Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, March 23, 1919, Home Edition, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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PAGE FOUR CAPE-TO-CAIRO AIR PROJECT IS ALREADY BEGUN LONDON. —(Correspondence of The Associated Press.) —Actual construc tion work has already been begun in connection with the projected Cape to Cairo air service, the British air min istry announces. Aerodromes are be ing set up every 600 miles, the present non-stop limit, from one end of Africa to the other, the principal ones being built at Cairo, Khartoum, and two in German East Africa, at Kampla and Ujiji. The route then passes into Rhodesia, and along the course of the railway to the Cape. Long before the famous Cape to Cairo railway is in operation it is confidently expected that airplanes will be covering the route on regular schedules. The distance is 5,200 miles. After establishing this service, the plan of the air ministry is to hand it over as a going enterprise to a British •commercial company. The air ministry is acting as a pio neer in various undertakings and, ac cording to one of its officials, its posi tion to commercial flying will be anal ogous to that of the British admiralty and merchant-marine service. A “Lloyd’s Aircraft Register” is expected to make its appearance in the near fu ture. Already wireless stations on the continent signal the passage, ap parent condition, origin, nationality, cargo and destination of passing air craft. “England,” said the official, “if only on account of Empire communication, has more to ask of other powers in the way of flying rights than she has to grant. Air travel will not be, in the main over the sea. That is too cir cuitous.” Commercial signal codes are being , considered at the ministry, also the question of air police. Pig and Canning Clubs for Plains PLAINS, March 22.—A number of the boys of the Plains school have joined the Pig club as a result of a visit to the school by George O Mar shall, county demonstrator. The boys are making arrangements to get their pigs and begin caring for them ac cording to the rules of the club. The boys of Plains school, in the past, have won various prizes for fine hogs and it is believed that these boys will also succeed. The following have joined the club: Sam Ferguson, Alton Ray field, George Shirley, William Lott Jennings, John Rufus Cook, Lewis Dodson, Michael Logan, R. E. Shirley, Sherwood Carpenter, James Fink, James Dodson. A Girls' Canning club has also been organized. Those joining are Louise Smith, Madge Bagwell, Ethel Jennings, Sara Reven, Ellen Smith, Birdie Lou Wall, Violet Raven. The canning club, it is hoped, will prosper this year, as it has never been as successful here as the pig club. MO It IX’REIUT TO ITALY. WASHINGTON .March 21—(By As sociated Press.) —An additional credit of $75,000,000 was given Italy today by i the treasury department, bringing Italy’s total to $1,495,500,000. CALOIDS WILL STOP . VOI R CONSTIPATION Have you tried CALOIDS for Consti pation? If not, and if you want real relief, get a box of CALOIDS" right now from your durggist. Take one tonight and note the good effect from it. Take one the next night, if you need it. Take one every night, if you wish; they will not hurt you because they cannot. CALOIDS are made simply from a very small amount of calomel, com bined with other medicines in just the right proportions to give you the best and most satisfactory results, without the least noticeable effects from the calomel in them. You never know the calomel is there, and yet you get the same cleansing process which calomel is designed to give. They keep the liver working perfectly, and yet you experience none of the discomforts caused by the usual calo mel dose. CALOIDS, the new! calomel com pound, is a discovery that is proving a blessing to mankind. It is what persons with inactive livers have been looking and hoping for. It will straighten out your live’ and relieve your indigestion and other stomach troubles. Get CALOIDS from your druggist. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. NOTICE TO VOTERS. Voters who are not now on the reg istration list must register on or be fore March 24, to be entitled to vote in the bond election on April 9th, and all parties now on the list or that may register before March 24, must pay all taxes due state and county, including 1918, to be qualified to vote in said election. This March 12, 1919. I. B. SMALL, Tax Collector. d&W13t024 Novelty and Education in The Metropolitan Shows V ” \ . . • . ' “ r “ — w ' A * i * . ' . i . . # Scene showing one of the numerous attractions which make up the Metropolitan Shows. The Metropolitan Shows, which will show here all next week under the auspices of the Americus Jubilee com mittee, will arrive from Macon Sun day night and be ready for exhibition Monday. The Metropolitan Shows is a combination of amusement enter prises of wide variety which the peo ple of Americus will find both novel and educational. Here is a list of the principal attractions: “Under-ground China-town,” a cor rect representation of the famous city of vice, unearthed during the San Francisco earthquake. An interesting lecturer will escort the patrons through the once famous inhabited dens, shoeing the terrible effect of the several narcotics dispensed iij the underground city. The Wild West, Big Feature, 40 head of stock and a tribe of Sioux Indians and the largest equipped show