Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, May 14, 1916, City Edition, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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PAGE SIX Another Page From the SAVANNAH CONSPIRACY LeHer firm Harry to to Representative Shelby Myrick of Savannah, leafier of lhe Hot to Legislate Mayor Pierpont and the Aidermen out of office. Fitzgerald, Ga, March, 23, 1916 Col. Shelby Myrick, Savannah, Ga, Dear Sir: I have seen G. B. Davis of Dublin, Ga., Lawrence County. He told me that he would vote for your bill, providing Savannah would close the first of May and stay closed and obey the laws, according to the prohibition bill. He is in sympathy with you and the understanding in this section of the country that I am traveling through now is that you are trying to oust the mayor, for the simple fact that he is trying to obey the prohibition laws. I AM TELLING THEM TO THE CONTRARY. I spoke yesterday to Calvin Parker of Ware County and he is with you teeth and toe nail. W. R. Walker of Ben Hill will vote for your proposition if Davis will. lam going to Ashburn, Ga., tor ight and I think that things look favorable for you getting your bill through and I would suggest that Savannah close up tight on May first Do Not Let Any of the Saloons Run. That Will be a Trump Card For Us. That will not give Pierpont any argument to use claiming that he being a prohibitionist for the reasor that you are fighting him. I was in Atlanta Monday and met a good many of the boys, but of course they have a big fight on and could not express themselves. Arnold of Fort Gaines has opposition and is afraid the Savannah issue will hurt nim, but if you will close up the saloons the first of May and keep them clo ed, We Will Have No Trouble ir Getting Him. I believe that it would be a good idea (o come out in the paper with a story that the Chatham Delegation is in favor of up* holding the law. 1 his will help the boys in their races. It looks to me like that everybody is trying to go to the legislature and they are trying to make the Savannah situation an issue. Your Crowd Knows How You Stand and it Would be a Good Idea to Close All the Saloons in Savannah f OR A TIME and Obey the Laws. You may write me care Macon Hotel, Macon, Ga. Yours very truly, (signed) Harry Rose. Dear Shelby: “Your crowd knows how you stand’’ (Fool the others) Hany. Early in March Harry Rose met Rep rentative Shelby Myrick and other politicians of Savannah who are en gaged in the plot to legislate Mayor Pierpont and the Board of Aidermen out of office. There conference in Savannah re sulted in an arrangement whereby Rose representing the Savannah leg islators, but paid by whom it is not positively known, was to travel through certain sections of Georgia, call on the legislators, sound them out, Influence then wherever possible, and advise Myrick and his allies how the land lay. Rose called on a large number of Representatives and Senators during March and April. THEY WILL ALL REMEMBER HIS VISIT AND WHAT HE CAME FOR. GLO® EXERCISES OF fl. A M. BEGIN I The closing exercises of the Third District A. & M. College virtually be- ' gin today when the commencement sermon is preached by Dr. J. A. ' Thomas at the First Methodist church at 11 o’clock. The graduation class, eleven in number will hear Dr. Thomas in a body and it is expected that a large number of the other students 1 and the faculty will be present. The citizens of Americus and the Third congressional district are proud ' of this institution, and always hear - i or read with interest anything that pert ’ to this school. This has been one c.f the most successful years in 1 the histc.y of this institution, and: the Times-Recorder congratulates the faculty and students upon what has been accomplished, and expresses the' belief and a hope in a continued and greater usefulness. The program to be rendered during the entire exercises is as follows: Duet (Fiano) William Hughes; (Violin) Robert English. Welcome Address —Roy M oods. ( lass Oration —Hollis Kizar. Class Poem —William Hughes 1 ast Will and Testament —Hillyer