Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, May 19, 1918, City Edition, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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PAGE FOUR The Standard -Aoiiiidant Summer Merchandise, Much of it Specially Priced for a Hum ming Busy Week at The Standard. —Look Over The List. At $1.25 Yard. Guaranteed Black Taffeta, yard wide. At 89c. Shantung Silks in best shades; 36 inch width. At 22 l-2c. Genuine Flaxon, sheer and pretty; value about 30c. At 19c. Fine, sheer White Lawns, full regular width. At 98c. Choice of over two hundred Children’s Dresses, At sc. Ladies’ sheer hemstitched Handkerchiefs. At 39c. Men's Nainsook Underwear, shirts and drawers. At 17 1-2, value 25c. Forty-inch White Lawns, good quality. At 20c. Forty-inch Pajama checks; value 25c. At 15c. Short lengths of pretty Wash Goods; values up to 25c. At $4.98. Ladies’ Skirts, Silks and Serges, values up to SB.OO. At $1.35. Ladies’ Palm Beach Skirts; all regular sizes. At $1.25. Ladies’ White Skirts of serviceable materials. At 98c. Ladies’ House Dresses of fast colored percales. At $1.25. Ladies' House Dresses of fast-colored gingham. At 25c. Fine, sheer, silkn Nain sook, suitable for fine Underwear. At sc. Palm Olive Rose Bath Soap, full regular size cakes. At 10c. Choice of one hundred Wash Four-in-Hand Ties. At 90c. Ladies' Black and White Silk Gloves; all sizes. At $3.98. Over fifty sample Geor g and Crepe de Chine Waists; value up to $7.50. At SI.OO. Choice of fifty sample Night Gowns. At $1.35. Ladies’ White Sport Lew Shoes, rubber soles and heels. At 90c. Misses Mary Jane Tennis shoes. STANDARD DRY GOODS CO. Lext to Bank of Commerce. ”■ Forsyth St Amerieus, Ga. are Yob Making the Most of Your Time ? SBS Up S BS U P Get a Miami Trailer Car and watch it do the work while your teams take care of the other rush farm duties. We have a Trailer Car for every duty. Hitch it to your automobile and go straight ahead with the work. A Demonstrated Practical Success Keep your mules in the field. There is no need of experimenting. The Maim 1 has already been put to the test. It is a commercial necessity. The sooner you get it, the sooner you eliminate the lost motion that always cost most in the opera tion of business. S. M. WATSON AND COMPANY Dealers and Distributors, Cordele Georgia SEE OR PHONE FOR DEMONSTRATION H. C. CASTLEBERRY Sales Representative for Sumter, Schley and Marion Counties PHONE 601- RESIDENCE 549 FORREST STREET, AMERICUS, GEORGIA Local News Items Time to select the Graduating Gift from S. A. Daniels, the Jeweler. Big stock of Bathing Suits for ev erybody at Ansley’s. 19-lt Judge Andrew J. Cobb and Miss Sarah Tinsley Cobb, of Athens, will arrive here today and will be the guest of Captain and Mrs. John A. Cobb, on Lee street. Don’t miss Sessuu Hayakawa in “Hidden Pearls” at the Alcazar Mon day. _ 19-i Men! Read Ansley’s ad on the last page. 19-lt Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Woods and daughter, Grace, of Columbus, are the guests of Mrs. R. E. Parker. If you want a taxicab today phone 100. R A. Shy. 31-ts Rev. J, W. Patterson will precah at Broklyn Heights chapel Sunday night at 8 o’clock. New shirtwaists just received at Ansley’s. 19-lt Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lewis, 137 Finn street, announce the birth of a daughter, May 18th. Don’t miss Sessue Hayakawa in “Hidden Pears” at the Alcazar Mon day. 19-lt Miss Mary Lee. of Atlanta, is spend ing the week-end with homefolks. Big stock of Bathing Suits for ev erybody at Ansley’s 19-lt Rev. Chas. Lane left Friday night for Meigs where he will deliver the commencement sermon. For a‘taxi-cab ’phone 161. Eddie B. Melton, driver for E. L. Carswell. Mis Marshall Hurt, of Tuskeefiee, Ala., is fn the city the guest of Mrs. E. B Hilf on Lee street. Men! Read Ansley’s ad on the last • page. 19-lt j AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. Colored Glasses to look at the aeroplanes. Bell the Jeweler. Miss Peauford Jones, of Washington, D C, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs Jones, on Brooklyn Heights. New shirtwaists Just received at Ansley’s. 19-lt E. H. Wall, of Ellaville, was here yesterday on business. Don’t miss Sessue Hayakawa in “Hidden Pearls” at the Alcazar Mon day. 19-lt Carl Long, who has been attending the Third District Agricultural College so the past nine months, returned to his home in Leesburg Saturday. Big stock of Bathing Suits for ev erybody at Ansley’s. 19-lt C. C. Jordan, a well-known citizen of Ellaville, was in the city Saturday. The Georgia Motor Company are re ceiving new models in the famous Moon cars. You are cordially invit ed to call at their show room. 106 Lamar street. 19-lt W. H. Estes is at homo to spend the week-end with his family here. Men! Read Ansley’s ad on the last page. 19-lt D. I. Hite, of Plains, was in the city Saturday. Some real bargains in used cars can be hed at 106 Lamar street. Geor gia Motor CO. 19-lt II I I ■' Mrs. R. E. McNulty left yesterday for Dawson where she will spend sev eral days. New shirtwaists just received at Ansley’s. 19-lt Mr. H. L. Smith, formerly of Bibb National Bank, of Macon, has accept ed a position as paying and receiving teller for the Bank of Commerce. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are with Mr. and Mrs. Perkins on Harrold avenue. Special Sale at Churchwell’s Monday Morning at 9 O’clock Special lot of $5.00 and $6.00 Colored Georgette Waists to close out at-- $3.50 Ten Dozen good quality Middy Blouse, plain white, also red and blue trimmings, on sale at-- 48c Big lot of Ladies’ Dainty Voile Dresses, beautiful styles in assorted colors, just the dress for sum mer wear at $7.50 to $lO Beautiful lot of new plaid and stripe Skirts in silk and garbadine on sale special at $6.50 In our dress goods section, first floor, we are show ing a large assortment of silks and novelty cotton dress goods, in beautiful patterns at unusual low price. ' CHURCHWELL'S DEPARTMENT STORES J. H. Jones, of Smithville, was in the city Saturday. Big stock of Bathing Suits for ev erybody at Ansley’s. 19-lt Rev. C. S. Durden, of Plains, was in fie city Saturday. / Rev. Paul W. Ellis has returned home from T. H. McGillis was in Moultrie a ouple of days last week. L. L. Compton, of Raysville, La., is visiting relatives here for a few days. H. A. Countryman,of Sumter, was in he city Saturday. J. H. Statham, of Cobb, was in the ity on business yesterday. The Georgia Motor Company r port splendid sales throughout their territory on the Cole “8.” It is f becoming known as the most beauti ful and most powerful car on t road. See them at show room. ’. i I amar street. 19-t The Woman’s Missionary Society of the First Methodist church will meet Monday afternoon at four o'clock. ••••••••••••••••••a I WANTS i • • «•••••••••••••••••• Figure your own want ad. Minim m charge is 25c. For Insertion! less than two weeks, one cent per word. For Insertions between two and four weeks, three-fourths of a eent per w<*rd. For insertions of more than four weeks, one-half cent per word, i LOST and FOUND LOST —Bunch of artificial flowers tied with gray maliene, between Hay & Tillman millinery store and Church street. Finder please phone Mrs. Rus sell Speer. LOST OR STOLEN—White Eskimo Spitz dog; answers to name of Bolby. Reward. Phone Ralph C. Johnson, care Hardaway Co., Souther Field. 17-2 t -wsa.- —* - - - - * -w LOST —Bunch of keys in the city. Return to Times-Recorder. 14-ts FOR SALE FOR SALE AT A BARGAlN—Com paratively new Remington No. 10 typewriter. N. s. Evant 19-3 t FOR SALE CHEAP—One second hand McCormick binder. G. E. Buc hanan. 19-7 t FOR SALE)—Two 1917 Ford tour ings, and one 1917 Ford Roadster for sale; A-l condition. Run good, look good Address Burrell Richards, Ne varro Flats, Macon, Ga. 18-lw FOR SALE) —1917 Ford tourng car in first class condition. E. J. Witt. Offices Allison Bldg, Phone 338. 16-3 t FOR SALE —Plenty No. 1 and No. 2 Pine Shingles. W. W. McNeill. 28-ts FOR SALE —A nice combination saddle and buggy horse and buggy. See C. D. Daniel, Route 4. Red cedar shingles, the forty-year sort; also No. 1 and 2 pine shingles made from unbled timber. Phone 117, Shlvw 4-7tf, FOR SALE Two good milch cows, with young calves, at a bargain. J. T. Bolton, Americus, Route C 8-7 t WANTED—M iscellaneous WANTED TO RENT—Two furnished room s for light housekeeping; couple without children; satte price and lo cation Address J. C.. care Times-Re corder. l - 1 t NOTICE—I have sold all the milch cows I had for sale. J. T. Bolton. It WANTED—Lady for three hours work from 7 until 10 for seven even ings each week. Address C. R., care The Times-Recorder. 17-4 t WANTED—To sell or trade on good mule. Will trade for a good cow. Buchanan’s Dairy, phone 208. 16-3 t WANTED—Experienced alterer and sales lady. Apply to Kassel's store. IC-tf. SUNDAY. MAY 19. 1918. I WANT TO DO YOUR fine watch, clock and jewelry repairing. Expert service and reasonable charges. R. S. Broadhurst, Jeweler. 110 Lamar St., directly in front of postoffice. 6-lt 15.1. buy quarts, one-half gallon and gallon jugs. Buchanan Grocery Co. 20-lm WANTED—A young lady who has just finished business college, wants a position as stenographer. Willing to begin on reasonable salary. Refer ences given. 40 7Commerce St., Al bany, Ga. 17-lt SALES LADIES WANTED—Over 16 years of 16 years of age; experi ence unnecessary. Apply to S. H. Kresg & Co FOR PAINT, huonng Cement, Root Paint, Creosote for preserving your Shingles, Phone Shiver, 117. lltl AUTOMOBILE LIVERY—Ring Amer icus Taxi Cab Company. Phone 825; residence Phone 646. L. L. Compton -3-ts BRICK, LIME, Cement Plaster and Sand. Phone 11?. Shiver. 28-ts FARM AND CITY LOANS—S 1-2% interest. Terms easy. Quick service. W. W. Dykes. 4-20tf MONEY TO LEND at 6% Interest on desirable residences in Americus, Ga. IL O. Jones. 18-ts FOR RENI FOR RENT—My former home, 209 North Lee Street; possession at once H. O. Watts. i9_tf FOR RENT—One furnished front room. Apply to 320 South Lee street, or phone 765. i6-3t FDR RENT—One four-room house on McGarrah street, near Central de pot. Phone 696. 14-2 t FOR RENT—Good six-room bunga low. 609 Forrest street. G. M. Bragg. 9-ts FOR RENT—One small five-room cottage. 804, south end Forrest street. G. M. Bragg. 9-tr