of its kind in this country, featur ing Mildred Douglas, the world’s lady champion bupking horse rider, last season winning all championships at the different touraments. “Barfield’s Georgia Minstrels” (not on Old Plantation Show, but a produc tion of talented performers and mu cians equal to those the theatre stage) "Silas Elliotte, band leader, America’s premier Bleack triple tongue cornet- WOULD RATHER FIGHT THAN WORK. “I suffered for years with stomach trouble and could not eat and just hated for anyone to say work to me. I would rather fight. Since taking a course of Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy I actually want to work, and talk about eat, I am the last one to leave the table now.” It is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal* mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflamation which causes practically all stomach, liver and in testinal ailments, including appendi citis.. One dose will convince or money refunded. Howell’s Pharmacy and Druggists Everywhere. CHICHESTER SPILLS THE DIAMOND BRAND. a Indies! Auk your Drnfcglut for Av\ I’hl-cheMer i* Diamond liiandAr\\ UHIs ir. Kt>d and Hold nu*taUic\VV boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. V/ & yyj Take b»o other. 3<tsy of vour nr Drugu ri-T.. Ask'brClll-C'IHEs.TFJIS Iff i>FAJW VP Hr LM> PILLS for as a r o&uio,: “ .rrcitf COHEN’S . THE SATISFACTORY STORE C' OR THE MEN who have been anxiously waiting for their ad, we wish to an nounce that we can now show you anything you warn in the NEW SPRING STYLES of IDE DRESS SHIRTS, the SHIRT THAT ALWAYS LOOK GOOD and THAT ALWAYS FIT PERFECTLY. Our line of NECKWEAR for SPRING is extremely attractive. Os course, with your new SHIRT and NECKTIE, you will need COLLARS. Our line of LAUNDERED and SOFT COLLARS are complete in the latest IDE STYLES. Now, that the warm weather has come to stay, IT IS TIME TO GET PRE PARED. TELL US if you are in need of EASTER CLOTHES, and we will fit you in a perfect, made-to-order SCHOENBRUN Suit. BRING the LITTLE BOYS; we have a dandy line of SPRING and SUMMER HATS. We are sure they will like them. • COHEN’S 217 West Lamar Street. Established 1876. Phone 596. Americus times-recorder. ists, gorgeous costumes and change of show and costumes nightly. Princess Olga, the smallest little performer in the world. But 27 inches in height, a special delight for ladies and children. Entertaining vocal and intrumental. Hippodrome—Dogs, ponies and mon keys, showing almost human intelli gence, in feats too numerous to men tion. “Over the Falls’ “The Circus Side Show” ‘The Liberty Girl” “South Sea Wonders” and several others, includ ing three monstrous and modern rid ing devices, two bands in attendance daily up town concerts. || Bonbons (gjj are ready again ti I Delicate, creamy—as delicious as ever. Although they had to stopfnaking bonbons fU for many months during the sugar shortage, N the Huyler’s candy-makers did not lose their L. superior cunning. Now, once more, we are offering regularly the before-the-war j/l|| assortments. |B»| 51 CARLOADS OF STOCK RECENTLY SOLD AT PLAINS I j PLAINS, March 22.—The farmers of I Plains and the community have found | the raising of cattle and hogs a profit able business. Lately forty-one cars • of hogs and cattle have been shipped from here, which will return to the farmers about SBO,OOO. The people I have been much gratified with the prices received, which have been from 11c to 14. c The services of George O. Marshall, county demonstrator, have been much appreciated by the community, as it is believed that he was instrumental in bringing about the excellent prices. A cattle dipping vat has been built in the community and also a grading pen for hogs, which means much to the convenience of the cattle and hog raisers. LADIES W’hen irregular or delayed use Triumph Pills. Safe and always de pendable. Not sold at drug stores Do not experiment with others, save disappointment. Write for “Relief” and particulars. It’s free. Address National Medical Institute*. Milwaukee, Wis. 1 adv The BEST and CHEAPEST insurance on earth MYIS I JURE rAINT RODUCTS FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK USE MORE PAINT PRESERVE AND BEAUTIFY YOUR PROPERTY J. W. HARRIS Lamar Street, Americus IQIII -Hl' »llt-i||i MU i||« -r=Ul« Hiu| 1 9 I I Motorists | j Attention j) "COR safety, comfort and saving, d- count on the headquarters = just established, a new home e£ M the famous Tires and Service [j [3 , fg 13 This news is of big value to all £ who are interested in the eiu * ciency and comfort of read travel anywhere in this vicinity. I Fire :tons equipment, Tires, lubes jjj 1 end Accessories, has come to be £ jj more and more an essential to safe, satisfactory motoring. And our fn service adds further value to the Firestone benefits of Most Miles s per Dollar. Call on us at anytime. = Georgia Motor Co. Lamar Street . Americus, Ga. s] i lk l : l BMBffffmgßMßmilli HUM TUI IHTIIIIIIIIII 111 II ■ " DO YOU POLISH YOUR SHOES? WHY? * To make them look better, wear longer. DO YOU PROTECT YOUR AUTO TIRES? Our TIRE ENAMEL restores the new appearance, seals small cuts and cracks, and waterproofs the fabric. It adds life to your tires. WILLIAMS NILES CO. PHONE 706 •HARDWARE PHONE 706 WE SELL AJAX TIRES AND TUBES * THE UNIVERSAL CAR PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW! We can make immediate deliveries. Touring Car $596.50, Roadster $571.50 RYLANDER’S Lamar, Street Phone 105 SUNDAY, MARCH 23,1919.