Swinson. Class Prophecy—Otis Hardison. Prophecy of the Prophet—Grover Harris. Piano Solo—Miss Susie Collum. Class History—Theron Johnson. Valedictory—Robert English. On Wednesday night. May 17th, the opera. "Tales From Hoffman" will be rendered, with a capable cast se lecte ' from among the students. Thursday, May 18th, has been desig nated Graduation night, and on this WHO IS HARRY ROSE? He is well known around the legis lative halls in Atlanta. Everybody knows who Harry Rose is. Is Harry Rose a lobbyist for the liq qor interests? Ask the members of the Legislature. THE WHISKEY TRUST IS NOW MANEUVERING IN POLITICS ALL OVER GEORGIA, HOW SIGNIFICANT ARE THE ABOVE LETTERS BETWEEN "DEAR HARRY’’ and “COLONEL” SHELBY. It will be seen from the letters that Rose advised Myrick and his allies, after he had been out about two weeks on his secret mission, that the people of Georgia were all stirred up about the plot to put out of office Mayor Pierpont and the Aidermen who stood for honest and fearless enforcement occasion the following program of ex- ■ ercises will be rendered: Song—Class. Home Economics—Mr-s Dora Dock- j weiler. I . Fiano and Violin Duet —Wm. Hughes and Robert English. | “Pige”—Carlisle Buchanan, Cham pion Corn Producer of Third Dis trict. Demonstrations from Horticultural Department—Otis Hardison. t Music—Miss Susie Collum. Literary Address—Hon. Walter E. Steed. Butler, Ga. On Friday night, May 19th, the an- I nual alumni banquet will be held at the college. i I AGREEMENT BETWEEN ! CHINESE AND RUSSIANS I PEKING, May 13.—A agreement has 1 been reached between the Chinese and I the Russian governments for the con struction of a railway in North Man-1 | churia connecting the Trans-Siberian Railway at Harbin with the Amur Riv er at Aigun, and having a spur from the important town of Mergen south to Tsitsihar. This new railway will be about 660 miles in length. Funds for the con struction of the line will be raised by Russia through a flotation of a bond issue. The railway will give Russia an added hold in North Manchuria, and is of special strategic and political im portance. The Amur River, which willl be brought into touch with Har -1 bin, is a very important commercial highway in the open season. The river flows into the ocean far north of Vlad ivostok, and on its lower reaches there are important fishing industries, 1 .especially salmon canneries. in Savannah of the new anti-liquor laws. * ' . Rose reported to Myrick and his allies that many legislators were un willing to support the Myrick-Law rence bill against Mayor Pierpont BECAUSE OF THE STRONG FEEL ING AGAINST IT AMONG THEIR HOME PEOPLE. Therefore Rose advised Myrick and his allies that it would be well for the Savannah legislators to have their friends, the liquor sellers, the blind tiger proprietors of Savannah and Chatham county CLOSE DOWN UN TIL AFTER THE LEGISLATURE HAD PASSED THE BILL OUSTING MAYOR PIERPONT FROM OFFICE; that Myrick, and the others SHOULD SET UP THE CLAIM THAT THEY DUMB ANIMALS NEED HELP IS HOT WEATHER As the hot weather is becoming in tense we take this occasion to speak a word in behalf of the poor dumb animals. See that your horse, mule or cow has plenty of clean, fresh ' water, and when not at work provide them shade and all the comforts pos sible. And not only these, but all other animals in your care should have yc-ur kind and careful attention. Many a dog has gone mad for the want of water; hence when we furnish it, we not only do a kindness that the hu man heart should prompt, but we safe guard our loved ones, our friends and ourselves from possible harm. Thus we would impress upon our readers the importance of providing pure, fresh water for their dumb ani mals. They cannot speak and say “Thank You,” but without doubt, they I would if they could. GEEM RAINEY SERIOUSLY ILL H HOME IN DAWSON Members of the fourth estate will sympathize with Editor E. L. Rainey of Dawson in the serious illness of his son, Clem. Editor Rainey, who is also prison commissioner, was compelled to relinquish his duties last Thursday and return to his home at Dawson. The young