Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, March 31, 1918, City Edition, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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PAGE SIX LOCAL CHURCH SERVICES THE PUBLIC CORDIALLY INVITED Central Baptist Church. Rev. Get). F. Brown, Pastor. Morning worship at. 11:00 o'clock Ir. the absence of the pastor the pul pit will be filled this morning by Dr. Lansing Burrows. Evening service at 7:30. Rev. AV. J. Ballew will preach at this hour. Sunday school at 9:30. B. Y. P. U. at 6:30 Sunday evening. Mid week service Wednesday at 7:30 P m . A most cordial invitation to the pub lic to meet a worship with us. The following is the morning pro gram for Eeaster: Prelude, Meiodie—Roper. Doxology. Song, Christ Arose —choir. Hymn, Stand Up for Jesus. Offertory, An Old Trysting Place— McDowell. Anthem, Blessed Be the Lord God. — (From Canta Easter Praise.) Sermon, Dr. Lansing Burrows. Hymn, Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone —Congregation. Postlude, The Crusaders. —Volk- mann. Evening Service. Prelude, Nocturne. —Chopin. Hymn, All Hail the Power of Jesus Name. Hymn, Savior, Like a Shepherd, Lead Us. Offertory, Reverie.—Kaufman. Anthem, Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates—Adams. Sermon, Rev. W. J. Ballew. Hymn, He Leadeth Me-r Choir: Miss Mary Sue Chambliss, Miss Cordelia Thornton, Miss Evelyn Crew, Miss Fanny Ella McDaniel, Miss Annie Lou Perkin. Miss Mary Walker, Miss Sara Britton, Miss Lucile Watkins, Miss Gertrude Simth, Mr. Malone, Mr. W. T. Lane, Miss Ella M. Pauk, director and organist. Chrtstlan SeteßM Cbwrch. Taylor street. Morning service at 11 o'clock Sun day. Wednesday evening services will be held at 8 o’clock. Don’t Thro w Awav • Your old Automobile Tires and Tubes. Bring them to us for repairs. Our Steam Vulcanizing Plant is at your service. Every job we turn out is completed by an expert workman. Time will demonstrate i the wisdom of bringing your vulcanizing to us. G. A. & W. G. TURPIN Is effects m treating u -J, ftj ■ unnslura! discharges, f.y fc’.'. >Jj F 4 * QI paictess.non roit-onous h ' ffe'hlYjW \s?t J&i and will nor stricture. 1 tosdays. imt'GGISTS. t’sriel Post It desired—Price tl, or 3 boo’es $2 75. Prepared by .’ME EVANS CHEMICAL.CO..CINCINNATI, o. I Shsel Copppr, Sheet Iron I I and Tin Workers I I Metal Roofing and General ■ Jobbing. Auto Radiator J? Repairs. I B. B. ALLEN I 111 So. Lee St. Phone 556 I CLAUDE MAUK & CO. Have opened up at Stanley’s old place, on Jefferson | Street, rear of Chero-Cola Co., and want to do your Automobile repair Work When you have any troubles with your car phone 41. Mauck will give you prompt service and Guarantee Satislaction a—i— 11 ii bi in ivh,iiii —eawaran ** a— rnwn —i ■ i —i M L*sccss Prvtits lax Returns. Income Tax Returns. ERNEST CLAYTON. LL.IU t. I’. A. Former Income Tax AgeuL. Certified Public Accountant Audits—Eximinations—Systems Atlas**. Ga. P. 0. Box 750. . 511 Hurt Bldg. First Baptist Church. Corner Taylor and Lee streets, Rev. t. Alexis I)- Kendrick, D. D., Pastor. 9:30 a. m. Sunday school, T. F. *. Gatewood, Supt. | 11:00 a- in. Preaching by the pas- L tor. Subject, “Life Everlasting.” Spec ial music. I 4:Oo p. m. The special musical ser ;.; vice < s mentioned elsewhere in this 0[: .-. will take the place of the usual : Sunday evening preaching service. -,’ 8:00 a. m. Sr. B. Y. P. U. | Thursday. 7:30 p. in. Prayer meet i-iii.g and church conference. j The above time, in each instance, is I one hour faster than the new time. At the morning service the pastor has a special statement to make to the church, which is very important' to - every member. The recent death of i Mrs. Kendrick's mother and the se rious illness of her father, makes it necessary for the pastor and his fam ily to move to Windsor, Conn., per is manently. Lee Street Methodist Church. Rev. 9, Jenkins, pastor. All services today will be run by the new time set by the government ; Don't be a slacker! Sunday school 9:45 a. m. and Rally , Day program. Preaching at 11 :W a. nr, by the pastor. > Epworth League at 6:Bt P, m. At 7:30 p. m. an Easter cantata will be randerd by the choir. i . i 1 First Methodist Chare*. Rev. P. W. Ellis, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30, fast time, 1. ! O. Marshall, superintendent i Morning service, 11:00 a. m.. fast time. Evening service 8:09 p. m., fast time. The following is the program for the morning hour! Congregational singing. Prayer. Scripture reading and announce ments. Offering. Cantata, lasting thirty-five minutes. There will be no preahing. Evening Service. Preaching, by the pastor. Subject, “To Whom Shall We Go?” The public is cordially invited. Serlvces at Calvary Church. Rev. James B. I>awrencc. Rector. The time of the following services will be according to that of the court house clock on Sunday morning. Please set your watch by the city clock early Sunday morning and come to the services