Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, September 23, 1918, City Edition, Image 1

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DAILY CITY EDITION *’». iIEIH VEALi OTTO MEN ARE ROUTED BRITISH MAKE BRILLIANT NIGHT ATTACK IN FRANCE SALONIKIUSKUB RAILROAD CUT BY FRANCO-SERBIAN ARMIES TURK MUm Ml! BE LOST IF BLOW 15 FOLLOWED BI ALLIED STROKE EIGHTEEN THOUSAND PRISONERS TAKEN AM) HUNDREDS OF GUNS FALL INTO HANDS OF ALLIES DURING QUICK ADVANCE WHICH CARRIES BRITISH BE YOND VILLAGE OF NAZARETH. LONDON, Sept. 23. —Moving north ward with surprising speed and pow er, the allied troops in Palestine seem to,have deAlt the Turks a blow that may shatter thei r power in that theatre of the war.. So far as reports, reflects the situation, the Turks are completely routed and the march of the British, French and Arabs toward the sea of Tiberias virtually is un opposed. The advance has carried the allies past the village of Nazareth and they are approaching the line east of the ancient city of Tyre. To the north is Beyrut, while off to the north west, seventy miles away, is Damas cus. These two cities are important centers in this region of the world and their capture would mean .com plete disorganization of the Turkish , mavLifery of war over a wide area. Over 18,000 prisoners and 120 can non were captured. AMERICUS VETERANS REACH TULSA SAFE AND ALL VERY HAPPY A telegram received this morning from Joe Day Stuart, adjutant of; Camp Sumter, No. 642, U. C. V., au ; nounces the safe arrival at Tulsa,: Okla,, of the party of veterans who left Americus for that city Saturday I night. “Delightful journey. Safe ar-; rival. All safe a.nd jolly,” reads the I telegram from Adjutant Stuart, which i will be good news to the hundreds: f friends and relatives of these old' veterans in Americus. I .... . ■ - - - ■ - - ' 1 HOLMAN TO OCCUPY ) OLD TURPIN STABLE A busine** change of interest to| Americus people is contained in the j announcement that J. D. Holman will; move his sales stables from his pres- j ent location on Lamar street to Cot-' fn avenue, and will occupy the quarters known as, the old Turpin t Stabler. This has long been recog-I nixed a's a standard stable location, j and friends of Mr. Holman will be glad to learn that he is to be there in future. The change in locations is to be made immediately, and friends of Mr. Holman are invited to cal] upon him there. AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDEk “LIVES'! LITTLE DAILY IN GEORGIA " GEfIMIN LINES ISE ATTACKED Iffil SI. QUENTIN AND CAMBftAIJY HUG NOTABLE ENCIRCLING MOVEMENT BEING EXECUTED BY FRENCH ARMY. RESULTS IN CAPTURE OF FORT AND VILLAGE—FALL OF GERMAN STRONGHOLD NOW ONLY MATTER OF SHORT TIME LONDON, Sept. 23.—British forces last night attacked the German lines between St, Quentin and Cambrai, op posite Le Catelet, making progs e in the vicinity of Tombois farm and capturing a group of trenches and strong points on the ridge northwest of Yendhuiie, Field Marshal Haig an nounced in his official statement to day. Another enemy strong poiit near the Rpnssoy-Bony road, just to the south, also was taken by the British A successful local attack was car ried out to the south of Villers-Guis lain. ( German troops late yesterday after- , noon counter-attacked in the vicin- ’ ity of Gillemont farm on the front, be tween Carbrai and St. Queutin, to the west of Le Catelet. Field Mar shal Haig’s statement announces the repulse of the enemy with heavy loss- , es. To the northwest of St. Quentin the i Germans penetrated the British lines at one point at Berthaucourt during an attack. The position was re-es tablished by a counter attack. 4 4 4- 4- 4 4 4L44-4-4-4-4A 4 WEATHER FORECAST ♦ 4- 4- ♦ FAIR TONIGHT AND TOMOR- 4> 4 ROW. A ♦ 4-4 4 4 4 4-LAA+ + AA* Subscribers, Notice! There remain but seven (7) more days in which to get your subscription paid in advance, for on October Ist we will comply with the War Industries Board rule,which follows: (2.) Discontinue sending paper after date of expiration of subscription, unless the subscription is renewed and paid for. (This ruling to be effective Oct. 1, 19! 8.) - X Do Not Wait tor the Collector, Mail or Bring Your Remittance at Once to This Office. ■■ It will be impossible for our collectors to see all their subscri bers by the first. THE TIMES-RECORDER? * I AMERICUS, GEORGIA, MONDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 23, 1918 | SIR GENERAL HENRY HORNE | ■ I w .W” - a-a w? ;O W I This is the latest photo of Sir Henry Horne, whose British First Army has advanced further east than the B i-itish have since the early days of the war. British Official Photograph, (c) Underwood & Underwood. CAPT. TAWNEY GETS TRANSFERKAL ORDER Captain and Mrs. Millard Taw r ney will leave to n ight for Valparaiso, Ind., where the former has been as signed as an Instructor of military tactics in one of the largest military schools of the country. Capt. Tawney has been command ant of the cadets at Souther Field practically since the aviation camp was