mas in ill from typhoid fever, and is reported to be in a crit ical condition. During his father's absence young Rainey is the mainstay iin the management of the Dawson ' News. The friends of both throughout the ! state will hope that this young man’s . illness is not as serious as it is now I thought to be. THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. • • • Americus Shoe Hospital • 0 _ > • = - • | Has Just Opened Up in the Hudson Building J : 111 LEE STREET i ® Tbev have all the latest improved machinery and have expert workmen in • 0 charge of the business and are now prepared to do your work on sll kinds of $ ? shoes while you wait. • • Everything is perfectly sanitary in this new shoe hospital. A nice rest 4 • place has been provided for ladies a d children where they can wait whiletheir J ? shoes are being repaired. • • This new hospital having been fitted up with all the latest machinery, ex- • • tra workmanship, has got to keep busy to do your work at the prices they are ? 9 naming you. J • Look at this. Eid you ever hear of such a price before? Will half sole pair • • of shoes and give you new rubber heels on them for the low price of sl. All J 0 other work in proportion to this special price. * • Our Mr. H. B. Fant who is in charge of this business is an expert in his pro- • • session, having spent 15 years at this business in such cities as Washington,D.C. ? and Savannah, Ga. We want your business and to ke pit we know we have © • to please you. We guarantee the first order, as well as all others, so you have © • nothing to lose to give us a trial. Besides remember we are saving you money ? • on every half sole and pair of heels we fix for you. Call and see. 0 > Yours for business, © 1 AMERICUS SHOE HOSPITAL 1 • HUDSON BUILDING - LEE STREET - PHONE 280 • • s LeITER FROM REPRESENTATIVE SHELBY MYRICK TO HARRY ROSE | shblby Myrick ATTORNEY at LAW Orncat lOr H * txooa BANK BUILDING Bccms lOOS-10U9 BULL AND BBOUGHTON STS. savannah, Ga., } larch 2sth,lsl6 Mr. Harry Rose, Cha’c ...aeon Hotel, ’.'aeon, Ga. Dear Harryj t*xank you for your letter of the 23rd from Fitzgerald, which I reed with interest. will try to adopt your suggestions. Let me hear ircm you whenever you see any of the representatives. With regards, Dear Harry: “ e will try to adopt your suggestions.” Shelby. WERE FOR LAW-ENFORCEMENT, that this step would prevent Mayor Pierpont from claiming or securing any credit for putting a stop to loquor selling in Savannah, and that by doing this Myrick and allies WOULD BE ABLE TO GET THE SSUPPORT OF MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE AND SENATE WHO WOULD OTHERWISE BE FORCED BY PUBLIC OPINION AT HOME TO VOTE AGAINST THEIR BILL TO PUNISH MAYOR PIER PONT. Represeneteive Shelby Myrick quickly saw the point. As his immed iate reply shows, HE AGREED TO HAVE HARRY ROSE’S ADVICE FOLLOWED. In a few lines Myrick stated in ef fect that he and his allies would have the liquor sellers of Savannah keep under cover as much as possible until after the legislature passed the bill to put Pierpont out of the Mayorality and that they would come out for law-en forcment. That is what those few words Myrick wrote to “Dear Harry” meant “WE WILL TRY TO ADOPT YOUR SUG GESTIONS,” wrote Myrick. These two letters tell the story of this phase of the plot to turn Mayor Pierpont out of office. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF IT? IS YOUR REPRESENTATIVE OR YOUR SENATOR TIED UP WITH THIS HARRY ROSE-SHELBY MYR ICK COMBINATION? ASK THEM AT ONCE. ’SUNDAY, MAY 11, l»ttf Use your influence for good govern ment in Savannah. Stand by those who are enforcing the laws and who will continue to enforce them without fear and without favor as long as they have control of the city government of Savannah. YOU MUST CHOOSE, THE LEGIS LATURE MUST CHOOSE, BETWEEN MAYOR PIERPONT AND HONEST ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAWS ON THE ONE SIDE, AND HARRY ROSE, SHELBY MYRICK AND THEIR AL LIES ON THE OTHER SIDE. THESE LETTERS MAKE THE IS SUE SO PLAIN THAT NO ONE CAN DODGE IT. WHERE DO YOU STAND? WHERE DO YOUR LEGISLATORS STAND?