Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, March 30, 1917, City Edition, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1917 ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ■»♦♦♦♦♦♦ <-•♦♦♦♦♦♦ : SOCIETY NEWS ♦ ♦ + ♦ BY WAY OF CONSOLATION. ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Oh! you little Czarevitch, the crown you thought some day To wear upon your royal head has vanished quite away. No crowds will crings before your frown, no populace will cry: "Long live the gracious little Czar!” when you go riding by! But you should dry your bitter tears and fill your soul with joy For you’re a Czarevitch no more, you're just a little boy. They will not need to hide you now when mobs surge through the street And savage Cossacks ride them down beneath the horses’ feet. They will not need a regiment of stern-faced troops on guard, When now and then they let you play within the palace yard. No scowling men will plot and plan to stir up deadly strife, To waken hatreds that may end your helpless little life. Nc splendid crown for you, young man, no throne of golden state, But with their loss you lose the threat of black revenge and hate. And in the days that are to come you need not shring with fear When loud beyond the palace gates the tramp of men you hear. You’ll never live to be a Czar, but ere the game is done You’ll have a chance to be a man, and that’s a lot more fun. —James J. Montagne. * * • MRS. CLEVE TILLMAN HOSTESS TO FRIENDS. Mrs. Cleve Tillman entertained the Thursday Afternoon club delightfully this week at her home on Lee street. Forty-two was played at five tables. After a most interesting game, a delicious salad course was served. The living room and hall were each decorated in pretty spring flowers and potted plants in honor of the oc casion. Those present were Mrs. Sid ney Womack, Mrs. Roy Parker, Miss Nell Weeks, Miss Sadie Weeks, Mrs. Hattie Cawood, Mrs. Walter Whlddon, Pinkston s Pinkston’s $25 Suits Are Superior to Any $25 Suit in Americus Next week we will spec ialize on $25.00 suits and will show on the front rack a lot of fifty suits, right new, from fourteens to forty fours. They are from the manufactur ers in America and com pare with $35.00 values easilv. •» Ask to see the suits that are being specialized at $25.00 at Pinkston s Mrs. G. E. Tillman, Mrs. Marvin Ev erette, Mrs. Claude Schneider, Mrs. Charles Lingo, Miss Foy Mott, Mrs. J. A. Walker, Mrs. R. L. Bivins, Miss Vera Brady, Mrs. Hugh Mize, Mrs. Arthur Mize, Mrs. W. R. Smith. Mrs. E. L. Carswell, Mrs. G. R. Ellis, Mrs. C. A. Pope, Mrs. Allen Mathews, Mrs. Ral ston Cargill, Mrs. Clarence Terrell, Mrs. J. P. Cato, Mrs. R. L. Maynard, Mrs. E. M. Viquesney. Mrs. J. C. Poole, of Albany, N. Y., was a pretty out-of-town visitor at tending. • • * WILL ENTERTAIN MISSIONARY SOCIETY. The Nellie Worthy Missionary os ciety of First Baptist church will be entertained tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. R. Whitley, on Taylor street, the joint hostesses being Mrs. Roy Black, Mrs. C. M. Council, Mrs. T. F. Mabry and Mrs. Clarence Davis. FELDER, FAILING TO LAND PROHIBITION JOB TO GO TO NEW YORK TO LIVE ATLANTA, Ga., March 30.—Thomas B. Felder, the Atlanta attorney, who has taken such a prominent part in advocatinf prohibition in Georgia dur ing the past two or three years, and who it was generally reported was slated to be named prohibition com missioner by Governor Harris had that office been created, is planning to move to New ork city and enter the prac tice of law in that state. Mrs. Felder and their little son are now residing in New York for the pur pose of establishing the six months’ residence required by the New York law for lawyers to practice in that state, and Mr. Felder will be eligible to the New York bar in about three months. Meanwhile, he will go to Washington in about two weeks to work in the interest of national pro hibition as a representative of the Georgia Dry Federation. RUSSIA WANTS POLAND TO CHOSE FORM OF GOVERNMENT LONDON, March 30.