Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, September 09, 1913, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 9, 1913 I ROLLIN’ IN EVERY PAY! I I THE NEW FAI .1. STOCK I I Bought By Our Mr. Walker In New York Last July and August Is Piling In On Us I I It Must Be Sold To Enable Us To Give Up This Building To the Cordele Merchant On Jan. Ist I I WHEN IT TURNS COLD By Today’s Freight and Now On Sale I I" Remember these “Git Up” and “Git Out” Bargains New Fall Ginghams B S2O to S4O Ladies Coat Suits $5.89 and $9.89 New Fall Percales I $20,000 Worth of Winter Underwear New Lot Sheetings I $5,000 Worth of Sweaters at 1-2 Price New Fall Madras fl —— Best Brands Bleachings I FIVE DOLLARS TO YOU Big Lot Sheets I I • If you will send us a buyer for all our Big Lot Pillow Cases I STORE FIXTURES All at "Gil Up” and "Git Out” Prices I Warlick Bros. Company - - Lamar Store, Americus,Ga. | mi LIGHTS GET Him GIRL Atlanta, Sept. 8. —Miss Kate Kirby Denig, until recently a student in an Atlanta seminary, begins her theatri cal career this week under the stage name of Katherine Kirby, playing in ' T'ne Awakening of Helena Richie” in the Far West. Miss Denig is the second girl from the same school to enter upon a stage career. The first was Miss Gladys Hansen Snook, who also found her stage name by lopping off that of her family. Miss Hanson is now starring in the East. grapefruit arrives AT JACKSONVILLE PORT Jacksonville, Fla., Sept. B.—The first grapefruit of the season arrived in the market today. The fruit is large and well matured and is retailing at 2 ■ cents each. A shipment for New Tork went forward from here this morning. It will be sold at auction. RIGHT PRICES Quality considered, our prices are low. We realize that right prices must necessarily be joined to right goods and right service In order to justify our bid for your drug business. Therefore we careful in regard to prices’ they are reasonable, uniform and alike to everybody. Me want your trade and we ask for it on the basis of Right Goods, Right Service and Right •’rices. Come here first ELDRIDGE DRUG CO. Phone 33 Can’t Kelp But Admire Babies Every Woman Casts Loving Glance at the Nestling Cuddled in its Bonnet A woman's heart responds to the sweet ness of a pretty child, and more so to-day ' than ever before since the advent of Moth er's F riend. This is a wonderful external help to the muscles and tendons. It penetrates the tis sues, makes them readily yield to nat ure’s demand for ex pansion, so there is no ill period of pain, discomfort, straining, nau sea or other symptoms so often distressing during the anxious weeks of expectancy. Mother’s Friend thoroughly lubricates j every nerve, tendon and muscle involved i and is a sure preventive for caking of the breasts. , . ... And particularly to young mo tilers is tnis famous remedy of inestimable value. It : enables them to preserve their health and strength, and they remain pretty by having avoided all the suffering and danger that would otherwise accompany such an occa sion. . . You will find this splendid remedy on sale at all drug stores at SI.OO a bottle Write Bradfield Regulator Co., 234 La mar Bldg.. Atlanta. Ga., for their instruct ive book for expectant mothers. NORMAN INSTITUTE HAS GOOD OPENING Norman Park, Ga., Sept. 8. —Nor- man Park Institute had a brilliant op ening this year and prospects are bright for a most successful year’s work. Quite a large number of the old students, with many new ones, were here promptly and they keen coming in daily. The ‘‘Norman Spirit” has been man.- ' testing itself ever since the students ' began to arrive, but things took oa * a decidedly new show es life about the 'campus yesterday afternoon when : Prof. Scogging gave the order for football practice. Several of the old players who are back were especially eager to resume practice and the new boys, among whom are some excellent material, are anxious to find out what football is like. All entered into the ’ practice with a spirit and enthusiasm which is highly encouraging for a splendid team and needless to say, they will nqt find interest'or encour agement from the side-lines lacking. 