Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, October 14, 1917, City Edition, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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PAGE SIX List Prices'''' Georgia Fathered the Steamboat N,—= • l-_ _ _ ——- I - J/.. . W WUr» Yen S.-« TU. S’fa - J -f TN Longstreet’s experiment, cn the 1 Savannah River. ff Likewise scores of rubber prod- nets which have become necessities to ■'•.■? < modern life, were fathered by experi- * i:;^Dca = rfciTbc ’ ments in the Goodrich laboratories. "i I j The masterpiece of Goodrich rubber “creations” is x'X ■ t I Goodrich Tires ; f I i BOOQBIGH v /| BLACK SAFETY TREADS \ | I Are vouched for by the roads of state and nation, as t I A matchless fabric tires. | I L/ 1 1 Iff Goodrich Test Car Fleets have put road test to them and : I l 4 thereby establish certainty of service for you service dj f j founded on the strength of Goodrich Unit-Mold, Unbroken- &T) j jj fl Cure tire body. • .Mm You get this tested certainty only in “America’s Tested if i 1/ i Tires.” 1 J THE B. F. GOODRICH COMPANY j L THE CITY OF GOODRICH, AKRON, OHIO V; .. . P t Makers also of the Famous Silvertown Cord Tires w fr''- m ! i h w . I ""*’ ,i, )) A ~ tv ‘a-° 0n W’ Americus Automobile Company WALTER RYLANDER, Manager El Ailisor Furniture Co. ? i The Remedy for Frosty Mornings —no more barefoot trips to the basement —no more dressing in an ice cold room —no more big fuel bills to pay —ho more fires to build. , ; U Simply roll out of bed and dress in your rooms made warm and cheerful by the even day and night heat of Cole s Original Hot Blast BURNS CHEAPEST COAL CLEAN AND BRIGHT. USES ANY FUEL. If last winters fuel bill was hard to pay what will it be this year with fuel higher than ever. Now is the time to stop waste. If you want a small fuel bill this Winter, you need this remarkable fuel-saving heater. Act today. e No. 113 FT ill ] ■' ■ ( ■ / / i'W" W <•' ’™ w Heal Heater Satisfaction 520,000 VERDICT IS WOK BY THIS WIDOW JEFFERSONVILLE, Ga„ Oct. 13.- After remaining out all of last night, the jury trying the case of Mrs. Sallie Calloway Murphy vs. the Macon, Dub lin & Savannah railway, suit for $50,- 000 damages for the killing of her husband here a year ago, today re turned a verdict for $20,000. The suit of Mrs. F. R. Farr, for the killing of her husband, which occurred at the same time and place as that of Mr. Murphy, has been continued for the term, I Mrs. Murphy’s suit was one of the most warmly contested ever tried here, a strong array of counsel appearing for both sides. In her suit it wa s al leged that her husband, Thomas Henry Murphy, was driving over the M., D. & S. tracks here when his automobile was struck by a passenger train, caus ing the death of Mr. Murphy and his companion. Mr. Farr. DOUBLY PROVEN. Times-Recorder Beaders Can No Longer Doubt The Evidence. This Americus citizen testified long ago. Told of quick relief—of undoubted ; benefit. I The facts are now confirmed. Such testimony is complete—the evi dence conclusive. It forms convincing proof of merit. A. C. Alexander, grocer, 712 Spring 'street, Americus, says: “My back I caused me much suffering and I was hardly able to perform my duties on ‘account of the pain. My kidneys act id irregularly and the secretions were too frequent in passage, making me I get up a number of times at night. :I)oan’ s Kidney Pills soon relieved me of the pain in my back and my kid neys became normal. The pains left and I have never had them since.” LASTING BENEFIT. Over four years later, Mr. Alexander said: “Doan’s Kidney Pills made <• cure for me, which has been perma nent and my back and kidneys don’t bother me a. bit.” Price 60c at all dealers. Don’t sim ply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that I Mr. Alexander had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo. N. Y. adv THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. GEORGIA PROHIS TO ATTEND BIG NATIONAL MEET ATLANTA ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE LEADERS PLANNING TO SEND