—A Petrograd dispatch says the Russian provisional authorities have announced the wish of the Duma that Poland chose its own government. ALC AZ An | theatreß Thursday 5 & 10c Paramount Picture Pauline Fredrick, in “THE SLAVE MARKET” Five acts Friday 5 & 10c Anita Stewart, in. “THE GLOBY OE YOLANDA” Five acts, and “THE SECRET KINGDOM” Chapter 7 Saturday Matinee 5 & 10c Night lOi be Lillian Gish, in “THE HOUSE BUILT UPON THE SAND" And a Two Reel KEYSTONE COMEDY FARMERS PROTECTING QUAIL FROM HUNTERS BECAUSE OF VALUE AS WEEVIL EATERS ATLANTA, Ga„ March 30—A hunter recently back from south Georgia de cided for himself to find out if the stories were true about quail eating boll weevils. He cut open one bird, which he took at random from his bag and found 27 fully undigested weevils in its craw. Assunrng that the birds feed only twice a day—in reality they feed more frequently—this would mean over 50 weevils to each quail per day. In some parts of the state it is said to be a common sight to see cotton fields almost covered by large coveys of quail busily engaged in eating the weevils as the hot sun causes them to drow from the plants. For this reason many farmers, as told of a few weeks ago, are beginning to post their land against hunters and to stop killing the birds themselves though as yet no authentic reports have been made to show whether the destruction of the weevils by quail is of sufficient importance to make it worth while to stop killing them. CLARK NAMED BY DEMOCRATS AS SPEAKER OF LOWER HOUSE WASHINGTON, D. C„ March 30. Representative Champ Clark, of Mis souri, was unanimously nominated for re-election as speaker of the house at representatives at a caucus of demo crats here today. The house member ship is equally divided between demo crats and republicans, with five inde pendent members holding the balance ct power, but the general sentiment here is that Clark will be renamed to succeed himself. BVERWORKED MINISTER Tells Bow Vinol Restored Strength and Vitality. Americus people will realize that we could not publish such letters as the following if they were not genuine and truthful statements of facts. The Rev. Mr. Hughes, Holly Springs, Ark., says:— “I am a Methodist Minister, and suf-j fared from broken-down nerves, loss • cf ap-petite and sleeplessness. I was. weak, my circulation was very poor, and I was not able to do my duty in my Parish as I felt I should. I had tried various remedies but did not seem to get any better. Through Mr. Gatlin of Bearden, Ark.. I learned of Vinol, and it built me up. I regained my appetite, can sleep better and do more work.” There is no secret about Vinol, it derives its power to build up the over worked, brokendown, nervous system from beef and cod liver peptones, iron and manganese peptonates, and glyc erophosphates, etc., which it contains. Anyone in Americus whi wishes to try Vinol can do so with the under standing that we will return their money if they are not satisfied. Hooks Pharmacy. Also at the lead ing drug store tn all Georgia towns. *t- —4 ►—'mUoul b/ Vi—4 THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. Local News Items ; 1 JJrrrrr ——————————— 1 ——— . M. A. Calhoun, representing the Sea board Air Line as commercial agent, was in Americus Friday leaving in the afternoon for Dawson, where he goes on business. Mrs. Lynn Fort, after a short visit to Mrs. C. O. Niles, on College street, returned to her home In Atlanta Fri day. Select your Bath Caprs now; the fin est assortment in town. Murray’s pharmacy, Rexall Store. 30-lt Mrs. Alma Baggette returned home Friday from a visit of several days, at tending the Macon Chautauqua. We offer thirty Silk Skirts, Striped, 1 laid and solid Black while they last at $5.95. Cash, No alterations. Pink ston’s. MYSTERIOUS JESTER GOT NO SATISFACTION OUT OF HARRIS ATLANTA, Ga., March 30.—The un known friend of Governor Harris who called him on the telephone yesterday and told him he as going to have the governor’s mansion searched for pro hibited liquors under the bone dry law got an answer that satisfied him he was barking on a “cold trail.” “Go ahead and search,” said the governor, “you won’t find a drop of prohibited liquor of any kind on the premises,” What the governor could say for himself is probably a good deal more than many other law-abiding citizens can say for themselves, although one , Atlanta newspaper did publish a very I interesting story yesterday of the gal- j lons and gallons of liquor poured into kitchen sinks by citizens who were de- ■ termined to obey the law, regardless ot emergencies that might arise when a bit of liquor would come in handy. PRICE OF STAMPD ENVELOPES IS ELEVATED BY UNCLE SAM ATLANTA. Ga., March 30.—The high cost of living has hit young Uncle Sam along with the rest and he has announced that the price of stamped envelopes has gone up about 32 cents per thousand. ♦ ORDERED TO JOIN FORCES * ♦ AT AGE OF 10 MONTHS 4 4 ♦ ♦ PRESCOT, Eng., March SC.