'J WIFE DECLARES SENTENCE BN HUBBY Atlanta, Sept. B.—J. C. Moore, me chanic, came to Atlanta not long ago, bringing his wife and baby and start ing in to work and get rich. But the bright lights of Peachtree and the nigh-beer saloons of the side streets worked a spell upon him and every week he brought home less and less in his pay envelope. Finally Mrs. I Moore went to the police as a witness when her husband was before the re corder on a ‘ drunk and disorderly” I ; charge. But she did not plead his cause. “Judge. I think a term in the stock ade will wean him from his bright light habits,” she said. "By the timj he gets out he will think more of home.” “Twenty-eight days will be about right,” said Recorder Preston. Seel Rigg S _A Chicago professor says the side-slit skirt is a joke. Biggs —Y’es, and one that you can easily see through.—Exchange. • More! j 01 Make your horses and 0 0 mules give you more work, 0 J your cows more milk, your m ;[ chickens more eggs, your J • hogs more meat ana fat. J 0 by mixing a small dose ot 0 Bee Dee STOCK & POULTRY MEDICINE 0 with their regular feed. 0 A This tonic medicine im- 0 proves the appetite, diges- a tion, and general health, of ? V farm animals and fowls. ] 0 and its regular use will 0 S multiply your profits. 0 Price 25c 30c M<l >I.OO per cm. 0 • “We |»v* B** Dee Sleek Mediant to A two cows and their flow ol rank was A doubled."-!. L Cole, Go in. 0 MMIMIMW* THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER. FARM LANDS FOR SALE 230 acres 9 miles out on old Stage road; 7-horse farm open; balance fa woods; best grade of red and gray, pebble land, with deep red clay subsoil. Y’ou can make on this place 100 bales cotton and plenty of feed. If you would like to buy some good farm lana look at this place with me. 50 Acres 6 miles out, just off the old Stage road; 40 acres open and level; 10 acres in second growth pine most of this place is a gray pebble land; joins Robt. McNeil. This is cheap tor this place. Price s2l per acre. 100 acres 4 1-2 miles west of Amer icus! 65 acres open; balence in woods and swamp; running water; 4-room dwelling, barn and tenant house; gray pebble land with clay subsoil. Price S3O per acre. T. B. WESTBROOK, Agent. VICE CRUSADE DIMADIHEN Atlanta, Sept. B.—Cab drivers in Atlanta are acting as runners for hotels of bad repute, according to Act ing Recorder Preston, who fined one negro driver $10.75 for driving a cou jple to a place of unsavory reputation, and war has been declared upon cab bies and taxicab chauffeurs by the police department's vice squad. For some time complaints have I reached the police department that cab drivers are too ready to suggest addresses where no questions are ask ed. Judge Preston told the police to consider a couple in a cab late at night at least subject to suspicion anl inquiry. There la more Catarrh In thla section of the country than all other disease* put together, and until the last few yearn was supposed to be Incurable. Kora great many years doctors I pronounced it a local disease and prescribed ' remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with | local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Science I has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. 1 Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. I Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only Constitu tional cure on the market. It Is taken Internally In doses from 10 drops to s teaspoonful. It sets directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case It falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY k CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation. GOV. SLATON STILL STRONG FOR GEORGIA He Savs the Empire State Is the Best Ever Atlanta, Ga., Sept. B—Denver8 —Denver hasn't a thing on Atlanta, not even in style of women's attire, according to the observations of Governor John M. Slaton, who has returned from the Governors’ Conference at Colorado Springs with an even higher opinio i of Atlanta and Georgia than he had before, whic' is saying a great deal. “I found that Atlanta and Georg'a are far