established, and has scores of friends in the city who will regret his departure. He and Mrs. Tawney both have been socially very’ popular. Their home is in Winona, Minn. FLAG COMMITTEE REPORT PROGRESS The committee of ladies appointed b< the Chamber of Commerce several days ago to raise funds to provide a flag and erect, a flagstaff on the wa ter tower, reports that progress is being made and they expect to suc ceed in thei r work within a brief 1 time. This committee is headed by > Miss Emmae Borum, ana already has i secured about two hundred dollars . for the purpose of erecting the flag ■ staff and purchasing a flag. This leaves only about a hundred dollars at the outside yet to be raised. DEATH OF WILLIE V. PERRY IN Nffl HOSPITJI EMU TODAY IS AMERICUS YOUNG MAN WHO WENT INTO THE SERVICE LAST MAY, PASSED AWAY AFTER BRIEF ILLNESS IN PHILADEL PHIA—WAS 22 YEARS OLD AND WELL LIKED BY MANY FRIENDS HERE. News reached Americus today of the death at Philadelphia, Pa., of Willie V. Perry at the naval hospital in that city. He had been ill only a short while and death ensued at 5 o’clock this morning. The deceased who was only twen ty-two years old enlisted in the navy last May and had many friends here who will learn of his demise with great regret. He was a son of Mrs. Julia A. Perry, of 224 Hampton street, Americus, who survives him and also leaves three brothers, Rob ert S. Perry, of Americus, L. H. Per ry, of Detroit Mich., and G, E. Perry of Auburn, Ky. The family formerly resided in Kentucky, but moved to Americus a year or more ago, and the remains will be brought here for funeral and interment. The date and hour of the funeral had not been decided upon this afternoon, and these will be an nounced later. SUMTER RINSINGS 10 SEPT. 151 SHOW 1 THOOSKNO SHE TOTAL DECBEISE ONLY TWO THOUSAND AND SIX TY-EIGHT BALES GINNED AS COMPARED WITH THREE THOUSAND AND SIXTY-FIVE TO CORRESPONDING DATE, SHOWN BY CENSUS BUREAU FIGI KES. Announcement is authorized of the total cotton ginnings in Sumter coun ty to September Ist. These figures show an alarming shortage of nearly Ihirty-three and a third per cent in the crop produced this season. Tlie census bureau report shows that only two thousand and sixty eight bales wer e ginned in this coun ty prior to the date of the report, and these figures compare with three thousand and sixty-flve ginned to the same date last year. Tills rIR-crepancy in production in dicates that the crop will be consid erably short of that produced last sea son, with a consequent reduction in the value of the crop. This is the leasen of heaviest movement, and Americus warehouses' are filled with the s ianle. a large quantity-of which ACTIONS sTRENGIh IS IN ITS FOOD SUPPLY fe&s - Wivsfc ixxhiiui t rente a Reserve ~ -MfIJICA MUST Feed WW HO. 000. 000 AHJES ; MAIN LINE BOAD , IN MACEDONIA 15 CAPTURED WHILE . ARMY DESTRTING ‘ LINES CUT BY BRILLIANT STBOKK ARE IMPORTANT AND WILL RE SULT IN READJUSTMENT OF WHOLE BULGAR LINE ALONG THE VARDAR RIVER AND ALSft IN CERNA BEND. ! LONDON, Sept. 23.—Serbian troop# have cut the main railway line be tween Uskub and Saloniki and are on the western bank of the Vardar river, according to the Serbian offi cial statement nf Sunday. West of tlie Varder the Serbians have cut the dailway line to Prilep which is the main line of German communication in this region. The. have also crossed the Cerna. X French Advancing. PARIS, Sept. 23.—Frencs troops yesterday and last night made nota ble progress in their drive for the encirclement of St. Quein. They pushed in as far on the south and captured the village and fort of Ven duil, close to the Oilse, nine miles southeast of St. Quein, today’s war office announcement, shows. From Vendeuil the French pushed on to the river North of Ly Fontaine the y penetrated the wood in the di rection of Hinacourt. FARM LOAN BANK TO REORGANIZED Effort is being made to perfect tbe organization of the local Farm Loan association, for the purpose cf bor rowing money from the government through the Federal Farm Lean bank Tlie association is composed of far mers entirejy, and the Bank bai* approved the application of nine members who desire to make Joans for this fall. However, in order to perfect the organization three other members are necessary, and it is hoped that this many applications will be received in the immediate fu ture in order that the money can fa received during October. The government loans the money to the fanners at 5 1-2 per cent per an num, to be paid during a period of thirty-five years, a small percentage of the principal and interest each year; no member being allowed la borrow more than $10,000.00 and not more than 50 per cent of the apprais ed value of his land. Stephen Pace is acting as secre tary and treasurer of the organization until it is f»Hy organized, and alt parties desiring to make loans front these banks should apply to him im 1 mediately. » 1 is being held off the market by the 1 owners, owing to the present disturb 1 ■ ed eondi. ion, of the market. NUMBER 22L.