it will be to your interest to see us at once. ALLEN & CROCKETT •"Merry Widow” Flour “SELF RAISING.” It Saves Half the Lard and For Purity and Excellence Is Unsurpassed. If You Have Not Tried it Already, do So at Once. Your Grocef Has It, or Wilt Get it for You. “Merry Widow” is Ready for Use and in the End the Cheapest. J. W. L. DANIEL, Distributor in Americus Why National Banks Are Popular. The United States Government is in a sense a silent partner in the conduct of every National Bank. Twice each year or oftener it sen ds an examiner who makes an exami nation of all records and business me thods employed. The Assets of the Bank are gone over thoroughly. THEY MUST BE IN GOOD SHAPE. Americus National Bank, Only National Bank in the County. Capital $100,000.03 Stockholder __ f v "' : /J HERBERT HAvKvlffS GENERAL INSURANCE Office 16, Planter’s Bank Building Fire, Life, Accident, Tornado, Liability Insurance of all kinds. Plate Glass, Steam Boiler, Burglary, Automobile. Strongest Companies—Liberal Life Policies Written. Let me talk with you about a policy. T can interest yo u, giving you best insurance at lowest rates. L. G COUNCIL, Prea. Inc. 1881. C. M. CCUNt > , Cashier j R. J PERRY, Vfcc-Praa H. S.’COUNCIL, Ami. Cas lio rhe planters Ban! ' °f Americas iPsillf®Paim™w Total ,{esourecs $500,000 I'Sf’&Si Qa ;«§; Hi IlijfH MbS] With well-established connections,; ißHiaiwllSlrPlllS:WrfnWfiSl our arge resources, and every at-] 8 ! fag fl||g Kiiylflyf B |isf tlilll tention consistent with sound bank-1 ' t ing, we solicit your patronage. lu-J torest allowed on time eertifleatesj “DEPARTMENT FOR SAYINGS.’’ * Harrold Bros. COAL COAL COAL Now is th e time to stock up for the coming winter at SUMMER PRICES. You will not regret buying either of the following grades|.. Genuine “Blue Gem” Jelllco, which we recommend very highly .. .. $5.5C Our celebrated “Windsor.” A splendid free burning Red Ash Coal .. $6.00 “Montevallo,” a coal without an equal $6.5f Place your order now for Fall delivery Phoue No 1 Americus Trust & Savings Bank, Americus National Bank Building. It will be time to RETRENCH after the holiday festivities. The extra expense incident to this season of good cheer thrusts upon you the reali zation that you must spend less—that you should save part of your income. Open a Savings Account today. It will help yon. Americus Trust & Savings Bank SPECIAL SALE Men’s and boys’ Ready-Made Saits, Hats and Odd Pants. Those Snit.s j Pants and Hats MUST GO, regardless of Cost. We need the room for our immense line of early spring arrivals. Boys’ and Misses’ Shotes at cost. This sale will continue on these spec laities until ail are sold. Come quick, as such reductions were never known. , W. E. WOOD. ,-BBgg r -—i Ej=—o— — m 1— Farm Loans At 6 per cent, interest on desirable farms. Will loan one-half of value of land. W. W. J2fIX.ES, Americus, Ga Openr Monday's, Tuesday', a L Wednesday's. 1 V TREATMENT, ELECTKIr ' MASSAGE and HAIR DYING. Full line of hair goods, rats,’swift*, es and transformations. Mrs. May Edwards OYER DODSON’S PHARMACY. ’ FRANK STAPLETON Sells the Ladies’ Home Journal and the Saturday Evening p os t. A. year’s subscription as a Christ mas present would delight any »ady. Price for either, $1.50 See him abont 4t. Phone IK,. PROFESSIONAL cards c. w. WALKER, M. dT Office over Daniels' Jewelry store. Jackson, near Forsyth. Office Phone 557. Res. l>|, o ne l i P T;? e “ mited t 0 diseases of^*the Lit, EAR, NOSE and THRO VT Office Hours 9 to 1; 2 to 5 p. u,.‘ attorneys. IAS. A. HIXON. Councilor at La\ v Office in Byne Building. E. A. HAWKINS. Attornev-at-Larv, ,B Wheatley Buldllng. ~o^" LAs "- MAYES, M. i 1 hygiciau and Surgeon. Office m Allison Building. Phone 479. Residence 703 Church Street, Phone 586. Special attention to office cases. OIL L. F. GRUBBS, Specialist EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Office in Planters Bank Building, Phone 353. Residence Phone 482 Office Hours Ip. m . : 2 to r> 1 P- m. J. WADE CHAMBLISS, M. D. Physician and Surgeos. Office Allison Bldg. Res. 115 Jackson Telephone 429. Telephone *5 DR. HENRY GLO\ ER. Dentist. On Lamar Street, over SUN nothin* Store. phone 488 Honrs 8 a. »n to k p m. C.P. DAVIS. E entist, DENTISTS. ..OFFICE RESIDENCE Times-Recorder Bldg. 2» 8 Jackson St Phone 262. phone 218. over Dodson's Pharmacy. Tel- J ©phone 275. Residence, corner Col lege street and Forrest. Phone 80. Americus Undertaking so UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, 421 lackson St.. AMEBIC IT S, G A Day Phones: 88 and 211. Night Phones, 80 and I*o. MISS ELNA CARDEN, Graduate Nurse. ' Residence 607 Jackson Street. Phone 111. I _ Chin ese Laundry GEO LOO, Prop., 1511 Jackson St. SHIRTS 10c, CUFFS 4c PAIR, COLLARS 2c. Laundry opened Monday 11th. First Class Work. , Patronage Solicited. > FOR SALE! 4 $856.00. j 4-room house, close In $96.00. $1,750.00. f 6-room house, centrally locate!, with bath and sewageJrent, $180.00: safe investment. / $3,250.U*». 8-room house in gbod repair: nice home. » 400 acres; 200 acres in pine timber: two 4-room houses' rent 7 bales cot ton; SIO.OO acre. 1 1,350 acres, 9 miles of Americus; 3 miles of R. R., on public road; R. F. D. 300 acres fenced. . If you want a or investing'* come to see me. Several good gains not mentioned above. 'N| P. B. Williford./- 4 1 03 Cotton Avenue. M y"'/W fW < I **©»£,. Jj&fW ~~ ~ ! ' Are those new gas heaters we re offering just now. Artistic in design, durable In construction, economical in fuel consumption and decidedly gener ous in heat production, they are V; & the ideal gas heater of today. An inspection will uphold the above claims. Americus RjJHH & i iigjPl