A STRONG DELEG ATION TO CON VENTION AT WASHINGTN. ATLANTA, Ga., Oct. 13. —Froihbition leaders of Atlanta are planning to or ganize a strong delegation of Geor gians to attend the national conven tion of the Anti-Saloon League of America to be held in Washington next December, at which time a con certed drive will be made for the pas sage by the national house of repre sentatives of the proposed prohibition amendment to the federal constitution The amendment has already passed the senate, and will come to a vote in the house in December. If it passes that body and is approved by the pres ident, it will be referred to the legis latures of the several states, which will have six years in which to act upon it. Should the legislatures of thirty-six states ratify the amendment, it then becomes a part of the constitu tion of the United States, and the sale of intoxicating liquors will be forever prohibited in this country. In aid o* the great campaign for national prohi bition by constitutional amendment, nationally famous speakers are now campaigning in Georgia under the joint auspices of the Anti-Saloon league of 2‘’.merica and the Georgia Anti-Saloon league, of which H. A. Christian, of Atlanta is superintendent. Richmond Pearson Hobson, famous naval hero of the Spanish-American war and former congressman, who has made probably the most exhaustive study in the world of the effects of al cohol. declares that if Chicago goes dry in 1918, as the prohibition forces plan, the whole world will put whisky under the ban in the next tea years. TAKING CATHARTICS EVERY DAY FOR MEEKS DON’T CURE STOMACH TROUBLE They do not eliminate the poisonous Bile Accretions from the System, so declares a leading Chicago Stomach Specialist. Often Gall Stones, Cancer and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intes tines, Auto Intoxication, Yellow Jaun dice. Appendicitis and other dangerous ailments are the consequences. Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy is the ideal pre scription for Stomach, Liver and In testinal ailments. It has restored mil lions. One dose will prove that it will help you. Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy is for sale by Howell’s Pharmacy. • advt. SOUTHERNERS HELD IN BIG DYNAMITING PLOT NEWBERN, S. C., Oct. 13.—Rev enue officers here have arrested Sam Williams, elly Wtason, Mitchell Wat son, Christopher Carroway and J. B. Watson, of Pamlico, and brought all of them to Newbern. The five men were arraigned before Commissioner Hill, the first named on a warrant charging resisting the draft law, and the others with dynamiting the post office at Lowlands, N. C., on the night of Sept. 17. Their preliminary exam ination was continued, and the men committed to jail in default of $3,000 bond. The'dynamiting of the postoffiee, according to federal agenfs, was the outcome of the refusal of postal au thorities to deliver to certain sub scribers a weekly newspapere publish ed in Georgia, which had been denied mailing privleges on account of its anti-draft activities. For Itching Torture There is one remedy that seldom fails to stop itching torture and relieve skin irritation and that makes the skin soft, clear and healthy. > > Any druggist can supply you with zemo, which generally overcomes all skin diseases. Acne, eczema, itch, pim ples, rashes, blackheads, in most cases give way to zemo. Frequently, minor blemishes disappear overnight Itching usually stops instantly. Zemo is a safe, antiseptic liquid, clean, easy to use and dependable. It costs only 35c; an extra large bottle, SI.OO. It will not stain, is not greasy or sticky and is positively safe for tender, sensitive skins. • The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland, O la effective/a treating r* * unnatural dlscnarges; MfVS yj " u 3 painless,non ' . ironous M •Ttaww CR will nur sirlctur-. Hetievrein Ifosd-.IJ , BV PRrGOISrM. •a Pc- l II desired - Price 11, cr b bjtt-'s ?2 75. Prepared by /HE fcV«NS CHP.VIICAI. CO.. CINCIN-* 4 ri. O. UlFUi*’GTp C IP 11 I tad lea I Aak your DruggUt for AA £tKSu <’hl-chea‘ter , s Diamond Hrnr»d/X%> Fillo in Red and Gold its —boxes, sealed with Blue Ritbcn. \/ Take ao other Buy of y..ur x I I ~ (K BrurrVit. Ask foe CUM in:H.TFR*S IC Jf DIAMOND BRAND Pit! H. f r k!5 « A. I®* 1 ®* Jy yearsknuvr . Dest.Safcst, Always keikkhlc * Aj -5 SO(3 IV JJRlifjfiKlS r PELLA GRA I This new disease is spreading over | the South with a 25 per cent, yearly | increase, leaving horror and death in i its wake. You will want to read the story of j how nine years ago I discovered the cause of this disease, and how thous ands of pellagra sufferers have been restored to good health by a cimple ; home treatment. Take no chances with harmful drugs or guess-work doctor ing. You are entitled to know the truth. The whole story is given in this wonderful BIG 50-PAG# BOOK FREE! I Mailed in Plain Sealed Wrapper FREE to al who write for a copy. This • new, instructive and interesting book gives you my proven theory as to what causes pellagra and how it may Ibe cured right in your own home un- Ider a guarantee of absolute satisfac tion, or no charge for treatment. It also contains many photographs and letters from State and County Officials. • Bankers, Ministers, Doctors, Lawyers ■and others, who tell wonderful stories of their experience with this success ful pellagra treatment. HAVE YOU THESE SYMPTOMS? Tired and Drowsy feelings, accompa nied by headaches; depression or state ■of indolence; roughness of skin: ibreaking out or eruptions; hands red ilike sunburn; sore mouth; tongue, pips and.throat flaming red; much mu- I ous and choking; indigestion and nau ~|sea, diarrhoea or constipation; mind affected and many others. Don’t take i chances. | Write for Your Copy of This Book ; Today. Remember it ig mailed to you Free in plain Sealed Wrapper. «. J. MT RABY. M. D„ Dept. 570. Carbon Hill. Alabama OFFICERS AWARDED MEDALS FOR CAPTURING THIS NEGRO ATLANTA, Ga.. Oct, 13.—Gold stars for special bravery have been awarded to call officers Anderson and Barfield of the Atlanta police force, who re cently fought a duel with .a negro blind tiger who armed himself with a winchester rifle and barricaded him self in a house. Both officers were seriously wounded and the negro was killed. 5395 Saxon M 35 This wonderful car—one of the best selling automobiles on the mark et, and deservedly one of the most popular—is now for sale in this county and in Lee county by the Leslie Au to Company. We handle the Four-cylinder roadster, price $395, f.o.b. Detroit,and that celebrated Saxon Six, five-pass enger .or Chummy roadster, price $935, f.0.b., Detroit. All 1918 modelsnow on display in our show rooms at Leslie. The Saxon Motor Corporation has within the last five years won to the position of the fourth largest manufacturing industry in the U. S. and the tenth largest in the world. Anyone desirous ot securing one of the latent, up-to-date and smoothest running cars for the money, will not make a mis + ake in buying a Saxon Four or Saxon Six, which has a price resembling the cheapest, and the features and quality of the highest priced cars on the market. Call to see us or drop a card to the Leslie Auto Co. Leslie, Georgia With shorter days comes EE the need of feeding the f iWiA stock and doing many other chores afterdark ■ DELCO-LIGHT provides plenty of safe, bright elec trie light. DELC °- LIGHT current operates an electric water system, wash- j||jg ing machine, churn, separator and other labor saving appliances. DELCO-LIGHT saves time for every mem ber of the family every day in the year. Delco- Light is like an extra hand. Yet it works for a few cents a day and quickly pays for itself. Write for descriptive booklet, L. D. STAPLETON, Salesman, Americus, Ga. H. H. HARRISON, Dealer, Bpligfc WtihTj .Moultrie, Ga. CN \ Tift-Il LT 11 (j M 4 ** ■ To the Public We desire to inform you that we do all kinds of Hemstitching at moderate prices, and guarantee our work to be of the highest quality. We kindly solicit your patronage. C INGER SEWING O MACHINE CO. 126 North Jackson Street AMERICUS, Ga. SUNDAY, OCTOBER H, 1»17.