Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, March 24, 1918, City Edition, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 1918. COULDN’T LACE HIS OWN SHOES Bad to Give I’p Work, Keep' to House And Coudn’t Walk But Now He Works Every Bay. HIS SISTER ENDORSES At ID IRON MINERAL, TOO “Yes, indeed,-I know what Acid Iron Mineral is,’ 1 declares A. G. Holloway, 847 East Fair street, Atlanta. Ga. “I know that it will do for kidney trou ble, too,’’ continued Mr. Holloway when seen by a representative of the Ferro dine Chemical Corporation. “I suffered so bad wit kidney trou ble I could not do any work. Some, times I had to get somebodp to help put on my clothes. Why sometimes I could not even bend over to put on my shoes and could not do any walking at all. I spent money here and there with specialists and for medicines but none of them did me any good. “It was only through a friend I learned about Acid Iron Mineral and after sending for a fifty cent bottle, going fter another a little later my self I was cured. It cured me of my trouble. Even gave me a better appe tite and I have told dozens of friends about this. I sent a dollar bottle to my sister out in Carthage, Texas, and she reports it does the work. It is surely a real medicine for blood, kidney and rheumtic troubles.’’ Mineral vs. Vegetable. Acid Iron Mineral is a mineral com pound. Most iron tonics and blood remedies are vegetable. The differ ence of course is great. The reader probably tasted or felt the quick ef fects of a mineral preparation before Thousands of bottles already sold in Atlanta and thousands more all ove» the state prove its merit. It is the most powerful absolutely harmless iron tonic sold in liquid form ccord ing to Ferrodine Chemical Corporation tests. You’ll like, too. For sale by Howell’s Pharmacy, adv. Alcazar Monday. Julian Eltinge, the famous Para mount feminine impersonator, who is appearing at the Alcazar theratre on Monday is again taking the role of a woman in “The Widow’s Might.” This is a charmingly humorous story of the adventures of Young Dick Tavish who sets himself up as a rancher, on ly to learn that an older hand at the game is going to beat him. He wins out, with the help of a wig, a baby and an exceedingly pretty girls, makes an unexpectedly refreshing nd original picture, which was directed by Wil liam C. de Mille. ' City Marshal Sales. Will be sold before the courthouse door in the City of Americus, Ga., be tween the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in April next, the fol- Jcwiig described property, to-wit: One house and lot on the north side of and known as 527 College strete, and bounded as follows: North by the property of the Estate of Matt Hart: east by the property of W. P. Wallis; south by College street, and west by Hampton street. Said lot being 90x90 feet, more or less, and levied on as the property of Estate of Hannah Dudley to satisfy certain city tax fi fas in fa vor of the Mayor and City Council of Americus, Ga.. to Will Duncan, Trans feree, for the year 1914 and 1915. Ten ant notified in terms of th e law. This Ist day of March, 1918. W. T. MAYNARD, City Marshal. Wwl Hl I STOP CATARRH! OPEN NOSTRILS AND f i Says Cream Applied in Nostrils ? ? Relieves Head-Colds at Once. ? If your nostrils are clogged And you*, head s stuffed and you can’t breathe treely because of a cold or catarrh, just get a small bottle of Ely’s Cream Balm at any drug store. Apply a little of tig fragrant, antiseptic cream into your nostrils and let it penetrate through every air passage of your head, soothing and healing the inflm ed, swollen mucous membrane and you get instant relief. Ah! how good it feels. Your nos trils are open, your head is clear, no more hawking, snuffling, blowing; no more headache, dryness or struggling for breath. Ely’s Cream Balm is just what sufferers from head colds and ca tarrh need. It’s a delight. adv. MRS. JOHN 8. GORDON mENME REVIEW ATLANTA, Ga., March 2.