as follows: Sunday school, 9:45 a, m. Morning prayer. Holy communion and sermon, n a. m. Evening prayer and sermon, 7:30 y. m. Services at Catholic Church. There will be a celebration of the Holy Mass in the Catholic church here this morriing at nine o’clock, Rev. Fa | ther Nyhan, of Albany, being the cele brant. Attention is called to the change in time effective today, whereby all watches and clocks should be set one hour ahead of standard time as re corded on Saturday, this being in ac cordance with the daylight-saving law The hours set forth above is in con ■ sonance with that recorded by the ' clock in the courthouse tower, which was set one hour ahead at midnight Saturday night. Those who failed to I advance their time-pieces accordingly should be governed accordingly. St. rain Methodist. | East Americus. Sunday school at 3:30 p. m. Prayer neeting Thnrsdav it 7:30 p. m. I Brooklyn Heights Chapel. Sunday School at 3:30 p. m. Prayer I’npoting at 7 45 o’clock Wednesday. THE AMERICUS II MES-R ECORD EFL AMERICUS PASTORS PRAT TODAY FDR SUCCESS OF ALLILS MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION OF AMERICVUS URGES ALL TO PARTI CIPATE IN THIS GREAT PATRI OTIC SERVICE. There will be a (patriotic note in the services at all Americus churches to day, and the Ministerial Association has formally adopted a resolution to offer prayers for the success of Al lied arms on the western front at the morning hour today. The occasion is a solemn hour, and the prayers of all the faithful should be added to those of the ministers as their leaders in this crucial hour, when the fate of the war hangs in the balance and world democracy seems endangered by the Teuton advance. A formal card to the public has bee prepared by the Ministerial Associa tion, as follows: “Easter Greetings from all the Churches. Special prayers will be offered for the armies of the Allies, and every body is urged to put all else aside and Telephone Service Change Effective April 1 For many years we have permitted our operators to furnish ( our subscribers an information service, such as giving the time of the day and answering other inquiries not in any way con nected with the furriishmg of telephone service. We have also indulged the practice of many subscribers to business service in allowing the general public free and unre stricted use of telephone stations in the subscriber’s place of business, with the result that this practice has developed into an abuse. The demands upon the operators and facilities of the com pany by reasons of the innumerable requests for the time of day and other information and the extensive and unauthorized use of the service in public and semi-public places, have grown to such proportions as to seriously handicap us in our efforts to render ef ficient service to our subscribers who are paying for the service. Coupled with this there is such an unprecedented demand for telephone service and facilities, both for business and social purposes that we felt it our duty to petition the State Railroad Commission for authority to enforce our subscribers’ contract, so that facilities now used for frivolous and unnecessary purposes might be released for a more serious and legitimate use. After an extensive hearing the Railroad Commission issued an order which in part follows: 1. It is authorized to instruct the purpose or effect of the lo- its operators to decline to answei’ cation is an invitation to the gen inquiries for the time of day, or era l public to use the same, or like inquiries not connected with where its permissible and indis the furnishing of the telephone criminate tree use is intended as service. This rule should be en- b(? s|Kh offlce or place forced with tact and courtesy. business n 0 suitable location The company is directed to carry where the station is not accessi in conspicuous type at the top ble to the general public, or of each page of its directories, should the subscriber insist up a notice to this effect. on a location so accessible, the „ company shall decline to install 2. The company is fuitne. a rate s^a y on) b u s; j s hereby authorized to decline to place any directed to install only a meter flat rate station in any store, of- e( j or measured call station of flee or place of business where its customary type with such the same is freely and easily ac- general public use as the sub cessible to the public, or where scriber may permit. Effective April 1, in compliance with this order, our operators will no longer give the time ot day. AH clocks will be removed from our operat ing rooms and those who request the time of day will be courteously told that the operator has not this information. Likewise, steps will be taken to protect our facilities and service in public and semi-public places and the details will be worked out satisfacto rily with each such subscriber. This is in the interest of iniproved telephone service and we request your co-operation in our effort to serve you better. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY attend the services and join in these prayers. > Let all Americus go to church to day. Tlie hour is one that calls lor prayer. Will you not join in these prayers for your boys, and our boys? Note the change from slow to fast time. Yours truly, MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION. I ASTER PROGRAM AT MUST METHODIST ( ill RUH This morning at the regular service at the First Methodist church, a spe cial Easter program has been ar ranged by the organist. Mrs. Joseph M. Bryan. 'Victory Divine”, by Chris topher Marks, a cantata of unusual beauty and merit will be given. Those who will take pait in the singing are Miss Mitch Payne, Mrs. J. H. Coddinfl ton, Mrs. P. W. Ellis, sopranos; Miss Gertrude Smith, Mrs. J. W. Renfroe, altos; Messr. J. Ralston Cargill, Jr., F. A. Blalock. R. P. Stackhouse, ten ors; J. Ralston Cargill, Joseph M. Bryan, bassos. Special notice is called to the hour ot service, which will be eleven o’clock, new time. ‘•lf a Man Die Shall He Live Again I” If a man die shall he live again’ This great question will be the topic of the morning sermon at the Presbyte rian church Sunday by Rev. Leroy G Henderson, D. D. At the evening ser vice, Dr. Henderson will continue his talk a on “The Beatitudes,” the topic being “The Meek and Their Inheri tance.'" Special music at both ser vices. Every one is welcome. Mpmc Mission Program at Presbyte rian Sunday School Sunday. Song, "Help Somebody Today.” Talk, “Somewhere in America’ —Col. E. A. Nesbit. Home mission quiz. Solo, Mrs. Walter Lindley. “Theres Light Upon the Mountains.” Speech, "SIO,OOO For Mountain Mis sions. Can We?”—-Albert Harris, Jr. Reading, “Not To Be Served, But To Serve’—Miss Ada Finley. Prayer —Rev. Leroy G. Henderson. Missionary Rally Day Program at Central Baptist Church. The Missionary Rally Day progro gram i s as follows: Proclamation—Miss Marion Stalker. Song, Rescue the Perishing—By School. Th e Call of the Country and the Call of Christ— Class of Boys. Exercises—By Primary Department. Southern Baptist forces mobolized — Junior Boys and Girls. Song, God Save( Keep and Hold Our Boys—By Philatheas. Reading—By Miss Marie Perkins. Pledge of Loyalty—By Juniors. Song, Volunteer—By School. A Final Appeal—By Superintendent. <L NDAY, MARCH 31, 1918. PELLA GRA This njw f‘ :---asc is spreading over the south with a 25 per cent yearly increase, leaving horror and death in its wake. You will want to read the story of of how nii’e years ago I discovered tire cause of this disease, and how thou sands of pellagra sufferers have been restored to good health by a smple home treatment. Take no chances with harmful drugs or guess-work doctoring. You are entitled to know the truth. The whole story is given u. this wonderful BIG 50 PAGE BOOK FREE- Mailed in Plain Sealed Wrapper FREE to all who write for a copy. This new instructive and interesting book gives you my proven theory as to what causes pellagra and how it may be cured right in your own home under a guarantee of absolute satis faction or no charge for treatment It also contains maiy photographs and letters from State and County Officials, Bankers, Ministers, Doctors, Lawyers and others, who tell wonderful stories of their experience with this sue ctsful pellagra treatment. HAVE YOU THESE SYMPTOMS. Tired and drowsy feeling accompa nied by headaches; depression or state of indolence; roughness of skin; breaking out or eruptions; hands red like sunbunr; sore month; much mucus and choking; indigestion and nausea, diarrhea or constipation; mind affected, and ipany others. Dent take chances. Write for Your Copy of This Book Today. Rember it is mailed tn you Free in plain Sealed Wrapper. w. j. McCrary, m. >. Dept. 570 Carbon Hill, Alaban Kimbal| House ATLANTA,"GA. t 400 ROOMS MODERATEgPRICES g£ CENTRALLY LOCATED Entirely Remodeled and Redecorated UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT L. J. IHNKLER C. L. DINKLER Prop, and Mgr. Asst Mgr. CHICHESTER 8 PILLS THE DIAMOND BRAND. A Ladles! Auk your DniffjrM for /a\ € , hl-chcNi»ter * Diamond T{rsnd/A\ Pills in Red end Gold boxes, sealed with Blu© Ribbon. \/ Take no other. Buy of your ▼ DrnireM. AskforClll-Cires-TERB DIAMOND BRAND PILLM, for «& yem ✓ wn ps Best, Safest, Always Reliable OLD 8Y DRUGGISTS EVERYWHW Seaboard Air Line rhe Progressive Ballway of the Sooth Leave Americus for Abbeville, Hel ena, CoHins, Savannah, Columbia, Richmond, Portsmouth and points East and South 12:31 p m 1:20 a m Leave Americus for Helena and in termediate points 5:15 p m Leave Amecrius for Columbus, Montgomery and points West and Northwest 8:08 p m IL P. EVERETT, Agent, Americus, Ga. ■ gjiF’ a|F/-' II ■ / Put Your S& / Starting / Up to Us 2J | \ , Ask us about our free / testing service—it’s / , S insurance against / many battery / troubles. / illliiiiiniiX /nilliilillll 11 W. W. M’NEa, Distributor. 103 Jackson St.