Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, May 16, 1918, City Edition, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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PAGE FOUR Local News Items j Time to select the Graduating Gift from S. A. Daniels, the Jeweler. Ms 3 Annie and Mabel Sheppard, of Albany, who have been visiting Mrs. Underwood, have returned home af ter a pleasant stay here. If you want a taxicab today phone 100. R. A. Shy. , 31-ts For a taxi-cab ’phone 161. Eddie B. Melton, driver for E. L. Carswell. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Pope announce the birth of a son, who came to bless their home last night. Everybody cordially invited to the barbecue to be given at W. P. Addy’s Friday evening. May 17, served by the Mother’s Club for the benefit of our school, beginning promptly at 7 o’clock. 16-lt Can get mighty fine beef roast at Bragg's Market. 16-2 t Mrs Joseph McCarthy, of Savannah, is visiting her son, Thomas McCarthy, and Mrs. McCarthy, at their home here. Administrator’s Sale. By virtue of an order of the Ordinary of Bibb county, Ga., passed at May term, 1918,1 will sell before the court house door of Sumter county, Ga, be tween the legal hcurs of sale on the first Tuesday in June, 1918, the follow ing described real estate belonging to the estate of Mrs. Kate F. Callaway, Jate of Bibb county, deceased, to-wit: j One house and lot situated on the es -t side of Jackson street, known as the late residence of the deceased, bounded as follows: On the north by Stapleton property, on the east by preperty of Eldridge estate, on the south by property of C. P. Davis ano on west by Jackson street, containing one-half acre, more or less. Said property is to be sold for pay ment of debts of deceased and distri bution to heirs. Terms of sale cash. T. F. CALLAWAY, Administrator, Estate of Mrs. Kate J> Callaway, Deceased. +++++++ + + + + + + + 4 WEATHER FORECAST. ♦ 4 4 ♦ PROBABLY FAIR. ♦ The Standard A WONDERFUL SALE OF WASH GOODS AND WHITE GOODS. | Mostly sample pieces and new mill ends; they're worth anywhere 20c to* 25c; about 1,500 yards in the lot; price ■ for your choice, yard 15. PLENTY OF GOOD GINGHAM AT 25c. Dress styles in fast colors, plaids and stripes; suitable for all ages. Mill prices are higher than our retail pri- I ces yd2sc. FINE EGYPTIAN DHIITIES AT £9c. Fine sheer closely Dimities. These goods are very scarce; our price per yard 25c and 29c. REMNANTS OF HEAVY CRASH TOWELING. Short lengths 10 to 20 yards, half linen weight, natural color; for ser vice it has no equal, yard 25c. NEW SILK SHIRTINGS AT 75c. Beautiful Silk Shirtings, for swell shirts, 36 inches Wide and regularly sl;ten patterns to select from, at yard 75c. YOU NEVER SAW SUCH WAISTS AT $3.98. Drummer’s samples of Fine Geor gette and Crepe de Chine waists in about twenty different styles, values |5 to $7.50, choice each $3.98. WOMEN’S WHITE SLIPPERS AT $1.35. Sport Oxfords with white rubber soles and heels, made of best grade canvas, all sizes; value $1.50, our price $1.35. MORE PALM BEACH SKIRTS AT $145. Made in five different ways; the ac tual value of the material used in these skirts Is $1.75; our price, as long as they last, each, $1.35. EIGHT SPOOLS COATS’ COTTON FOR 25c. Genuine J. & P. Coats’ Spool Cotton, 150 yard spools, sold ony with other purchases of $1 or more—B spools for 25c. STANDARD DRY GOODS CO. ’.'ext to Bank of Commerce. Forsyth St. Americus, Ga. Colored Glasses to look at the aeroplanes. Bell the Jeweler. Catarrhal beainess Cannot Be Cured ' by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure catarrhal deafness, and that is by a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When thia tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Im perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result. Unless the Inflammation can be reduced and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Many cases of deafness are caused by catarrh, which is an inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. Hail’s Catarrh Medicine acts thru the bleed on the mucous surfaces of the system. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Medicine. Cir culars free. All Druggists, 75c. F. J CHENEY * CO . Toledo. O. SHILOH. Shiloh was presented with a service flag Sunday’ in honor of the nine sol dier boys who have gone from the church to help in the world’s great war. A real good program was ren dered. Col. J. E. Sheppard, of Amer icus, gave a talk on presenting the flag, and Brother Markett gave a talk on receiving the flag. Many from Americus and the surrounding com munty attended the servees. The adult Sunday school class gave the flag in honor of the boys that had left their class to fight for the freedom of their country. The B. Y. P. U. social at Miss Mary- Woods’ Saturday night was greatly en joyed by all who attended. Ice cream was served. B. Y. P. U. meets every Sunday night at the church. The public is cordially • invited. j Miss Irene Markett, of Lumpkin, was a visitor in this community Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. Childers Sheppart, Charlie I Crutchfield, Tom Terry, Claud Gard ner, of Camp Wheeler, were home vis itors Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. K. B. Wellons, of Charlotte, N. C., was also a visitor to homefolks here Sunday. Miss Louise Wright visited Miss Jesse Daniel Sunday. Miss Alice Carter, of Leslie, is the guest of her sister. Mrs. Emmett Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Red, of Leslie, were in this community Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Wellons and children and Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Du pree and children were Sunday visi tors at the home of Mr and Mrs Henry Halstead. Miss Ida McMath returned to Col umbus Friday night, after being call ed here to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. G. C. Dupree. Miss Maggie Dupree returned to Al bany Saturday after spending several days with homefolks here. The funeral of Mrs. G. C. Dupree, which occurred late Wednesday af ternoon, was largely attended by rela tives and. friends of the deceased, who turned out to pay the last sad trihute to this good woman, whose passing away has cast a pall of sor -1 row over the entire community. The ‘ obrequies were conducted by Rev. F. G. Markett, of Lumpkin, with inter ment in Concord cemetery. The pall bearers were Messrs. Charlie Du pree, Willie Dupree. Alton Dupree, Cleve Bell. Walter Johnson and W. C. Jordan, while the floral tributes re ceived were many and beautiful. Deceased was Miss Effie McMath before her marriage and the daughter of W. T. McMath, one of the pioneer residents of. Sumter country. She leaves behind a grief-stricken hus band and three little sons, Virgil, Ben jamn and Heywood Dupree; three sis ters, Mrs. H. J. Halstead, of Sumter county; Miss Maggie McMath, of Al bany, and Miss Ida McMath, of Col umbus, and one brother, Sergeant W. J McMath, who is stationed at Camp Forrest. We had a treasure once. She was our joy and pride. We loved her, ah, perhaps, too well. For soon she slept and died. A • is dark within our dwelling, Lonely are our hearts today, For the one we loved so dearly. Has forever passed away. —A SUBSCRIBER. Vicarious.’ Busy Business Man (after standin* for a quarter of /tn hour at the tele phone, cautiously behind his hand t« his clerk) —“Here you, William. takt the receiver for a while. My wife’: got a lot to say to me still. You don’t have to answer anything. Only when I ever she says Are you still there, He- I ry?’ you say very nicely, ‘Certain-* ! my dear Jane ” All Dependent on Will. Nothing is impossible; there are ways which lead to everything; and if we had sufficient will we should al ways have sufficient means.—La Ro chefoucauld. GEORGIA, Webster County. By virtue of an oder granted by the ordianary of said county, I will on the first Tuesday In June, 1918, within the AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. j SIPWO SUSS fOH LIBERTY MIS 3 i R • - Vw GEORGE BARR ERE LUCY GATES * Lucy Gates, the sensational American soprano, who has been compar ed to the best Euroean singers of the day, is here shown with Barrere, the greatest of flute layers, as they appeared at the steps of the city hall in New York to arouse the crowd to the necessity of buying Liberty Bonds. A wonderful sale of the bonds followed their effort, which was witnessed by more than 20,000 ersons. legal hours of sale, before the court house door in said county offer the fol lowing property for sale: Fifty acres of land on the east side of lot No. 170, said fifty acres extend ing from north line to south line o? lot No. 171, being in a square and ly ing east of the public road leading from Preston to Bell’s big mill and bounded south by the lands of J. W. A. Hawkins, west by said public road, ===============—— —LEE- -j "X Art Panel i; - H ('/ 50c Value i i u I Pickford xjr . , I! 'S- is adored the world over for her ability, character, and youthful charm. Miss Pickford has again honored the I makers of Pompeian toilet preparations by posing ex- clusively for the 1918 Pompeian Beauty Art Panel. Above is pictured only the head. The Jong panel shows the full length figure in beautiful colon. Size of panel, 28 x7X inches. Art Store value 50c. Thia j panel and a sample of Pompeian BEAUTY Powder sect for only 10c. See coupon below. Pompeian ■ Beauty powder adds a pearly clearness to the skin. Pompeian BEAUTY Powder has a fairy softness and smooth- Dess, yet it clings and beautifiea unusually long. Its delighting fragrance lingers and fasdnatea. White, Brunette, and Flesh (the popular ahadeX In beautiful purple and gold boxes. 