— 4 ♦ William Henry, received his call- * ♦ ing-up papers and was ordered ♦ 4 to join the forces, but was ex- ♦ ♦ empted when it was found he is ♦ ♦ only ten months old. * .♦ 4 444444-4444444 '| AMER'CUS SHOWS ~| OPERA HOUSE. Friday. “Hans and Fritz,” big musical comedy. Saturday. Announce later. Alcazar Theatre. Friday “The Glory of Yolanda.’’—Five Acts. Chapter 7 of “The Secret Kingdom.”, Saturday Triangle, “The House Built Upon the Sand. Two Reel Comedy. C. P. DAVIS Dental Surgeon. Orthodontia, Pyorrhea. Residence Phone 316. Office Phone 813. Allison Bldg. BROOMS! BROOMS! BROOMS! MONDAY ONLY Regular 50c Broom at 40c Regular 65c “ . . 55c Regular 85c “ . . 75< Williams-Niles Company Quality and Service ’hone 706 Phone 706 My Sunday biscuit-treat (Report No. 2) By a light housekeeper I m proud of my shortens the labor and, I find, If I neglect to serve these little kitchen—way shortens time. delicious Cottolene biscuits, up next the roof —in you’ll imagine you're Sundays, in vain I offer othei our big apartment Watching me, you'll see why. breakfast dainties. Acrosi house. And every Into the rifted flour, bak- the tablc , re P roacbful glances Sunday morninp- at ing powder and salt I blend a P la ' n a ’ w °, RTG / 77? level tablespoonful of my What? No biscuit? o. U you find n } e wholesome shortening, very For a morning treat why here making biscuit. lightly. See how quickly it don’t you try these quick Even after my hard creams. It feels like silk under Cottolene biscuits? They'll Week of office work I m Y fingertips. I add the milk, put wholesomeness into the don’t mind-the working rapidly, pat gently, whole day. • • • . roll, cut. From L. G. S. recipe is very simple. ’ Now into the oven! 1 want First, lam particular about you to notice how nicely FREE! Cook book containing my shortening. I use nothing that wholesome biscuit comes 239 recipes by famous cooks sent but creamy wholesome Cot- to a rich brown. How crisp W« wSI tolene. It shortens the biscuit, and flaky it is! ington Street, Chicago, 111. Cottolene „ , „ , . Makes Good Cooking Better" Yes! Cottolene is also supenor for At grocers in tins frying and for all cake-making of convenient sizes GUS HILL HAS ANOTHER IN “HANS UND FRITZ.” R.. Dirks’ brain children have come to life! The originator of the Kat zenjammer Kids has arranged with that dean of all musical comedy pro ducers to stage “Hans Und Fritz.” Gus Hill has had every real and lasting cartoon comedy success in the last thirty years. “Hans Und Fritz” will excell anything he has ever offered in the past. Frank Kennedy has furnish ed the book. Leo Edwards and Will Cobb, the music. And the entire pro duction has been staged under the per sonal direction of Gus Hill. “Hans Und Fritz’’ will represent the last tick o' the clock in the musical comedy offerings. It comes to the Opera House today, March 30th. You’ll enjoy it; so will the kiddies. EXCURSION FARES TO ATLANTA, GA„ AND RETURN Account of Grand Opera by Metro politan Opera Company of New York City, April 23,28, inc., 1917. Tickets on sale April 22 to 28, inc. Final limit May 1, 1917. Ask any Central of Georgia Railway ticket agent for fol der, giving detailed information as to the dates of o>peras, casts, etc. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY 27-lm The Right Way. tThe Chautauqua of The South, Macon, Georgia ANNA CASE Prima Donna, Metropolitan Grand Opera Company, New York. One of the greatest Sopranos of the Generation. Thursday evening. The Russian mt nuN'iiciii fflbwW Symphony Oil l M!| l||Pl H |H| Orchestra It I ; L Fifty Russian Musicians || coming from New ork. s-W ■ mta> t. Conductor Friday eve- ning and Saturday morn- ing. THE ROSE MAIDEN —Cantata by the Chautauqua Choral Society. 300 singers with the Russian Symphony Orchestra. Saturday evening. Admission to each performance fifty cents. No opportunity like this ever before within your reach and not likely to come again. Friday: Good Roads Day. Great Auto Parade. Saturday: Prohibition Day. Procession of Colleges, Societies, etc. LOW RATE EXCURSIONS EVERY DAY ROUND TRIP FROM AMERICUS S 2 45 KU ■ 1 The Wagon You Can’t Overload In this day and time with graded roads throughout the country, it is not a question of how much can my mules pull, but “How Much Will My Wagon Carry?” We have used four of these famous wagons in our business for the last eleven years without even having to shrink a tire. Call and see our complete stock of the numerous mod’ els and different width tires. HARROLD BROTHERS.. Agents “Ask the Man Who Owns a Mitchell.” PAGE FIVE