—Mrs. John b Gordon, aged 'widow of the famous Confederate general and statesman, yesterday afternoon re viewed the Eighty Second Division of the national army which is now un dergoing the final stages of training at Camp Gordon, the great cantonment named in honor of her husband. Standing beside General Burnham, commander of Camp Gordon, and watching the thousands of khaki-clad soldiers march down the parade ground, fully equipped and showing by the lithe movement of their muscles that they are in the pink of physical condition, Mrs. Gordon doubtless felt the same thrill of pride that she ex perienced in her girlhood days when she used to watch the armies of Lee and Jackson In the great reviews of of the Civil War. In those old days she made her home as near the army as possible, so as to keep in touch with General Gordon, and many a time she rode to headquarters on a splendid bay mare which one of his men captured in a raid on Mary’s Heights in Vir ginia, and would sit on the horse and watch the flower of the Southern Con federacy marching past in their uni ft rms of grey with the bands playing ' Dixie.” The review- of her honor yesterday was witnessed by thousands of At lanta people who journeyed to Camp Gordon, and was the most impressive militray demonstration that has been held at Camp Geordon since the be ginning of the war. SIOO Reward, SIOO The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutiona" treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces of the System thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in the u-ative powers of Hall’s Catarrh Medicine tha’ they offer One Hun-’red Dollars tor -iy case that it fails) to < ore. Send for list of testimonials. MJubs P. J. r’T’-'N’EY & CO.. To)£dC. Gmu. Sold by all 75c. M. 11. WHEELER, Dental Surgeon. Bell Bldg., Opposite Post Office Office Phone 785; Res. Phone 36 • t —\ • • WA * ’ • © 0 ■@ © | Saxon Six $llOO | o Delivered, Full of Gas and Oil • •& ® ® . © See the Leslie Auto Co., of Americus, q E. B. Lee, of Leesburg, Plains Auto C >3 Co., of Plains, and let them explain @ © to you the merits of the Saxon Car ® ® before you buy .any kind of a car. ® • • • • The; Saxon Car is the most ® • economical car on the market. • { T wo Passenger Roadster SSOO • '•••••••••••• ..oc9Pna»»M»»»< THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. WIEITLU EXPECTED TO BE 1 BIMTE IEIIIIST MB. STDiNCE ATLANTA, Ga., March 23.—Judge Henry B. Strange, the newly appoint ed secretary of state who will serve for the unexpired term of Philip Cokk, who died last Monday morning, ex pects to be a candidate for election to the office in the general election to be held this fall. Under th e law, he serves for the un expired term until the secretary of state elected at the next election is inducted into office by the general as sembly on the occasion of the guberna torial inauguration. In the event, therefore, of his election for a full term, he will succeed himself when the general assembly formally de clares the result of the election a few days after convening in teh summer of 1919; or, should some other candi date be elected hie willthen turn the great seal of the state over into the custody of his successor. In this connection it is understood taat Crawford Wheatley, of Americus, formerly a member of the House and Senate, w’ill be a candidate for secre tary of state. He and Judge Strange are good friends, having served in the Senate together in 1905-06. MHOUHCEMEHTS ~ To The Voters of The Southwestern Judicial Circuit: I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Solicitor General for the remainder of the unexpired term of the late Hon. J. R. Williams, the election to take place in the Septem ber primaries. I have been filling by appointment the first part of said term and am row asking to be permitted to serve the remaining two years there of. If elected 1 shall give to the office the same conscientious and painstak ing attention that I have heretofore given it, and I shall sincerely appre ciate the endorsement and support of the people of this circuit. Respect fully JOHN A. FORT. To the voter of the Southwestern Judicial Circuit: 1 beg leave to announce my candi dacy for office of Solicitor General, in September primary If elected I shall perform, with cour age and fidelity the duties fixed by law upon the holder of this office. My conception is that there can be such policy of its administration, as that the office will stand as a menace to wrong-doing, and as well, a posi tive aid and encouragement to con structive good and peace to the coun. ties of the circuit Every effort will be made to make practical realization of this concep-, tion. Opportunity for extended service is the strongest reason for this decision. Will sincerely appreciate and try hard to justify any confidence an in terest shown in my race. Respectfully, JULE FELTON. MULES and HORSES I Just received another ■ carload oi Kentucky ■ Mules. ; Some good Horses and i Mares also on hand. ; Big supply at all times, > Cash or Credit, Sale or < Swap. ; See me on corner at ! J. J. Hanesly’s Stables. ; J. D. HOLMAN Americus, Ga. PAGE THREE