Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, April 29, 1911, Image 1

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AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDEB THIRTY-THIRD year. V.tfW YOHJif There are many ways to make a hat popular and make it sell for a while— - QUALITY is the only thing that can retain public favor permanently. This Knox Trade Mark has been the hall-mark of fine quality in hats since 1840. Seventy years of unquestionable su periority-seventy years of public favor. Seventy years of business, growing larger every year, while other hatters have come and gone and been forgotten. Don’t you think a Knox Hat is a safe hat to put your money in? Knox Stiff Hats $5.00 Knox Soft Hats $5.00 Rox Ford Hats $4.00 Beacon Hats 3.00 Beacon Straws 3.00 Knox Straws 4.00 W. D. BAILEY CO. Outfitters to Men and Boys AMERICUS, GA. WEDDINGS We have the most attractive line suited for WEDDING GIFTS ever shown in Americus. We cannot enumerate the many beautiful and appropriate items we have dis played, so invite all who are interested to call and see what a choice selection we have for them to choose from. James Frlcker & Bro. [JEWELERS. 409-411 LAMAR STREET ' AMERICUS, GA What’s Your Choice? About all you’ll have to do here, now, is taste your style preferense, and we can sup ply it at once from our new stock of “Alco system” Clothes for Spring and Summer. We know we can, because we have every good and seasonable fabric, pattern and style that is pop ular. “ALCO” Garments come from /If JBMBPI|K the fountain-head of style authority / in this country, and£we know they are riflht * Many o! ,he mode,s are exc,uslve “ ALCo ” creatlons > and are jfo tailored with that carefulness and ffltefmlf thoroughness [which makes “ALCO SYSTEM” Clothes superior to all We can please you? fit you,' ’and fit your purse, too. Wariick Bros. CO., Lamar Street. AMERICUS, GEORGIA. SATURDAY MORNING APRIL 29, 1911 PLANS ABE OFFERED TO MAKE AMERICUS A TOURISTS’ CENTER Central of Georgia Offers to Cooperate -Only Golf Links are Needed to Supplement Hotel Facilities—Board of Trade to Secure Publicity. Americus will yet become a center tor tourists. Plans are now under cnosideration for the accomplishment of this end. While Assistant General Ticket Agent F. G. Robinson and District Passenger lAgent John W. Blount, of the Central of Georgia, were in the ■ city yesterday, they were taken out to see the Country Club and the golt links by Messrs. Crawford Wheatley i and Clarence J. White, president and 1 secretary of the Board of Trade. It is the purpose of Mr. Robinson, if the Country Club will enlarge the golf links and place them in first class condition, to insert photographs of the links and the Windsor hotel ia the next tourist book that is issued by the railway. Good hotel facilities and golf links are absolute necessities to attract tourists. “Local hotel facilities are excellent,” said Mr. Robinson in speaking of the plan to furnish publicity to Americus in the campaign to attract tourists. ‘There is no better hotel in the state than the one in Americus, which is still being improved. “It is necessary, however, in order to attract tourists in any number to have ready for them first class links in order that they may secure the out of-door recreation that they desire. The Country Club is as neat and at PRESIDENT DIAZ MUST NOT SERVE This Will Be Proposition for Peace Commissioners El Paso, Texas., April 28.—When the official peace commissioners, as yet unnamed, get together here, it is probable that there will be at least one difficult matter left for them to settle if they can, and that is the length of time President Diaz is to re tain his seat after hostilities cease. General Madero at first proclaimed that Diaz must resign at once, bat later stated that he would not insist on the president’s immediate retire r> ent. It is known privately, however, that he informed members of his family that neither he nor his under officers could consent to the presi dent filling out his present term, which has five years more to run. Extends Armistice. El Paso, Texas, April 28.—Fran cisco 1. Madero today agreed to an extension of the armistice for another five days, while peace is discussed. Mexico City has already agreed to the extension. M’NAMARA ASKS PUBLIC TO SUSPEND JUDGMENT Issues Statement in Which He Asserts His innocence I.os Angelas, April 28.—. John ). McNamara, secre'ary and treasurer of the Internatlqjnal Bridge and Structural Ironworkers’ Association gave his first authorized statement as to his arrest to the Associated Press today. The statement follows: "To the Brotherhood of Organized Labor in California and the United States: “In this second attempt to crush and discredit the cause we represent, I realize fully the desperation of the enemies of labor arrayed against us, hut I am of good heart, for it will fail. “That I am innocent of any infract tion of the law, in word or act, needs no emphasis from me, for the truth is mighty, and will prevail right speedily; and for it I shall contented ly wait. “I send to all brothers and friends of union labor, the world over, my earnest and affectionate greetings, with the assurance that there is no villany or conspiracy possible of which we are afraid. “I am also confident that it is not asking too much of the public to sus pend judgment in these matters until opportunity for a full and fair de fense has been afforded. (Signed.) “JNO. J. M'XAMi.YRA.” Four reels at the Bijou today, in cluding two Western pictures; also two full reels of comedy. This will make the longest program the man agement of the new theatre has put on. The two Western pictures are the best that, have been released in a long time. The entire performance will last for more than an hour. Ad mission 10c and 15c. i tractive a club house as could be de sired, while all the ground necessary 1 for enlarged golf links seems to be I available. J “We will take pleasure in inserting j photographs and short reading no tices of the hotel and golf links in our forthcoming tourists’ publication, if the golf links are made available. The hotel facilities alone are not suf ficient, as tourists demand golf links for recreation. As it is often difficult in the smaller cities for golf enthus iasts to have a competent instructor, we are willing to endeavor to have some one to come to Americus from (Savannah for perhaps a week’s stay m ! order to instruct those members of the club who wish to learn golf.” The matter of fulfilling the condi tions named