50c at the stores. Guaranteed by the makers of Pompeian NIGHT Cream; Pompeian DAY Cream (vanishing, and an ideal powder foundation); Pompeian MASSAGE Cream, and Pompeian HAIR Massage, etc. w Only 10c ■ <at-w wnci thi> COUDOn a THE POMPEIAN MFG. CO. i 2100 SopOTtor bring you a 1618 ■ Mary Pickford Art ® Panel and sample of 5 N,me — 1— Pompeian BEAUTY i • Powder. (Flesh color ■ Addrm ________________________ •ent unless White or J Brunette is asked for.) - _ S City - ■ State Tear off coupon now g Fle«b color cent un’e«« WWt« or Drunetta !• JLm S - jl Writ* cJ&Ar’y north and east by other lands eblong -1 ing to estate of J. W. Wiggins and be- eing in the southeast corner of said lot. ■ All of said lands lying and being in ’ the 25th district of said Webster coun ,ty. Terms cash. | This May 6th, 1918. MRS. MATTIE WIGGINS, Administrator of estate of J. W. Wig gins, deceased. The R. W. Laundry J. L. JONES, PROP. R. W. stands for Regular Wash. My wash woman gave me so much trouble, that I decided to do my own washing, and while I was at it I knew that I would find several more families that their regular weekly wash was a problem to them and for their special benefit, I amjgoing to put in a Laundry in the old Light Plant Building near the Central Depot and take regular washing, until I go broke, 'and if you want a regular wash woman give me your busi ness, so that I can stay in business. I am figuring on being ready by the 15 th. of June, sooner if possible. My prices are going to be reasonable as you will see after you give me a trial, quality and service considered. J. L. JONES WANT ONE CENjT A WORD :: ADVERTISEMENTS H / Figure your own nant ad. Minimm charge is 25c. For Insertions less than two weeks, one cent per word. For insertions between two and four weeks, three-fourths of a cent per word. For insertions of more than four weeks, one-half cent per word. LOST and FOUND LOST —Bunch of keys in the city. Return to Times-Recorder. 14-ts LOST —Bunch of keys, somewhere in the city. Finder please leave at Times-Recorder office. LOST —Setter dog; white with lemon spots;answers to name of “Nip.” No tify Frank Aston. Phone 356. 13-5 t LOST—Bunch of keys on keyring. Return to The Times-Recorder office. FOR SALE FOR SALE# —1917 Ford tourng car in first class condition. E. J. Witt. Offices Allison Bldg. Phone 338. 16-3 t FORD CAR FOR SALE—-Inquire of Harry Thomas. 117 Prince St. 14-3 t FOR SALE—Plenty No. 1 and No. 2 i ;ne Shingles. W. W. McNeill 28-ts FOR SALE Five tons different kinds of hay. L. Witte, Lee street road. 13-3 t FOR SALE—At a bargain if tekea at once; house and lot corner Furlow and Hancock. See H. A. Chadsey, 701 Hancock avenue. 14-ts FOR SALE —A nice combination saddle and buggy horse and buggy. See C. D. Daniel, Route 4. Red cedar shingles, the forty-year sort; also No. 1 and 2 pine shingles made from unbled timber. Phone 117, Shfw 4-7tf, FOR SALE Two good milch cows, with young calves, at a bargain J. T. Bolton, Americus, Route C 8-7 t 1 I WANTED—Miscellaneous WANTED—To sell or trade on good mule. Will trade for a good cow. Buchanan’s Dairy, phone 208. 16-3 t WANTED—Experienced alterer and sales lady. Apply to Kassel’s store. IC-tf. WE buy quarts, one-half gallon and gallon jugs. Buchanan Grocery Co. 20-lm THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1918. ’ SALES LADIES WANTED—Over 16 years of 16 years of age; experi ence unnecessary. Apply to S. H. Kress & Co WANTED—Two furninshed rooms, 1 Stable for light housekeeping. Phone 27. 15-3 t FOR PAINT, kuonng Cement, Roof Paint, Creosote for preserving your Shingles, Phone Shiver, 117. lltl AUTOMOBILE LIVERY—Ring Amer ictfs Taxi Cab Company. Phone 825; residence Phone 646. L. L. Compt'sa 3-ts BRICK, LIME, Cement Plaster end Sand. Phone 11?. Shiver. 28-ts FARM AND CITY LOANS—S 1-2% Interest. Terms easy. Quick service. W. W. Dykes. 4-20tf MONEY TO LEND at 6% Interest ou desirable residences In Americus, Ga 11. 0; Jones. 18-ts FOR RENI FOR RENT —One furnished front room. Apply to 320 South Lee street, or phone 765. 16-3 t FOR RENT—One four-room house on McGarrah street, near Central de pot. Phone 696. 14-2 t FURNISHED HOUSE for rent. Phone 728. 14-ts FOR RENT —Good six-room bunga low. 609 Forrest street. G. M. Bragg. 9-ts FOR RENT—One small five-room cottage. 804, south end Forrest street. G. M. Bragg. 9-tr FOR RENT—Furnished room or rooms, for light housekeeping in de sirable location. Phone 790. 8-4 t NOTICE—WiII be out of the city the following Wednesday, the 15th Inst. Geo. D| Jones. 14-lt ■■ ■ . r J. LEWIS ELLIS Attorney at Law Planters Bank Building Ameticus, Ga. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. Inter lar Decorating. Get My Estimates. JOE FITZGERALD. E. Lamar St.