ahead in a great many ways,” said Governor Slaton. “When I told them how the state borrowed money from our home banks at 2 and 3 per cent they expressed great surprise, and when I spoke of our progressive tax laws they were even more sur prised. My visit to the West has sim ply made me stronger in my conviction that Georgia is as progressive as any state. We are greater than many Georgians believe.” “And speaking of fashions,” he con tinued. “I saw only two slit skirts in Denver, and they were not of the ex treme type.” DRINKS GASOLINE FOR ‘TIGER DEW TDEN SI SEES PINK MOTORCYCLES Hammond, La., Sept. 8. —Simon Hal berd, a mill hand from Natalbany, showed Hammond guzzlers something new and fancy in the line of jigs last night when he got on the outside of a pint of gasoline. Simon really did not intend to be original, so he claims. .He mistook the gasoline for blind ti- i j ger product, and didn’t notice the mistake until he began to feel like an automobile. | | He did with himself things the most i expert chauffeur has never done with jan automobile. He ran himself up WILL CLOSE THE STORES SIX O’CLOCK ALL YEAR Merchants nf Albany Favor The Movement Americus merchants for a year past ha’e, by agreement closed their stores at 6 o’clock daily the year round, Sat urdays excepted, and so pleased are all of them with the plan thus adopted that the 6 o’clock closing movement is now a permanent institution. Down in Albany a movement to close the stores of Albany at 6 o’clock all the year round, except on Saturday nights, is now on foot, with excellent prospects of success. Some of the leading merchants of the city have ex pressed a willingness to sign an agree ment to this effect, and, the clerks be lieve they will be able to put the prop osition through. Albany clerks feel that their hours of work are longer than they ought to be, and the 6 o'clock closing proposi tion is backed up by the argument that very little business is done after the hour named at any time of the year,' ar.d the merchants would not lose bv closing at that time. two telegraph poles, through four busi ness offices, into one hardware store, and one private residence. He finally “went dead” in front of the Central drug store. When Deputy Marshall Hoggait came for Simon he had to crank him up, before he could lead him to the village bastile. 1 Halberd realized more fully this I morning, the peculiar nature of his . spree, when he Baw motorcycles, In place of the snakes to which he is I accustomed. PAGE SEVEN CofGaßy Current Schedules Corrected to Date Central Time. TRAINS ARRIVE. From Savannah, Augusta, Atlanta and Macon * 7:30 p at From Columbus and in termediate points 12:30 a m From Lockhart, Dothan, Albany, Troy and Mont gomery *10:33 p in From Lockhart, Dothan, Albany, Troy and Mont gomery * 2:05 p in From Atlanta and Macon.* 2:15 p m From Augusta, Savannah, Atlanta and Macon * 5:30 a at From Columbus and in termediate points ! 7:10 p m From Columbus and in termediate points *10:00 a in From Albany and Jack sonville *B:st> a in ’rom Albany ••* 6:40 a m TRAINS DEPART. Tor Macon, Augusta and Savannah * 6:40 a m Jor Albany, Dothan, Lockhart, Troy and Montgomery * &sBO a m For Albany, Dothan, Lockhart, Troy and Montgomery * 2:15 p m For Macon and Atlanta ...* 2:05 p m For Macon, Atlanta, Sav annah and Augusta *10:85 p m For Columbus * 3:45 p in ' For Columbus 1 S:00 a m For Columbus, Birming ham and Chicago * 3:55 a m For Albany * 7:30 p m For Albany and Jackson ville *12:30 a m •Daily. 1 Except Sunday. Si eping cars between Americus and ' Atlanta on trains leaving Americus 10:35 p. m., arriving Atlanta 6:25 a. in Leaving Atlanta 11:45 p. m. Connects at Macon with sleeping cars to and • from Savannah. Pullman sleeping cars between Chi- I cago, St Louis and Jacksonville on “Seminole Limited,” leaving Americus for Jacksonville 12:30 a. m. Leaves f Americus for St. Louis and Chicago, i via Columbus and Birmingham at 2:55 i m. For further Information apply to S. B. Ellis, Ticket Agent, Americus, or 5 John W. Blount, District Passenger * Agent, Macon, Ga. i s 111 luck gets the blame for a lots o 1 bad judgment.