by the railroad company so that Americus may be given a defi nite place on the tourists’ map has been taken under consideration by the Board of Trade, which hopes to secure such co-operation from those concern ed as will insure the success of the movement. Americus and iSumter county have as excellent roads as any tourists can demand. It is only neces sary that the other condition be met in order to gain the publicity offered by the Central of Georgia. The necessity of advertising Ameri cus is felt all the more in the light of recent developments as regards the highway question, dt is believed that , Americus by gaining this publicity may obtain not only the tourists who come by the new highway, but also those who travel by the National Highway. SENATE ORGANIZED AND READY FOR BUSINESS List of Committees of Both Parties Adopted Washington, April 28. —The senate formally organized for business to day by adopting the list of appoint ments to committees drawn up by the majority of both parties. The ex pected fight against the adoption of the lists threatened hv the progres sive republicans did not develop. Senator F>aFollette contented himself by reading a formal protest against the selections made by the regular republicans. The I-aFollette statement, which was prepared at a conference of the thirteen insurgents, Senator Kenyon the new senator from Oiwa, having joined the original twelve, set forth at some length the growth of the so called progressive movement in the republican party. It asserted that the progressive republicans entertain marked and well-defined iwifferenccs of opinion with the regulars; that the progressives have more than one fourth of the republican membership in the senate and they have become a “settled and established factor in political history.” Beginning with Saturday, April 20, and continuing during the summer months, we will close our freight ware house at noon each Saturday, by au thoj ity of Railroad Commission of Georgia. J. E. HIGHTOWER, Agent, C. of Ga., Ry. H. P. EVERETT, Agent, S. A. L. Ry. A man isn’t necessarily a cripple be cause he offers a lame excuse. If yon are not in the 'Subscription Contest, one of your Indy friends will be. Start saving Coupons today. Cou pon on Page 5. Did You Ever Stop to Reason it Out? How many friends of yours wear ready-to-wear clothes made by Stein . Bloch? We know that a good many of them do. DO YOU? You ought to. You cannot give a single valid reason why you ought not to, as far as fit, as style, workmanship and above all, val ue is concerned. All these things enter into your clothes problem. Stop to reason it out and stop in to try on a fresh new Stein-Bloch suit. RYLANDER SHOE CO., 1 Clothers and Furnishers. REAPPORTIONMENT BILL IS PASSED BV HOUSE Increase Membership to 433. Georgia Makes Gain Washington, April 2S.—The re-ap ■ portionment biil reported by Chair man Houston, of the Committee on Census, which passed the house yes terday afternoon, is practically the same as the Crtimpacker bill, which passed the house last session. How ever, the democrats struck out the sec tion giving the secretary of commerce and labor authority to make re-ap portionments ten years hence and thereafter. With a house of 433 members ter states will make gains of one each— Alabama, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode island, South Dakota, Utah and West Virginia; California 3; Illinois 2; Massachusetts 2; New Jersey 2; New York 6; Oklahoma 2; Pennsyl vania 4; Texasc 2, and Washington 2. Representative Houston, of Tennes see, author of the bill, opened the de bate wiith an analysis of the measure and Representative Jones, of Wiscon sin, spoke next in opposition. Representative Crtimpacker, of In diana, author of the re-apportionment, bill which passed the house last ses sion and that was practically identical with the Houston bill, supported the hill. Representative Small, of North Car olina, aligned himself against the measure. GRAND JURY INDICTED AUGUSTA SALOONISTS Result of Agitation Led By Ministers August, Ga., April 28.—As a re sult of investigations by the grand jury which is now in session, whole sale raids were made on the saloons in the central part of the city yester day afternoon and night. The pro prietors of eighteen saloons, which Dy the way, are each paying the city SI,OOO per year as a license, were screed with warrants and made to give bond for their subsequent ap pearance in court. The saloons were not i aided to the extent of seizing activity by the grand jury came as a result of the agitation created uy local ministers and the Law ond Or der league, who have demanded the! enforcement of the prohibition law. The Law and Order League had j watchers in front of twenty or more j saloons, taking down the name of! every person seen to enter those j places. Those persons were later j summoned by the grand jury and upon their evidence the warrants against the saloon poprietors were | issued. It is stated that at least ten affidavits against each saloon were secured by the grand jury. The cases will be prosecuted vigorously when they come to trial. If heard in the City court Solicitor Black will represent the state, and if in the Su perior court the state’s interests will he looked after by Solicitor Reynolds. It is the general belief that much good will come of this spasm of re form. Begin saving coupons in Grand Contest on Page 0. Prizes: Diamond Bing, Diamond Brooches, Gold Watches, set nidi Diamonds. And every time a man loses money | he loses faith in somebody. Right Clothes and a Right Clothes Sil °P m&k A combination of* | Quality and Character. It is up to us to please VSm our customers. We are doing it this Spring 1 Vm with EFF-EFF clothes Kj \ —the best-made clothes i in America. You will find here the kind of * Boor flnrvitr clothes-service you want. Chas. L. Ansley Agents— Warner’s Rustproof and Redfern Whalebone Fittings to be had Free at Coaset Dep t. PINKSTON COMPANY, Under the Windsor. Funeral Directors And Embalmers, J. H. BEARD, - - Director. The Allison Undertaking Co.. Americus. Ga. Telephone 80 and 106. Day Phone 25 Hot, isn’t it? Soda water and ice cream are the most desired articles ' now-a-days. Just visit | our fountain and you will no longer wonder at ASpy cur great popularity. CARL HAWKINS’ CAFE. Money Loaned I can get you money on your improved City property or plantation in amounts of SI,OOO and up on long time and on easy payments. If you need money and fail to figure with me you will be the looser. J. J.Hanesley. Americus Ga. NUMBER 101.